Sweeney Todd (2006)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Sweeney Todd (2006)

Post by bunniefuu »

(Playing lively tune)

She runs a brothel in East Cheap.

Obviously hasn't been paying the justice enough.

(Laughing) They'll make her pay in Newgate.

Stop it! It's cruel.

Get off me!
Of course you'd stick up for her, you sorry slut.


I think I'm going to be sick.

Come on.

Thank you.

Can't nod off in this town, else you're up to
your neck in shit before you know it.

Are you sure you're well?.

Just don't have the stomach for this that I used to.

WOMAN: Poor woman.

-Please, sir...
-Please, give us some money.

-Please, please...
-Please, sir...

-What about me, sir?.
-Come back!

What about me, sir?.

Not only the cleanest shave in London, Mr Todd,
it's the quietest as well.

-Yeah, well, the fog helps.
-Oh, I don't mean that.

I mean you.
Not chittering on like the rest of them.

Good evening.

Good evening.

(Door chimes jangling)

-You still open?.
-Well, I was about to close, but, erm...

Yes, yes.

May I help you?.

Were you on your way home?.

Hard to tell in this weather.

-Do you work near here?.
-Newgate Gaol.

(Exhaling deeply)

Must be hard work for you.
Spending your days with the scum of the earth.

Has its compensations.

They say, erm...

now it is a better life in Newgate
than what it is in the Navy.

I can't speak for the Navy, but believe me,

we make sure life is never too pleasant.

-I'm glad to hear that.
-Oh, yeah.

We can make life very unpleasant if we choose.

There's the chains, see.

If a bugger's tricky, we load him up
with such heavy chains he can't move.

Then he can't beg at the grating
for money from passers-by.

So he starves.

In his own filth.

(Gaoler laughing)

They all pay one way or another, in the end.

But I suppose there are decent folk
amongst them that shouldn't be there.

The falsely convicted.

-The children.
-The children?.

They're the worst of the lot. Whiny little buggers.

At least their wills are easily broken,

but they're seldom in a position
to make it worth our whiles.

Unless they're pretty, eh?.

Then they can scrape together a penny or two.

Do you still make them
pick up the shit with their bare hands?.

Who told you that?.

My, er, father took me for a visit
when I was a child.

Good for your father.

Taught you to
keep on the straight and narrow, eh?.

(Gaoler gurgling)



(Gasping and panting)



Good God!

(Stuttering) Excuse me. I didn't see you.

Mr Todd?.

-A terrible night to be out.


But needs must when the devil drives, eh?.

Well, good night to you.

TODD: Good night.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those that trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory, forever and...

Ah, Mr Todd, a very welcome addition
to our congregation.

I'd been thinking we should avail ourselves
of each other's services more, as neighbours.


I don't believe you have an apprentice, do you?.

We have a number of children of the parish
we're very anxious to place,

some very clever and hardworking.

No, I work alone.

No reason why you should have to.

I'm sorry, no.

Get out of the chair. I said get out of the chair!

He's been shot in the shoulder.

Come on, then. We're constables.

-We were chasing a thief and he got shot.
-The thief?.

No, you fool. Matthew.
He's a constable, too. We're runners.

-Fielding's men.
-That's right.

-You are a barber-surgeon?.

Well, do something.

The b*llet didn't go through.
I'm going to have to cut it out.

-Do you need something to bite on?.
-Just do it.

-So you're Matthew?.
-(Groaning) Matthew Payne, yes.


Did you catch the man who did this?.

-Yeah. In a way, in a way. I k*lled him.

Not really.

Fielding won't like it. But my conscience is clear.

(Matthew yells)

I have customers
who make more fuss over a shave.

CRIER: Missing gaoler!

Missing gaoler! Missing gaoler!

Missing gaoler, sir.

MAN: Someone will swing for this.

MAN 2: He will too, when they find him.

(Door chimes jangling)

-Mr Todd, is it?.
-That's right.

-Nice place you've got here.

Must be doing very well.

Do I know you?.

"Do I know you?. Do I know you?. "


I know it's been a long time,
but that's no way to greet your dear old dad.

Yes, son. It's me.

Very nice place. All yours, is it?.

Well, I suppose it must be
with your name above the door.

Well, not exactly your name, is it?.
At least, not the one we gave you.

Sweeney Todd.

Oh, well, your mother will be pleased
that her name lives on. God rest her soul.

