01x04 - Wischmeyer Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Supernanny". Aired: 7 July 2004 – 8 October 2008.*
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British reality television programme about parents struggling with their children's behaviour, mealtime, potty training, etc.
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01x04 - Wischmeyer Family

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight on "supernanny"...

Hi, jo frost.

...jo meets the wischmeyers,

Whose twin daughters t*rture their parents

And bully their brother...

...leaving their stay-at-home working mom

At the end of her rope.

Totally out of control.

Equipped with over years of childcare experience...

You see the steps.

...jo has weeks to transfom the terrible tots...

Back off right now!


...and bring order to the family.

Alaia, you hear what jo jo's saying?

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Johnny

Let's take a look and see what family we've got here.

Hi, we're the wischmeyers.

I'm john and this is my wife, melora.

I was a marketing rep for a company.

I ended up working for john and we started dating.

We have children.

Jared, he's .

And then our twin daughters, ashlyn and alaia, are .

Alaia is my youngest twin.

Let go of me, you mom.

She screams.

Not yet!

She kicks.


No, I'm not.

She hits.

Oh, dear.

We have more problems with her than we do with ashlyn.


Ashlyn is the older twin.

She doesn't want to go to sleep at night.

I'll lay with you. No!

She always has an excuse to get out of bed.

Lie down. [ Whining ]

And then she starts really throwing a pretty big fit.


[ Screaming ]

I cannot believe what I am seeing.

Jared feels the girls get more attention than him.

Jared sometimes feels left out.

Do you want to go to your room?

I work away from home quite a lot,

So I rely on melora to handle the children throughout the day.

You need to turn that down.

I work from home.

And I thought if I work from home, they'd have mommy time.

But obviously, that doesn't work.

Do you want to -- unh-unh!

Sometimes I just feel like I can't do it all. I just can't.

I feel like every way, my kids are controlling me.

♪ Na-na na-na boo-boo

It makes me a nervous wreck.

Supernanny, I'm exhausted.

I am at my wits' end and I need your help.

We need your help.

Wischmeyers, you really do need my help, and I'm on my way.



Hi, pleased to meet you.

Hi, I'm melora.

Hi, jo frost.

This is ashlyn.

Hello, ashlyn.

Melora: I thought the nanny would be really kind of mean.

But when she walked through the door,

It was not that impression at all.

My first impressions of jo were very good.

Hi, I'm john. Hi, john.

Pleased to meet you.

This is the other twin, alaia.

Hi, alaia. Pleased to meet you.

How are you?

Our son jared's at school. You'll get to meet him later.

Oh, that'd be fantastic.

Well, guys, I'm here to take mental notes

And to observe you guys as a family.

I know you've got some issues that need to be addressed.

But we'll get to the bottom of that and resolve those.

But if you could just carry on as normal

And then I can step back and watch you.

So you work on the computer a full day?


Then you're trying to keep the girls occupied?

Yeah, yeah.

Not only does melora look after the children,

But she also has a full-time marketing job

That she does at home, too.

Don't even think about it.

[ Telephone rings ] can I take this call?

No. Why?

You need to be quiet.

[ Telephone ringing ]


[ Telephone ringing ]

You want to -- unh-unh!

Do you -- no.

Alaia, stop it.

We'll do it when we get done working.

[ Crash ]

Just one second, please. Ashie, are you all right?

Why do you have the toaster out?

Oh, my god.

What in the world?

She's going around in circles.

Melora: I just feel like I'm on "go" mode all the time.

It makes me feel terrible because I'm working so much

And I don't spend enough time with them.

You made a major mess.

But you was on the --

I'm always on the phone. That's my job.

Jo: melora was a woman who was stretched thin,

That had taken on a full-time job

And was trying to manage children.

And that is just impossible.

I think you broke my toaster.

No. When you go in the room and mind me.

Cheeky madam.

You're gonna go time out. No.

Mom's struggling.

