02x07 - Pudding the Planet First

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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02x07 - Pudding the Planet First

Post by bunniefuu »



Izzy: Nah-hn! Harold: It is!

Izzy: No it's not! Harold: It totally is!

- Guys, come on!

You've been arguing for minutes!

- Yeah! Knock it off or I'm gonna settle things...

in the most painful way possible--

(Glove pings)


- What is that?

(Rubbery grinding) - Ahhhhh!

- Owww!

(Glass shatters) (Boings)

- Happy earth day, kids!

(All groan)

- Chef, settle an argument.

What flavour's better, yummmmmmy tangerine?

(Grossed out) Or purrpllle. (Gag)

- For the last time, it's concord grape!

And it's delicious!

(Rips lollypop off) (Delayed scream)

- Ouch. Stop it. - No you stop. Ow.

(Bullhorn sounds) - Heyyyyy.

There's no fighting on earth day.

- Not a real rule! (Bullhorn sounds)

- And it's okay to have different opinions on things.

Opposing views make life more interesting and fun!

- Opposing views, hm?

- Exactly! Take the environment.

Everyone knows something big has to be done,

but there are a lot of different opinions

on what that is. - Really? Hmm...

- To do my part... I just bought a new car!

Come see!

(Glistens) - Wow! I love it!

- And I... hate it?

- But Izzy, cars like this are gonna save the planet!

- Pfft. That car ain't savin' nuthin'!

- What's her problem?

- Chef says taking the opposing view

makes things interesting and fun,

and that's pretty much my job around here.

Yep, without me this place would be boring city!

So from now on you can call meeee...

(Objects clatter) opposing view girl!

Or something like that. Names are hard.

- This is the brand new, eco-friendly, pretentious.

- (Gasp) the one that runs on the pollution

of other vehicles? - Yes sir!

Cost me years of future salary,

but since it doesn't use gas,

it'll pay for itself in just...

(under breath) uh, let's see, carry the one--

Hang on.


(Motor roars)

- (Coughing)

- In just years!

- I think that gas powered calculator

pollutes more than cars.

- (Gasp) You're right!


Saving the planet is what today is about!

Now let's paint these plates to look like the earth!

- Is it safe to eat off of painted plates?

- Not. At. All.

So when we're done, we'll just throw 'em in the landfill!

- (Cheering)

- Ugh. Why are old people so bad

at being environmentally friendly?

- Izzy? Why ya paintin' the yard?

- Chef wanted us to paint plates to look like earth,

so I'm painting the earth to look like a plate!

- But that's bad for the grass

and Chef said today was all about saving the planet.

- (Gasp) He said that today was about saving the planet?!

- Yeah! He was all...

(Chefs voice) Stay down pollution!

You don't want none'a this!

Saving the planet is what today is about!

- Then I guessss...

I'm gonna destroy it!

- Whaaaaaattttt?!

- Well, Chef also said having an opposing view

makes life more interesting and fun!

- But destroying the earth feels... wrong.

- Oh, I've never heard anyone say that.

C'mon, be my super planet destroying ally!

You'll get to wear a caaaape.

- (Excited gasp)

I've always wanted to wear a cape!

- So, partner...

ready to destroy planet earth?

- Let's. Get. Interesting.

- Don't know where all the white paint went,

but better get these cans down to the incinerator.

- Turn out lights; save the planet!

- Whoa! Ahhhh! (Falling thuds) Oof. Ow! Kah!

(Electricity buzzes) - Ready?

- It's lucky Chef has this coal generator

to power the sprinklers.

Now let's get this baby started.

- (Laugh) Chef said taking the opposing view was a good thing!

Look at all this energy being wasted on earth day.

- (Chuckles) He's gonna be so proud of us!

(Electricity zapping) - Wow!

(Electricity zapping) (Plane sputters)

Pilot: Ahhh! (expl*si*n)

(Electricity zapping)

(Flames crackle)

(expl*si*n) - Well, that was interesting.

- Hm. But was it interesting enough?

Urgh. Destroying the planet is tough!

- I guess that's why it's still here.

- Well, we're not giving up! C'mon!

Yes! Planetary destruction begins!

(Maniacal laugh)

Okay! Fire it up, Owen!

