01x03 - In the End: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal". Aired: April 11, 2011 – September 24, 2012.*
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Taking place in the near future in a place called Heartland City, the story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo, a young duelist who strives to become the Duel Monsters champion, despite being an amateur.
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01x03 - In the End: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Crashbug xbug?



[Eerie laughter] mr. Kaytime to go viral.


Crash! Bug!


Crash? Bug!


Buggy, buggy, buggy, buggy!

Crashbug! Crashbug!

[Honking and yelling]


Trash identified.

Grandmawhat a nice... Ahh... Ahh... Aah!

What is the meaning of this, put me down at once!

Crashbug! Crashbug!

Crashbugabugabug! Crashbug!

Yumadidn't I tell you to get lost already, astral?

Astralyou did, but I do not understand what

You mean by that. How can one consciously get lost?

If I go somewhere, I will know where I am.

It's a figure of speech.

It means, "beat it, leave, go away!"

I can't until you gather the numbers.

What about you!?

What do I have to do with anything, why do I have to

Gather your dumb numbers?

Bronkthere goes yuma having another argument with himself.

Torimaybe there really is an invisible duelist

Following him around.

I know you're not a dog, it's just an expression!

Aww never mind, forget this!

Or maybe not...

Maybe he just fell on his head.

Observation number when asked to do something,

Humans behave erratically.

Stop using big words!


That sounded like my sister.

What's going on, kari?

Karimy research, my transcripts, my big scoop.

Some kind of bug just wiped out my computer.

Okay, let's try to stay calm.

My deadline is tomorrow.

Mount kari's about to blow.

We might wanna get outta here.

Hey, yuma!

Go find me a new scoop! Or else!


♪ If life is a game they say I can't win ♪

♪ I'll never amount to nothin'

♪ Tear me down before my life begins ♪

♪ I won't be afraid to challenge myself ♪

♪ They won't ever break my fire ♪

♪ My dreams won't die if I high-five the sky ♪

♪ Spread my wings take off it's time to fly ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a chance believe

♪ Nothing will bring me down

♪ No retreat when I leave all my fears behind ♪

♪ My future's still alive inside ♪

♪ Take a chance and chase my doubts away ♪

♪ Believing gets me through my darkest days ♪

♪ Take a chance to make it all the way ♪

♪ Take a chance forgetting yesterday ♪

♪ Take a breath my heart will lead the way ♪

♪ Take a chance, I'll take a chance in today ♪

[Horns blaring]

How does kari expect me to find her a scoop?

And why hasn't traffic moved in like, ten minutes?

Uh, nothing is moving. Look at the monorail.

Something's going on.

Do you guys hear that? Hey, check it out.

The vending machine's tossing out juices all by itself!

Wait a second, yuma!

You can't take those, you didn't pay for them!

Trash identified, trash identified, trash identified.

Get me outta here!

Aww, what is that smell?

Female announceralyssa briana filed this report regarding the

Sweeping power outages and massive

I don't wanna hear about anyone filing reports.

Thanks for the grub, grandma.

Why did my computer trash my report?

Speaking of trash, one of those litter bots scooped me up today.

The same thing happened to me.

Wait, wait. What?

Downtown was crazy today.

Traffic lights were wonky, the monorail got stuck,

Vending machines were just spitting out juices,

The radio said everything's back to normal now.

So wait, I'm not the only one whose computer got wiped out?

Guess not.

Something stinks.

-Eh? [Sniffing themselves]

Not you two!

I smell a good story brewing!

I've gotta replenish my energy and get cracking!

Huh? Hey, that's mine!

Um... Sis? Sis?


Gotta go!

So this is how these humans replenish their energy.

And you park your vehicles on something called a driveway.

Yet you drive them on something called a parkway...

Would you stop talking to me?

Just go away!

I only seek to better understand your behavior.

I'm in a magical room right now. If you bother me while I'm in

Here, there's a chance I may turn into a guinea pig!


