01x08 - Ririe Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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01x08 - Ririe Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny,"

Jo meets the riries...


...whose four kids are wearing mom down.

Give it to me! Stop!

Especially their -year-old wild child.

Oh, my goodness.

At home and out in public.

Do not.

Mom and dad are at odds...

I am the one doing everything.

...and desperate for help.

Did you see that car?

Jo has two weeks to tame the quartet of kids...

When you want to go across and play with your friends,

You have to ask mommy and daddy first.

...and bring this family back together.

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Johnny

Let's take a look and see who we've got here.

Hi, we're the ririe. I'm jen.

This is scott.

Scott and I met on my first and only blind date.

That's when I fell in love with her.

I knew at that point we'd be together forever.

And we have four children.

Our daughter, selia, is .

Hallden is .


We've also got a -year-old -- blake...

And brody, our -year-old.

I'm in investment sales,

And I leave early in the morning -- about : --

And I'm home about :.

Jennifer: how's it going?

While scott's working, I stay home and look after the kids.

This happens pretty much every day.

Blake's the biggest problem we have right now.

Blake! Oh, my goodness.



Blake tends to run off all the time.

It scares the life out of me.

That little boy's just run into the street!

I'm truly afraid for his safety.

But I don't think it's a problem.

He's just being a kid.


It's a huge trial to take blake out in public,

Especially with four children.

Blake, stay here.

Mealtimes at our house are a disaster.

You think that's funny? Come finish eating.

All of them are up running around.

Jen and I disagree on our parenting styles.

We're not having snack.

What's the big deal if he has a snack or not?

Then he doesn't eat dinner. That's the problem.

Behavior in the house makes me feel horribly frustrated.

I obviously feel that I'm failing as a mothe.

[ Screaming ]

Supernanny, I've hit a brick wal.

I don't know what to d. I'm at a loss.

Please, please, we need your hel.

Guys, you really do need my help.

I'm on my way.

Well, hello!

How are you? Good to meet you.

I'm jen. Nice to meet you.

Pleased to meet you.

Hi, scott.

Jennifer: jo seems just amazing.

I was very surprised when she came in so warm and kind.

This is selia.

Hi, selia, pleased to meet you.

This is hallden.

Hi, hallden, pleased to meet you. I'm jojo.

And this is brody.

Hi, brody. Are you gonna shake jojo's hand?

Scott: when I first met jo, I was a bit apprehensive,

But hopefully she'll be able

To help the things we need help with.

Ah, he's hiding.

That's blake.

Hi, blake. Are you gonna shake my hand and say hello?

It's jojo.

Okay, come on in.

All right!

So whilst we're here,

I know that you've got issues that need to be addressed,

And I'm going to help you resolve those,

But for now, what I want you to do

Is just carry on as normal.

I'm going to be a fly on the wall

And just observe and take mental notes, okay?

Wonderful. Thank you.

This morning, mom was getting those kids ready for school,

And she was helping them get dressed.

Okay, where did blake go? Did you see him?

Come here. Let's go find blake.



Do you know where blake is?

My first thought was, "oh, my god,

"He's gone outside the door? He's gone across the road?

A car might hit him."

Blake. He's where?

Jo: that boy just runs across.

He doesn't look left or right. It is so dangerous.

Blake, where are you going, darling?

Look, mommy's here now. You're gonna go with mommy.

Honey, mommy only has two eyes.

I can only keep track of a few of you at a time.

Okay? You know I was very busy.

Is this something that happens --

All the time. All the time, yeah.

His friend lives here, and they play all the time,

And they're great, great friends.

Yeah, see?

Scott, do you know he was over there clear across the street?

Yeah, he was returning a toy, I think.

Okay, but don't you think it's a problem

That he's just running outside on his own?

And running across the street without letting me know?

I'll talk to him about it if you want.

I don't think it does any good.

Jo: jen tells scott that their son runs across the road,

But he just laughs at her.

