01x28 - Snow Way Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x28 - Snow Way Out

Post by bunniefuu »



Jude: Come on, new class pet.

Let me show you and the ball around.

Richard Swimmons, this is Lenny.

There were about more before him

but they all died,

and the cats ate their little fish bodies.

(Lenny gulps in fear)

And this is where you go in an emergency.

The toilet.

After you do your business,

you have to remember to flush.

(Water flushes, excited chitters)

And this is where we get all our sweet munchables.

Excellent! Beth: Hey, Jude!

Quit hogging Lenny!

I wanna show him the playground!

And that concludes the tour of our yard.

I'm so glad you came to stay with us

on such a sunny day.


- Snow? It's not even winter.

- Anyone wanna build a snowman?

- Snow-person, Cody.

And no. We should go inside.

None of us are dressed for this weather.

Owen: I am! - (Gasps)

♪ Aw... One winter boot

♪ Two winter boot

♪ Check out my brand new snowsuit ♪

♪ Let the temperature drop

♪ I'm all zipped up

♪ In my new snowsuit

♪ The fun won't stop

♪ Snow angels

♪ Ride a tobog-gan

♪ Do a triple Salchow right into a snowman ♪

- Person. - ♪ It's below

♪ But I don't give a hoot

♪ 'Cause I'm warmer than toast in my new snowsuit ♪


(Kids shiver)

- What in the sweet cherry crumble?

Where'd this snow come from?!

Looks like this global cooling issue is a real thing!

(Icicle cracks)

Ahhhhhh! (Shattering smash)

Everyone inside! Now!

(Crunching footsteps, Hamster ball rattles)

(Door thuds shut, icicles crash)


(Light clink, snow crashes)

- Um... Owen, pal, you're inside.

You, you can take your snowsuit off now.

- Don't wanna. It's my first brand new suit. Ever!

All my other snowsuits were hand-me-downs

from my cousin in Edmonton,

but her family moved to Florida.

Now I get hand-me-down bathing suits instead.

- Riiiiight.

- Anywaaay,

since I didn't get a hand-me down snowsuit this year,

I got to choose my own one at the store!

(Giggles gleefully)

Check it out.

Fully insulated with yak fur,

reflective slush proof butt flaps,

and auto-inflate mode...

in case I fall down!

Harold: Wow! Beth: Pretty cool!

- Okay, kids,

you know what the first snowfall of the year means!

- Harold gets his tongue stuck to the frozen fence pole?

- I knew I forgot to do something!

- Yes, but also...

it's time to decorate for the holidays!

- But it's October th.

- You kids make some paintings and stuff

that we can hang up around here.

I'll start on my office. (Giddy) Eeee-eee-eee!

- Wow! He's almost as excited about decorating

as I am about Snowy McSnowsuit here!

- Aren't you getting a little warm in that?

- Hah! I'm gonna wear it all day long!


- Done! I made a candy cane!

Whoa-oa! (Ffft) Wow!

This auto-inflate feature really works!

Oh no! (Fan whirs)

No, no, no!

Come on, come on, come on.

(Air gushes)

(Hard thump) Oh! (Crash) Sorry!

(Paint splashes) Totally an accident!

All: Aw, gross! Great!

(Whooshing and bouncing wildly)


Ahhhhhhh! (Blocks crash)

- Not Santa's village! - I'm soorrryyy!

(Hard thump, water splashes)

Both: (Muffled) Ahhhhhhh!

(Hard crash, Owen groans in pain)


- Owen! Your snowsuit is the worst!

- (Laughs sheepishly) But it's awesome!

- (Excited) My office is all decorated!

How'd you kids do in here? (Gasps)

What happened in here?!

Owen! Why is your snowsuit still on?

- Because it's awesome!

- Well, it'll still be awesome in your cubby.

Take it off and hang it up.

(Zipper clinks)

- Huh. Can't. Get. Zipper. Down.

Chef: Hold on, Owen. Let me help you.

Like thiii-- Hmm.

Like thisssssss!

Ooh. (Big inhale)


(Yelps and screams in pain)

- Is it broken? - Yes. Yes, it is.

Owen, uh... that zipper's stuck.

- (Sighs) That's okay, Chef!