Do not hit me.

How can you listen when you're screaming and kicking?

Stop it. No!

Alaia will lash out at me and hit me or kick me.

No, you're not gonna --

I want to cry.


And then this...

Jo: alaia refuses to listen to her mum.

Melora ends up being kicked in the stomach

Or slapped in the face.

It's just appalling to see a child behave that way.

It's outrageous.

This is definitely not working while I'm working.

I'll tell you that right now.


Open the door now!

[ Crying ]

You know what? I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do.

I have a boss here that tells me to get on the phone

Or I'm gonna get fired

And I have kids that are totally out of control.

[ Sniffles ]

Coming up on "supernanny,"

When jared comes home from school,

The twins take aim, but jared takes the blame.

Do you want to go to your room?

And jo gives her take on the girls.

I cannot believe that she kicks you and slaps you in the face.

I think I'm gonna cry.

...when "supernanny" returns.

♪ Johnny

Hi, pleased to meet you.

This is the nanny.

Jo: that afternoon, jared came home from school,

And it wasn't long before alaia came into his room

And stole his playing cards.

Oh, no!

Alaia! Jared!

What's happened here?


What happens when your sisters throw your cards on the floor

And they take your stuff?

What does mommy and daddy do about it?

Jared, quit doing that.

And it was really ashlyn.

Jo: melora, she wasn't listening.

And that's very disheartening, because it shows jared

That his sisters can do exactly what they want to him

And there's no consequences.

Melora: hey, jared! Don't use that word.

Okay, I'm still working,

And I don't want to use the words "shut up" again.

Do you want to go to your room?


Jared hardly said a word

And melora sent him to his bedroom.

I mean, this was so unfair.

Hi. May I come in?

You know when you speak to mommy and john,

Do they listen to you?

So what do you do, then? You deal with it yourself?


I think jared, in a way,

Has kind of given up on voicing what he feels

Because he knows what the result will be --

That every time he voices his opinion,

It's his bedroom where he's going to end up.

It's really important that you always tell mommy

What's going on in here, okay, and in here,

And how you're feeling.

John: guess who's home.

Daddy's home. Hi, sweetie.

Hi. Hi.

Hold me.

So dad comes home.

Then we'll try to get them to go to bed.

You guys, tell daddy night-night.

[ Whining ]

[ Crying ]

When I was observing the family through bedtime,

John and melora both went downstairs

To put ashlyn and alaia to bed.

But the girls were having none of it.

Melora: bedtime around our house is hard.

Alaia's calm at night and ashlyn is defiant.

I don't want to.

I know you don't, but you have to.


Mommy will lay with you.


Ashlyn just threw a horrendous fit that I get in bed.

So I gave in and I did go to bed.

[ Crying ]

Melora's trying just about everything

To get those girls to sleep.

But getting into bed with them is only gonna make things worse.

It's been days since I've got to spend time with my wife.

And I feel like I'm single and, you know,

Nobody to share my time with in the evening.

Get your whole body.

But how does that make you feel inside, really?

That your little girls are still up

And your wife's exhausted, laying on that bed?

It affects her and I enormously.

It's hurting all of our lives, as far as our marriage.

And she'll go in there to lay down, she'll go to sleep.

Then : comes and I go to work

And, you know, all of a sudden, it's saturday again.

And that's how the whole week will go by.

[ Speaking indistinctly ]

Daddy's tucking all girls into bed.

It's the girls and his wife.

Eventually, after time,

Melora fell asleep on the girls' bed, and they were still awake.

So they moved on to dad, and they started asking for juice

And everything else they could possibly think of.

It's gonna be a long night, I think.

When I first arrive at a family,

I take mental notes,

And I just watch the dynamics

Between parents and their children.

What I like to do next is to sit down and have a meeting

And discuss the issues that I feel need addressing.

Melora and john, I've observed your wonderful family.

So why don't we sit down and have a talk about it, okay?

