02x06 - Amaral Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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02x06 - Amaral Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny," jo meets the amarals.

Hi, lorraine, pleased to meet you.

This family is all business,

Working seven days a week at their restaurant.

So you're here all the time? Right.

Leaving mom and dad no time to watch their kids... Knock it off.

And driving their business partner crazy. Hey, come here.

They treat this more like it's their home rather than

It's a place of work.

Can jo get these parents to spend more time at home?

You were working, before, four nights.

What I want to see is that cut in half now.

Or will family time continue to be served up

At the restaurant?


♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good ♪ ♪ johnny ♪

♪ Johnny ♪

Let's take a look and see what family we've got this week.

Hello, we're the amarals.

My name's mike amaral. This is my wife lorraine.

And we have three boys...

Ryan who's

Logan who's


We own a restaurant.

We work there six and a half, seven days a week.

I feel overwhelmed being a mother

And also a restaurant owner.

Mom's walking around like a headless chicken.

The boys' behavior at the restaurant

Just pushes us to the limit.

[Screams] fathead!

Don't call me a fathead.


The restaurant's an amusement park.

A lot of times, we don't know

Where the boys are at the restaurant. Ryan, are you in there?


Are those knives?

Come on, kade.

[Michael] a new employee, after a few days,

Realizes that everybody kind of helps out with the kids.

[Lorraine] our partner kris at the restaurant,

She works with us daily. They treat this more like it's their home

Rather than it's a place of work.

They'll be running around and you can't get them to stop.

There are people in the dining room, so you have to be quiet.

I would love our children to respond better to discipline.

Sit in the time-out and don't move!

Don't hit me! Logan! Stop!

I'm talking to you!

Homework takes three or four hours, we find.

You need to be doing your homework,

And you need to stay away from him.

Supernanny, we need your help.

We're going in five different directions here.

I feel, you know, like there's utter chaos

As a parent and also as a restaurant owner.

This family could sure do with my help.

I'm on my way.

May I speak to lorraine, please? This is lorraine.

Hi, lorraine, pleased to meet you. Jo. Nice to meet you.

My first impression of jo was she was very warm and friendly,

But I felt a little nervous, you know,

Because I didn't know what to expect.

This is my husband michael. Hi, michael. Pleased to meet you. Jo.

When she first hit the door,

She seemed like she was all business. Hair is up, glasses.

This is a first for me.

Exactly. Coming into a restaurant.

If we need your help, you can help out a little.

I will be watching today. Chopping a little, or something?

Today what I'm going to do

Is observe you and take mental notes,

And I'm just gonna watch and see how you guys

Get on with things, really. Okay.

Hi. Jo. I'm kris. Hi, kris.

Nice to meet you. I'm michael and lorraine's partner. Yeah, pleased to meet you. Jo.

Welcome to the restaurant.

I was a little intimidated at first.

She seemed a bit more stern than I was expecting.

Who's this little one? Kade.

Hi, kade, pleased to meet you.

Shake jo jo's hand.

Your other two-- where are they? At school?

[Lorraine] uh-huh. We're gonna pick them up shortly.

He's watching daddy cook for a few minutes. Okay.

I noticed pretty quickly

That kade had nothing to keep him occupied.

So you're here all the time. Right.

We're open seven days a week,

So we spend quite a bit of time here.

So do you manage to get much work done

Whilst you're with kade? It's hard.

And their mum said

She needed to pick up the older boys from school.

I'm gonna leave kade here.

How long are you gonna be doing this? For awhile.

Think I'm just gonna hand him off to kris, okay?

Okay, go ahead. Okay?

He's cutting right now. Okay.

I couldn't believe that kade got handed off to kris.

And then she got left with the baby-sitting duties.

That's not a toy. No, no, no.

Where you going, kade?

Come on, sweetie. Kade, come here.

We try not to pour drinks when we have the kids here,

But we definitely take lunch orders.

That's crazy!i know.

My arm's getting tired. I need a little break.

Kade got passed from one waitress to the next.

Does that happen a lot, then?

Whoever isn't busy just grabs him

And pretty much is, you know, baby-sitting.

They expect their staff to take care of their children.

