01x04 - School Daze

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hudson & Rex". Aired: March 25, 2019 – present.*
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Rex's keen nose and ears are instrumental in helping Detective Hudson advance the investigations in each episode.
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01x04 - School Daze

Post by bunniefuu »

What's up guys?

You guys ready for midterms?

What? Dr. Sharpe isn't here yet?


We haven't seen him.

Okay. Let's go.

Dr. Sharpe!

Hey! Hey hey! Dr. Sharpe! Get...

He's dead!

This one sure took a lot of planning.

And research.

It's pine tar.

As in "tar-and-feathered"...
The centuries-old

revenge and humiliation ritual.

Huh. Is that what k*lled him?


But I haven't found any
other signs of trauma yet.


- Okay, thanks.
- Yeah.

Detective Hudson. I understand
you discovered the body?

Uh, yeah. I thought he was passed out.

I tried to wake him up.

Yeah. What's your name?

Uh... Toby Whalen.

I'm the teacher's assistant.

I was supposed to invigilate

the midterm this morning.

Did Professor Sharpe have any enemies

- that you were aware of?
- Um, I mean...

He was a pretty divisive
figure around here.

I was fielding death threats
against him on social media.

But neither of us actually thought

that someone was going
to follow through.

- Death threats? Did you report them?
- Yes.

I sent them all to Campus Security.

Excuse me.

More pine tar.


Come here.

There's more pine tar out here.

Yeah, there's more.

Yeah, the trail ends here.

The k*ller must have gotten into a car.

With any luck, the vehicle and driver

were caught on camera.

We'll pay a visit to Campus Security.

We were ready for you, Detective.

The head office gave us a call.

Here's a list of the death threats.

Although I don't know if
you could call them that.

At less of the "I'm going to k*ll you"

and more of the "go die" variety, but...

Well, it seems a lot more
credible now that he's dead.

And what about the security footage?

Well, I didn't find your mystery car.

But maybe you guys will have more luck.

Maybe the driver knew what route

to take to avoid the cameras.

Is the building secure at night?

Yeah, we lock up every night.

But we keep a log of
the comings and goings.

Professor Sharpe used his key card

to let himself in at 12:08 AM.

That seems late to be arriving.

These guys keep strange hours.

I've known profs to sleep here.

Huh. Where's his parking spot?

Uh, not far.

But he didn't come here by car.

His spot has its own security camera.

He was a prime target for vandalism

and key scratches and...

Popular guy.

You know... I was actually
going to be a cop.

I would've made the cut too if...

You know... not for my bad knee, but...

- Thanks for this.
- Yeah.

We got the tox-screen back.

Sharpe's blood alcohol level
was within the driving limit.

But there was something
else in his system...


He was roofied?

How much Rohypnol does it
take to stop a man's heart?

A lot more than he took.

It wasn't what k*lled him.

- Huh.
- See here?

Petechial hemorrhages in the face.

Plus edema...

- And cyanosis.
- So he suffocated.

I won't know for sure until the autopsy.

But it looks that way.

I also ran the DNA

I found on the feathers
that were thrown on him.

- You I.D.'d the goose?
- Ha. Funny.

I figured the down probably
came from a coat or a pillow.

Over time they can absorb sweat, saliva.

- So we checked for human DNA.
- And?

There was DNA. But I didn't
find a match in the system.



How can new ideas be presented...

Civil conversation be generated...

When the media's a...
a fascist lynch mob!

I graciously agreed to be here today.

Why? So I can be tarred and feathered

for free speech?

Have we really sunk so low?

This is Professor Sharpe six weeks ago.

"Tarred and feathered." Someone
used his own words against him.

There was a recent
newspaper profile on Sharpe.

He seemed to think it
would be flattering.

Instead they called him
out for stoking hatred.

Hatred towards...?

Anyone who didn't look like him...

"Your skirt, your hoodie, or hijab

"was asking for it" sort of thing.

No shortage of people hated the guy.

I checked all the security data.

And there were a few other
people aside from Sharpe

who had access to the
lecture hall. There we go.

The cleaning staff, the campus security,

- and the teacher's assistant.
- Toby Whalen.

The guy who found the body.

Yeah, the logs show that
he was in the building

just a few hours before the m*rder.

As teacher's assistant,
he would have had easy

access to the professor.
Would have known his schedule.

He also had pine tar on his hands.

That's because he touched the body.

