02x04 - Strangers in the Night

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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02x04 - Strangers in the Night

Post by bunniefuu »

Thanks, St. John's!

I'm Denny Macpherson!

And this is Wayward!

Thank you!

Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on!

You know, we play all
over North America!

East, West, wherever!

But nothing beats a hometown crowd!

Here in the place where it all began!


We love it.

This one's for you!

♪ I was sitting in the dark ♪

♪ Feeling like I might
just fall apart again ♪

♪ Lost my will and lost my heart ♪

♪ Would've given everything ♪

♪ for a new start ♪

♪ But you came in at
the very last second ♪

♪ Picked me up ♪

♪ And held me close ♪

♪ And then you said ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna stop us now ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna stop us now ♪

♪ Take my hand and it'll be alright ♪

♪ Nobody thought that we
could burn this bright ♪


Nice set!



Alright, guys! Let's go back out there!

Give it a minute!

You don't want to rush your
final encore. Eh, Denny?

What the hell are you talking about?

We all know what you're up to, Denny.

Okay, guys.

Relax a little bit.

Babe, can you lighten up?


Let's go!

The officer will take your statement.

And someone will be in touch.


The witness was walking the beach alone

when she found the body.

According to his license,

his name's Denny Macpherson.


You don't recognize him either?

He's a local boy done good.

Your local boy was m*rder*d.

I'm putting the time of death
between 2:00 and 4:00 AM.

Think the body could have floated here?

No. I'm guessing he died right here.

Looks like the water didn't
reach him until high tide.

High tide was 7:17 this morning.

Our witness called just before eight.

So he wasn't in the water for long.

I'll have his phone sent to Jesse

though I doubt the data
will be salvageable.

A lonely place.

Why would he be meeting someone here

in the middle of the night?

Maybe he was just clearing his head

and got jumped.

His wallet was empty.

Musicians aren't exactly
made of money these days.

Strange place for a robbery.


Even stranger place for a m*rder.

Rex, get your nose out of there.

How's it going over there, Jesse?

Well, salt water's super corrosive.

But the phone wasn't
submerged for that long.

So we might get lucky.

Rice didn't work?

Rice never works. It's
a total urban myth.

Oh, totally.

Charlie, I can't believe
whose phone I'm holding.

This is such a tragedy.

They're all tragedies, Jesse.

Yeah, but this one especially stings.

I mean, Denny Macpherson was my age.

Okay, and he was just starting out.

And now, all those
future songs are gone.

It's like his voice is silenced forever.

It just kind of freaks me out.

Yeah, sometimes our job is hard.

Did he have family?

Yeah, his brother, Robert.

He's out on his fishing boat.

The coastguard's delivering the news.

I never knew that you
were a Wayward fan.

Well, I'm sort of a
chillwave-cowpunk-nerdcore kind of guy.

So Charlie, listen.

I was looking into Denny's financials.

And I think there's something
to your robbery theory.

You think he was carrying money?

Yeah, it's very likely.

He withdrew ten thousand
dollars cash two days ago.

That would be a thick wallet.

Unless he spent it all.

Yeah, I don't think so.

He withdrew almost
everything that he had.

And he took it out in brand
new hundred dollar bills.

A fresh batch.

A fresh batch would give
the bills a stronger odor.

Exactly what I was thinking.

So maybe we can use your partner here.

Have him help us out.

Huh. This is from the same shipment?


I need those back.

It's police property.

Hey, buddy.

I've got a new smell for you.

We have a treasure hunt on our hands?

No no. The brown pigment
from the hundred dollar bill

has a very distinct odor.

And if Rex can find the bills,

then we may be looking
right at our k*ller.

Brings a whole new meaning

to the term, Follow the money.




Alright, let's get started!

I thought that maybe we can work
on some new material today.

I've got some ideas.

That's if Denny decides
to crawl out of bed.

Okay, well then, I'll get you
guys set up in Studio B.

The acoustics suck in that space.

Why can we never use the primo space?

Listen, if you want
free rehearsal space,

you get what you pay for.




Well. Two-thirds of them.

Vern Matheson. Their manager.

- How can I help you?
- Detective Hudson.


Denny end up in jail again?

Not exactly.

I knew something was up last night.

Denny had this vibe.

He didn't want to hang out
with us, or anything.

Which was just really not like him.

We're all like family.

Did something happen at the gig?


He was on a high.

He was really excited to be back.

I mean, it was afterwards.

What happened next?

I tried to talk to him.

But he just pushed me away.

And he went off on his own.

