01x32 - Wristy Business

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x32 - Wristy Business

Post by bunniefuu »



- So, how was your weekend?

- Oh mine? I ate a piece of pie!

(Chomping sounds)

And almost stepped on a worm!

That my dad had smushed already! Annnd...

I picked my nose.

And then my mom said... what is that?!

- And what was up your nose?

- No. What is that?!

(Happy gasps)

- Are you a boxer? - Or a wrestler?

- Or a weight lifter?

- Or, a bandage model?

Slightly less impressive.

- Uh, not that I know of.

My arm's wrapped like this cause I twisted it

brushing my teeth.

- Whoaaaah! Bum arm? Bummer!

- We'll take care of you, Beth!

I peeled you a clementine!

- Careful! She's really hurt bad!

- Really? It's terminal?

- Nope. - Darn.

- Beth! Beth! I crafted you something

as soon as I heard!

- That was just like seconds ago.

- I know! Sorry it took so long.

I bedazzled your indoor shoes with sequins!

And also your cubby. Your backpack.

And your lunch.

Hopefully it'll make you feel better!

Studies show out of

arm injury heal faster with sequins.

- I've always wanted all my stuff to sparkle!

- Beth! Look at that poor arm!

I'm gonna put your favorite blankie in the microwave

for some of that extra warm cuddliness!

- Everyone is being so nice to me 'cause my wrist is hurt.

Okay, it was hurt. It's fine now.

I didn't take the bandage off

'cause it's good for wiping my runny nose.


I should tell everyone.

But look at all this stuff!

It can wait a day, right, Mr. Trunkenstein?


Right. Tomorrow. I'll tell them tomorrow!

Ah, breezy!

- I warmed this milk just for you.

- Thanks Owen! (Gulps)

- It's what I do.

- He's smiling, so you do too.

- Aw. Thanks, guys!

- I think we need to amputate.

- (Spits) No way!

- Darn.

- Cupcakes! Who wants get better cupcakes?!

- Gimmie! Gimmie! Gimmieeeeee!

- Ahhhhhhhh!

- (Gulp) Tomorrow.

I'll definitely tell them tomorrow.

(Light thud)

Ohhhh. This bandage is so ittccchhhhyyyyy!

(Relieved exhale)

let's see how my sprain is doing...

(Effort grunts)

(Effort grunts)


All good.

Ooh, better get this back on...

I got cupcakes waiting for me...



Owwwwwww! My wrist!


How long have you been there?

- Long enough.

- One-armed push-ups?

What was I thinking?

I had no idea Leshawna was watching me!

- I'm still here.

Faking an injury?

Not cool.

- You don't understand! Everyone was so nice!

I got that emoji sticker! And cupcakes!

Cupcakes can make a girl do crazy things!

(Knocking) Jude: Hey Beth,

you're taking a long time in there.

Didja fall on your wrist?

Need help flushing?

- Did you hear that?

No one's ever offered to flush for me before!

I can't give that up! I just can't!

Uh, everything's okay, Jude!

- Okay, if you need anything I'll be out here

cleaning out your cubby,

craft station, your lunch box...

- He's cleaning out your cubby? - Yup.

Guess this means you're gonna tell everyone

I was faking, huh?

- Nope. You can keep the bandage.

- Heeeeeerrrre is Beth!

Now who's the lucky kid that gets to put my lunch

in my cuuuu-byyyyy?


- Beth, didja hear? I broke my leg last night.

Saving my family from a pack of wild dogs.

- 'Scuse me, Beth.

Luckily, I get my sequins in bulk.

- One fresh lemon squeeze coming up!

- Ahhhh!

It burns!

- Here's your warm and cozy blankie!

- (Sighs)

- Now this we definitely have to amputate.

- What does amputate mean, anyway?!

(Saw whirs) (All scream)

- I'll get the hand sanitizer and tissues.

- For the last time, Gwen, no surgery!

- (Sighs)

I never get to do anything fun in this place.

- Leshawna, I warmed chocolate milk for you!

- (Gasps)

You get chocolate milk?!

what do you think you're doing?

- Careful. My leg's broken in three places!

That's way worse than you.

- No one out fake-injuries me!

- I want my moommmmmm!

My arrmmm! - Leg.

- My leg hurts! Wahhhh!

- I'll bake cupcakes, Leshawna! - I got more stickers!

- Grrr.

- (Claps) Footstool!

And where is my chocolate milk?

- It's coming!

Oh my gosh!!

Beth! What happened?! - Whoa!

Oof! Get back here! - Beth!

- No biggie, guys.

It just happened when I was saving a random family

from three packs of wild prairie dogs.

Just some multiple fractures and contusions.

And maybe a slight touch of rabies.

- Aw poor, Beth! Don't worry,

we're here to help!

- (Gasps) (Spray hisses)

- There you go. Dog cone fresh.

- Thanks!

It's there to make sure I don't gnaw on my casts.

- I know, it's hard to resist the taste of plaster.

- This is not over!

(Leshawna cries)

- (Slurps)

- Grrr.

(Leshawna cries)


(Leshawna cries)

Beth: (Pained grunt)


(Spits, growls) - Grrrr.

Leshawna: I was here first! Beth: Move it or lose it!

Stop denting my wheelchair! - Quit pushing!

- I called dibs! - This thing is a rental!

- Whoa! You guys are more accident prone

than a one-legged tight rope walker.

- Oh! What a horrible thing to happen.

And on fair day?!

Both: Did you say... Fair day?

(Train whistles)

Chef: Time to go outside and have the most fun ever!

It's fair day!

All: Yay!

- More like no fair day!

- Oh, too bad you guys can't come.

But we'll bring back some cotton candy!

If I don't eat it all. Which I almost certainly will.

All: Yay!

- Front row seats!

It's not the same as being at fair day,

but watching is almost as good as the real thing.

Both: It is? - No, not really.


Is that a snowcone machine?

(Giddy giggling)

(Playful laughter)

- Woo-hoo! (Giggling) (Train whistles)

(Playful laughter) - Woo-hoo!

I love not being injured!

Both: This is your fault!

- Ahhhh! - Ahhhh!

- (Growls) - Grrr.

- Fake injuries were my idea!

- Yeah, well, I faked better than you!

You want injuries, I'll show you injuries!

- They were faking?!

- I sequined their cubbies!

- I warmed their milk!

- I love not being injured!


- (Growls) - Grrr.

(Engine roars)

(Engine roars, tires squeal)

- Aaargggghhhhh!

(Loud crash!)

Ahhhhh! (Landing thud) All: Oh!

(Playful laughter)

- You know what's worse than the pain?

(Shudders) the itchiness...

and the humility.

(Playful laughter)

- Courtney! Lil' help?

- As if you big faker! Fakey fakey fake faker!

- It's ice cream day everyone!

All: Yay!

- Someone get us a cone!

- Or just a lick of yours? Courtney: Faker.

- I don't like fakers...

but ooh I can't say no to anyone on ice cream day.

- Well, faking those injuries was fun while it lasted.


- (Laughs)

(Splat) Both: Awwww.

- Don't worry,

Dr. Gwen will make it all better. (Saw whirs)

- Ahhhh! - Chef!
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