I worry about their safety a lot.

Scott's much more lax about that,

So we tend to argue or disagree about that.

How does that grate on you?

It's hard because he feels very strongly that he's right,

And I feel very strongly that I'm right,

And unfortunately, with our types of personalities,

There's not a lot of compromise sometimes.

Scott has his job that he works at,

And I have my job.

And my job is really being a mom,

And I feel like I'm not doing a very good job.

How do you think you'll ever make him listen to you?

I truly don't know.

It's like hitting my head against a brick wall

All the time.

Jo: mom and dad are having a struggle communicating

Between the pair of them,

And right now, jen is not feeling like she's being heard.

What are your plans today?

We're gonna try to go to the mall.

All of us.

We'll keep our fingers crossed that that works out okay.

So that's troublesome, then?

I have no control whatsoever. It just scares me to death.


Okay, come on.


Guys, out of the road. Out of the street, please.

Stop! Blake!

Did you see that car?

Come on. On the sidewalk, please.


Jo: as soon as we arrived at the mall,

Blake was just running off in every direction.

He went into every shop. He didn't want to listen.

Jennifer: blake, this way.

[ Ringing ]

Blake. Blake!

Blake, seriously.

Blake, come here.

Do not run. Do not run.

There he goes.

Jo: at one stage, I thought I'd have to take off my heels myself

And run for him.

I almost had to run off because blake was going by the elevator,

And I was scared he was gonna get in and go down

And leave mom up here.

Step back. You've got to let the people get out first.

[ Ringing ] no, no, no, no.

You cannot run into a store without me.

Do you understand?


No, step away. Do...not.

Jo: blake went from refusing to stay still to refusing to move.

Get up.

Get up.

Come on, let's go.

The longer we stayed at the mall, the worse things got.

Stay here. Stay here.

Stay here.

We've got a mother that's just left two children,

Including a baby -- that's three children here

While she's had to run off and get blake from the toy shop.

Look what's had to happen. I've had to leave all the kids.

This is not working.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

It's musical chairs at lunchtime.

Jennifer: I'd like to have us all sit down at the same time.


And when jo sits the parents down,

Scott comes under attack.

Scott, you need to respect what jennifer is feeling.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: the kids snack all the time.

I don't even know how many times

I saw those children go into the pantry.

This is the biggest candy pantry I've ever seen.

I've just been in the pantry,

And it's like candyland in there.

There are so many treats and sweets

And cookies and candies.

I mean, my god, it's packed.

No wonder why jennifer's having problems

With the children eating.

They're filling themselves up on that old rubbish every day.

Nope. No more. Done.

Done. No.

No more snacks.

So, scott, with jennifer,

You both agree with the children when it comes to snack times.

No, we do not agree. I don't think we agree.

We completely disagree.

Scott feels it's fine for them to come and get a snack,

And it's fine for me, too, as long as there's a limit set.

Our problem is agreeing on that limit.

So I can pretty much say

That you are definitely on separate pages

When it comes to snack time.

You could say that. It's a fair statement.

You can say that.

Snack time needs to be sorted out a.s.a.p.

[ Rustling ]

As soon as they sat down at lunchtime,

The children were up out of their seats.

One was getting a drink.

The other one didn't want their food.

Stay here. Yes.

Selia: hallden.

Hallden! Come here!

Jennifer: I'd like to have us all sit down at the same time.

Jo: this is typical of mealtimes.

Oh, absolutely, and I'd really like us

To be able to all sit down together.

Jennifer: have some cheese.

Chew it and swallow it, please.

Jo: blake decided that he didn't want to eat his food,

So he started to get up from the table

And spit everything into the trash can.

Jo: is this common for blake?

Jennifer: yeah, he'll stuff his cheeks

Pretty much full and go spit it out.

If he doesn't eat, it's not a big deal

Because he'll drink his chocolate milk.

So he's nourished. He's healthy.

I don't have a problem with it.

