01x23 - Know It All

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x23 - Know It All

Post by bunniefuu »




- Morning, Chef! - Good morning, Courtney!

You know what my favourite thing is about coming here?

The structure.

I know it's kind of a weird thing for a kid to love

but what can I say? Rules are kind of my jam.

Backpack placed at a perfect angle

to prevent milk spillage - check!

Take off my outdoor shoes - check!

Get my indoor shoes from my cubb--gahhhhh!

(Angry chittering) - Ahhhh!

(Gasps) - (Rats squeak)

(Sighs) Guys!

Can you please remember to not leave food in your cubbies!

It's supposed to go in the compost bin in the kitchen.

- Compost?

I thought that was a snack bucket.

- (Sigh) These were my favorite indoor shoes.


(Page flaps)


The last chapter of my book is gone!

Now I'll never know how it ends!

- Sorry, Courtney.

We were making paper mache and we ran out of paper.

- Yeah, but we also made some most excellent gold fish.

Check it out.

- Guys! You destroyed a classic piece of literature.

Ever feel like you're the only one following the rules?

And everyone else is just running around breaking them?

(Loud pop)

Izzy! My hair!


Hey! (Gasp)

Noah, you know flying paper airplanes isn't allowed.

- Awww.


Hey! My clothes!

Why are you doing that?

- I'm making homemade tomato sauce.

The messy way.

- Chef! Duncan got me all dirty squishing tomatoes.

- Duncan! Stop wasting vegetables.

- Tomatoes aren't actually a vegetable,

they're a fruit.

- Whaaaaaaat?

That can't be true. That can't be true!

Alexia! Are tomatoes a fruit?

Alexia (speaker voice): Tomatoes are a fruit.

Everybody knows that.

- Noooooooo!

- I don't really care if people break the rules,

but when their rule breaking messes up my world,

I start to get cheezed!


- What's that? - It's a list of rules.

That's a lot of rules, brah.

- Rules are important, Jude.

Rules keep things neat and tidy.

Rules are what keep little kids from getting run over

and having their indoor shoes eaten by rats!

Where is Chef?! This should be his job!

British woman: (Buzz) Incorrect.

Tomahto is a fruit.

- (Growls) you ain't even saying it right.

Tomahto. Pfft!

- Is a cucumber a vegetable? Press .

Fruit? Press . Animal? Press .

- Vegetable. One.

British woman: (Buzz) Incorrect.

Cucumber is a fruit.

- Has my whole life been a lie?!

(Glass shatters)

Duncan: You know what your problem is, Courtney?

- I have a problem?

- Yes. You're always telling us what to do

and what the rules are.

You are a bossy pants.

- (Gasp) No I'm not!

- C'mon you couldn't go a single day

without correcting someone. - Could so!

- Okay then, how about a little bet?

If you can go the rest of the day

without telling anyone what to do,

we'll let you be the boss of us

for the rest of the week.

- Wait! What if she makes us stop eating glue?

- Owen, you shouldn't be eating glue.

- But I looove glue.

I'll have the glue, s'il vous plait.

(French accent) - But of course.


- Or what if she makes me stop saying dude, dude?

I couldn't do that.

Dude! See.

- Relax! If-slash-when Courtney fails,

she cleans all our cubbies.


(Evil chuckle)

- (Scared whimper)

- What's the matter... chicken?

- Never! You are so going down!

(Pleased giggle)

- I don't know about this, brah.

- Guys, don't sweat it.

It's Courtney. We're gonna be fine.

- But Courtney's smart.

- And she hates losing.

- And that's why we need to break her down slowly.

Start with a few small oopsies,

then hit her with a couple of wuh ohs,

and cap it off with a "ahh!

What are you doing?! Stop it! Stop it!"


It's a piece of cake.

Who's with me?

- Yeah, dude. - Woo-hooo!

Green cabbage, here we come!

- (Happy humming)

- Follow my lead.