Ah, or maybe he touched
the body to hide the fact

that he already had pine
tar on his hands.

And what about Sharpe's car?

It's not at his house

or in his designated
spot at the University.

If he was feeling the
effects of the Rohypnol,

maybe he left his car
somewhere and took a cab?

Well, I'll check with the cab
companies and rideshares...

- see who picked him up.
- My understanding is that

the University's McGrail
Residence had an incident

where a large quantity of
dr*gs were confiscated.

McGrail. That's Toby Whalen's residence.

Then it's time we paid Toby a visit.


As a resident advisor,
you must know a lot

about the students on your floor.

What can you tell me about Toby?

Um... he's quiet.

Keeps to himself.

But he gets pissed off

when people take his
clothes out of the dryer.

Do you know where he is?

Yeah, his room's on the third floor.

Room 315.


Let's go, pal.

Look, to be honest...

I didn't agree with
Professor Sharpe's politics.

But he was a master

in the field of Anthropology.

I mean... his ideology on
modern human behavior... It's...

It's revolutionary.

What were you doing in the professor's

office last night at nine PM?

I go in every evening to help prepare

- for the next day's class.
- Where did you go after you left?

There was a party here.

I hung out with some
friends. And then I...

crashed around two AM.


Well, I'm going to check that out.

And I'll be back again.


Excuse me.

Rex. What's up?

What is it?

This university abandoned Meagan

when the systems designed
to protect her...

To protect us all...

abandoned her at her every turn!

She may be gone.

But we cannot let her be forgotten!

What happened to Meagan?

She was assaulted on her way
home from the student pub.

A few weeks later, she took

a bunch of pills and drowned herself.

Uh, I'm sorry.

I didn't know her personally.

It's more about what
her death represents.

She was publicly shamed.

And her life was
destroyed because of it.

She said so as much in her video.

What video?

I'm sorry, Mom and Dad.

I just wanted you guys
to be proud of me.

I'm sorry. I love you.


She was found two hours later

at the bottom of the pool.

It must have been a difficult
time for her friends.

Yeah, no doubt.

She posted the video to a

message board on the university website.

It was taken down quickly.

But not before it was passed around.

It's impressive that
Rex could smell pine tar

through the garbage.

Unfortunately, that same waste

compromised any retrievable DNA.

That's too bad.

I did find something
unexpected in the autopsy.

- Huh?
- I was partially wrong

- about cause of death.
- Wait. He didn't suffocate?

He was drowned. Well, dry-drowned...

To be precise.

Scratches found in his windpipe

suggest he was intubated.

And a small amount of water

was poured into his lungs.

It would have taken hours
for him to suffocate and die.

Was that before or after
he was tarred and feathered?

- Well, we're still working on that.
- Hmmm.

Drugged and drowned.

That's the same way
Meagan Bailey took her life.

That could be a coincidence.


I think they're connected.

You're kidding me, right?

No no. Not a good idea, sorry.

I think you should find
someone more qualified.

Look, I just need someone
to go into the residence

undercover as a student. Alright?

It's where the gloves were found.

And it could be where
the Rohypnol came from.

Yeah, and Sharpe's TA is
still a person of interest.

Let's not forget Meagan
Bailey's su1c1de.

It cannot all be a coincidence.

- But why me?
- You can still pass as a student.

Okay, but I still have
so much work to do.

I've got to go through all
the campus security footage.

And there's just a lot of... stuff!

I've got that. Okay?

Just leave it to me.
I'll take care of it.

Okay, just don't...

Please don't close all my tabs, okay?

They're all important. Just...

Don't you worry about it. Just uhhh...

Remind me what a tab is.

I'm kidding, Jesse.

- It's a joke.
- Come on. Let's get you set up.

We don't want you to be late for class.

That's the BOLO I put on Sharpe's car.

- It's been spotted.
- Where?

Here... the campus student pub.

And here you go.

No worries.

You see this guy here last night?

He comes in most evenings.


That's none of my business.

Okay, he was at a table with

a bunch of guys for most of the night.

Then he had a drink in the
back with a young woman.

Did they leave together?

No, she left first... around 9:30.

He left a half hour after that.

- Was he drunk?
- No.

He only had a couple.

Why did he leave his car here then?

How would I know?

This girl...

Did you recognize her?

She's the voice of
the college newspaper.

She bought the round.
Put it on her credit card.

I'll take that receipt.

Hello again!


