02x03 - The Queen of Courts

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "So Help Me Todd". Aired: September 29, 2022 – present.*
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Follows Todd, who has good instincts as a private investigator, but lacks direction and is the black sheep of his family.
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02x03 - The Queen of Courts

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ ♪


I'll be okay.

I'll be okay.



Hey, man, you all right?




TODD: Susan!

Hey, Susan.

Whoa, where's the fire?

I've been yelling to
you for the last block.

- Oh. Sorry. Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, lost in my thoughts.
Important meeting this morning.

I-I think it's just a
formality, but, you know me,

I'm still stressing out over it anyway.

Well, as the owner of Portland's future

number one private investigation firm,

I know a thing or two
about important meetings.

I mean, when I have
them, I will know them.

And I will have meetings.
It is certainly in my future.

- Someday.
- Things still slow?

Uh... You know, I prefer to think of it

- as a larval stage, you know, before...
- ... Your business transforms

into Portland's number
one P.I. butterfly?


Ugh... Her.

Did a few jobs for that woman once.

Total sleazeball. Ambulance chasing...

You wouldn't believe the
stories if I told you.

Honestly, thank God that's behind me.

Oh, my God. There she is.

- Todd Wright! Don't move.
- Think she saw me.

- BELINDA: Todd Wright! Todd Wright!
- Susan...

- Don't you move.
- Susan, do not leave me alone with her.

- I got to get to that meeting.
- Please. Susan, Susan.

- But, uh, good luck.
- No, no, no, no, no.

- Hi.
- My favorite private d*ck.

Just who I was looking for.

Uh, really? Why?

Can't old friends reconnect?

Okay, well.

I'm in a little bit of a legal dustup.

Don't worry your pretty
little head about it.

Belinda's gonna land
on her feet, as always.

But I need a lawyer.

You are a lawyer.

A different lawyer.

What say you introduce me to your mom?

Oh, um, she's busy.

That's why I need you
to grease the wheels.

Charm her.

Charm her? She's my mom.

And seriously, she's, like, extra busy.

Guess who wasn't "extra
busy" when I first met him?


I helped you out.

I scratched your back.

And mine's getting real itchy.

I think there's a cream for that.

I-I don't understand
why I'm being fired.

What did I do wrong?

Absolutely nothing.

We've just discovered a...
redundancy at your position.

And because you were
the last one hired...



if you need a-a recommendation
or anything, just ask.

A recommendation isn't
going to pay my rent.




Dear God.

♪ ♪



Hey, you let Lisa go?

So, do you want résumés for
a new office manager or... ?

Oh, wow. Okay.

So we're in that situation.

Wait, should I be worried?


We're just, uh, experiencing
a temporary cash flow issue.

Nothing more.

I've had to cancel the office pastries

and the good coffee,
and, of course, Lisa.

But... [INHALES] ... it's under control.

It is.

Oh, um, I almost forgot.

You have that meeting with Susan.

What? Now?

Uh. Oh. Can we reschedule it until...

Morning. You ready for me?

[CHUCKLES] Yes. Come in.

So, I know that you know this,

but six months ago,
you and I spoke about me

being promoted to senior associate.

We picked a date in the future to talk,

and this is it.

Yep. Okay.

Um, I've brought in
four smaller clients,

was lead in three trials,
five settlement negotiations

and-and a probate hearing.

More-more importantly, I'm ready.

Susan, I am so proud of you.

And there's no question
that you deserve it.

But... I've also been

the highest billing associate
for the past two years.

But I think we're gonna
have to put a-a pin in it,

just for a bit.

Okay, so when?

- Next month?
- Um...

I mean, you're a name partner now.

You can make this happen, right?

Well, it's more
complicated than that. I...

Mom. Belinda Tuttle is on her way up.

What? The ambulance chaser? Why?

Maybe I'll just reschedule.
I'll talk to Francey.

- No, wait, Susan. Wa... Just wait.
- Listen.

Okay, so after I lost my license

and before I started
here, I did a few tiny jobs

for Belinda Tuttle, like, nothing jobs.

Found a couple witnesses.
Tracked down a missing ear.

- Long story.
- A missing ear? Oh, Todd.

I was desperate back then,

but now I'm rebuilding
my public persona.

Todd 2.0.

remember what point I'm at.

And I don't want Belinda
and her sleazy reputation

dragging me back down.