No idea where he went?

What he was wearing?

He was wearing his leather jacket.

That's all I remember.

Where did you go?

Back to the hotel with Lee and Vern.

I just don't get how someone
could hurt him like this.

You know?

We all loved Denny.

Tell me about last evening.

Just the usual.

Sound check.

Dinner at the club.

Meet and greet with
some contest winners.

And then the show.

After that?

Denny left.

And then,

I had some drinks at the club.

And I went back to the hotel.

With Kara.


Okay, what's the deal
with your dog, man?

He's on the clock.

Any idea

why Denny would have ended
up at the beach last night?

Not that I know of.

He took out a large sum
of money two days ago.

Any idea why?

Hey, look.

I've known Denny since I was a kid.

And I managed the band since day one.

He had his troubles, sure.

But he's straight now.

Booze? dr*gs?

Booze, yeah. But no dr*gs.

Any band I manage is straight.

That's a deal breaker.

You forgot to mention the gambling.

Okay, that was under control, Lee.

Could have fooled me.

Babe, chill out, okay?

Denny's dead.

So Denny's home

for the first time in months.

Who does he hang out with?

Friends. He knows half the town.

He was excited to see his brother.

Bugged me to make sure
Robert's name was on the list.

Of course, you know...
Like I'm going to forget.

We saw them hanging out together.

Yeah, there's not much

brotherly love going on there, though.

Why would you say that?

Those two could wind each
other up over nothing.

But end of the day,

Robert was Denny's biggest fan.

Yeah. He was.

Which is why it was really weird.

How so?

Well, Robert didn't show.

He wasn't at the gig.

That's never happened before.

Come on, pal.

♪ No no no no ♪

♪ Nothing can stop us ♪

♪ No no no no ♪


♪ No no no no ♪

Sorry about your brother.

♪ No no no no ♪


♪ Nothing's gonna stop us ♪

Don't turn that off on my account.

Yeah, well it's

a little bit past its sell by.

Denny should've stopped
playing that song years ago.

That song did pretty well for him.

Made him his name.

And his money.

Sure did.

This looks familiar.

Is this the boat from the
Wayward music video?

Yeah, it's the Evelyn & Shirley.

It's been in the Macpherson
family for three generations.

Wow. So you run it now?

I know that you're not here to chat.

Why don't you just ask your questions?

I know you weren't at your
brother's concert last night.

Why not?

I know you met up earlier.

Yeah, we did.

What happened?

The drinking had already started.

I know which way that goes.

And I can't be around
Denny when he's drinking.

So I got out of there.

He was a problem drinker?

That's a nice way to put it.

I'd have called him a drunk.

Denny was sober as in stone cold.

- You're sure?
- Yeah.

Tox screen came back negative.

No alcohol, no opiates, no marijuana.

Though it's no secret
Denny liked his booze,

given the state of his liver.

His brother said he was drinking.

Why would he lie?

I don't know. Good question.

What else is in the report?

No water in his lungs.

So Denny was dead when
the tide rolled in.

There was also a second head wound,

smaller than the fatal blow.

I found some debris in the contusion.

That might help us

in terms of figuring
out the m*rder w*apon.

Well, any lead would
be welcome right now.

- Well, drumroll.
- Jesse.

In walks the guy with a lead.

Jesse, spit it out.

Well, I combed Denny's phone records.

And someone tried calling
him a few times.

Not exactly suspicious.

By a few, I mean, uh...


You got an address?

It's all in there.

Thank you.

What have you got, Rex?


Detective Hudson, SJPD.


Is this what you were looking for?

Looks like Denny upset
his number one fan.

Huh, buddy?


This is private property.

Well, fancy seeing you here!

Why don't we try this again?

This time with the truth.

You weren't on the beach
to enjoy the quite.

You were there looking for Denny.

You were out walking
when you found the body?


You see anyone else around?


Just him.

Who is he?

You don't recognize him?


Should I?

You don't get it.

Yes, I wanted to find him.

Alone. Not dead.

I loved him.

You X'ed out his name
with a blood-red marker.

That's a funny way of showing

that you love someone.

Denny betrayed me.

Betrayed you how?

He didn't write a single
one of his songs.

Who did?

His brother.


What makes you so sure?

I've followed Wayward since high school.

I know everything about Denny.

You going to arrest me?

I don't know.

Are you going to obstruct justice?

Lizzie talks about him
like they were close,

maybe even lovers.

That's how much his music meant to her.

Well I mean, a lot of extreme fans

feel that they have a
personal connection.

