02x11 - Beth and the Beanstalk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x11 - Beth and the Beanstalk

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: (Groans)

This all cheese diet is causing me problems.

I've gotta find me some prunes.


- Hmm...


(Snaps) Whoa!


(Birds chirp)


(Heavenly music) Come to mama.

Chef: Beth, what are you doing?

Just checking for my back up pants.

I feel an accident comin' on.

- If you feel like you need to go to the bathroom

why would you wait until it's too late,

just go.

- Whoa. That's why you're in charge, Chef.

You're so sah-mart!

- (Chuckles) I've read some books.

Glad I could help.

- Whew! That was close.

It's super against the rules to bring chocolate bars to school.

And guess what I did today!

(Laughs, snort)



Wahh! Um, hey Owen, what are you--

- Shhh. I hear chocolate!

- Oh. I didn't hear anythi--

- (Sniffs)


(Sniffs) Dodo-coco.

(Sniffs) Solid milk chocolate.

(Sniffs) Chocolate bar!!!

- Fine, I'll share!

- Ohboyohboyohboy!

But we aren't allowed to bring chocolate bars to school.

- I know, so we'd better find a good hiding spot to eat it.

All clear. Let's do thi--

- Hi! - Gah! - Izzy!

- Um? - What are you doing up here?

- Huntin' rats.

- Ahhh! - Gah!

- Why? - Someone's gotta!

(Gasps) Is that a chocolate bar?!

(Rat screams) - Aw, crud.

Fine, we can split it three ways.

- Yaaay! OOF!

- Oof! - Ow!

- What's going on here?!

- Boom! Nailed the landing!

- What is... this?!

- (Gasps) - Is no one gonna answer me?!

- Do you actually need us to?

- I was just giving you some time

to figure it out on your own.

- Haven't you ever seen a dodo chocola--

- It's a chocolate bar!!!

- See. I knew you could do it!

- These are not allowed at school.

- (Guilty) I know!

And I am so sorry!

How about we split it four ways?

- The girl makes sense.

- Great idea.

- No! This is now confiscated.

I'm putting it right here.

- (Angry growl)

- Please don't. Pleeeeease!

- If you're good, I'll give it back to you...

at the end of the year.

- End of the year? But--

- Out. All of you. Now.

All: Awwww...

- (Hysterical crying)

- Oh, Beth, it's okay.

Look at it this way:

your chocolate bar is gone forever.

(Harder hysterical crying)

- Well, I'm out of ideas.

- (Sniffles)

- Beth, I want you to have these.

- Really? Thanks, Owen.


- For emergency situations like this

I always have a few jelly beans hidden away.

In my socks.

(Flies buzz)

- (Gags) (Spits)

Ahh! They were- socks- my mouth and I chewed

and I-I-I don't feel so...



- See! She's still alive!

Someone wanted to donate your body to science.

- That was you!

Are you okay, Beth? - Hmmm...


(Ground rumbles)

All: (Gasps) It's a jelly bean stalk!

Izzy: How high do you think it goes?

Beth: Only one way to find out.

- Please say with a tape measure.

- We're climbing it!

- But I don't like climbing.

- If I can't have my chocolate bar

I at least want an adventure!

I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down sister,

won't stop 'til we reach the top!

C'mon, Owen,

(Sing-song) there could be jelly beans up there!

- Jelly beans?! Wait up!


(Huffing) why doesn't this thing have an elevator?

(Elevator dings)

- Going dowwwn!

- (Gasps) A jelly bean!

(Button clicks, elevator dings)

(Whirs down) Awwwww.

Hey, wait for me, guys!

Whoa! That shovel looks like a giant version

of the one in the sandbox at school.

- It really does.

It even has the same little chip out of it.

- And I've seen this bucket before!

- Ha. If i didn't know any better

I'd say we were in some kind of--

Chef: Kids! Come inside for snacks!

It's almost nap time.

(All cheer) - Whoa!

- Take coverrrrr! - Yay! Haha!