However, she has asked me

to make a professional intro to you,

and just to be nice

and to avoid her and to
get her to go away, I...

but you do not have to
work with her or rep her,

- or even talk to her.
- Rep her? Ha! No.

Todd, lawyers like Belinda Tuttle

are what give the entire
profession a bad name.

She's only in it for the money.

And how would that look
to our A-list clients?

Like we were selling out?

No, I will absolutely not
represent Belinda Tuttle.

Belinda Tuttle. Esquire.
Nice to meet you.

I'm here to see Margaret Wright.

Okay, I'll just let her
know that you're here.

Oh, it's okay, don't worry about it.

She's expecting me.

Love your blouse, by the way.

Belinda Tuttle.


Belinda Tuttle. Ta-da.

Make sure this is sturdy.

My average recovery for
a ladder fall is 125K.



Uh, loose wires are
the devil's playground.

Look out, people!

This setup is not ergonomic.

When you develop carpal tunnel,

and you will,

call me.

You must be Margaret.

Yes. Mom, this is Belinda Tuttle.

Belinda Tuttle. You
might know me from my ads.

"Trouble? Call Tuttle."

Yes, I know who you are.

Your jingle just burrows
right into the brain.

Come in.


So, uh,

Todd tells me that you're having

some sort of legal trouble, or...

Well, you heard about Leon Dinks?

The man that fell at the grocery store?

Not my area.

Well, he used to be a
client of mine, years ago,

a loose railing accident.

But this time he fell, and he died.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

His sister went to the police.

Leon told her he had been recruited

for a fake slip-and-fall
scam, and that I was behind it.

Oh, and were you? Behind it?

Of course not.

I know what people say,

but I'm not an ambulance chaser.

Oh, I hadn't heard that.

Well, I don't care. I know who I am.

I'm a good lawyer and a successful one.

Okay, maybe some of my
clients that I represent

exaggerate their injuries,

but I would never ask
anyone to injure themselves.

Why would I risk everything
for a stupid scam?

I see your point, but,
uh, my docket is full.

I need a great lawyer.

Well, the right attorney
is out there somewhere.

They charged me with manslaughter.


I've been to 12 firms,
they've all turned me down.

Margaret, I need your help.

I understand. I do. Mm...

Listen, it's not just me. If I fail,

all of my employees are out of jobs.

MARGARET: I, uh...

- I appreciate your dilemma, but...
- Listen,

I'll double your normal rate.

In cash. Up front.

♪ ♪

Welcome to Crest, Folding & Wright.

♪ ♪

Mom, working with
Belinda is a huge mistake.

We got to get out of this.

Maybe we should bump her off.

Have you ever done that?

MARGARET: You are overreacting.

Belinda a client who needs help.

You don't actually think she's
part of this scam, do you?

Mom, you said it yourself.

You think your A-list
clients are gonna be

giving us referrals when
they see Belinda in our lobby?

No. We're not like her.

Mom, you and I... not him...

we are top-shelf people.

Belinda's down here. Us. Belinda.

Us. Belinda. Lyle.

You know what I mean?

Todd, it has already been decided.

And Belinda's arraignment
is this afternoon,

so we need to get moving.

Oh, my God.

Now, the evidence against
Belinda seems very thin to me.

So I will be arguing that
because of her reputation,

the prosecution is
blinded by their own bias.

And if this is a scam,

and if Belinda is not a part of it...

The best way to prove her innocence

is to find the real mastermind.

Exactly. Good, Lyle.

Yeah, excellent work,
Inspector Clouseau.

But if I know anything about Belinda,

and I do, she's stepped
on a lot of toes.

It's Toe-mageddon.

And if forced to work this case,
I guess I could do some digging

and see if someone's
trying to get back at her.

Good, Todd. Revenge is
certainly a possibility,

but the one thing that
we know for certain

about scams like these is

that it's all about
the settlement payments.

So, Lyle, you will
be on the money trail.

Unfortunately, we don't
have a lot to go on,

so we'll need to bring in that, um,

- that, uh, forensic accountant.
- Alex!

Uh, I mean, uh,

Alex Parker...

is a...

solid candidate.

- This is a big mistake.
- She's making a big mistake.

Wait, we don't even have any pastries?

- Great. Great day.
- It was supposed to be a great day.

Hey, guys.