Mind you. Always were a mummy's boy.

-(Gagging) What...?.
-"What?. What?. " Spit it out.

Or did you get stupid?.

-Do you know what happened that night?.
-What night?.

The night you ran away.

We got caught, Will and me.

He was 1 2 and they thought he was the boss.
They hung him.


Hanged him, you say?.

-How'd he take it?.
-I don't know. I wasn't there.


TODD: They said he cried for his dad,

Well, God takes the good 'uns.
Leaves the shit behind.

I done 20 years in Newgate
for a crime you committed.

I taught you something. Don't get caught.

What do you want?.

What does it look like I want?.

You can't have your dear old dad
going round looking like this.

Nothing in his stomach.
Nothing to wet his whistle.

Or, say we start with a shave.

Come on!

Fell asleep.

You must be good.

I put a guinea in your pocket.

And here's another if you never come back.

Good seeing you again, son.

-You open?.
-No, I'm afraid not.

Of course you are.


Watch it. Bloody hell.

Careful. I'm not paying for what I've done better
meself in a storm.


There's everything down to the waist.

-There's no upper right arm.
-Severed where?.

Erm...at the neck,
and the shoulder and the elbow, Sir John.

Clean cuts?.

Pretty much, yes.

A butcher, perhaps.

Is it the missing gaoler from Newgate?.

Oh, I don't know.

There's not much left of the face.

(Groans in disgust)

There's a ring. I could take that
to his wife to see if it's his.


It won't give. I'll have to cut the finger off.

I don't think his immortal soul will mind
one more little division to his earthly remains.

Squeamish, Constable Payne?.

No. No, sir.

-It's just it's not pretty, sir.
-I believe you.

Today I wish I'd lost my sense of smell
as well as my sight.

(Door chimes jangling)

-We're closed.
-MATTHEW: Mr Todd?.

Mr Todd?.

-It's Matthew Payne. Oh...

I'm sorry to disturb you. Can I come up?.

You moving everything about?.

Well, it's lighter up here, and, er...

Helps me give the perfect shave.

Well, it's very nice.
And it's a bit more private, too.

The world and his wife don't have to watch you
digging b*ll*ts out of idiots' shoulders.

That's, erm... That's why I've come.
To say thank you.

For saving my life.

-Well, I don't think you'd have died.
-Well, either way. Thank you.

-How is it?.
-Oh, I wouldn't say it was, erm...

as good as new,
but definitely better than what I deserve.

I'm glad.

MATTHEW: Oh, yes, we found that missing gaoler.

-Well, bits of him, anyway.

Someone had chopped him up,
put him in a bag and thrown him in a river.

God knows what they did with the rest of him.

Are you renting this out?.

No, it's a waiting room.

Do you know what happened to him?.
The man that died.

Oh, no. No, no leads.
Fielding's advertising in newspapers.

Hopefully someone will come forward.

The man was a bit of a bastard, by most accounts,

but Fielding doesn't want people thinking
they can k*ll gaolers and get away with it.

Thank you.

Sorry, you're closing.


Well, yes. Can I help you?.

I don't know.

My cousin is, erm...

Well, she's pregnant. And she needs not to be.

She's tried the remedies
and they've made her very sick,

but they didn't bring on the courses.

Can you...?.

Do you know a good abortionist?.

It's not something to be taken on lightly.

People die from the surgery as often
as they do from the abortifacients.

-But not in the right hands.
-I have done them.

I didn't like it.

I'll do it.

How far gone is your cousin?.

Can we do it now?.

Are you sure you won't have a drink first?.

What kind of a sin is it, k*lling a child inside you?.

I think, erm...

Maybe it is more of a sin
to bring a child into this cruel world.

Are you sure you want to do this?.

If I die, will I go to hell?.

Hell is an invention to frighten us.

There is no hell,

except the one we make for ourselves on earth.

-What is there, then?.

-What if you're wrong?.
-Then we're all damned.

You can stay as long as you need.

I need to get home. My husband.

I work in a bakehouse, and they dulled.
I don't wear my rings.



He doesn't know I'm here.

You could say you collapsed
and they brought you here.

Either you had a miscarriage or, erm...

you have an inflamed bladder
from poisonous water.

Either way, you need to rest for at least two days.

(Knocking at door)

From Mrs Lovett, sir.

Smells good. Nearly had some of it to eat myself.
But I didn't.

Thank you.

(Birds squawking)

WOMAN: Yes, madam?.

