01x07 - Donald the Frog Prince

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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01x07 - Donald the Frog Prince

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody.
It's me, mickey mouse.

Say, you wanna come
inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

Ah, I almost.

To make
the clubhouse appear,

We get to say
the magic words--

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

That's me!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

Roll call!




Ruff ruff!



Right here.

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

[C.speakertop]it's the...


Welcome to the clubhouse,

Ruff ruff!

Hey, it's my pal pluto.



Whew. You're right, fella.
It sure is hot today.

What do you say we get
a nice, cool fruit shake?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Fruit shakes, please.


Thanks, handy helpers.

Here, pal.

[Doorbell chimes]

Ooh, hello there, mickey.

Hey, look, everybody.

It's professor von drake.

Say "hi, professor."

Ooh! Ha ha!
How do you do, kiddies?

Now, then,
what we got here

Is my latest invention
that I made for you--

The von drake frog potion.

Patent pending.

Now, you're gonna
swallow that and kapoof.

You are frog.

Aw, that's silly.

Why would anybody
wanna turn into a frog?


Because you're
gonna get a kiss

From the beautiful
princess is why.


Oh, no, you
really shouldn't.

Ah, professor.

Ah! Oh! Right.
What was I
talking about?

Here. Have a fruit shake.

Oh, boy.

Don't mind if I do.


Very good.

Oh, boy, oh, boy.

A fruit shake.

Wait, donald. No.

Yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum!



Oh, no.
What are we gonna do?

Oh, I can't believe this.


Look at that.

My potion works.

Donald the duck
is now donald the frog.


Oh, no.

He doesn't look
very happy.

Well, we have to turn donald
back into a duck.

And only way
to break the spell

Is to find the beautiful
princess daisy

To give donald
a great big kiss.

Ruff ruff!

Pluto, you're not
a princess.


Ooh, we've got to find
princess daisy.

Ribbit, ribbit.

Will you help us
find princess daisy?


Come on, everybody.
We got to hurry.

Let's go to the mousker doer
and get our mouseketools.

To the mousker doer.


♪ Mousker hey,
mousker hi, mousker ho ♪

♪ Mousker ready,
mousker set, here we go ♪

♪ You're a-thinkin' and
a-solvin' workin'-througher ♪

♪ Mousker me, mousker you,
mousker doer ♪

♪ Mousker me,
mousker you, mousker doer ♪



Mousker doer.

♪ Mouseketools ♪

♪ Mouseketools ♪

♪ Mouseketools ♪

♪ Here are
your mouseketools ♪

Gold keys.

Ooh. A giant fan.

Ooh. A bucket.

And the mystery

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Look. It's toodles.

Hiya, toodles.

Oh! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
Gosh. Hey there.

Toodles is gonna bring us
our mouseketools
when we need 'em.

All right, we got
our mouseketools.

Now let's go up
to the telescope

To look for
princess daisy.

Everybody say "telescope."

Good luck, mickey.
Don't forget to write.

Gee, thanks, professor.

Hold on tight, everybody.

Ooh-hoo! Ooh-hoo! Whoa!

The telescope will help us
see things far away.

Now, let's look
for princess daisy.

Remember, if you see
princess daisy,

Say "princess daisy."

Is that a princess?


Nah. That's pete.

Gosh, that sure
is a tall tower.


Princess daisy.
There she is.

And look. She's
in the tallest tower.

We've got to get there
right away

So she can
give donald a kiss

And turn him back
into a duck.

Ribbit, ribbit.

Come on.

Hold on, donald.


Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Ho-oh!

Let's go.

Watch out
for the fruit shakes.

Sorry, pal.

We'll take
a bounce-along ball

So we can bounce along
with donald.

Come on, everybody.
Bounce along with us.

Bounce, bounce, bounce.

Bounce, bounce, bounce.

Look out, everybody.
Here comes some rocks.

Let's bounce
over the little rock.

Bounce high, everybody.

Next there's a medium rock.

Let's bounce higher.


There's a really big rock.

We need to bounce
highest of all.

Bounce highest, everybody.


Gosh, we made it
over all the rocks.

Good bouncing, everybody.

Ribbit, ribbit.

Ribbit. Uh-oh.



Oh, no. Donald the frog
fell down a well.

We need to rescue him.

Don't worry, donald.
We'll get you out.


Well, we got a rope.

But we're gonna need
something to scoop donald up.

Maybe one of our
mouseketools can help us.

Everybody say "oh, toodles."

[Bell jingles]

Gold keys.

A giant fan.

A bucket.

Or the mystery mouseketool.

Which mouseketool
can we use

To scoop up donald the frog?

The bucket? You betcha.

We got ears.

Say "cheers."


Let's turn the crank forward

To lower the bucket.

Turn the crank forward
and count with me.






Now let's turn
the crank backwards

To raise the bucket.

Turn the crank
and count backwards with me.






Ribbit! Ribbit!

We saved donald.

Good job.

Come on. Now let's go
find princess daisy

So she can
give donald a kiss

And turn him back
into a duck.

Ribbit, ribbit.

Gosh, will you look
at all this fog.

Why, I can't see
a thing. Can you?

[Foghorn bellows]

Hmm. We're gonna need
something to blow
the fog away.

I wonder if there's
a mouseketool

That can help us.

Everybody say
"oh, toodles."

[Bell jingles]

There he is.

Which mouseketool
can we use

To blow all
this fog away?

The fan. You betcha.