Margaret has more responsibility now,

and she's got a-a lot
on her plate, and you...

- Yeah, but I feel like she's not even
- She can't see what's right

- listening to me.
- under her nose. I feel like

- ... she's not even listening to me.
- See what's right under her nose.

- Right? Right. I mean, it's hard enough
- Exactly.

getting my business off the
ground. Belinda is a mistake.

I deserve to be senior associate.

- I'm not gonna just move on.
- Wait.

- You think I should show Margaret
- So, you're saying,

- what a big mistake by finding ...
- to protect my reputation...

- ... something to help with your case?
- ... and get Belinda

- out of my life as quick as possible and move on?
- That could work.

- I'm so glad we had this talk.
- Yeah, thanks, Francey.


What happened to the coffee? Ugh!

I'm going downstairs.

Have a nice day.


♪ The night we met... ♪


- Medium coffee. Black.
- Oh.

Yeah. I mean, a "please" wouldn't hurt,

and a little eye contact
wouldn't k*ll you, either.

Please. [CHUCKLES]

And what's the name
I should put on that?

Um... Todd.


Nice to meet you, Todd. I'm Judy.

Where's Millicent?

Oh, actually, she had to...

So, in South Africa,

- they... Ah!
- Oh, are you okay?

- Oh, my God. Ow.
- Okay, you're okay. Okay.

You know, if you're interested in suing,

got the perfect lawyer for you.

Mm. Yeah, not for me. Not litigious.

Don't really believe in it.

You know that 80% of Americans

can't afford legal help
when they're in trouble?

Then who's hiring all the lawyers?

Well, I think I'm more into
personal responsibility.

You know, be kind,
clean up after yourself,

try not to burn down the planet.

I actually have my
master's in philosophy

and one in environmental sustainability,

so I'm kind of like an expert.

- Wait, you have two master's?
- Five, actually.

And a partial master's from
Mid-Atlantic online University.

Six. I always forget astrobiology.

All right, so...

Um, I have a Todd.

Yeah, thank you.


- Oh. Wow.
- Okay.

Yeah, let's just k*ll
all the sea turtles.

Hey, I love sea turtles.

Sure you do.

Thank you.




As soon as we get
through the arraignment,

we'll start witness prep.

Ah, good morning, Margaret.

- Morning.
- Belinda.


Ah, Gary, you're looking well.

Thank you, Margaret.

- My man! Oh.
- Hey, hey.

Hey, are you still, uh,
scalping those playoff tickets?

- Guilty as charged.
- I need three.

- Will do. All right.


Ugh, that guy?

- MARGARET: Who? A.D.A. Russo?
- BELINDA: He hates me.

I whupped him in court a bunch.



My brother trusted
you, and now he's dead!

- Leon is dead.
- Ma'am, this way, please.

When you ride with an ambulance chaser,

somebody always ends up in the morgue.


For the Tuttle case,

are you using offset or
index function for the data?

I found the offset function
is best as it's calculated

from a single cell reference point.

Cleaner results.

Well, aren't you full of surprises?


You know, if you're free Friday,

maybe we could, uh,
have dinner at my condo.

Yeah, I can finally see your place.

Also, um, there's a great farmers market

in the morning, if you
wanted to maybe, um, stay.

Are you asking me to sleep over?

It is our fifth date.

- Are you counting the hotdog cart?
- Lyle, I need you to...

Oh. Hey, Alex.

- What?
- You're just cute.

Okay, so, I made some calls,

and, no surprise, Belinda's
got a lot of enemies.

Insurance companies,
lawyers, even old clients.

So, I put together
this "Nemesis List"...

trademark pending on that name...

of potential suspects,
but there's a bunch,

and I need you to take half.

Can't, because we found a lead.

We got access to the
insurance settlement databases,

and we found something strange.

So, in the last 18 months,

there have been five slip-and-fall cases

all involving former clients of Belinda.

Yes, and these cases were
never filed with the courts.

Everything was off-book.

So, you'd only want to be off-book

if you didn't want a public record.

Exactly, and we traced
the settlement payments,

and they all went to
the same account at...

- Western Gateway Bank.
- So, whose account is it?

The bank refuses to
release this information,

but we did find something.

So, the slip-and-falls all happened

at five different grocery
stores, and, strangely,

they all had the same
employee witness, Cory Hill.

So, either Cory is extremely unlucky...

