02x07 - The Woods Have Eyes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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02x07 - The Woods Have Eyes

Post by bunniefuu »



- ♪♪

- ♪♪




- ♪♪





♪ You never gonna keep me down ♪

♪ You never gonna keep me down ♪

- CHARLIE: Good job, partner.
- ♪ No no no ♪

♪ You never gonna keep me down ♪

♪ You never gonna keep me down ♪

♪ No no no ♪

♪ Be lucky if I stick around ♪

- ♪ Maybe foolish ♪

♪ But I ain't a clown No no no no ♪

Time for work, partner.

Rex, let's go.

- ♪ Down down down ♪

Come on, pal.


Hey. I got a message. What's up?

DONOVAN: Detective Hudson.
This is Deena Roy.

- DEENA: Is this the dog

I read about in the paper?

The one who can find anything?

Yeah, his name is Rex.

What can we do to help?

It's my daughter.

She's disappeared.

- ♪♪

My daughter Alia is a photographer.

She just won the Elsie Holloway Prize

for photographic excellence.

The ceremony

was at City Hall this morning.

But she never showed.

I keep calling and calling.

But her phone just goes
straight to voicemail,

which is not like her at all.

And her last text message was

that she would see me
at the awards ceremony.

Is there any reason why

Alia might choose to skip the awards?

My daughter doesn't care about prizes.

The only reason she accepted was because

I made her promise to take me.

I was just so proud.

CHARLIE: Can you think of anyone
who might not be as big a fan

of Alia's work

as her mother?

Alia is,

well, an activist to some

crusader to others.

She photographs industrial pollution.

Shows the world how big companies

are destroying the planet.

And when people see my
daughter's pictures-

companies get fined millions

to clean up their mess.

Maybe something on her laptop

can show you who was bullying my baby.

Well, if there's something on
here, Jesse will sniff it out.

And the rest is up to Rex.


I brought one of Alia's
favourite hoodies

so he'd have her scent.

Thank you.

It was her brother's.

Hassan was accepted to
Heritage University,

full scholarship, before he got sick.

After he died, Alia wouldn't
take it off for weeks.


I'm very sorry for your loss.

That's why Alia is so driven.

She thinks Hassan got cancer

because big companies are
poisoning the planet.

She was finally being
recognized for her work.

And this happens.

I just can't lose another child.

We're going to do
everything in our power

to bring her back home, Ms. Roy.

You have our word.

Right, Rex?



JESSE: This is our missing person.

Alia Roy.

She's a photographer

specializing in pollution's impact

on the environment.

Wow, who knew pollution
could look so beautiful?

Well, they say one man's
trash, another man's treasure.

Well, I found a lot of treasure
in Alia's trash bin, you know.

Mostly letters from your
basic evil multinationals

pertaining to this.

This is a typical one that
has to do with Alia's

most recent photo essay

on the effects of palm
oil farming in Guatemala

on the Pacific Ocean.

She got big love from the treehuggers.
But big time hate

- from the local government.
- Mm-hmm.

Have you had any luck
tracking her phone?

Well, here's where the weird kick in.

Okay, her phone last pinged at 5 AM.

But the signal kept bouncing
between cell towers.

I couldn't get a lock on it.

Well, luckily her rental
car was just found.

Apparently, big business

wasn't the only ones

trying to cap her lens.

Let's get to it, folks.

Meet you there?


Let's go.


Looks like we're looking for

- a very lazy speller.
- _


You're going to need
a shower after this.

Maybe a couple of showers.

- Yeah.
- Find anything yet?

No fingerprints yet.

Isolating any DNA will be tough.

With all this household garbage,

it's basically DNA soup.

Any good news?

Here, have a look.


Notice anything?

Red punch-buggy, no punch-backs?

Haha. The car seat

has been pushed back.

At Alia's height, she never
could've reached the pedals.

So someone else was driving.

But when she left her
mom's home this morning,

she was alone.

- That's interesting.

- Hudson.
- JESSE: Hey.

I'm still going through security footage

from City Hall. But get this.

Alia won an Elsie for
a recent photo essay

on a garbage dumping scam here in St.

Was that the thing with the
deputy mayor and his cousin?

Yeah. Bingo.