A beef pie and...?.

Best pie I've ever had.

-You didn't need to bring this back yourself.
-I just wanted to thank you.

Some day I'm going to get a place of my own.

How do you feel?.

Well. Thanks.

-I feel...

The midden heaps of London
are full of dead infants.

But I didn't put them there.

We have enough enemies in this world
without letting our own demons drive us mad.

(Clearing throat)


(Door chimes jangling)

(Footsteps approaching)

He was injured in the fight.

-Is he one of yours?.
-No, er, he's a thief.

But if he doesn't get to trial alive,
then Fielding will k*ll us.

So I thought, the only person I know
who'll keep him alive is Mr Todd.

I've got to remove your hand.

It's brought me where I am.

I shall doubtless be better off without it.

Keep pressure on it.

It seems a waste of your time,
as I'll shortly be hanged.

Could you pass me those bandages, please?.

Thank you.

Hold still.

Good luck.

(Ceremonial drumming)

There is nothing quite so restorative
as being bled.

-Would you not say, Mr Todd?.
-I've heard people say so.

There speaks a man in fine health. You're lucky.

Of course, my wife says that I exacerbate
the gout by eating and drinking too well.

Is it so unpardonable for a man
such as myself to indulge the senses he has?.

Well, they say you are
the quietest barber in London, Mr Todd,

and indeed, you are.

-I'm sorry.
-No, don't get me wrong. I like it.

I may not be very good at it myself,
but I appreciate it in others.

They also say you are the finest barber in London.

-They are too kind.

You've already saved me a constable
and a criminal. I would say that was pretty fine.

You grew up not far from here, Mr Todd?.

-Who told you that?.
-I'm not good with faces,

but voices, I'm excellent at.

A real Londoner.

You don't meet many of those these days.

They say three out of four people in this city
are immigrants.

And today, they are all on their way
to watch a man shit hisself and die.

-Well, it's not to my taste.
-The Newgate Butcher, they call him.

Do you not consider it a waste
to amputate an arm so successfully

only to see the patient ex*cuted shortly after?.

I...do my job.

Indeed, and I do mine, and a thief does his,

and the hangman does his,
and that's the way the world works.

(Door chimes jangling)

Oh, another refugee.

An otherwise slow day for you, I'm afraid.

Goodness, what is that divine smell?.

Pie from Mrs Lovett, sir.

Put it down there.

Thank you, sir.

I believe you have an admirer, Mr Todd.

The very best kind.

The kind that sends you...

What is it, steak pie, I believe?. I envy you.

We magistrates win few fans.

BAKER: Marjorie.

It's nothing!

I just walked into a carriage in the fog, is all.

What kind of man is he?.

Is this because of the child?.

He's too drunk most of the time
to notice anything.

-Please, Mr Todd, forget about it.
-I've seen him.

You don't remember, but...

You fainted outside Newgate.

That was you?.

Why did you never say?.

-He looked a bully then.
-That wasn't...

It wasn't his fault.

If you care for me at all, you would ignore it.

As I do. It's done, over.

I can look after myself.

Yes, you can.

-I better get back.


No pie today?.

No. No, sir. Sorry, sir.

I haven't seen her today.

-Run you an errand?.

(Man groaning)

-Erm...is that Mr Lovett?.


-Well, you should have sent for me.
-He spent every penny I saved.

(Groaning in pain)

-He has a stone.
-What can we do?.

-Well, I can remove it.
-We can't afford it.

MR LOVETT: For God's sake,
give me something to drink.

I'm cutting into your bladder, Mr Lovett.
You may not drink.

You will not pass the stone by your own accord.

But I'll stop now, if you so wish.

Just make it...quick.

What can I do?.

Put a cold sponge on his face
the moment I give you the nod.

Hold him tight.


If you weren't such a big man,
he wouldn't have so far to go.

(All laughing)


Hold him.

There it is.


There it is.


It's out.

I just, erm... I just need ten more seconds.

Just in case there's another stone.

That's fine.

TODD: I feel responsible, Mrs Lovett.
MRS LOVETT: It's not your fault, it's the gin.

-Killgrief he called it.
-Well, here we are.

-Are you expanding, Mr Todd?.

It's for you. It's your pie shop.

I can't afford this. I'm penniless.

Well, I've already bought it.

I want to be angry, but I can't.


Why would you want to be angry?.

Well, what's it mean?.