Alicia Gillis.

I didn't properly
introduce myself last time.

I'm Detective Hudson... Major Crimes.

- What's this about?
- You had a drink at a bar last night

with Professor Sharpe
just hours before he died.

I bought him a round in
exchange for a sound bite

for a piece I've been working on.

I wanted to know how he slept at night

knowing the role he played
in Meagan's su1c1de.

What role was that?

After she was assaulted, Sharpe
went on his YouTube channel

and made an example of her.

Said it was her own
fault for getting drunk.

Did you get your sound bite?

Yeah. No, I had nothing against
Meagan Bailey as a person.

As a noted doctor of anthropology,

I'm well versed in both male
and female behaviourism.

And I merely shared an
informed Anervation.

Where did you go after you
left Sharpe at the bar?

I went home...

Watched a movie with my roommate.

Around midnight,

I Skyped with my parents.

I'm going to be late for my next class.

Yeah. One more thing.

How did you feel about
what happened to Sharpe?

I mean... The guy's a total ass.

But nobody deserves that.

How's it going over here?

Uhh, there's no trace of any cars

leaving the professor's building

after he was tarred and feathered.

And my eyes... are going buggy.

I have no idea how
Jesse does this all day.

Oh, wait. There. Pause.

- Hmm?
- Pause it.

- What is that?
- A sedan?

Yeah, dark coloured. Navy blue maybe?

Taking a tight corner, almost as

if it's trying to avoid the camera.

Alright, I'll check to see
if we can see it anywhere.

But you know what? A set of fresh

eyes would be a big help.

- Ohhh.
- Think of it as video forensics. Hmm?

Okay, slide over.


- You lost?
- Uh, no no no.

I'm actually transferring from
University of New Brunswick.

- Jesse Goodman?
- Yeah, that's me.

Okay, cool. Yeah. I've
been expecting you.

I'm Kevin Conway...
the resident advisor.

- Nice to meet you.
- Let me show you around.

- Great.
- This is the common area.

Great for game nights
and study sessions.


Ping pong in here.

Well, I heard a rumour you guys were...

The... party residence...

That party favours were easy to find.

- You mean dr*gs?
- Uh, yeah yeah. It's true.

I'm the guy who makes sure

things don't get too crazy.

- Okay, yeah.
- But you know,

we do have lots of
other fun amenities...

A screening room... free use of
the pool in the next building over.

Well, you don't need to sell me.

I mean, just getting
farther away from my parents

is reason enough for me. So...

I hear that.

- Oh, Toby.
- Hey.

Jesse, this is Toby Whalen.

- Hi.
- Toby, hi.

You were Professor Sharpe's TA. Right?

I heard about what happened. I'm sorry.

He's one of the reasons
why I transferred over here.

- Really?
- Yeah, yeah.

His essay on culture versus
conflict was... intense.


Well some of us are getting
together here tonight

to pay tribute to Dr. Sharpe.

You're more than welcome to join us.

Yeah, I might just do that.

Okay, cool. I'll see you soon, then.

See you, man.

Right this way. I'll show
you the other floors.


I went through the list

of campus parking passes

for dark-coloured sedans.


What about that one?

Why? What's special about it?

It belongs to Toby Whalen.

Warrant came through?

Have a look at this.

Pine tar.

Yeah, with fibres that appear to match

the work gloves found at the residence.

There was also something in the trunk.

I don't know

if it's related to the crime. But...

- It's interesting.
- What is that?

Is that a bike grip?

It's too wide for a bike.

Rex, go!

Oh! No! Go on! Hey!


Fleeing from the police does
not help your case, Toby.

I didn't k*ll Professor Sharpe!

Innocent people don't run.

So, why run?

I saw you searching
through my car. And I...

I just freaked, okay?

There was pine tar on
the steering wheel.

Did you drive your car this morning?

What? No, I walked to class.

I swear... It wasn't me!

What was in the backpack?

That's the thing about dogs, Toby.

You can't hide anything from them.

You recognize this? Huh?

Here. Let me help you out.

This is the answer grid to the exam

that Professor Sharpe was
giving this morning. Hmm?

We found multiple copies in your bag.


Teacher assistant is a low-paying job.

You were selling the exam answers.

I was just trying to avoid having to

ask my parents for any more money.

But this...

This proves I didn't
k*ll Professor Sharpe.

How do you figure that?

Because the midterm was
cancelled because of his death.