Blake doesn't eat his food,

And he survives on chocolate milk.

I mean, what kind of kid can survive on chocolate milk?

Dad doesn't think it's a problem.

That's ridiculous.

So that conflicts with jenny's point of view.

Um, yeah.

I think she wants him to stay and sit down and eat lunch,

But he's active.

He's always up and down. It's just the way he is.

So how do you guys resolve

Your conflicting opinions as a couple?

[ Chuckles ] we really don't, do we?


When I first meet a family,

I watch how the family dynamics work.

The ririe family had issues that needed addressing.

Right, jen and scott.

I've observed your family,

So let's go into the next room and discuss what I've seen.

Jennifer: having jo come in and critiquing us,

I am stressed out, I'm anxious, I'm scared,

But I'm definitely looking forward

To getting as much help as we can.


You are -- as an english woman, I can sit here and say --

"The american dream."

Thank you.

Your children are absolutely adorable,

And I think as parents,

You should be very proud of that and what you've achieved.

Thank you.

However, I can see this going down to a road of a nightmare

If you guys are not careful.

I would like to talk about blake running across this road

Where he could be hit by a car.

I mean, that's dangerous.

Here one minute, gone the next.

He's years old.

He has free rein at all times.

Scott, you're laughing.

Why are you laughing?

That's the way I was when I was younger.

We can all thank our lucky stars you're still living.

Yeah, cars do come and go down the street,

But generally he's --

Well, see the problem is, scott,

It's just not at home that he does it.

Let's talk about blake out in public, running off.

Why has it become a situation

Where you think it's very important,

But, scott, you're relaxed about it?

And that, to me, is shocking.

It's shocking that you both, as parents,

Are not doing enough to make sure

That your child is protected from harm's way.

And that's not something to be laughed at.

It's really not.

You need to come together on the same page.

Let's talk about snacks.

The children can freely go and help themselves

In the pantry to snacks,

And mealtimes are now becoming a situation

Where you have no control.

They're telling you what they're going to eat

And when they're going to eat it.

That's got to stop.


You both need to be in control of that

So your children are not running riot on the pair of you.

The pair of you are equal as far as child rearing,

And jennifer needs to feel

That her husband is on the same side as her.

You undermine what jennifer's feeling.

Correct me if I'm wrong, jennifer.

No, it's true. It's true.

Scott, you need to respect what jennifer is feeling.

You're devaluating every opinion she has

As a parent.

And you need to support her as she supports you.

All right.

And, jennifer, as much as I sit here and tell scott --

I'm just as much to blame.

You need to pull your weight, as well.

You need to stand as a solid, united front

For your children.

Scott, are you up and willing to put the hard work in

And do this and change it?

Sure. Jennifer?

I'm ready. Good.

Let's get started as soon as possible.


Scott: the meeting with jo was pretty rough.

I felt picked on.

Jennifer: I really think she pretty much

Hit the nail on the head

With all of the issues that she brought up.

I mean, it's kind of a slap in the face,

But it's one that scott and I both needed.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Blake runs off again...

Stop, blake.

...and jo puts him on lockdow.

This is the sign "stop."

When you see this sign, stop.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

I'm excited to go into the ririe family

And make changes for them in a positive way,

Because there's a lot at stake here.

A lot at stake.

Family routine.


Jo brought in a routine that really categorized, basically,

Just our time throughout the day.

Putting the snacks at these times

Are gonna keep the children going.

It's not gonna take them away from them,

But at the same time, it's gonna keep them going on fuel

Because they do engage in activities.

They do need a snack to keep going.

What it won't do now is mess up your mealtimes,

So that your children are not gonna want to eat their dinner.

Jennifer: I think the structured snack times

Will have an incredible effect on our family.

I think mealtimes are just gonna get better and better.

Jo: blake likes to push over the boundaries,

And when it comes to mom and dad disciplining him,

They never follow through,

So that needs to change completely.

Jo: blake.

