02x12 - Schwartz Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x12 - Schwartz Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny"...

Jo meets the schwartz family.hi.

With two working parents... Have no fear, harvo is here.

And four little girls...

This mom depends on her sister donna

To wrangle these out-of-control kids.

No pinching!

While mom and dad desperately need jo's help,

Donna wants no part of it...

This is the best thing I've seen in this house so far. It's not gonna work.

Well, you're here. What am I gonna do?

Leaving jo caught in the middle.

Well, then, you know what? Why don't you get someone else then?

Maybe that would help.

It's bugging me more and more each day that you're doing this.

Will donna give in?

I can't go through this no more.

Or will these girls continue to run amok?


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see who we've got here.

Hi, we're the schwartz family.

Don't! Don't do that!

My name is cathy. This is my husband steve.

No, no, no, no. No!

And we have four beautiful little girls--

Samantha is , amanda is ,

Katelyn is ,

And emily just turned the other day.

Four adorable children.

I'm a full-time medical biller.

I'm usually out of the house by :, home by :.

I am a new york city police officer.

My sister donna usually babysits,

But she does not discipline the children.

[Children screaming]

I'm donna. I watch cathy and steve's little girls.

Katelyn, don't fight me today.

They love being with my sister donna.

Which is understandable because--

Because she gives them whatever they want.

Why don't you give nonni a hug now?

'Cause she rescued you. Tell your mother stop being so jealous.

'Cause you baby them. I don't do discipline because I feel kids are kids.

She's , okay? Hold old are you?


Give her her milk. Give it to her.

Don't give it to her.

Yes, yes, because you know what? Kids do this?

The screaming-- right.

It just gives me these gray hairs right there.



What is going on here?

With my sister raising them so much,

Sometimes I feel like she thinks she's their mother.

I'm the mother, not nonni, understand?

Don't listen to her.

[Cathy] don't tell her not to listen to me.

I wish, you know, that donna and I could be on the same page

When it comes to disciplining the children.

They are children.

It doesn't matter. They need discipline. Do you listen?

Yes, I do. You don't listen.

I just get tired of fighting with her.

You're pissin' me off.

I get tired of her threatening to not keep them anymore.

Do you want me to get angry? No!

Because I will leave and I won't come back.

I walk in the door, right away, all the girls start screaming.

They don't want donna to leave.

I'm gonna come back, sweetie.

[Girls screaming]

She's very protective of them,

And I am afraid that if jo does come,

It's gonna be like world w*r iii in this house.

Supernanny, if you do come, just understand,

It's gonna be difficult with you and I

Because this is, like, my territory.

Supernanny, please, please come and help my family and i.

We desperately need your help.

You're sure right. You do need my help.

But don't worry, because I'm on my way.

Hi. Hi, how are you?

Very well. Pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.i'm jo.

I'm cathy. Please come in. Okay.

When jo first came in,

I knew right away I was gonna be put to the test.

This is my daughter samantha. Hi, samantha. How are you?

Good. Pleased to meet you.

Hi. What's your name?

Amanda. Hi, amanda.

Pleased to meet you. You gonna shake jo jo's hand?


And what's your name? Katelyn.

Katelyn. Hi, katelyn. Gonna shake jo jo's hand?

Say, "hi, pleased to meet you."


And who's this little one here? Emily.

Emily. Hello, emily.

Come on. We have to get ready for school, girlies.

No, you can't have cookies this morning.

Cathy, I know you're on the run and everything's busy-busy,

But I just want to say to you,

Today I'm gonna be here to observe... Okay.

Just to watch you. Just carry on as normal.

I'm just gonna kind of squeeze inside... Okay.

Watch you get ready. Will do. Come on, girlies. Let's get ready. Come on.

French toast for you this morning?

Gettin' ready for school, is that correct?

We are getting ready for school.

Just rushing?

We rush like this every morning, jo. Every morning.

Amanda, what would you like for breakfast?

'Cause we have to get you dressed in about ten minutes.

I'll get you an apple in two seconds, gorgeous.

It didn't take long for me to recognize disorganization

And chaos, to say the least.

Get out of my drawers. Okay, sit down, please.

Let's go. Come on. Let's go. Come on. Come on.

Girls, let's go.

Come, come, come, come. Let's get--no.

Want to go to the bus stop in your shorts?

Yeah! Yeah!

No. Katelyn.

Let's go.

Do you just wait for you to get them dressed?

Yes, they do. That's always how it's been

'Cause I'm in such a rush in the mornings.

I just--it's almost easier for me to get them ready.