I expect the nanny to be very open and honest with me.

And I hope she is, because I'm here to learn.

Help me, please.

Can I first say to the pair of you

What beautiful children you have?

Thanks. Thank you.

Little cheeky monkeys. [ Laughs ]

But you guys are struggling. Mm-hmm.

I can't overemphasize that word "struggle,"

Because it is what I see when I walk into this house.

The discipline in this house has me very concerned.

When I watch alaia's behavior,

I cannot believe that she kicks you,

That she yells and screams and slaps you in the face,

And you tolerate that.

I'll move on to bedtime.

Melora, you end up going in with the girls to sleep.

They put youto bed. Mm-hmm.

Jared -- he's a very smart boy

Who likes to talk and voice his opinion.

Yet when he does, he's disciplined for it.

You get so irate that you end up saying, "go to your room!

Time out! You're instigating trouble!"

And yet, all he was doing was voicing his opinion.

For him to be able to stand up and be counted for

In this family

Is for him to be able to have a voice and express himself.

Why do you both not allow him to do that?

I don't know.

Jared and I are close,

So I'd like it to continue to be close.

I feel like we're letting him down -- I know we are.

For me, there's a root problem here.

And that problem is,

Melora, you work a full-time job at home

And yet you are trying to bring up your family.

And it's not working.

And both you and your children are suffering for it.

I think I'm gonna cry.


It's okay, melora.

[ Sniffles ]

Sorry. It's okay.

It's healthy that as adults, we have our own fulfillment.

There's no reason why you can't have both.

But it's finding that balance.

And I'm here to work with you guys

So that you can have a dynamic family

That works for the pair of you.

Are you willing to plow in with me,

And we'll do it and we'll change things?

You % in?

% In.% In.


Melora: jo hit on some really heavy issues with me.

It's been a very emotional shock.

I felt like working from home was the perfect thing for me.

I could do the best of both worlds.

I can be a supermom and I can be a career woman.

But obviously, it's not working.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Jo teaches the wischmeyers how to dish out the disciplin.

You say, "you are not listening

And I want you to go to the naughty corner."


But neither twin is taking orders...


[ Giggling ]

[ Yelling ]

...when "supernanny" returns.

♪ Johnny

Jo: on teaching day, I go in with a routine.

And that routine is a schedule for the family

So that they're more organized.

I brought you something.

I see the schedule.

It is.

It will balance out spending time with the children.

And at the same time, it will give you your fulfillment,

So you can also work and spend quality time with the kids.

So let's put it up.

Okay, this is gonna be your routine.

Where I've placed the red circles here,

It's where you're working, and that is roughly hours.

And it also means from : right the way down to :,

Where you're spending time with all of the children --

Which is important, because you need that balance.

I've cut my work down, I can play with my kids,

And it's gonna all be better.

So are we up and ready to start the new family routine?


Jo: good, let's start, then.

After I've established a routine with the family,

I then go through the disciplinary areas with them.

So, household rules --

No kicking, no biting,

No yelling or slapping mommy in the face,

Because that behavior is not acceptable.

You hear me, ashlyn?

Alaia, you hear what jo jo's saying?

Are you listening? I don't think they --

Okay, so, melora and john,

When you see the behavior that's not acceptable,

You give them a warning in a low-toned voice with eye contact.

"Please stop that behavior. It is not acceptable."

Secondly, if they carry on with the behavior,

I want you to come down to their level and say,

"That behavior is not acceptable.

Now I want you to go and stand in the naughty corner."

I think the naughty corner for alaia is gonna be a challenge,

Because she's very stubborn.

And I just don't know that she's gonna stay there.

Later that afternoon, it was nap time.

And john asked alaia to take a nap.

Alaia, you need a nap.

Come on, walk over here and sit down.


Alaia, can you get down from the stool, please?

Look at me, alaia. I'm talking to you.

Daddy has said that you have to take a sleep.