Councilor Harris contracted
his cousin's company

to pick up household recycling.


they ended up just
dumping it in the ocean.

I'm guessing they weren't
on the guest list.

Yeah. Councilor Harris left the
province after he stepped down.

But his cousin, Gordon,
is still in St. John's.

Picked up a couple of shifts
hauling garbage for a temp company

after his went bankrupt.

Well, I guess I'm going to have to see

if Gordon's alibi is bankrupt too.

Hey, Sarah.

You're cool to take out
the garbage on your own?

You're very funny!

- Rex!


GORDON: Whoah!

Get your dog off of my property!

CHARLIE: Just doing his job, Gordo!

Unlike you, who does
not have such a great

- track record.

What the hell you talking about?

Well, I'm talking about Alia Roy.

And how she busted you
for dumping the garbage.

Which makes me think
that you know something

about her disappearing this morning.

Am I right?

Yeah, he's running. Rex!




Control your damn dog!

Well, you should ask him nicely.

Rex is real particular about manners.


But first... Why don't you
and I have a real chat,

about littering?


His alibi checks out.

Gordon completed his route this morning.

Alia left her mom's
at 4:30 this morning.

His pickups didn't start until 6:30.

He had motive and he ran.

Which makes him guilty of-

of something.

Alia's been gone for
over eight hours now.

And we have no idea where she went.


Thanks, partner.


So, my alibi checked out, huh?

Well, if your alibi was so airtight,

then why did you run, Gordo?

I don't like dogs.

Or photographers.

I told you already. I
don't know where Alia is!

Okay, well let me tell you what I know.

Alia's photos made you lose
your business, your work

and your reputation.

And now you haul garbage
for the competition.

That is a hell of a promotion, isn't it?

It's honest work.

But too bad you're not honest.

You know, it must have really stung

to have her rewarded for your crimes.

She gets to shake hands with the mayor.

Her picture in the newspaper.

I can get over it.

Well, here's the thing

that's going to be harder to get over

is that the junk mail that
we found in Alia's rental

it came from your garbage route.

So if anything did happen to Alia,

we can place you in her car.

And things get real bad
from there, Gordo.

- (BANG)
- Talk!

I stole her car, okay?

That's it.

Where did you take it from?

The woods outside the city.

I sent her a bogus tip
about animal poaching.

I followed her out there this morning.

When she went in the
woods, I jacked the car.

I just wanted her to miss the ceremony.

She was getting an award
for ruining my life!

You did that all on your own.


CHARLIE: Sarah says the tire tracks

are consistent with the rental.

DONOVAN: The Blackwood Reserve

is almost fifteen hundred
square kilometers.


That's a lot of ground to cover.

Well as soon (HISS) as Rex
picks (HISS) up Alia's

we'll be able to track (HISS) quickly.



The cell service is bad up here.

It's like when I tried
tracking Alia's phone.

Something about that area
cuts out cell phone signals.

Get on that.

CHARLIE: Alright, Rex.

Track it.


Atta boy.

SARAH: Only six hours of daylight left.

It'll be hard to track
Alia once it's dark.

And night brings nocturnal predators.


You know an awful lot about the outdoors

for an art lover.

And I was also a
Pathfinder in Junior High.

I'm surprised you weren't a Boy Scout.

Well, I'm a city boy.

The wilderness is where all
the horror movies happen.

You're afraid of a little
masked k*ller in the woods?

No, spiders.

- I hate spiders.

What have you got, buddy?

Think Alia was leaving a marker

to try and find her way back?

That's smart.

With the hinky reception in the woods

her phone's GPS would have cut out.

Alright, pal.

Track it.


CHARLIE: What do you see, pal?

That's strange.

This is Crown Land.

Come on.

What's that building doing here?

And why is there a wall?


trespassers like you out.


Keep the dog in line.


Or what?


Or we'll do it for you.


They can't keep us here for long.

We're cops.

Yeah, well until our
phones start working

we're guests.


LORI: Your phones will work

once you clear the woods.

We jam the signals.

The wilderness takes care of the rest.

Lori Schiff.

Managing Director of X/L Vault.

You've already met my
Chief of Operations-

- Valentine Anson.
- And this is Rex.