It just-- it's just very chaotic.

I can see.

Amanda, come on, let's get dressed. Hurry up.

[Jo] she was rushing the children.

Everything was like, "quick, quick. Go, go. Go.

"Come, come, come."

You know, like she was herding up cows.

Is, um, katelyn still in a diaper?

She's still in a diaper.

She's /. She should be totally--

And she's not out of diapers during the day? No.

I really can't believe that katelyn is still in diapers.

She's years old.

Open. Katelyn!

All right. Come on. [Katelyn cries]

Let's go. I'm dizzy.

You guys ready? Where's my keys?

Katelyn, come on. Don't drag behind.

We made it.

"We made it," she says. Oh, I can't be late.

Have a good day, okay?

Bye, darling. Bye-bye. Have a good day.

So finally, mom gets the kids on to the school bus

And she comes back,

And she has katelyn and has emily.

We're on the road.oh!

I didn't even realize.

All right. No, no, no, no.

Cathy's sister donna was on her way over,

But before she came, I had the chance

To talk to cathy about her relationship.

She raised me. My mom had passed away when I was .

So she is really--in essence, she's like my mother.

When it comes to the kids, I know that she,

I think, would feel that I'm taking them away from her

If I get a sitter to come in.

I'll tell you, like, my husband and i, we've actually

Talked about moving out of state, and I can't.

I just can't bring myself and the girls...

You know, away.

[Cries] she's my family.

So as much as you

Love your sister, and she is a very...

It's a love/hate relationship.

Put it that way. Part of your life.

A couple of times, I've heard them call my sister "mommy."

What are you gonna do? You know, they don't have anybody else.

It is very obvious that there's been

Some very deep-rooted issues in their relationship.

And sometimes it makes cathy really emotional.

[Cathy] I have no idea where my sister is.

Oh, here she is.

Hi, I'm donna. Jo. Hi.

How are you? Very well, thank you.

Hi, sweetie.

I met donna.

I said hello to her, and donna was pleasant.

She may have said hello,

But she didn't look pleased to see me there, that's for sure.

You can have one cookie.

She already has two cookies.

You want one?

Donna had not been in that house for seconds

Before they started bickering.

Let me have it. [Squeals]

Take them out of the cookie jar. Take a cookie.

Take a cookie and be done. Don't come out here and just push me out of the way.

And then we had donna shouting at cathy

And cathy putting her foot down

And saying katelyn couldn't have a cookie.

I want a cookie!

No, she just had a cookie.

[Katelyn screams]

And then we had two women ranting and raving

At one another

And a child screaming

Because she couldn't get another cookie.

Catherine, give her one more cookie. That's it.

[Mouths word]

That's it, katelyn. One cookie. Understood?

Take one, and that's it.

Mom should have stuck to her g*ns,

But it wasn't happening. In the end, mom gave in.

On that note...


I'll see you later. See you when you get back.

What are these two ladies thinking?

They fight with one another,

And they're just giving total wrong messages

To the children.

Coming up on...

Donna reveals her true feelings...

How do you feel about this, then, with me being here?

When she told me, I was ballistic.

Well, you're here. What am I gonna do?

And jo lays it all on the line...

Donna, the girls are cathy and steve's children.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Once mom left for work,

It was me, donna and the girls.

Well, they usually just play or go outside.

She made me kinda nervous, following me around,

Watching every little thing I do,

Like, 'cause she is "supernanny."

Play nice with emily.


No, no, amanda.

No, amanda.

No, no, no, no. Leave her, girls.

[Jo] donna might be talking to the girls,

But they are not listening.

Donna needs to give the girls correct discipline,

And it's not happening here.

[Donna] hey!

So they fight and don't share

And beat each other up, and, you know, that's them.

I don't know what else to tell you.

She felt she needed you to come here.

How do you feel about this then, with me being here?

When she told me, I was ballistic.

You know, if they're bad, she wants me to discipline them,

And I don't.

They're kids. They didn't do anything to hurt anybody.

[Screaming] no running. No running.

Aah! Samantha.

Do you feel willing to cooperate

With the fact that I'm here now?

Well, you're here. What am I gonna do?

You're here.

[Cathy] I don't get a hello?

Can I sleep over at nonni's?

[Child yells] [cathy] shh.


Can I come in and relax for a second?

Stop. Can I sleep over, please?

I don't have school tomorrow. Sweetie, I'll see.

When it was time for donna to leave,

The girls got really emotional

Even though they see her every day.

Kissy. That's it. Don't cry. Okay?