Alaia. [ Crying ]

Alaia, if you don't listen to jo jo,

You're gonna have to go in the naughty corner.

So what I want you to do is say,

"You are not listening,

And I want you to go to the naughty corner, please,"

In a low-toned voice.

Look at me.

Low-tone your voice and give alaia eye contact.

Hey, we don't -- you're not listening.


You're not gonna act like this.

So let's go.

We've got minutes in the naughty corner.

Follow it through, john. Follow it through.

Do not get out of here. [ Screaming ]

Move away. Move away, john.


She kicked up a fuss

And she started stamping her feet and screaming.

Low-toned voice, okay, john?

Eye contact, come down to her level.

No! Take her by the hand.

It's just a tantrum, that's all it is.

John: when I disciplined alaia,

She surprised me with her rage and level of tantrum.

I've never experienced that.

When alaia behaves that way,

Um, it almost makes you feel like a failure as a parent.


Jo: go ahead, come away.

Talk to me, 'cause I'm here.

It upsets me.

I'm just wondering what did we do to get to this point.

I don't think I shed a tear in years,

And I teared up up there.

And I think it was all the emotions, you know, together.

She doesn't love you any less.

You're right. It's just hard to watch.

John, she's still in that corner.

[ Sobbing ] she's still in that corner.

Yep, it's working.

Now, what I'd like you to do, 'cause our minutes are up,

Is to go over to her and say to her, "I want an apology."

Okay? Okay.


Turn around and tell me you're sorry.

So apologize. Tell me you're sorry.

Okay, give me a hug.

Well done, john. That was fantastic.

I think I made it through one of the roughest parts

In having control again.

But I'm happy it worked.

That afternoon, jared came home from school.

Jared doesn't always get the chance to express to his parents

How important his feelings are.

And so I brought in a thought box for him.

Anytime he has a thought,

Whether it be happy or sad or an idea

Or something that he wants to share,

That he write in on the paper

And then fold it and put it into the box.

And then every evening, melora,

I'd like you to sit down, once the girls are in bed,

And say, "hey, let's talk about what you've written down."

What do you think of that, jared? Good.

You think that would be a good idea? Uh-huh.

And you tell mom why you think it'd be a good idea.

I think it's a great idea.

Sleep time is a big issue because there is no routine.

And melora, she sleeps in between the girls.

When they fall asleep, mom's already been asleep for an hour.

When it's time to go to bed, tuck them in,

Hugs and kisses, and say good night.

And then come out of the bedroom.

If the children then come out of the bedroom,

I want you then to say, "it's bedtime, darling."

Bring them in by the hand, tuck them back into bed,

And then go back outside again.

So both say good night to the children and go back out.

Goodnight, alaia. I love you.

Good night, darling.


I'm gonna tuck you in and give you a kiss and it's over.

It's nighttime.

You're gonna have to. Lay down.

Bedtime would be wonderful if she can help us with that.

It's tiring to do that every single night.

The first time we said, "good night, darling, it's time for bed."

[ Crying ]

Me? Yeah.

"Time for bed, darling."

Come on, guys, it's time for bed.

Lay with me.

Ignore that.

The second time when they come out, say, "it's bedtime."

It's bedtime.

[ Yelling indistinctly ]

The third time, you say nothing.

[ Crying ]



Because she cannot believe you've been so consistent,

She's waiting to see when you'll give in.


[ Giggling ]

[ Crying ]

And that door's left ajar, right? Mm-hmm.


You could find yourself doing this times.

I can see that.

[ Giggling ]

Consistency -- it's the key.

Jo: john and melora must continue to ignore ashlyn

And keep putting her back into bed.

This will eventually work,

And ashlyn will end up falling asleep.

Calm down. Don't let it overwhelm you.


Keep calm.

Melora: I think the toughest part for me

Was hearing ashlyn crying for me to sleep with her.

I felt like I was almost mistreating her.

Honestly, I just wanted to go lay down with them.