Or he's part of the scam.

LYLE AND ALEX: Precisely.

Subject consuming his third
bag of Chuffs cheese puffs.


Mom, I am on a stakeout.

Well, obviously.

I tried calling, but...

- Yeah, well, my phone's on silent.
- Why?

Uh, stealth.

Oh, God, you really
need to clean this car.

When I drove it, it
was sparkling and fresh.

Yeah, and Enrique Iglesias
was still top on the charts.

Why are you here?

Well, I brought you an early dinner.

Some leftover chicken piccata.

You work much better and
faster when you're well-fed.

No, no, no! Don't-don't eat it here.

It's already stinky enough as it is. Oh.

- Okay.
- And I would love an update.

Well, I think it's safe to say
that Cory is not the mastermind,

unless masterminding means

smoking two joints and going to town on

another bag of cheese puffs?

Uh-huh. Well, we'll have to
bring him in for questioning.

No, we can't do that.

Once the higher-ups in the
scam know we're sniffing,

the trail will
disappear. No, no, no, no.

Patience is our ally. Given enough time,

Cory will lead us to the mastermind,

who, I am sure, is on my Nemasissalist.

Still working on that name.

How much time are we talking?

Uh, 72 hours,

- give or take.
- 72 hours?

Todd, we don't have 72 hours.

The A.D.A.'s already calling witnesses.

Hey, no one wants to finish
this case more than me,

trust me, but these things take time.

Which we have none of,

so you will just have
to stake out quicker.

- "Stake out quicker"?
- Yes.

That's not how this works, thank you.

Well, then what do you propose?

Apparently, I will have to...

under protest... move on to Plan B.

Oh. What is Plan B?

I guess we'll find out.

Are you gonna open my door... for me?


Okay. Ooh.

I need something sharp.

No, I don't have anything
like that in there.

Seriously? You could fix a blimp

with what you carry in that bag.

Okay, I have this.

And I have this.

I have... Ah.

I have this.

Oh, would you look at
that, something sharp.

Okay, now, get down low.

Lower. Lower.


Just kidding, you don't
actually have to get down low.


Okay, listen, we are gonna fake

our own fake slip-and-fall,

and I will be the bait to draw Cory out.

I got it, you're the worm.

I prefer decoy, thank you very much.

So, just go over there,

puncture a container of milk,

and then I will slip in the puddle.

- Uh, wait, is that a good idea?
- No.

Yes. Go.


[SIGHS] Today would be better.

- s*ab it. s*ab it!
- I'm stabbing it.

I'm stabbing. s*ab it.

MARGARET: [SCREAMS] Oh, it's curdled.

- Just get another one. Any other one, please.
- Okay.


- Okay.

All right. Great. Perfect.

This is a disaster. Um...

- Okay, Mom, just grab anything at this point.
- I'll get this.

Honey, it's soy. Maybe I shouldn't.

Oh, it's soy? All right, well, then

maybe we should just go
home. Just do it, please.

God, stop yelling at me.

You know what? Fine.

I'm doing it. Just... I'm coming.

- Oh!

[GROANS] Ow. I'm really...

I'm really injured.

I love your commitment to the role,

but maybe take it down just a hair.

What? Just-just get out of here

- before Cory sees you.
- All right, all right.

Just call me, let me know what happens.

- And less arms, less face.
- Just go.

All right, just do
not saw the air so much

with your hands, Todd.

Bro, wait. What's
happening? Is this today?

I thought... Yeah,
yeah. Uh... They sent me.

So you're saying now is now?

That's exactly what I'm saying,

but I-I think I hit
my head or something.

I-I don't remember what to do next.

Uh... see the doctor?

Right, right, right.
Dr., um... Kevorkian.

No, dude, Dr. Batten.

[SIGHS] Good morning, good morning.

Money troubles?

No, just a timing issue.

Nothing to be embarrassed about.

You know, you can always buy
yourself a little extra time.

For instance, on this invoice,

you see it says, "Due March fourth."

Add a one, March 14. Presto.

Ten extra days.

And what vendor's gonna
argue something so small

with a valued customer like yourself?

Yes, thank you, thank you,
thank you. I have it handled.

discuss trial strategy?


Right out of the gate,

the key to winning
are three little words:

delay, delay, delay.

Oh, and exactly what sort of
delay did you have in mind?