An angry canine looking for an excuse

not to bring you down to the station.


Well, we protect very
sensitive material, here.

We needed to verify that you
are who you say you are.

You didn't have to do
that with the g*ns.

We have permits for all our firearms.

We'd be more than happy to
send copies to the station.

What is it you protect at X/L Vault?

We're a data storage facility.

In the middle of a wildlife reserve?

On Crown land?

Discretion is our first line of defense.

What were you doing on our campus?

We're searching for a missing woman.

She disappeared this morning.

Maybe you picked something
up on your security cameras?

Or one of the fine people who
escorted us saw something?

LORI: We'll be sure to let you
know if we find anything.


Well, how about I come
back with a warrant?

I wouldn't waste your time.

Valentine will escort you off campus.


CHARLIE: Cell signal dampeners

and armed guards feel like overkill

for data storage.

These guys came to play.

See what you can dig up on X/L Vault.

I'll work on getting a warrant.

SARAH: We need to hurry.
Light's running out.

They've got way too
much ground to cover.

We need more eyes in the woods.

I think I can help with that.

Come on, pal.


I know that bark.


Come here, boy! Hi!

Hi Rexie!

Hi big boy! Come here!

- Hi!

How's my Rexie? Hi!

You keep leading him on.

Charlie Hudson!

What's a big city boy like you

doing in my corner of the woodpile, huh?

Well, a young woman named Alia Roy

went missing in them this morning.

- The environmental photographer?
- Yeah, you know her?

Yeah, I'm a huge fan of her work.

Her photos have made a real impact

on global climate policy.

Well, Alia's trail led us to
a data storage company.

But they stonewalled us.

X/L Vault.

What do you know about them?

They got a special lease

for the land from the feds themselves.

They're super connected. Super private.

And they get real twitchy

when anyone plays on
their side of the fence.

So we've learned...

Well, we lost Alia's trail

on their campus

and can't pick it up without a warrant.

Anything you can do to help us out?

For Rexie?


Come on, boy. Come on.

Please, step into my office.

Let me show you what I got in here.

I've got some new toys.

- Nice digs.
- Thanks!

This is my crow, Bob.

I've been nursing him back to health

for a little while.

Bob, meet Charles.

And Rex.




Let's see what we've got.

How can you still be a cat
lover when you know Rex?


It's the 21st century, Charlie.

You don't have to choose anymore.

So, we have a webcam system

that keeps tabs on all of
our wildlife populations

in all of the parks and forests.

There's wolves in Newfoundland?

Well... One or two make
it down from Labrador

when prey is scarce.

How hungry is this one?

I'd keep an extra
steak in your pocket.


Just kidding.

The stars of this channel are lynxes,

foxes, moose, bears-


That's much better than wolves.

- Right buddy?


Okay, I can take you
through the camera zones

of the forest. Where
do you want to start?

How about just north of Highway 11?

Highway 11, you got it. Bringing it up.

A man in black staring
over his shoulder?

That's not sketchy at all.

CHARLIE: That's 5:15 AM.

- Want to turn that up?
- Yeah.

CHARLIE: And this one's 5:25 AM.

From the same park camera.

JESSE: Who's that?

Drunk Big Bird?

CHARLIE: No, I think it was

Alia on a zip line.

She went into the woods on a false tip

looking for poachers.

And ended up coming across a real story.

With creepy guy in the woods?

There's always a creepy
guy in the woods.

DONOVAN: I tried to fast track

a warrant on X/L Vault.

But it got stopped-

by the Department of Defense.

JESSE: Why's the military
getting involved?

Well, it doesn't matter.

We don't need a warrant.

This footage came from
Newfoundland Parks territory.

Rex can just pick up the trail
from wherever this webcam

was recording footage.

You better move fast.

The sun's going down.

And the wolves get hungry.

- CHARLIE: Sounds great.

Always the bad news.


Let's go, Rex.

Come on, Rex.

I'll give Sarah the coordinates.



Here you go.

Mm-hmm. Here you go.

Hey. Hey, sniff this.

Go find her, Rexie.

Go find her, Rexie.

Off you go. Off you go.

Good boy, Rexie.


Uh-they have a little-thing.


- You got it!

SARAH: Oh-ho!

