02x13 - Silva Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x13 - Silva Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on super nannyhello!

Hi. Pleased to meet you.

Jo meets the silva family.

With a military dad gone all week

And headed off to iraq,

Mom has her own w*r zone at home.

Do not unfold those. [Screams]

Get in there and sit down. No!

And she's outnumbered seven to one.

Oh, my god.

These little terrors don't pull any punches... [Cries]

And their w*apon of choice-- their mouths.


Dad's leaving behind a sour relationship

With his oldest daughter...

Tell me I'm pretty or something nice.

We're both stubborn people. That's why we can't get along.

And a frantic wife who's ready to surrender to the troops.

I love having a big family. I just didn't think

I was gonna have to raise 'em by myself.

But when mom's not looking,

She's caught red-handed.

Who is it?

You know that I'm watching you.

Can jo broker a peace treaty?

Or will this family get caught in the crossfire?


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see what family we've got here this week.

Hi, we're the silva family.

I'm danielle.i'm tom.

Tom and I have seven kids...

When tom and I got married,

Tom brought in two children

From his previous marriage-- meghan, who's ,

Allyson, who's .

I brought in cheryl, who's ,

Mackenzie is ,

And together we have riley is .

Kassiah is /,

And caden is months.

I work full-time for the army national guard.

My current duty assignment takes me away from home.

I leave monday mornings. I come home friday nights.

So I'm gone all week.


[Danielle] what are you guys doing?!


People don't really understand what it's like with seven kids.

Yes, I am!

No, you're not! Yes, I am.

Husband gone all week and seven kids--

You've got your hands full here.

[Danielle] every single child in this house swears.

Oh, my word.

[Tom] meghan, our oldest child,

There is some distance growing between us.

The relationship between my father and I

Has kind of been indifferent.

Sometimes I just don't feel

That meghan and I are even on the same planet.

Go in the other room and play!

I yell a lot at the kids.

Get your butt back in here!

Hang it up where it belongs!

I think this is gonna be

The worst house supernanny has gone to.



I'm going to be deployed

To iraq for a year and a half.

Danielle is pretty much gonna be on her own with these kids.

Supernanny, please come here and help out my family.

Supernanny, I really need your help.

You guys are in a crisis.

I'm on my way.


Well, this is gonna be interesting to see

Exactly how mom copes with seven kids

While dad's gone for the whole week.

Hi! Hello. Come on in.


Hiya. Pleased to meet you. I'm jo.

Hi. I'm danielle. Hi. And who's this little one?

This is kassiah. Hi, kassiah.

Say hi. How are you?

When I first saw jo, the first thing I thought was,

"Oh, kids, please behave. Don't get me started off

"By yelling at you when she first walks in the door."

And who are all these children over here?

That's riley.

Can you say hi?

[Whines] let me have this. Say hi.

What's your name?

Cheryl. Hi, cheryl. Pleased to meet you.

When I first saw jo, I was, like,

"Oh, my god, she's finally here!"

What's your name? Mackenzie.

Mackenzie. Hi, mackenzie, pleased to meet you. I'm jo jo.


Hi, allyson. Pleased to meet you.

How are you? Good.

Jo is scottish... Scottish.


[Danielle] this is baby brother. [Jo] a baby brother.

He's the handsomest little baby I've ever seen.

And the tiniest. Yeah, he's about, like, this big.

Could you show me around the house... Sure.

So I can get a rough idea of where everyone sleeps.

Mom was giving me a tour of the house,

And all I could see was just clothes everywhere.

They were in the cupboards.

They were spilling out of the drawers.

They were on the beds.


There's a great big pile in the hallway.

I mean, you just have to kind of shift through the clothes

To get from one room to the next.

Half the time I think I am washing clean clothes.

'Cause I look at something and go, "I just folded this."

No cleaning has been done at all,

And mom is obviously finding it hard

To keep on top of the situation.

[Jo] when we finished the house tour,

I wondered where the rest of the girls had gone.



She thinks I'm...

They swore as well, to add to the list,

When I had mackenzie come up to me and say that

Riley thought I was...

What does that mean, that word?

That means she didn't like you.

It just made me realize these children

Must hear this language all the time.

I think mom must have panicked a little bit,

Because after showing me how unorganized she was,

She went on this frantic cleaning spree in the kitchen.