(Door slams) - Whoa, guys!

I think we're tiny in a giant world!

- Ha! Kids are supposed to be tiny. Duuuhhhh.

- (Snarling) - What is that?


I guess it's nothing.

- (Growls) - Squirrelllllllllll!!!!!!

- (Roars)

- Ahhhhhhhhhhahahahaahhhhhh!

- It's dangerous up here.

Maybe we should head back.

- If the squirrel and the kids here are giant,

then imagine how big the chocolate bar

Chef confiscated is.

- It'll be a chocolate bar the size of a bear.

- A bear?!


(Stomach rumbles)

I guess that's worth risking our lives for.

- Some of us might not make it back,

but I'm okay with that as long as I do.

Owen, are you in... or are you in?

- Those are both the same choice!

- (Singsong) Chocolate bear!

- I'm in!

- C'mon! We're almost at Chef's office!

- (Crunching sound) - I know that sound.

- (Chewing sounds)

- Wow. Big me!

(Hushed) Oh no. Doesn't big me know

that chili cheese chips give us wicked gas?

Oh no...

(Huge fart)

Oof! (Coughing)

- I need to get up there.

How am I going to do that?

- (Gasp) Be right back!

Launch me on ! --

- Fiiiire!

- Ahhhhh! I wasn't done counting!

- I was borrrred!

- Whaaaa!!! Ooof!


Look at the size of it!

Whoa! Ah! - (Snarling)

Oh, whatsamatter?

Didja think this was yours?

Well, it is...n't. Ha! In yo' face!

(Angry chitter)

Oh, crud. We got trouble!

Look out below!

Giant chocolate bar coming down!

- That chocolate bar doesn't look giant at all.

Now it does. Ahhhh!

- I got it! - Ooof!

- Nice landing, Beth!

- I'm a fire truck person driver!

- Hi, I'm Izzy!

- Hamsterrrrr!!!

- (Attack yell) Ahhhh!

(Engine revs, tires squeal)

- (Attack yell) Ahhhh!



- Can't this thing go any faster?!

- I'll push these buttons and see what happens!

Beep, boop.

(Bucket whirs, clank)

- (Chitters)

- Oh, no!

- Look out! Little girl with an axe!


- Agh! Agh! OOF!

(Cheering) - All right! Woohoo!

- (Angry chitter)

(Siren wails)

- Who's playing with the fire truck during nap time?!

All: Ahhhhhhhhh!

- What in the worrrrrrrld...?

- (Angry chitter) - Lenny!

Were you playing with the fire truck?

- (Angry chitter)

- What? A tiny version of Owen, Beth and Izzy

stole the confiscated chocolate bar?!

Well, then go get it back!

- (Angry chitter)

(Gasps) I speak hamster?!

- Yeah! - we did it.

- Now let's get this chocolate bar home

and eat like kings for a month!

(Attach yell)

All: Hamsterrrrrr!!

Oh no! Argh! Let! Go!

- (Angry chitter) - (Grunting)

Own, Izzy: Ahhhhhh!!!

- Guys, we gotta jump!


- (Chitter) - (Gasp!)

- (Chuckles)

(Throwing grunt) Agh!

- Ahhhhh! - Yes!




Ow. Ow. Ooof. Gah. Ouch.


(Landing thud)

- Can you hear me?!

- Talk to us, Beth!

- What happened? Is everyone okay?

- Beth fainted cause she ate...

something from my socks. - Whaaat?

- The jelly bean stalk... we climbed it.

There were giant versions of all of us up there.

Even you, Chef.

My chocolate bar was huge!

And we rode a fire truck and we had...

- Ohhhhh-kay.

Sounds fun.

Why don't you two take Beth inside

so she can rest that head of hers, huh?


Kids have the wildest imaginations.

A giant me, haha--

(Siren wails)

Whooooaaa!! Oof! (Groans)

- I knew I wasn't dreaming!

Yayyyyy!!!! Chef: Ow.



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