01x05 - Donald and the Beanstalk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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01x05 - Donald and the Beanstalk

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody.

It's me. Mickey mouse.

Say, you want to come
inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!
Let's go.

I almost forgot.

To make
the clubhouse appear,

We get to say
the magic words.

Meeska, mooska,
mickey mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,
mickey mouse!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

That's me!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

Roll call!




Ruff ruff!



Right here.

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

It's the mickey mouse

Welcome to our clubhouse,

Ruff ruff!

That sounds like
my dog, pluto.

Down, boy, down.


[Doorbell rings]

Hiya, donald.

Hi, mickey.

Look what I got.

Magic beans.

Magic beans?

Where'd you get those?

From the giant.

I traded
my one chicken
for five beans.

I don't believe it.

You traded
boo boo chicken
for five magic beans?


Hmm. How do you know
they're magic?

Hocus pocus.

Uh, donald,

I don't think
those beans are magic.

I think
you've been tricked.


Ah, phooey.

I want my boo boo
chicken back.

Gee, boo boo chicken
was the nicest chicken

You ever had.

He always made you laugh.

He danced with you
all the time.


[C.speakertop]and he gave
the best hugs ever.

[C.speakertop]oh, boo boo chicken,
my chicken.

[C.speakertop]here's an idea.

[C.speakertop]we've got to get
donald's chicken back

So he'll be happy again.

Will you help us
get donald's chicken back?

That's great!

You will?

Oh, boy, oh, boy,
oh, boy!

♪ Mouseka hey, mouseka hi,
mouseka ho ♪

♪ Mouseka ready, mouseka
set, here we go ♪

♪ You're a think it
and a solve it ♪

♪ Work it througher ♪

♪ Mouseka me, mouseka you,
mouseka doer ♪

♪ Mouseka me, mouseka you,
mouseka doer ♪

♪ Meeska ♪

♪ Mooska ♪

♪ Mouseka doer ♪

♪ Mouseka tools,
mouseka tools ♪

♪ Mouseka tools ♪

♪ Here are your
mouseka tools ♪

A bubble machine.

A magnifying glass.

Sticky tape.

Gold keys.

And a mystery
mouseka tool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Look, it's toodles.

Hiya, toodles.

[Mickey laughs]

Oh, gosh. Hey, there.

Toodles is gonna bring us
our mouseka tools

When we need them.

What's going on,

Hey, goof.

We're on our way
to see the giant.

The giant? What for?

Donald traded
boo boo chicken
to the giant

For 5 beans.

You traded
cute little,

Sweet little,
boo boo chicken

For a bunch
of beans?

Yeah. I did.

But we're gonna
get him back.

Gosh, the giant lives
all the way up

In a big barn
in the clouds.

How are we gonna
get up there?

Hmm. There must be
something we can use

To climb up
to the clouds.

Got these beans.
That's for sure.

They're useless.

[C.speakertop]say, do you see anything
we can use

[C.speakertop]to climb up to the clouds?


[C.speakertop]behind us?


Hot dog.
Donald, you were right.

Those beans were magic.

They turned into
a giant beanstalk.

Gosh. And
it's reaching

All the way up
to the clouds.

Boo boo chicken!

Ah, phooey.

We'll never climb
this beanstalk.

Sure we can.

All we have to do
is figure out
the pattern

Of the branches.

The pattern is...

Little, little, big.

Little, little, big.

Little, little, big.

Right. Ok, everybody.

Say the pattern with us
while we climb.

Here we go.

Little, little, big.
Say it with me.

All: little, little, big.

Little, little, big.

Little, little, big.

We're almost
at the top.

Say it two more times.

Little, little, big.

Little, little, big.

Oh, no. The beanstalk
is breaking.


The beanstalk's

I mean, the beanstalk's

We're gonna need
a mouseka tool

To fix the beanstalk.

Everybody say,
oh, toodles!

All: oh, toodles!

A bubble machine.