I don't know what it means. It means...

It means, erm...

you're here and I'm there, and maybe if I'm lucky,

you'll still send me in the odd pie.

And I'll send customers to you and you send
customers to me, and that's all it means.

-I'll pay you back.

I'll pay you rent once I've got things going.

I will.

There you go.

A pleasant addition to our vicinity,
wouldn't you say?.

-I've got a stake in it.
-I like the mutton best, myself.

Are you still hoping to place boys from the parish?.

Yes, indeed. How many do you need?.

Well, just one.

We give you a premium for each one.
As much as ?2.

-And they can be made to work very hard.
-No, just one.

And you needn't worry about giving me anything.

Mr Todd, you are a true Christian.
I always knew it.

Come to the workhouse before ten
and take your pick.

Sorry, I've got none of them.


That's it.

That's right, but make sure you get
all the lumps from around the edge.

Thank you, Tobias. Well done.

Well, Mr Todd. Time was
I could step off the street and find you free.

Now your new waiting room
is never less than half full.

The world has discovered my secret
and I'm not sure I like it.

-Where's he sleeping?.
-Oh, he's in the shop on a pallet.

-I hope he's all right.
-Oh, trust me, it's the height of luxury.

He's landed on his feet, that boy.

-Your father still alive?.

-Your mother?.

My mother died of consumption when I was seven.

I asked her, erm...

if there was anything I could get for her,
to ease the pain.

She thought very hard about it and said,

"Chocolate oil."

I went to the chocolate house,
thinking it was a drink.

They had never heard of it.

So I tried the apothecary. Then the market.

Someone said they thought
there was a man in Suffolk who sold it.

When I got there, they never knew
what I was talking about.

I was frantic.

My mother died and I wasn't there.

At that time I thought, well,
maybe I misheard her.

Then as the days went by,
I realised that she knew.

She needed me not to be there.

That's what eased her pain.

What about mine?.



-Yes, Mr Todd?.

I want you to go to Inner Temple.
Take Mr Higgins's wig.

-What, now, sir?.
-Yeah, now.

Excuse me.

(Gasping and gurgling)

It's Tobias.

Thank you.

-You enjoy it?.
-Yes, it was very nice.

Mr Todd...about last night...

-I really don't...
-No, please, let me say this.

I know what it is.

It's stupid of me to think that...

you could ever think of me like that
after what you did for me.


I've just...

mistaken kindness for...

more than kindness.

Let myself get carried away.

Forgive me.

There's nothing to forgive.

We're friends still?.


We're friends.

And partners.

(Door chimes jangling)

The tastiest pies and the tastiest pie-maker.

The pies you're right about.
No one's tasted the other in a while.

-Well, that's a crime.
-Indeed it is.

Well, perhaps I could have a taste tonight.

Mr Todd. Won't be a moment.

Got a real treat for you today.

(Mrs Lovett moaning and panting)


I need a bottle of oleum vitae
from the apothecary.

Yes, Mr Todd.

Oh, don't go to Godfrey's.
His are not as good as Mr Collet's.

-You know the place?. The one on Cheapside.
-I'll find it, sir.

Good lad. Off you go.

Just tip your head back for me. And we'll
make you nice and ready for the weekend.

(Mrs Lovett moaning)


(Knocking at door)


What is it?.

It's meat. I thought you could use it.


Where's it all from?.

-My brother is a butcher.
-You never said.

Well, he's just moved back near to London.

He's gonna be sending me meat every so often.

-Is it fresh?.
-Very fresh.

Smells fresh. What can I give you for it?.

The best thanks
is to keep sending customers my way.

Of course, I will, Mr Todd. Gladly.

You can look forward to something special today.


There we go.

-What meat is it?.
-I'm not sure.

Pork, veal?. It's lovely and fresh, though.
God bless him.

You haven't touched your pie, sir.


It smells delicious.

Might I try it, Mr Todd, if you don't want it?.

I don't know.

I don't think so.

It's just, erm...

-Do you really want it?.
-Yes, sir.

Well, go on, then.

How's it taste?.


What's it taste of?.



You seen that Jack again?.


This city is full of men who build you
a future for a night and then disappear.

I reckon you scare 'em off, Mrs L.

They don't like it that you're so successful.

Either that, or Mr T's saying something.

I mean, they never come back
once they been there.

-Mr Todd's pie.

There you go.


How would you like a pie of your own?.

How are we for soap, lad?.

