01x13 - That's a Wrap

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x13 - That's a Wrap

Post by bunniefuu »



Chef: Big news, class.

We're going on a field trip!

And you'll never guess where...

- Please no. Please. Not to the--

- the museum!

- (Screams of terror)


- They're scared of the museum...

thanks to me.

That time in the bat cave.

- (Screams of terror) - Blagablagablaaaa!


Or when I jumped through that scary painting.

- (Scared whimpers)

- Blagablagablaaaa!

(Screams of terror)

- (Laughs)

And who can forget the time I hid in the knight's armor!

Blagablagablaaaa!! - (Screams of terror)

- (Laughs)

Good times.

There's no place more fun to scare people than the museum.

- You've never scared me at the museum.

And you never will.

- Challenge accepted.

- (Screaming) I don't wanna go!

- The museum is scary!

- Relax. Relax!

We aren't gonna see anything scary this time.

Both: Ahhhh! Oof!

- We're just going to visit the pott-er-y section!

Huh? Nothing scary. I promise.

Keep moving. Nothing to see here.

- Ahhhhhh... Chef: Eyes down.

Almost at the pottery exhibit.

(Echoes) ...the pottery exhibit. The pottery exhibit.

Creepiest dolls of the world?

They sure got that right.

The history of nightmares?

Why is this even an exhibit?!

It's okay, pottery is in the next room.

(Nervous chuckle)

- Chef, there's a new ancient mummy exhibit,

can I go see it?

- How can it be new and ancient?

Stop talking crazy.

And no. Today's about pottery.

Now c'mon.

Courtney: Aw, I wanted to see a mummy.

- Maybe it'll be a mum-my that makes Courtney scream

for her mom-my.

Get it? (Laughs)

It's almost the same word.

Yeesh. Tough crowd.

- All right, class.

We're gonna watch a two hour documentary on pottery.

That way we'll appreciate it more.

All: (Groan)

(Motorcycle engine roars)

Narrator: Pottery. Exciting?

Not at all.

Now let's talk about it for two hours.

Clay pots. Clay vases.

Clay plates. Clay bowls.

- Nice try sneaking off, Duncan.

You just bought yourself a Cody.

- Yay! New tether buddy!

- (Exasperated groans)

- No way you can cause trouble now.

- Man, how am I gonna scare Courtney

if we're tethered together?

- (Hushed) I guess you won't.

I'm off to see some mummies.

Have fun.

♪ Tethered together

♪ We're tethered forever

(Humming softly)

- You're making it worse.

Narrator: To enhance your view of the clay drying process,

put on your D glasses... now.

- Whoa! Whoa!

(Laughs) Oh kids, is this great or what?

- (Disappointed groans)

- (Whispers) Wow. It looks like the pot

is getting further and further away.


Are you done yet, Duncan?

We should probably get back with the class.

Duncan: We're not going back. It's...

scare time!

- (Screams)

- (Chuckle) Don't worry it's just--

- Mummy! - Cody. (wham) Stop.

(wham) It's. (wham) Me. (wham)

(Pained) Ohhh...

- Duncan? It's you!

Why are you dressed like a mummy?

- Because we are dressing up as a mummy

to scare Courtney.

- But that's mean.

- Look you can either help me scare Courtney,

or I can spend the day scaring you.

- Let's scare Courtney.

- Good choice.


- What are you doing here?

- We all snuck out after you left.

- Yeah. We'd rather risk being scared

than being bored to death.

- Guys, guys! I found three crayons.

And I ate 'em.

- And Chef won't even know we're gone

'cause Izzy had a great idea.

- Oh kids... is this great or what?

- Yep. I gotta pretty big brain in here.

Harold: (reading) "Beware the mummy's curse.

It will come to life in a fit of rage

if anyone dares to wear the necklace of the pharaoh."

(Gasp) having this here is terribly unsafe!

- That's just a silly legend.

Mummy's don't come back to life.

I'm telling you,

there is nothing to be scared of in this museum

and nothing is cursed.

- So we can touch stuff?!

- No. That's not what I said--

- Hey, free beef jerky!