So did you and Kendra have a thing?

Well, like a schoolyard thing.

Yeah, but you didn't have Rex
when you were in the schoolyard.

Well, I mean, you know

you have a divorce and
then you get-you know-

reacquainted with

old friends.

- KENDRA: Hey guys?
- Yeah?

KENDRA: We've got some broken branches.

Looks like someone fell here.

See how the impact has
disturbed the ground?

And we've got a track.

Small tread, probably a woman's.


I think she fell from the zipline

and unhooked herself.

Or she was shot out of the sky.


I'll see if I can dig it out.

It's small. Looks like a .22.





SARAH: It's the creepy guy
from the webcam feed.

Why just leave the body here?

CHARLIE: They probably expected

to be long gone by the
time he was found.

Good job, partner.

Whoever he was, he worked for X/L Vault.

CHARLIE: Whatever happened here-

Alia could have seen
it from the zipline.


I know, buddy.

Brought you a triple shot.

Figured you could use it after
pulling an all-nighter.

What gave me away?

Yesterday's clothes?

The fetching bags under my eyes?

You find out who our
X/L Vault John Doe is?

Joe set up a meeting

with Lori-to identify the body.

Anything you can tell me?

We found some blood on the ground

that we traced back to Alia.

So it looks like she was wounded.

But this b*llet we pulled from the tree

k*lled our John Doe.

And it's quite the b*llet. It
comes from a custom p*stol.

Most North American handguns

have six groove twist barrels.

Whatever shot this was a seven twist.

Now it's pretty hard
to get a low caliber

high accuracy p*stol into the country.

Unless you have the kind of access

that gets you a secret base

in the middle of a protected forest.


DONOVAN: Yesterday, we found
a dead man in the woods

with one of your security badges.

His body was found near
the blood of Alia Roy,

missing now for over 24 hours.

We believe she witnessed a m*rder

and was shot for it.

So if you don't want to be slapped

with an obstruction charge-

I suggest we start cooperating.

We're all on the same team here.

Are we?

Because I think

Alia came across
whatever k*lled this man

and you stopped her from exposing it.

DONOVAN: Because whatever
you're doing on this reserve

it sure as hell isn't data storage.

You're right.

Data storage is a cover.

X/L Vault is part of

the Canadian Bureau of Special Police

Cyber-intelligence Branch.


we discovered a security breach

when we caught you trespassing.

And I'm sorry for stonewalling.

But your timing was extremely suspect.

The body in the woods was John Gore,

one of our IT Specialists.

The breach was traced back to him.

John actually stole plans
for a remote data cloner.

Our investigation shows

that he was meeting a
buyer in the woods.

But he was double-crossed.

Our evidence points to
John being betrayed

by one single buyer.

This one.

LORI: Because of the rising tensions

over climate change,

these activists are becoming
more and more aggressive

in their tactics.

Hold on.

You're saying that Alia
is an ecoterrorist?

She's the perfect recruit,

athletic, multilingual, extremist.

LORI: And because of her
recent work in South America,

it put her in close proximity
to a number of radical cells

all of which fit the
profile of the buyer.

No, this is...

This is crazy, okay? Alia...

She was here to accept an
award with her mother.

Perfect cover story.

No one wants to believe

that a talented young woman like Alia

could be involved in
something like this.

But I think we need to

open our eyes to the
fact that she might be.

Our goal is to find Alia and
recover the missing tech.

Yeah, well our goal is to
bring Alia home safely.

Like Lori said, we're
all on the same team.

Okay, but if Alia is
part of a t*rror1st cell

then she would have stayed in the woods

until safely extracted.

g*nsh*t wounds draw way too
much attention at hospitals.

You've been watching Homeland again?

Yeah, for research.

But what about Alia's mother, okay?

I mean, is there any chance
that she could have used

Deena to help her get
out of the country?

Are you saying her mom is a mule?

No, everything we know about Alia

is that she's not that kind of a person.

DONOVAN: Yeah, well, Valentine
just gave me a file

that might change your mind on that.


they've been doing some
digging into Alia's finances.

And found a large cash transaction

that was diverted through
Deena's account.

A mom will do anything
to protect her kids.

Let's hope that doesn't also mean

transferring funds to a
t*rrorists organization.