She was scraping with a knife all the dirt.

She'd pulled the dining table out,

And she said, "all I do is spend my time cleaning."

I thought, "there's no way."

Normally I would be up until midnight cleaning the house.

Danielle was in there mopping the floor,

And it looks like it hasn't been cleaned for absolutely months.

Whilst mom was doing her best maid impersonation,

I thought somebody had better check on the kids.

Riley, I hate you.


The kids were just beating up on one another,

And their potty mouths... Blah!

[Jo] while mom, she didn't care at all.

Shut up!

[Screaming continues]

[Jo] I couldn't believe my eyes.

Riley, who's years old, was driving around kassiah,

Who's a year and a half, in a toy tractor

Without helmets!

Next thing I know,

Riley walks through the door alone.

And I thought, "somebody's missing."

So where's kassiah?

Coming up on...

It's a mad dash to find kassiah...

Kassiah is stuck!


It's okay. It's a serious situation.

And desperation sets in

As mom prepares for dad's departure.

Well, how am I gonna do it by myself?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] so where's kassiah?

She's been left somewhere.

So mom and I are, like, running everywhere

To try and find kassiah.

Kassiah is stuck!

Did you get left here?

[Jo] riley just left kassiah on the back of the tractor.

She's only / years old.

Come on.

I was shocked that mom had to go looking for kassiah.

I mean, if she can't manage the kids now,

What's she gonna do when dad's gone for months?


Stop it! Do not unfold those.


The chaos continued inside

Whilst riley was putting up a fight.

Riley katherine, out of my kitchen now! No!

No matter what mom said, riley did the opposite.

Now go play.


Don't jump off that couch.

No! Stop it.

I can't just go and sit down for minutes

Because it's "mommy this, mommy that."

Straighten up.


Come back here. Riley!

I just feel like I'm always running around

Picking up somebody's mess...

[Danielle] hang it up.

Stopping somebody's fights...

If you can't play, then you'll need to come out

And sit on the couch.


[Jo] mom's definitely got her hands full with seven kids,

But I can tell by the way she's acting

It's really taking a toll on her now.


Actually, in the back here for a moment.

I pulled danielle aside because I was really curious

Just to see how she was feeling

Knowing that tom was going off to w*r.

It's harsh.

Yeah, it's okay.

It's a serious situation that's about to happen

And change the dynamic of your family.

It's tough for mom right now. She's a ball of emotions.

She's got her partner who's going off to iraq.

I mean, i... I think I told him I got married--

I love having a big family. I'm part of a big family.

I just didn't think I was gonna have to raise 'em by myself.

And it's not fair to the little ones,

'Cause they don't understand.

She's feeling overwhelmed with the fear

That she's going to be left to raise the children,

For a year and a half possibly,

Without any support.

And I can't blame her

For feeling scared and anxious.

How am I gonna do it by myself?

You know, I'm not gonna have-- it's months, no break.

Nobody else to be responsible for 'em.

And it's gonna be me.

[Jo] meghan got home from school,

And I managed to say hello.

Pleased to meet you. Jo.

I love her accent. Just meeting her,

She just seemed really nice right off the bat.

How was school?

There was three finals today.

Meghan is years old, and I know she doesn't have

The best relationship with her dad,

But I wanted to know how she felt about it.


Let me talk to you while we've got no interruptions.

What's that like then, your relationship with dad?

We don't usually talk, so...

He's not very understanding.

I don't like talking to him,

Because he doesn't grasp what I'm trying to say.

I'd like to just be around,

Which really irritates the crap out of me.

What do you need from your dad, meghan?

I don't really want anything from him.

See, he's going away, and he's going to be gone

For a year and a half.

And if I could turn around and say to you

That I could make a difference in being able to change

Your relationship with your dad,

What would it be?

I don't know if anything could change.

He's one of the most stubborn people.

We're both stubborn people. That's why we can't get along. We're gonna improve that.

Jo is definitely someone that I felt I could trust.

I mean, she seemed like she genuinely cared

To hear what I had to say.

So I found it easy to confide in her.

[Jo] meghan's relationship with her dad

Clearly needs a lot of work.

But I'm committed to making sure that before I leave,

These guys are talking to one another,

And more importantly, before dad goes off.

[Danielle gasps] ri-ri, look!

Hi, girls!

