02x19 - Mickey's Thanks a Bunch Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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02x19 - Mickey's Thanks a Bunch Day

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody. It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you want to come inside my Clubhouse?

Well, all right! Let's go!

Aw, I almost forgot.

To make the Clubhouse appear,
we get to say

[WHISPERS] the magic words.

Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse!

[♪ They Might Be Giants:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme]

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

Roll call!

MAN: Donald!

MAN: Daisy!

MAN: Goofy!

MAN: Pluto!

MAN: Minnie!

MAN: Mickey!
-Right here!

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside
It's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E ♪

MICKEY: It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Mickey's Thanks a Bunch Day!

Hi, everybody! It's me, Mickey Mouse!

Today is Thanks a Bunch Day!

That's the day we have a big dinner

and give thanks for all the things
that make us happy,

like having good friends.

Oh! Oh, no!

Gee, that sounds like
one of our friends now.

MINNIE: Oh, dear. Mickey!
-Minnie, and she sounds unhappy!

Come on, let's see what's going on!

Ooh! What's wrong, Minnie?

Mickey, look!

I was going to make a big salad
for today's Thanks a Bunch dinner,

but my fruits and vegetables
have hardly grown.

I'm afraid we won't have
any healthy things to eat tonight!

No dinner?

No, thanks!

That's not goody-good at all.

I know!

Don't worry, Min.

Maybe all of us can help you
with the garden.

-We can help!

You betcha!



Well, thanks a bunch, everybody.

But I'm not sure
how we can make my garden grow

in time for dinner tonight.


It's Professor Von Drake!

Hello there, Mr. Mickey and everybody!

Now you can rest your worrying heads.

Pluto has already told me all about it.

And I am happy to announce
that I have the perfect solution

to your little gardening problem.


the Von Drake Go-Go
Garden Spritzer-Ditzer,

guaranteed to put
a little pep in the peppers

and a whole lot of
pick-me-up in the pea pods!




Soon you gonna get all
the fruits and vegetables

you need to harvest for tonight's dinner.


That means gathering up
things that grow in the garden.

How about that?

Give it a spritz there, Minnie!

Oh, dear, I hope this works.

Hot dog! It worked!

Well, of course it did.

[LAUGHS] I am a genius, you know!

Minnie, Minnie, by your chin-chin-chinny,

how does your garden grow?



Um, Professor.

I think Minnie's garden is still growing!

Hoo-boy! That's one great big apple!

And how about them oranges?


I'm freshly squeezed! [CHUCKLES]

Professor, your Spritzer-Ditzer
worked too well!

These fruits and vegetables
are much too big for us!

Can you make them smaller?

Well, I might be able to whip
something together for you,

maybe not in time for dinner.

But I gonna try my best,

or my name isn't Professor Ludwig Von...

[SCREAMS] Drake!


I guess we'll just have to use
all these giant fruits and vegetables

to make Minnie's salad.

Gosh, they look awfully heavy.

We need to get them all over
to the picky-nick table.

But, uh, how are we gonna move them?

Well, maybe we all can help!

Will you help us push and pull
and pick up the giant fruit and veggies?

So we can have
our Thanks a Bunch meal today?

You will?

Aw, thanks a bunch!

Well, I think some
Mouseketools can help too!

To the Mousekedoer!

♪ Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi
Mouseker-ho ♪

♪ Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set
Here we go ♪

♪ You're a thinkin' and
a solvin' work it through-er ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you
Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Oh, Toodles
It's time to get to it ♪

♪ Show us the Mouseketools
to help us do it ♪

Meeska, mooska, Mousekedoer!

Mouseketools, Mouseketools,


♪ Here are your Mouseketools ♪


We've got an elephant.


A slide. Ooh, slippery!

A kite! [GIGGLES] Fun!

And the Mystery Mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

♪ Toodles has the tools ♪

♪ The Mouseketools ♪

♪ So when we need them ♪

♪ Toodles will bring them ♪

♪ He's here for meedles and youdles ♪

♪ And all we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"! ♪

♪ All we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"! ♪

Now that we've got our Mouseketools,

let's harvest the fruit and veggies.

Are you ready?

All right!

Hmm... what should we gather up first?

Well, I want to make
a salad with only fruit

and another salad with only vegetables.

First we need to sort everything
into their own food group.

Let's start by moving
the fruits into one group

and the vegetables into another.

Okay, boys, let's do it!

You got it!


I'm exhausted.

Whew! We need something strong enough

to move the fruits and veggies

like a Mouseke-fiddle, a Mouseke-faddle,

a Mouseke-foodle-doodle!

[GIGGLES] You mean a Mouseketool, Goofy!

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles"!

Oh, Toodles!