Throw some useless motions at Russo,

then add names to the witness list

that we never intend to call,

and... this is the most important...

pile on the continuances

because the more of their time we waste,

the less time they have to prepare.

No. That is not how I operate.

We will stick to winning
by facts and the law.

Oh, Margaret. You know,

you're one of the last people
who still follows the rules.

[SCOFFS] You hired
me to drive this boat.

Let me do my job.

[SCOFFS] You know, you
think we're so different.

The only difference is
that you had the good luck

of starting at a white-shoe
firm instead of a strip mall.

[INHALES] No frivolous delays, Belinda.

I am not you. And, for the record,

I was shining those shoes
before I was wearing them.


WOMAN: Belinda Tuttle?

Ugh. No, no, no.

- Hi.
- Oh, hi. Are you hiding?

From what?

You're scared of her?

No. I just don't want to deal with her.

And, in my defense, she's the worst.

She basically shamed me
into working on her case,

and I just want to get away from her.

Ah, so she gave you
a job? What a monster.

Wh... No. You don't understand.

She has a terrible reputation,

and I am currently starting
a new business. So...

Oh, so her bad reputation is
going to ruin your good one?

Okay, my reputation is apparently

not stellar right now, but I am...

And how is that her fault?

No, it's not... Look.

- I am top-shelf, and she's just...
- ALLISON: What's going on?

He's hiding from some lady.

- She's gone, by the way. [CLEARS THROAT]
- Oh.

And you are?

This is my roommate from hell.

From hell. Okay, good to know.

Are we getting lunch with Mom or... ?

- TODD: Oh.
- Ah.

Mom. So, you are guys,
like, brother and sister?

TODD: Got your lunch right here.

- We are going somewhere else.
- Wait, what? No, Todd.

This is not lunch. This is,
like, an appetizer for lunch.


RUSSO: Could you please state your name

and relationship with Ms. Tuttle?

DEBBIE: Debbie Richards.

And I was Ms. Tuttle's assistant.

And how long did you work

as Ms. Tuttle's assistant?

A little over two years,
and then I resigned.

RUSSO: You quit on
the "Queen of Courts"?



Belinda was wonderful. I just, I...

I wanted to work for a
more upscale law firm.

RUSSO: In your time with Ms. Tuttle,

did she ever ask you to lie for her?

- BOTH: Objection.

[WHISPERS]: I'm sorry. You go. You go.

Uh, Your Honor, the prosecution
is asking the witness

to testify about prior bad
acts, which is clearly forbidden.

This speaks to her modus operandi.

The prejudicial effect outweighs...

I'm going to allow it.

You can answer the question.

I guess, but just little lies, like,

whether we had received a
motion or if someone had called.

And did Ms. Tuttle
ever suspect her clients

- were exaggerating injuries?
- Your Honor.


I will remind you, you are under oath.

I'm so sorry.



RUSSO: No further
questions at this time.

We have a problem.

The jury doesn't trust you.

It's worse than that. They hate me.

This is totally bizarre.
I shouldn't even be here.

My shift starts in an hour.

- And I can see your butt.
- What? Oh.

Ugh! These are barbecue.

Can you stop? Just help me figure out

if this guy's a real doctor
or maybe the mastermind.

He wasn't on my original

I'm sorry, what?

It's not working.

Also, what is in this for me?

I don't know. Maybe a roof
above your head and free food?

Mm, no. I shower first for a week.

What? That is outrageous.

- Okay, two weeks.

Ah, here we go.

Hello, good afternoon.

- Hi.
- What seems to be the problem?

Uh, it's my back.

I-I fell, and, uh, I was injured,

and-and Cory sent me.

Oh... Cory.

Well, then, just
between the three of us.

How about your ankle? That hurt, too?

Uh, no, just my back. Oh. Oh. Uh...

Probably hit your head as well.

Minor concussion. Neck sprain.

You're diagnosing him without
touching him or examining him?

And you can barely get out of bed.

You may need spinal surgery.

[SCOFFS] Is... are you joking?

- Is this a prank?
- Al.

You know, if we really
want to up the damages,

we should consider
fusing some vertebrate.

Maybe replacing a rib or two.

What? What is this, the Middle Ages?

Who are you again?

- My wife.
- His sister.

- My sister-wife.
- How about you also... I don't know...

take off the top of his head

and scrape out all the dead brain cells.

