04x12 - Blader's Spirit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Beyblade: Metal Fusion". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 28, 2010.*
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Series follows the adventures of Gingka Hagane, a Blader who is searching for his hidden past while trying to defeat the evil Dark Nebula organization, and Ryuga, a man with the Forbidden Bey known as Lightning L-Drago.
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04x12 - Blader's Spirit

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Let's fight an epic battle

♪ Faceoff and spin the metal

♪ No time for doubt now

♪ No place for backing down

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip!

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ Spin out the play now

♪ Bring on the power

♪ Right to the top, yeah!

♪ We're never giving up

♪ Here it comes

♪ Here it comes

♪ Metal fusion!

♪ Let's go beyblade, let it rip! ♪

♪ Metal fusion, let it rip! ♪

♪ Beyblade! Beyblade! Let it rip! ♪

♪ This is it!

♪ Get a grip!

♪ Let it rip!

Blader djlast time on "beyblade"...

In the shadows of the dark nebula headquarters,

Gingka and ryuga meet for their final battle.

Ryuga and his bey lightning l-drago start strong

And they soon have gingka and his bey pegasus struggling.

Things change when gingka realizes

That all of his friends have come to support him.

Gingka finds new strength

And he battles back.

Ryuga launches a dark move,

The dragon emperor soaring bite strike,

But with all of his friends' power behind him,

Gingka is able to get pegasus to repel the attack.

Gingka appears to be ready to take the match,

But is shocked to see that the dragon spirits of l-drago

Are somehow entering ryuga's body.

Everyone watches in awe as ryuga is changed

Into a new, twisted form!


(Lightning strikes)




Benkeiwha? What is that...!?

Oh... Ryuga...

Haa... St-stop it...l-drago...

Just stop it!

I am the one who controls you...

Don't try to take me in...

Don't try to control me!


Alluwahh! Yahh!

Ryugagah! Hah! Gahh!!

Stop! Stop iiiiiit!


What in the world is happening?

Ryothe thing that I was afraid of has begun after all...

Until now, no one had been able to control l-drago...

It is said that those who tried

Were all taken in by the dark aura and destroyed...


Yuthen ryuga will... Ryuga...

Ryothrough the matches at battle bladers,

Its power expanded greatly and has now begun to run wild.

Not even ryuga can control it any longer, my friends.

And so, the rampaging l-drago

Is trying to absorb ryuga himself!


St...stop it!


Kentaa bey is doing that to its own blader?

Hyomawhy did it turn out like this...

Wasn't l-drago born from a fragment of a star

Just like gingkas pegasus was?

But over the long course of history,

The paths the two fragments took diverged from each other greatly

One is darkness.

One is light.

In the end, the path taken

Depends on the choices of humans...

(Evil laughter)

Even l-drago's creation was a result of the humans

Who became amazed by the star fragment's great power.

Human hearts are what allowed l-drago's dark power

To grow this much.


Some powerful people of the past were just like doji.

Be careful gingka!

The thing l-drago desires is darkness!

It won't stop this rampage

Until it leads the world to destruction

And everything falls into darkness!

Gr... What should i...



That's right...

That is my desire...

(Evil laughter)


Benkeiwhat is that fearsome energy?

It feels like the malice of all the people

Who have been destroyed by l-drago!

Destruction... Destruction... Destruction...

Pull yourself together, ryuga!

Gahhhh! Turn everything to darkness!

Don't lose to the dark power!

Ryuga, pull yourself back from it!

You will become sustenance for me as well!





(Glass shatters)


Blader djwazers!

What is this unbelievable power?


(Evil laughter)

Destruction! Destruction! Destruction!

More! More! More!



Sacrifice everything to me!

(Crazed laughter)

Ryooh no! He's completely under the control of the dark power!

Yuthat's not... Ryuga!

Benkeiwhat now?

How is he supposed to fight against that monster?

But if this goes on, the world will be...

You can do it, gingka!


Urgh! Gr...

I will tear this world apart

And cover it completely with the darkness of destruction!