All right, good-bye. Good-bye.

All right, good-bye. That's it. Let's go. [Katelyn] I don't want to!

Nonni's leaving. No!

It's hard to break away from them.

I have to know what they're doing

Hours a day, days a week.

[Cathy] daddy's home.

Pizza, wow!

Have no fear, harvo is here.

Have no fear, jo is here.

Oh. How are you? [Laughs] hi.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you.

How are you? Very well, thank you. And yourself?

When I first saw jo,

I figured now is the time for me to get it out in the open.

I can show jo what really goes on around here,

Behind the scenes.

I get jealous that, sometimes, you'll see the kids,

They'll call donna mom

And they'll call uncle jerry dad.

Sometimes they'll call me uncle jerry,

And I'm like, how do you not know I'm your father?

Steve came clean. I mean, he put his cards on the table.

Between, uh, mine and donna

And catherine,

You know, one coddles, one doesn't give in

And one babies.

You know, and it, um,

I have a real tough time with that.

And apparently, there's no discipline in the house.

'Cause I hear mom says, "wait till your father gets home."

Because she likes to--

She wants me to be the disciplinary one.

I don't want to be the bad person.

I don't want to first come home after hours

And start yelling at my kids.

I want to spend a little time with them

Before I start yelling. Let me enjoy them first,

Then I'll yell if I have to.

After my conversation with steve, it was very apparent

That these three adults are not on the same page

When it comes to raising the girls.

So I'm gonna call for a family meeting with all of 'em.

I would love to sit down with all three of you

And have a family meeting.

So why don't we go through to the dining area?

I'm just hoping that everybody has eyes and ears open

And everybody's willing to accept

Everything that jo is saying.

Cathy and steve, you should be very proud.

Four beautiful girls...

Thank you.

Lively girls.

And the children have an auntie who is devoted,

Completely, %,

And that doesn't get missed at all.


There is no discipline.

What are all three of you teaching your children,

Your nieces,

When you have no consequences

For behavior that is unacceptable?

I try to discipline, and then I have to hear from her, okay?

You're the parent.

I understand that, but you know what?

It's just-- [donna] but you don't really do it.

It just gets overwhelming for me.

Let's take the mornings.

Cathy, what is going on in the mornings?

[Laughs] it's just chaotic.

Let's talk about why it's chaotic.

It's just--you know what? It's--it's my fault.

Cathy, it is your fault.

Everything is a panic.

"Rush, rush, rush. Come on, kids.

"Quickly, quickly, quickly."

Your house is disorganized,

And while we're at it,

Why isn't katelyn potty-trained?

[Steve chuckles]

Thank you.

She's almost there.

How old's she?


/. She's more than able. I totally agree.

It's slack, and it's no excuse.

Let's talk about, donna,

Your relationship with cathy.



You do rely on donna

A hell of a lot.

But on the same respects,

Donna, I think I would like to say

That you're probably quite happy,

Because the first thing that you always say is,

"These kids are my life."

They are.

But, donna, the girls

Are cathy and steve's children.

And they have to be given the chance to be parents.

Anything else is dysfunctional.

You know why everybody's fired up and everybody's angry?

Because you all love the kids to death.

Now the three of you have to work together.

I'm on board.

I need a change.

I need everything to just change.

I was absolutely horrified to hear everything

That jo had to say.

But everything she said was exactly how it is in my house.

Are you willing to put in %?

%. Absolutely. I'm gung ho.okay.

Thank god she didn't pin it on me.

She pinned it mostly on cathy and donna,

Which was good for me. So, donna, that leaves you.

Are you willing to put in %

To be able to change this for the girls, follow through?

Then I take you at your word for that.

I told jo I'd be in it %

Even though I am against it %.

For her to come in and tell me or to say,

"This should be done with the kids. You do it this way,"

I don't think so.

Okay, so let's go do some business.

Coming up on...

Jo's routine is put to the test...

But I know what I do with the girls between : and :.

And she teaches mom to toughen up...

These kids are stronger than you think.

[Cries] so start getting strong.

When "supernanny" returns,

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, don't feel a constant need

To stand over your child whilst you're potty-training.

Step aside and give 'em some privacy.

Remember, you wouldn't like it if I watched over you

Whilst you were going for a wee-wee, would you now?

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

There's no doubt that the schwartz family

Definitely need organization.

So I'm bringing in a routine to give them structure,

To help mom, dad and donna with the girls.

Mom, between : and :,

Getting breakfast ready for the girls.

To have jo come in and set up a routine for me--

Now it's gonna really put me in focus.