Well, we might be able to make
a case for something like that.


But, usually, Belinda weighs in

on the severity of the injuries.

What? A-a-are you sure?

You must deal with a ton of lawyers.

No, just Belinda.

She keeps me pretty busy
with stuff like this.

I would seriously, honestly love to know

where you went to medical school.

Okay, uh-uh, Belinda, she's tall?

Brown-ish, reddish curly hair?

Big googly eyes?

You know, I've never
actually met her in person,

but I've got her card here somewhere.



TODD: Hm, yup, that's the one.

And say, if you want to
lose a pinky toe or two,

she could easily get
you another 60 grand.

Th... This is fantastic.

Are you single? Seriously.

Well, we can't put this
Dr. Batten on the stand

if he genuinely thinks that you

are the lawyer with whom he's working.

Agreed. The jury already
thinks the worst of me.

I'm best one-on-one.

- Better with a beer.
- LYLE: What?

You're cute, by the way.

Okay, can we just... Dr.
Batten also gave me this.

BELINDA: Well, this looks like my card,

- but this isn't my number.
- Here.

- Okay, I'll just record.


this is Belinda Tuttle.

We set up a meeting with the
woman impersonating my client,

but, unfortunately, she never showed.

And this, uh, Cory Hill?

Oh, well, uh, he must've
gotten wind of our investigation

because he skipped, uh, his shift,

and-and then he never
returned to his apartment.

But I do have this.

The chain of custody on
this card is highly suspect.

Let me guess,

you're going to need more time
to complete your investigation.

Yes, yes. We're requesting
a two-week continuance.

- No.
- But, uh, Your Honor,

- I need to be able to show you...
- ROBERTS: Counselor,

this may be your first
case with Ms. Tuttle,

but it's not mine.

I've presided over 12
of them, and do you know

how many times she's
asked for continuance

because of dire need? 27.

Well, I assure you this
is not a frivolous...

Mm-mm. I will not be made a fool again.

No more delays.

This trial will continue whether or not

your investigation is complete.

Hey, listen, I-I made some calls.

I got two of the vendors to extend,

but it does not look good.

Yeah, I know.

I know. Thank you, Francey.



Well, also,

I overheard Beverly on the phone,

and she's concerned about
you taking on Belinda Tuttle.

- Says it feels desperate.
- Oh...

Image, optics, whatever.

Let's just wrap this up
quick and move on, huh?

[EXHALES] Okay, okay, okay.


Please tell me you have good news.

Sort of.

We were able to get the
phone records for the number

from the fake business card.

It's a burner, but we have the
tower locations where it was used.

Yeah, we've been
trying to find some link

between the tower locations and
the suspects on my Neh-Sih-Lih.

- No luck so far, but...
- Guys, we don't have time.

We need results now

before the reputation of
the firm goes up in flames

and Belinda ends up in prison.

Hey, I warned you not to take her on.

You think I want to be searching

- for a needle in a haystack right now?
- Todd,

you want off the case so badly?

Fine. You're off.



We'll keep working.


I know you didn't ask for it,

but I did a deep dive into
Belinda's trial history

to see if anything
suspicious jumped out.

I just... [SIGHS] I didn't
want you to be caught off guard

in court in case the
A.D.A. dug it up first.


Thank you, Susan. That's a
tremendous amount of work.

Yeah, yeah, it was.

And, while I didn't
find anything to suggest

that Belinda was involved in the scams,

I did...

find... this.

It's one of her cases
from three years ago.

Belinda was certain to win,

and then she asked
her client on the stand

about an unrelated past injury.

But that would expose her client's
entire medical history to examination.

Exactly, and he was a fraud.

So, when the jury heard
about his other "falls,"

it was over.

It was an error that even
a law student could avoid.

So, you think Belinda threw the case?

Nothing else makes sense.

Thank you, Susan. That's amazing work.

Yeah. No, I know.

Which is why I'm deserving
of senior associate.

Susan. I know.

- Do you? Because I do this extra...
- The timing is just not...

When, Margaret?

When will be the right time?


I would like nothing more than
to give you that promotion.

Trust me. But now is not the time.



Hey, you.

Yo, Belinda boy.

Hey, do not call me that.

That woman has been nothing but trouble,

and I don't want people
to think that I would work

for someone like her.

All you do is complain about her.

