01x10 - Germ Factory

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x10 - Germ Factory

Post by bunniefuu »




- Hey kids, it's giggle-dough day!

All: (Cheering) Yeah!

- Come and get it- gaaah!

All: (Cheering, laughing)

(Squishy splat) (Giggles)

(Laughing) - Woo-hoo! Yeah!

- (Laughing)

(Splats) - (Laughing)


- (Worried gasp)

Agh! - (Wild laughter)

Kids, stop throwin' the giggle dough

or I will--

- (Laughing)

- (Whistle blows) Do you think this is funny?

Do you?

- Look at his face! (Laughs)

It's hilarious!

- (Angry growl)

Everyone on the carpet! Now!

We are going to learn about responsibility.

Who is responsible for this mess?

- Well, since you're the one who handed out the giggle dough,

I guess it's you. - What?!

- She's right.

- No she is not.

- Aw man, he's gonna try to blame this on us.

- It was you!

- We're just childrennnn!!!

- E-nough. You know what you did.

And giggle-dough day just became cleanup day!

Kids: Awwwwwwwww!

- Harsh.

- I want this entire place spotless by lunch time.

I'll be in my office, um...


I've been asked to submit some photos of myself

for the child educators calendar this year.

Still not sure what kind of photo I should send them.

(Camera clicks)

I'm thinking super tough and cuddly at the same time.

- (Meow) (Camera clicks)

- (Humming)

- Dude, whatcha doing?

- Digging an escape tunnel.

I gotta get out of this place.

- And go where, bro?

- I'm thinkin' splash madness kingdom!

Home of the wedgie maker!

- Sah-weet.

But everyone is supposed to be cleaning up.

- I don't see Leshawna cleaning.

- That's cus she's not here today, bro.

She's home sick.

- (Gasps)

I've been wasting all this time

trying to dig my way out

when all I had to do was get sick!




- She must be so bored and lonely.

We should call and cheer her up!

- (Happy) Hey guys! What's up?

- Brah, you're missing giggle dough day!

Owen ate his, it was awesome.

- How are you doing? Are you okay?

- Girl, I've been stayin' up late,

rockin' my pj's all day,

and I just binge watched

"Power Kitten Ninja Dance Force!"

- Dude, she just described my perfect day.

Being sick kind of rocks!

- No kidding.

- And, my mom stayed home from work to take care of me.

Watch this.

(Yells) Hey Mama! Where's my ice cream?


- You get to eat ice cream too?!

- All you can eat, baby!

That is, after you get through all the--

- Great! Talk soon, buh-bye!

Guys... I have the best plan ever!

Emergency meeting in the castle: stat.

We need to get in on this "being sick" action, pronto.

Do you have any idea how much fun we're missing?

Oh ho ho. Yeeeeeahhh. Woo!



- Niiiice (Gulps)

- Woo-hoo!

Hey, you got ice cream? Woohoohoo!

(In unison) Cool.

- Ready for the best plan ever?

Gwen, look up 'how to get the flu'.

- Wait, you're going to try to get sick?

That is not only totally gross,

but highly inconvenient for your parents!

Anyway you're going about it wrong -

no one's going to tell you how to get the flu.

You'd need to look up how not to get sick

and then do the opposite.

- Good call, Courtney! Do it.

(Computer beeps) - Wait, what?!


Announcer: Getting the flu can be a real pain.

But avoiding it can be even harder.

Evil germs lurk everywhere, on every surface.

They're on the door handles, on your desk...


They're even on your phone.

- Yo dawg, what's up?

Announcer: But there's hope!

Avoid touching anyone who is sick,

or anything they've been in contact with,

and you too can stay germ free!

- Okay, you heard, Courtney.

All we have to do is the opposite of what they just said

and we're home free!

- I never said that! Attendance matters.

I'm one day away from getting my gold star

for days of perfect attendance.

- I dunno dude.

Getting sick on purpose is kinda whack.