Hmm... Which Mouseketool

can help us move
the giant fruits and veggies?

Right, the elephant!

Is he strong enough to help us?


He sure is!

We got ears!

Say, "Cheers"!


Okay, now we can sort
all these fruits and veggies.

Let's pick out the fruit.

What kind of fruit do you see?


Right! Apple and oranges!

Let's harvest the apple first,
then the oranges.

So long to the Big Apple! [LAUGHS]

Thanks for the help.

Oh, and, uh, don't forget the oranges.

Whoa! Ex-squeeze me!

Now let's pick out the veggies.

What vegetables do you see?



-And what about this cucumber?

Yes! Cucumbers are vegetables too!


What about this carrot and...

[CRYING] ...this onion?

It makes me wanna cry! [CHUCKLES]

[GIGGLES] Well, they're vegetables too,

so they go with the other vegetables!



Good work, Mr. Jumbo.

Say hello to the missus!

And thanks a bunch to you too.

Good fruit and veggie sorting!

Uh, Mickey, what about
the broccoli and the peas?

They're veggies too, you know?

Come on, Goofy! Let's get them!

Sure thing, Donald!

Now where are those little peas hiding?

Oh, peas!

Where are you?

Oh, peas, please!

What a goof!

[GIGGLES] Goofy, the peas
are inside the pea pods.

Uh, right! I knew that.

And I know exactly what to do with them.

We have to open them up, like this!

Wow! Two peas in a pod!

Goofy, wait! Oh, no!

-What's the big idea?

Whoa! Look out!

-Whoa! Whoa.

I'm sure glad those roly-poly
peas didn't get away, Donald.

Uh, Donald... Donald?

This is ridiculous!

Come on, Donald.
Let's get everybody to help us.

These 12 peas are kind of heavy,

and we have to carry all of them
over to the picnic table.

They're as big as bowling balls.

How about we carry them
in picky-nick baskets?

Good idea, Goofy.

Gee, thanks, Minnie.

But, uh, how many baskets
do you think we'll need to carry 12 peas?

First, we ought to figure out how many
peas can fit into one basket.

Let me just roll this pea over here.


Uh, Mickey,

it looks like there might be room
for another pea.

One pea. Two peas!

Great! Now we know that one basket
has enough room to hold two peas.

So how many baskets do you think
we'll need to hold 12 peas?

Two peas go in one basket.

Two more peas go in another basket.

And that makes...

...two baskets.

Then, three baskets,

four baskets,

five baskets,

six baskets!

So all we need are six baskets.


Mickey, we only have one basket.

And we still need...

Hmm... one, two, three, four,
five more baskets!

But where can we find that many?

♪ A-bisket a-gasket ♪

You say you need a basket?

Ho-ho! Pete's the name,

and selling baskets is my game!

And it just so happens that I have five...

Count them!

One, two, three, four, five

baskets right here!

Oh. Now let's see,

what should I charge you?

Buttons? Bows?

A pocketful of posies? [CHUCKLES]

Pete, I have a much better idea.

Why don't you share your baskets with us?


You can't be serious!

And join us for today's
Thanks a Bunch celebration!

We'd be really thankful for that!

You mean, little old me?

As in "I"?

I'm invited to your party?

[GIGGLES] Well, of course you are, Pete.

Yeah! What's a party without Petey?

Aw, you guys are the bestest friends
anyone could ever have! [LAUGHS]

Thanks a bunch!

[GIGGLES] That's what today's all about!

-Well, here you go.

-Have a basket!
DAISY: Oh, thank you, Pete.

MINNIE: And one for me.
-Thanks, Pete!

Thanks a bunch, Pete!

Oh dear, how can we get all
the peas into the baskets

without those silly things
rolling away again?

My brain is telling me that what we need
is a Mouseke-who's-it,

a Mouseke-what's-it,

-a Mouseke...

A Mouseketool!

Wow! My brain sounds just like Donald!

[LAUGHS] Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles"!

Oh, Toodles!

We have a slide, a kite

and the Mystery Mouseketool.

Can a kite help us put peas in a basket?

How about the slide?

We can put the peas on the slide

and let them slide down into each basket!

Sounds like fun to me! Let's do it!

We got ears! Say "Cheers"!




Oh, it's working!

Wow, great, Goof!


[LAUGHS] Good!


Oh, goody, goody, goody!



Two points! Woo-hoo!

All right! The baskets are full...


But my tummy's running on empty.

So without further ado,

let's eat a bunch!

-All right!
-Let's go!

DAISY: Coming through!
DONALD: Out of my way!

-Save me an apple!
-Move it or lose it!


Wait a minute, everybody!

Huh. We can't forget the broccoli.

That's a whole lot of vegetable!