Well, you have no idea who she is.

You have no idea who I am.

Okay, fair, but... I don't know...

you seem kind of obsessed with her.

I don't know, in this,
like, really weird way.

I mean, yeah, okay, maybe
she has a crappy reputation,

but she came to you for help,

didn't she? So, I don't know,

maybe just, like, relax.

- If you look to someone

expecting the worst,
that's all you're gonna see.

WOMAN: Hi, Judy.


Are you asking me if I'd throw a case?

No, no, no, no. No, that's obvious.

The only question is why.

Was it money, was it...
was the insurance company

gonna pay you off to betray your client?

Because if that is the reason,

then maybe you would be open to

faking a slip-and-fall, too.

We don't get many chances
to decide who we are.

Not really.


What happened?

Well, in this case,

my client was despicable. A liar.

I finally discovered he
was faking everything.

But we were already in trial.

The payout was gonna be huge,

and I'm good at my job.

So why throw a case?

The defendant was a family-owned
restaurant on Burnside,

been around since the '60s,

supporting generation after
generation of family members.

The owner's wife was battling
cancer, for God's sake.

And they were going to lose...

Everything. What, for
my contingency fee?

No, I was at a crossroads.

Was I going to protect
these innocent people?

Ruining them was a
line I could not cross.

Well, that is, um...

admirable, Belinda.

But, unfortunately,
we-we are out of time.

The judge is pressing
for closing arguments,

and your reputation
has poisoned the jury.

We need to pull a
rabbit out of a hat fast.

Oh, God. If only you could just

take the stand and-and-and
speak like you did just now,

I mean, they would believe
you about everything,

but, obviously, that's off the table.

Put me on the stand.

Wha... Are you serious?

No, no, you will be disbarred
for throwing the case.

Better than serving six years in prison.

We both know where this is headed.


No, no, Belinda. We-we
will come up with something.

We have to keep on fighting.

Margaret, I'm gonna do it.

If committing career
su1c1de means my freedom,

so be it.

What's this?

A map.

Of all the best overnight
parking spots by my condo.

You laminated it.

Yeah, in case you
wanted to keep it handy.

Um, and in case you decided to,

you know, the farmer's market.

You never quite answered.

And I was wondering if, you know...

You know what, Lyle?

I, um...

... um, I can't.

Oh, if Saturday is better,
I have another one...

No, I can't. I'm sorry.

You know, just taking, um,

our relationship to
the next level is, um...

I've been burned by office
romances before and I just...

I'm not ready to cross that line.

Not yet.

I'm sorry.

Lyle, excuse me. I
need you to help me...

I found something.

BOTH: You are off this case.

Oh, fine. Whatever.
I'm working "bo prono."

But that's not important. And this is:

Because of Belinda's
terrible reputation,

I was convinced the mastermind had to be

someone with a grudge against her.

But I was looking at
the evidence all wrong.

- What do you mean?
- Well, instead of adversaries,

I should've been looking at allies.

Someone with the knowledge
and access to pull this off.


... the burner phone from
the fake business card

pinged right here at a tower
near Debbie Richards' apartment.

Debbie, Belinda's old assistant?

Yep, and it pinged here at court...

On the day of her testimony.

LYLE: It looks like after
leaving Belinda's firm,

she was on and off
unemployment for months.

Yeah, she also filed for bankruptcy

two years ago and then withdrew it.

So, she would've not only had access

to all of Belinda's agreements,

she would've known
which of her old clients

was open to the scam.

This isn't about revenge.

It's about desperation.

So, what if we made her
a little more desperate?

You don't have to do this.

I have Todd working on a plan right now.

Margaret, I hate to
break the news to you,

- but your son's an idiot.
- That's not true.

He is not the same person he
was when he worked with you.

It's too late. Let's-let's
just get it over with.



Oh. Hey, Mom.

Todd, where are we at?

We have a trap set for Debbie.

Hey, I was going to tell her.

We have a trap set for Debbie.

Since we knew that
the settlement payments

for the fake slip-and-falls

were going to an account
at Western Gateway...

You should really clean this car.

Oh, he's not wrong, Todd.

Okay. Well, we sent phony alerts

saying that her funds were frozen to

her real phone and the burner.

Excellent. And I've already
spoken to the police.

I will have them meet you at the bank.

No, no, no, no, no. It'll be too late.