It's ludicrous.

It's dave, kade! Get over here.

So you baby-sit whilst this lady pours your drink. Isn't that nice?

How crazy is that, that you hand your child over to a customer?

That's just bizarre.

This one's on the house. For the baby-sitter.

After about an hour and a half

Of kade being passed around like a hot potato,

Mom finally returned with the older boys.

Hello, boys. What's your name?


Logan! Hi!

Hi, ryan. Jo jo.


They hadn't even been in the restaurant for ten minutes,

And the boys were running all over the restaurant.

[Lorraine] hey, ryan! Where's kade?

But mom and myself were just running through

To find out where the kids were.

Who knows where they were half the time?

I don't know where they are right now.

Dad's behind the line in the kitchen,

Chopping onions, serving the customers.

[Lorraine] I don't want you guys running through the restaurant. No!

So do you have any time, quality time with the boys?

Just to go and hang out and be dad? We don't have too much of that.

Ryan, you come through the dining room again,

And you're gonna be grounded. Do you understand?

[Jo] the children lack stimulation.

Ryan, let me have that drill, first of all.

That's not something that you should be playing with.

They make up their own fun in the restaurant. They are bored.

Come here. What is my rule about being in the parking lot? Not much of a playground, is it?



Lorraine--clearly, she's running a pace that's too fast.

Just trying to manage too many things at the same time.

What's the toughest thing you find?

Balancing my schedule and, you know,

Making sure that my kids' needs are met.

Have they both met? No, I don't think so.

The first thing I noticed about lorraine

Was this great, big smile she had painted on her face.

But it was fake, and I could see right through that.

What is it at the moment that you struggle with?

What is it that makes you really upset?

Trying to balance everything.

How is that making you feel as a mother?

I don't feel like I'm very successful

As a mother sometimes.

I recognized I was in the company of a woman

Who wasn't happy.

We will get to the bottom of this,

But you need to be able to talk to somebody

To be able to tell 'em how you're feeling.

And I'm glad that we're doing that today.

So am i. [Sniffles]

Because you can't put on a brave face forever.


Coming up on...

When push comes to shove...


Jo sets mom and dad straight.

You're robbing yourself as parents.

I'm never gonna get this back--

You know, kade being or logan being .

I'll never get it back.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

You know, these kids, they can get really aggressive.

But for some reason, dad just chooses to ignore it.


Who would be looking after the boys?

I mean, if you're in the kitchen working? Nobody's watching them.



What are you doing? Knock it off.

When dad ignores their behavior and they're acting up,

It infuriates me.

Hello. I'm talking to you, ryan.

I'm definitely the one that bears the burden

Of disciplining the children.

There is no screaming and hollering

Or kicking and yelling.

Mom tries to discipline the children,

But she just doesn't follow through with it.


I want you to get your backpack now and start your homework.

Back here. You said I could do it at home.

[Jo] later in the afternoon,

Mum sat ryan down to do his homework.

I'm gonna go and start working on the computer, okay?

[Jo] the minute mom left, ryan was up from his seat,

And homework was the last thing on that boy's mind.

Hi, susan. It's lorraine. How are ya?

[Jo] it's clear to me

That ryan could do with some extra focus on his homework.

But michael and lorraine--

They're just too busy to help him.

[Lorraine] come on, let's go.

See you guys later.

Ryan, what are you doing? Logan?

[Jo] mum struggled throughout the whole of the afternoon

Trying to keep those kids in line

And then decided, right, it was time to go home.

So off we all went.

[Kade screams]

And within ten minutes of arriving home,

Mom was like, "bye!"

I'm gonna go to work now,

So marie's gonna watch the children.

How many times a week do you do that? Three to four nights a week.

All right, boys, can I have a kiss good-bye?

Give me a kiss. Be good, okay?

All right, bye. Have a good night. Good-bye.

Boys, be good. Love you.


It's a shame that she has gone back to the restaurant

And hasn't decided to stay at home with the children.

Shut your butt!


It's mine. Ryan.


[Jo] lorraine's schedule needs to change.

She needs to get some priorities straight.

Lorraine and michael need to realize

That their children's needs have to be met.

