14x12 - Islands of Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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14x12 - Islands of Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

Islands of Fire

Autiful places on Earth.

Hawaii is a utopian place.

Some say Edenic.

But could the Hawaiian Islands

also be something
much, much more?

A place that is not only
a destination for tourists,

but for extraterrestrial

Hawaii seems to be at the center

of a wave of UFO sightings.

Wow, these don't look
like humans, do they?

When I first saw that tiki,

first thought
that came to my mind was,

"That's a Grey

Could Hawaii be
one of the hot spots

of alien activity on our planet?

And could it serve as a portal

that not only attracts beings
from other worlds to us,

but could,
one day, offer mankind

a gateway to other worlds?

Hawaii is the place where
extraterrestrials travel through

to go to other places
throughout the entire planet.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.


To visitors and tourists,
it is a paradise on Earth,

a land of cascading waterfalls,
breathtaking scenery,

and captivating volcanoes.

But this tropical island chain

is not merely a beautiful
and romantic travel destination.

To the people
that have inhabited

this land for centuries,

and who carry with them the
traditions of their ancestors,

Hawaii is something
very different.

For them, it is the place
where beings from the sky

came to Earth centuries ago.

And a place where many,

like tribal elder
Kimokeo Kapahulehua,

believe these so-called sky
people are destined to return.

Is it possible that the ancient
stories of the native Hawaiians

are, in fact,
evidence of early human contact

with extraterrestrials?

As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

the answer is yes.

And they believe
one of the reasons

that extraterrestrial visitors
chose the Hawaiian Islands

as a destination is the fact
that the islands were then,

as now, largely remote
and, in some cases,

relatively uninhabited.

If I were an extraterrestrial
in-in the remote past

and I was looking
for the perfect laboratory

to engineer
a new species of mankind,

I would look no further than the
most remote place on the Earth,

which is the Hawaiian Islands.

Before the arrival of Europeans,

there were no reptiles,
no mosquitoes, no rats.

It was as pure a place
as any on our planet.

And in many ways,
it was the perfect spot

for a terrestrial laboratory.

In addition to being

one of the most remote places
on the planet,

Hawaii is also
one of the most volatile.

It is home to literally hundreds
of volcanoes,

and three of them
are still very active.

She was embodied
as a beautiful woman,

Hawaiian mythology says,
who also had a wrathful nature,

and if you didn't
respect her wishes,

it was not gonna be
a very good day.

Pele is an angry goddess,
in many ways.

But she's also seen
as a creator,

because she creates land.

There's a belief and-and
a full-on respect of Pele.

For Hawaiian natives,
Pele is but one of many beings

they call "star people,"

and all things
that happen on Earth

are connected to the stars.

Each autumn,

when the Pleiades star system
appears on the horizon,

of the old native Hawaiian faith

gather to celebrate the harvest

and honor
the otherworldly visitors

whose direct descendants
also serve as the tribal elites.

In ancient times, the largest
harvest season celebrations

occurred at the foot
of Hawaii's tallest mountain,

which, according to legend, was
the central geological feature

of a lost continent
called Lemuria.

There are countless stories
about a lost continent

that was swallowed up
by the sea,

and that continent
was called Lemuria.

Lemuria is said
to have been the home

of the planet's
tallest mountain.

So in order to determine
Lemuria's possible location

in a region that-that could fit
our mythology,

we have to change
our perspective a little bit.

When considering mountains that
rise directly from the floor

of a tectonic plate...
Which Mount Everest doesn't do...

And the distance from the actual
base to the actual summit,

Mauna Kea is by far the tallest
mountain in the world

and it's nearly a mile taller
than Mount Everest.

It is the most massive land mass
on the planet,

and it is a critical place
when it comes to the traditions

of the Hawaiian Islanders

welcoming back
the star visitors.

It's also the time
of the rising of the Pleiades,

and what it signals is this time
of great joy and festivities.

The people gather to celebrate
prosperity or coming prosperity.

For native Hawaiians,

the Pleiades is much more
than just a constellation.

This cluster of stars, 444.2
light-years away, are the stars

from which the native Hawaiians
trace their very origins.

The Pleiades plays an absolutely
central role in the mythology

of people spread
right across the Pacific.

All the way to Australia, Japan,
we hear these stories

that, once upon a time, beings
from the Pleiades arrived here.

And that they in some way
involved themselves

in human evolution.

There is no question
that the elders of Hawaii

have a belief that their
ancestors came from the stars.

