01x12 - A Cult Education

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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01x12 - A Cult Education

Post by bunniefuu »

Congratulations, girl!

Coming by at eight to celebrate.

Here's a little something
to get the party started!

♪ Starting with me I'm
starting with me ♪

♪ Look in the mirror And what do I see ♪

♪ Something's always upside down ♪

♪ Upside down ♪

♪ Hey ♪

Please leave a message.

Hey D. Where are you?

Let's get this party started!





Reverse is the other one.


What do I always say?

Elevators are for wussies?

What else do I say?

Think before you act.

Think before you act.

- Okay.
- Okay?

Let's try it again.


What are you doing here?


What's going on?


I've done something really bad.

Thank you.

You know what? Take that.

There you go.

I thought I lost this.

You didn't tell me you'd
been sober for ten months.

I was going for a year.

I wanted to surprise you.

Wendy, please tell me you didn't do this.

That's the thing, Joe.

I can't.

Everything's a blur.

I'm just going to have
a talk with your dad.


I'm sorry about this, Joe.

I'm sure there's got to
be some explanation.

Yeah, it might take a while to find it.

She doesn't remember much.

She had a relapse last night.

What do we know?

She mixed alcohol

with painkillers and blacked out.

Woke up and found her
roommate stabbed to death.

I know it's been a
roller-coaster ride with Wendy.

But we won't jump to any conclusions

until we've seen all the evidence.

She's been trying so hard, Charlie.

She got a new job and everything.

She's come a long way
since her informant days.

Left everything behind
except her addiction.

It's been real hard for Wendy.

Even harder for Camilla.

No one ever said it was
going to be an easy road.

I never planned on easy, Charlie.

I just never planned on m*rder.


Come on, buddy.

Charlie! Charlie!

- Yeah.
- Look.

Mom didn't do this.

I mean, she's a mess.

But she's not a k*ller.

Well, if there's evidence out
there that supports her,

I'll find it.

- Promise?
- Absolutely.

I've got a lot of tools at my disposal.

And I've got Rex.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Good job, Rex.

The table was full of
acetaminophen and hydrocodone.

How's Joe holding up?

Taking it pretty hard.

What a complicated relationship
between him and Wendy.

Yeah, I'm not sure I could've handled it.

But he stuck to it and became
Camilla's legal guardian.

That tells you something about our boss...

Diandra Popovich, 34.

Wendy's roommate.

She was stabbed in her bed
with a letter opener.

No blood stain near the s*ab wound.

Which could mean the s*ab
happened post-mortem.

What's with the toe?

Looks like some kind of a... kink.

Yeah, there's also blanching

on the bottom of the foot.

Likely rigor setting in.

I'm guessing the toe curl happened

in the original position of death.

The body was moved?

It's very possible.

Rigor takes about four
to eight hours to set.


So it's possible that Wendy was framed.

Unless Wendy k*lled her last night,

and then moved the body this morning.

Yeah, seems like an odd thing to do.

And Wendy's pretty slight.

You'd be surprised what
people are capable of

under the influence.

Sometimes I hate my job.

A tattoo?

What's with the E?

Maybe an initial or a symbol?

I don't recognize it.

Better ask Jesse.

Obscure references are more his speed.

Anyway, I've made sure our stills guy

got that on record.


What have you got, buddy?

We haven't processed these yet.

I didn't see blood on them.

Good job, Rex.

Were there were any tensions
between you and Diandra?


Well then, what was the fight about?

There was no fight.

Well, maybe you can help me with this.

This is a bunch of emojis
with apology signs.

Why would Diandra

feel like she needed to apologize?


We want to help.

But you've got to be straight with me.

You alright?

Oh yeah.

It's my new tattoo.

They itch when they're fresh.

Can I see?


My spirit animal.

It means the metamorphosis begun,

or something.

When was the last time you saw Diandra?

I black out when I drink.

I'm not talking about last night.

From before.

When you were sober.

Where is the last place you saw her?

What did you talk about?

Was there anyone else with you?

Did she have a boyfriend?

A girlfriend?

A boyfriend.

His name was

Jay Piper.


I still can't believe she's gone.

Diandra was my life.

She's the reason I woke up every morning.

Does that make any sense?

When was the last time you saw her?

She stayed at my house two nights ago.

I haven't seen her since.

And where were you last night?

I was at my parents' house in Gander.

A cousin's wedding.

I can get you all the
contacts that you need.

