01x22 - Snots Landing

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x22 - Snots Landing

Post by bunniefuu »




(Effort grunts, wheels squeak)

- Did you pull this all the way from home?!

- Yes! Today's my show and tell day!

- Everyone knows that Courtney is the best shower and teller.

Last month she brought in a talking goat.

- Little known fact:

goats scream when they're scared.

- Arghhh!

- (High-pitched scream)

(Glass shatters) - Terry! Come back!

- That was a good one, Courtney!

- Okay. Maybe it's more of a screaming goat

than a talking one.

I can't wait to see what she makes scream today!

- What is it? What is it? What is it?

- Oh, I can't show you yet,

it'll spoil the surprise!

- Please. Please please please please please.

- Well... okay!

This is m y ultimate dream doll house!

Both: Oooooooh.

- I designed every piece of it myself,

and my dad helped me build it.

It took a year to make.

It has everything I want my house to have when I grow up,

even a crafting room!

- So you can spill glitter on the floor

and no one will get mad?

- Exactly!

There's an extra wide chimney for Santa and a cozy...

(Gasps) Wait! Where's my couch?!

No. No. No no no...

it can't be gone!

H-have you seen it?! - Uh-uh.

- Have you?

- Nope. Absolutely not.

- I need that couch or I can't do my show and tell!

It has to be perfect!

- I may have stuck it up my nose

when she wasn't looking.

And by may have I mean I totally did.

- I know it was there when I left the house.

It has to be here, things don't just disappear!

- And sometimes.... they do!


Can't see me, can you? 'Cause I'm invisible.

All: Um...

- Don't worry, Courtney, we'll help you find it!

- Yeah!

(Chewing sounds)

- Not in the chip bag.

- Not in the sandbox!

- No couches in the toilet!

- It's not up here!

I did make a new friend though!

I'm gonna call him Linty.

Fly, Linty! Fly!

(Hard thud)

- Izzy, you know that that, that birds is a...


- So no one found my couch?

- No. Uh-huh. - Sorry.

- (Crying)

- Uh... Hello? Anybody?

- Phew! What's up, bra.

Welcome to the inside of Beth's nose!

- They call me Fire Engine Red.

Good to meet you.

- How did you all get in here?

- We are the chosen ones, Dude!

Bask in the glory.

- She likes shoving things up her nose.

That's how I got here.

- Wow. So you just sit around all day

making stuff out of Giggle-Doh?

- Uh. Yeah...

this isn't "Giggle-Doh".

- (Crying)

- Don't cry, Courtney, it's still a cool house.

- I can't show my house if it's not complete!

A home's not a home without a couch.

And I was so excited for show and tell.


- (Sighs) Poor Courtney.

I wonder where her couch went.

- Well, I know what you're thinking,

but it's not up my nose.

Why did I even say that? (Sad laugh)

'Cause it is.

- Her couch is up your nose?

How did it end up there?

- I can't help it,

I just really like putting things up my nose!

- Beth, you're gonna have to stop

putting things up your nose.

You're running out of room up there.

- I can't stop!

- Can't you just, you know, pick it out?

- I've been trying to pick it out all morning.

But I can't find it!

- Groovy house, man.

- It's where I used to live.

Just looking at it makes me feel warm inside and--

(All gasp)


- Nose picking. Agh. It's a thing people do.

Best not to think about it.

- Have you tried blowing your nose?

- That's not a real thing.

- Try it. Keep your mouth hole closed,

and blow out of your nose holes.


(Grunts, farts) - Ew!

- Oops. Heh. Wrong hole.

- Maybe if I rearrange the furniture

no one will notice.



It's not working. No matter how I style it,

Mom and little Kate have nowhere to sit!

Maybe I dropped it outside.


- At least she stopped crying...

that's good, right?

Courtney: (Angry, frustrated scream)


- Wow. She really loves show and tell.