CHARLIE: Deena, thanks for coming.

- Did the laptop help?
- It did.

I'm going to hang on to the
hoodie until we find Alia.

Superintendent Donovan said
Newfoundland Parks is helping

with the Search and Rescue effort?

Yeah. They're sending
us their best trackers.

And we'll see if they
can keep up with Rex.


I know you'll find her.


Deena, I need to ask you a question.

Do you know who Alia's been
working with recently?

It changes all the time.

Alia's freelance.

Sometimes it's magazines.

Sometimes galleries, websites. Why?

Well there's a cash
payment that sticks out.

To the tune of 20 thousand.

Why are you looking into
my daughter's finances?

Because it's my job.

After Hassan died, I couldn't work.

My son's death threw me
into a deep depression.

I got behind on my mortgage.

I needed money and Alia sold
some pictures to help me.

20 thousand is a lot of pictures.

Do you think Alia's missing
has something to do

with the pictures she
took for that money?

It's something we have to consider.

No, my Alia is innocent.

She would never do
anything to break the law.

That's not how I raised her.

Okay, well...

Look, Deena.

I promise you, we're
going to do our best

to bring her home safe, okay?



Rex, let's get to work.


JESSE: Okay, Alpha team?

Do you copy?

CHARLIE: Copy, Alpha team.

Beta team, good to go?

this is wrong, right?

Clearly, I'm the Alpha.

Tell that to Rex.

Omega team, how are you doing?

Okay, everyone in position?

DONOVAN: Alright, then.

Let's bring Alia home.

VALENTINE: Remember. Even
though she's wounded

we're dealing with a highly-skilled

- and dangerous operative.
- The difference is

I'm looking for a missing
photo journalist.

And you're looking for an
enemy spy in the woods.

KENDRA: If you boys don't get along

I'm going to put you both in corners.

Alright, Parks. This is your woodpile.

Where do we start?

We left Alia's trail at the water.

So I divided her possible
exit into three zones.

We're going to each start
at the river's edge.

And we're going to work
towards each other.

And we're going to pick up her
trail along the way, alright?

She can't have gone far.

Her injuries will be slowing her down.

Look for signs of dried
blood as a marker.

JESSE: Once you confirm
Alia's exit point

I can localize the park cameras
so we can have more eyes.

Okay, let's get started.

Track, Rex! Track it.

Hey, Hudson.

- You there?
- CHARLIE: Yeah, I'm here.

We all want Alia to be innocent.

But sometimes people
get in their own way.

Make a wrong turn.

CHARLIE: We don't know
Alia is one of those yet.

VALENTINE: How much more evidence...?

If you guys can put a pin
in your bromance for a sec,

I think I found Alia's exit point.

I've got a bloody T-Shirt.

Looks like our clever girl
cleaned and bound a wound.

So haul tooshie to me as
fast as you can, okay?

CHARLIE: Roger that!

I'm on my way, Kendra.

Jesse, can you pull up Zone
46 for me on the feed?

I think that's our best shot

for spotting Alia.

Okay, bringing up the feeds now.





- Chief, you okay?

Yeah yeah yeah. We're okay.

It's just someone's
interfering with our access

to the Newfoundland Parks wildlife feed.

We're sitting blind

until Jesse can get it
up and running again.

CHARLIE: Roger that.

Rex, let's go. Come on, pal.

Kendra, we're on our way!

- I'll get the satellite.
- Yeah.


Hey, Jesse. You got this?

I got this.

Shouldn't take long.



Kendra, I'm at your location.

CHARLIE: Where's Kendra?

I don't know.

I just got here myself.


CHARLIE: Ken! Kendra!

- Hey.


Hey, Kendra.

You okay?

She's breathing.

She's got a nasty bump on her head.

Someone must've hit her from behind.



VALENTINE: With this.

KENDRA: Oh, that hurts.

have to admit, Hudson.

Alia's picture came into focus.


Stop be so stubborn! Okay?

Let me take a look.

- You're sure you're okay?
- I'm fine.

- What happened?
- I was tracking her along here.

And then last thing I remember,
I radioed Valentine.

And then that's when she
must've brained me.

Well, Alia must've been
hiding up here somewhere.

