01x42 - Mutt Ado About Owen

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x42 - Mutt Ado About Owen

Post by bunniefuu »



Harold: Guys! Guys!

- Where have you been all morning?

- I was at the dentist's office

'cause they had to pull a tooth.


- You should've had 'em all pulled,

then cashed in big with the tooth fairy.

- Ah, nope.

The tooth fairy doesn't pay up

unless the tooth falls out on its own.

Argh, I still can't believe the judge took her side!

- Izzy, this court hereby adjudicates

that the extraction of your own teeth

relinquishes the tooth fairy

from any subsequent agreement to remunerate you.

- (Muffled) English! Speak English!

- You're not getting any money. (Gavel thuds)

- In your face!

- And anyway, ah!

I was in the waiting room, I read a magazine article

written by a real hypnotist!

- An article written by a what?

- A hypno-tich!

A hip-ah! Urghhh!

Dumb gauze!

- (Whistling)

Ooh! Free marshmallow!

- And now 'cause I read that article,

I can hypnotize people!

- Super cool! - Hmph!

Prove it!

- When is this show gonna start?!

- What show?

- Harold's going to hypnotize Duncan!

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hypnosis is a very, very, dangerous thing.

I gotta see this!


Harold: Ladies and gentlemen!

Please welcome...

Harold the Spectacular!


Oof! Kids: Yay! Yipee! Yeah!

- Ohh... - Okay, enough!

Let's get this failure over with!

- You're getting sleepy...




(All gasp)

- Observe!

Duncan, you're a chicken.

- Bawk-bawk-bawk-bawwwwk!


All: (Gasp)

(Clucking) - Ow!

All: Whoa!

- Make him be a dog!

I've always wanted a dog.

- Ow! Ow! Ow!

Okay! You're a dog!

(Growls, barks)

- Grrr! Grrrr!

- No, no, no, no, no! You're a good dog!

- (Laughs)

You didn't hypnotize me, doofus.

'Cause you're not a hypnotist.

- (Whimpers) All: Awww!

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm just feeling a little bummed.

I don't understand what went wrong.

I did what the article said.

Why wasn't Duncan hypnotized?


- (Playful growling)

- Maybe you need a bigger yo-yo.

- Or maybe I'm just not cut out to be a hypnotist.

That would've been such a cool career, too!

- You should keep trying, maybe you'll figure it out.

- You really think so?

- Sure! Or you could just give up.

Either way.

- You're right, Beth, if I keep trying,

I will be great!

- Kinda putting words in my mouth there,

but whatevs.


(Owen pants) - Hey! What is... stop!


- (Pants)


- (Whistling) Ahh!

Hello, I'm Cody.

(Snarling sounds) - Aaaaaah!

- Attention! Who did this to my Judge Sally doll?!

Her gavel has been chewed out of her hand!

How will she maintain order in her courtroom now?!

- And who buried me in the sand?

Cody: And who dug this hole I'm in?

(All grumbling and arguing)

- Hmm?

- (Panting)

(Thuds, crashes) - (Gasps)

Harold! I think you did hypnotize someone!

- What? Who?

- Owen! - (Yelps)

- Here, boy!

- (Panting)

(All gasp) - Sit!

Shake a paw.

Play dead.


- Arf! Arf! Arf! Grrrr! - Good boy!

- I did it! I hypnotized someone!

Leshawna: Here, boy. Jude: He's a cutie.

- (Barking) Kids: Yeah!

- Well Duncan, what do you say now?

- Hope you can un-hypnotize him,

or you're gonna be in a lot of trouble.

- (Gasps) W-what kind of trouble?

You mean, like, jail?

Aah! Aah! Aah!

(Teeth chattering)

Bear: (Roars) - Aaaaaah!


- Um, why would your cellmate be a bear?

- I don't know! But I can't go there!

I can't! (Sobbing)

- I've always wanted a dog,

but my mom says my little brother poops in the yard,

and that's good enough.

- I-I gotta switch him back!

Here, Owen! Here, boy! Here, Owen!

Here, boy! Where'd he go?


- (Barking)

- How'd he get out?

- The gate was unlocked, so I let him go.

It's wrong to keep a wild animal locked up.

- Jude! Dogs are domestic animals!

And that dog was Owen!

- Ohhh... I thought he looked familiar.

- Arghhh!

Owen! Come back!

- (Panting)

(Growls, loud barking)

(Screeching meow)

- (Whimpers)

(Cats meow angrily)

- Phew!

(Dog whines) - (Sniffs)

Arf! Arf! Arf!

(Sniffs, yelps)

(Tires screech door slams)

(Dogs bark, engine rumbles)

- Owen? - Owen!

- Here, boy! (Dogs barking)

- Oh no! The dog catcher caught Owen.

- Oh no! What do we do?!

- We gotta go to the pound. Come on!



- Who's this new dog? - I don't know.

But I heard they brought him in 'cause he bit a mailman.

- Whoa, that's hardcore.

- (Sniffing)

(Kibble rattles)

(Kibble rattles)

(Loud, huge burp)


- So you see he's actually our friend,

and not a dog at all.

- Uh huh, right. "Hypnosis".

That old chestnut.

Yeah, sorry, kids. Heard it all before.

Nice try.

Okay. Buh-bye now, vamoose.

Scooch, scooch, scooch!

- Oh well, we tried.

Guess all we can do now

is hope Owen gets adopted by a nice family.

- (Gasps) Wait!

What if we were that nice family?

- Yes! We'll need disguises.

Harold: Ahem. How do?

We're an older married couple

that aren't the kids who were in here a few minutes ago.

- Yes. And we need a dog to save our marriage.

- What? Why are you telling her that?

It's too personal!

- You gotta pull at the heartstrings.

- How about this fuzzy little fella?

- Do you have any with blonde fur?

- Yep. Here you go.

- No, he's much bigger... um, um, ahem.

Should be bigger.

- Et voila.

- Do you have any with clothes on?

- Dog in a shirt. Boom.

- No. The shirt should have a...

maple leaf on the front.

- You like what you see here? Huh? Huh?

- Wow. Just... wow.

- But we want a dog that looks...

more confused! - Aha!

Now I got just what you're looking for.

- (Calls out) - That's a dolphin.

- Ah, whatever you say, mister.


- Ruff! Ruff! - Owen... ing

a dog is a big responsibility!

- We'll take him! - Mazel tov!


(Stick whooshing) (Panting)

(Slobber dripping)

- Grrr. - (Laughs nervously)


- Ahh... that was so much fun!

I've never had the chance to walk a dog before!

- Yeah well, you got the easy job.

- You ready, Beth? - Okay... (sighs)

make him Owen again.

- It is time!

- Ohh. Ah! My knees are getting sore.

- How are you you again?!

I didn't even un-hypnotize you yet!

- Oh! You can hypnotize people?

- Wait. Were you in the room

when Owen was trying to hypnotize Duncan

into being a dog this morning?

- No, I guess I missed that.

- What?! Then why were you acting like a dog all day?!

- I just wanted to.

It was super fun.

Maybe tomorrow I'll be a cow.

- So I guess I can't actually hypnotize people.



- (Clucking) - (Gasps) It worked!

I've gotta tell Harold!

Harold! You are a hypnotist!

You turned Chef into a chicken!

- Really? I did?

- Yeah! And it even... Chef: Awk! Bawk! Bawk!



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