Drill, baby, drill!

Suck on that, planet earth!


- Wait. This isn't oil.

It's... it's...

chocolate milkshaaaake!

- Mooooo!

- Oh! This is a miracle!


- Aw! We can't destroy the planet with milkshake!

Shut it down.

- Awww.



Well, that was the best moment of my life.

It's all downhill from here.

- Hm...we need to think bigger!

Oh! What if we sneak onto the military base

and fire off some kaboomees!

Huh? Kah-pow! Kah-pow!

Pew pew pew! (Evil laugh)

- They won't let kids do that.

- Enh, as long as you're dressed in a military uniform,

no one questions you. Trust me!

Okay, maggots, where do I go to end the world?

Click that one, turn those dials,

push those buttons like you mean it, soldier!

As you can see, I'm interesting and fun

and ready to prove it! Now fire!

- General McOwen reporting for duty!

- Hmm?

- Ahhhhhhhh! Oof!

- Why is there a line up or my office?

'Cause we're saving the planet, one poop at a time!

- Huh?

- We turned your desk into a composting toilet.

- Whaaaaaaaaaaat?

But why?!?

- Duh, cuz leaky conventional toilets

waste gallons of water a day?

- Hey Chef! I just pooped in your desk!

- (Defeated sigh) I know.

- Hey Izzy! Whatcha doin' now--

(Gasps) Oh, is that our new plan?

That looks interesting!

- Look Owen, I'm doing my best to take the opposing view

and destroy the world here... (chuckle) I gotta be honest,

it seems like your heart's not in it.

- But--

- I think I should do this on my own.

- Nooooo. No-no-no. Not my cape.

- Now if you'll excuse me,

I gotta prove how interesting and fun I am.

- She's right; I don't really want to blow up the earth...

but that cape!

I have'ta prove I'm worthy!

- Izzy! These cups are recyclable!

We should be disposing of them in the proper--

what is that!?!

That is the end of world.

So buckle up, buttercup,

'cuz when this pudding hits the sun, it's ice age time!

- But why would you do that?

Earth day is about saving the planet!

- But not if you're taking the opposing view. Right?

Having a different opinion?

Making things interesting and fun?

- Oh Izzy. No. When I said that,

I was talking about little things...

like favourite flavours or movies -

not whether we should save the planet or destroy it!

- Well, now you tell me!

(Sighs) Chef, you should really be more careful;

this could've gone veeeeerrry badly.

- Opposing views for the win!

- Whah?

- (Gasp in horror) Owen! Noooo!

- Well, I destroyed the earth.

Can I have my cape back now?! Please!

- Owen, I was wrong.

Turns out destroying the planet is a bad thing.

- Oh.

- (Sobbing)

- What's going on out here?

- Owen shot pudding towards the sun

and now the world is about to end.

- Way to go, Owen.

I never even got a chance to poop in Chef's desk!

- Kids, before the sun goes out,

I just want you to know that every time I yelled at you...

you deserved it.

- You are horrible at comforting children.


(Pudding whooshes)

- (Gasp) The pudding didn't hit the sun! We're gonna be okay!

- Whew! Yay! - We're going to be okay!

- No, not yay!

Now it's coming right at us!

At the speed it's travelling, we're all doomed!

It's a pudding-pocalypse!

(Screams of terror)

- (Screaming, door shuts)

(Panicked screaming)

- Well, I sure messed up.

- Don't feel bad, Owen; this was my fault.

I guess this is it.

- No. This isn't it!

I think I might have a way to save the planet!

- Then you'll need this!

- I've been training for this moment my whole life.


It's Owen's time to shine!


- (Gasps) he's gonna catch it in his mouth!

- I don't know, that is a lot of pudding.

- No! He can do it!

He's our only hope!

Go, Owen, go!!

- I got it, I got it!

(Whooshing) Ahhhh...

(Loud crash)

- Did-did I do that?

- Wow, I wasn't even close.

All: Yay! We're saved!

- (Gasp) My car is ruined!


- But if it wasn't for your car,

the earth would have been destroyed!

- Ah, I guess you were right, Chef,

your new car really did save the planet!

- Pudding cannonball!!!


(Gulps) Best earth day ever!




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