They let dogs in here?

Only the ones on duty.

Looks like his duty is begging for snacks.

Well, looks can be deceiving.

When you were in Gander

did you try and contact Diandra?

No, I was too busy with family.

Why would she want to go visit Wendy?

I thought they were friends.

Diandra's in a recovery program.

Wendy is an enabler.

Or maybe the other way around?

We found two glasses

and pills that weren't
there before she arrived.

No way. Not Diandra.

She would never tempt a
fellow addict that way.

She sent a text message sounding
pretty eager to see her.

Something about getting a party started.


Party is a trigger word

in recovery.

That doesn't sound like Diandra.


Thank you for your time.

The desk clerk will take your statement.

I brought you something.

No thanks.

But it's...

it's chocolate mint.

It's your favourite.

You know that I'm on your mother's side.

Why does she have to spend
the night alone in jail?

It's not jail.

It's holding.

It looks like a cell to me.

And why am I not allowed to see her?

She wants to see you, too.

And she will.

But this is a m*rder investigation.

And there are rules.

You're the superintendent.

I know.

But unfortunately, it does not
give me a string to pull.

I'm sorry, Camilla.

No, I gave you my last one.


You win.

You made me spill ice cream on my pants.

Okay, so I have good news and bad news.

Give me the bad news first.

Well, the bad news is that

there are no CCTV cameras in the area.

And the traffic cameras are
pointed in the wrong direction.

- Anything else?
- Yeah.

We unlocked Diandra's cell.

The only person she communicated with

in the last 48 hours was Wendy.


Her last correspondence was
a text at 11:03 last night

saying, I'm outside.

That means that if Wendy did k*ll her,

there was enough time for the
rigor patterns to set in.

Yeah, assuming that she moved
the body the next morning.

I mean, which still would
be a weird thing to do.

Yeah. So what's the good news?

Oh! Yes.


So I found out what the
E on her arm means.

The place is called Excellium.

It's a wellness centre that
specializes in addiction.

Sounds like a hoot.

Yeah, well, not according to a columnist

by the name of Martin Booker.

He wrote a scathing takedown of Excellium

a month back.

Now in it, he accuses the organization

of fleecing its members along with

a mess of other tactics.

It's definitely worth a read.


Well, members are required

to record their darkest secrets,

which some claim Excellium
uses as collateral.

There's also these rumours
of isolation chambers

where members are locked in a room

with the drug of their choice
for 24 hours, or more.

Sounds more like a cult to me.

Yeah, Booker thinks so too.

See if you can track down
Booker's contact info.

I'll have a talk with him.


Show me your tattoo.


That's not your spirit animal.

It's about what it's hiding.

An E...

For Excellium.

I joined Excellium over a year ago.

It was supposed to help me go clean.

I paid all the money.

And I did all of their
stupid growth exercises.

And I even got Diandra involved.

You brought her into the program?

A regret I will live with forever.

Tell me how it works.

There's Level One,

newbies that are just learning the ropes.

Level Two.

Your commitment deepens.

And they start isolating you
from family and friends.

And then there's Level Three

where they basically own you.

How far did you get?

Level Two.

And Diandra made it to Level Three.

And that's why she moved out.

Where was she living?

I honestly don't know.


Maybe with other members. I...


Tell me about that fight.

When I quit Excellium,

I realized how much money I had wasted.

And Diandra was getting fleeced.

So I confronted her outside of the centre

with an article that I had found.

The one by Martin Booker?

- Yes.
- Hmm.

He must have had a mole,

because every single thing
that he said was bang on.

And I thought that it would
bring Diandra to her senses.

It didn't work?

She just accused me of being jealous.

And we got into a huge fight.

And then before I knew it, I
was just getting tossed out.

Tossed out? By who?

You don't understand these people.

They threatened to hurt Camilla.

What do you mean by they?

Do you have a name?

Do you have names?

Wendy, look! If you
want us to lay charges.

We need names.


But I can't.

Oh, hi!

Wendy's blood had traces

of meperidine and hydrocodone in it.

Her alcohol was at .26.

What about the prints?

The prints lifted off the
letter opener were hers.

We also checked the highball glasses.

One was Wendy's. The
other was Diandra's.

Which seems to suggest

they were together and happy for some time

after she arrived at 11:

Which doesn't quite make sense,

given the time frame of the rigor.

But there's also something
else rather odd.

This was lodged in Diandra's back.

A wooden splinter. Looks like pine.