All right, Mr Todd.

Best run down to market and get some more.
Better safe than sorry.

(Door chimes jangling)

Mr Todd?.

Mrs Lovett.

That young chap I sent round today.

What'd you make of him?.

Tobias, er...tells me he was being bled.

Whatever for?.

Your friend has the French pox.

As virulent a case as I have seen.

May I ask,

have you been intimate with him?.

Had you not noticed the ulcerous sores on him?.

He didn't let me go down there.

Well, not to matter, erm...

you're probably completely well.

I do have a little rash.

-How long have you had this?.
-Well, it comes and goes.

I had one on the other side before.

Well, I'm, er...

I'm not an expert on the subject.

What will happen to me?.

Can anything be done?.


This is your last night here.
I have no further use for you.

But I'm always doing things,
cleaning, running around town.

It's just that I need to do these things myself,
as I used to.

If you tell me where I can improve,
I'll swear I'll do it.

I'm not lazy and I don't mean to be stupid.

Tobias, you are excellent in most ways.

It's just that I need to work alone.

I don't mean to return you to the poorhouse. I...


It's five guineas.

It's enough for you and your mother
to go to your aunt's in Winchester,

and be made welcome.


Make a life for yourself.

It's probably best that you're gone in the morning.



-Are you warm enough?.
-I'm burning.

The fires of hell are already licking round me.

It's a judgement.

It's a fever.

When does the madness come?.

I'm scared.

I don't want to be like those women
on Drury Lane.

-Might I die without the madness?.
-You're not going to die.

We're gonna make you better.

There's no comfort in lies.

I've brought it on myself.

I wish we could have been content
with each other.

There's something I need to tell you.

I have sins enough.

You know?.

There are customers who come into my shop
who I don't allow to leave.

I put an end to them.

The meat from my brother is their flesh.

I don't know why, it just seems right.

They think they run the world.

Instead, they are fed upon by their friend and foe,
as they have fed upon us.


I hope you don't think I have done you a wrong.


I do not have gin and I do not have religion.

I do not fornicate.

It's my...killgrief.

Why are you telling me?.

I want you to understand.

Murdering innocent people.

-They're not innocent. None of us is.
-They're boys.

Look what they've done to you.

I have loved you, Mrs Lovett.

And if I have done you a wrong
then I beg for your forgiveness.

Mr Lovett?.

I k*lled him, yes.

Oh, Todd! You told me...

there was no hell
except the one we make for ourselves.

You have made mine,

and I leave it gladly.

Don't say that. Don't say that.

I did it for you.

I did it for you.

(Soft snoring)

I'm hungry.

MAN: Yes, as fast as you can.

Can I help you, love?.



-Er, mutton.
-Yeah, that's one word for it.

Is it true you were trying to do it
with a mastiff, Mrs L?.

Oi, leave it out.

Thank Christ for you, Miss Polly.

The pies don't taste so good
without your pretty smile.

They taste just as good as they ever did.

Now buy one or get out.

I wasn't a pretty girl.

A bag of bones, my mother called me.
But then I grew into myself, you know.

Filled out the way a woman should.

And suddenly I had something men wanted.

It's the only power I ever had.

And now...

(Sobbing) I wish I'd died.

I wanna die.

There must be something you can give me
that's fast and painless.

Anything, Mr Todd,
otherwise I'll crawl into my own oven.

It's the best I could do in the time.
I'll make a better one in due course.

May I?.



Good as new.

Nothing lasts.

Beauty, joy, grief, anger.

The best we can do is carve out
some small triumphs for ourselves

along the road to nothingness.

I take comfort in that.

Blimey, if it isn't Aphrodite herself.

-Do you like it?.

Yeah, Mr Todd made it for me. Ever so good, he is.

Best barber in London. You should try him.

Tell you what.

Buy another pie,

tell him I sent you,
and he'll give you a shave for free.

Thank you.

And you say no one has seen him since.

Not a hair of him.

Missing persons! Missing persons!
Missing persons!

Nasty business, this, eh?.

I mean, people don't just vanish, do they?.

Well, except round here, maybe they do.

I've been watching the shop.

Men come in, men come out, men come in...

men don't come out.

Clever work, that is.

Then I got to thinking about that gaoler
they found all chopped up.

They hanged that one-armed fella for it, I know.

Lovely day, that was.

But you know, he said he didn't do it.

Yeah, well...

We all say that, don't we?.