- Oooh. What have we here?

- Chef's busy in his office

so he asked me to make the pizza.

- Great! We'll help!

You know what this really needs?


- Uh, sure!

Some people like those.

- Good call. You know what goes well with those?

Candy corn and gummy bears.

- Yum!

- Maple syrup. Niiiiice.


- And it wouldn't be pizza without mayonnaise!

Which, I think has been left out all night,

but it's probably fine.


- Bleh.

(Gags) I have something to do.

- Ha ha! This is gonna be easier than I thought.

- Blech! (Vomits)

Yuck! Wow. They really want to crack me.

They're gonna have to do more than sardines and expired mayo.

- Is this easel taken?

- Nope! All yours.

- Wow! This is awesome!

It's like lines don't even matter.

Painting outside the lines is surprisingly satisfying.

I just wish I had a bigger brush.

- (Whimpering)

- Try this, buddy.


- Ohhhh... this is waaaaay faster.

I... you...


- This isn't bothering you, is it, Courtney?

- No.

- Then how about this?

(Paint splats)

(Whimpers, big breaths)

- Oh, it's in the bag.

Just a matter of time.

(Big breaths, toilet flushes)

- (Grunts) Ooo. Let me tell you

lactose intolerance is for realzies,

and that toilet deserves a holiday.

- Hey! Um.

Don't you wanna do something else before you leave?

Maybe with soap and... water?

- Not that I can't think of.

Is there something specific you want to tell me to do?

- (Whines)

(Germs chatter)




(Door creaks)


(Vomits, coughs)

Oh, I think I'm starting to lose it.

(Reflection) Get a grip! - Ah!

(Landing thud)

- We both know what they're trying to do!

We can't let them wear us down, so keep it together!

- How can I when I am talking to a mirror?!

Courtney! (Slap)

Stay! (Slap)

Strong! (Slap)

- Courtney's super close to breaking.

- Sounds like she's ready for the big finale.

Nice work, Beth. Up top!

How'd you get her so wound up?

- Did a doody. Didn't wash my hands.

- Ohhhh...kaaaay.

- Ew...duddee.

Don: Cucumber seeds are on the inside.

Scientifically speaking, that makes it a fruit.

(Horrified gasp)

I feel like my entire world view is messed up.

Up is down, left is right,

good is evil! Who am I?

Harold: I still think this is a bad idea.

Setting off fireworks inside is really dangerous.

- Exactly! This idea is so crazy bad

there's no way Courtney won't stop us!

- (Whimpers)

Are those fireworks?

Inside the building?! - Yep.

And we can't think of a single reason

why we shouldn't push this thingie down

and light 'em up. Inside.

- They're trying to break me. But I won't break.

It's just a bluff.

No one would be that irresponsible.


You know what?

I can't think of single reason

you shouldn't push it down either.

(Sinister music)

- Maybe you should do it, then.

- I would love to. - I'm waiting.

Oh, I will do it.

- Sure. Of course you will.

- I can't wait to do it. - Then do it already.

- I'm gonna. - Fine!

- Good! - Great!

- Done! (Fireworks whoosh)

(Horror scream)

- What did you do?! - I thought you'd stop me!

- I never stop people from doing dumb things.

- Don't blame me!

- You dared me not to!

You know I always rise to a challenge!

- It's gonna blow!!

Duncan: Runnnnn!

- Cucumbers are a fruit!

(Screams of panic and horror)

It's nothing to be scared of.

I made peace with it - you can too.

(Big expl*si*n)

(Satellite alarm sounds)

(Fireworks whistle and pop)

It's beautiful.


- I guess the world isn't ready

for the truth about fruits and vegetables.

- Wow. I can't believe you did that.

- I know. I went all day

without telling anyone how to do anything!

I win! Ha! I win!

Officer, they're supposed to be tighter.

(Duncan laughs) Courtney: Aw crud...
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