How do you get a splinter there?

Good question.

It was on an upward trajectory, so...

If she were framed,

the splinter may have happened post-mortem

when her body was being dragged.

So we're still thinking
the body was moved?

Actually, yeah. Thanks to Rex.

While no blood was found

on the clothes she had worn before bed,

there was something else
that we had missed.


- Bed bugs.
- Mm-hmm. I'm impressed.

- Yeah?
- Don't worry.

We've contained and removed them.

I guess they're going to have
to fumigate Wendy's house.

No no, actually.

There were no bedbugs anywhere
else at Wendy's house.

Only on Diandra's clothes.

And not the night clothes
that she was stabbed in.

Just the discarded day clothes.

How do you explain that?

The only thing I can think of
is that someone changed her

into her night clothes post-mortem

to make it look like the
death happened there.

So there is another crime scene.

We just need to find it.

You mind if I take these?

- Yeah, just bring it back.
- You got it.

Welcome to Excellium.

I'm afraid there are no dogs allowed.

Oh, well I'm afraid you're going
to have to make an exception.

Because we're police.

Can I talk with the person in charge?

I'm afraid you'll need an appointment

to speak with Laura Klume.

You hear the part where I
said that we're police?

It's alright, Lars.

Laura Klume, Excellium's founder.

How can we help you?

Do you know Diandra Popovich?


She didn't show up to her
monthly check-in this morning.

Is she okay?

Diandra's been m*rder*d.

Oh, my God.

I can't believe it.

When was the last time you saw her?

Oh, not since last month's check-in.


Rex will see if that's true.

This article of clothing
has Diandra's scent on it.

If she's been here recently,

Rex will know.

Alright, buddy.

Go track it.

Do you know Diandra well?

She was one of our best.

She recently graduated
to our highest level.

Remind me again when the last
time was that you saw her.

Around three weeks ago.

She was arguing in front of the centre

with Wendy Larson.

You know Wendy, too?

She was with our program.

But quit.

Well, maybe she had a good reason.

What do you mean?

I understand you play psychological games

to keep your members close.

- You read the Booker article.
- Should I not have?

That article is full of inaccuracies.

The writer didn't even have
the gall to use his own name.

It's likely a jealous
ex-member or a rival.

What part was inaccurate?

All of it.


don't take my word for it.

Best you see for yourself.


Allow others to feel for you.

These people are all addicts -

food, alcohol, sex, gambling.

Through hard work and discipline

we've eroded their personal toxins

and built a stronger core.

By using their darkest fears against them?

And locking people in a room
with their drug of choice?

We share our fears,

so we can conquer them.

And those isolation chambers

referenced in the article

are a gross exaggeration of our process.

Which is what, exactly?

A simple visualization exercise.

You meditate on the vice of your choice

for as long as you can endure it.

So the dr*gs aren't actually there?

Only in the members' minds.

Nothing, buddy?

Can I help you with anything else?

No, we're good for now.


You can only overcome your flaws

through admission.

We believe in you.

You are powerful.

You are capable.

Want some?

Sunflower seeds? No, I'm good.

Crazy addictive.

Max, that's enough.

Why didn't you tell me you
worked security for Excellium?

Because I'm not just security.

I'm a member.

You didn't answer my question.

I'm an alcoholic.

I'm not proud of it.

And I know this place
has a bad reputation.

But I also know that it's the only thing

that's worked for me so far.

And we have absolutely nothing to hide.

Then why are three security guards

ensuring that Rex and I make a quick exit?

Rex, let's go.


Camilla needs to see you.

Joe, I told you I'm not ready.

I don't like lying to her, Wendy.

She doesn't believe you did this.

And I'm not sure that she's right.

Do you have any idea how
hard this is for me?

Just to look at myself
through my daughter's eyes

and just to see an addict?

And just to add to that,
now a possible m*rder*r?

That is not how she thinks.

Everything that you have done for me...

I can never repay you.

Covering for me when I
missed Camilla's birthdays.

And making excuses for my benders.

And now this is just more of the same.

What do you want me to say to her?

You'll think of something.


Tell me you found something.

You mean lie?

I looked into the legal grounds

for Excellium using personal info

as collateral.

And what these places do

is they have non-disclosure agreements

to protect the methods and processes

unique to the institution.

So they all signed N.D.A.'s.

Yeah, and they all did it voluntarily.

So they've got their bases covered.

Will you at least find
contact info for Booker?

