03x04 - The Older Man: Part 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "One Day at a Time". Aired: December 16, 1975 – May 28, 1984.*
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Ann frequently struggles with maintaining her role as mother while affording her daughters the freedom she never had as a young woman.
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03x04 - The Older Man: Part 4

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ This is it

♪ This is life, the one you
get, so go and have a ball

♪ This is it

♪ Straight ahead, and rest
assured you can't be sure at all

♪ So while you're
here enjoy the view

♪ Keep on doing what you do

♪ Hold on tight,
we'll muddle through

♪ One day at a time
♪ So up on your feet

♪ Somewhere
there's music playing

♪ Don't you worry none

♪ Just take it like it comes

♪ One day at a time
♪ One day at a time

♪ One day at a time
♪ One day at a time

♪ One day at a time

- [Narrator] And now
for the conclusion

of The Older Man.

- You think Dad can stop
Julie from marrying Paul?

- Well, I hope he'll be
able to talk some sense

into her, but
knowing your father,

as we all do, he'll
probably do a lot of shouting

and make a fool out of himself.

- That won't do any good,
you've already done that.

Shouting, I mean.

(knocking on door)

That's gotta be Daddy.

Hi Daddy.

- You don't know what
that does for my heart.

- Schneider, what
we can do for you?

- I just had a
little spare time.

I thought maybe I'd come up

and check out your
extension cords.

- Why?

- You know, they
could be overextended.

- Schneider, is
it at all possible

that you're here in this apartment
because you're just dying

to find out what happens
when Julie's father gets here?

- You mean her
dad is coming over?

I had no... All right, I knew.

I can just imagine
what he's gonna say

about Julie wanting
to marry that older guy.

I better check out
the cord on your fan,

because when he gets
here, something's gonna hit it.

- Schneider.

- Look now, I don't mind
staying around if you want me to

because I feel terrific
about the family.

- I know you do,
Schneider, and I appreciate

the way you feel, and I
promise if we need your help,

we'll call you.

- You promise?
- I'll promise.

- Okay, I'll be over
at the bowling alley.

Just look for the lane with
the big crowd around it.

- I really like Schneider.

- (laughs) So do I.

- I'm really gonna have
to sit down sometime

and figure out why.

- You know, your father
better hurry up and get here

because Julie has a
tennis date with Paul.

- Tennis?

Mom, they can't play tennis.

You gotta stop her.

- Why?

- Who painted my
tennis shoes orange?

- That's why.

- What's the big idea?

- You see, I needed them
for a clown act at school.

- Why didn't you paint
your own tennis shoes?

Why mine?

- Because clowns
have long, floppy feet.

- Mom, how am I gonna
go to Paul's country club

with orange tennis shoes?

- Wear Barbara's.

- Runt foot?

I'll be stumbling
all over the court.

- Nothing new about that.

- And I don't have
long, floppy feet.

What's floppy is your brain.

(doorbell rings)

- Daddy.
- Yeah.

- Hi Daddy.
- Hi baby.

Hello, Ann.

- Hi, Ed, how's your wife?

- Vicky is fine.

What happened with Julie?

Who is this older man?

Is she serious
about marrying him?

- Ed, they're really in love.

- But why?

What can she see
in a man that age?

- He's three years
younger than you are.

- I know that.

I didn't say he
couldn't be attractive.

I just said he was
too old for her.

How could you let this happen?

- Ed, I've done
everything I know how

to keep it from happening.

I've pleaded with her,
I've argued with her.

But you know Julie, she
just has to marry Paul.

- She has to marry him?

- Not has to marry him.

Has to marry him.

- It's pretty obvious
what happened.

A girl needs a strong father.

You took the one she had away,

so now she's marrying one.

- Come on.

- Ann, please, let's not
rehash old problems.

I'm here now and I'm
gonna settle this thing

once and for all.

Julie, come out here.

- Oh, Daddy, it's
so good to see you.

- Julie, I want to talk
to you about this man.

I want you to know
I'm totally against it.

(Julie groaning)

What's the matter, baby?

- You see, Daddy, I don't
have any tennis shoes

of my own, so I have
to wear Barbara's.

- Oh?

Julie, I know you think
you love this man...

- Daddy, you will love him too.

He's so kind and considerate.

He's a veterinarian.

- He's also 42 and you
are not ready for this.

(Julie groaning)

You shouldn't be wearing
shoes that are too tight for you.

You'll ruin your little feet.

- I know, I'll get corns.

Daddy, can I have some money
to buy some new tennis shoes?

- Oh, yeah, sure.

Here, what do you blow
my child support check on?

- Thank you, Daddy, I love you.

- Julie, hey, Julie!

- Good, Ed, you
really handled it.