You have to respect your mommy and daddy

And listen to what they're saying.

Any smart-mouthing, which is talking back and being rude --

That's not acceptable behavior.

Blake, can you turn around, please, and listen to jojo?

When your mommy and daddy say to you, "no, stop that,"

If you don't listen to mommy and daddy,

They're gonna make you sit on this, all right?

And this is called "the naughty circle,"

And you'll stay there for three minutes

Because you're years old.

Jennifer: I think the naughty circle will work for blake

Because he hates being confined to any type of an area.

I'm now going to show you guys the naughty room.

Jo: since the naughty circle is too young for selia and hallden,

I introduced the naughty room,

And that's where they will go if they behave unacceptably.

This is the naughty room. Don't wanna be in here, right?

No, no, no.

Blake, you stay right there.

Jo: later that afternoon,

Blake went to run across the road and mom said, "stop."

He actually looked 'round at her and carried on across that road.

[ Crying ]

Listen to me. Listen to me.

I told you to stop.

You do not stay in the road. You do not run in the road.

And you do not tell me "no."

Come on.


Jo: mom gave blake a warning, but he didn't listen to her,

So she put him straight onto the naughty circle.

You cannot run in the road.


Because it's dangerous,

And a car could come and hurt you.

Roads are for cars. They're not for people.

Jo: because you didn't listen to mommy,

You now have to sit on the naughty circle

For three minutes.

And when you go back, jennifer,

I want you to explain to blake why you put him there.

Say, "I want an apology, please,

Because you did not listen to me."


Okay, blake.

You had to come on the naughty circle

Because you didn't listen to mommy, right?


Blake, look at me. I want an apology.

I want you to tell me you're sorry for not listening to me.

Jo: okay. He said he's sorry.

Up you get from the circle. Hugs and kisses.

Come on.

Thank you. And kisses.

Hold no grudges. Let's move on to the next thing.

The next step is vital

That locks go on the doors to prevent him from running out.

Blake, look what we got here. This is a lock.

This is a lock that's gonna go on this door, okay?

When you want to go across and play with your friends,

You have to ask mommy and daddy first

Because it's dangerous outside.

When you see this sign, stop, okay?

Big sign.

And every time you come to this door,

You'll see that sign -- stop.

You go and find mommy and daddy and say,

"Mommy and daddy, I wanna play. I wanna play with my friends."

[ Chuckling ]

Jennifer: definitely the stop will at least

Give blake the connection he needs

That, "oh, I see this sign.

That means I have to go ask mom and dad."

And then, obviously, the locks being there

Will prevent him from leaving the house.

I think it should have been done a long time ago.

I think this will be very effective.

Jo: it's so crucial

That jennifer maintains control over blake

When she's out in public,

Because there's safety that needs to be considered here.

So we went to the park today,

And I taught jennifer the roaming technique.

Now that we're here,

I want you to come down to the children's level

And explain, "we're at the park now.

"We're gonna have fun,

But what I want you to do is stay by mommy's side."


This is the sign "stop,"

And when mommy says --

And with a low-toned authoritative voice -- "stop,"

And puts her hand up --

And get the boys to do the same --

I want you to stop where you are

So your children know

That they have to stay quite near to you,

But you're also giving them freedom.

They don't have to be tied completely to you.

If you carry on running,

Then mommy will ask you to come back,

And you'll have to hold on to the buggy.

Here's the deal, okay?

While we're walking, you can walk right next to me.

But if mommy says "stop" and puts her hand up -- do this.

You guys do it, too. Stop.

Say "stop."

Stop. Stop.

Good. Stop!

I really am hopeful that this technique will work

Because it's vital that we go out in public.

Yep, you just hold on.

Jo: you can't run yet.


Blake, stop.

Blake. Stop!

Stop, blake.

Come over here.

Tell him to come over to you.

Blake, come on.

Come here, blake. Real quick.


