01x03 - Goofy's Bird

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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01x03 - Goofy's Bird

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody.
It's me, mickey mouse.

Say, you wanna come
inside my clubhouse?

Well, all right!

Let's go.

Ah, I almost forgot.

To make
the clubhouse appear,

We get to say
the magic words--

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, mooska,

Mickey mouse.

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

That's me!

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

Roll call!




Ruff ruff!



Right here.

♪ It's the mickey mouse
clubhouse ♪

♪ Come inside,
it's fun inside ♪

♪ M-i-c-k-e-y ♪

♪ M-o-u-s-e ♪

Mickey: it's
the mickey mouse club house.

"Goofy's bird."

Welcome to
the clubhouse, everybody.

That sounds like
the picture puzzle.

I wonder what today's
picture's gonna be.

♪ Picture puzzle,
picture puzzle! ♪

♪ Picture this! ♪

Hmm, does this picture
look right?

Nope, that's not right.
Let's try it again.


♪ Picture puzzle,
picture puzzle! Picture that! ♪

Hmm, does this picture
look right to you?

Huh, sure does.
Do you know what it is?

A bird. Right!

♪ You got the picture ♪

wheeee! Yippee!

[Pretty bells ringing]

Oh, boy. Sounds like
we've got a visitor.

Oh, boy, it's
our pal goofy.

Hey, mickey,
look what I found.

A hat
with a pom pom.

aw, that's not a hat.

It's a nest.


And what's
in the nest?

An egg! Right!

How egg-citing!



tweet, tweet.

Look, it's
a baby bird.

Tweet, tweet,

Gowrsh. [Chuckles]

I think he likes
you, goof. [Chuckles]

What are you
gonna name him?

Hmm, I hadn't
thought of that.

Uh, let's see,

Uh, red...bird,

Baby red bird!

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Aww, shucks.


Look at him go!

Tweet, tweet tweet.

Tweet, tweet tweet.



Tweet, tweet, tweet.


Tweet, tweet, tweet.


Yummy! A ham and
cheese sandwich!


Mmmm. [Gulp]

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

I got him.

Oh, no, baby red
bird's makin' a mess.

We better catch him.

Here, birdie,

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Not again!


Oh-hoo, I got him.

No, I got him.




Gotcha! Ohhh,



Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.



Ohhhh, uh,
where'd he go?

[Chuckles] he's here,
he's there. He tickles.


Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Hmm, gosh,
now where is he?

Baby red bird!


Tweet, tweet, tweet!

Come out, come out,
wherever you are!

I have an idea.

Why don't we all
call out to baby red bird?

Everybody say,
"tweet, tweet, tweet!"

Tweet, tweet, tweet!


One more time,
"tweet, tweet, tweet!"

Baby red bird:
tweet, tweet, tweet!

There he is!

Tweet, tweet, tweet!

[Chuckles] hey,
there, little guy!

We found baby red bird.

Aw, good going!

How are you doin',
little feller?

Tweet, tweet, tweet!

Hmm, baby red bird
looks sad.

Aww, I bet he wants
his mommy.

Tweet, tweet, tweet!

We've got to take
baby red bird back home.

Goofy, where did you find
baby red bird's nest?

Uhh, the forest,
that's where
I found the nest!

The forest.
Hot dog!

And I thought
it was a hat.

Will you help us take
baby red bird

Back home
to the forest?

Great! That means
we're going to need
some mouse-ke-tools.

Come on everybody.
Let's go get our

From the mouse-ka-doer.

♪ Mouse-ke-hey,
mouse-ke-hi, mouse-ke-ho! ♪

♪ Mouse-ke-ready,
mouse-ke-set, here we go! ♪

♪ You're a-thinkin' and
a solvin' working through-er ♪

mouse-ke-you, mouse-ke-doer.

Mouse-ke-me, mouse-ke-yo,

Meeska, mooska,

♪ Mouse-ke-tools,
mouse-ke-tools ♪

♪ Mouse-ke-tools, here are
your mouse-ke-tools! ♪

Mickey: a pogo stick,

A blanket,


And the mystery

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Look, it's tootles.

Hi ya, tootles!

[Chuckling] oh, gosh.

Hey, there!
[Bell ringing]

Tootles is gonna
bring us our

when we need them.

[Chuckling] we got
our mouse-ke-tools.

All right!

Now we can take baby red bird
back home to the forest.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

But first we need
to look through
the telescope

To find the forest.