Observation number after replenishing their energy,

Humans retire to a private magical room, and if they are

Bothered while inside their magic room,

They will transform into a rodent.

Stop observing!

One more thing.

You seem to be such a complex and functional being. So then

Why do you always malfunction when it comes time to duel?

What is that supposed to mean?

Your dueling is broken and erroneous.

Go away!

Nobody's perfect, don't you get that?

People are interesting because they can fail!

I do not understand that.

Failure is not an option for me.


But you won't be able to achieve anything if you're

Afraid to fail. My dad says that and my dad is awesome, so there.

And leave me alone, you floating flashlight!

I cannot shake the thought that I was sent to this world on an

Important mission. Perhaps, in order to fulfill that mission,

I was supposed to take over yuma's body.

But something went wrong and my essence was shattered

Into pieces, number cards.

If I had the power to take control of these humans, it

Stands to reason that each card containing a piece of me would

Have that power as well.

The number certainly seemed to be controlling

That boy they called shark.

But why was taking over yuma part of my mission?

More importantly, what went wrong?

What happened?

Where am i?


[Eerie laughter] voiceyes...

Let the number take hold.

Crashbug! Crashbug!

Crashbug! Crashbug!


Looks like that astral finally took the hint!

[Bell rings] aw no, I'm late! Again!

Oh, made it!

So I know we were going to spend today's class discussing the

Quadratic equation and I know you were all looking forward to

That, but unfortunately, due to yesterday's system hiccup,

Our systems are offline.

Extra credit for anyone who can find the source of that and...

Caswellum, excuse me mr. Kay, I can take this one.

You know I was being sarcastic, right caswell?

Okay. Pay attention, simpletons, because some of this might go

Over your heads! Yesterday's incident was the result of a

Virus planted in the city's grid system by a hacker. But,

In the end, by pinging several remote...

Hey, since we can't talk about mathy stuff,

Let's have a duel tournament!

Well, that's not on the curriculum.

But sure, why not?

Haha, alright mr. Kay!

I am totally feelin' the flow!

[Students cheering]

That uppity upstart stole my spotlight. That does it!

Yuma! I challenge you to a duel, here and now!

Alright, get set to get decked.

Duel disk go!

Duel gazer, let's roll.

Duel interface set.

Computeraugmented reality vision link established.

Let's do this.

Show him what you're made of, yuma.

What are you made of, yuma?

I heard you beat shark the other day.

Well, then you heard the truth.

I don't believe you.

Everyone knows shark is the best duelist around.

Believe it caswell, 'cause it's true.

We were right there. We saw it happen.

Then according to the laws of the transitive property...


Beating you would mean that in the end,

I am the best duelist in school.

I'm not sure I buy that logic, caswell.

Either way, that's not gonna happen,

'Cause I've got an awesome number car eh?

Where'd my number card go? I had it this morning!

What's the matter?

Are you feeling the pressure already?

Wait a second, just hang on,

I'm not ready!

I summon crashbug x!


Now zap his life points!


What happened?

That was embarrassing.

You can say that again.

Ha! I bested you in one move!

You never had a chance.

In the end, there was no way an intellectually challenged

Amateur like you could defeat a brilliant strategist

Such as myself.

What did you call me?

There's no need to boast, caswell.

Dueling is actually a lot like life.

Sometimes things go as we planned.

Other times, we make mistakes and we get frustrated.

When that happens,

You just have to feed your frustrations to crashbug.

You guys know the legend behind crashbug, right?

Crashbug's this little electrical spirit, and he likes

To zap what he calls bugs.

Bugs are those feelings that get in our way.

Frustration, doubt... Give those bugs to crashbug and you can

Move past them and succeed.

That's ridiculous, mr. Kay.

Crashbug doesn't actually exist.

Of course it exists. I've seen it.

So what if you lost, yuma?

The trick is to not let the frustration get to you.

Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

Keep challenging yourself.

You got it, mr. Kay! I'm gonna keep at it!

That's what feeling the flow is all about.


Isn't mr. Kay the coolest?

