01x07 - The Intruders!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Raccoons". Aired: July 4, 1985 – August 28, 1992.*
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Series revolves around Bert Raccoon and married couple Ralph and Melissa Raccoon, of whom Bert is a friend and roommate.
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01x07 - The Intruders!

Post by bunniefuu »



The Pigs:

The Pigs: Intruders,

The Pigs: Intruders, Sir!!

The Raccoons!!

Cyril: Man the defenses!


- Alligators!

[gentle snoring]

Melissa: We've got
to get in there.

Cyril: But only I, Cyril Sneer,
can get you out!

Bert: My fingers are slipping!

Narrator: This is the
Evergreen Forest.

Quiet, peaceful, serene.

That is, until
Bert Raccoon wakes up.

Bert Raccoon: Yahoooo!







Narrator: Luckily, he has some
good friends to help him out.

Broo: [panting]


Narrator: Life would be simple
in the forest except for...

Cyril Sneer!

[bleep blarp bloop]

And his life would be simple
except for...

the Raccoons!!

♪ [show theme music]



Narrator: Night is coming
to the Evergreen Forest.

The sun sinks slowly
behind the hills.

The birds settle in their nests.

All is peaceful..

Except for the whirring
of the huge machines

in Cyril Sneer's mansion.

[low humming]

Cedric: This computer
is 6th generation, Ralph.

Ralph: Sixth generation?

Cedric: Yeah,
sometimes I think

that it's smarter than Pop.

Ralph: Yeah, but what
does your Pop think?


Cyril: [off screen] Pigs!!
The Pigs: Yes, Sir!

Cedric: [gasps] Pop!

Do you think, he heard us?

If he finds us in here,

I'll be polishing his
armored cars for a month.

Cyril: Is everything secure?

The Pig: How could an intruder
possibly break through

your security system, Sir?

The double-encoded computer.

The Pig 2: The triple
titanium steel vault!

The Pig 3: And the alligators!

Ralph: [whispers] Alligators?!

Cyril: [chuckles]
It's absolutely foolproof!

And any intruder will
be grade-A mincemeat

ala Cyril Sneer.


Cyril/The Pigs: [laughing]

♪ [gentle music]

Narrator: In the heart of the
Evergreen Forest,

that same night,
Schaeffer, Broo and Sophia

were gathered with
Melissa and Bert

in the Raccoon-dominium
to share a meal.

Broo: [panting]

Bert: How much longer are we
gonna wait for Cedric and Ralph?

My stomach's starting
to snarl at me.

[snarling sound]

Sophia: I don't understand it.

Cedric knows, we're
having peanut butters stew.

Melissa: It's not like
either of them to be this late.

Schaeffer: Maybe we
should go look for them?

Broo: Woof!
Bert: Ugh!

On an empty stomach?!

Melissa: Bert!!

Bert: Ah, good idea, good idea!


Yeah, I'll bring
the emergency supplies.


Ah, [chuckles] my stomach and I

are ready for anything now.

[distant howling]
♪ [suspenseful music]


The Pig: Oink!!!

Cyril: Polarizer
perfectly punctual.


Trap door tripper timely!

Open the vault!

The Pigs: But Sir!
Cyril: Move it!

Release time-lock
retro boosters!

Boost forward stabilizers.

On the double!

The Pigs: Yes, Sir!

[tumbling, rolling sound]


[scraping sound]

[beeping sound]

[tumbling, rolling sound]

[beeping sound]



The Pig: Oh, a
dazzling sight Sir.

It always takes
my breath away, Sir.

Cyril: Can the gab!

I can't hear my alligators.

Where is the sound
of tails swishing,

jaws snapping, teeth grinding?

I ordered alligators
in that pit!

Where are they?

The Pig: I-I can explain, Sir.

[grunts, snap!]

Cyril: They're not
doing me any good in there.

Get them down there
where they belong.

The Pig: Oink!

The Pigs: Yes, Sir.
Right away, Sir.


Cedric: Oh, no!
Not the vault.

Ralph: Why not?

The Pigs:
Intruders, Sir! Intruders!

Cedric: Run!!


[siren blasting]

[angry alligators]

[siren blasting]

[alarm bell going off]

[alligators snarling]

Cyril: Aha! My security
system is working perfectly.

[siren blasting]

Man the defenses!