A magnifying glass.

Sticky tape.

Gold keys.

Or the mystery
mouseka tool.

What can we use to fix
the beanstalk?

The sticky tape.

We got ears. Say cheers!


Oh, boy. We fixed
the beanstalk.

Oh, that was close.

Come on. We're almost
at the top.

Little, little, big.

Little, little, big.

We climbed to the top
of the beanstalk.

All right!

Now, we need to find
the giant's barn.

Do you see a barn?

You do? Where?


Yeah. There it is.

Right at the top
of that cloud.

Do you see something
we can use

To get to the barn?

Oh, the clouds,
the clouds!

Right! We can jump
across the clouds

All the way to the barn.

Let's count how many clouds
we have to jump.

Count with me.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Wow. We have to jump
on 7 clouds.

Jump and count with us.









Yes! We made it across
all 7 clouds.

Good jumping,



Oh, boy.
Maybe they'll lead us
to boo boo chicken.

I can't see anything.

Mickey: gee those footprints
sure are small.

Hmm. We're gonna need
a mouseka tool

To make those footprints
look bigger.

Everybody say, oh, toodles!

All: oh, toodles!

A bubble machine.

A magnifying glass.

Gold keys.

Or the mystery
mouseka tool.

What can we use to make
the footprints look bigger?

[Bell rings]

The magnifying glass.

We got ears. Say cheers!

I see cow prints.

I see mouse prints.

Goofy: mouse prints.

What kind of prints
are these?

Chicken prints. Yeah!

These chicken prints
must belong to
boo boo chicken.

Oh, boy, oh, boy,
oh, boy!

Let's follow 'em.

Let's follow 'em.

Which way do
the chicken prints go?

To the left
or to the right?

To the right. Yes!

Come on.
Let's follow 'em.

Now which way do
the chicken prints go?

Left or right?

Left. You got it.

I see red.


Whoa. It's the barn.

Gosh, that's where
the giant lives.

Where's my chicken?

Boo boo chicken!

Hey, look.

Mickey: 3 animal pens.

Large, medium, and small.

Maybe donald's
little chicken

Is in one of those
animal pens.

Let's listen.



Mickey: medium.


Mickey: or small.


Mickey: which pen
is donald's chicken in?

The small pen. Right!

Come on. Let's go.

Boo boo chicken,
here we come.



That sounds
like the giant. Whoa!

Shh. We don't want to
wake up the giant.

oh, and there he is.


Listen up, guys.

We have to tiptoe
to the small pen

So we don't
wake up the giant.

Will you help us tiptoe
to the small pen?


First, we need
to stand up.

Stand up. That's right.

Get up on your feet.

All right. Now,
tiptoe with us.

Tiptoe, tiptoe,

Tiptoe, tiptoe.




Tiptoe faster.

Tiptoe, tiptoe.

Tiptoe, tiptoe,

Tiptoe, tiptoe.

All right!

We made it
to the small pen.

Great job, everybody.

Where's my
boo boo chicken?

Gosh. The pen is locked.

Oh, rats.

We're gonna need
a mouseka tool
to open the lock.

Everybody whisper,
oh, toodles.

All: oh, toodles.

Bubble machine.

Gold keys.

Or the mystery
mouseka tool.

What can we use
to open the lock?

[Bell rings]

The gold keys. Right!

We got ears.
Whisper cheers.

[Whispering] cheers.

The lock
is triangle shaped.

Which key has
a triangle shaped end?

The one in the middle.

You got it!


Look at all them chickens.

We'll never find
boo boo chicken
in here.

Sure we will, donald.

Let's see, now what does

Boo boo chicken
look like again?

[C.speakertop]oh, yeah.
Boo boo chicken

[C.speakertop]is a little,
yellow chicken

[C.speakertop]with a big beak
and big tail feathers.

[C.speakertop]so first, we have to find
all the yellow chickens.

Do you see
the yellow chickens?