(Chewing sounds)

- Owen?! Those are mummified organs!

- Cool, a magic tennis racket!

- Ooh! Break that! (Clank)

Break this. (Clank) Break those!

Woo-hoo-hooooo! Hoo hoo!

♪ Ta ta ta!

- Mmm...

- Can you keep it down?

I'm trying to nap.

(Stone rumbles shut)

I can feel you staring, Courtney.

(Smashing) - Mmm.

- Stop! This is museum property!

- Okay, here's the plan.

We jump out, and we scare the pants off Courtney.

Let's hear you roar.

- (Really weak) Raaar!

- You sound like a newborn goat.

Is that all you've got?

- (Slightly less weak roar)

I'm not really used to scaring people.

- Okay, new plan.

You do the walking, I'll do the scaring.

Ready? , , ...


- Mummyyyyyyy!!! Ahhhhhh!!! - Ahhhh!!!

- Mummy? Where? Run!

- (Screaming)


- Wait. Why are we running?!

What is going on?!

- (Adorable growl) Did we scare Courtney?

Can we stop now?

- No. We scared everyone but Courtney.

C'mon, let's go find the--

Whoa. Hello, shiny!

Don't mind if I do.

- What are you doing?

- Uh...just making our outfit more legit.

(Lightning strikes)

- Now, giddyup!

(Lightning strikes)

- Grrrrrrr!! Arrrrrrrrr!!

(Confused noise)

(Lullaby plays)

(Light footsteps)


- So let me get this straight:

the mummy came back to life?

The mummy that's been dead for , years?

Owen: Shh! The mummy will hear us.

- Okay. That is impossible.

Owen: We all saw it! It was real!

- Oh, I know what's going on.

Who always scares you at the museum?

All: Duncan?

- And who wasn't there when you saw this "live mummy"?

All: Duncan.

- So who is obviously the mummy?

- Chef? - The groundskeeper!

- (Gasp) You?

- No! Argh!

The mummy is Duncan!

All: Oooooooooooh...

(Hard stomp, ferocious growl)

- Duncan! I've had it with your pathetic scare routine!

You're just an immature, toilet paper wearing,

trouble maker!

- (Ferocious roar) - Ugh.

And when was the last time you brushed your teeth?

Your breath reeks.

- Eek!

(Grumbles, toothbrush rasps)

(Water sloshes, spits)

(Exhales, sniffs)


- Um. Are you sure that's Duncan?

- Of course it's Duncan!

Would I do this to a real mummy?

Or this?! How about this!

- (Pained grunt) - Or this. This!

Or this, or this or this or this!

Or this?! - (Pained cries)

- And you can stop with the lame growling now,

you big baby!

Duncan problem: solved.

- Wow. Way to go...

ohhhhh boy.

- Blagablagablaaaa!!

- How did-then who is--

- Roooooooarrrrrr!!!

- Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

- Technically you're the one that scared her,

but I totally get an assist on the play, right?

- (Confused growl)

Rrrroaaaaarrrrr! - Cody my friend,

run awaaaaayy! - Rooooooaaarrrr!

Chef: Woo! Pottery's the b*mb.

In just two hours this virtual clay will turn into a vase!

VR pottery games rule!

Okay kids, who's ready for the real thing?!


- Roooooooarrrrrr!!! (Pots smash)

- Stop! That's museum property!

- (Confused growl)

- Chef! That's a real mummy!

- Then it's also museum property!


(Smash) Izzy!

- Sorry. Heh heh.

I hadn't had a chance to smash anything yet.

- (Groans) Which one of you woke this mummy?!

- (Grumbling explanation)


Chef: Duncan?

You're gonna make this right.

- How? - You like hotdogs?

- (Grumbles)

Duncan: Do much for my allowance...

here you go.

- (Sniffs)

(Satisfied gulp)

- Well, I guess we're good?

Ah, man. I got mustard on my sneakers.

- Here. Wipe it up with this.

- Oops. Let's get out of here!

- Okay, kids. Back to the bus.

Hurry now. Go go go!!!

- Hey Chef! Can we come back next week?

Kids: All right! Yay! Yeah! Chef: No!
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