It's hard.

I must say one thing --

You're not laying there between them.

I know.

I feel like it's working, don't you? Yeah.

It's getting quieter. Do you notice that?


After minutes, they were sound asleep

And everything was well.

And they did not get up in the night

And come to our room, which was really nice.

That's a big turn.

Yeah, it's huge.

Thank you.

We don't do this very often, do we?

I don't think we ever have.

It worked. I mean, the technique worked.

See, you've done well.

It's great.

It's a major milestone. It's huge.

[ Laughs ]

Melora: the bed technique is wonderful.

I think it should be manually written,

Handed out at birth to every mother and dad in the world.

Okay, jo jo's going now.

And I'm gonna come back in a couple of days.

So take care. Thank you.

I wish jo could stay all the time.

I think john and I both do.

Mmm, bye-bye. See you soon.

Give me a hug.

Give me a hug.

[ Laughs ]

Take care, darling.

Thanks, jo. You're welcome.

Take care.


See you all soon.

Be good now.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

With jo out of the house,

The twins turn into little monsters.

Back off right now!no!

But melora takes it out on jared...

I heard you. It's your tone of voice, jared.

...when "supernanny" returns.

♪ Johnny


See you all soon.

Be good now.

Jo: john and melora have got to get on with it

And get those techniques underneath their belts.

But little do they know, I will be watching them.

Oh, jared, good boy. You're doing your homework.


Okay, I'm asking them nicely to leave.

No, you didn't. I heard you.

It's your tone of voice, jared.

"Get out!"

You sit down and do your homework.

Mom, look at the way you're speaking to jared.

If only you could hear yourself.

It feels really unfair that I get in trouble and they don't.

Poor jared. This is so unfair.

Why do I get consequences when the girls don't?

Look at jared, putting his thoughts into the box.

"Why do I get consequences and the girls don't?"

Now, is that true? Yes.

They're .

You were once.

Jo: you are missing the point here, melora.

You have got to learn to listen to your son.

Melora: since jo's left, alaia has tested john and I both

To see how far we're gonna go with this.

"Are they for real?"

No, do not smack.

I want you to go get your underwear and your pajamas,

'Cause we've got to take a bath after dinner.

Then if you choose not to listen,

Then you don't get to have playtime.

Melora, mind that back chat. Deal with it.

Would you like to sit minutes in the naughty corner?

You're starting this wrong. Get down to her level.

Give her a warning.

Stop talking to your mommy like this.

We'll see. Minutes, let's go.

I will move when you stand willingly in the corner

Like I've asked you to do.

Nope, not until you willingly stand there.

Why are you pinning her to the corner?

Let go of her.

You're not going to --

You're losing control now, melora.

You're losing it.

Yes, you are.

Who's got the control here?

Back off right now!no!

Melora, you've just been defeated.

[ Crickets chirping ]

John: okay, let's go get you guys in bed.

It's already been story time. Now it's time to lay down.

Okay, john, come on, remember, kiss good night and so to bed.

Good night, girls.

[ Crying ]

Now, just ignore that. Come out of the room, john.

[ Whining ] get in bed.


John, remember, say nothing and put her back to bed.

John, we're not bartering here.

No deals -- it's bedtime.

Lay down.

Do not give in.

So alaia gets her own way.

Let's go to bed.

These girls are running rings around you both!

You're doing it all wrong,

And we need to start from square one.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Jo returns to the wischmeyer house.

Let go!

You're hovering over alaia and that's suffocating.

But can she teach melora and jared to come together...

I want you to feel like you can talk to me about anything.

...when "supernanny" returns.

♪ Johnny

Jo: after I've been away for a couple of days,

I come back to the family with footage that I've seen

Whilst I've not been there.

Hi, melora.

Hey, jo.

And I show them the footage

So that they can see with their own eyes

The mistakes that they've made.

Well, I'd like for us all to sit down and watch this, all right?