Daddy! Daddy!

Hi. Hi, baby. Daddy!

[Jo] I'd spent the whole day with mom observing,

And for the first time,

Just before we sat down to talk, I met tom...

Pleased to meet you. Jo. Nice to meet you.

Which is different for me.

I would love to just grab the pair of you

And go through the issues that I feel need to be addressed.great.

Hopefully, we can do that now.

Want to sit down and have a talk?sure.

Let's get straight to the point,

Because we don't have time.

Tom, you're off to iraq very, very soon.

Yes, in three weeks.

Danielle, you're gonna be left

To look after and raise seven children.

For how long, tom?

A year to months.

I'm not gonna pull any punches with you guys.

I walked through the door, danielle, and I was shocked,

Absolutely shocked.

There is food all over the place.

There are toys in every corner.

There are clothes from one room to the other.

You've got seven kids.

It's not a choice. It's mandatory--

You have to be on top of things.

I agree.

We both agree.

But it's not happening. Why isn't it happening?

I just don't get any cooperation from the kids.

And other than yelling at 'em,

Or swearing at 'em, they don't listen.

What part of you as parents

Think that it is acceptable

To swear in front of your children?

I don't think either one of us view it as acceptable,

And we don't want our children to use that kind of language.

When I was observing, mackenzie came up to me.

And what she said to me was,

"Riley thinks you're [bleep]."

That would be riley.

Riley thinks everything is [bleep].

I'll tell you what,

It's totally unacceptable in my book.

Everything you're teaching these children

When you swear at them is how to communicate with others.

It's not all right.

You guys need to raise the bar.

You don't see the potential in any of your children at all.

You just see the bad things that they do all the time.

I want to. I really want to fix it.

And I go to bed crying because I don't know how to fix it.

That's what I'm trying to bring to you.

You will need a strategy of how you are going to cope

For when tom goes off to iraq,

And you need to be pulling out that strength from somewhere.

Tom, what's meghan like?

Meghan is a lot like me.

I see a lot of myself in her--

A lot of my virtues and a lot of my faults.

You've got to open up the gates.

She wants to be able to receive your love.

She wants to be respected by you.

You have the power to resolve that

And to make that better.

She was very insightful.

In just a few short days of observation,

She knew my family. So are you guys really willing

To put in all of that strength, all of that courage,

That determination to be able to turn around your family?


I can see that there's hope and she really can help us,

And there's things that we can do.

We're not a lost cause,

And I'm ready to go.

I want my kids to get all they deserve.

You ready to start some good, hard work then?

Yes, we are.

Let's go. No time to mess around.

Coming up on...

Any trash talk,

You're gonna lose one of these...

And they're gonna end up in here.

When jo puts the lid on the family's trash talk...

I don't know.

It's just not that fun to just sit here.

Mom's not in the mood to play.

Your kids want you.

When "supernanny" returns.

But first-- a tip from supernanny.

Parents and child carers,

Be mindful of the language you use.

Negative phrases like "you're horrible,"

"You're just stupid," are all demeaning words

That will break a child's spirit and self-esteem.

So make sure that you set the example

And use positive language around your children.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

This house seriously needs a routine.

It doesn't have one, any shape or form.

And if there ever were a house that needed a routine,

It was this one.

Come on over here. Come on!

Jo jo's got something I want to show you.

I'm willing to try what jo's got.

I'm really hoping that with the advice she gives us

We can get some kind of routine going

And survive until tom gets back,

And not just survive but flourish while he's gone.

So let's move on now.

We have that in place...

When jo walked in with a plan and said

This is our schedule, and this is what we need to stick to,

Right away the sergeant in me

Is going, "yes, yes, let's go do it."

Is everybody happy with that?

I can't sugarcoat this. The house is a mess.

Mom's overwhelmed. She can't do it alone,

So the kids are gonna have to step up

And help her get organized.

What we're going to do is have a big clear-up.

Okay? We're gonna get organized.

And we're gonna use these name cards,

And we're gonna place them on our drawers

Where our clothes go.

Let's go, girls! Okay, are we ready?

Okay, let's go have some fun!

Ready? Let's go!

[Jo] the timer's there so when they clean,

It's an incentive to beat their best time

For next time.

It's important that they get lots of praise from you.

Mackenzie, keep going. Come on.

