02x09 - Mooshy Mon Mons

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x09 - Mooshy Mon Mons

Post by bunniefuu »



(Birds chirp)


Owen: Whatcha doing, Chef?

- I... uh... nothing! - (Sniffing)

Wait. (Sniff) What is that? (sniff)

- No-no-no. Don't sniff. - (Sniffing)

- Why you sniffing? - Do I smell...

(Sniffs) - Stop your nostrils!

Chaw...chawww... Chakohhh... Chaw-koh-lit!!

- Chef's got chocolate?!

- Owen's choco-sense never lies!

- Chef!

Put the chocolate in my mouth!

- (Groans) Fine.

These are Mooshy Mon Mon chocolates.

The rarest, fanciest,

most delicious chocolates in the world!

They are not for kids!

All: Pleeeeaaase!

- (Sighs) How can I word this nicely?

Oh! The sophistication of these chocolates

would be wasted on your tiny underdeveloped kid brains.

- (Offended gasps)

- That wasn't nice at all!

- Forget nice, this is serious!

Anyone who touches my Mooshy Mon Mons

is in trouble.

Big trouble.

I'm talking earth shaking, dream haunting trouble.

Got it!? (All whimper in agreement)

Good! (Slams door)

- It's okay, I'm sure those Mooshy Mon Mons

aren't even that yummy...

delicious, gooey, chewy,

scrumptious, delightful...

...sweet, heavenly, tasty,

mouthwatering, rich, succulent--

- Would you stop already!

- I need the Mon Mons!

It's the only thing I care about!

- Yes! - Let's do it!

- Guys! No!

Stop! You heard what Chef--

- I know. I just need to look at them,

or I'll explode!

- (Sigh) Okay.

We open the box to look at them.

Look only. That's it.

- Agreed. - Deal.


(All groan)

- Whoa. That tasted like riding a unicorn into the sunset

and then eating it. (Groans)

- (Groans)

Owen, did you eat part of the box?

- There was a chocolate smudge on that corner.

- (Gasp) Chef said we'd be in big, big trouble!

I do not want this on my permanent record!

- We're gonna be in time out forever -

just like Paul!

- Helloooo?

I'm years old.

May I please come out now?

- Not my call, Paul.

- We did a bad, bad thing.

- Ya, now Chef will never share

his Mon Mon chocolates with us!

Oh. Right. We just ate 'em.

- Listen up! We need to find a chocolate shop

and buy a new box, right now.

Snooty chocolatier: So you ate someone's entire box

of Mooshy Mon Mon chocolates

and you'd like to buy a new one?

- Let's make it two boxes.

What? One for Chef and one for us to eat on the walk back.

- (Laughs) Mooshy Mon Mons are the rarest confection

in the entire world.

I've never even seen one in person. (Laughs)

- Well, who does sell them?!

- Darling everyone knows

you can only find Mooshy Mon Mons

at the Artisanal Chocolaterie

in the Norberian Alps of Fruffenberg.

- So I guess that's it then...

- Yup! We're going to Fruffenberg.

(Tires screech)

(Plane roars)

According to the website this is the place.

(Loud crash)

- Hm. It doesn't look very delicious...

- And yet,

it was once the most delicious building in the land.

- Whoa, an old man's talking.

- I was the Mooshy Mon Mon chocolate master

at this chocolaterie before it burned down.

- Mr. Chocolate master,

we really need a box of Mooshy Mon Mons

or my scholastic record will be tarnished forever.

Do you think you could make us a box?

- Well.

you seem like nice kids.

If can fetch me the ingredients,

I'll craft you the Mon Mons you seek.

- Sweet. - Thank you! - Sure.

- Your first task!

Journey here to retrieve the nougat pure

from the den of the terror dog!

- That chocolate guy was weird,

and the idea of meeting a terror dog seems,

you know, terrifying?

- Whatever it takes, remember?

Oof! (Ferocious growl)

- Look upon me and tremble mortals!

- Ahh! Why does it have three heads?!

- The one on the left looks friendly.

Go explain our situation.

- Umm... okay.