Not only is he the awesom-est smartest math whiz I ever met,

But he's super nice, too!

I wanna be just like him when I grow up.

Hey doofus, what's up?

What do you want, sis?

Hop in the car. Let's go for a drive.

It's a good thing yesterday's virus attack only spread to a

Few remote servers.

Why? What woulda happened if it had spread to more...

Remote control... Serving thingies?

The entire city would've been thrown into chaos.

Whoa, that sounds really serious.

Forget about traffic lights and litter bots.

Bank data would've vanished, people would've lost their

Money, hospitals would've lost medical records,

And the ability to help people.

It would've been a disaster!

Wow, are you serious?

Who would do such a terrible thing?

I have no idea, but I do know that the virus was transmitted

From your school library.


So here's what we're gonna do:

I'm gonna chase a few more leads.

Meanwhile, you two are gonna stakeout the library.

A stakeout sounds so exciting.

Why did I get hungry when you said that?

You're always hungry.

But don't let your appetite distract you.

I wanna track this hacker down, and make him pay

For deleting my big scoop!

So what was your sister's big scoop?

Ice cream.

-I'm serious. -So am i.

She discovered that the local ice cream parlor is a front

For a criminal organization.

Yuma, we're supposed to keep our eyes open.

There's nothing to see.

It's almost time for the library to close.

Maybe the sinister bad guy took the day off.

Or maybe it's a hacker holiday or something, or like...hmm?

Yuma, shhh! Look!

-Isn't that... -Caswell.

Yeah and he's acting suspicious...

Hey, what are you doing?

That looks like... Some kinda flash drive.


I didn't mean to launch anything!

Caught red-handed!

Now tell us why you did it, you criminal lowlife!

Unhand me. I'm not behind this, I'm being used.

Don't try to lie!

I saw you upload the virus and...

Um...what are you doing?

I'm tracking the source of the rootkit.

If I can pinpoint the location this machine was just accessed

From, then we'll know where the criminal is and.... Unnnh!

This is not good!

Look, in the end, I found an encrypted data packet that led

Me to believe I could access a file on this computer to learn

Who the criminal is, but it turns out the file was a

Detonator for some sort of computer virus and now it's...

Wait, I'm on to something!

There's our location!

Your friend triggered a countdown?

We sent you the access stuff, try to stop it!

We're on our way to the bad guy's secret lair.

But it could be dangerous!

Don't worry sis, I'll be fine! I think.

That tower under construction. The hacker should be in there!

Maybe you were wrong about this place, caswell?

In the end, have I ever been wrong?

You finally put the pieces together!

It took you a lot longer than I thought it would.

Mr. Kay?

What are you doing hangin' out here?

Don't you get it? In the end, mr. Kay

Is the criminal mastermind behind the malicious virus!

That's one way of putting it.

But, but I was saying earlier how awesome you are, mr. Kay.

I think I even said I wanted to be like you when I grow up.

Hmmph. Someone like you could never be like me.

I have to say sir, this is disappointing.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, caswell.

Especially since I'm so proud of you for following my clues.

I wanted you all to be here when the virus went well, viral.

Are you saying you led us here on purpose?

[Eerie laughter]

A number!

Observation #: this world, like yuma,

Is a complex machine. But not as annoying.

It is complicated in design. Like a puzzle.

What is that? It feels like a number.

You cannot stop me.

I can't believe it.

That human bears the mark of a number.

Aaah! I thought you went back to saturn or something!

You were incorrect.

So then where have you been?

Where did you come from just now? What are you?

Whatever you are, don't pop out like that again...

Uhh... Why is he talking to himself like that?

Oh right. Yuma's invisible duelist friend

Must have appeared to help him out.

Nevermind, forget it. I'm gonna ignore you.

What's going on, mr. Kay? Why are you doing this?

This is my personal challenge to myself.

Like you, always trying to "feel the flow."

That's not the same thing!

Feeling the flow isn't about

Causing trouble and hurting people!

Yuma, you must duel this man.