We need a Mouseketool
that can help us cut down the broccoli.

Then we can move it over to the Clubhouse.

Oh, good thinking!

I like how you kids work things out!

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles"!

Oh, Toodles!

MICKEY: Well, we have a kite
and the Mystery Mouseketool.

Kites are fun!

Aww. But I guess a kite
can't cut anything down.

Cheer up, Goofy.

Now we get to pick
the Mystery Mouseketool!

Oh, goody!

[GIGGLES] That's always a good choice!

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool"!

Mystery Mouseketool!

What's today's Mystery Mouseketool?

Safety scissors!

Scissors cut things.

[GASPS] And that's just what we need!

We got ears, say "Cheers"!


Okay, Mickey the Mouse. Now can we eat?

Oh, you betcha!

Oh, now this is what I call a meal!

I'm glad you like it, Pete.

But we still have one big problem.

Uhh! You're kidding, mouse, aren't you?

Well, I'm afraid not.

You see, all of this food
is more than we need.

You're right, Mickey.

What are we going to do
with all the extra fruits and vegetables?

We can't let it go to waste!

Maybe if we can give it
to someone who can eat a lot.

Ooh! I know someone
who lives at the top of this vine,

and he's a big eater.

And that someone
is someone I forgot to invite

to our Thanks a Bunch meal.

Willie the Giant!

Well, I bet Willie would love to join us.

We need to send him an invitation!

But Willie lives way up high
in the clouds.

How can we get the invitation
to him right now?

Oh! Oh!

That's easy-extra-cheesy!

We need a Mouseke-doodly-doo!

How about a Mouseketool?

Not a bad idea, Donald.

Wished I'd thought of it! [CHUCKLES]

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles"!

Oh, Toodles!

Well, all that's left is the kite.

GOOFY: Yippee! I knew the kite
would be good for something!

Uh, how can a kite help us?

We can attach an invitation to it

and fly it up to Willie's cloud!

Yeah! That'll do it!

We picked all our Mouseketools!

Say, "Super Cheers"!

Ooh! A pretty kite! Duh... what's this?

[GASPS] It's an invitation!

Oh, joy! Oh, joy! Oh, joy!

Mickey Mouse and my other widdle friends

have invited me
to their Thanks a Bunch dinner!

Duh... yoo-hoo!

Don't start without me!

Duh, I'm gonna climb down this vine

and get to the party right away!



WILLIE: I'm here!

Uh, hiya, everybody!

Hiya, Willie!

Welcome to the party!

Ooh! A fruit salad

and a veggie salad!

My favorites! Yummy-yum!

Thanks a bunch, widdle friends!


Hey-howdy-doo there, kiddos.

I've been working all day
on a formula for shrinking,

but I see that you've already
taken care of everything.

Thanks a bunch for your help, professor.

Why don't you join us?

I thought you'd never ask!

♪ Happy Thanks a Bunch Day ♪

♪ To you and everyone ♪

♪ You brighten up the Clubhouse ♪

♪ And make it lots of fun ♪


♪ I'm happy I have such good friends ♪

♪ I'm happy that I know you ♪

♪ I'm happy that you're happy ♪

♪ I'm just happy you're all happy too ♪


♪ You guys are the best friends ever ♪

♪ A million thanks a bunch ♪

♪ But I was kinda wonderin' ♪

♪ Duh, can I have the leftovers
for tomorrow's lunch? ♪

Oh, Willie! [GIGGLES]

♪ Happy Thanks a Bunch Day ♪

♪ To you and everyone ♪

♪ You brighten up the Clubhouse ♪

♪ And make it lots of fun ♪

Thanks a bunch!

[GIGGLES] Aw, gosh!

Thanks a bunch for helping us harvest
all the fruits and veggies.

And thanks a bunch for making this
the best Thanks a Bunch Day ever!

So come on, everybody.

What better way to end the day

than by doing the Hot Dog Dance!

[♪ They Might Be Giants: Hot Dog!]

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears ♪

♪ It's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog ♪

♪ The problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog ♪

♪ Hot diggity dog ♪

Thanks for helping us
today at the Clubhouse.

Oh, I sure had fun and I hope you did too.

And thanks for doing the Hot Dog Dance.


What a "hot dog" day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand new day ♪

♪ What you waiting for ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out ♪

♪ Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog ♪

♪ Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog ♪

♪ Hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene ♪

♪ We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now from Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

Aw, thanks for stopping by!

MINNIE: Remember the 12 peas
we had to carry to the picnic table?

If two peas fit in one basket,

how many baskets did we need
to carry all 12 peas?

One, two, three, four, five, six.

You got it!

Happy Thanks a Bunch Day!

See you real soon!
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