02x06 - Minnie's Picnic

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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02x06 - Minnie's Picnic

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody. It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

Ah, I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,

we get to say the magic words:

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey Mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey Mouse.

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

That's me!

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside, it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

Roll call!



-Hyuck! Here.


-Oh-ho! Here.

-Right here.

♪ It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside, it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-I-C-K-E-Y ♪

♪ M-O-U-S-E ♪

MICKEY: It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
Ha, ha!


Welcome to our clubhouse, everybody.

It's a very special day because--


Oh, gosh. You're right, Pluto.

-Let's have Minnie tell us.

Why, thank you, Mickey.

Well, today is the grand opening
of our new Mickey Park picnic grounds.

And we're going to celebrate
with a picnic. [GIGGLES]

Everyone's coming!

[CHUCKLES] Everyone? Wow!

How many friends is that?

Well, let's see.
I just finished the guest list.

Come on, everybody. Count with us.

MINNIE & MICKEY: One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight,

nine, ten, 11, 12!

MICKEY: Twelve friends in all.

[CHUCKLES] That's a lot!

Great counting, everybody!

Oh! This is going to be
the most wonderful picnic ever.


[GASPS] Oh, my! That must be
one of our guests.

Whoever it is is early,
and we're not ready!

Well, hiya, Mickey the mouse!

-Hiya, Pete.

[GIGGLES] Hello, Pete.

I can't wait for the big
picnic lunch today! [CHUCKLES]


Oh! That's my tummy talking.
I don't think it could wait either.

He said, "Feed me! Feed me!" [CHUCKLES]

So when do we eat?

Well, Pete, the picnic doesn't start
till later.

And we still have a lot to do.

Hmm. Well, is there anything I can do
to help get ready?

You know, speed things up a bit?

Thank you, Pete. Hmm.

Well, here's something you can do.

Look in the closet and see
if you can find a picnic blanket

big enough for 12 friends.

Big enough for 12 friends, eh?

Oh, that ought to be easy.

One, two, three... Uh, four...

-Uh, don't tell-- Five, six.

I need more fingers.

We better hurry, Mickey. Oh!

I hope I can get everything ready
for the picnic in time.

Hmm. Well, I have an idea.

Will you help Minnie
get her picnic ready in time?

That's swell!

Come on. Let's go to the Mousekedoer
and get our Mouseketools.

♪ Mouseke-hey, mouseke-hi, mouseke-ho! ♪

♪ Mouseke-ready, mouseke-set
Here we go! ♪

♪ You're a-thinkin' and a-solvin'
Work-it-througher ♪

♪ Mouseke-me, mouseker-you, Mousekedoer ♪

♪ Mouseke-me, mouseke-you, Mousekedoer ♪


♪ Oh, Toodles, it's time to get to it ♪

Ha, ha! ♪ Show us the Mouseketools
To help us do it ♪

Meeska, mooska,


♪ Mouseketools, Mouseketools,
Mouseketools ♪

♪ Here are your Mouseketools ♪

MICKEY MOUSE: A trampoline! [BOINGS]
Boing, boing, boing! Ha, ha!

A wagon! Ooh.

A beach towel! Surf's up!

And the mystery Mousketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

♪ Toodles has the tools,
the Mouseketools ♪

♪ So when we need 'em ♪

♪ Toodles will bring 'em ♪

♪ He's here for meedle and youdle ♪

Ha, ha! ♪ And all we have to say is,
"Oh, Toodles" ♪

♪ All we have to say is, "Oh, Toodles" ♪


Hot dog! We got our Mouseketools.

Now, we're all set to help Minnie
get the picnic ready.


Oh! Hiya, Donald.

Hello, Daisy.

Uh, you're both
a little early for the picnic,

and there's still so much to do.

That's why we're here, Minnie.
Donald and I wanted to help you get ready.

Oh, that's wonderful! Thank you!

I could really use help
counting the plates.

Well, let's start counting!

Okay, Donald. Here are all my plates.

We need 12 plates for 12 friends.

Do you want to count the plates with us?

Great! Thanks.

DONALD: One...






Donald, are you sure?

Are five plates enough for 12 friends?

No. You're right.


Maybe five's not enough. [CHUCKLES]

So far, we have five plates.

So, let's add another five plates
and see if that's enough.

DONALD: Five...


seven, eight...

nine... Ten!

That's enough!

Not so fast, Donald.