Still, sometimes it's true.

Anyone know you were in Newgate?.

What do you want?.

A guinea should do it.

For now.

I can't afford to do this.


I'm not going to bleed you dry.

No, a guinea should
see me through to the end of month.

There's a good lad.

(Laughter and raucous singing)

-Get your flaming hands off me!
-Get out!

I paid good money!

20 years ago I was a regular in there.

Wine still tastes like piss.

I've been thrown out of better places.

I'll be back!

(Dog barking, woman shouting)

Can you write, sir?.


Can you tell me how you lost your tongue?.

Forgive me.

Was it through sickness?.


Did you bite it off?.


Was it taken from you?.


I see. Do you know by whom?.

He was unconscious at the time, sir.

Ah, a drinker. In excess.

FIELDING: (Sighing) My poor friend.

I feel very sorry for you,
but I don't see how we can help you.

A fine pair we are.

See no evil, speak no evil.

And with Matthew here
who seems to hear no evil, we make the set.

Wise monkeys, indeed.

I trust that you may find your own solace.


He said they were the best in London,
but I fear it's just salesmen's patter.

You'll not find better.

-You speak of pies, madam, I speak of pearls.

-A gift for my sweetheart.
-Lucky girl.

I hope she likes them.

I fear men's judgement on pearls
is like women's judgement on wine.

I'd be pleased to take a look for you.


She's lucky, all right.

-I hope she's good enough for you, sir.
-Indeed, she is.

I only hope they're good enough for her.

Trust me.

They will be.

Tell you what you want to do.

Get a nice shave before you see her.
Very good barber next door.

Tell him Mrs Lovett sent you,
to be sure to get a discount.


Oh, Todd, tell me you found them
and haven't put them in the fire.

-What are you talking about?.
-The pearls!

-You knew about them?.
-He was showing them off in my shop.

Why should we not profit from what you do?.

Is it worse to take a man's pearls
than the flesh off his bones?.

You think you can buy peace for yourself?.

You think you can buy back beauty?.

People don't care about men.
It's property they mind.

If we even think about selling that necklace,

it'll be a noose for both our necks.

(Gasping and panting)

(Door chimes jingling)

I'm engaged at the moment.
Can you wait downstairs, please?.

MATTHEW: Forgive me.

Oh, I thought you was a customer.

It's true, actually, I do. I, er...

I do need a shave.

I'm on Fielding's business.

Do you remember a Mr Thornhill?.


A tall gentlemen,
well-dressed, dark hair, with a cane.

That rings a bell.

Well, it's just that somebody remembers him

Ieaving Mrs Lovett's pie shop

in order to come up here
and get a shave on Tuesday.

Yes, erm...

He had a fellow in company, erm...a nervous man.

He was about, erm...

so high, erm, let me think.

Had brown hair.
There was something ferrety about him.

I'm sorry, I'm not much help.

No, thank you. Very useful. Thank you.

Er, sorry to disturb you.

(Door chimes jingling)

(Footsteps approaching)

(Matthew clears throat)


No one in the pie shop
remembers Thornhill having a companion.

-Not even Mrs Lovett?.

She was most insistent...
that he came up here alone.

Thornhill came up here on his own, didn't he?.


What happened?.

I slit his throat.

-What, for the pearls?.
-It's what I do.

What, are you saying that you've done this before?.



-I don't know.
-And Mrs Lovett?.

She knows nothing about it.

Then why would she lie for you?.

She did. She confirmed your story.
I didn't believe her.

It's got nothing to do with her.
I exploited her and her customers.

I don't understand.


You saved my life.


Right. You're gonna have to
tell all this to Fielding.


-You'll come down to Bow Street.

I'm sorry.


(Groaning and whimpering)

My friend.


Oh, God, I can't watch you.

-You're gonna help me carry him out of here.

Carry him where?.

Where he can be found,
so he can have a proper funeral.

We can't do that.

-Why can't you do what you always do?.
-Not to him, no.

It's madness. We'll be seen!

What's so special about him?.

That's an end to it.

I swear.

I swear.

-Packing up?.
-No. No, no, no.

But you will be, won't you?.

There were people in the shop today
talking about it.

-How this place is for sale.
-Well, you've no need to worry.

I'm making your shop over to you, legally.

Did you think I wasn't going to find out about it?.

I was gonna tell you.

Oh, really?.

-And where is it you're going?.
-The American colonies.