In the Hawaiian tradition,
the star people

are most often referred to
as the akua or atua,

and are responsible
for the creation of humankind.

These are supernatural beings

that appear to have
superhuman powers.

The chiefs and royalty
of ancient Hawaii

were considered to be
the offspring of the atua.

Similarly named creator gods
can be found in cultures

throughout Oceania,
a geographic region

which includes
Australasia, Melanesia,

Micronesia, and Polynesia.

In Micronesia,
they call them aitu.

In the Philippines, anito.

And in Malaysia, antu.

The terms atua and akua
for a type of gods or beings

throughout the Pacific region
is-is quite fascinating.

Because when we dig
into that lore,

we're told
that there's these entities

that are often,
in some sense, invisible,

but can interact
with human beings and animals.

You know, are these some kind of


that can hide themself at will,

engineer situations where they
can then appear to be humans?

It's a very strange set
of legends.

I suspect that
we really have here

a history pointing to some kind
of ancient visitation,

with these beings arriving

and involving themself
in human origins.

Could it be, as ancient
astronaut theorists suggest,

that the story of humankind's
true origins can be found

within the Hawaiian traditions,

and that these islands
were a point of first contact?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining
the iconic wooden sculptures

that exist throughout the entire
Hawaiian Island chain...

the tiki.

So, you're thinking these

- are extraterrestrial races?
- Totally.

The akua came here
with spacecrafts.

This one is pretty odd,
standing here by the water.

That's a Grey extraterrestrial.

Honaunau, Hawaii.

June 2019.

On the west coast

of what is commonly called
the Big Island,

ancient astronaut theorist
David Childress

is traveling with his colleague

Dr. Michael Salla,
a Hawaiian resident

and an expert on local history.

It is David's belief that,
thousands of years ago,

this area of the world

was not only a place
of alien visitation,

but was actually inhabited
by extraterrestrials.

Well, Michael,

I'm really excited to be here
in Hawaii with you.

I've traveled
around the Pacific,

and I have been
to Hawaii before,

but I really want to understand
Hawaii's extraterrestrial past

and its ancient history,

the many unusual sites
here, and,

and even what's going on today
here in Hawaii.

- It's fascinating.
- I mean, this is something

that I didn't expect
when I moved out here,

that Hawaii had this kind of
extraterrestrial contact,

this, uh, this history,

but that's one of the things
I kept hearing,

and as I began to learn more
about Hawaii's history,

it became clear

that a lot of Hawaiians
really trace their ancestors

to extraterrestrial visitors

that came here tens of thousands
of years ago.

David and Michael
are on their way

to Pu'uhonua o Honaunau
National Historical Park,

home to a number of giant
statues and native exhibits.

At Honaunau you have this,

uh, temple complex,

uh, which basically dates back
to the Hawaiian Kingdom

and it has some of the best tiki
statues of the akua, the gods...

Extraterrestrials in my view...

That you can find
anywhere on the islands.

At the park,

a great wall marks a boundary
between an area

that was once considered
royal grounds

and a sanctuary
where lawbreakers

could gain refuge
and absolution.

Iconic wooden statues
with strange features

surround the Hale o Keawe
temple, which houses the remains

of Hawaiian chiefs,

remains that are still thought
by the native Hawaiians

to emanate power, or mana,
throughout the area.

David, I know
you've got this theory

about extraterrestrial contact

and technology being spread
throughout the Pacific,

and we've got some

really interesting tikis that
I think kind of lend support

to that theory.

Yeah, they look
pretty interesting, and, uh,

this one is pretty odd.

He's standing here by the water.

When I first saw that tiki,

first thought that came
to my mind was,

"That's a Grey

And this is one
of the kind of helpers,

or the menehune,
that the Hawaiians

believe were created
by the gods, or the akua.

So, is this the akua
right here, these guys

- with the big headdresses?
- Exactly, yeah.

Those are the akua.
They had four principal akua

that were basically
the creators of humanity

and helped establish
civilization on the planet.

One year ago,

when David was investigating
the Marquesas Islands,

located 2,300 miles
south of Hawaii,

he encountered
similar tiki statues,

and discovered that they, too,

are associated
with ancient gods.

But here in Honaunau

there appear to be
two different types of beings

depicted by the tiki.

So you're thinking
these are two different

- extraterrestrial races?
- Totally.

They have different kind
of eyes, too.

Yeah, I mean, this to me,

looks like the akua
were extraterrestrial

and they knew about
genetic experimentation

and they created these beings,

menehune, or Grey aliens,

to basically be servants.

