01x20 - Not Without My Fudgy Lumps

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x20 - Not Without My Fudgy Lumps

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: Kids, this nice lady is here to fix my back.

She's a chiropractor.

What's a ky-ro-what-ah?

- Chiro-practors are like doctors,

who just never went to medical school.

- Let's go, big fella.

(Slap) - Ahhh!


I'll be right in my office.

- Oh no! I've lost my Fudgy Lumps!

- Fudgy lumps?

- They're Owen's favourite candy

because they combine his two favourite things:

Fudge and lumps.

- Fudgy Lumps!

Fudgy Lumps!

- If Owen doesn't find them soon,

it's gonna get pretty ugly, like really fast.

- Fudgy lumps! Where are you?

(Panicked panting)

- See what I mean?

(Bones crack)

(Pained grunts)

- Wow Chef, you're tighter than a Bon Jovi cover band.

How did this even happen?

- Well... (Bones crack) (Pained grunt)

I started my day with the morning vacuuming.

Then I worked out.


Then I brushed my teeth.

(Screams in pain)

- Ah... dental Hygiene.

The most dangerous game of all.

Chef: Ugh!


- (Panicked panting)

- Hey. Hey-hey. Shhh.

It's okay. You're okay.

Let's just retrace your steps and we'll find them.

- Okay.

I showed up at school...

and went to visit the goldfish.

Then to the bathroom to dry off.

(Dryer whirs, hard thud)

Then went outside to play.

Then I came back inside clapping my hands

and carrying nothing.

Ooooh. Where could my fudgy lumps be?

- So, it sounds like you left your Fudgy Lumps outside.

- (Gasps)

Stay strong Fudgy Lumps! I'm comin'!


(Repeated thuds) Ooof!

(Sliding squeak)



Is this door an innie or an outie?!

Somebody help me!

- It's locked.

The pool noodle's too soft it'll just bounce off and--yep.

(Owen screams)

- The plastic chairs aren't strong enough to--see.

- This isn't over!

- I've tried every possible way to escape this daycare.

Nothing worse than watching an amateur try it.

- I'm gonna ram the door!

(Thud) (Pained grunt) (Ball thuds)


- And I'll go get, Chef. He'll be able to open the door.

- (Whimpering) - Okay on three. One-

- Ahhh! What happened to two and three?

(Knocks) - Chef? Are you in there?

(Loud cracks) (Chef screams) Nooooo!

- Chef says that Chef's not in his office.

- Ahhhh! (Fainting moan)

- I can getcha outside. But it's gonna cost ya.

- Anything! Anything for my Fudgies!

I got cents and a piece of lightly chewed gum.

- I don't want your second hand gum.

- I said lightly chewed. Lightly.

- I want a cut of the Fudgy Lumps.

- (Gasp) No deal! Never!

- Owen, pal, you need to see this.

- (Panicked exhales) No!

Get away from my Fudgy Lumps!

Oh no! Hey! Don't! You stop that!


(Chewing sounds) - Ahhhh!

- I'm not sure why, but Owen's always had

incredibly bad luck with squirrels.

(Music plays, lever cranks)

- Ahhhhhhhhhh!

(Giggles) Ahhhhh!




For the love of s'mores, please stop!

(Gasps) A snake!

Snake, stop that squirrel!

Please! Stop him!

Oh no! Now they've both got a taste for the lumps!

I will share my Fudgy Lumps with anyone

who helps me get them back.

- Everyone meet me in the play castle.

I've got a plan to get us outside.

If you guys help me finish this tunnel,

we can rescue Owen's Fudgy Lumps,

and he'll share them with us!

(All Cheer) Yes!



Owen: Oh-oh!


(Dirt rattles)

- I see the light!

(Gasp) We made it outside!


(All cheer)

- Amateurs.

- They've eaten half the box -

they don't even look like they're enjoying them anymore!

We need a new plan now!

- Hey! I have an idea!