He saw the bench, and he wanted to go on it,

But that's gonna happen when he sees a cuddly toy

Or a toy in the shop, and he's gonna want to go in it.

You did say stop, and he didn't listen.

Come here. Listen. Listen to mommy.

In a low-toned voice with this.

Two times mommy said stop,

And you kept going for the bench.

I need you to hold on now for a little bit.

Because you should have listened.

You should have listened to me the first time, okay?

Thank you. Hold on. Get him to hold on.

As soon as his hand goes off, you say, "hold on."

Okay, say, "you can walk beside now."

You can walk on your own now, sweetie.

But when I say "stop," stop.

Stop, blake.

Put your hand out. See if he recognizes the hand.

Good job!

I'm so impressed that he's listening to me.

I don't know how to react.

Good job, blake, you can keep running.

Very good.

This technique is great.

I'm very impressed just because this is the most relaxed

I've been at the park ever as a mom, definitely.

Blake, you listened so well. Thank you.

Coming up on "supernanny," the treats are in the trash.

Jennifer: we're not having those. We're cleaning with jojo.

And jen and scott finally start talking.

I need scott to talk to me about parenting issues

That he doesn't agree with me on.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: jennifer and scott allow their children

To have snacks /.

It's really important that snacking becomes regulated.

These jars are your snack jars.

And this is where your snacks are going to go.

Having snacks is a good idea because I like to eat.

This is the key thing.

If you don't ask mommy and daddy first

If you can have your snack,

Then there'll be no snacks for the rest of the day.

I'm about to go through --

Whoo! -- Some serious snacks.

I am going to clear the snacks that I think are absolute trash,

And, in this clear box,

We're going to put all the remaining snacks

That are left over that are good, okay?

So you can keep filling up the jar.

We're not having those right now.

We're cleaning with jojo.

I want those!


All gone.

You're only allowed to have three snacks a day.

Choose three snacks to go in your snack jar.


I love it.

We'll switch cookies for an apple.

Apple or do you want the cheese?

Things to decide.

Good job!

Thanks, guys.

It's very important that the snack technique works.

I definitely hope to see a benefit with mealtime.

Jo: mom and dad are not on the same page

When it comes to parenting.

Mom wants things a certain way, and dad wants things his way.



What I would like you both to do

Is to write down what you need from one another.

Jo: this is gonna help them validate their feelings

And then appreciate and see what each other is thinking

And how they want to resolve it.


Now I'd like you to explain to scott

Exactly what you need from him.

I need scott to talk to me away from the kids

About parenting issues that he doesn't agree with me on.

I need scott to support me in my discipline of blake,

Especially concerning his safety.

Yeah, I agree.

We really don't discuss parenting that often

Unless we sit down and discuss these things,

So it's things we need to work out.

I agree.

Scott: I thought the same page was a good idea

Because the kids won't be confused

About how they're getting parented.

I like what's happening here.

Yeah, I do, too.

What I'm seeing is you two, for the first time,

Coming onto the same page, and that's what this is about.

I think it's a great idea,

And it's something that forces us to really sit down together

And actually discuss what's bothering us or what's going on.

You must be starving now, scott.

Homemade pizza I made.

Jo: now that the kids aren't snacking all day long,

When it comes to mealtimes,

They sit down with no fuss at all.

Blake, you really need a piece of pizza.

The next step was to encourage blake

To eat the food that was prepared for him.

In this case, it was pizza.

I want you to have three bites.

Do you think he could survive on three bites

Until tomorrow morning?

Well, no. Be real with it.

And then just give all the kids praise and encouragement,

Because they also need to know when they're doing well

Because it encourages them to carry on that behavior.

Sit back up there. We're not done yet.

You have to eat the pizza before you can leave the table.

Blake: mom?

Jo: this is a first.

A kid who won't eat pizza but wants carrots instead.

Little things that will help you.

If you see he's going for one item of food first,

Watch and just say, "two more carrots

"And then you have to have two bites of pizza

Before you can have some more carrots."