I never wanted to take it off anyways! (Giggles)

(Beep, suit whooshes, kids crash)

- Owen, that snowsuit is the worst!

- But it's awesome! Kids: O-wen!

- Oh, is it grumpy o'clock already?

Then I guess it's naptime. Go on!

Woo-hoo! Wait for me!

(Shivery chirps, rips fur, fire crackles)

Owen: (Snoring)

- (Shivering)

Wh-wh-why is it so c-c-cold?

- Urrrgghhhhh! (Ice explodes)

This is why it's so cold!

- Who w-w-would open a window

when it's s-snowing outside?

- (Groans and sighs)

Am I ever refreshed!

Hey! Why so blue?

- Did you open the window?!

- No...

okay, fine. It was me.

But it's not that cold. (Sliding)

- (Snoring)

- This stops now.


All: (Relieved sighs)

- (Uncomfortable groan)

(Grunts) Please open the window!

I'm begging you!

Harold: But we're freezing.

- I have a solution that works for everyone!

(Door clicks open, heavy thump)

- Fine! I'll go. I'll go.

I'm off to live in the cold,

like the majestic snow donkey

or the misunderstood ice lizard.

- Not real animals. (Door slams shut)

(Sad sigh)

(Squeaking, snow thumps)


(Hard thump, Owen groans in pain)

(Snow thumps)


(Snowball thumps)


(Slurping drinks, wiping squeaks)

They look so happy and cozy.

Guess I better go make a shelter.

Harold: (Gasping for breath) Lenny's missing!

He's not in his cage! I can't find him anywhere!

- (Gasps) Our hamster is gone?!


Oh no...

- Pull it together, Bridgette. You're a big girl!

Who was the last person to see Lenny the hamster?

- (Gasps) I took him outside in his ball this morning

and I forgot to bring him in!

(Shivery chirp)

(Shivery chirp, fire crackles, panicked squeak)

- Someone has to go out there and bring him in.

- I took him out, I'll save him.

- No. Let a ninja handle this.

- I said I'm going! - Not if I go first!

Both: Ahhhhhhhhh! Noah: Ahhh!

(Wham, snow thumps)

(Shivering, Blow dryer hums)

- We still need someone to rescue Lenny.

But who? All: (Gasp) Owen!

- You can't go out on an eight in Crazy Eights.

I told you that.

- (Angry chatter) Harold: Owen!

- Shhh! Do you hear something?

Harold: Oweeeeeeen!

- (Gasps) My friends need me!

Wait here.

And no peeking at my cards while I'm gone.

- Hmm...

(Ball rolls, Lenny chitters) - Owen,

we're sorry we were mean to you,

but Lenny is stuck outside and in trouble.

- We need your help!

(Slushy rolling sound)

- This looks like a job for - da da-da-da! -

Super Snowen!



(Light thunk)


Ahhhhh! Ungh!

(Groans, loud thud)


(Ball crunches and groans, wind blows)


(Rumbling) Ahhhh!

Harold: Oh no! It's coming right for us.

- That giant snowball will crush us like a pancake!

All: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

- No!

I will not let the giant k*ller snowball

hurt my friends.

Noah: Owen, pal, it's a good snowsuit,

but it's no match for that.

Owen: Maybe not,

but my snowsuit is the only chance we've got!

(Beep, snowsuit whooshes) Come on, snowsuit!

(Air gushes, Owen whooshes)


This is awesome!

(Loud expl*si*n)

- Oh buddy...

All: (Cheering) Hurray! Woo-hoo! Way to go!

Owen: Aw, poor Lenny is freezing.

(Shivery chirps)

(Owen giggles, Lenny chirps)

That'll warm him up. (Giggles)

- Wow, your snowsuit actually saved us all!

- (Giggles)

His little claws are...

(Farts) Oops! (Laughs)

- Um, I think, I think Lenny is trying to find a way out.

- (Laughing)

(Butt flap rips open, gasps for air)

(Angry chitters)

- Well, that's enough drama for one day.

- Who made this polar reindeer beer stuffed animal?

It's fantastic!

(Polar bear roars) Chef: Ahhh! Get it off me!

Get it off me! Heeeeellllp!
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