[angry alligators]

Seal them up!

The Pigs: Yes, Sir, yes Sir!


The Pig 1: Setting time lock!
The Pig 2: Setting time lock.

Function five..

The Pigs:
..four, three, two one!


Cedric: Uh, hi, Pop!

Cyril: Cedric!!

Cedric: Bye, Pop!


Cyril: Cedric!...My boy!

The Pig 1: The intruders
are trapped, Sir.

The Pig 2: And we've got
the time lock set! [laughs]

For next Groundhog Day. [laughs]

Cyril: Intruder?!

That's no intruder, ham head.

That's my son!

The Pig 3: We were only
following orders, Sir.

The Pig 1: Yes Sir,
your order, Sir.

Cyril: You know, you'd look good
with an apple in your mouth.

That's my son you've
trapped in there.

The one I built my empire for.

The heir to that very vault!

[sobs] My Cedric!

The Pig 3: But, Sir..

Cyril: Get an
apple for his mouth!

The Pig 1: Macintosh
or Delicious, Sir?

Or Spy? Rome, Granny Smith?
Cyril: [frustrated scream]


Bert: There doesn't
seem to be anyone home.

Melissa: Keep trying, Bert.


[hollow knocking sound]

The Pig 1: The Raccoons!
It's all your fault!

Cyril: Who's there?
What do you want?

Sophia: Excuse me, Mr Sneer,
but is Cedric at home?

Cyril: No!!
Cedric has gone away.

..to school!

Schaeffer: Without
saying goodbye?!

Cyril: Uh..

He's enrolled in a
night course in uh..

..cost accounting.

Cedric loves cost accounting.


Sophia: I don't believe him.

Bert: Yeah...

Cedric, took
cost accounting last year.

Schaeffer: I think Cedric's
inside that house

and I think he's in trouble.

Melissa: Which means
Ralph's in trouble too.

We've got to get in there.

Bert: Yeah! Yeah, but how?

Broo: Woof-woof!

Schaeffer: Hey, I think
Broo's on to something.

Ralph: You mean we're locked in
here for the next six months?

Cedric: No, just 'til
Groundhog Day, right Pop?

Cyril: Well.. um..
Pipe down!

Can't you see,
I'm trying to think?

Ralph: Groundhog Day is
a long ways away, Cedric.

Cedric: Gee, it is, isn't it?

What will we do for food?


Cyril: Well..I..um..I..ehm..

Cedric: Pop?


[keyboard clicking]

Cyril: Wait! Hold everything!

This security system
has a built-in

emergency backup device.

The Pigs: [laughs] Good, Sir!
Good thinking, Sir.

Cyril: Cedric?

[static sound]

Pick up the phone!!

This is highly confidential,

top secret information.

[whispering] Cedric,
there's a master security key

in that safe behind you.

Now listen very carefully
to the combination.

[muffled talking]

Cedric: Speak up, Pop!

Cyril: [out loud]
I said 22 to the left.

[muffled talking]
and two to the right.

Cedric: Right, Pop!

[clicking sound]


♪ [drum roll]


♪ [drum roll]

Ralph: There's
nothing in there.

Cedric: Um... it's empty, Pop.

Cyril: [gulps]

Empty?! Empty?!?

Where's that master key?!

The Pig 3:
Master key?!

Master key? Ohh, that key!

That's no problem Sir,
here's the key!

you said keep it
in a safe place.

Cyril: Safe, you bacon brain,

I meant in the safe!

That keys up here,

and my son and the safe
are down there!

Cedric: Pop, Pop,
we just found a lunch

someone left down here! See?

The Pig: Hey, that's my lunch!

Cyril: So?!

The Pig: So...hi-hi..

I hope he likes it.

Cyril: Hey, there's a peanut
butter cookie in here too.

Bert: Hey! Did I hear someone
mention peanut butter?!

Sophia: [gasps]
That was Cedric?

Melissa: Come on, let's go.

Cyril: It's no use Cedric.

I'm afraid you're trapped.

Cedric: But Pop, I know
you'll think of something.

Schaeffer: I'll stand guard.

The Pig: No one can outsmart
the security system, Sir.

Cyril: I can! I can outsmart
anything, including myself.

That's my son trapped in there!

We're going to break
into the vault!

The Pig: But that's
impossible, Sir!