They need to find a balance.

All right, boys, I'll see you tomorrow.

I'll see myself out. I'll let you feed your boys.

Okay, thank you. Bye-bye.

I've definitely seen more than my fair share,

And I'm just really excited about getting back tomorrow

And helping them deal with this situation.

[Jo] when I first arrive

At a family's home-- or in this case,

The restaurant-- I take mental notes,

I observe, I watch the family dynamics,

And I look out for those issues that need to be addressed.

This morning, I arrived at the restaurant

And was able to catch lorraine and michael

Before the doors of their restaurant opened.


Good morning. Good morning.

How are you both? Very good. How are you?

Very well, thank you.

I would love to sit down with the pair of you and have a talk. Sure.

All right, let's go over here.

I was nervous when we went on to the family meeting.

I feel like we desperately need some changes in our family,

And I am open and willing to hear what jo has to say.

Can I applaud you on your beautiful restaurant

As I see before me,

And see the amount of work that goes into it?

You have lovely boys.

Sprightly young lads.


I've got to say that you guys

Have forgotten that you've got kids.

Let's talk about some of the issues that I've seen.

The children are using the restaurant

As their activity center.

Well, these guys wanna be active,

Wanna be running around, wanna be in everything.

Personally, I cannot believe

That you give the responsibility

To your staff to look after your children

When it's your responsibility.

The person that gets the most of that baby-sitting

Is your partner kris. Right.

She doesn't wanna feel like

She's always gotta take care of the kids.

She wants to be able to do what her job is.

Yeah, you're right. I mean, they areour kids.

There has to be a reality check somewhere along the line.

You guys are so focused

On what you're doing when you're at work.

And having that focus and attention at work

Means that you cannot give what is necessary for the kids.

And that makes it very unfair, 'cause they do have their needs.

There's gotta be balance.

There's got to be children in this picture.

And there aren't children in the picture at the moment

From where I stand.

They need your time. They need your love.

They need those moments. Youneed those moments.

You're robbing yourself as parents.

It's been very difficult to figure out

What's important, what's not,

And put it in perspective,

Which really needs to be more time spent with our kids

'Cause I'm never gonna get this back.

I will never get, you know, kade being

Or logan being , or ryan--

[Crying] I'll never get it back,

So I just struggle with that.


Who set you up to be supermom?


I put all that on myself because, you know,

I wanted to be in both places, but I just can't do it.

You guys are in a perfect position

To be able to say, "I'm going to invest

"In the same amount of time and effort

As I do with my business into my kids."

You could do that, right or wrong?

Yeah. Yeah, we could do that.

One of the biggest things that jo said to us

Was that we're missing out on time with the kids.

And I don't want to miss that time with my boys.

I really don't.

The eye-opener was that my work and family life

Was definitely out of balance.

I'm ready to make some changes.

So are you guys fully committed

To wanting to invest emotionally?

Of course. In your family.

Right, then, let's get off these stools and start work.

Coming up on...

When it comes to jo's routine...

I would love to see dad one additional day.

The kids get a dose of their own medicine.

[Imitating boys shouting]

When "supernanny" returns.

But first, a tip from supernanny.

Parents, when you come to a restaurant with your children,

Don't automatically assume

There will be things to occupy them.

Make sure you bring crayons and their coloring pads,

So they can be occupied

Whilst they're waiting for dinner.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] for me, it was essential

To go back to the amaral family

And place a routine in their restaurant.

In order for them to have any harmony,

There had to be balance between work and family life.

This is your new family routine.


Cool! Is it cool? Okay, so you understand how this splits up?

When we've got green is when you're in the restaurant,

And when we've got red, it's when you guys are at home.

I liked the new schedule.

It definitely gave me a starting point

Of finding balance between work and home.

: To :-- dad, I want you,

Whilst the boys are at the restaurant,

To go out back with the boys and spend an hour with them.

I would love to spend more time with my boys.

And, you know, we are missing out on that family time.

At : to :-- ryan, homework,

And kade and logan, supervised play.

So I want time spent with ryan doing his homework

So that you can help him.

[Ryan] I like the new routine because I know

When mom and dad's gonna be home.