Let's give some points on what we see.


I will move when you stand willingly in the corner

Like I've asked you to do.

Let go!

Nope, not until you willingly stand there.

Let go!

What's going on there? That disheartens me.

She wouldn't stay there.

You're hovering over alaia

And you're forcing her in that corner

And turning her around to the wall, and that's suffocating.

When you place one of the children in the naughty corner,

Come down onto your child's level.

Give her the eye contact and say, "you do not hit.

"That behavior is not acceptable.

Back into that corner."

And then you must walk away,

Because you standing there

Is gonna give your children the chance to get your attention.

And that attention she's getting from you is negative attention.

[ Crying ]

Melora: good night, ashie. Good night, alaia.

Love you guys.

I want some milky!

I want some milky!

There's the demand -- milk. These are all excuses.

You've given the control to ashie.

You've got to follow through with each step,

Because the technique works.

But it's not gonna work

If you don't get hold of, grip the smaller details.

Get out.

Okay, I'm asking them nicely to leave.

I asked them nicely times.

No, you didn't. I heard you.

It's your tone of voice, jared.

"Get out!"

You sit down and do your homework.

You're telling jared that he's being disrespectful

And that his tone is not good,

Yet, you're setting an example

By the way that you're talking to him in the first place.

What we'll do is we'll work on all the stuff

That needs working on

So that we can get ourselves back on track again.

Sounds good.

Melora: earlier today, alaia went downstairs

While jared was playing a video game

And turned the video game off.

How would you like it if I went in there

And turned off everything in your room

While you were playing with it?

Well, I'm gonna tell you said that.

You stay away from jared and you let him do his thing.

Do you feel like you need to go to the naughty corner?

Jo: instead of blaming jared for the argument,

Melora really stood up for him.

She's definitely making progress, and that's good.

If you don't stop acting this way, you're going there.



No! No!

You turned off jared's game. He was not bothering you.

I want you to turn around,

And you're gonna stay for minutes in the corner.

Walk away, melora.

I'd like you and I to work more on your tone of voice.

There's ways that you can talk with a low-authority voice

Without yelling or shouting.

Just project in your voice,

So it sounds louder without shouting.

[ Crying ]

Melora: alaia's changed.

She knows that we're gonna stick to the naughty corner.

And she knows that if she's gonna act up,

She is gonna go there.

There is a consequence to acting up.

Alaia, tell me that you're sorry, please.

Thank you very much.

Okay, hugs and kisses.

Let's go, let's play.

Good girl. Come on.

Jared: the thought box, I think it's good

Because I can talk to mom more.

I want you to feel like you can talk to me

About anything, okay?

She is respecting me a lot more.

And I think she's not getting so caught up with the girls and with work.

Mommy loves you. Give me a hug.

Melora: jared and I have gotten a lot closer.

The thought box has helped a lot.

Like, I'm real interested in what he's got to say.

Jo: melora's listening to jared.

She's reducing her work hours

And also doing a really good job disciplining the girls.

As a result, the children are getting along much better.

But john and melora still need to work on getting the girls to sleep.

"You'll need flowers"...

I love you.

It's crucially important that they get the hang of this

And that they learn how to do it properly.

Coming up on "supernanny,"

Can jo put the bedtime issue to rest?

It's not a game. It's time for bed.

[ Giggling ]



♪ Na-na na-na boo-boo

And jo says goodbye for good..

You won't be here tomorrow?

Bye-bye, darling.

It's okay.

...when "supernanny" returns.

♪ Johnny

John and melora still need to work on getting the girls to sleep.

I love you.

♪ Na-na na-na boo-boo

Jo: john, tell the girls it's bedtime.

It's not a game. It's time for bed.

Get under the covers.

No, I can't.

I don't want to stay here, okay?

Okay, look away.

John, you want to put them calmly back into bed?

Just say to them, "time for bed. No games, it's time for bed."

Lay down. It's bedtime.