- (Clears throat)

(Beeps, cube rasps)

(Mic feedback squeals)

Let me ask you this.

Why should the awesomeness of a sick day

be enjoyed only by the sick?

Do healthy kids not deserve to play hours of video games,

and eat delicious snacks in bed too?

- Yeah!

- Guys, cleaning up this place is a nightmare

and we're just one flu bug away from being at home in our pj's,

cuddling with our mommies!

Who's with me?!

All: Yeah!

- Let's do it!

- Now let's get out there and lick some germs!

All: (Cheer) Yeah!

- (Groans)

- (Licking moans)

- (Licking moans)

- (Whimpers)

- (Licking sounds) - (Whimpers)

(Licking sounds)

- (Whimpers)

(Sparkling sounds)

- (Whimpers)

(Heart thumps) - Hmm...

- Okay, pretend doctor, what do you think?

- I'm afraid it's bad news:

you're healthy.

- How man surfaces does a guy have to lick

to get out of this place?!

- Yeah, I thought this place

was supposed to be a germ factory.

- I guess we're stuck here cleaning.

- Oh... all that TV left unwatched

- All that ice cream left uneaten!

- The germs are here.

We're just not looking hard enough.

Time to take this little operation up a notch.

If we wanna see where all the--

(Air sputters)

- Hey Chef, why are you wearing that?

- Oh. Ya. Well, cause I'm...

uh... is that the phone?

- That was weird.

- If we wanna see where all the good germs are,

we need a black light.

This is our ticket to infection.

(All cheer)

- I have no intention of getting sick.

I'm only following you to see where germs are

so I can avoid them in the future.

- Yeah, sure, whatever. Fine.

- Wait up!

(Door bangs open)


- Bingo!

(Germs chatter)

(Germs chatter)

- This is the best idea ever!

- Ugh, this is so gross!

- All aboard the express train to sickville!

Population: us!


(Germs chatter)

(Licking sounds)

- (Gasps)

(Germs chatter)

Izzy: Aw, it's a germ birthday party!

Hey guys! Who needs a nice warm body to infect?

- (Excited chatter)

- Uh, I think we need some adult supervision in here...

Chef, you need to come and--

(Camera clicks)

(Gasp) Oh my gosh! I can never un-see that.

(Door shuts)

- Is anyone feelin' sick now?

- Hm... negatory. You?

- (Heavy sigh) No...

- So we did all the licking for nothing?

- Science is not an exact science!

- Don't you guys know anything?

You just licked up the germs.

It takes time for them to infect your body.

Relax, I'm sure you're all doomed!

- Finally some good news!

- I on the other hand haven't touched a single germ.

That perfect attendance star is mine!

- (Big sneeze)

- Ugh! Ew! - Sorry.

(Germs chatter)

- Yeah, you're totally getting sick.

(Shrill scream)

(Vomiting sounds) - It worked!

We're going home! Best plan eve-huuurrrrr.

- For the love of stuffed animals,

does anyone have a backup diaper?

- Open the door I need to throw up!

- No! Find your own bathroom!

- Whoa, that day went by fast!

All right, children, time to pack up!

Your parents are here!

(Vomiting sounds)

- Sweet Marie it's coming out like Niagara falls! -

(Vomiting sounds, crash)

(Water sloshes)

(Vomiting sounds)

- I think my bum just melted.

(Vomiting sounds)

(Birds sing)

(Crickets chirp)


- Yep. You're the only one here today.

- I tried to tell the other kids,

you don't get the ice cream until after

you get through two days of violent vomiting and diarrhea,

but they hung up on me!

What do you got there?

- Uh, the new child educator's calendar just came out.

(Pages flutter)

I... think I overdid it a little.

(Banging on door)

- I made it - I have perfect attendance!

Let me in, I'm not sick - see?

I'm totally fine!

(Vomiting sounds, coughs)

Just put a little tick on the sheet?

(Banging on door)

- Worst... (vomits)

plan... (vomits)

ever... (vomits)
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