01x27 - All Up in Your Drill

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x27 - All Up in Your Drill

Post by bunniefuu »



All: (Giggling)

Chef: (Blows whistle)

All right, kids! Fun time's over!

everyone back inside for a fire safety presentation!

All: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!

- Yay, fire safety!


- I'm not getting any younger here!

(Loud bang) - Ahhh!

Pttt! (Groans)

Since when does fire safety need a whole presentation?

The fire alarm goes off. It's really annoying.

You smash it until it stops.

There's your presentation.

Courtney: (Happy squeal)

Fire safetyyyyyy!

I even read the French version!

Either there are different rules for French people,

or my French isn't what it used to be.

- Kids, for this special occasion I wore my fire tie

because our guest today is Fire Chief Blaze.

- Good morning, class!

(Siren wails) Stop, drop and roll!

Chef: (Pained grunt) Kids: (Shocked gasps)

- Oh. False alarm.

Hey, kids. Fire Chief Blaze here.

Wherever I go, safety follows!

Ah, yeah, you're okay, big guy!

- (Groans) Thanks, Fire Chief Blaze.

- Just a few things off the top.

Yes, I get to use a fire pole instead of stairs.

And yes, that is my shiny red fire truck out front.

All: Oooooh!

- Okay, that's enough truck for now.

(Disappointed groans)

- Now, if you listen up and learn your fire safety rules,

you could be just like me one day.

All: (Excited murmurs) I wanna be a Fire Chief!

- Wow...

(Flames roar)

(Smashing sounds)

- (Chuckles)

Things are heatin' up out here.

My robot's gonna cool you down.

(Water whooshes)

Sorry fire, you're out.

I could be so cool.

- And that concludes our fire safety lesson and safety test.

- Test?! How long was I out?

- One last bonus question.

If you see a fire, you should...

- Oh! Save your stuffed animals!

- Use kung-fu?!

- Oh! Roast marshmallows on it?!

Courtney: Wrong! (Buzzer buzzes)

You stay low and go! - Correct!

You get out and stay out.

Bonus point for Courtney.

- (Angry groan)

- Now, the kid who got the most correct answers will become...

the official class firefighter. (Siren wails)


You all saw my hero daydream sequence!

I'm the obvious choice to be class firefighter!

- Your new class firefighter,

and clearly the only kid who listened is:

Duncan... - Wooo!

- ...could you move over a little?

Courtney! Courtney is in charge of fire safety.

(Siren wails)

You've all gotta listen to her because the you've got to...

respect the hat.

All: Respect the hat!


- Everyone's happy. - (Angry groan)

- Good luck, Courtney! Bye bye.

- Have you ever noticed how many reds there are?

- Cherry red. Lipstick red. Fire red.

(Siren wails) - (Landing thud) Ugh!

- You're fine now. - Thanks, Courtney.

But I'm not sure I was ever in any danger.

- Ah-ah. Respect the hat.

- Did someone lose a "fire-red" crayon?

(Lunging effort) - Ahhh!

- I know it isn't like me to get so physical,

but now that I'm the class firefighter

where I go safety follows!

- Here's your new home dollies!

(Siren wails) No fire exit!

Gonna have to fix that!

- But there's no wall!

The whole place is a fire exit!

- This place is structurally unstable.

It's being condemned.

- But... where will my dolls live?!

- Respect the hat. (Siren wails)

- (Reading) "They opened the castle door

and there was a dragon breathing fire!"

- Ah! (Water sloshes) Respect the hat.

- Ooh, hot coffee. (Water sloshes)

- Respect the hat.

- (Pained grunts) (Water sloshes)

(Siren wails)

Chef: (Hushed) All right, kids, have a nice nap.

(Snoring) - Fire!

the building's on fire!

(Panicked screaming) Beth: Somebody save my dolls!

(Panicked screaming) - Grab the stuffed animals!

- What's going on in here?

- The building's on fire!

- Fire! Quick everyone panic!

Stop drop and roll!

(Panicked screaming)

- That was a fire drill.

If that was a real fire you'd all be burn toast!

- I want that hat.

Almost as much as I don't want Courtney to have it.

I thought turning people against her might be hard.