It's gonna put me in check.

And then : to :...

Okay, you're rolling your eyes.

But this is obviously what you'd do, right? Well, I don't do that.

I do other things, but go ahead.

So I don't need to look at no chart all day.

Don't tell me, "feed the children lunch,

"Give them snack, do this." I know what I have to do.

So then, samantha, you're home at :.

What I would like, okay,

Is for mommy to put a healthy snack

In your rucksack.

So when you're on your way home on the bus,

You can have your snack then, okay?

They eat all day long. There's no set... [Steve] try this.

It's not gonna work. Are you saying we can't try it?

This is the best thing I've seen in this house so far. It's not gonna work.

I'm excited to do the routine.

I'm just afraid that donna won't abide by the schedule.

[Donna] I think it's nonsense. [Steve] why?

Because I know what I do with the girls between : and :.

And this is why they act like this.

I don't need-- well, then, you know what?

Why don't you get someone else, then?

Maybe that would help.

[Jo] change for donna is difficult.

And anything new that was presented to donna

Made her panic.

She ran.

So that routine...

Empowers you, donna.


It empowers you and empowers cathy.

Because what it does is allow you all to look at that routine.

So if cathy comes home and she says,

"Well, why are the kids at dinner?"

You say, "the routine, cathy. I'm doin' my bit.

"%, I'm sticking to that routine." That's it.

I felt it was really important that donna come back

And address the issues in order to solve

The problems this family were having.

All right, we're cool? Yeah, we're cool.

All right, let's give each other a nice hug, man.

It's family here. Come on. He knows I love him.

Sometimes. Sometimes. No, I do. Stop it.

She's just told you. She just you she loves you.

If I didn't, would I be here?

She done that for america.

I do it for you. Come on. Come on. Let's go. Let's go.

Come on. You know that.

All right. Let's go back in.

One thing that's missing in this house is discipline,

So I'm introducing the naughty beanbag technique.

Okay, one bag each.

The girls were all excited,

And I said, "girls, you're not gonna be excited

"Once you hear what they're for."

These beanbags are for discipline.

They're for when you've behaved in a way

That's unacceptable,

That mommy and daddy

Or auntie donna's not happy with.

And if you misbehave,

They're to send you all to these bags.

Anything good to say on this?

I guess it'll work.

Oh, my god, her beanbag chairs--

She better take them right where she got them from.

Those beanbags have to go.

Donna won't accept the fact that we have to

Tame this family.

Those naughty chairs have to go into play.

Later on, mom asked amanda to put some folders away,

And after a warning, she refused.

So mom followed through.

She put her on the naughty beanbag.

We're going...


This is where you sit for three minutes.


These girls are just not used to discipline,

So I wanted to make sure that cathy

Just stayed strong and stuck with it.

As soon as she gets off, she's goin' straight back.

Mommy! I promise.

Then we'll play.


No! No!


Don't talk to her. Look.

These kids are stronger than you think.

So... Start getting strong.


No! No! [Jo] keep it up.

No! [Screams]

Don't talk.

You're in charge.

After about an hour, amanda finally conceded.

Can you please say you're sorry to mommy?


You're sorry for what? What are you sorry for?


For not putting your folders away?

If I would've did this years ago,

I-i would never be in this position now, never.

Getting the girls up and ready and out the door

Seemed to be a real struggle for cathy.

So I wanted to give her the get up and go technique.

We've got a picture of samantha,

A picture of amanda

And a picture of katelyn.

The first step of the morning routine

Is to...

And that's why I'm introducing it to the family this evening.

Every morning when we wake up,

We're gonna start from this end.

We're gonna make our bed...

Each of the girls is responsible

For getting dressed on their own

Brushing their own hair,

Getting their backpacks ready and heading out the door.

So we're gonna put this by the stairs.

Who's gonna help me? Okay.

I'm terrified. We're always the last people at the bus stop.

I didn't think it was gonna work.

Coming up on...

To mom's amazement, the kids make progress...

Mommy's so proud of you guys. Give me hugs. Give me hugs.

And katelyn has a surprise for jo...

Oh, my word!

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Doorbell rings]


Hello. Hi, jo. How are you?

I'm very well. Good morning.

Mornings in this house are absolute mayhem.

So I'm here to show cathy

That mornings don't have to be a rush.

So, uh, mom, have we got all beds made?

One bed made so far.

Samantha made her bed this morning. Oh, great.

We've got samantha to get dressed,

So, samantha, clothes are on the side there, my darling.

Good girl, samantha.