Stop it, ryuga!

What will happen if you do something like that?

So is this really the reason you've been beyblading?

All I want is a world covered in darkness.

Open your eyes, ryuga!

No one can stop me now!


No matter what you say, it's no good, gingka!

The one standing there is no longer ryuga!

Gr! Go away! Disappear!

Uwah! Ugh...

What power...

Can I really win against an opponent like that?


But I have to do it!

If I lose here, everything is over!

Pegasus and I hold the fate of everyone's future!

Ryoyou will stand against it?

Madokaplease! Do your best gingka!


(Determined growling)

Friends(shouts of encouragements)

Ryobut in order for you to win against the dark power,

There is still one thing missing...

Can you realize what it is, gingka?

Gingkahere we go, ryuga!

Dark ryugait's no use!

What can someone like you do?

I must not lose!

I'm gonna win!

I'm gonna win this!

Humph! Don't make me laugh!

Goooo! Pegasus!



Ahh, pegasus!

(Grind) (smash)


Gingkagr! It's no good...

It's like I can't even compete!

(Laughs) dark move!

Dragon emperor soaring destruction!

Bothoh no!

Gingka! Gingka!






Kentagingka! Benkeigingka!


And now it ends right here!


Ohh noooo!


(Rotors beat)

Blader djwowzers! This has turned absolutely serious, folks!

After taking a hit like that

Even gingka might not stand a chance!

What has become of the mighty gingka?

Allwhoa! Gingka!



Allohh! Gingka!



Dark ryugawhat's this?


Hikaru, tsubasa, kyoya!

Hikarustand, gingka...

The real fight starts now.

However, if you fight force with force,

You cannot win against him.

There is an answer that only we possess.


Kyoyathis spirit - you take care of it for me!

Don't hold back.

Throw everything we've got at that monster!

Hikaruprotect our future!

Tsubasawe're counting on you, gingka!

Gr! Ahhh!

Blader djsomehow, gingka is miraculously unharmed!

Thank goodness... This is truly great!

But what just happened?

It almost looked as if he was protected

By an invisible wall...

Madoka, just now...

Yes, I could see them - hikaru and tsubasa and...

Benkeibu-bu-bu-ahh! Kyoya, too!

Kidsdid you see that? Whoa! Hey, isn't that-

Did you see that?

Kyoya and the other two all protected gingka!

Kyoya, tsubasa, and hikaru

Were fighting along with gingka!

Gooo, gingka!

Don't let the feelings of kyoya and the others go to waste!

Come on, show him the bond that we all share!

Allgooo, gingka! You can do it!


Gingkaif I fight force with force, I cannot win...?

They saved me in order to give me that message?

Save...? That's it!

Grrr, I'm after you, gingka...

Okay, I'll do it!

Please lend me your strength one more time, everyone!

We are going to use our power to save ryuga!


Hyomasave ryuga?

Benkeihuh? What are you talking about?

I'm not going to abandon a fellow blader -

That's exactly what the dark bey has been doing,

Don't you see?

It's not enough to just defeat the bey.

In the end...

Ryuga and doji were fooled by the power l-drago possesses

And were only being used.

So now I'm going to win against l-drago

And free ryuga from the dark power once and for all!

And when I do, the future will be wide open

For every one of us!


All bladers are family!

And ryuga is part of that family...

So we will not desert him!

No blader gets left behind, so I will fight!

He's not fighting just to win,

He's fighting to save bladers everywhere.

I get it!

Yes! We were only thinking about defeating l-drago,

But there's more to it!

Kentaeven ryuga is a blader like us

And if we aren't able to save him...

Then it won't really be a victory against the dark power,

Because we can't win by losing one of our own.

Benkeiyeah! Gingka is showing us what it means to win!


So, now he understands what one thing missing was

In his plan...


Our best w*apon against evil is a heart that loves beyblade.

The blader's spirit rules!

I've got to put all that spirit into pegasus in order to win!

I'm counting on everyone!

I'm counting on you, pegasus!