- (Panicked) Lemme out!

Ahh! (Ball thuds, pained grunts)

- (Devious chuckle)

Silly me.

We don't want Courtney to be class firefighter anymore,

right!? - Nuh uh.

- Not me. - Nope.

- She has the hat. You gotta respect that hat.

You gotta! - Oh Yeah.

- Absolutely. - You gotta respect the hat.

- (Sigh) Okay.

But what if she didn't have the hat anymore?


We could do whatever we want.

- Just do like I told you. I got the rest.

- Firefighter Courtney?!

- What do you want?

I'm still trying to get the tree house up to fire code!

- I think I see smoke way at the other end of the yard.

- What? A fire? I don't see anything.

- Really? I-I just think you need to try harder.

It was right out there-ish.

- Huh, I better go check to be sure.


Harold: We sure outsmarted her!

(Hard crunching)

- Dude, that fruit's plastic.

- Ugh. I knew that..

Duncan: Everyone, feast your eyes

on your new class firefighter!

All: Wow.

- But Fire Chief Blaze made Courtney the class firefighter.

you can't be firefighter just 'cause you're wearing a hat.

(Water whooshes)

Duncan: Uh, respect the hat.

Things are gonna change around here.

- Can I use red crayons?

- Can I eat cinnamon hearts 'til I puke?!

- Can I play with the doll house?

- This house should be condemned. But sure!

All: Yeah! Woo!

- See? Being a cool firefighter isn't about "safety".

Being in charge is about letting people do dumb stuff

then spraying them with a hose.

(Water whooshes) - Ahhhh!

Harold: So, you mean I can shove a bunch of plugs

into this faulty power bar?

- Terrible idea, but yep.

- Can I make these toys into cake

and bake them in the tiny-tots oven?

- Why not?

(Sizzling) - Mmm,

burning plastic smell.

They're cooking already!

(Electricity fizzles)

- That's it, Mr. Robot! You can do it!

- I didn't find any fire, but hosed down the whole yard!

- (Gasp) Stop, drop and roll!

- Ow! What was that for!

- That's a fire hazard! Like, for real.

Respect the hat.

- But that's the wrong hat!

- (Gasps) My hat!

Why is there fruit on my head?!

What happened to my hat?!

- What seems to be the problem here?

- (Gasps) Duncan?! You stole my hat?!

- No! I earned the hat.

By stealing it.

- But... but you don't know anything about fire safety.

(Water whooshes)

- I know you need to respect the hat.

- Not respectful at all.


(Alarm sounds)

- Aaahhh, what's that noise?!

- It's the fire alarm! The real one!

Something's on fire!

- What do we do!? What do we do!?

(Panicked screaming) - Duncan, what do we do?

We're all going to catch fire!

- Yeah, Duncan, what do we do?

- Me?! Ask Chef. He's the adult.

(Panicked screaming)

- What do we do? What do we do?!

- What do we do?!

- What do you do? Think, Duncan, think!

Okay, so I had like,

a fire hydrant robot and there was a monster.

What do I do again?

- Why are you asking me?

I'm as perplexed by all this as you are.

- Listen up, people!

It won't be a big deal if we all just hold our breath

for the rest of our lives!

one-two-three go!

(Big inhales)

- (Exhales)

All: (Exhale)

- (Sighs) Okay, fine! I don't know what to do!

- Forget about the hat, just listen carefully.

First, you all need to stop panicking.

It's not a fire.

It's just Izzy's cake smoking.

- Hey, it wasn't done!

I like my cake extra crispy.

- But just to be safe,

we should all exit the daycare single file

and in an orderly fashion.

- Good idea. - Yes!

- I can help! - Okay.

- Now-now-now, move it, move it!

(All screaming)

- Okay, so I guess a firefighter should know

what to do in case of a fire.


- Yay, for not dying today!

- Thank you, Duncan.

But when we practice fire safely, everyone wins.

- Maybe now that she's had a taste of real danger

she'll lighten up.

- All right. All clear inside-- (Bullhorn sounds)

- Okay, reverse fire drill!

Everyone back inside! Now-now-now!

(All screaming)

- You're not gonna chill out at all, are you?

- Nope. Respect that hat!
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