We got ears.

Say "cheers."

Huh. Wow. Now,
that's a giant fan.

Do you think it'll
blow a lot of air?



That's a lot of air.

Hold on tight!

Ribbit! Ribbit!

Quick. Let's turn it off.


Hot dog. Can you see
the towers now?

Which one
is the tallest tower?

Right. There it is.

And look.
There's princess daisy.


Come on. Let's go.

Come on. Let's go.


Uh-oh. There's pete.

And he's fast asleep.

Will you help us
tiptoe past pete

So we don't wake him up?


Stand up, everybody.
Come on. Stand up.

And...tiptoe, tiptoe,


Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.

Tiptoe, tiptoe, tiptoe.

Whew! We made it past pete.

Come on.

Do you see
the tallest tower?

Yep. There it is.

Which path leads
to the tallest tower?

The path
with the red circles?

The path
with the blue stars?

Or the path
with the green crescents?

The path
with the blue stars

Leads to the tallest tower.



Ribbit. Ribbit.

Ribbit. Ribbit.

Ooh. We made it
to the top of the hill.


There's a moat
around the tallest tower.

I wonder how
we can get across it.


That's it.

We can jump
across the lily pads.

Jump and count along
with me, everybody.






Hot dog.

We made it across the moat.


The tallest tower
sure is tall.

There's princess daisy.

Princess daisy!

Princess daisy!

Oh! My prince has come.

Princess daisy, come on down.

I can't. I'm knitting
a really long scarf.


Why don't you come up?

But you better hurry.

Pete's almost done
with his nap.



We're gonna need
a mouseketool

To help us climb
the tallest tower.

Everybody say "oh, toodles."

Oh, toodles!

Here he comes.

Gold keys...

Or the mystery mouseketool.


Can we use gold keys
to climb up the tallest tower?

Ah, not really.

That means...ooh,

It's time for
the mystery mouseketool.

Everybody say
"mystery mouseketool."

Today's mystery
mouseketool is...

Suction cups?

Can we use suction cups

To climb up
the tallest tower?

[Bell jingles]

You betcha!

We got ears.

Say "cheers."



Wow. These suction cups
are really sticky.

Will you help us climb
the tallest tower?

Ah, you're swell.

Everybody stomp your feet

To help us
climb up the tower.




Stomp, stomp,


Tall, isn't it?





You made it.

Princess daisy,
will you kiss this frog?

Ribbit, ribbit.

Eww! No way.

I'm not kissing a frog.

But, princess daisy,
look. It's donald.



Oh, my. It's pete.

He's coming up
in the elevator.

There's an elevator?

We better get out of here.

Come on.
Let's slide down the scarf.

Spoken like a true prince.



Daisy, did you
finish my scarf?

These aren't
my fashion colors.

And this scarf is
way too long for me.


Daisy, come back here
and finish my scarfsy.


Oh, no, you don't.

I'll get you--

Oh, we got
to skedaddle.

Daisy. No. Come back.


This scarf is
all wrong for me.

Does it really
look good on me?

Be brutal.


What are you doing?
Whoa! Oh! Oh!

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

Get off,
you wart factory.

What do you think
you're--you little...



Oh, no.

Pete must have
locked the gate.

How are we
gonna get out?

Quick. Let's check
our mouseketools

To see if we have something
that can unlock it.

Everybody say "oh, toodles."

Oh, toodles!

Oh, toodles!

What's our last mouseketool?

Ooh. The gold keys.


Ha! We used
all our mouseketools.

Say "super cheers."

Daisy: super cheers!



Or large.

Which key fits
the keyhole?

Daisy: the medium key.


Let's try
the medium key.

It worked.

Ah, thanks, everybody.

Daisy, come back here.

I need a refitting.

Oh, we better scram.

Come on, everybody.

Keep going.
We're almost at the clubhouse.

Professor! Professor!

Look. We found
princess daisy.

Oh, princess daisy.


Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit.

So why is donald
still a frog?

Princess daisy
won't kiss him.

Now, princess daisy,

You're gonna have
to kiss donald the frog

To turn him back
into donald the duck.

Would you?
That's not donald. Eww.

Ribbit, ribbit!

Actually, daisy,

This cute little froggy
really is donald duck.

Is this
some kind of joke?

No. This really
is donald.

Ask everybody.

Is this frog
really donald duck?

Ribbit, ribbit.

Are you sure?

Ok, if you say so.

Come on. Kiss the frog.

Kiss it. Kiss it.

Donald duck!

That's me!

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

I'm a duck again.

Hot dog.

We turned donald the frog
back into a duck.

Good work, everybody.

How about that?

Von drake does it again.


Oh, donald.


Ha-ha! Aw.

Come on, everybody.
Up on your feet

'Cause it's time to do
the mouseka dance.

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears,
it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
the problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

Gee, we had such
a swell day

With our pal
donald the frog.

First we lowered the bucket
to get him out of the well.

thanks for saving me.

Then we used a giant fan

To blow all the fog away.

Goofy: what a blast.

We used suction cups

To stomp up
the tallest tower.

Daisy: wow. That tower
certainly was tall.

Finally, we used
the medium gold key

To unlock the gate.

And rescue me
just in time.

What a hot dog day.

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day,
what you waiting for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out,
stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splittin' the scene,
we're full of beams ♪

♪ So long for now
from mickey mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the mickey mouse ♪

♪ Club ♪

♪ House ♪

See you real soon.
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