She'll be gone before they get here.

And, once she knows we're after her,

she'll disappear like
Cory. You have to delay her.

Todd, don't fail me.

Hey, I will handle this end.

Your job is to stall that trial.

BAILIFF: All rise.

Be seated.

ROBERTS: Ms. Wright,

are you ready to call your witness?


Yes, Your Honor, yes.


Oh, I am so sorry, Your Honor.

I... Oh!

Oh, no. Sorry. Wait.

Just so sorry...

What are you doing?

Delay. Delay.



Oh, no, my mother's necklace!

Oh, no!



You carry a name tag with you?


Of course. You don't?

Uh, yeah. It's just in my other car.

LYLE: She's here.


Oh. Just a second, please.

Uh, excuse me, Your
Honor, I've just gotta...

I've, somewhere, misplaced
my reading glasses.

Can't see a thing. [CHUCKLES]

Just, uh...

Okay. Hmm...

Oh. No. [CHUCKLES] That's not it.

Okay. No.

Oh, God.


They must be in here somewhere.

ROBERTS: Counselor.


Ah. There it is.

Reading glasses.

Okay. Ahem.


Okay, Ms. Tuttle,

uh, what is it, exactly,

that you do for a living?

Well, I suppose that depends on

what your definition of what "is" is?

Oh, yes. I completely
understand your confusion.

In this context,

it is a verb of the present tense

- "to be."

MAN: Thank you, Ms. Tuttle.
I'm not sure what happened.

If you'll just wait here a moment,

I'll go find out who
sent you those alerts.

Ms. Belinda Tuttle?

Yes, I'm Belinda Tuttle.

Oh. Fantastic. Would you say that again?

And smile?

Wait, what is this?

Are you...




Call Tuttle.

- Where is... Oh.

ROBERTS: Counselor,

if you don't speed up this questioning,

I'm gonna hold you in contempt.

- Do you understand?
- Uh, yes, Your Honor.



Oh! Your Honor,

I think you are going to
give us that continuance now.

H.R. form 545,

to be used for
inter-office relationships

whenever you are ready.

I want you to understand
that I am all in on you,

and I will do whatever is necessary

to help you feel comfortable.

You know what?

Let's go.

Right now.

To your place.

But the farmer's market
is only open on Saturdays.

If we get there before...


Oh, okay. Okay.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's
a plan. It's a plan.

I-I-I-I am on board. Yes. Let me, uh,

let me just go grab
some files from Susan.

She just sent me an email.

And she's... I've just gotta go...

And I'll be right back.
I will be right back.

Right back.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

You will be happy to know

that Debbie is in custody,

Dr. Batten has been
reported to the board

and that all charges against
you have been dropped.

- Oh, Margaret.
- Oh...

I can never thank you enough.

But I'd like to think that you learned

a thing or two from me along the way.

Oh, I don't know about that.

- You're welcome.

- Hi.
- There he is.

- Okay. We're hugging? Okay.
- Oh...

Thank you.

I knew you were the right
person to come to for help.

And remember, if you're
ever in trouble...

I know. Call Tuttle.


Belinda Tuttle.

Is your neck all right?
Your posture's off.

- Work stress?
- Yeah.

Go see a doctor and call me.

ALLISON: [GASPS] Is this a butterscotch?

Hey, what are you doing?
You're sitting? Did you forget?

ALLISON: Yeah, we're getting
dinner, right? You're paying.

- Or he's paying. I'm not.
- Mm-mm.

We're getting dinner, right?

Allison, I thought you were
getting your roots done today.

Mom, do not.

Well, okay. Okay, okay.

Mom, I cannot sit in my apartment

for another night,
watching her eat cereal.

You're also eating cereal.

Yeah, all the more reason.

Todd and Allison, I
would love nothing more

than to take you both to dinner,

but I can't, I'm too busy.

This is the second fake meal with Mom

this week that you
have dragooned me into.

You are buying me dinner, and
I'm not eating clam chowder.

What? I can't afford to feed two people

anything but clam chowder.

Just lop off another pinky toe.

Should be more than enough.

TODD: Ha-ha-ha-ha.

- Hey, Mom?
- Hmm?

Maybe all my worrying about
Belinda was for nothing.

I mean, we're still top-shelf, right?

Top-est of the top.

Yeah, like where you
keep all the good stuff.

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