You bought her new tennis shoes.

I never would
have thought of that.

- Daddy, can I please have
some money for a tape deck?

- No.

- Good try, Barbara.

- Well it was worth a try.

Nobody cares about the youngest.

- Oh brother.

I always was a
patsy for the girls.

- That's true, Ed.

Don't blame yourself.

You're really a
very good father.

I haven't been able to
solve this problem either.

- What's this Paul like?

- Bad news.

He's very nice.

- But he's so much older.

- He's still very nice.

- So is Grandpa Walt,
but you don't marry him.

- Ed, would you prefer
that Julie live with him?

- With Grandpa Walt, sure.

What's this guy's angle?

Why Julie?

- Daddy, listen.

I'm really sorry, but we're
gonna have to talk about this

sooner or later, so it
may as well be sooner.

- Okay, honey, but
I want you to know

if there's any chance of
my arguing you out of this,

I'm gonna do it.

- Okay, dad.

I know where you're coming from,

but you were 10
years older than mom

when you married her.

- And it failed.

- Was it because of
the age difference?

Be honest with me.

- No, it wasn't.

But now we're
talking about 25 years.

- A quarter of a century.

- So what's the magic number?

10 years, 25 years, 14
years and six months?

Years mean nothing.

People are what count.

- Honey, that sounds
so very romantic

but I gotta tell you
the way it really is.

When you are 40, he's gonna
be collecting Social Security.

- Ed, we already covered that.

- Oh, okay.

What about the children?

They'll think they're growing
up with their grandfather.

- We covered that too.

- You did?

Okay, Julie, if you're
determined to make this mistake,

at least give yourself a chance.

Date him a while.

- Covered.

- Is there anything
you haven't covered?

How about husband
and wife burial plots?

- Where did that come from?

- I don't know, I just
bought a plot for Vicky

next to mine.

- Wait a minute.

I had the one next to yours.

- Vicky's on the other side.

- That is really tacky.

- Would you guys
just stop it, okay?

I've made my decision,
I'm gonna marry Paul.

Why can't you just accept that?

His parents do.

- They're still alive?

- Daddy, he's only 42.

I've met them and I'm
welcome in their home.

If Paul's happy, they're happy.

I guess they're just a
little more understanding

than you are.

- I am always understanding.

- Ed, let's try to
keep this believable.

(doorbell rings)

- He's here.

- Who's here?

- Paul, we're gonna
go play tennis.

- He's coming here, to my house?

- Daddy, don't make a scene.

- What do you mean,
don't make a scene?

I drive 73 miles to make a
scene, I'm gonna make a scene.

- He's gonna hear you.

- I don't care if hears me.

I've got a lot to say
to him and I don't care

if you've already covered it.

- Okay, Dad, go ahead
and make your scene.

Let's get it over with.

It's not gonna change anything.

- She's probably right.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Paul.

- Hello, Ann.

- Paul, this is my father.

- I've been wanting to
meet you, Mr. Cooper.

Ed, isn't it?

- As long as you
don't call me Dad.

Look, let's not play games.

I want to talk to this man.

- Go right ahead.

- All right, number one.

- We want you to
come for dinner tonight.

- We want you to
come for dinner.

- Seven o'clock.

- Seven o'clock?

- Be glad to, thank
you very much.

- Thank you, Mom.

Come on, Paul, let's go.

I'm gonna beat you on that
tennis court and you know it.

- Don't run around
your back end.

- Bye.
- Bye.

- What the hell did you
invite him to dinner for?

- God, I know
how you're feeling.

Believe me, I've
gone all through it.

But Julie really loves this man.

Do we really have
the right to step in?

- You're damn right we do.

- Ed, will you
shut up and listen?

- I wish I had a dollar for
every time you said that.

- We have got to be able to talk

where the kids are concerned.

Ed, is age really
that important?

I wonder, I really
wonder whether it matters.

We're down to two
choices, you know.

Either we keep our
relationship with Julie,

or we lose it.

Hey, look at it this way.

Isn't it better to
gain an old son

than lose a young daughter?

- Watch it.
- All right watch.

- Why didn't you tell me
that was there, stupid?

I could have...

I haven't got eyes in
the back of my head.

- You got nothing in
the back of your head.

- I don't know why we're
going to all this trouble.

First time your folks
had me to dinner,

we ate on TV trays.

- Ed, in an Italian family,

you don't drag
out the good china

until the guy comes
up with the ring.

Thank you, Schneider.

- It's all yours, so long as
I have it back to the lodge

in time for the annual bingo
party and vice squad raid.

Ooh, the good crystal.

Wow, aren't we getting fancy?

- When you entertain
a veterinarian,

you put on the dog.

(Schneider laughing)

- I want to wish you good luck.