Mom was having a real hard time trying to motivate mackenzie.

She doesn't want to pick up anything.

She wants to sit in the middle of the floor

And sit there and pout. You know why?

This is all so overwhelming for her, because since day one,

They've never picked up a thing.

I hate cleaning up.

So the way about doing this is to be positive.

As long as you can take care of your stuff,

All your other sisters are gonna have to do that job, too.

Let's make headway, okay?

It took a little nudging, but the kids caught on,

And mom did really well at encouraging them.

Good job.

Give me five. Yay!

Let's face it--these are children who have never

Picked up after themselves.

I think they did well.

So the scraps have lots of fun with kids.


After the kids had done some cleaning,

I asked mom to take the kids out to have some fun.

But I was so surprised, because whilst they were playing,

She was on the side just watching.

I'm not used to sitting outside with them.

It's just-- I don't go to the park.

I don't sit there. Tom does.

I just don't have the patience.

It's not that fun to just sit there.

So if you don't like sitting,

Why don't you get up and play with the kids then? They've got, like,

$, Worth of toys sitting in front of 'em.

Yeah, jeez, I'm really pleased about that.

I'm really pleased about that.

But you know what your kids want? Not g's worth of bikes.

Your kids want you. What do you expect from them?

Because they're giving you, danielle,

Everything unconditionally right now,

But you're giving nothing back.

This materialistic thing means nothing.

You can't buy what I'm giving you, danielle,

Because it comes from in here.

If you don't step up to the plate

And be the mother that you know you're gonna have to be,

Who is gonna do it for these kids?

What kid of mom are you gonna be, danielle?

The kind of mom they deserve.

She's not here to tell me I'm a bad mom

Or I do everything wrong.

She's here to help.

So why don't we start then?


I really want to make it better for my kids.

Learning to play on their own

Is not the only thing they've been taught by their mother.

Their language is atrocious.

Jo jo's brought this into this house

Because there is too much bad words.

I'm putting a stop to this immediately

With the trash talk technique.

Ten mouths. Any trash talk, bad words, cursing,

You're gonna lose one of these,

And they're gonna end up in here.

We want everybody setting good examples here.

I was pissed.

Ah, jeez. Another word. Does that count?

Is that a bad word, "pissed"?

And mom and dad are gonna give you coupons

To do very special things as rewards.

Come on! Not being able to say "shut up"

Without getting one of your mouths taken off?

This is for a week.

So if we see these mouths on the board,

Then mom will be dishing out these coupons.

If you lose one of 'em,

You don't get it back, and you don't get a coupon.

Right away, allyson lost a mouth

For calling somebody a name.

Seven, eight, nine. I have nine.

Everybody else has ten.

That's because we didn't say a bad word.

She called her a name,

And so I made her take down a card.

You've got to think about what you say

Before you say it.


I noticed that riley loves her binkie,

And she's got tons of 'em.

I don't believe this.

I'm not gonna...


To wean riley off her binkie,

I told mom the story about the binkie fairies

Who need to give the binkies

To the babies who need them more.

Now you're gonna tell it, all right?

Remember, it's big! It's big!

Riley, guess what?

The paci fairy came.

There's babies that need pacis,

And you got lots and lots of pacis

You don't need anymore, huh?

Can you help mommy collect all the pacis

And put them in this bag?

Okay, let's go look. Look what I found.


Look. Put it in there. [Jo] and riley got really excited.

She ran around the house looking for all of her binkies.

Okay, is that all the pacis there are?

Now we gotta take this outside,

And we're gonna-- we'll tie it in the tree,

And the binkie fairy's gonna come and get it tonight.

I really honestly didn't think the one that was in her mouth

Was going to be given up, but jo told her

To put the last paci in there.

Gotta put that binkie in there, too.

[Jo] good girl for cleaning it.

All right. Oh, good job.

Oh, okay.

And when you're sleeping,

The binkie fairies are gonna come

And they're gonna take the binkies

And they're gonna leave you a special present!

[Both giggle]

Are you excited? Okay.

Come on, let's go.

The next morning, we went out to the tree,

And then she saw the binkie fairy

Had left her her reward, and she was...

Wow. [Laughs]

It says "riley."

She was so excited, her little face.

Oh, good job. Wow.

Look inside. Reach inside and get it.