Oh, yeah.

Turns out Booker is a pseudonym.

So I paid a little visit

to the editor over at the Telegraph.

And got him to cough up a name.

You've got to be kidding me.

Everything you told me was the truth?

Huh, Jay?

Or should I say-Martin Booker?

Easy, bud.

What's going on, Jay?

I'm a journalist, okay?

I'm undercover with Excellium
because I'm writing a book.

Well, this would have been a lot
more helpful to me yesterday.

Yes, well I got spooked when we first met.

I didn't want to blow my cover.

This is a m*rder investigation.

And nothing that I told
you will impede that.

Look, I want what you want.

I loved Diandra.

And I think that,

somehow, Wendy is being set up.

That's a cute dog.


How old is he?

Stay focused, Jay.

How long have you been writing this book?

I went undercover for
the Telegraph article

six months ago.

Once the article caught
fire, I leveraged it

into a book deal with Paradox.

I was talking with Laura Klume.

She claims your article is BS.

Yeah, well she's lying.

Look, I know I'm just a Level One.


I've heard the stories.

From who?


You were using her.


I was going to tell her
when the time was right.

It's just she was so deep into this thing.

You said

that Wendy's being set up.

What did you mean by that?

I think that Excellium
pushed Diandra to O.D.

And I think that they're
using Wendy to cover it up.

Do you know where this happened?

Diandra told me about these,

these isolation chambers.

Okay? They're real.

I think she was in one of them,

locked in a room somewhere with dr*gs.

And she must've O.D.'d.

Any idea where that might be?



Well, look, I can't stop you
doing what you're doing.

But if you hear anything, you call me.

You understand?


And I'm going to need your book

and your research.

You'll get it back after
the investigation.

Yeah, I can drop it off this afternoon.


Everything you've got.


Okay. I mean, this is it.

This is my life for the last six months.

Please don't lose that file folder.

I've had it since high school.

Don't lie to me again.

Rex, let's go.


Did you talk to your father?

Oh yeah. He says I'm not
allowed to see you.

But I knew he was lying.

So I told the guard I had his okay.

He was just trying to protect you.

Or maybe it was me

he's trying to protect.

I like your sweater.

It's from you.

Right. Yeah.

Yeah, I remember now.

You didn't get me this top, did you?

Camilla, I love you.

I do. But I'm an addict.

And sometimes addicts slip.

Look, I have bought you presents.

I have, over the years.

But sometimes Joe helps
me out when I fail.

He's the best thing that
happened to either one of us.

Camilla, please don't be upset.

No, it's not you I'm upset with.

This is a real page-turner.

Laura Klume is like the love child

of Teal Swan and L. Ron Hubbard.

Focus, Jesse.

Is there even anything
useful in there, Jesse?

Well, yeah. There is one thing.

On page 163,

there's a reference to members

handing over all their
vices before joining.

Which is not uncommon for rehab centres.

Except when it comes to dr*gs.

There's usually a deal
with law enforcement,

where police will seize
and secure everything,

no questions asked.

And no such deal has been
made with us and Excellium.

Which would make them
guilty, at the very least,

of possession of illegal substances.

Is that enough to get a warrant?

Well, it gives us probable cause.

I think I can make that warrant happen.

A little reminder. These
guys have excellent lawyers.

They may have excellent lawyers.

But we have Rex.

That's right, buddy.

- You're back.
- Yeah.

And this time I come bearing gifts.

A warrant.

So step back, while my
partner does his job.

Okay, pal.

Find it.

Open this door.

That too.

Yeah, I'll talk to Laura Klume, now.

True recovery is not possible
without sacrifice, Detective.

It's one thing to lose weight

at a weight loss clinic
in the middle of nowhere.

But when you have to
pass three burger joints

on your way to work,

that's another story.

There's a big difference
between a beef burrito

and synthetic opioids.

I'm not up on my drug terminology.

Well, it's an umbrella term

for many dr*gs,

codeine, oxycodone, morphine, fentanyl.

All of which we found in
your secret cupboard.

Surely you're familiar with the story

of the cod and the catfish.

Refresh my memory.

When fishermen are transporting cod

they often arrive half-dead and tasteless.

So they figured out a
way to keep them fresh.

Add a single catfish to the barrel.

A predator.

Sounds like an urban myth from some movie.

What does this have to do with dr*gs?

Our vices are our predators.

We need to keep them close

so that we can feel their charge

and ultimately conquer them.