(Hard thuds)

(Frustrated screams)


(Glass shatters, car honks)

- (Alarm sounds) Those damn teenagers

are leaning on my car again, I'm coming Betty!


(Sing-song) - Dead dead deady-dead...

'cause Courtney's gonna get you!


I'm so glad I'm not you.

- Quick! You guys have to help me get her couch back!

- These were the smallest ones I could find.

- Here goes nothing!

- Whoa, man! Something's got me!

- Hot dog! Hang on!

Grab hold of my...

Darn it, why don't I have arms?!

- Hey! I remember this hot dog.

- Yum!

- Owen, No.

- We need another idea, fast!

- Okay, let's get that couch!

(Suction sounds)


- (Nasally) Nothing.

I feel kinda weird.

Does my face look funny?

- No! No. Not a all.

- Phew! That's a relief.

- Yeah. Let's go see if anyone else has an idea!

- I have one!

It's called a neti pot.

It's made for clearing out your nostrils.

(Water drips)

- Okay, pretty sure that's not what tea pots are for...


But it gives me a great idea!

Give'er, Owen!


(Water splashes)

Great plan, Cody.

- (Sighs) You put all of your heart and soul into something

and then it just disappears.

My dad and I worked on that house for a year.

- Yeah, that's really sad.

Can I have my chair back now?

- I can see why you like this chair, Gwen.

It lets you shut out the world

so you can just swim in a pool of your own misery.

What's the point of anything?

- (Upset groan)

I don't like sharing my chair.

You have to fix this.

- Guys, it's time we called in Chef.

(Zen music, sand rasps)

(Relaxed exhale)

- Chef?

(Wind gusts) - Hey, my zen!

- I put Courtney's dream couch up my nose,

but I didn't know it would make her all griefy

and I feel really bad,

and I need help getting it out of my nose

so she can do her show and tell!

- Okay! I know just what to do.

Anything come out? - Nothing.

- Well, we tried.

Attention kids!

Show and tell will be in five minutes.

Today we have Courtney presenting!

I'm looking forward to this!

That screaming goat was a hoot.

- (Sad sigh)

Guess I better tell her the truth.

Hey Courtney, are you getting ready for show and tell?

- Yes. - But I thought you said,

you'd never be able to show it without all the furniture.

- I've decided that it's okay

if my show and tell isn't perfect.

- So you're not mad anymore?

- Nope. My time in Gwen's egg chair gave me perspective.

(Bravely) The show and tell must go on.

- (Like a parrot) Walk away,

(Squawk), walk away.

- Phew! 'Cause I have something I need to tell you...

Izzy: (Parrot like) (Squawk) I wouldn't do that.

- I stuck your couch up my nose.

- Wait, WHAT?!!!


Izzy: (Squawk) Shoulda listened!

- I've tried everything but I can't get it out!

- Have you tried sneezing?

- We really should've thought of that.

- I filled this bucket with every thing

that makes people sneeze; pepper, dander, pollen,

perfume, spices, fizzy drinks, and cat fur.

- Ugh! - I just need a feather.

- One feather coming up!

Don't worry, Linty, this won't hurt a bit!

- Yeah, because--

- He's really got a lot of feathers!

- Whatever.

Now. Take a big sniff.

- This is for you. Courtney!

- (Big sniff)

I don't feel...

feel... wait... ah... ah...

- Hit the deck, she's gonna blow!

- Ahhhhh... ahhhh-CHOOOOOOOO!

(Snot splats)

- My silver dollar!

- My pee-wee ninja!

- My watch!

- My couch! And it's covered in boogers.

But it's back! Thanks, Beth.

- Phew! I promise I will not stick anything else

up my nose again for as long as I live!

- My dad carved this couch and I painted it myself.

Mid mod is totally trending right now,

which is why I went with the green paint.

- (Gasps)

- (Sad sigh) All by my self.

Hot dog: Looks like somebody needs a hug.



(In unison) Ugh. Still no arms!

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