Dark ryugasave me, you say...?

Enough babbling about things to come...

There's not future for worms, and that's all you are!



Did he just increase in power again?

Madokahe's changing even his own anger into power!

Pegasus is up against an even more powerful opponent now!

(Keys clack)

(Gasp) z-zero point zero three percent!?

In order to win against l-drago now...

It'll take nothing short of a miracle!

Then, I'll just have to come up with a miracle!

If I give up, it ends here.

I don't care if my chances of winning are .%...

Or zero, or whatever! I'm gonna fight!

No matter what might go down here,

I'm not going anywhere! Are you with me, pegasus!



Show me... Show me your stuff, pegasus!


Bad move, worm boy!

(Loud thuds)



Grr... Pegasus!


I don't care what the odds are here, go gingka!

Percentage schmentage, we all believe in you gingka!

Yugingky! Hyomagingka!

Benkeigo, gingka! Make some history!

Kids(chanting) gingka!

All right, here we go everyone!

Here comes my, pegasus's,

And everyone's full power!

Who cares!





Go! Gooooooo!

Special move, galaxy nova!

Dark ryugacalling dark move!

Dragon emperor soaring destruction!

(Whooshing energy)

(Energy crackles)

The thing that decides who wins a battle

Isn't the bey's strength!

(Dismissive grunt)

It's the blader's spirit!

(Crash!) Agh!

Ryuga! Take back your blader spirit!

Take it now!

(Energy whooshing)










(Shocked gasps)



(Effort grunt)


(Woozy groans)

Huh? Gingka?



Blader djcan you believe it!

I can't and I'm here!

It seems that somehow both gingka and ryuga

Are safe and sound!

And the winner of the battle bladers final match is...

The...winner... Is g-g-g-gingka!

This is unbelievable! The crowd is going wild!

You did it!

Gingky! Gingky! Gingky!

Blader djeveryone is in hysterics!

This is absolutely the most wonderful thing

I have ever seen!


I won... I can't believe it....

In the end it was you, you saved us...

Thank you, pegasus.





Allgingka! Yugingky!

Kentayou did it, gingka! You won against l-drago!

Benkeii knew you could do it, gingka!

My friends... Thanks, all of you.

Kentawe were all rooting for you gingka!

Yuyeah! You are the coolest, gingky!

Looks like we missed all the fun, huh?

Yeah hikaru, but the future of beyblade has been assured.

Phftt! I could have done it

With one hand tied behind my back.

Ryutaroamazing... He actually defeated ryuga...

Tobiogingka hugane...

You're some blader all right...

Tetsuyaif I hadn't been hit by that beyblade on my shell here,

I would have won, crab.

I mean, how fast does a crab have to scuttle

To get a break around here anyway, pinchy?

Yugingky is the biggest baddest blader! Ha!

Hyomayou've kind of left us all in the dust now, huh gingka?

Gingkath-that's not true!

The reason I was able to win

Was because I had everyone's support.

You did it, gingka.

Humph... Congratulations.

Gingkahikaru, tsubasa, kyoya!

Benkeihuh? Kyo...kyoya buddy!


Hugs for benkei... Get a grip!


Ryoyou truly did well, gingka.


Because you worked so hard...

All your friends spirits became one for the first time.

I'm very proud of you.

Thank you, dad.

But dad, pegasus has- pegasus has disappeared!




Kentapegasus disappeared!?

I'm afraid so...

In the final battle with l-drago...

Pegasus fought so hard that it must have used up

All of the power that it possessed.

In order to win against the dark force,

Pegasus had the use of everyone's power,

But it kept fighting past its limits.

Just don't worry about it right now, gingka.

Once it has rested its wings somewhere...

There's a good chance

That it will regain its strength and return.



Gingka thank you, pegasus...

Everyone! Our battle isn't over,

In fact it's just beginning!

We'll be facing new bey battles,

So let's give it our all, okay?!

Are you ready!?


What do you say everybody?!

Allthree... Two... One!

Let it rip!
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