Why would I sell exam answers

to an exam that wasn't
even going to happen?

That... doesn't even make sense.

You're releasing him?

His alibi checks out.

His friends say that
he was at the party.

And pictures from
social media back it up.

Well, maybe he slipped
away for a few minutes.

His car was at the scene.

He had pine tar on his hands.

Letting him go might lead us

to some more answers.

I hope you're right.

Professor Sharpe

Well, he lived life on his own terms.

He would never let a little
death come between him...

And some good scotch.

So tonight... we follow his lead...

As we celebrate a complicated man

and his groundbreaking work.

To Dr. Sharpe!

To Dr. Sharpe!

Here here!

I'm glad you could stick around, Jesse.

Wouldn't miss it.

Oh. Sorry.

It's my girlfriend. I'll be back.

Sure. Yeah.

Hey hey. I'm glad you called.

I have a question for you.

What is the protocol

on drinking while undercover?

Moderation is key.

You know, I don't think
I really like scotch.

Uhhh, it's an acquired taste.

- Need to ask you something.
- Okay.

I'm putting together a
social media timeline

for the party at the
residence last night.

But I'm having trouble
identifying the participants.

Oh, well... easy. Just instead
of finding everyone on Instagram,

just check the people who tagged

themselves at the residence that night.

And use hashtags. That'll give you

something close to the full picture.

Of course. That makes sense. Thank you.

Listen. Can I give you some advice?

- Yeah, of course. Of course.
- When doing undercover work,

do not lie more than you have to. Okay?

Just be yourself.

People can sniff out B.S.

faster than Rex can sniff out a T-bone.

- Oh, hey!
- Hey!

- You're still here!
- Yeah yeah. Gotta go, babe.


So... I heard you were the one

who found him this morning.


Somebody actually took the time

to tar and feather him.


That... you know what?

That is so unbelievably twisted.

What sort of demented person

would do such a thing?

I don't know. I don't know.


What drew you to Dr. Sharpe, anyway?

I lost my parents in an accident

when I was nine.

I was raised by my uncle...
my dad's brother.

And he wasn't really around.

So, I spent a lot of time alone.

And when I was a bit older,

I came across some of
Sharpe's earlier writings.


Yeah, his ideas just put
everything into focus.

You know?

I didn't feel alone anymore.

I can't explain...

I can't explain it.


I'd say you just did.

And I think you earned
another one of these.


Well, in that case...

Twist my arm.

Charlie. Hey.

- Thanks.
- Hey!

Oh, I'm glad I caught you.

I solved the mystery of the
rubber grip in Toby's trunk.

It's from a wheelchair.

That might explain how
Sharpe was moved from the car

into the classroom while unconscious.

- Any prints?
- Several.

The chair was probably in public use.

But none were a match for Toby Whalen.

Well, that supports Toby's story.

Maybe somebody did borrow his car

without him knowing.

Yeah, maybe.

Where are you parked?

Just out front.

We'll walk you out.

Let's go, Rex.


Rough night?


I could use some Tylenol.


I heard maybe you were looking

for something stronger.


So what is it you're looking for?

I'm looking for...

"'Slow Molly."

Forget it. I heard you were cool.

Wait wait wait.

What's wrong?'s

You're asking for Rohypnol.


It's for my own use.

Rohypnol calms me down.

So can you help me out or not?

Money's not an issue.


Campus security busted
my stash last week.

All I have is my back-up
kit until I replenish.

When will that be?

When I'm restocked...

I'll find you.

Charlie. Yeah.

I think I found something.

Just the man I'm looking for.

Detective. I was just
about to go on my rounds.

Well I won't keep you for long.

My sources tell me that
someone on your team

confiscated dr*gs

from a dealer in the McGrail Residence.

You know anything about that?

No. It mustn't have been on my shift.

I can assure you our policy is to notify

law enforcement any
time dr*gs are seized.

Whose locker is this?

I think it's a spare.

Mind if I take a look?

Uh, don't you need a warrant for that?

Well, you tell me.

Do I need a warrant for that?

Let's have a look.

Whoah! Who put those there?

For somebody who wanted to
be a cop, you should know

not to touch evidence with
your bare hands! Come on!

Yeah, right. Yeah. I know.
I wasn't thinking.

I can assure you, I will be
doing an internal investigation

to find out who seized those.

Yeah, you do that. In the meantime...