I looked into what Lizzie
said about Robert.

And I found this old MySpace video.


Yeah, the site was eclipsed
big time by YouTube.

But it was the place De jour

for musicians to upload their
material, back in the day.

That's Denny's brother, Robert.

♪ I was sitting in the dark ♪

He begins the song by saying that.

This is a song I wrote.

Doesn't get more definitive than that.

Look at the date.

April 2012.

Denny formed Wayward in 2015.

Hey, can you check to see
when the song was registered?

Oh yeah, I'm already on it.

♪ And you came in ♪



February 15th. 2015.

By Denny Macpherson, sole composer.

And get this, according to the website,

he also uploaded a
bunch of Wayward songs

around the same time.

All sole credits.

So Robert writes his brother's hit song,

and gets nothing in return.

While Denny gets rich

off the publishing and
performance royalties.

I mean, it sounds like...

A pretty good motive.


I found the chip found in
the second head wound.

- What it is?
- Oil-based paint.

Red boat paint, to be exact.

Robert Macpherson?

We have a warrant to search your boat.


Denny was here last night.

Go ahead.

You're not going to find anything.

Come on, buddy.

Can you take a seat?

What did you find, Rex?


- Charlie!
- Yeah.

Come out here. Have a look at this.

Yeah, what have you got?

The paint chip matches

the gouge in this box.

I'll confirm it's Denny's
back at the lab.

Denny was k*lled on his brother's boat.

He must have been standing
somewhere around here.

Got hit with something.

The force of the impact
sent him backwards.

And then he,

falls and hits his head.

We'll have to run some tests.

But it could be our m*rder w*apon.

Robert Macpherson, your
boat is a crime scene.

Get up.

Turn around.

You're going down to the station.

We'll have a little discussion

about the m*rder of your brother, Denny.

Come on, pal.

Forensics came back.

That argument that you
had before the concert

wasn't about Denny's drinking.

Denny was sober.

Have to do with money?

$10,000 maybe?

There's a $10,000 lien
on the Evelyn & Shirley.

You want to tell me about that?

I never asked Denny for a dime.

Until I ran into some trouble.

I mean... Do you know what the
fishing industry is like right now?

They were going to take the boat.

And I couldn't have that.
So I went to Denny.

He said that he wanted to help.

He said that he had the cash.

And you believed him?

He loved that boat
just as much as I did.

But when I came around the
club to get the money,

he said he didn't have it.

He gave me some dumb excuse
about it being stolen.

If it was stolen...

It was stolen at the poker table.

That fight... Did it continue
later on, at the boat?

That night?

You got tired of Denny's lies?

So you took your hook and you...


You can check my alibi.

If it wasn't you, who was it?

How am I supposed to know?

I'm not my brother's keeper.

Denny knew where the key was hidden.

He used to use the Evelyn & Shirley

to seduce his women.

Maybe he got lucky.

I wouldn't call that lucky.

We can't prove Robert's alibi.

And there's no CCTV footage on the dock.

Nothing tying him to Denny's m*rder.

Yeah. And I'm having a
hard time believing

he k*lled his brother over ten grand.

People have m*rder*d for a lot less.

I asked around.

There was no high stakes poker
game in town last night.

Just penny ante stuff.

Nothing with ten grand on the table.

Robert is lying about something.

Well, maybe there's a brotherly
text message exchange.

Something that puts Robert on
the boat with Denny last night.

Actually, Denny was
receiving texts last night.

But they weren't from his brother.


It was just a short fling.

Lee and I were having some issues.

So I confided in Denny.

And one thing led to another.

You share a lot on the road.

It happens.

- We're a band.
- Like family?

Look, I love the both of them.

Okay? That's just the way it was.

Did Lee feel the same way?

Yeah, I thought he was cool
about the whole thing.

Til last night.

After the concert, we
headed back to the hotel.

Hit the minibar.

And a couple of vodkas in,

all this rage about Denny just
starts pouring out of him.

What happened?

He left.


Around 2:00 AM, or something.

He was gone for a couple of hours.

Where's Lee now?

I'm curious to know where you went

at 2:00 AM this morning.

- I took a walk.
- Really?

Ended up at a booze can.

You can check with the bartender.

You're leaving town suddenly.
Why is that?

Band's finished.

Nothing to stay here for.

Are you taking Kara with you?

She's a big girl.

She can make up her own mind.

I know about the hookup with Denny.

What about it?

You ever talk to Denny about it?

Look, the Kara/Denny thing was cool.