Uh, excuse me, Mr. Dog,

would it be okay if we--



ouch! Eeee! Aaaahh!

- (Spits) - Ahh! Oof!

- Your other left. - Oh.



- (Spits) - Ahh! Oof!

I feel like a chew toy!

- I got this.

Hey puppy, wanna play fetch?

See the stick? Wanna stick? You wanna stick!?

- Oh please. As if we'd fall for that old--

(Excited panting)

Guys, c'mon, show some self-control.

- Get the sticks! - Oh-oh...


- Not exactly how I planned it, but...

nougat time, right guys?

- (Chewing) Oh, it's...delicious!

Ha! Ha! But your quest has only just begun.

Next, I'll need the molten chocolate

from deep in the dragon's cave!

- But it's just called dragon's cave, right?

There's no actual dragon in there, right?

Right? Say right.

- Rrrrright...

- (Chuckles) Phew.

- Also there's a dragon in the cave.

- Oh come on!

I'm just saying. I'd rather face an angry Chef

than a three headed dog or a dragon.

Maybe we should just go back and tell him we ate his--

Beth: Owen? Shhh!

(Ferocious roar)

Fear me, for I know what you seek.

And it can only be yours

if you answer my fiendish riddle!

- Aw, a riddle dragon?

Kind of a let down...

- Beth, Courtney, Izzy, Owen...

welcome to "The Riddle is Fiendish"!

(Audience cheers, applauds) - Uh, hi?

- Here... is your question.

Who... is the coolest dragon in the world?

- Is this a trick question? - Probably him?

- Just pick one!

- Um,


(Bell dings) Woooohoooo!

(Flames roar) - Eeeek!

Oh you guys are great!

Help yourself to as much chocolate as you want.

- (Cheering)

(Fire crackles) - Ahhh!

(Splash) (Sighs)

- (Slurps) Ahhh!

Oh great work children!

Soon I'll have all I need to make more Mon Mons.

- (Cheering)

- (Coughs)

- Your last quest is to fetch me the caramel of calamity

from the most terrifying beast of them all...

The Windekrakabra,

here... in the clearing of doom. Right here.

- According to the chocolate master's map,

the Windekrakabra should be right around here.

- Hey. Can maybe someone else take a turn getting hurt?

This again? What's your deal, Owen.

- I'm scared!

The dogs chewed on me,

and the dragon burnt my bum,

and this kaakaka-whatever

is supposed to be the worst of them!

- Hey! It's your chocolate sniffing face

that got us into this mess.

- I know. It's a gift and a curse!

- Whatever it is,

it comes with a responsibility.

Owen, it's time to become the choco-hero

you're destined to be.

Are you ready!?

- Yes. Okay.

It is my destiny!

I am the choco-hero!

- Now get in there,

face that Windekrakabra

and bring us the caramel we need

to make those chocolates!

For the Mooshy Mon Mons!

(Battle cry)

I think the Windekabarbara is on lunch or something.

Everybody come on over and grab some caramel.

Ohhh hello friend.

You shouldn't be here.

Don't you know this is where a big scary monster lives?

- (Chomp) - (Screaming)

- Owen! Owen! Owen! - (Screaming)

- I think the bunny might be the monster!

- I- ow! Think you're- ahh! Right!

- We should grab the caramel while Owen has it distracted.

- (Ferocious roar) - (Screaming)

Courtney: All done!

To be honest, that last quest wasn't as bad

as I thought it would be.

- Yup. Ease peezy of cake.

Spooper sa-himmmple.

- And, as promised,

one box of Mooshy Mon Mons

for my questing heroes.

- Thanks old man!

Any chance you can make it two boxes?

- We have to hurry back! C'mon.

I can't believe we made it.

- I know, but thanks to me we did.

Now c'mon before Chef catches us in here.

- You know what's funny.

I don't even remember what they looked like.

All: Owen, no!


- Oh no! Not agaaaaaain!

- (Horror scream)

(Angry growl)

- I am sure making kids clean toilets

violates the Geneva convention.

- For the Mon Mons?

It was totally worth it.

All: Mmmmmm... (Toilet flushes)



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