You put your members in
dangerous situations.

I'd be very careful what you're implying.

You're the one that's guilty

of possession of illegal narcotics.

Which my lawyers will clear.

And this will never even make trial.

We're going to get a warrant
for all these confessionals

that you're using as collateral
against your members.

You don't need a warrant.

You're welcome to all the video material

if you think it will
help this investigation.

Anything else?

No, you can go.

We would never leave anyone alone

with enough dr*gs to k*ll them.

She's lying.

The dr*gs in Diandra's system

were more than enough to k*ll her

according to our toxicology reports.

What kind of dr*gs are we talking about?

She had exceedingly high traces
of fentanyl in her blood.

84.6 micrograms per litre to be precise.

That's enough to k*ll her many times over.

Which would make Laura liable
if she provided the dr*gs.

That's a big if.

You look tired.

When was the last time you've eaten?

Does gum count?

Charlie, go home.

Rest. Have yourself a meal.

Yeah, okay.

Well, there's somebody who
needs a good meal first.

Catch you later.


Let's go, pal.


Stay here.

Sunflower seeds.



Good job, buddy.

Good job.

So now we've got an attempt
at an officer's life?

How far are these people willing to go?

Uh, guys?

I've been reviewing Wendy's
confession on Excellium.

You need to see this.


The blackouts are the worst.

Sometimes I wake up with
blood and broken glass,

and mud on my pants.

Once I woke up with a
kitchen knife in my hand.

And I have no idea how it got there.

I guess when I'm under the influence,

I'm capable of almost anything.

The knife story isn't true.


Wendy, why would you say that?

Do you know how damaging this is?

I know.

But you don't understand
how these people operate.

No, just wait.

They keep pushing

for demons-even if there aren't any.

The darker the truth,
the greater the reward.

So I found myself embellishing.

Okay okay.

Then you just tell me
exactly what is true.

Look, there's something
that I never told you.

When Camilla was little,

and I was using,

I came to one time.

And I saw bruises on her.

I mean, kids get bruises, right?

I mean, that's normal.

Yeah, but that's not
what this looked like.

I don't know for sure.

But I think that they were from me.

Which is why I agreed

that you would become her legal guardian.

Okay. Listen, Wendy.

I know all about the abuse that you

suffered as a child.

And I want you to know that
you are not your father.

But I am in one way.

I am.

Look, alcohol is like a toboggan for me.

Once I start, I can't stop.

I know. But that

still does not mean that you did this.

I know why I fell in love with you.

Because you never give up, do you?

You know,

I keep thinking about that weekend

that we spent on Fogo Island.



Those were good days.

I'm just so grateful that Camilla has you.

You remember the first time she saw you?

What was she?

Four years old?

And her eyes lit up.

Like you were always
meant to be her father.

If only it wasn't for your addiction,

things could have been
so different between us.

I don't understand how I slipped.

It's a disease.

It's the toughest one to beat.

But it was different. I felt it.

It was like my inhibitions were gone.

Or that they were taken away from me.

Maybe they were.

Actually, yeah.

Wendy's blood had high
levels of hydrocodone,

which is known to loosen inhibitions.

Which could have been what
prompted her to drink and cause

the spiral to begin.

If that brownie was
laced with hydrocodone,

none of this is Wendy's fault.

Well, it would absolve
her of the drinking,

but not of the m*rder.

That testimonial was pretty damning.

Maybe this will help.

Okay, you see these?

These faint streaks?

This is an alignment issue.

Now this is mostly due

to some dirt on the drum.

But this flaw is unique
to a specific printer.

Now this one here?

This was allegedly from Diandra.

But this,

came from Jay Piper.

Rex, let's go.

This has to be a mistake.

Printer flaws are like fingerprints.

No two are the same.

Let me see.

This isn't from my manuscript.

What do you mean?

It's a page of monthly tasks.

I swiped this from Excellium for research.

You can back this up?

I've got a key.

I can tell you exactly where it is.

Yeah, it's a match, alright.


What is it, buddy?

Good find, partner.




It's the police department!
Everybody out of your rooms!

Right now!

You're lucky he's not
here for dr*gs this time.


Your chance to shine, buddy.

Track it.

Good job, partner.

You found the crime scene.

Let's just walk through this
from the beginning, okay?

So Diandra, she gets
promoted to Level Three.

That's where she gets
her new secret tasks.