Let's go upstairs with the girls.

Cathy and the girls had already started the morning routine.

It was absolutely fantastic

To see that they were making real progress.

Fix this up. Hurry.

Not, "hurry, hurry." That's old. Okay.

We're not hurrying because we've got ample time.

Okay. Good girl. Very good girl. Good girl.

Thank you so much. Excellent.

Amanda, are you going to move your one now?

Because you've made your bed already. Look.

Well done.

Say, "come on, girls." Okay, girls.

Let's move on to the next task.

Okay, let's get her dressed.

Do you want mommy to help you

Or you can you do it like a big girl?

Look at you, getting yourself dressed.

Wanna go move your flower? Come on. Hurry. Let's go.

We went through it step-by-step.

You wanna brush her hair? Could I brush your hair?

Everybody knew what their morning responsibilities were.

Now we're gonna go have breakfast, okay?

The girls did their thing, I did my thing.

Mommy's very proud of you. Thank you.

It was a very successful technique

Because the children were allowed to see

The progress they were making that morning.

Remember, let's use the praise.

Oh, mommy's so proud of you guys. Give me hugs.

She managed to get them girls ready and out the door

Early by five minutes, and at the bus stop first.

This is nice,

To actually not have to--

To not have to run every morning.

Jo told me, "enjoy your kids."

I don't always have to rush.

I can manage my time.

[Jo] oh, we're here first.

[Jo and cathy] yay!

I still think she was digesting

The fact that she did this

As the children were getting on the bus.

Once we got the morning routine out of the way,

The next thing I wanted to tackle

Was getting katelyn out of those diapers.

What exactly is happening at the moment

With katelyn's potty-training?

Cathy and donna definitely need to be on the same page

With potty-training

So that they don't give katelyn mixed messages.

I keep diapers on her during the day.

She doesn't want to be a kid in diapers

Because she takes them off during the day

And tells me to throw them away.

Then other days, she'll take and want to wear them

Because she doesn't know what's right.

What I'm hearing is inconsistency.

That's why we haven't made progress with katelyn.

I started to potty-train katelyn,

But a lot of it was because I really didn't have the time.

It was just easier to put her in a diaper.

We're gonna do potty-training.

What do we need on that checklist?

Well, we do need plenty of panties.

Right. That's for sure.

And we need to be realistic with the fact

That there may be some accidents. Right.

The next thing we want to be able to do

Is to be able to give these fun little rewards

For when they do go to the potty.

And I think they're a great, fun little idea

That you give them a smiley face

And tell 'em how pleased you are.

So we've got the potty here.

We'll give her the option there, she can use it or not,

And we'll place it into the bathroom.

Now in case she decides she doesn't want to use the potty,

Then we'll use the toilet.

I don't need to be sat down and, step-by-step,

"This is a potty seat and this is the underwear,

This is the shirts, this is what you--"

I don't need that. I know what to do.

What we need from both of you is to be consistent.

Now we needed to tell katelyn that she was gonna move along

And get out of those diapers.

Are you gonna put one on now?

Are you gonna put some panties on?

Great. Okay, you choose.

What panties are you gonna put on now? Look.

It was important for mom to teach katelyn

Exactly what to do when she needed to go potty.

Every time you have to go to the potty,

You can either go on the big-girl potty,

Or you can go on your very own potty.

Now that everybody was on the same page

With potty-training,

We just had to wait for that very special moment.

And soon enough,

Katelyn peeked her head out of that bathroom.

Oh, katelyn. Did you do it? [Gasps]

Oh, my word! You did potty.

You did very, very good.

We always wash our hands.

Katelyn was very proud of herself.

So I just hope we don't see her in diapers anymore.

Do you know why mommy gave you that sticker? Why?

Because you did a wee-wee and poo-poo in the potty.

And who's a big girl?


Later on, when donna and I were alone with the girls,

Donna got really frustrated because they started acting up,

And they weren't listening to her.

No more yelling and jumping on the beds.

Samantha, why do you press my buttons every day?

Samantha, stop. I can't go through this.

Donna, you're blaming the kids

Because you won't take the responsibility

In disciplining them.

There were many times throughout the day

That I pulled donna aside and spoke to her

With regards to disciplining the children,

And she was very adamant about not wanting

To follow through with any discipline.

You shouted at them and you yelled at them,

And then you said to samantha, "why are you doing this to me?"

Do you honestly think that she's looking at you

Saying, "I'm gonna wind you up? I'm not gonna listen ot you?

"I'm gonna make you feel what you're feeling"?