I had nothing to be
upset with him about.

You sure about that?

Okay, what is your dog doing, man?

That's an expensive
keyboard he's chewing on.

Yeah, I don't think it's the
keyboard he's interested in.


Yeah, that looks like
ten thousand dollars,

give or take.

You rob a bank, Lee?

So, you're ready to tell me,

why you k*lled your band
mate for ten grand?

I didn't k*ll Denny.

Alright, alright.

Suppose I believe you.

How'd that cash end up
in your keyboard case?

I stole it, okay?

The night before the show,

I was working really late
at our rehearsal space.

And Denny staggered in, totally loaded.

He'd hit every bar on George
Street with a bunch of buddies.

He passed out on the couch.

I saw the cash in his pocket.

So you took it.

It was payback.

For sleeping with Kara.

I thought you were cool with that.

Yeah, I went along with it at first.

Price I had to pay to keep a
band like Wayward together.


We had a future.

Then I found out that Denny was leaving.

After all we put into it.

Just dumping me and Kara.

And going solo.


So first he steals your girl.

And then he steals your band.

You know...

That's enough to make
a man want revenge.

I just wanted to show him up.

Not k*ll him.

That's why I stole the money.

Because I planned to use
it to start my own band.

I needed him alive to see my
band get bigger than him.

Okay, look, I know that sounds crazy.


I was ticked with Denny.

But I didn't k*ll him.

Well, if you didn't
k*ll him for ten grand,

then why is he dead?

I don't know.

But I did hear him say
something to Robert

about picking up a...

like a package.

A package?

Were they involved in dr*gs?

This is a great list.

Great Big Sea, The Kubasonics,
Newspaper Fashion Show.

Every musician from here to St. Anthony

wants in on a tribute
to Denny Macpherson.

Well, who's going to sing the big hit?

You know you're going to
have a fight on your hands.

Well, maybe they all could sing it.

A We Are the World moment.

A what moment?

You're kidding me.

- Are you serious?
- Vern.

Detective Hudson will
know We Are the World.

- Right?
- Sold ten million copies.

1985, right?

- Wow!
- Very good.

Have you made any progress?

Yeah, I arrested your
keyboardist for grand larceny.


He stole the money that
Denny was planning

to give to his brother.

Had to find a way to replace it.

And mentioned something
about picking up a package.

You know anything about that?
Does that sound like

- dr*gs to you?
- No no no no.

They wouldn't do that. Not again.

He knew I'd drop the band.


Did Robert and Denny deal together?

Let's go back to the
night of the concert.

Denny tells you he can't get the cash.

Which means you're going to
lose the Evelyn & Shirley.

So the boat's in the
family three generations.

Now it's gone.

And it's on your watch.

You're pissed at Denny.

Denny comes up with a plan
to get the money back.

He calls some of his old contacts.

I know you guys used to
deal, back in the day.

And all you have to do
is pick up a package.

I told you.

I was nowhere near that boat that night.

I didn't ask, Robert.

This certainly has the feel
of a drug deal gone bad.

So the brothers need the money

to pay off the lien for
the Evelyn & Shirley.

They find an illegal way
to pay off the debt

by using the boat itself.

Probably to

collect dr*gs from another vessel

in international waters.

So what happened?

Well, maybe they tried
to pull a double-cross.

And Denny got k*lled in the process.

Why would Robert just not tell us that?

It's more like he's
covering for somebody.

Assuming he didn't k*ll Denny himself.

Let's take this one thing at a time.

Prove the drug deal first.

How far from shore are
international waters?

- 12 nautical miles.
- Well, let's hope

that Robert has a decent GPS on board.

So we can track

his boat's movements
for the last 24 hours.

Do it.

Let's go, Jesse.

Robert said he checked his nets
the morning of the m*rder.

That's the last trip recorded.

Ten nautical miles.

Sounds right.

The trip before that,
five nautical miles.

The distance to the beach and
back to dump Denny's body.

Hang on. Hang on, hang on.

That same day

the GPS recorded a journey
of 24 nautical miles.

The distance to international
waters and back.

We've got him.

Wait, that's strange.

I checked these cupboards yesterday.

They were full of food.

It can't be Robert.
He's still in holding.

Well then, who is it?

Rex. Track it.

Denny's jacket.


Hey. Hey hey.

Easy, now.


Charlie, it's a woman.

What was she doing on
the Evelyn & Shirley?

So who is she?

No idea.

She was weak, probably dehydrated.

We couldn't get a word out of her.

Sarah's examining her now.