And when you turned your back-

she hit you on the head
to buy time to escape.

Stay with Kendra.

Tell Lori to call a medic.

Rex comes with me.

No, Rex goes where I go.


Suit yourself.

But Hudson.

I think it's time for you

to accept that the Alia in your head

is not the same Alia in these woods.


Hold this for me.

We can't take a chance

she's tracking or listening
to our conversation.

Relax, Hudson.

This is what I was trained for.


- (COCKING g*n)
- Good boy. Good boy.

You guys be safe.

Do me a favour?

- Hold this?
- You got it.

Rex. Stay with Kendra.

Good boy, Rexie.

Good boy, Rexie.

Good boy.

Hey, Jesse. How are
those repairs coming?

JESSE: Okay, we are almost there.

- How's Kendra?
- Yeah, she'll be fine.

Kendra's as tough as they come.

I guess we were wrong about Alia, huh?

Yeah, but why did she leave Kendra alive

when she shot John in cold blood?

I don't know, I mean-

all this spy stuff has got
my head spinning around.

Yeah, I hear you.

Sometimes it's hard to
trust your own instincts.

KENDRA: You should.

You're the best cop I've ever known.

And I'm the best ranger
you've ever known.

And together, we're going
to figure this out.

Jesse, when you get that
signal up, you let us know.

JESSE: Copy that.

How do we have all these cameras

and still not know the full picture?

We're putting too much faith in tech.

We need to go old school.

You need to case the scene

like a cop.

And I'm going to track
the signs like a ranger.

Alright, country girl.

How about we start back from
where Alia att*cked you

- with that camera?
- Alright.

You think you can learn
anything from these tracks?

The depression here is slightly
deeper than at the water, but

that's because of the impact

from jumping off this rock.

Hold on.


These aren't a small woman's tracks.

These are at least a size 12.

So Alia's camera suddenly shows up.

And an ID badge gets
traced back to X/L Vault.

It's almost like the breadcrumbs

are conveniently coming together.

Like we're being fed a story.

- Yeah.
- Hey Jess?

I need you to get Sarah
to do me a favour.

DONOVAN: You said we're
on the same team.

So why is your agent taking
over my investigation?

Because I didn't realize
how dangerous Alia is.

My agents have specialized
military training

to De-escalate this type of situation.

I won't put any more
innocents in danger.

Do those innocents include Alia?

I can't risk her getting out
of the woods with that tech.

Even if it means k*lling her?

My job is to make the hard call

when the security of the
nation is at stake.

And my job is to make sure

that we are not convicting
innocent citizens

without all the evidence.

Otherwise, it's not a
nation worth protecting.

What do you want from me?

I want all of X/L Vault's security data

from the last forty-eight hours.

Parks Newfoundland uses these chips

to track wildlife migration.

It'll allow us to catch up with Rex

so he can get to Alia first.

Okay, pal.

You find Alia. And you
keep her safe, okay?

We're right behind you.

Go on.

Hurry, Rexie. She needs you.


JESSE: Charlie, I just heard
from Donovan and Sarah.

And as you suspected-

Sarah found no g*nsh*t
residue on John's hands.

And also, the X/L security footage

tells the same story as
the Newfoundland Parks's.

All the cameras recorded Kendra, Alia,

John, Charlie-

Rex, Sarah. Everybody but...

CHARLIE: Valentine.

The one person who knew exactly
where the cameras were

so he could avoid them.

- ♪♪



The more you make me hunt,

the worse it'll be for you!























Charlie, you're almost there.

You're only a few hundred
metres from Rex now.


Hey, how did you figure
Valentine was our guy?

Kind of running here, Jesse...

Well if I put on my
Charlie hat, can I guess?

CHARLIE: Yeah, knock yourself out.

Okay, one: Valentine

has been feeding us all
the evidence against Alia

when we know she went to the forest

on a false poaching tip from Gordon.

CHARLIE: Point, Jesse!

And two:

Alia's camera used to as*ault Kendra

to justify Lori letting
Valentine use deadly force

to bring down Alia,

when Alia would have never
left behind her camera.

Valentine was right there.

He was obviously the attacker.

And the only one with clearance
to jam the Parks network

was X/L Vault.