I remember the
first I met my in laws.

We had an argument that
lasted longer than the marriage.

We sat down to dinner and
her old man looked at me

and he said, "Heavenly
father, bless this food,

"bless this house,
and protect us

"from whatever my
daughter brought home."

- It was nice to see
you again, Schneider.

- You know, Ed, I'm really...

It's a big relief off my
mind that you decided

to accept this thing.

If you can't beat
them, you join them.

- Who said I would accept it?

- You said you
were accepting it.

- I did not say I
would accept it.

I said you would
accept it and I accept

that you were accepting it.

That's all I accept.

- Miss Romano, you
want me to stick around?

If Ed and the doc
start to go at it,

you're gonna need a neuter male.

- Schneider, butt out.

- Butt out?

Butt in, butt out, butt out.

I happen to care
about this family.

Somebody's got to
be a father to them.

- Schneider, thank
you for stepping in,

but now that I'm here,
would you please step out?

- All right.

All right, I'll step out.

But I hope you can
handle it, Ed, because

our little girl is
getting married.

And that's one of the
biggest days in the life

of a father.

And I don't want you
rousing it up for me, huh?

- Wonder if he'd like to
take over the child support.

- Everything almost ready?

Paul's gonna be
here in a minute.

- Everything's
almost ready, yes.

- Daddy, where's your tie?

- I didn't bring one.

Why would I wear a tie to
punch a guy in the nose?

- [All] Dad.

- All right, I'll be nice.

(doorbell ringing)

- He's here.

- He's here, he's here.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- They do that every time?

- Ed, Barbara, how are you, Ed?

- Fine.

- Paul.
- Paul.

- Brought you some wine.

- Oh thank you, it's very nice.

- Julie says you're
quite a tennis player.

- I bet he specializes
in mixed doubles.

- Ed, offer him a drink.

- Oh what'll you have...
- Paul.
- Paul.

Scotch and soda?

- Bourbon and ginger ale.

- Oh, right.

- Well, Ed, do you play tennis?

- Handball.

I do some fishing.

- Fresh water?

- Deep sea.

- Dad, you and Paul
have a lot in common.

Paul was in the Navy.

- You too, huh?

- Marines.

Fighting Marines.

- Well, the Navy
was in the w*r too.

- What did you do?

Give distemper sh*ts
to the admiral's poodle?

- No, just to the
fighting Marines.

- I guess a veterinarian is okay

if you can't make
regular doctor.

- You're very funny.

Have you ever thought
about writing speeches

for Billy Carter?

- Mom, this is all
really awkward.

Maybe we better just eat.

- Sit down and have a peanut.

- Let's face it, we don't
have anything in common

except my daughter and our age.

- Why don't we sit down
and stare at each other?

First one that
cracks a smile loses.

- That's funny, Paul.

- It is?

- Yes, it's funny.

- Very funny.

- Paul, can I ask
you a question?

- Sure.

- How much money do you make?

- Barbara.

- Isn't it all in the family?

Aren't we supposed
to know these things?

Suppose he has a heart
attack on the honeymoon.

- You're so gross I
can't even believe it.

- Barbara, go toss the salad.

- I don't believe this.

We're all dying to know
how much he makes

and nobody has
guts enough to ask.

- I'll make you a deal.

Why don't you forget about
Julie and take that one?

You smiled, I win.

He smiled first.

- You did smile first.

(all laughing)

(all chattering)

- The wine, Ed, open the wine.

- Listen, as long as the
subject was brought up,

how much do you make?

- Well, I'm not the
richest guy in the world

but I can offer Julie a
good home, security.

She won't have to worry
and she won't have to work.

- Got a younger brother?

- Barbara, toss the salad.

By the way, there's nothing
wrong with working, Ed.

Oh, Paul.

I'm sorry, you
sounded just like Ed.

- If he could make $20 per dog

and you brought
in 15 dogs per day,

not counting cats...

- Barbara, toss the salad.

- I just tossed it.
- Re-toss it.

- Paul has a mountain cabin.

We could all go up
there, the whole family.

- Even Vicky?

- You never change, sweetheart.

- I don't want to
start a family feud.

It's not that kind of cabin.

It's more like a fishing shack.

Me and the guys go up
there a few times a year.

- Just guys?

- We've been
doing it a long time.

- Julie, you're welcome to
come along any time you want.

Ed, you're welcome too.

- I don't know.

- Hey Ed, what's the matter?

You used to love to
go fishing with the guys.

Of course, that was BVD.

- BVD?

- Before Vicky Darling.

- Paul, I think I'd
better warn you.

A lot of lovely
things about Julie,

but in some ways she
takes after her mother.

- I happen to like
Julie's mother.