Everybody say,



[Chuckling] hold on
tight everybody!

[Cranking, jingling]

whoa! Yippie!

The telescope will
help us see things far away.

Lets see if we can find
the forest.

Mickey: is that a forest?

Nope, that's a lake.

Forests are made up
of trees.

Mickey: let's keep

Is that a forest?

Nuh-uh, that's mickey park.

Is that a forest?

You betcha! That's a forest!

Ha, good job, pal!

But mickey, how are we
gonna get baby red bird

All the way to the forest?

Hmm, I got it.

We can fly the glove
balloon to the forest.

Well whaddya ya know?!

Glove balloon,
here we come!

Baby red bird,
we're taking you home.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Goofy: this balloon
sure is handy.

Mickey: [chuckles]
that's why it's called
a glove balloon.


Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Gowrsh, what do ya
think baby red bird wants?

Well, I think baby
red bird's hungry.

But, we didn't
bring any food.

Ohh. Hey, maybe
tootles can help us.

Everybody say,
"oh, tootles!"

Oh, tootles!
Oh, tootles!

Tweet, tweet, tweet.


Tweet, tweet, tweet.


Well hello to you
too, tootles.

Mickey: a pogo stick,

A blanket,

Blueberries, or the
mystery mouse-ke-tool?

Goofy: hmm, can you
eat a pogo stick?

Mickey: [chuckles]
that's silly.

Well, I once ate a hubcap.



[chuckles] aww, goofy.

What can we
feed baby red bird?

blueberries, right!

We got ears,
say "cheers!"

Goofy: cheers!

Yum, yum, yum,
yum, yum.

Yum, yum, yum,
yum, yum.

[Chuckles] thanks
for helping feed
baby red bird.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

[Burps] tweet,
tweet, tweet.




We're headed right towards
those three blue birds,

To fly over the
three blue birds,

We need to pull
the rope three times to
put air into the balloon.

Pull the rope
and count with me.




We made it over
the three blue birds

[Clap] hurray!

Tweet, tweet, tweet!

Baby red bird,
we're taking you home.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Aw, look. He's
shakin' like a leaf.

Baby red bird
must be getting cold.

Maybe we have
a mouse-ke-tool

That can keep
baby red bird warm.

Everybody say,
"oh, tootles!"

Oh, tootles!
Oh, tootles!

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Mickey: a pogo stick,

A blanket,

Or the mystery

What will keep
baby red bird warm?

A blanket, right!

We got ears, say cheers!

Goofy: cheers!

A blankey
for the baby.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Aw, shucks.


Thanks for helping
make baby red bird
warm again, everybody.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Mickey, look!

It's the forest!

Do you see the forest?

Yeah, there it is.

Get ready for
a landing.

Goofy: wow, look
at all them trees.

How are we gonna find
baby red bird's tree?

Hmm. Good question.

Let's think.

[Clears throat]

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

That's it!

I bet baby red bird's

Makes the
same sound he does.

So let's all call to
baby red bird's mommy.

Everybody say,
"tweet, tweet, tweet."

Both: tweet, tweet, tweet.

Let's all listen
to the tall tree

For baby
red bird's mommy.


Does that sound like
baby red bird's mommy?



those are bees!

♪ Bzz-bzz-bzz ♪

Now let's listen
to the taller tree.


Does that sound like
baby red bird's mommy?



that's a woodpecker.


Now let's listen
to the tallest tree.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.
::cue[.speaker] {
font-family: arial;
text-shadow: -1px 0 1px black, 0 1px 1px black, 1px 0 1px black, 0 -1px 1px black;

Does that
sound like baby
red bird's mommy?

You betcha!

That means
mommy red bird

Lives in
the tallest tree.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Come on, let's take
baby red bird back
home to his mommy.

Tallest tree,
here we come.

Uh, oh.

How are we gonna
get down to the forest?

Well, we're too
high up to jump,
that's for sure.

I think we're
going to need one of our
mouse-ke-tools for this,

Everybody say,
"oh, tootles!"

Both: oh,
Tweet, tweet, tweet.


[Ring ring]

Mickey: a pogo stick and
the mystery mouse-ke-tool.

Goofy: definitely
the pogo stick!

are you sure?

Goofy: sure I'm
sure, look! [Doing]

Ahhh ha ha ha hahooooey!
[Crash] ouch.

Mickey: well I don't think
a pogo stick works here.

Goofy: me neither!