Sophia: [gasps] Cedric.

Melissa: Ah, Ralph!

Sophia: Cedric, can you hear me

Cedric: Sophia?
How did you get in here?

Cyril: Who's he talking to?

Cedric: Pop's got the master
key, but it's of no use.

We're 200 feet
down in the earth!

Cyril: Who are you? Where are
you? Show your faces, cowards!

Melissa: We've to get that key!

Bert: But he, he's got it.

Melissa: That's right.
Come on, let's go.

The Pig: Boss!!!
Sir, intruders!!

[siren blasting]

Cyril: More intruders?

What is this, visitors day?

I told you, Cedric's at school,
you fools! Now get out!

Melissa: We know Ralph and
Cedric are trapped down there

and we want the key!

Cyril: My master security key?

I'd rather rot!

Melissa: Well,
whatever it takes.

Bert: I'll get these open.

Nothing to it!!

The Pig: Don't you touch
that door! It's off limits!


[buzzer sounding]



Sorry, boss!

Cedric: You blundering idiot!
When I get my hands on youuu...

The Pig: Uaaaaah!

♪ [dramatic music]

Stick with me, guys. Okay?

Melissa: We don't
have much choice.

Heyy, this slide
is kind of fun!

Cyril: Tell it to the
alligators at the bottom!

Bert: Aaa-lli-ga-tooors!

[distant screaming]

♪ [suspenseful music]
[gentle snoring]

Bert: Yaaaaah..eh?


Don't push! Don't push, Broo!

I'm hanging on as it is.

Broo: Woof!


Melissa: Broo!

Broo: [barking]
Alligator: [roars]

Broo: Woof-woof!

Cyril: Get that dog
off my alligators!

Broo: [barking]


Bert: He made it.
[laughs] That a boy, Broo!

Broo: [panting]

Melissa: Come on, if Broo
can do it, we can do it too!

Cyril: And get scuff marks
on my brand new alligators?!


Melissa: We have to do
something, Mr. Sneer,

if we're going to save
Cedric and Ralph.


This is the way to the vault.

Isn't it?

Cyril: [grunts]

Melissa: Come on, Bert!

Bert: [nervous laughter]

I think, that one's
smiling at me.


Melissa: Come on, you can do it.

[alligator roars]
Bert: [nervous laughter]

[nervous laughter]

Woah! Yeah! Yikes.

Yikes! Woaaaaah!


Cyril: Someone's been feeding
these alligators

behind my back.

Melissa: Are you
coming, Mr Sneer,

or do we have to leave
you here alone?

Cyril: Careful, boys,
I pay your wages.

You gators are getting soft.

Remind me to put you
on a stricter diet.


The Pig: I've got them
on the sonar scanner.

Schaeffer: They must have
made it past the alligators.

The Pig: The boss
has it well in hand.

♪ [suspenseful music]

Bert: I don't like the
look of this, Melissa.


I think it's a trap!

Cyril: Of course it's
a trap, you idiot!

I designed it!

The minute you hit
the waterfall,

step to the left!


Bert: What?!

Are we gonna trust him?

Melissa: We have no choice!

Bert: Hey, wait! Wait for me.


Melissa: Beeeert!!

Bert: Uaaaah!

Melissa: Beeeert!!

Cyril: Finally!

One of my defenses works!



Bert: [scared]


My fingers are slipping!

Melissa: Bert, Bert,
where are you, Bert?

I can't reach you!

I need something longer.

I need that scarf!

Cyril: Give that back!

Bert: Phew! Ohh safe!

Oh Melissa, how can I..

Cyril: We don't have time
for sentimental slop,

you feeble excuse for a
fur bearing mammal!!


[buzzing sound]

Bert: [screams]

Cyril: Don't scream, you idiot.
They react to sound.



Melissa: No, Broo, don't!

Broo: [barking]



Melissa: That's it, Broo!

Bert: [laughs] Go for it, Broo!

Broo: [barks]

♪ [fast dramatic music]





Cyril: They sold this
garbage to me

as the ultimate
security system?!


Melissa: That was
wonderful, Broo.

Broo: Woof-woof!

Cyril: It's lucky
you're not paid for yet.

[kick] Oh, ouch,
ouch, ouch!

Cedric: That's the
last of it, I'm afraid.

Ralph: Then you
have it, Cedric.