Yes, she does. She does. She pushes my buttons.

She doesn't.

Samantha, please.

Samantha, please.

Samantha. Samantha.

I wanna watch-- samantha.


Jo just felt that maybe I wasn't gonna try anything

That she was gonna show me, you know,

And I kinda, like, blew her off, and I did.

And I feel bad I did, but, you know,

She turned everything upside down on me.

Samantha, just listen to me. You don't want 'em jumping on the beds.

And can't you listen?

They can listen, but in order for them to listen,

You've gotta be able to get their attention.

So come down--

Katelyn, on the bed, please, and look at me.

You can play upstairs in your bedrooms,

But we want no jumping on the bed.

Do you understand what jo jo's saying? No jumping on the bed.

We're playing hospital. Okay, that's good.

Katelyn, watch.

You've-- we've come into the room,

You've come down to their level.

You've asked them all to look at you,

I've remained calm.

Ask them if they understand it.

And then say

It's okay if they play hospital

Or whatever they want to do, but no jumping on the beds,

So that sharing and compromising.

Donna's attitude really isn't helping the situation,

And she needs to change

If this family are to improve and work as a team.

Hey, girlies. Hey, jo.

Hi. How are we doing?

Mom came home from work, and I felt it very relevant

For us all to sit down

And discuss what had happened throughout the day.

Did you kick your sister? Communicate with donna.

This is not about the kids right now.

All right, did you say anything to them?

I told them a million times, as always.

Well, you can have a firm voice with them.

I did. She said I was yelling at them. How'd you--

We spoke about how you could enforce your tone

Just by coming down on the level as well. Right, right.

This is good.

We both work together, and then we get the kids

At a place where they should be.

You keep making these kids sounds like they're horrible.

And you know what?

It's bugging me more and more each day

That you're doing this.

We want children who behave, have manners, who share. They do behave.

Donna just won't admit that these children need discipline.

She is afraid she's gonna be

The bad guy in this whole thing,

Which is absolutely not the case.

This is ridiculous.

I can't go through this no more. Good-bye.

Cathy is desperately trying to make changes

For her family,

But donna's stubbornness is just tearin' 'em apart.

This cannot go on. I know. It can't.

So what are you gonna do about it?

I really don't know what to do anymore.

Okay. The bottom line is,

I will have to take them away from her.

I don't know what else to do.

They're gonna lose an aunt, I'm gonna lose a sister,

All because she's being stubborn.

What's happening here is very unhealthy. Okay?

And if she's saying

She's not looking after the kids anymore,

If she's throwing that as a threat,

Then we're around to emotional blackmail again. Right. Exactly.

You do what I say, you succumb to what I say,

Otherwise, you've got no one to look after the kids.

Okay, I'm gonna go.

I really hate to leave cathy

Feeling so emotional about this situation.

Keep strong, all right?

Thank you.

Just speak from your heart.

I will. Thank you again.

You're welcome. Thank you.

[Cathy] I am nervous, only because, once jo leaves,

I don't want to see everything that we're doing

To help the kids fall apart.

[Jo] but at this point,

It really is up to cathy and donna

To resolve their differences and sort things out.

Coming up on...

With cathy feeling the pressure...

Sit down and stop. Samantha!

Will donna have a change of heart?

No. Go say you're sorry to sissy. No!

I'm not doing this today. No. No!

When "supernanny" returns,

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, are you wondering,

When do I potty-train my children?

Well, here's a sign to look out for.

If after an afternoon nap your child's diaper is dry,

Then you know that they've formed some control,

And it's time to move them on to a potty.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Now that I've left the schwartzes',

Let's see how they get on without me.


What's the matter, man?

[Jo] well, it's good to see you back on board, donna.

I just feel bad that I treated jo the away I did,

And I kinda, like, pushed her away.

But when I went home and I cooled down a little

And I read her book, then I started thinking

That a lot of things that jo says can be right.

Go inside. I don't want to.

Go. Go in and go.

[Donna] good girl. You want a sticker?

Here, sweetie. You get a sticker.

Good girl. [Jo] I love the encouragement there.

Hi, girls.

Hi, girl. Hi, gorgeous.

Katelyn, tell mommy what you did on the potty.

Donna, cathy, what a positive change.

You're communicating.

Good girl!

Supernanny's stuff works.

Jo really helps. I told you.

She did go.

Yep, it's only been, what-- she went by herself.

Then I was like, well, maybe some of the techniques work.

You're next. Mommy's gonna teach you what jo taught mommy.

I'm willing to try, to a point, I guess.