And I know when, like, we're gonna do stuff.

Time off--i would love to see dad one additional day.

Mom, you were working before, four nights a week.


What I want to see is that cut in half now. Okay.

I think we really need to understand

That there needs to be a big compromise here.

[Lorraine] I think my family

Desperately needed a new routine.

I didn't think that was gonna be possible,

Because we do have a crazy schedule.

What do you think of that? [Michael] yeah. That sounds good.

I'm ready to try it.yeah?

I think it might be hard for us in the beginning

To get into this routine.

I really feel like I need to give

As much time as I do to the restaurant.

So it's up here.

One here in the office,

And then another one will be put up behind as well.

Okay. All right. Okay.


Because the children spend so much time in the restaurant,

I think it's important to get all three partners together

To discuss the new rules for the children in the restaurant.

What I want to give you is your own...

Same page.

Okay, we have restaurant rules.

[Kris] I feel very relieved.

I've never sat down and really discussed

With michael and lorraine the kids at the restaurant.

I guess I felt that it was something

That was gonna be maybe insulting or offending to them.

I think probably one of the most difficult things

That we find is when there's customers in the restaurant

And the kids are running through,

So I think that that's something

That we need to definitely put some guidelines.

They can walk through,

But they don't need to run and holler.

No hollering, no running in the dining room.

And maybe there's an area, like all the way on the back porch--

They don't need to be behind the bar at all. Right. Absolutely not.

Now talking about the employees and the staff--

What do you think their responsibilities should be?

They're probably more responsible for them

Than they should be right now.

And they're doing it, but, you know, it's taking away

From what we hired them for. Right.

So staff doesn't have to be responsible for the children.

This is fantastic.

You're talking, you're communicating,

And you're in agreement,

And you're placing it all down on this one page.

[Lorraine] it was amazing to me that we never--

The three of us-- sat down and actually

Discussed any of these issues.

And I think that it will help our relationship with partners.

[Jo] not only do the partners need to be on the same page,

But I felt it was important that their employees were as well.

[Michael] this is the same page.

It eliminates you guys having to baby-sit our kids.

It was a little bit uncomfortable

To admit to my employees that I'd been asking them

To do more than, you know, beyond their call.

I think they definitely had, like, a big sigh of relief.

It'll be a lot easier to work around here

Without having to keep an eye on the little ones--

Mostly, like, kade, because he's so small,

You always have to have an eye on him.

[Jo] now that the rules are up in their place,

It's important for the boys to understand

That mom and dad's restaurant is a place of work

And not an indoor playground.

Okay, logan and ryan.

This is what I want to teach you boys.

I wanted to teach the children how to behave correctly

In the dining area.

And so I showed them exactly how they behaved.

[Imitating boys shouting]

[Jo] they watched me and just laughed.

They thought it was hilarious.

And then I walked back to them in the correct manner.

Now what I want you to do, the pair of you,

Is to show me correctly the right way

To walk through the dining area and come back again, all right?

Show me the correct way to walk through the dining area.

There you go.

Fantastic. I am loving this behavior.

And look, mommy and daddy and kris--oh, kris is crying!

Look, kris is so happy, she's crying.

She's like, "this is fantastic!"

Walk through with me one more time, okay?

[Kris] it was the first time I ever saw ryan and logan

Walking through the dining room--

Not running, not screaming, being quiet.

So it was definitely a moment

That lorraine and I had been waiting for for quite some time.

[Jo] because of the new rules,

The children are not allowed in dangerous areas.

Logan, ryan, come with me.

All right. Get the boys involved.

So we set up red tape on the floor

To show the children where they could and could not go.

[Michael] got it? [Jo] marvelous.

Why we can't go over here? That's right.

You can stay on that side, but you can't come on this side.

Okay. 'Cause this is the kitchen, and it's off-limits.

[Jo] these lines are to be respected.

Back on this side, logan. [Jo] it's quite possible

The children may test those boundaries

And see whether michael and lorraine and kris

Are gonna be consistent. Who knows?

If you guys cross this line, you're gonna go on a time-out.

Over there. Right.

Up by the mirror. Underneath the mirror.