Maybe we should share
it.. in the morning.

Or next week.

Ralph: [gulp]

[water dripping]

Bert: Well, we made it.

Now what?
Cedric: Now, nothing!

I told you there's no way in!

Broo: [barks]

Melissa: What is it, Broo?

Broo: [panting]

Bert: Eh.. it's
just an air vent.

Cyril: Just an air vent?!

It's a highly sophisticated
ventilation system.

My mortgages were
getting mildewed!

Melissa: Well,
where does it go?

Cyril: To the vault, you fool!

Where else would it go?

Melissa: Broo, do you think,
you could get through there

and take the key to
Ralph and Cedric?

Broo: [barks]

Melissa: Mr Sneer!
Quick, bring us the key.

Cyril: Help you to
break into my own vault?!

What do you think I am?
A complete idiot!?

Melissa: He's our
only hope, Mr Sneer.

Cyril: [grunts]

If that dog leaves one hair
in my ventilation shaft..

Melissa: Well, Broo, good luck.

Bert: Broo's gonna be
all right!

[chuckles] Aren't you boy?

♪ [upbeat music]


[squeeling tires]


♪ Hey boy, when your heart is
breakin' ♪

♪ Hey boy, when she's
through takin' ♪

♪ Everything she can
take from you ♪


♪ Hey boy, when you're through
with losin' ♪

♪ Hey boy, when you're
down and bruisin' ♪

♪ Everything seems so
cruel to you ♪


♪ You gotta hold on, hang on

♪ 'Til I get through to you

♪ Keep the light on,
love strong, ♪

♪ I'll find my way to you!


♪ Hey boy, I know you're hurtin'

♪ Hey boy, take strength,
it's certain ♪

♪ I can find a way to
get you through ♪


Ralph: Broo!
Where did you come from?


Cedric: The master security key!

Broo: [barks happily]

Ralph: Well, Cedric, if this
doesn't work, we're done for.



♪ [triumphant music]
[happy barking]

Cedric: It worked! It worked!
Ralph: Yahooo!

Bert: Cedric, Ralph!!

Ralph: Boy, are
we glad to see you!

Bert: Ha-ha! It's good
to see you guys too!

You know, for a while there.

Cedric: Um.. hi, Pop!

Cyril: Don't Pop me!

I have only one
thing to say to you.

You're not going
anywhere for a week!

Cedric: But, Pop, I only..

Cyril: You're going to be busy,

helping me install
a new security system.

Cedric: A new
security system, Pop?

Cyril: You better believe it!

A bigger vault! A deeper vault!

One, with much nastier defenses!

A vault even I couldn't
break into! You got that?

Cedric: Um.. yes, Pop.

Cyril: Now excuse me,

you may know how
to open the vault,

but only I know how
to get it up there.

It takes Cyril Sneer know-how!


[rolling sound]

You may have gotten
into my vault,

but only I, Cyril Sneer,
can get you out again!

♪ [triumphant music]

Bert: Going up.


[louder rumbling]

♪ [triumphant music]

Ralph/Melissa: Schaeffer!

Melissa: Sofia!

Schaeffer: You're okay!
You're all okay!

Sophia: Oh, Cedric,
thank goodness you're

Cyril: Pigs!!

The Pigs: Yes, Sir-Boss-Sir!

Cyril: Frisk them, all of them!

Make sure they didn't
steal any of my millions!

Cedric: But, Pop..
they saved my life!

Our lives!

Cyril: Never let sentiment
interfere with business, son!

Frisk them!

♪ [gentle music]


[gentle snoring]

Cyril: [whisperers] Cedric?

Cedric, are you awake?

Cedric: [gentle mumbling]

[gentle snoring]

[gentle pat-pat]


Cyril: Grrrrr!


[gentle snoring]


Narrator: When morning came
to the Evergreen Forest,

everything looked fresh
and bright and new.

The dew on the grass,

the sunlight on the flowers.

The shiny new lock

on the front door of
Cyril Sneer's mansion.

♪ [show theme music]


♪ Ooooooh

♪ You can run with us

♪ We've got
everything you need ♪

♪ Run with us

♪ We are free

♪ Come with us

♪ I see passion in your eyes

♪ Run with us

♪ Oh-oh-oooh, run with us

♪ We've got everything
you need ♪

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