The girls only came out of their room times tonight,

So the stay-in-bed technique is working.

But melora and john do need to carry on

So that bedtime will continue to improve.

Melora: I think ashlyn knows that daddy and I

Are not gonna give up putting her back in that bed.

And I think if we stick to the routine

And be consistent,

It won't be many more nights and she'll be in the bed.

The family has progressed slowly but surely.

The parents realize what they've implemented

And what they still need to fine-tune

So that they can make it better for themselves.

It was pretty quick.

Cloves in the eyeball.

Where'd you find a carrot that small?

Alaia: I want to go on the slide.

Get going, I got you.

This is great.

Alaia, down you come!

John: I'm very happy with alaia's change.


[ Laughs ]

She does what we ask.

That was a little better.

She's not as aggressive or hostile.

One day, alaia and ashlyn were walking along the beach.

Ashlyn is more under control when it's bedtime.

Melora: I'm not laying in the bed with the kids anymore.

That's huge.

Here, put your lips on here.

Give them to me. [ Giggling ]

Jo: jared's been really empowered.

He's got a voice again.

No girl's gonna kiss you. Mm-mmm!

One of these days, you're gonna want them to kissy.

Uh-huh, and you're gonna go, "oh, my god."

He's talking to his mom again

And the lines of communication are open.

Oh, ho, ho!

Melora: jo's brought a lot of happiness in our home.

She's helped us so much.

We've come a long way in our family,

And I think we've made a lot of progress.

You do it. Can you do it with daddy?

Jo: the wischmeyer family have changed a lot.

John and melora have that power back again

In being in control of the children.

[ Laughter ]

The biggest change that's happened for melora

Is that she's realized

It's okay for her not to work all god's end's hours.

And it's okay -- enjoy being a mother.

Look at the painting.

I'm going home now.

You won't be here tomorrow?

Melora: it was emotional saying goodbye to jo.

John and I have become pretty attached to her

And so have my kids.

She's kind of like one of us now.

So jo jo wanted to give you kisses farewell.

Can jo jo say goodbye?

Bye-bye, darling.

Bye-bye, darling.

You take care, okay?

Jared: it's been really good having jo here.

I think having jo here has made me happier.

Darling, you'll speak to me.

You'll be able to speak to me.

She's helped us a lot.

Jo's made us a better -- a tighter family.

I'm gonna miss jo a lot.

That's okay. It's okay to be able to say it.

And when I next come to the states, I can pop in and say hi.

We could teach me how to snowboard.

[ Chuckles ]

Jo: it feels good to be able to go into a family

And see dynamics and see issues that a family is struggling with

And to be able to implement some techniques

And set up a household routine that works for a family.


It feels good to watch them realize that it's working.

I've done what I was meant to do here in this family,

And I'm off to the next one now.

Everyone, see? I made my handprint.

Yeah, I know. You made one on the table, too.

I think jo has brought our family together,

Brought some more happiness into the house.

The whole experience has been very positive.

It's like we're one big, happy family.

Don't have to put in.

John: melora's achieved that balance

Between being a mother and having a job,

And you can see the happiness.

Melora: [ laughing ] come on, jared.

I'm really enjoying playing with my kids

And spending time with them.

I've totally been relaxed

And had the most fun I've had in probably or years.

Keep it going, girls.

I took a picture of you.

I miss jo jo because it feels like she's one of our family.

You need help or are you okay?

John: I am a better parent now than before when jo showed up.

And I will be a better parent days ahead.

Ready? We're going.

Melora: we thought, "oh, she's just gonna come in

And help us with our children."

Well, it went way beyond our kids.

It went to each of us individually, inside.

So that's a good thing.

Thank you, jo.

[ Laughter ]

You've just come upstairs and mom's going like this.

[ Sighs ]

[ Clicks tongue ]

Aw, dude!

That was rough!

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny

♪ Be good, be good, be good, be good ♪

♪ Johnny
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