Why don't I borrow Chef's phone,

hack into the defense department,

steal one of their drones, fly it here,

pick up the chocolates,

and drop them through the skylight!

- Okay, then. Anyone else have a plan?

- Ah boy, do I feel great.

What're you kids looking at?

- We're watching a squirrel eat all of Owen's Fudgy Lumps.

- Well, that's not good news.

Let's go rescue those chocolates.

(All cheer)

- Oh yaaa, Super Chef to the rescue!

(Bones cracking) Ah! My ankle!

My knee. Hip. Back.

Shoulder. Neck. Brain.

(Pained cry)

Just wanted to say bye-- (Gasps)

- (Pained cries)

- Okay. Guess we start all over again.

Chef: Please, no...


Being a hero to children everyday isn't easy,

but it's what I do.


Oooh! Ahhh!


- There goes my last chance.

I'll never taste the sweet waxy yumminess

of a Fudgy Lump again.

- Good news! I'm in!

- In what?

- I told you, silly.

I hacked the password and borrowed a military drone.

I told it to come here, stat.

- Izzy, it's a really cute idea,

but not even a adult could do that.

- Oh, yeah? Then what's that?!

- Hey, I see a drone!

- Oh thank you, Izzy, thank you!

(Rotors beat loudly)

- Whoa!

(Thud, sliding squeak)

- How did you do that?!

- I'm not totally sure, but boy is it fun to fly!

(Radar pings)

- One of our drones has been hacked!

- Details!

- The hacker's phone is listed to a Norbert.

- Norbert? Hmm.

I'm not familiar with that operative.

Is that... a box of Fudgy Lumps?

- It is, Sir.

- Dark or Milk chocolate?

- Dark, sir.

- Time to send in the troops.

(Alarm sounds)

(Jets whoosh)

(Rotors beat)

Noah: Okay, okay. A little to the left.

(Beep, rotors beat)

No. No. No, no, no. (Panicked) Other left! Other left!

- Oh, you mean right.

- Now she knows what other left means?!

(Loud smash) (Noah gasps)

- Weeeee! This is fun! (Chuckles)

I gotta get me one of these!

(Smash) Wooo!

(Buttons beep)

- Oh no! More right! - Back a bit!

- Careful!

(Shaving sound)

(Angry chitter)

(Smash) All: Ahhhh!

- Whoopsie! Oh man, this is fun to fly!

I'm totally asking Santa for one of these.

(Loud smash)

Harold: Run! - FREEZE!

- (Giggles)

- Oh crud. I'm busted.

I got no chiropractor license!

- I had a feeling.

- But they're not taking me down without a fight.


- Hmph. - Ahhhh!

- Owen! The door's open!

- I'm coming, Fudgy Lumps!

- So awesome!

(Giggles) Woo-hooo!

(Smash) Oops!

(Rotors beat)

Oooh, what a pretty red button.

Drone: Military Drone deactivated.

(Beeps off)

- Fudgy Lumps!

Uh-oh. (Loud smash)

(Kids scream)

Owen: Ahhh! Izzy: Cool.

Wonder what this one does!

- What the heck is going on here?

- (Giggles, beep)

Drone: Initiating self destruct drive.

Have a nice day.

(Loud expl*si*n)

- Whoaaaaa! Coooool!

Here's your phone, Chef!

- You're under arrest, Norbert.

- I-I swear, I haven't touched my phone all day!

I'm innocent!

(Bones crack) Ow, my back!

- Bye, Norbert!

- I know how much you were looking forward

to eating those, Owen.

- Farewell Fudgy Lumps.

- Sorry we couldn't save them, buddy.

- It's okay.

I've got another box in my lunch.

- I should've seen that coming.

- So, I guess I could've told everyone

that I had another box of Fudgy Lumps,

and avoided all that chaos and destruction.

But if I had, I never would have known

how much my friends love me.

I committed a Federal offence for you!

- Yes you did. Thanks, Izzy!

- Any time!

- And now I'm going to enjoy this box

all the more.

(Squirrels chitter)

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