Are ten plates enough for 12 friends?

No. I didn't think so.

We only had ten, and ten is less than 12.

So, we still need more.

Let's add three more plates
and see what happens.

DONALD: Ten...


DONALD: Thirteen plates.

Now, that's enough.

But Donald,
we need 12 plates for 12 friends.

Are 13 not enough,
just right, or too many?

Right. Thirteen is more than 12,
so 13 plates are too many.

If we only need 12 plates,
what should we do?

Should we add more or take some away?

Uh-huh! Let's take one away
and see if that helps.

DONALD: Twelve!

Just right.

Here you go, Minnie.

Twelve plates for our 12 friends.

Thank you, Daisy. Thanks, Donald.

And thank you, too.

And here are the hot dogs and buns

for the picnic. Oh, ho! Ready to go!

And I found a picnic blanket.

So, let's get a move on, neighbors.
I'm starving.

Ah, don't worry, Pete.

All we got to do is load the tooncar
for the trip to Mickey Park.

Wow! There's so much to carry.

Hmm. Maybe a Mouseketool can help us.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!


MICKEY: A trampoline,

a wagon,

a beach towel,

and the mystery Mouseketool.

Which Mouseketool can help us carry

all the picnic supplies
out to the tooncar?

The wagon! You betcha!

We got ears. Say, "Cheers!"

Come on, everybody. To the tooncar!

Next stop,
the new Mickey Park picnic grounds!

Sing with us, everyone!

ALL: Hot dog!

♪ We're having a picnic ♪

♪ It's sure to be lots of fun ♪

♪ Can't wait to be with all our friends ♪

♪ And eat hot dogs on the bun ♪


Hot dog!

♪ We're having a picnic ♪

-♪ It's sure to be lots of fun ♪

♪ Can't wait to be with all our friends ♪

♪ And eat hot dogs on the bun ♪

Oh, yeah! [CHUCKLES]

-Whoa! The road is bouncy!
-Tell me about it!

Hang on, everybody!
I've got everything under control.


Whoa! Whoa! Oh! Are we there yet?


MICKEY: Well, look who's here.
It's Goofy and Clarabelle Cow!

Hi, everybody!

Why, Goofy, I haven't seen you
ride that bike for a long time.

That's because for a long time,
I didn't have a bell on it.

But he does now. A Clarabelle!



MICKEY: Well, look who else is here.

It's Bella, Clarabelle's puppy.




Stay out of trouble, you two!

And don't forget to meet us
at the new picnic grounds!


Oh, look!


BOTH: Hi, Mickey.

Hi, everybody!


Hello, down there!

MICKEY: It's Professor Von Drake!
Hi, professor!

"High" would be correct, Mickey!

[LAUGHS] I am flying high,

thanks to this new Von Drake helium-filled
blimpity blazer, patent pending.

Whoa! Whoa! Oh!

The wind is really blowing up here,
I've got to tell you!

Follow the professor
to the new Mickey Park picnic grounds.

Oh! Look at these new picnic grounds!

First, let's lay out the picnic blanket.

I got it. I got it!


Hey, what's the big idea?


[GASPS] Oh, no!

Oh, I'm sorry, Minnie.

I didn't mean to mess up the blanket.

It's okay, Pete.
That's not what I'm worried about.

I wonder if this blanket is big enough
for all 12 of us to sit on.

Looks big enough to me.

Well, Pete, there's a way
we can figure out

if it's big enough.
You see, the blanket is made up of...

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight squares.

And it looks like one square
is big enough for one friend.

If one friend can sit on one square,

are eight squares enough for 12 friends?

Nope. We need 12 squares.

Then we're going to need
another blanket for that.

Oh, but we don't have another blanket.

Why don't we see if there's
a Mouseketool we could use as a blanket?

You've got it, Daisy.

Everybody, say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!


MINNIE: Look! The beach towel has
one, two, three,

four colored squares.

Squares just like the picnic blanket!

MICKEY: could some of our friends sit
on the beach towel for the picnic?

Why, sure!

We got ears. Say, "Cheers!"

Let's see if we have
enough room for all of our friends now.

Hmm. We already have
eight squares on the picnic blanket.

Enough for eight friends,

and if we add
the four squares on this towel,

how many squares are there altogether?


nine, ten, 11, 12. Ooh!

MICKEY: So, eight squares
plus four more squares

is 12 squares.