[Jo] the amaral family are gonna be

Spending much more time at home now.

So I thought why not get the children involved

In doing something that dad loves to do?

I would love to see you with the boys...

Mm-hmm. Set up today's lunch

Where you can all sit down as a family... Okay.

And eat. All right.

Now I have a technique called the big chef technique.

It gets the children involved. Mm-hmm.

Well, when jo said that we're gonna start the big chef,

That's for me. She created this for me. I can tell.

[Jo] give the kids direction,

Give us a place to carry on and encourage 'em.

Shake it, shake it. The big chef technique

Is to get the children involved

In the activity that you're doing...

You write it, and I'll help you spell it. [Coughs]

To make sure that you delegate

Small tasks for each child.

Mix it around.

Is it boilin' yet?yeah.

Logan loves to cook. He's into it.

You can tell he is,

And ryan spent some time creating a menu,

And that's a way that he can apply his creativity.

Logan. Got it?

Michael enjoys cooking with logan. I could tell.

You know, he loves to share all his tips,

And he definitely loved that.

Okay, dump that in.

Ooh, cool.

[Michael] keep mixing. Keep mixing.

It's fun when I hang out with my dad.

I feel, like, special about that because...

Before, dad would just cook a thing,

And I'd have to go upstairs and do nothing,

But now I get to help a lot, so it's a lot better.

I think the boys are happy to have me around a little more.

It's definitely a little adjustment for me to make

Being away from the restaurant, but it's definitely good.

This looks beautiful. Look, you guys,

You cooked dinner for daddy and I today. Isn't this nice?

Yeah, it looks good.

Coming up on...

Will dad step up to the plate...

Yeah, kade!

When jo gets the family out of the restaurant?


[Both scream]

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

[Jo] okay, mom.

Yes? This is homework time now,

And because we're at the restaurant,

Doesn't mean homework stops.

Right. It's very important

Whether lorraine or michael be in the restaurant or at home

That they actually spend time with ryan to help him succeed.

So what I want you to do is to

Set ryan up with his homework here...

Okay. So that you can help

And then set the boys up with some activities

So whilst they're getting on with that,

You can then help ryan.

Here, kade, you wanna-- you wanna do this, too? Okay.

Here. You can do this, too.

Okay, good. You play with that. [Ryan] is it ?

All right, ryan, let's just calm down.

Let's focus and concentrate. "Find the number of marbles

"That were added to the marble groups to get that total."

Okay, so words of encouragement.

It would be .

Right. Very good, ryan. Very good.

Did you read that? All right, pay attention.

[Ryan] what is it? Look at your paper, and figure that out.

Don't look at them, please.

Three, four, five. Five?


Can ryan concentrate on what he's doing?

Ryan, can you concentrate?

Exactly. Exactly. No.

So as soon as your environment becomes disruptive

With louder noise... [Crying]

Okay? I want you to have a suitable place

To be able to put ryan so he can continue

To carry on with his homework.

Listen, sometimes, you have to adapt.

The boys were making far too much noise.

So I asked lorraine to move ryan to a quieter place

So he could continue with his homework.

You're doing well, ryan. Now mom's gonna have to bounce

Back and forth to keep an eye on all of those boys.

I think I needed a homework technique, and I can see

That ryan is actually focusing on his homework.

So plus is ?

It's :.

You've got back from school.

What time is it today?

Outside time. Baseball time. Yeah!

Look, jo jo's bought some baseball stuff.

Dad needs to get out of his kitchen

To make his boys a priority because they need his time.

So I decided to send them outside

For some much needed fun.

Come on, let's play ball!

Come on, kade. Okay, dad, remember,

This is your time now to have fun with the boys, all right?

You've got all this backyard. Come on, logan. Ready? Whoa!

If dad can give a little of his time

And have fun with the boys, they're less likely

To cause trouble in the restaurant.

Whoo! Quickly!

[Ryan] dad's always working.

But now, playing baseball with my dad,

It's fun.

Whoo! Go, go, go, go, go, go!

Go! Quick, quick, quick, quick!

He's all the way home! Yay, kade!