If you eat pizza,

You can either have carrots or chocolate milk,

Whichever you prefer.

Here. Open. Eat.

Take a bite. Did you take a bite?

Good boy. Give him praise, scott.

Good job.

[ Applause ]

Scott: mealtime went well.

Blake actually ate things that he normally wouldn't eat.

Take a big bite.

Jennifer: big, big, big bite.

All right!

Mealtime was fantastic. Blake would eat.

All the kids were really polite,

So it was one of the best dinners

We've had in a long time.

Well, this is where I say goodbye.

I'm leaving the family for a couple of days

So that they can carry on

With the techniques that they've learned.

And number one -- discipline. Give a warning first.

Out in public, jennifer,

I want you to really, really practice that roaming technique.

And then last but not least is keep talking.

Address the situations together. Work as a team.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

You take care.

I'll see you in a couple of days.

Scott, take care. Thanks. You too.

See you in a couple of days.

Thank you. You're welcome.

We'll be counting the hours.

[ Laughter ]


No, really.

I'm scared to be without jo.

She just offers so much insight,

And I feel just much more confident when she's around.

I hope I can do it.

I hope I am strong enough to handle it.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Jen takes on the kids alone.

You're going in the naughty room.

I didn't do anything!


But jo has a bone to pick with both parents.

Both pull together and pull your weight.



When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: it's important that jennifer and scott

Learn how to grasp the techniques whilst I'm away.

They do need to learn, as parents,

How to do this on their own.

So let's see how they get on.

Honey, that's not yours.

Jennifer: I'm nervous to not have jo here.

She does tend to give me a little confidence boost

When she's around.

This isn't to go around your neck. That's not safe.


You tell me "no" one more time,

And you're gonna go on the naughty circle.

Do you understand me? No!

Come on. Let's go.

[ Crying ] no!

Discipline for blake.

You're going on the naughty circle.



You're going in the naughty room.

No, I didn't do anything!

Exactly. You didn't obey mommy, and you lied to mommy.

Mom's doing discipline for hallden.

[ Crying ]

Reading the paper.

How come dad isn't doing any of the discipline here?

Hey, scott, can I talk to you for a minute

About the "same page" stuff?

I'm glad mom's using the "same page" technique.

Is there something you wanted to talk about?

I had hallden in the naughty room twice,

And then I had blake on the naughty circle,

And you were just kind of wandering through the house.

Dad, hello!

I mean, what was going on?

It seemed like whenevr something went wrong

That you were there to discipline him.

You know, sometimes I think you just try to ignore

What's going on because you don't wanna deal with it

Is really what I think.

Well, I wasn't ignoring, I wasn't even aware.


Come on, guys. Bring it together.

I feel totally all this pressure on me,

You know, when I'm the one doing everything.

They've been trying to push their limits with you

Because they know you'll sa, "oh, let me get your dad."

[ Footsteps running ]

If you don't stick together,

How are you gonna run your household effectively?

Wait for mom.

Good job.


Hi, honey.

Blake, where are you going?

Hello! Lock the door.

You forgot.

Now he's running out of the house.

Wake up. This is dangerous.

Blake, what did I just talk about?

What did I just say about not leaving?

Blake, look at me.

Didn't I just say, "don't leave"?

Look at me.

Why are you grabbing him by the face?

You do not walk out the front door without me.

You're intimidating him. Get down to his level.

You hold on to the stroller while we're in the parking lot.

Just like that. Perfect.

Oh, this is good. Mom's taking the kids out to the mall again

Like I asked her to.

Let's see how she gets on with the roaming technique.

You guys, you can stand right next to the stroller.

Would you please stop that?

It is a huge deal going to the mall by myself without jo.

It's horrifying to me.

Blake's running off.

Jennifer: stop. Blake, stop.

Mom, he's not listening to you.

Get him back.

And make him hold on to the stroller.