Uh-huh. There they are.

Now, let's see which one
of these three chickens

Have big beaks.

Does the first chicken
have a big beak?

Well, not really.

Does the second chicken
have a big beak?

Yeah. It's even bigger.

How about the third chicken?

Does it have
a little beak

Like the first chicken,

Or a bigger beak
like the second chicken?

Whoo, that's
the biggest beak.

You betcha!

Now, which chicken has
the biggest tail feathers?

This one or that one?

That one. Yeah.
You got it!

Boo boo chicken!

Oh, boy. You found
boo boo chicken.


I'm so happy.
Thank you.



Waking up.


I was asleep.

All: uh-oh!

Fe fi fo
fum diddy dum.

I smell a mouse,
a duck, and a dog.

Yum yum.

It's the giant!

He's waking up.

Let's get
out of here.

We need a mouseka tool
to slow down the giant.

Everybody say,
oh, toodles!

All: oh, toodles!

The bubble machine or
the mystery mouseka tool.

Which one will slow
the giant down?

Goofy: bubbles!

Mickey: do you think bubbles
will slow the giant down?

Hey, maybe he'll want
to play with them.

Let's find out.

We got ears. Say cheers!

Ooh! Bubbles!


Hee hee hee!
I like bubbles.

All: all right!

Good job, everybody.

To climb down
the beanstalk,

We have to say
the pattern backwards.

Instead of
little, little, big.

What do we have to
say now?

Big, little, little.

Come on. Say it with us.







[Giant footsteps approaching]

Whoa. We got to
say it faster.

Big, little, little.

Big, little, little.

All right. We made it

All the way
down the beanstalk.


Oh, boy, oh, boy!

Fe fi...

Fo fum!

[All gasp]

All: the giant!

I want that chicken.


Not a chance!

Boo boo chicken
is my chicken.

Uh-uh. Uh,
excuse me, mr. Giant.


Boo boo chicken
is donald's chicken,

And he didn't mean
to trade him.

Yeah. I made
a big mistake.

But I gave you
my magic beans.

Well, mr. Giant,

You can have
your magic beans back,

But look,

The grew into a big,
magic beanstalk.

But I want little
boo boo chicken.

He's so cuddly
and huggable,

And cute.

All: oh...

Poor giant. He wants
someone to hug.

Hey, I know. Maybe
a mouseka tool can help.

Who do we call?

All: oh, toodles!

All: oh, toodles!

We used up almost all
of our mouseka tools.

That means it's time for
the mystery mouseka tool.

Everybody say
mystery mouseka tool.

All: mystery mouseka tool.

What's today's
mystery mouseka tool?

A teddy bear.

Can we give the giant
a teddy bear
to cuddle and hug?

[Bell rings] you betcha!

Hey, we used all
our mouseka tools!

Say super cheers!

Here you go, big guy.

A little teddy?
For me?

Oh, he's so cute.

Who's the toody woody
teddy weddy.


I think he likes it.

You can keep
boo boo chicken.

I've got me a teddy bear.
Hee hee hee hee!

Oh, goody!

I love my boo boo chicken!



[All cheering]

Come on.
Stand up, everybody.

It's time to do
the mouseka dance.

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Now we got ears
it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
your problem's solved ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

Say. We had a great day

Saving boo boo chicken
from the giant.

We used sticky tape
to fix the beanstalk.

We looked through
a magnifying glass

To follow
the chicken prints.

We opened the chicken pen
with a triangle shaped key.

Then we slowed down
the giant

With a bubble machine.

Finally. We gave
the giant a teddy bear.

And now, he has something
to hug and love, too.

And I got
my boo boo chicken back.

Thanks, everybody.

What a hot dog day!

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ It's a brand new day
whatcha waitin' for ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out,
stomp on the floor ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ Hot dog, hot dog,
hot diggity dog ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene,
we're full of these ♪

♪ So long for now
from mickey mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

See ya real soon.
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