[Jo] this is the first time dad's actually taken

A whole chunk of time out of his daily schedule

To spend with the boys.

He probably hasn't had much practice

In managing all three boys,

And I think that's the challenge for michael.

Logan. Come on, come back.

Dad, re-square the kids.

Bring the boys back again.

Logan, hold on. Don't run away.

This has been a learning process.

So far, um, it's been a little tough

Tryin' to keep the boys busy for an hour outside.

You need to go on your time-out, logan.

When I said "no," you jumped over there anyway. So now go.

[Jo] after an hour with the boys,

Logan broke the rules and stepped over that line.

But I was really pleased to see that michael

Stepped in and took charge.

Logan, you're in a time-out now because you crossed the line,

And so now you have to sit here for four minutes.

I feel good to see that michael's disciplining the kids,

And I'm excited about that.

Just ignore him. Just keep an eye on his time

And then when he's done his time, he can go back.

Then I'll come back with you. Logan, you're over here now

Because you crossed over the red line,

And you know you're not supposed to do that.

I want an apology from you.

Okay, stand up.

[Jo] mom and dad get so wrapped up

In their business, they forget about the true things that

Make them happy from within, and today they found that.

We're gonna play a game with these water balloons.

All right?

Let's get in a circle. Let's form a circle.

There was a fantastic opportunity

For mom and dad to enjoy

Being in their boys' company.

[Lorraine] go on!

Before you knew it, everyone was soaking

Including myself.


[All laughing]

I think the boys

Are a little bit surprised to see us out there on the lawn

Throwing water balloons around and, you know,

That was a blast.

That was definitely fun to do it all together.


[All laughing] [screams]

Aah! Aah!

I was feeling pretty good

Out there playing water balloons with the kids.

I definitely feel like the kids really enjoyed it, and for me...

All right, now it's your turn to get me.

It was great to have that quality time with them.


Bye-bye. Give me a hug. [Michael] say good-bye.

I'm going home now. Bye. See you soon.

Bye. Bye, jo.bye.

Bye-bye. Bye.

Bye, darling.

[Michael] I'm a little curious to see

How things are gonna go when jo is gone.

You know, we don't have the coach there to come in

And tell us exactly what we need to do in this situation.

So we're gonna have to figure that out ourselves.

[Jo] I'm very excited

In being able to watch them.

I just hope they do really, really well.

Coming up on...


When dad strikes out...

Yes, you did! We have to go inside.

Jo calls the plays. I've only been gone a few days.

You're back to square one.

When "supernanny" returns, but first...

♪ Be good, be good ♪ a tip from supernanny.

Parents, when in your own family kitchen,

Beware of the dangers. Knives--

Put them away.

And handles on pots--

Turn them in.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good ♪

They've done a good job up until now,

So let's just see how the amarals get on without me.

[Jo] that's great to see.

Mom's sitting down with ryan doing his homework.

I want you-- when you're doing it,

I want you to read the words out loud, okay?

You're doing a good job, ryan.

Ohh! Pah!

[Jo] now this isn't good. Logan's beginning to act up.

I think you need to take a nap, logan. You're tired.

Why do you have to be so loud?

[Jo] mom, you've gotta keep him occupied.

Give him something to do.

Will you shut the heck up?

Do you wanna go sit in a time-out?

Then I'm telling you to stop.

[Jo] how can ryan focus, mom? You should have moved him away.

Can you call m.j. Right now? I'll give you her number.


Where's mom? Why is kade running around?

Where is supervised play, lorraine?


Come on, kade. Let's go play ball.

[Jo] way to go, dad.

It's good to see you're out there with the boys.

Tag him out, logan.

Logan, I said everybody takes a turn.

Logan, boys, don't fight. Do not fight.

[Jo] break it up, dad. Don't let it get out of control.

You're not sharing.

I didn't say that. We have to go inside.

[Jo] giving up, dad?

What are you doing going back into that restaurant?

You're meant to be spending time with the boys.

Michael? What?

Can I talk to you for a minute, please?

You know, you took 'em for, like, minutes outside,

And I need some time, okay?

[Whispers] okay.

All right.

The time now with my boys is really valuable time to me,

But it's been a challenge because the bottom line

Is I'm still at work.