I'm willing to try.

Good morning. Can you get dressed by yourself for mommy this morning?

No. What do you mean, "no"?

[Jo] cathy, you should try and let the girls

Get dressed by themselves.

This morning is so not the morning

I thought it was gonna be.

Amanda wants this, katelyn wants that.

Sit down and stop it, okay?

The baby's crying.

Oh, I know. We all forgot about you.

Can you go wash your face a little bit?

Put it down.

[Jo] there's plenty of time in their schedule.

What's the rush? Samantha!

I'm on the verge of screaming.

I feel like I'm gonna have a breakdown.

Listen, this is ridiculous.

What comes next? Okay. You ate breakfast.

Okay, now what? Now we have to move it over.

[Jo] the girls are meant to do the chart step-by-step,

Not all at once.

I need one!

Share them.

I need red.

[Jo] this is good to see-- creative time.


No, she's sharing.

[Jo] donna, put a stop to it.


Can she have some crayons, amanda?

[Samantha] if anybody--

Stop her.


No pinching! Amanda.

If you do it again, you're going on the stairs.

[Jo] that's good, because she deserved that warning.

Go and say you're sorry to sissy. No!

Let's go. I'm not doing this today. No.

[Jo] donna, it's good to see you following through.

Now you sit there. Stay. Amanda, sit.

Sit on the stairs and don't move.



[Jo] good effort. I'm comin' back.

We'll get it right next time.

The dvd is a great insight for the parents

To see exactly where they've gone wrong

So that, together, we can resolve those issues

And move along.

So let's take a look at the footage we've got here

Whilst I've been away.

Go inside. I don't want to.

Go! Good girl.

Here, sweetie. You get a sticker.

[Jo] hey.



She is, %. Thank you.

Listen, this is ridiculous.

Sit down and stop it, okay? [Emily cries]

Oh, I know. We all forgot about you.

Samantha! Stop it.

She's gotta get it together.right.

She wasn't together. It is a little tough in the mornings, you know?

They all run in different directions

And to get them all to just eat breakfast together

Or just to get dressed together, it's tough.

Relax and have faith in the technique,

And remember that you've left ample time

To allow the children

To achieve these small goals.

Katelyn, can I have-- aah!

No pinching!

If you do it again, you're going on the stairs.

No. Aah!

Stop. I'm not doing this today. No.

No, you're sitting on the stairs.

Sit. Amanda, sit.

Sit on the stairs and don't move.

[Jo] ah.

I saw discipline.

I know, but it didn't work. It didn't work. Hear me...

And accept what I'm gonna say to you.

Donna, I went away and I came back

To a lady who implemented discipline.

You gave a warning with the correct tone of voice.

Now all you need to do

Is to be able to come down to their level

And give her eye contact.

That means that you've been thinking a lot,

And, for me, that is major progress.

It means we're moving forward in the right direction.

Come here. Give me a hug.

I am very, very proud of you.

Jo was proud of me with the dvd session.

I wanted to show her that I would try.

I wanted to show jo that I was listening to her

And not just blowing her off.

Steve, cathy, any comments on this?

It makes me, you know, feel good to know

That all three of us are doing

What's really best for the girls.

So I'm gonna be here for the rest of the day,

Working with all three of you.

All right, let's go.

Coming up on...

Take her by the hand.

When dad tries to discipline amanda...


[Jo] are you okay?

He gets kicked in the pants...

She kicked me right where it hurts.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Good morning. [Cathy] good morning, jo.

So, get up and go, got it rolling?

Yes, we're doing that. Two of the girls are up.

The next morning, I arrived bright and early

To help cathy with the get up and go technique.

Come on, amanda. Show mommy how well you make your bed.

You remember the get up an go?

Okay, get amanda to help you. Encourage her.

The kids got up and made their beds,

And mom was very encouraging.

Katelyn, come. Come here.

We're gonna move your picture since you made your bed.

Okay, great. Move your picture.

[Jo] well done, amanda.

The kids got themselves dressed.

This is great, guys. Okay, wanna go have breakfast now?

Then off we went to breakfast,

And it was a very smooth transition.

Give 'em a choice of two things.

We have french toast or we have cereal.

[Girl] cereal. All right.

[Jo] so, mom, have we prepared the night before?

Have we got lunch ready for school?

Yes, we do. Lunches are ready.

Once cathy calmed down and relaxed,

The kids noticed, and they followed her.

Isn't this nice, guys? We get to sit down

And have a nice breakfast with one another.

You done? Thank you.