Will that be enough room
for all 12 friends?

Yep. That's just right!

[LAUGHS] Now, we can have our picnic!

Come on, everyone. Let's set it up.

Okay. We got us the picnic blanket
and the extra towel,

and we got ourselves the plates.

So let's bring on the eats. Yum!



Oh, dear! Our blanket and towel are gone!

Now, there's nothing for us to sit on.

Hold on, Minnie. We need something

that will help us reach
the blanket and the towel.

Uh, Mickey, how about
we check our Mousedoodles--

Uh, Micecaboodles-- Mouseketools?

Good idea, Goof. Everybody, say:

ALL: Oh, Toodles?


MICKEY: Hmm. Can we use the trampoline

to reach the blanket and the towel?

You betcha!

We can bounce on the trampoline
and reach them both.

We got ears. Say, "Cheers!"


Bounce with me! Everybody, up!

Up on your feet and bounce!

Bounce! Bounce!


Why does this always happen to me?


Great bouncing, everyone.

Oh, boy! That was spring-dingy,
is what that is.

Now, we can get this picnic started.

In the brand-new
Mickey Park picnic grounds.

-It's about time!

Hey! Anyone want some punch?


Then grab yourself a cup.
The punch is coming right up.

♪ Punchy-punch is perfect for lunch ♪

Whoa! Look out!


Oh! Our picnic is ruined.

Gosh! Sorry, everybody.

Oh, it's not that bad, Goof.
It's just punch.

But we do need something
to clean it up with.

Petey's right.
Maybe a Mouseketool could help us out.

That's a great idea, Clarabelle.

You really think so?
Oh, I always wanted to say that.

Everybody, say, "Oh, Toodles!"

ALL: Oh, Toodles!


Only the mystery Mouseketool is left.

GOOFY: I sure hope it's something
that will help clean up the mess I made.

Everybody, say:

ALL: Mystery Mouseketool!

Today's mystery Mouseketool is...

A giant sponge!

Gee, can a giant sponge
soak up a giant punch spill?


Let's give it a try!

We picked all our Mouseketools.

Say, "Super cheers!"


Okay, Goofy. Now, work with me here.

Push the sponge and soak up the spill.

Come on, everyone.
Push the sponge with us.

Here we go!

And push!

Push! Push!

And push! Push! Push!

Yippee! It worked!

The giant sponge
spongie-ed up all the punch!

Ooh! Good sponging, everyone.

Hooray! Our picnic is saved!

-Whoa! Whoa! Oh!
-Oh, my goodness!


These picnic grounds seem to be
in the windiest spot in Mickey Park.

Oh, this picnic's a disaster.

Oh! I'm afraid Donald's right.

Wait a minute, everybody.

It's not as bad as you think.

-It isn't?

This is Mickey Park,
and that means anything can happen here.

Oh, ho! Come on, everybody. Follow me!

And now, pull!




PETE: That's amazing, is what it is.

Okay. So, now can we get
this picnic started already?

I'm hungrier than ever.

Oh, not to worry, Pete.




Well! [LAUGHS]

CLARABELLE: Those handy helpers
sure do know how to move!

-Oh, boy!

-Hot doggie!

This is wonderful!


[LAUGHS] Flying hot dog.

What's next?


Dancing hot dogs?

I'm working on that right now already.

Boy, oh, boy.

This picnic turned out great!

Let's all give three cheers for Minnie!

ALL: Hip, hip, hooray!

Hip, hip, hooray!

Hip, hip, hooray!

Oh, thank you. [GIGGLES]

I'll sure remember it! [LAUGHS]

Now, let's all get up
and do the hot dog dance!

Up! Up on your feet!

♪ Hot dog ♪


♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears,
It's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
The problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪

We've had such a great day today,

so let's all celebrate
by doing the hot dog dance.

Up on your feet, everybody,
and dance, dance, dance! [GIGGLES]

Well, what a hot dog day.

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day
What ya waitin' for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog ♪

♪ We're splittin' the scene
We're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now
From Mickey Mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ At the Mickey Mouse ♪

♪ Club ♪

♪ House ♪

Aw, thanks for stopping by.

MICKEY: Oh, another fun day!

MINNIE: do you remember how many plates
we needed for the picnic today?

Right! We needed 12 plates,

one plate for each of our 12 friends.

MICKEY: Flying hot dogs!
What a hot dog picnic day!

See you real soon.
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