And you think she k*lled Denny?

I'm not sure.

But she did know about the boat.

And did have his jacket.

Maybe she had something
to do with this package

that Robert and Denny were picking up.

She's totally shut down.

Classic signs of PTSD.

Did she say anything?

Only whispering to herself.

It's hard to make out the language.

But I'm guessing Eastern European.

There are lot of dr*gs coming
from that neck of the woods.

All sorts of scary new forms of opiates.

Including krokodil.

AKA the zombie drug.


That's one of the most
dangerous street dr*gs ever.

Yeah, well fortunately. it hasn't
made its way to our shores yet.

But it's good to consider
all possibilities.

But this girl shows no
sign of the tissue damage

associated with desomorphine usage.

Well, maybe she's not a user.

Could be a dealer.

Maybe even a k*ller.

Which may mean, Robert is
no longer our lead suspect.

Maybe they've been working
together the whole time.

So what we do know is this
package was worth k*lling over.

And that these dr*gs
might be much harder

than we originally thought.

So who is she?

And where did she from?

Do you know this girl?



You're lying, Robert.

We know that you and
Denny took the boat out

into international waters.

What are you talking about?

We know that it was probably
hard dr*gs, possibly heroin.

Is that what you two argued about?

Oh, Denny!

No, this is all my fault!

What happened?

He knew that I was upset
about the ten grand.

And he said he could make it right.

And he wanted to borrow the boat.

I thought the package was a
bit of pot or something.

I didn't...

You didn't know?

Of course I didn't know!

He was my brother.

I would have done something!

I would have stopped him!

Now he's dead!

And it's because of me.

Robert's finally talking.

It was Denny who took the boat out.

So why not tell us earlier?

Well, he blames himself.

He pushed Denny for the money.

And now he feels responsible
for what went down.

So what happened? Why was Denny k*lled?

He says he doesn't know.

But there's somebody who might.



I'm Charlie.

Listen, we need your help.

You were brought to shore on a boat.

A red boat. Do you remember that?

Easy, Charlie.

This is important.

Do you remember who brought you?

Was it this man?


You know him, don't you?

You had his jacket.

How did you get it?

Why was he k*lled?

Easy, pal. Back.

I'm not comfortable with how
hard we're pushing her.

Yeah, I know.

But she may know who the k*ller is.

We need to know what happened.

Yeah, but she's not eating. Or drinking.

And now she's regressing, okay?

It's only going to make it harder.



She's making eye contact with Rex.



Good job, Rex.

Ah, he's just getting started.



Russian for thank you.

She's Russian?

I'll let Joe know.


Looks like Rex made a new friend, huh?

Yeah, extra treats for him tonight.

Let's get them out in the fresh air.

Yeah, we'll try again later.

See what else Rex can do.

What do you say, Rex?

Go to the park for a run?

I found ice cream.

Would you...

Would you like one?

I'm Sasha.

Oh, you speak English?


What is it?

This man save me.

Saved you from who?

Sasha? Hey.

Sasha, what is it?

He took Petr.

Move us around.

He brought us here.

Who is us?

It's okay.

That package the brothers
were picking up?

I don't think it was dr*gs.

I think she was the package.

Or part of it, at least.

Human trafficking.

Vern was moving people.

So I spoke to Interpol.

And they're tracking a small
operation out of St. Petersburg.

There was a Russian trawler
moored off the coast

the night that Denny was m*rder*d.

It's got to be connected.

Yeah, boats take migrants
to international waters

just off the coast.

Then a vessel that's licensed in Canada

takes them ashore.

That's where Vern must've fit in.


We know you speak English.

Can you tell us what you remember?

Others on boat with me.

People from my village.

We all very hungry.


I agree to go boat with

my brother.


We're almost there now.

You and your brother and the ones below

are going to be fine.

What happened?

It cold.

I with a good man.

Here you go.

Don't worry.

Boat stop.

Another man comes on.

They fight.

What the hell's going on?

I thought this was a few bags of weed!

Hey! You want that money
for your brother?

Then you just keep your mouth shut.

- Where are you taking them?
- None of your business, Denny.

This is too much. I'm calling the cops.

Hey, and tell them what exactly?
You're the one who picked them up.

You're not putting this on me!

Get your hands off me, Denny!



Oh God, Denny!



No no.

I worry the other man see me.

Oh no no no!

No please! Denny! Denny!

So I hide.

Oh God! Denny! No!

While I hide, man takes
everyone off the boat.

My brother Petr too.

How many people were there?

Ten? Ten people.