One of the numbers has consumed his spirit.

The only way to reason with him, is to break the number's hold.

I challenge you to a duel!

And if you lose, then you have

To stop the virus from going off!

You want to duel me?

Well I am more than happy to agree to your conditions, yuma!

But why do you you think you can defeat me? Well?

Because now I'm feeling the flow!

Let's do this! Duel disk, go!

Duel gazer, let's roll!

Duel interface set.

Augmented reality vision link established.

Let's duel!

-I know you can win, yuma! -Yuma has to win!

Or else everyone'll think I'm some kinda criminal.

I believe the first move is mine. I draw!

I place a monster facedown in defense mode!

Aw great, a facedown...

Now I don't even know what I'm up against.

So then try to attack me and find out.

I think I will. I summon gagaga magician!

Wait, since I don't know what that is,

Maybe I shouldn't attack...

Ah whatever, there's no point in thinking!

Gagaga magician, attack mr. Kay!

Not a chance. Crashbug x, show yourself.


Oh man, I just got schooled.

How come yuma lost life points if his monster is just fine?

If you attack a monster in defense mode, the attacking

Monster isn't destroyed,

Even if the defending monster has higher defense points.

Thus in the end, if you subtract the attack points from the

Defense points, yuma takes points of damage.

It's my turn now, I draw!

-First, I summon crashbug y! -Crashbug!

And with that done, I activate the crashbug road spell card

From my hand! Now, we each choose a level -or-below

Monster on our fields. Then, we each summon a monster

From our hands that has the same level as the monster we chose.

-I choose crashbug z! -Bug!

Okay. The only monster on my field is gagaga magician.

So that means... Sweet!

I can summon gogogo golem!

I would highly advise summoning that golem in defense mode,

Since it has an ability that prevents

It from being destroyed in battle.

If I wanted advice from an annoying ghost,

I'd go to a haunted house!

I summon gogogo golem in attack mode!

How do ya' like that?

With attack points, this golem won't be goin' down easy.

I'm afraid this is what we call a teachable moment, yuma.


You've set me up for a perfect victory!

It's over, yuma. I overlay crashbug x, y and z.

With these three monsters, I build the overlay network!

Here comes the number.

Ah... An xyz summoning with three monsters.

That's right!

Prepare to meet your defeat.

Here comes number !


It appears to be some sort of data chip capable of taking the

Form of a member of the rhinocerotidae family.

But what's the significance of the number?

I dunno, it...oh... Ahhh... Alright!

Both of my number cards are suddenly back in my deck.

Weird... Is it because astral came back?

I'm activating terror- byte's special ability!

Like a denominator absorbs a numerator in a perfect

Fractional ratio, by using one overlay unit,

I can take control of one of your monsters!

Your gogogo golem is mine!

Aw, not cool mr. Kay!

And now, gogogo golem, attack yuma!

No, gagaga!

Sweet, I've broken through the viral program's firewall.

Now where's the deactivation code?

So I've gotta make my way through this dungeon maze.

And the clock is still ticking.

You'll never defeat me, yuma. Your dueling is too imperfect.

My dad used to say that imperfection

Is what makes us awesome.

Perfection is everything.

I teach math because it is the pursuit of absolute perfection.

The only reason your father said that is

So you wouldn't feel bad about being a failure.

Oh man, mr. Kay is really laying it out there.

Kinda stings.

Tell me where it stings.

It stings in my heart!

Observation number words can hurt a human's heart.

I will remember that.

I can't let what he's saying get to me.

I gotta try to be strong.

Um... Yuma?

You know how I'm always saying "in the end?"

Well it's interesting, because the phrase "in the end"

Is actually about starting conditions.

Something that is so "in the end", was that way

From the beginning. It was inevitable,

-Sheesh... -...and so it actually...

I'm kinda busy at the moment, caswell.

Why are you bringing this up now?

Caswell is simply trying to explain that in the end,

You're going to lose this duel and I'm going to infect the

Entire city's control system!

And that's been the case since the very beginning!
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