Mickey mouse: oooh,
that means it's time for

The mystery


Everybody say,
"mystery mouse-ke-tool."

Goofy: mystery

Mickey: what's today's
mystery mouse-ke-tool?

A slide, right!

We got ears,
say cheers!

Goofy: cheers!

Come on everybody,
slide down to
the forest with us.


All right, we made it
to the forest!

Now let's find
that tallest tree.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Mickey: wow!

the tallest tree.

Look at all
the mommy birds.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Wow, which one
of the birds is
mommy red bird?

Maybe mommy red bird
looks like baby red bird.

Which mommy birds are red?

The mommy bird
on the top and the
mommy bird on the bottom

Are both red.

So, uh, which
one is baby red
bird's mommy?

Well, how many times does
baby red bird tweet?

Hmm, well, uh, hmm.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

three times!


Do you think baby red bird's
mommy tweets three times?

Let's listen to the
first mommy red bird.

Tweet, tweet,
tweet, tweet.

Mickey: how many
tweets was that?

One, two, three, four.

Four tweets!

Now let's listen to
the other mommy red bird.

[Clears throat]
tweet, tweet, tweet.

Mickey: how many
tweets was that?

One, two, three.

Three tweets!

Just like
baby red bird.

Baby red bird,
is that your mommy?

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

All right! We found
baby red bird's mommy.


Tweet, tweet, tweet!


Mickey, how are we gonna
get baby red bird

All the way up there?

All the way up there?

Why don't we check
our mouse-ke-tools

And see if they can help?

Everybody say,

"Oh, tootles!"

[Ring, ring]

Mickey: can we use
the pogo stick to jump
up to mommy red bird?

You betcha!

We've used all
our mouse-ke-tools!

Say super-cheers!

Here you go, goof!


You can do it!
I know you can!

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

To get baby red bird
to his mommy,

Goofy has to bounce
all the way up to the
top of the tallest tree.

Will you cheer goofy on
as he bounces to the top
of the tallest tree?


Here we go!

To help goofy
bounce high, let's
all say, "bounce high!"

[Doing, doing]

Baby red bird:
tweet, tweet, tweet!

Goofy: it's workin'!

To help goofy
bounce higher, say,
"bounce higher!"

almost there!

Baby red bird:
tweet, tweet, tweet!

Ohh! To help goofy
bounce the highest of all,

"bounce highest!"

[Doing, doing]



Pleased to meet you,
mommy red bird.

tweet, tweet.

Here's your little
bundle of feathery joy!

Tweet, tweet,

Tweet, tweet, tweet...

And a tweet,
tweet, tweet to
you, too [chuckles]

[Doing, doing]

We did it!
We did it!

Oh, boy!

We all brought
baby red bird

Back home to his mommy.

We sure did!

Good going, everybody.
And you, too, goofy!

And, mickey, you
three. [Chuckling]


Stand up, everybody.

It's time to do
the mouse-ke-dance!


♪ hot dog! ♪


♪ Woof!
Woof! ♪

♪ Hot dog! ♪

♪ Hot dog! Hot dog!
Hot diggity-dog! ♪

♪ Now we got ears,
it's time for cheers ♪

♪ Hot dog hot dog,
the problem's solved! ♪

♪ Hot dog! Hot dog!
Hot diggity-dog! ♪

Wow, we had
such a great time

Taking baby red bird
back home.

Mickey: first, baby red bird
was hungry,

So we gave him
blueberries to eat.

Goofy: yum, yum,
yum, yum, yum!

Mickey: then he got cold,
so we kept baby red bird

Warm with a blanket

Goofy: nice
and cozy.

Mickey: and remember?
We used a slide

To get down
to the forest.

Goofy: yup,
that was fun!

Mickey: and finally,
we found mommy red bird

In the tallest tree.

Goofy: and I bounced
on the pogo stick.

What a hot dog day!

♪ Hot dog! Hot dog!
Hot diggity dog! ♪

♪ It's a brand-new day,
whatcha waitin' for? ♪

♪ Get up, stretch out,
stomp on the floor! ♪

♪ Hot dog! Hot dog!
Hot diggity dog! ♪

♪ Hot dog! Hot dog!
Hot diggity dog! ♪

♪ We're splitting the scene,
we're full of beans ♪

♪ So long for now
from mickey mouse ♪

That's me!

♪ And the mickey mouse... ♪

♪ ...club... ♪

♪ ...house! ♪

See ya
real soon!


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