Can you put that in the sink for mommy, please?

Marvelous, amanda.great.

On your get up and go technique,

You know what you can move?

Did everybody move the pictures?

Let's see.

Oh, samantha's one step ahead.

This is really fantastic to see.

We've got a morning running very smoothly.

Mom is doing absolutely marvelous

In moving the children along.

[Cathy] everybody did the chart.

Let's all clap.

Yay! You guys should be so proud of yourselves. Well done, all of you.

We normally leave at :, okay?

And it's :, which means

We're early by minutes.

Oh, this is unbelievable.

Fantastic. Thank you.

And so there was room

For the children

To sit down at their large dining table and color.

Look at you spending time coloring now

Because you did so well in the morning.

Give yourselves a clap. Yay!

The morning routine now is actually giving me

More time to bond with my girls,

And that is something that I don't ever want to lose.

In the afternoon, I was with the girls,

And everything was okay.

But then katelyn and amanda started to fight over a toy.

And it causes absolute mayhem.

Aah! [Cathy] calm down, amanda.

My bus!

Let's let go of the bus. Let go of the bus.

The bus is mine! Amanda says it's her bus.

She's being very rude and I'm holding the bus.

If you do not let go of the bus,

I will be placing you into the naughty beanbag.

She refuses to listen to me.

Off you go.

Shortly, she was taken to the naughty bean bag.


No, you do not kick. Now you stay there.

So can I get you not to communicate

And just continue from where I was.

I thought it was much needed to give mom, dad and donna

A chance to implement the naughty bean bag

When amanda was kicking off.



Steve, you want to take over?

With amanda?

No communication. Just follow through.

Take her by the hand.

[Screaming] I didn't mind going back and forth

Until she gave me a kick in the privates. Ohh!

When I went down for the count, that was pretty bad.

Where's dad?

She kicked me right where it hurts.

You do not

Kick your father.


You know, um, I have to learn how to turn her around

The other way next time.

Are you all right? Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Stop it!

I'll help you.

All right. Protect yourself.

[Cathy] let's go. [Screams]

Amanda gave in. She sat on the bag.

I want you to say sorry... Sorry.

To nanny jo for grabbing the buses.

Sorry for grabbing the buses.

Now give hugs and kisses.

I heard your "sorry," and I accept it.

It's time for me to go.

Emotionally, it's been one tough, roller-coaster ride.

When the three of you work together,

You can change your home here.

[Steve] thank you very much. For coming to our house

And helping us out around here.

And I want to thank donna

For really sticking through with this and trying, at least.

Bringing us a little bit closer as a family.

Jo came in,

And the biggest thing that I love her for...

She's just--she taught us how to be a family again.

And I will be forever grateful to her.

Bye, jo. Thank you.

Take care.

Big hugs!

Oh, where are you?

Keep talking. Take care, mate. Thank you very much.

Take care. You're welcome.

I'm leaving this family, and if their eyes were shut,

I guarantee you they are wide open now.

[Cathy] good girl. You're a big helper today.

You're doin' a great job.

Jo taught me that I can talk to my kids

And they'll listen.

Mommy's proud of you, right?

They're taking care of one another,

Which is something that I have never seen in my house.

Harvo's home.

I feel like my home life's definitely improved.

It's made me feel good on the inside.

Yay! Come on, manny.

Steve and I are in control of our house.

I think our kids respect us

More than they ever did.

Yay! You like the water.

Now they love to spend time with mommy and daddy.

Two... Three!

Thank you, jo jo.


In the mornings, I'm not running around anymore.

The girls aren't running around anymore.

And we're able to appreciate

The extra fun that we have with one another now.

So it's good. It's all good.

Get your scooter. Hurry, hurry, hurry.

I was probably one of the toughest persons

That jo had to deal with.

Wow, what is this, a baby?

If jo can make a believer out of me, she can do it to anyone.

[Steve] I think donna is starting

To listen and learn that you can discipline

And the kids will still respect you and love you.

Can you throw them far? Whoo!

For the schwartz family,

It is a brand-new day.

No looking back, no regrets, full speed ahead,

And we're the family that we should be.

Hey, there's the thumb sucker.

What's the matter, thumby?

Give you the vulcan pinch.

The vulcan pinch.

And then a noogie sandwich.

This seat's not taken right here.


Oh, my gosh. All right, please put them down. All right.


Into the trash you go. Into the trash.

You want to come down? You want to come down?

Come on.

Weed whack the bushes with your head.

Give me a piggyback ride. Come on.

Here, I'll sit on your shoulders.
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