And, this man.

He didn't see you?


He was shouting.

Petr and I.

The man promised us work.

I learn English.

For a good life here.

I worry it will not happen.

Where Petr?

We must find him.

Don't worry.

We'll find your brother, Peter.

So based on what Sasha heard

Peter and those poor souls
are here in St. John's

until Vern figures out
what to do with them.

Where do you hide 10 people?

Especially when you
don't want them seen?

Or heard.

- Kara.
- Yeah?

The rehearsal space that
was rented yesterday.

Where is it?

Down the hall. Why?





- What the hell's going on?
- Where's Vern?

He's getting a bunch of
musicians from down the coast

to play at Denny's tribute concert.

He just left.

Hey Joe?

Yeah, he's headed south.

Tell Jessie to track his route
on the traffic cam feeds.

We're right behind you.

You're late.

Calm down, comrade.

Your cargo is all here.

Get off the bus!

Let's go!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

On the truck! Hurry up!

Go go go go!

Go! Faster!

Let's go!

Getting musicians, huh Vern?

Go! Now!

Heads down!

Get on the ground! And stay down!

- You got him, Joe?
- Yeah! I got him!

Go get him Rex!

Back up, Vern!

Alright alright! Alright!


Let's go.


Whoah whoah whoah! Get back!

All of you! Get back!


Let her go, Vern.

- Stay back!
- Just easy.

This is the last thing
you want right now.

We know what happened on the boat.

Right now, you're dealing
with manslaughter.

You don't want your
situation to get any worse.

Okay? There's an explanation.

Let's just go back to the station.

You can walk us through this
whole trafficking thing.

No chance!

We know you and the Russians

were working the Eastern Seaboard.

Wayward tour dates used as a cover.

Just shut up and get back!


Got him!

Okay okay, move in!

Good job, partner.


Denny had no idea what he was moving

until the migrants were moved
from the Russian trawler

into the Evelyn & Shirley.

So he died trying to save them?


Well, isn't that just like him?

Sticking his neck out for somebody.

This is for you.

Denny was telling the truth.

It was stolen. Lee took it.

Now you don't need to lose
the Evelyn & Shirley.


Oh and one last thing.

Denny was working on a solo project.

Denny singing acoustic versions
of the songs you gave him.

The way you sang them, I believe.

The Songbook of Robert Macpherson.

That's a little grand, isn't it?

He was returning your songs to you.

My brother always was an old softie.

Wonder where he got it from?

Hey, so what happens now
with Sasha and Petr?

Well, they can't go back to St.

It's too dangerous.

So they're applying for refugee status.

And trying to stay in Canada.

They've been through
enough for a lifetime.

I have a feeling they're
going to do okay.

Right, pal?



I want to thank everybody
for coming out tonight.

I think it's a shame

that you don't really get to
know the full measure of someone

until they're gone.


Denny Macpherson.

He would have done anything for anybody

- if they needed it.
- Yah!

And what better way to
say goodbye to Denny

than with music? I think
he would have liked that.

So you all know Kara from Wayward?

You're going to get your wish!

I think so.

This one's for my brother.

♪ I was sitting in the dark ♪

♪ Feeling like I might
just fall apart again ♪

♪ Lost my will and lost my heart ♪

♪ Would've given anything ♪

♪ for a new start ♪

♪ Then you came in at
the very last second ♪

♪ Picked me up and held me close ♪

♪ And then you said ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna stop us now ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna stop us now ♪

♪ Just take my hand ♪

♪ And it'll be alright ♪

♪ Nobody thought that we
could burn this bright ♪

♪ They can't stop us now ♪

♪ Oh no no no ♪

♪ Oh no no no ♪

♪ Oh no no no ♪

♪ They can't stop us ♪

♪ Oh no no no ♪

♪ Oh no no no ♪

♪ Oh no no no ♪

♪ Nothing's gonna stop us now ♪

Next time on Hudson & Rex

Joe! What's up?

Charlie, your private
investigator buddy...

David Mason, is here to see you.

I'm trying to find a m*rder*r here.

Who's the victim?


I've been poisoned.

How much time did they give you?

Forty-eight hours.

No offense.

But it's not you I need.

It's him.

Rex is trained to sniff
out poisons, right?

It has to have something to
do with one of your cases.

Okay, where do you want to start?

Bestselling author named Carson Bishop.

He writes horror novels.

What's the second case?

City councilor Charlotte Vanderholt.

Something tells me you won't take no

for an answer.

I don't want to die.

Now you want to be friends?
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