Jennifer: blake's behavior in the mall

Frustrates me to no end, and I'm just constantly anxious,

Constantly stressed out and scared.

Jo: you're never going to be able to go out in public.

I've got to get back to your house now.

[ Knock on door ]

Hi! You're back! How are you?

When I come back, I show them footage of themselves

Whilst I've not been there.

I've been having a look,

So let's go through and talk about what's on this.

Okay. Great.

It's an important part of the journey

That I go through with the families

So they can see where they've made mistakes.


You're going on the naughty circle.

Blake: no!


[ Crying ]

[ Laughs ]

Talk to me.

That is soyou.

[ Laughing ] that's not our boy.

What's happening with the same page?

I was really frustrated.

Scott was just kind of wandering through the house,

Totally oblivious to what was going on with the children

And the discipline.

Let's not get lazy here, scott.

Make sure you do that, as well,

Then you won't have a wife who thinks that she's taken on

All the responsibility in the house.

Both pull together and pull your weight.


Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

That's not how it was.

Yeah, it is. Exactly how it was.

Jennifer: how was work?

Blake, what did I just talk about?

Didn't I just say, "don't leave"?

Look at me.

You do not walk out the front door without me.

What happened? You tell me.

Just totally spaced it.

Just shut the door and walked away.

Didn't follow through.

You are lucky, the pair of you,

That your little boy didn't run out.

Door needs to be locked.

And on top of that,

The poor little fella gets his cheeks squashed

Like a hamster.

Come down to their level

Because then they're looking up like this,

And then you're saying, "you're not looking at me,"

And then you grab.

You guys, you can stand right next to the stroller.

Blake, stop.

If I say, "stop," and you go beyond that,

You'll have to pull the reins back in again,

And you're gonna have to hold on

To the handles of the stroller.

The roaming technique --

You can go off or you can stay by the side,

But when I say "stop," then you must stop.

Short and simple.

If you do anything less,

You're gonna lose control of the situation.

Today, what I'm gonna do is

I'm gonna stick around and watch you guys,

And I'm gonna help you both reinforce

All those techniques that need tweaking.

I was really surprised at how many times we messed up

Because I really thought things were going so much better.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

When blake acts up again, scott finally steps in.

I asked you not to play on the furniture,

And you didn't listen.

And when jo leaves, jen doesn't know what hit the.

It's like "invasion of the body snatchers."

I don't know who these people are.

When "supernanny" returns.

♪ Be good, be good

Jo: I felt that it was very important

That I reinforce the roaming technique,

So today I went with jennifer and all four children,

And off we went to the mall for another test run.

Jennifer: I'm still a bit insecure, I guess,

About my parenting skills, so I'm still not % confident,

But it's getting better, definitely.

Get blake and tell him to hold on

Because you hadn't said he could go.

Mommy didn't say you could leave.

Come on.

You're stronger than him.

Put his hand up and on the railing.

Lift him up. Stand up. Stand up.


Let's go.

Let's go.

[ Sobbing ]

Excellent. Excellent.

Blake, sit down. Mommy's gonna go get cookies.

I want you guys to sit here,

And don't leave that chair while I'm gone.

Blake's doing much better.

You're more direct, jennifer,

And your tone of voice is different now.

When you drop your tone of voice,

He knows you're being serious.

This is amazing.

[ Laughs ] this is manageable.

Jo: I'm very proud of jennifer.

She's done a very, very good job with managing all four children.

This means we can come out, and we can go to the park.

We can do all kinds of fun things.

The technique has just worked amazingly well.

And now I feel like I can totally

Take the kids out on my own, and we're having a great time.

It's great.

Give me five. Yeah!


Jo: if scott and jennifer don't come together on the same page,

Then they'll find themselves back to square one again.

So I brought you guys together today

Because I want you to concentrate on communicating

And developing that.

Scott, I'd like you to tell jennifer things

That you feel honestly she needs to work on.

I think you need to work on just the way you talk to blake.