[Kade] daddy!

Stop doing it.

[Jo] dad, if you had played for an hour earlier with the boys,

They would have used up all of their energy,

And they wouldn't be acting up in the car now.

Let go of his arm.

[Speaking indistinctly]


Stop hitting me. Stop.

Logan, stop. Logan, stop hitting him.

[Jo] they're not gonna respond to shouting.

They're bored.


Don't do that. Keep your hands to yourself.

[Jo] you guys could use some strong reminders.

I'm heading back.

Hiya. Hi.

Good to see you.

Good to see you as well.

You well? Yes, very well.

I always look forward to coming back

And showing the parents the dvd footage

Because it allows me to give them the opportunity

To see where they've gone wrong so we can mend those mistakes.

So whilst I've been away for a couple of days,

I've been having a look at some footage,

And here it goes.

When you're doing it,

I want you to read the words out loud, okay?

You're doing a good job, ryan.

[Logan] ohh!

Will you shut the heck up?

He managed to do his homework.

However, having logan on the same table

Presents itself as a problem for you.

Ryan says, "be quiet, logan."

But logan wants to be involved.

Finding things for logan to do will be key for you.

So let's go.

[Lorraine] right.

Kade, kade, look at me.

Kade's cruising around.

Where was the routine?

It was meant to be that you're in the office

And he's out with activities.


But the routine's not being used.

I mean, it really is crucial for you guys

To be able to balance between the restaurant and home.

So if you guys don't put that routine in place,

The children won't get their time that is needed

From you guys.

[Michael] come on, kade. Let's go play ball.

Oh, don't fight. Do not fight. We have to go inside.

It's about the boys getting your hour

And them able to have that time with you

Because they so desperately need it.

[Michael] stop doing it.

Logan, stop hitting me.

Logan, stop hitting him.

On this day, the boys didn't get their hour.

They didn't get all of your time,

And now they're getting it by misbehaving.

You need to be giving them their hour

And then stimulating them in the car

In a positive way.

When I saw myself on dvd, I learned that

The mistakes were things that I did,

And the boys react differently

If the techniques are not followed exactly.

I'm here for the whole of today

To be able to reinforce these techniques

So that we can make amendments to footage that we have seen

Where it's gone wrong.

I've accomplished a lot with the restaurant,

And it's definitely evolved,

But at the same time, you know,

I want my children to be happy,

And I wanna be a good mother,

And that's really more important to me.

So are you ready?

[Both] yeah.

All right, let's get to work, then.

Coming up on...

The kids are in for a ride...

So who's the black team?

When dad launches into action...


When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good ♪

Okay, mom, let's go spend some time with kade, all right?

It was crucial for me to go through

To supervise play again,

Because mom went back to square one

And ignored the routine.

All right, this is nice and lighthearted. Lots of fun.

We're gonna play a little game. You wanna play a game with mom?

Where is number here in the shapes?

Look, kade, where's ?

Good, kade!

Good. Lots of praise. Well done!

See that? Keep it going.

While you're back here, I just got a call.

Can you fax that menu over to sandra? Oh, sure. Yeah. No problem.

Great. Thank you. Mommy's gonna go use the fax. I'll be right back.

You press the numbers in, okay?

Okay, keep talking while you're doing it.

Kade, you keep putting your numbers in.

All right, show mommy. Look at the numbers. You putting the numbers in?

Good boy! You're doing a good job.

Mom learned to juggle work in the office

But at the same time give kade

The attention that he needed from her.

All right. It's all done. We did a fax.

It was important for us to reinforce this situation today.

I like that.

'Cause I don't want to see you back at square one.

Neither do i. No, but you did good. Good.

I noticed that logan doesn't like to take turns

So I introduced the play by the rules technique

So that playtime doesn't turn into a fight.

The object here is to have fun with the boys,

'Cause it's your hour with them, but at the same time,

We're gonna go through share as well

So that they learn how to do that,

Because that was a problem when you were last out here. All right, here's the game.

Logan and ryan, look, whoever gets the highest score

Wins the game, okay? But we gotta take turns

'Cause we're only gonna use one at a time,

So you're gonna get your turn, logan,

And then ryan will have his turn.