These are coming with me. Okay?


What's up, Joe?

So it turns out Professor Sharpe did

order a rideshare the night he died.

- From the bar?
- No.

An apartment building near the campus.

11:45 PM.

Well, that was more than an
hour after he left the bar.

Yeah. I got the names of every
single renter in that building.

One name popped.

Who was it?

Easy, pal. Easy

Alicia Gillis!

We need to talk.

Why didn't you tell me

that Sharpe was in your apartment?

Uh, um. Okay, yeah. So...

He just showed up. I don't
know how he got my address.

I mean... He sounded
wasted on the intercom.

So I went downstairs and told
him to leave. That was it.

Sharpe left the bar at 10 PM.

And he called for a ride at 11:40.

Your apartment is only
three blocks from the bar.

That timeline does not track, Alicia.

Well, he wasn't that drunk when I left.

So maybe he stopped in another bar.

So you're saying that he
was never in your apartment?

That's right. What's this?

It's a warrant to search your apartment.

- You can't.
- We already did.

And if Sharpe wasn't
in your apartment...

Then why did Rex pick up his
scent all over your sofa?

I really don't even know

how to explain it...

Not even to myself.


He was charming.

I guess he seduced me.

Don't stay out too late.

You have mid-terms in the morning.

And being drunk is not an excuse.

Huh. Where have I heard
that before? Oh, right.

You said the same thing
about Meagan Bailey

after she was brutally
assaulted on campus.

It was those same hateful words

- that led to Meagan's death.
- No no.

That's enough.

Everyone should be free
to express their opinion

without the fear of retaliation.

And I'd very much like to hear

what else you have to say.

Oh God. This is humiliating.

Professor Sharpe had
Rohypnol in his system.

Any idea how it got there?

You think I roofied him?

He came onto me.

After we messed around a bit,

I realized he could barely function.

So I sent him home.

I'm going to show you something.

I graciously agreed to be here.

Why? So I can be tarred and
feathered for free speech?

I'm familiar with the sound bite.

I did some digging. And it turned out

that you were there that night...

And not just in attendance.

He was responding to a
question that you asked.

Yeah. I'm in journalism.

Asking questions is what I do.

And there were a lot of
other people there that day.


But nobody else brought
him up their apartment

the night before he died,
and then lied about it.

I pride myself on being

one of the leading voices of feminism

among the student body.

How would it look if people found out

that I just let myself be seduced

by the most misogynistic
professor on campus?


- You checked out her alibi?
- Yeah.

Her roommate backs up her story.

And her parents
confirmed that she was on

a video call with them at
the time of the m*rder.

Seems convenient.


It's all a little too perfect.

Well, it doesn't mean
she wasn't involved.

It just means she didn't act alone.

I'll check in with Jesse...

Tell him to keep his ears open.


Alright. Let's go, Rex.

Great. Yeah yeah.

I'll see what I can find out. Okay.



Looks like someone needs

electrolytes even worse than I do.

Here. Drink up, my man.

It'll help with the hangover.

Oh, thank you.

It's that obvious, huh?

Well, they didn't make me
an R.A. for my pretty face.

- Hey. Cheers.
- Cheers.

Oh hey, when you get a chance...

There's so paperwork
I need you to fill out

for non-residents who crash overnight.

Oh yeah yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to put you guys out.

Oh no. No, no worries.
I'm going to go grab a bite.

But if you meet me in my
room in like half an hour,

- I'll get you squared away, okay?
- Sounds good.

- Alright. Later, man.
- Later.

Okay. Uhhhh.

Scotch. It's...

I ran the bag of dr*gs for prints.

There were a couple of sets on it.

One was presumably the dealer,

who is not in the system at the moment.

She will be soon. And the other?

I got a hit

from the SJPD database.

Are you telling me
there's a cop involved?

Not quite. So every
recruit who tries out

for police training
gets printed as part of

- their background check.
- Uh-huh.

These prints came from
the academy applications.

- Lane Wheatly?
- Uhhh.

He was rejected, by the way.

If only the hiring process

was as stringent for campus security.

The genius grabbed
the with his bare hand

when we opened the locker.

Well actually, the
prints I'm referring to

were on the inside of the bag.

On a blister pack of pills.

What kind of pills?


One of the students was circulating

illegal dr*gs which appear to be

involved in the death of a professor.

Want to tell me how your
prints got on these pills?

You're the one who confiscated them.