You, like, force him to go places.

If I tell hallden or blake to go do something, they do it.

They do.

Jennifer: you are a bit bigger and scarier than me,

But still, I need to know that you're backing me up %

With what I do.

I know. Okay.

Jennifer: the whole "same page" ideas made us realize

We just want the same things for our children.

I think the same page will help jen and I become better parents

Because it gives us a chance to sit down

And actually have a discussion about how things are going.

I am very proud of the pair of you,

Of what you are achieving here today

With the same page and everything.

It's important to have encouragement for one another.

I love you.

I love you.

I'm gonna go now before I go into sobbing.

I'll leave you to get on.

Jo: now that jennifer and scott are on the same page,

It's important that scott helps out with the discipline.

Scott: blake, don't jump on the furniture.

I had a tendency to be lazy about parenting in the past,

And this is definitely helping me get more involved

With the kids.

Blake, if I have to ask you again,

You're gonna go on the naughty circle.

Jo: scott, if you can just follow that through with blake.

Okay, that's it, blake. Come on.

Let's get on the naughty circle.

Scott: I asked you not to play on the furniture,

And you didn't listen.

Jennifer: it was amazing for me to see scott

Put blake on the naughty circle.

He took that initiative,

And that, for me, was just absolute triumph.

So you're gonna tell me sorry

For jumping on the furniture when I asked you not to?

Okay, give me hugs.

Scott: putting blake on the naughty circle,

I feel in control of the situation

Because I think he's learning the discipline

And the rules of the household.

Your time's done. Good job.

Fantastic, scott.

When I first arrived at the ririe household,

They had no discipline for the children.

So lovely.

Now the children know there is a consequence

For unacceptable behavior,

And because of that we have happier parents,

And we have children who know where they stand.

These are from the kids.

It's me!

The little artist.

That's me.

And that's brody, and he's pointing at your shoes.

[ Laughter ]

Well, I'm going. I'm going.

Take care, darling. Take care.

Bye-bye. You be good children, okay?

Bye-bye, jo. Thanks for coming.


Bye-bye, darling.

Bye-bye, sweetie.

Bye, jojo.

You be a good boy now, okay?

Listen to mommy and daddy, okay? Okay.

Jo: I'm very proud of jennifer and scott.

They've come a long way.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It was very emotional saying goodbye to jo.

There are not enough words

To express the gratitude that we feel.

You're welcome. Take care.

You too.

Scott, keep talking to the wife.

Open up.

Scott: I was skeptical before jo came,

But overall, all the things that we wanted jo to help us with,

She's been very helpful with.


Thank you, jojo.

Take care.

Bye. Bye.bye. Bye.

In comparison to what it was like in the beginning,

There's been major milestones that have happened here.

And they deserve it.

Come pick your snacks for tomorrow.

Jennifer: our family is just -- it's a different family.

It's just like "invasion of the body snatchers."

I don't know who these people are.

It's wonderful.

And what else?

Blake's behavior has improved tenfold.

Looks good.

He's definitely starting to listen to me,

Which is just monumental.

You can't even imagine.

Good job.

The kids eat their meals

Rather than the snacks throughout the day.

Mealtime definitely worked out fabulous.

Jennifer: I am so proud of scott.

I just feel like I've got a total partner,

And I don't have to carry everything on my shoulders now.

I can share it with him.

Scott: I do think this experience

Has made us better parents.

I think when we're on the same page and working together,

The kids see that, and they see that jen and I are on one side.

Jennifer: this has affected us

So much more than I ever, ever thought it would.

One of the first times that I had met with jo,

She said, "wow, you're really living the american dream,"

But after this experience, you know,

Jo gave us our life back, and that's our american dream.

And she did. She gave us...

[ Sniffles ]

She gave us our family back.

Britain tried to control us hundreds of years ago,

And we got free from that,

And now they're coming in trying to do it again.

[ Laughter ]

Man: no way!
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