- When are we gonna eat?
- Thank you Paul.

Toss the salad.

- I already tossed the salad,

and if I toss the salad anymore,

it's gonna be soup.

- I just might take you
up on that invitation.

I think I might like to try
some lake fishing for a change.

- You'd love it,
Ed, you'd love it.

Let me tell you, last
season I caught a trout about,

it was about...
- That far from shore.

- What I did catch was
about three full houses,

and I pulled to
an inside straight.

- One thing though, not
during football season.

- Don't worry about that.

I've got season tickets
to the Bear games

for the last 10 years.

- You dig losers, huh?

- We're gonna be all right.

All we need is another
Fran Tarkenton.

- Who's she?

- Of course, there's
only one Tarkenton.

- But your team does
need a good quarterback.

You should have gotten Joe
Namath when he was available.

- You're kidding.

He's too old.

He's what, 34?

- Maybe you're right.

His knees are shot.

The only thing holding
his legs together now

are his pantyhose.

- They seem to be getting along.

- Yeah.

- The Rams though, they're
gonna have to go with Hayden.

- Hayden, he's too
young, he's just a kid.

He's 24.

- Ed, you don't want
to keep that wine

all to yourself, do you?

Come on.

Here we go.

- Okay.

- Paul.
- Paul.

- Mom. (giggling)


- It's good luck
when you spill wine.

- I know, wait a
minute, here's a napkin.

There you go, sweetie.

- What about me?

- Only the older folks get wine.

- I'll just toss the salad.

- I'd like to propose a
toast to Julie's mother

and to her father.

May our friendship
grow through the years.

- Cheers.

- And now I'd like
to propose a toast.

Paul, you're a great guy.

But if you think you're
gonna marry my daughter,

you are off your trolley.

- Ed.

- Look, Ann, you can pretend
you like this mess, but not me.

- We've been all through this.

- All right, look, here.

Tell him how perfect
you think this all is.

Drink a toast to Julie
and Father Time.

- Julie is gonna be
18 in two months.

- I don't care
if it's two hours.

I'm her father and I'm
obligated to say what I feel.

Julie, Julie, baby, I love you

but I think you're
making a big mistake.

- Ed, I happen to love her too.

- Great, okay, how would you
like your daughter to marry me?

- She'd have to
be off her trolley.

That doesn't have
anything to do with age.

- Wait a second, that's
my father you're talking to.

- Barbara, keep out of this.

- I thought this was
a family discussion.

- It's not a family yet.

- Ed, keep out of this.

- Who gets to keep in it?

Just you?

- Hey, remember one thing.

I'm the guy that's
marrying Julie.

Julie, Julie?

- Ed, let him go.

- Julie.

- Paul, it's all wrong.

- Are you kidding?

We'll laugh about
this 50 years from now.

Make that 20.

They're just trying
to protect you.

Really, how do you think
I felt when my daughter

announced her engagement to
the Pack Eight Skateboard Champ?

- She didn't.
- She did.

And he turned out
to be a fine son in law.

But the point is, it
was her life, Julie.

You can't let your
parents lead yours.

- Paul, I'm not
worried about that.

I know that whatever I do,

they'll still love me
and they'll accept that.

I know it.

- If you know it, then
what's the problem?

- Fran Tarkenton.

- So you didn't know who he was.

- I must have been crazy.

I thought of our life
as just the two of us,

spending time together,
loving each other.

I never thought
about other people.

- Fran Tarkenton, I
don't even know him.

- Come on, you've already
got a whole life, right?

You've got your work,
your friends, your fishing,

your tennis, your football.

- Yours to share.

- Could I?
- Sure.

- Would I fit in?
- Of course you would.

- Did I fit in at the
tennis club today?

- Sure did, you almost beat me.

- I don't mean that.

I mean you friends
there and their wives.

They didn't know
what to say to me

and I didn't know
what to say to them.

Yeah, they were polite,
they were real polite,

but I felt like just
what I am, a kid.

- Oh boy.

We're back to that again.

I thought age didn't matter.

- Paul, it doesn't.

Experience does.

Remember when we talked
about how one life ends

and another begins?

You've got your life
and I've got my life

but they don't
seem to fit together.

- I don't need the tennis club.

I don't need football games.

I'll be happy just with you.

- Come on, Paul.

If you love me enough
to give up a whole life,

then give me credit
for loving you enough

to ask you not to do it.

- Julie.

Listen to me.

We could try it your way.

We could live together.

- It wouldn't work, Paul.

Not for you, and you know that.

- You call yourself a kid.

You know, when I grow up,

I hope I'm just like you.

I love you, Julie.

- I love you, Paul.

- [Narrator] One Step At
A Time was recorded live

on tape before a
studio audience.
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