- You think I k*lled him?
- You were on campus

the night that Sharpe died.

You have access to all the buildings.

And no one thinks twice

when they see you there.

If anyone would know
the best routes to take

to avoid the security
cameras... it's you.

I was in another building.

You can check the logs

for when my key card was used.

How can I be in two places at once?

Hey, buddy.

Tough day?


It's just all too neat.

Three suspects.

Three solid alibis.

I just need a thread that I can pull at.

I might just have that thread.

When you thought Sharpe's m*rder

was connected to Meagan
Bailey's su1c1de,

I did a little research.

- Yeah?
- She requested a r*pe kit.

But because of a backlog,
it went unprocessed.

That's terrible.

Yeah, and all too common, I'm afraid.

No wonder women don't come forward.

Anyway, I went ahead and
had Meagan's kit expedited.

I just got the results back.

- Do you know who assaulted her?
- No. Unfortunately, no.

No. We didn't get any DNA from

the man who att*cked her. But...

We did get Meagan's DNA.

And it matches

the DNA on the feathers we
retrieved from Sharpe's body.

I think they were from her pillow.

So Sharpe was k*lled in the same way

that Meagan took her own life.

And then the feathers
from Meagan's pillow

were used as part of the crime.


The k*ller knew Meagan personally.

Hey, you're up.


Hey, thanks for letting
me hang out last night.


Well hopefully... we can do it
again when you transfer here.

Hey did you know that girl...

Meagan Bailey?

Not well.

I saw her around the residence.

It was really sad for Kevin though.

Kevin? Why?

They were friends...

Maybe more than friends,

I don't really know.

I think it hit him pretty hard.


How long you planning
on keeping me here?

Not much longer.

We have your friend
Alicia in the next room.

And she's telling us
a fascinating story.

I don't know any Alicia.

Oh, she knows you.

In fact, she's telling us
that you are the mastermind

behind this whole plan

Apparently you had a real
grudge against Sharpe.

I don't know what you're talking about.

She wants us to cut a deal for her.

She gives us you.

And then we let her
off on a lesser charge.

Hey. You sit tight.



He loved to humiliate me...

Telling me I'm useless...

Calling me a rent-a-cop.

So you k*lled him for it.

It was supposed to be
a harmless prank...

Humiliate him in front
of his students...

like he did me. How
was I supposed to know

that he'd have a heart
attack or whatever?

That's how he died, right?

It's not like the tar
and feathers k*lled him.

How many people were in on this prank?

It was just the three of us.

You, Alicia and Toby.


You don't know what
you're talking about.

You're fishing.

I'm done talking.

What are you doing?

I... I'm looking for Kevin.

That's not his room.

It was Meagan Bailey's
room... before she died.

Uh... that's...

I saw Kevin come out of here yesterday.

Kevin had a weird...

Fixation with Meagan.

He even switched from
pre-med to poli-sci

to spend more time with her.

It was super weird.

But if you're looking for him,

his room is downstairs.

It says "R.A." on the door.

Oh... thank you. Okay.

Whoah whoah whoah.

No more scotch, ever.


Oh, good.

You found your way in here.

I see my little cocktail kicked in.


Why did you drug me?

You lied to me.

What, first you couldn't wait

to get out of your parents' house?

Then they died when you were a kid?

Two different stories.

So I did a little research.

And it turns out that
you work for the cops.

k*lling Sharpe...

Took a lot of planning.

I can't have you messing it up now.

- I'm not here.
- You know what to do!

What's this?

Uh, I'm going through a photo timeline

of the residence party,

- trying to find a gap in Toby's alibi.
- And...?

Well, his alibi holds up.
But there seems to be someone

else who was there who
was staggering his posts.

To make it look like he
was there the whole time?

Exactly. You know, the images don't

quite match up with all the others

uploaded around the same time.

So he faked the timeline?

- Who was it?
- This guy here.

Kevin Conway...

The resident advisor.

We need to let Jesse know.

Well, Jesse texted me a few minutes ago.

And it was gibberish.
I tried to call him back.

But he didn't answer.

I thought it was a butt-text. But now...

I'm not so sure.

I think he may have been trying

to type "Kevin Conway" under duress.

I'll send every available
car to meet you.

- Go. Now!
- Rex, let's go!

Split up!

Knock on every door!

Hat can I do for you, Detective?

Where's Jesse?

I don't know what you're talking about.