You're on a roll here!

Hey, do you think Alia saw
Valentine sh**t John?

Yeah, and I think
she has proof, too.

If Valentine saw her in the trees,

he shot her, and figured
she'd die in the woods.

Now he's just backfilling
his whole story

that he knows that Alia is still alive.

Yeah, well, let's hope
she stays that way

until Valentine's behind bars.

That's the plan.


I let you get away the first time.

I won't make that mistake again.





- (g*nsh*t)


JESSE: No no, Charlie. It wasn't Rex.

I'm still seeing him moving on
the Newfoundland Parks' tracker.






- (g*nsh*t)

CHARLIE: Hey partner! Get Alia to Jesse!

I'll cover you!

Alia, keep close to Rex!

You'll be safe with him!

- (g*nsh*t)
- (g*nsh*t)



Damn it!

CHARLIE: Drop the g*n, Valentine!

There's no way you're
walking out of here!

She's a very dangerous fugitive, Hudson!

Just let me do my job!

Don't you mean finish the job?

- Just like you finished John?
- (LOADING g*n)


Were you followed?

You really think there's
a leak in my department?


You're the only one I can trust...

- (g*nshots)

To be dumb enough to fall for that.





- Ahh!

CHARLIE: You should've
made sure she was dead!

VALENTINE: I couldn't risk
being caught by the cameras.







VALENTINE: Put the g*n down.


Alia's the traitor.

I'm going to pin your death on her.

And plant the tech

on her body.

And be a hero.




I'm going to put down your partner.


- Which one?
- (SHOT)


That's how you catch a predator.

Nice shot.

Don't worry, my tranqs are
for taking out bears.

Snoozy beauty here is going
to be asleep for a few hours.

Good boy, Rexie.

Just to be safe.



CHARLIE: Rex Rex! Stay back!

That's a wolf!




Hey, what happened to you, boy?

Valentine shot him.

You got room for another animal?

My baby crow is not going to
love his new room-mate, but...

I can make some space.



And you say you're not a dog person.



What's wrong, pal?

You still worried about your wolf buddy?


No, I talked to Kendra.

And she said that you know-

he's going to be back
on his paws in no time.

I thought it would be nice
to go back out there.

So we can go see him

after I finish my paperwork.


Detective Hudson?


Well you look like you're
feeling a lot better.

Oh. Thanks to you and Rex.

DEENA: I want you to
know, Detective Hudson,

I made Alia tell me

where she got the money for my mortgage.

I may or may not have
sold some pregnancy sh*ts

of Meghan Markle to some
online magazines and tabloids.

What can I say?

These trashy mags pay
more for baby bumps

than they do for still-lifes of trash.

DEENA: You can be sure I made
her write a letter of apology

to the Duchess.

That is not why I sent my
daughter to art school.

ALIA: Which brings me to why we're here.

Mom and I wanted to thank you and Rex

for saving my life.


ALIA: And since I missed the ceremony

I thought it might be
nice to do something

in the spirit of Elsie Holloway.

Yeah, don't tell Sarah this, but

I don't know who that is.

ALIA: Elsie was one of

Newfoundland's most
famous photographers.

She took the sh*ts

of Amelia Earhart's departure
from Harbour Grace.

She was a trailblazer just like you.


Big shoes to fill.

Elsie's specialty was portraiture.

And so in the spirit of her work,

I would like to offer you

a family portrait!

Oh, that's generous but

it's just me and Rex.

I think you might have some
more family than you realize.

♪ And what would you do if I told you ♪



- ♪ it could be this way? ♪

♪ And what would you say ♪

♪ if I told you that
I'd keep you safe? ♪

♪ And how many times must I
tell you of another day ♪

♪ When you can be mine? ♪

♪ I'm with you ♪

Next time on Hudson & Rex...

LARPers create characters

to play in a fantasy world.

You ruined my reputation.

Stabbed in the back.

So much for honor among Vikings.

His attitude pissed off a lot of people.

Miles kept saying

the key was hidden in the earth.

These LARPers, It's
more than just a game.

He thought he had discovered
a new Norse settlement.

A fantasy that might have got him k*lled.

A sword as rare as the Lothbrok
would have fetched millions.

This is awesome.

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