How about me?.

-What will I do?.
-You got your shop.

Oh, God.

Don't leave me.

I have nothing.

You would have me believe
that I am so important to your happiness?.

I just know I can't be left alone with this.

I daren't presume
that you would wish to come with me.


Yes! Please!

I mean,

we could start a new life together.

"In the midst of life, we are in death.

"Of whom may we seek for succour,
but of thee, O Lord,

"who for our sins art justly displeased?.

"O holy and merciful Saviour,

"deliver us not into the bitter pains
of eternal death.

"Thou knowest, Lord, the secret of our hearts."

Are you quite well, Mr Todd?.

You do not seem yourself today.

I fear I am too much myself.

The colonies, Mr Todd.

It's a brave move.

-What will I do when you're gone?.
-There are other barbers.

None so good.

London will miss you.

I have no love for London, nor it for me.

I understand. These are dark days.

I wish I could tell you
that we'd found Matthew Payne's k*ller.

He seems to have vanished,

Iike so many others.

Maybe they've all gone to the colonies.

The city grows so fast

that the waters of humanity
close over the disappeared before anyone notices.

Well, everyone disappears in time.

Perhaps even this k*ller.


Only to be replaced by legions more.
It's a losing battle.

I am Canute against the tide.

You seem pensive, sir.

I was just thinking how

there can be no greater trust
than that of a blind man for his barber.

You could leave me looking ridiculous
and I'd hardly know.

Now that you are away,

I must put myself at the mercy
of a complete stranger.

And will the good people of Virginia

really be able to tell the difference
between a fine shave

and a very fine shave?.

I doubt it, sir.

I doubt it.

They can learn.

PRIEST: ",,, which build desolate places
for themselves,

"Or with princes that had gold,

"who filled their houses with silver.

(Parishioners coughing)

"Or as an untimely hidden birth,

"I had not been

"as infants."

We're not going to America, are we?.

I fear I have too much London in me.

What, then?.

-We'll see.
-They're opening the crypt of the church.

To find what's causing the stench.
They're coming for us.

They're coming for me.

I'll tell them you know nothing.

The girls know I take the meat from you.

Send customers your way.

I wish you'd go to Virginia.

You can't run away from yourself. Nor can I.

At night I see their faces.

I pray till I run out of words.

Dread grows inside me like the child we k*lled,

and I am so full of it I cannot breathe.

To fear death...

is to die 1 00 times.

It's not death I'm afraid of!

No. That's not true, I do fear it,
but it's the least part.

Arrest, shame, gaol, trial, the mob.

The waiting.

And that's as nothing to what comes after.

Your conscience is clear.

You've k*lled nobody.

I see myself.

And it is ugly to the core.

Did my heart turn with my face?.

Or is this just the expression
of what always lay within?.

It doesn't matter.

It is me.

I once threatened to k*ll myself.

But they were empty words.

I fear it is a sin too far for me.

Be my friend, Todd.

(Whispering) Be my saviour.



I've been such a fool.

You've given up your vice
and now I must give up mine.

It's this place.

Once we leave here,

who knows what the future will hold.

(Todd sighs)

You're so beautiful.



(Whispering) You're all right.

You're all right.



It's all right.

Tomorrow they hang me.

Did you expect anything less?.

Justice will be satisfied, Mr Todd.

But I will not.

For all the gruesome details of your trial,

I have not heard
a satisfactory reason for your crimes.

They were not all rich men.

They were not all your enemies.

I must know why.

I grew up in here, you know.

Not in this very room.
I was over there with the rest of them.

It's where I learnt my trade.

Apprentice to a fellow called Bradshaw.

He was in for extortion.

Extractions, amputations, you learn it all in here.


Not pity, no.

Never pity.

It is an unpitying world we live in.

And yet I sense that there is pity in you, Mr Todd.

So, again, I must ask you.


Because I could.

And then,

I couldn't not.

May the Lord have mercy on you.

The Lord might,

but the crowd won't.

They are calling in the militia
to try and keep order.

To stop them from ripping you limb from limb
before the gallows gets you.

Good luck to 'em.

Death, to me, is not dreadful.

I've made it my friend.

We'll see.

We'll see if you feel the same
when the rope is choking the breath out of you.

We'll see.

(Exhales deeply)

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey.

People want to see me hanged or torn apart,
but they don't want to see me shaved badly.

Please, allow me to shave myself.

All right.
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