Doll. That's for big girls, and you're a...

When riley saw her new doll,

She completely forgot all about the binkies,

And I think mom started to realize

A little praise and encouragement

Will go a long way. Coming up on...

Come on, get those knees up!

Knees up! You're slacking!

Dad aces jo's basic training...

[Jo] daddy, your turn.

But he misses the target when it comes

To complimenting meghan. Tell me I'm pretty or something nice.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Even though things have started to change,

There's been an overwhelming feeling

Of negativity in this house.

So to boost the positive energy, these children need to hear

A little praise and encouragement

From one another as well as their parents.

So I'm sending them out on an obstacle course.

And we're gonna cheer on the person

That is gonna be doing the obstacle course,

And you know what?

We're gonna get daddy to do it first.

Give it up! Where's my cheering section?

[Jo] come on. [Cheers]

Get those knees up! Knees up! You're slacking!

If jo was never in the army, she certainly could have been.

[Jo] you're slacking! Come on!

[Jo] I knew they would be really excited

To do this obstacle course. [Girl] go!

And they were cheering on each other,

And mom and dad got involved.

Go, go, go!

[Danielle] it made me smile, 'cause they're not

Normally cheering each other on.

[Tom] we all had fun,

And the most important part was the point that jo made

Of everybody encouraging each other.

We need to do that as a family.

[Jo] go!

Okay, so let's have a circle.

Let's just--on our knees, so we can form a circle...

Now that the family have had a taste of encouragement,

I think it would be really good for this family

To start saying nice things to one another,

Because they need to hear it.

So I'm going to sit them down for the circle of praise.

We're gonna say one thing, okay,

Something really nice in a nice tone of voice,

And we're gonna take turns in doing it.

I set the example by passing comment to cheryl.

Cheryl, you're a fantastic listener,

And I love those inky freckles

On your nose and your cheeks. [Laughs]

Riley, you're a very good dancer.

Mackenzie, I like your hair.

[Jo] okay, daddy, your turn.

You have to actually pretend you like something about me.

Tell me I'm pretty of something nice.

It was awkward. You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife,

And I thought, "time out. These two need to talk."

Come in here. Dad.

Take a pillow.

Let's cut to the chase. Your dad's going off to iraq.

He's gonna be away for a year and a half.

Life's too short.

I want you guys just to sit and talk

About what you feel needs to be resolved.

These two had never sat down

And communicated with one another.

So right away, all of meghan's built-up emotions

Just started to pour out.

I don't even know how I'm supposed to feel

About you leaving.

I can't imagine what kind of...

What kind of anxieties you're goin' through right now,

What kind of worries you have, you know, that I'm going.

And that just tops off everything else

That I worry about and think about all the time...

[Sniffles] and as nice as it would be

To go and, you know, talk to you,

I can't, because every time I tell you that

"Oh, I made this choice, and it kind of wasn't the best one,"

It's, "oh, my god, what a bad kid I am,"

And that's not fair. [Sniffles]

Well, that's not the message I'm tryin' to give you.

If I disagree with a choice you make,

It doesn't mean that I think you're a bad kid.

I have to hope that everything I've taught you

About life is going to apply.

You know you will always be my baby girl.

Today was a very important moment for me with my daughter.

Meghan and I both said things to each other

That needed to be said for a long time,

And if they didn't get said today,

Weren't going to be said.

Girls, come over here. Come over here

And say good-bye to me.

With jo leaving,

I'm gonna try to get the kids to keep the positive talk up.

I think we've all gotten so used to her being there

And kind of being a, you know, cheerleader.


Take care of yourself. Yeah.

I'm gonna do my best to keep it together.

Remember, this is about empowering you.

So use everything.

[Jo] who knows, but I tell you,

I just hope that danielle just sticks to everything

And puts % in.

Coming up on...

When mom thinks the cameras are dark...

Instead of unlocking the door,

You stood there and went, "who is it?" Her true colors come to light.

You know that I'm watching you.

When "supernanny" returns,

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, it's so important to spend time

Bonding with your children.

So for example, take one night a week

Where you all stick to that date

And come together as a family,

But remember, turn off that television and your computer

And switch off the cell phone and start having some fun.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good ♪

[Jo] mom's gonna be on her own for months.

So let's just see how she gets on with this practice run.