One of which involves
being locked in this room

for an unknown length of time
with the drug of choice.

Now she starts to pace,

fighting her urges.

Eventually, she loses the
battle and pops the pills.

And ultimately succumbs to an overdose.

Wait a second.

This is pine.

I think as she slid down the wall

a sliver got lodged in her back.

This could be where her foot landed,

crushed up against the bed frame like so,

causing the post-mortem kink in her toe.

So when Diandra is found dead,

Laura panics,

and gets her g*ons to move
the body to Wendy's house.

I bet they used her finger
to unlock her phone.

It's a perfect way to
stage the text messages.

Create a fake scenario?

Stage it to look like Diandra
was there for hours?

And pin everything on Wendy
Larson, the ultimate patsy?

What do you think?

I think we've got enough
to bring these guys down.

Is there a problem, Detective?

For you, yeah.

You're under arrest.

On what charge?

Oh, let's see. Obstruction of justice.

Indignity to a human body.

Let's throw conspiracy

to commit m*rder on the table too,

just because I'm feeling plucky.

You'll be hearing from my lawyers.

The judges that I know,
they don't take it lightly

when an attempt has been
made on an officer's life.

You and I both know this won't stick.

Tell me. Was it a thrill...?

Locking vulnerable people
like Diandra up in rooms

with enough dr*gs to k*ll themselves?

I have a brand to protect.

Why would I thr*aten
that with fatal doses?


How does it feel to be a hero?


I wouldn't go that far.

Stop being so modest.

The country's most secret
cult just collapsed.

And you're the reason for it.

We got Laura Klume

and her security team on multiple charges.

They're guilty of a massive cover-up.

And they deserve to go to jail.

Here. Have a seat.


What can I do for you?

I just had a few more questions

about your partners in security.

Lars and Max.

I'm just dotting a few Is.

I'll do what I can.

I only worked with them for a short while.

So, just to be clear.

You say that you never saw
the isolation chambers.

- Is that correct?
- Right.

The vivid details in
your brilliant article

came from your girlfriend Diandra?


So here's what I don't understand.

Why would Diandra go so far
as to describe every detail,

but then stop short of
telling you its location?


She was under strict orders
not to give that up.

I believe you.

But here's the thing.

Rex doesn't.

And Rex is never wrong.

Lucky for me, I had something

with your scent on it

so Rex could do his thing.

And wouldn't you know it?

Of all the rooms,

the only room that Rex found your scent

was the one where we now
know Diandra was k*lled.

We can place you at the scene, Jay.

Are you sure there's nothing
you want to tell me?

Let me give it a s*ab.

You used Diandra.

And then you k*lled her.

- No.
- You never loved her.

Yes I did.

And you used her death to
boost your own career!

I loved her! She didn't love me!

All I did was visit her.

I told her everything.

I told her I was going
to expose the truth.

- No! Just no!
- It's about us!

Let me do my thing.

I wanted her to be in my life

so she could share in the bounty!

We were going to move to San Francisco.

That was her dream!

So I did love her.

But when she chose Excellium,

which I had done everything
in my power to expose,

I was floored.

And then what happened?


I left.

That's not the whole story.

You came back and you

brought something with you.

Rex found it in the
garbage on the west side.

It has your fingerprints on it.

And traces of fentanyl

from the pills you crushed inside it.

You may have gone with
these good intentions.

But you clearly had a
backup plan in place.

The author emerges as a hero.

Helps the police expose and
take down a parasitic cult.

The same one,

that was responsible

for his own girlfriend's tragic demise.

You go ahead.

You convince yourself
that this was about love,

and that it was an accident.


I'm going with greed,

and premeditated m*rder.

How many of them were from you?

Excuse me?

Mom's presents.

The ones she got me for my
birthday, for Christmas,

for nailing the algebra tests.

How many of them were from you?


Your mother loves you.

So much.

She just needs some help
showing it sometimes.

Excuse me, Ms. Larson?

Your limo awaits.


Oh, hello.


Wait, you're driving?

Yes! I passed the test today.

So buckle up!


Well, listen. I hope you're all hungry.

Because there's a pizza
party at our house tonight

in honour of your

10 months sobriety.


We're going to catch up with
you guys a little bit later.

Rex and I have something
we've got to take care of.

- I'll see you guys soon.
- Okay, bud.

Okay, Mom, come on.

We did good with her, didn't we?

We sure did.

Come on.

Um, Wendy?

You didn't slip.
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