Keep your toes right in front here on the line.

[Jo] oh! Good shot there. That's a good one, logan. All right.

[Jo] whoa! Logan, get ready.



All right, now ryan's gonna sh**t one.

It's gonna be ryan's turn now.

No, logan, hold on. You're only gonna do one now.

You took one, now ryan's gonna have one, too.

Tell him to give it to you. Take him-- stop it right away?

Yes, straightaway, nip that straight in the bud, all right?

Dad needs to remember that when the kids are not sharing,

He needs to put a stop to that behavior.

Logan, get ready. It's your turn again, logan.

I'd like to work on having more fun with the boys,

Teaching them how to share.

That's gonna make it easier for us to spend time.

Dad, keep reinforcing. Whose turn is it?

Hey! All right!

There you go, logan. All right. Now it's ryan's turn.

It's about logan recognizing that he needs to share.

Logan, it's ryan's turn. Come on. Let's go.

It's a tie.

[Jo] look at you!

All right, we got a tie.

Michael did very well with the technique.

He was able to see when the problem was arising

And nip it in the bud.

And as a result, they had a happier time

And all enjoyed themselves.

I could tell that dad needed some suggestions

On how to engage the boys in the car.

So now we're driving home together, all right?

Look, all the boys, look.

Playing football.

[Ryan] playing soccer.

It's called football in england.

Who's the black team?

Jo kind of pointed out that the trick in the car

Is to keep the boys engaged in some kind of conversation.

You've gotta talk to 'em or keep them interested,

And it's a good opportunity to do that.

Have you guys noticed that every time it rains,

Like at night, all the frogs come out on the road?

It used to be a swamp, but now they put the new road in...

[Ryan] this used to be a swamp?

Well, it used to be, like, there was no road.

I couldn't believe that we're in the car driving

And the boys are not whacking each other in the head.

You know, they actually-- we could carry on a conversation

And it was interesting. It was fun.

So this is good, dad.

With dad's engaging the boys in the car,

It means that they'll be excited to have

Stimulating conversation with him.

They won't start fighting with one another or acting up,

Which means the car journey

Is gonna be stress-free for everyone.

Sounds good. Well, I'm glad that we weren't hitting

And fighting like we were the other day,

So this has been good.

Jo jo's going now.

Come and say bye-bye. Bye!

Give me a hug. Bye-bye, darling.

It's gonna be a tough job. It's challenging for any parent.

So I just hope that as a team, they work together

So they can maintain that balance.

Mom, dad, please keep up with it, all right?

Keep that scale even.

Thank you.

You're more than welcome. You did great.

Take care michael, all right?

[Lorraine] I'll miss jo. We enjoyed having her here.

[Jo] this family needed a good routine

That allowed them to have quality time as a family.

And because of that,

These guys are gonna have a better quality of life.

Come on. Maybe we'll find a little gator.

I've seen huge changes in our family. The boys are calmer.

It's good for me because I get to spend time with them.

Look at the fish.

Kade, look at the little fish right here. You see 'em?

This has been a growing process for me,

And I think I've changed quite a bit.

I do feel like a better mother now.

I think lorraine has gained confidence,

And michael and lorraine spend more quality time with the kids.

Daddy, I need you to draw me a car.

I would love to tell working mothers

To keep a balance and, you know,

Take a look at yourself once in a while before you spend

Four years doing the wrong thing.

[Michael] it makes you realize, you know, what's important.

Family comes first.

Jo has just helped our family immensely.

I think for both of us and for the boys,

It's been a very rewarding experience.


Jo jo's been good for our family

Because we get to do more stuff with mom and dad.

This process has definitely brought us closer together.

I didn't realize how much I was missing out.

Here comes a wave. [Laughing]

Michael and I both have learned through this whole process

That our time with our kids-- it's precious.

Where has he gone? Okay.

[Gasps] he's on the toilet. Sorry.


What is it?







[Man] ama-rahls. Rahls.


Amarals. Amarals.

Yeah, but it's got that kind of twang. Ama-rawl.

Ama-rulls. The ama-rulls?
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