You did it in minutes yesterday.

See if you can get faster. You ready...

Set, go!


[Jo] great. You're using the task timer technique.

White baskets are clean laundry.

Come over here and put your clothes in the basket. [Jo] mom, keep it upbeat.

Try and make it real fun for them.

Kassiah, please don't. This is yours.

[Cusses] excuse me?

Did you just say a naughty word?

Did you just say a naughty word?

You need to go take down a mouth and put it in the jar.

Right here. Put your mouth in that jar.

[Jo] good. Stay on top of that trash talking.


Hurry. [Jo] way to fire up the kids, mom.

Hey, minutes today. That was pretty good!

[Jo] I love that positive energy.

That was very impressive.

Let's just see if mom can keep up that enthusiasm.

[Danielle] I don't care what you want.

They're hers.

[Jo] what's going on here?

Where are you in the routine, danielle?

Mom, you've been on that couch for hours.

That's ridiculous.

Oh, I think that danielle's forgot

That my surveillance cameras are still running.


[Jo] danielle, is that you banging the door?

I cannot believe what I have just heard from you.

[Mackenzie laughs] mackenzie, I don't want to hear you.

You are just as guilty, because instead of unlocking the door,

You stood there and went, "who is it? Who is it?"

[Jo] you're scary, mom. You've lost it...

In front of your -year-old.

Tom's leaving soon, and your lack of effort

Is not helping you or your children.

Okay, let's take a look at the footage

And see what we've got here.

We're gonna pick up all the toys in here,

And then we're gonna put our clean clothes in our basket.

Okay, minutes today.

That was pretty good.

A much more cheery mom there,

Which is marvelous-- good to see.


[Jo] I mean, is that what goes on, then,

Without the cameras around?

'Cause, I mean, you know-- you know that I'm watching you.

Not normally.

I have surveillance cameras in this house.

So I watch you when I choose to do so.

You were scary, and if I were them,

I wouldn't have opened the door...

'Cause I don't know what I would have got.

I was very angry.

And you showed loss of control there,

And that loss of control made you very mean, very angry,

And it was a very ugly picture.

I should have calmed down first and then dealt with them.

Mackenzie, I don't want to hear you.

You are just as guilty, because instead of unlocking the door,

You stood there and went, "who is it?"

Like it mattered who it was.

I will not allow you, danielle...

To continue like this with the children

And think that it's okay.

You're gonna make an emotional scar on these kids

If you do not change your attitude.

I know it's not okay.

Tom, I'd like to hear what you're saying,

Because I'm sittin' here talking to danielle very straight

About what I'm seeing with your children as well,

And I'm not happy with this.

We feel that that is the worst kind of parenting.

It was a really bad night.

Okay, but from this point on, we have no excuses, okay?

Now we've had somebody come in and give us a clue.

Let's move on with this footage.

They're hers.

That routine was placed upon your wall

Because you needed a routine.

Routine's hard, though,

Especially with everybody around... Of course, it's hard,

Because we didn't have a routine before.

But it's not gonna get better if we don't try.

Uh, lack of effort will always cause failure,

And that's-- that's not acceptable.

But you've gotta try,

And we're not seeing effort here,

And I think this is about you...

And how you're gonna survive

With these children when tom's gone.

The children never got an apology from you

With the way you behaved.

We need to change this as soon as possible.


Are we ready?

If she did nothing else in the house, that was enough.

She made me think about how I affect my children.

Now you close that dvd, and let's go.

Coming up on...

Dad's off to w*r...

This is a watch that, um, that my grandfather gave to me.

But can he and meghan make peace before time runs out?

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] time was running out, and it's important

That if we're to make any progress here,

That mom sits these kids down

And explains that she's made some mistakes.

The other night when mommy yelled at you guys,

I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you guys, okay?

[Danielle] and it's really hard

To admit you're wrong to your kids,

'Cause I was ashamed of the way I acted.

Can you read a story to me now? Mommy's gonna try not to yell anymore, okay?

I'm gonna try to be a better mommy.

I think it took a tremendous amount of courage for danielle

To sit down in front of the entire family

And admit she was wrong,

And then to tell them that...

That she was gonna do better.

Mommy wants to be a good mommy,

And she wants you guys all to know that she loves you.

I could tell that she really had seen her faults

And she really did mean to do better.