What have you got, buddy?


That's Jesse's phone.
Tell me where he is! Now!

You're too late!

Ahh! Ahhhh!


- Chlorine.
- I told you! You're too late!

Arrest him. Have Sarah
Truong and the paramedics

meet me at the pool!

Ahhh! Come on, buddy!


- Charlie!
- Jesse!

Over here!

- Any response?
- I don't think he's breathing.

Come on!

How long was he under?

I have no idea.

You don't know how long he was out?

No. He swallowed a bunch of water.

Where are the paramedics?

They're on the way.

Come on!

Come on, Jesse!

Come on... Jesse!

- Come on, Jesse.
- Come on!

Over here!

Oh, you're okay.

You're okay.

Get in here.

I don't know how long he was under.

I have most of the pieces.

And I know how they fit together.

But why the tar and feathers?

Alicia and Lane wanted to humiliate him.

It was their idea of a prank.

But you wanted more.

I wanted justice... for Meagan.

I only needed the other two

so that we could be each other's alibi.

All I had to do was roofie him

and hail him a ride back to his place.

But the bartender was
watching me the whole time.

So I never got the chance.

That's why I was forced

to invite the professor over.

I grabbed Toby's car keys...

Drove to Sharpe's house
and waited for him.

When he got dropped off,

he barely knew where he was.

He didn't even resist
when I put him in the car.

And that's where you intubated him.

Yeah. Something I learned in pre-med.

I knew if I poured just a
trickle of water into his lungs,

he'd drown slowly.

That way he'd still be alive

when you handed him off to Lane.


I needed him to think
it was just a prank.

We put the prof in a wheelchair

so I could move him easier.

And then Kevin took my security fob

so he could hit all
my checkpoints for me.

But not before Kevin made sure

that Toby saw him at that party...

Establishing his own alibi

and supplying you with
one at the same time.

And I used the professor's fob

to get into the lecture hall.

That's where I did the
tarring and feathering.

But he was still alive.

- But not for long.
- Yeah, I didn't know that.

I never would have
participated if I had known.

But you did participate
in the cover up...

Which makes you an accomplice.

Whatever happens to me... it's worth it.

I loved Meagan.

And she loved me.

If Meagan loved you,

why did she file two
complaints against you

last year, with the university?

That's a lie.


I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

You see that?

I know I shouldn't have
had those last few drinks.

Look at her.

Your unwanted advances
contributed to that moment.

You blame Professor Sharpe

for his role in her death.

What about your own?

He's still at the hospital with Jesse?


We almost lost him today.


He took a big risk.

But he also knew if he got into trouble,

you'd be there for him.

And you were.

We were.

Yes. I mean you, too.

You know I'd never
forget you, buddy. No.


welcome back, Jesse.

- Great work, man.
- I don't know about that.

Are you kidding me?

Kevin's going down for m*rder.

And Alicia and Lane will be lucky

if they get off with manslaughter.

And you were a big part of that.

Oh, that's... that's good.

Case closed... as we say.

Obviously we don't really say that.

- There's just one problem.
- What?

You went into Kevin's room unlawfully.

Right. Uh, I mean, I was roofied.

I don't think you have to worry.

But Superintendent Donovan
wants to see you right away.


Am I in trouble?

I don't think you'll be suspended.

But... I mean... it's
probably just a warning.

Ohhh. This'll go on my permanent record.

- Won't it?
- Almost certainly, yeah.


Alright! Here here!

Congratulations on your
first undercover job.

You did great.

But you did scare us a little
bit there at the end. So...

Okay, enough praise.

Let's cut the cake!


Looks like someone already
beat us to it, huh?

You know anything
about that, buddy? Huh?

Let's take that away!

How was it? Pretty good?

It looks delicious!

Alright! Who wants cake?


Alright Jesse!

Next time on Hudson & Rex

I bet you've never seen a tree

used as a m*rder w*apon before.

What is it pal?

What are you doing out
here all by yourself?

The name is Brooklyn Webber.
She was a live-in pet-sitter.

Brooklyn belongs to a
web-based job site called

Creature Comforts that pair
pet-sitters with pet owners.

Mm Hmm.

I just finished with
Brooklyn Webber's autopsy.

Rex. Go!

Where were you between 4
and 7am yesterday morning?

I'm a suspect?

That's worth looking into, right
after Rex is done his lunch.

Hey! What are you doing? Hat's mine!
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