[Danielle] I have to be a better parent.

I have to be mom and dad to these kids

For the next year and a half, and that's gonna be hard,

But I can do it. I have to do it.

I need to do it for them.

I love you, too.

I love you, too.

The next order of business was to see

Exactly how the girls had done

With the trash talk technique whilst I was gone.

Yeah, meghan...

Danielle said, "ooh, you said the... Word three times."

I just figured it was easier just to take

All the mouths down at that point.

It's... It's hard to keep up with.

Cheryl! Mackenzie!

Me and cheryl have all of our mouths on the board.

Allyson, you've got two mouths off here.

So you're gonna try very hard next week.

I barely even use bad words-- only two times.

And bad words are bad... But I'm better.

Mommy and daddy, what does cheryl get as her reward?

"One special gift."

Well done, well done, mm, well done. [Danielle] good job!

[Jo] the language of the house has completely reduced.

Cheryl and mackenzie have put % effort

Into thinking before speaking.

I got a coupon today, 'cause I had all my mouths

On the board, and when I go to disneyland on monday,

I get to bring something back--a souvenir.

Meghan's absolutely petrified

That her dad's gonna go off to w*r

And he's not gonna come back, and that must be

Just absolutely...

Horrific for a teenager,

And I suggested to dad that it would be lovely

If he could leave meghan something of sentimental value

And make her realize how much

She's very much loved and how special she is.

This is a watch that, um...

That my grandfather gave to me.

[Tom] any time that you know you're going off to a w*r,

There's that chance that you may not come home,

And so for me, this was a terrific opportunity,

Knowing that this may be the last chance

That I ever get to get it right.

I want you to keep it for me while I'm gone,

Because I intend to come back for it...

But while I'm gone, I want you to hold this for me.

[Meghan] I saw that watch, and I knew what it was,

'Cause I know it meant something to him... [Crying]

And I knew he was leaving, so it meant something to me.

And it's so hard.

I hope you'll come back to be able to take this.

I plan on it.

I have so much to come back for.

I'll be fine.

[Tom] if jo hadn't come into my house

And opened up that window

Of opportunity for meghan and I

To come to an understanding with each other,

Then I would have left

Not having made peace with my oldest daughter.

I love you. I love you, too.

Mackenzie. What?

Jo jo's going home now.

Cheryl, come and give me a hug.

[Jo] the silva family was a very challenging family,

But I do feel the outcome has been tremendous

Because mom has become aware of what she needs to do

In order to be a better mother. The children are happier

Because they're getting more praise from their parents

And more attention.

Dad has really stepped up. Bye-bye.

Bye-bye. Thank you. Be careful, you.

[Tom] what's so amazing about the way jo works...

There's no magic in what jo does.

She comes in, and she shows you who you really are,

And that's what I really want to thank jo for.

Meghan, give me a hug. [Danielle] I want to thank jo for...

Coming in and showing me how to be a better mother

To my girls.

Be safe. Bye.

[Jo] no doubt, there's been some positive changes

With this family, even though they are still

Walking that long road.

I think danielle's accepted the fact

That tom's going to leave,

And she now has found the confidence

To be a better mother,

And she's more determined to make it work.



[Tom] jo gave my family the confidence

To be the kind of family we've always wanted to be.

Everybody gets one piece of paper. Ooh, that's pretty.

My girls are getting along a lot better now.

Ri-ri, want me to show you what you can do?

[Danielle] I already see that the kids are yelling less.

I'm not raising my voice as much.

Yeah, now we gotta put this back with the games.

There's a lot less cussing in the house.

No more bad words.

[Meghan] that house turned into a house with more love in it.


It's almost like a peace between everybody.

Woof, woof, woof, woof!

[Danielle] my children, they're miracles.

I hug them more and give them more compliments,

And each one of 'em is special,

And each one of 'em needs to feel that way. Is this good?


Go! [Tom] I can leave

Knowing that my children are in good hands.

That's really important to me.

Thank you, jo.

Thank you for coming, jo.

[Tom and danielle] bye.

Thank you, jo jo.

This way! This way, come on!

Come on! No, you can't go-- come this way.

No, in the lines. Come on. Come on, go.


[Man] what's that smell?

[Laughing] my feet.

That smells great. [Man] no, we don't need it.

[Burps, laughs]
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