And you can see that,
from the lack of a headdress,

they're bald,

which signifies they had
low social status.

According to ancient
Hawaiian stories,

the menehune were humanlike
beings of short stature

who were created by the akua.

The menehunes was
a little dwarf people,

and, uh, they always
came out in the evening

because they were
not so much humanlike-looking.

Menehune are small,

magical creatures
that are thought

sometimes to have been

of the earliest inhabitants

that came before the Hawaiians
from Polynesia.

There are canals,
waterways, gulfs...

built, they say,
by the menehune.

The work was done at night.

They don't want to be seen and
they work incredibly quickly,

so sometimes a whole
retaining wall

will have been built
in a single night.

I visited all of the structures

that supposedly were built
by the menehune.

There's a menehune fishpond

that's huge,
has 900 feet of a wall

surrounding this one area

and then they would use that
as a reservoir for fish.

There's also called
the Menehune Ditch.

It was a way
to channel fresh water.

It is old in structure

and before the Hawaiians.

Before the Hawaiians?

Could this account
of a pre-Hawaiian

and pre-human water channel
lend credence

to the Hawaiian genesis story,

a story which also
contains depictions

of genetic engineering?

These were, I believe,
extraterrestrial hybrids

that had been created
to help the Pleiadeans

and other races establish
their civilizations

or their genetic experiments
on the Earth.

The menehune
are said to have built

these unusual structures
on Kaua'i.

Archaeologists do not know
who built them.

The Hawaiians say, "Oh,

"these little people
of the past,

they're the ones
that built them."

These little people

are somehow ancestors
to the Hawaiians,

who are actually
very tall and large.

The Polynesians
are the largest race of people

still on the planet, and yet

their own stories go back
to these little people

who are building stuff for them.

While many dismiss the menehune

as little more than
mythological figures,

a census from 200 years ago

seems to provide
historical documentation

that they may have
actually existed.

The first census on Kaua'i

took place in 1820,
and that census said that,

of the 2,000 people
that were counted,

65 of them were menehune.

Confirming the account
of the 1820 census,

the Hawaiian Almanac
and Annual of 1913

states that during the reign
of Kaumualii

in the early 19th century,
a census recorded 65 menehune

living in the small hamlet
of Laau.

The almanac reports an
"allied race of older extraction

2 1/2 to three feet high"

and concludes "as far as
the little people of Laau,

they were forgotten
in the lapse of years."

Hawaiian Islands are so remote.

This is one of the most remote
places in the world.

Do you think that Hawaii
was, perhaps, some special

- extraterrestrial base?
- I believe so.

And it's interesting
that this area

is part of Kealakekua
which ac... literally means

- "Pathway of the Gods."
- Pathway of the Gods, okay.

Well, that can be translated
as "doorway."

Are the tikis a record

of ancient alien activity
in Hawaii?

If so, what were
the islands used for?

And where did these
otherworldly visitors go?

Perhaps further clues
can be found by venturing inside

one of the island's
largest volcanoes.

E Pacific Ocean. 20,000 BC.

It is during this period
that the surface of the Earth

is frozen in the grip
of a glacial period

otherwise known as the Ice Age.

It is a time when sea levels
are dramatically lower,

nearly 400 feet below
where they are today,

and these lower sea levels have
created expansive landmasses

which, as the ice melts,

some 12,000 years ago,

begin to disappear beneath the
surface of the rising oceans.

Is it possible that
some of these landmasses

were home to lost civilizations?

Civilizations for which we have
no historical record

and which may have been
far more advanced

than we know?

We live on a very restless Earth
that's constantly moving

with earthquakes and tsunamis
and volcanic activity.

Continents rise and fall.

Mountain ranges are torn apart.

All kinds of civilizations
could have come

and gone on our planet.

We know that there are over 200

known submerged cities
in the Mediterranean.

There's just so much
on our planet

that we have yet to find out.

Throughout history,

a number of stories
have been told

about great civilizations
that disappeared into the ocean

thousands of years ago.

The most famous
of these, Atlantis,

was written about by Plato
in the fourth century BC

and is still believed by many
to have truly existed.

But there is another
lost continent

that is said to have existed
at the same time as Atlantis

and looms large
in Hawaiian traditions:


Lemuria was in
the South Pacific.

It is thought to have connected
the Hawaiian Islands

and the other island systems
out in that part of the planet,

so it was a huge land bridge.

In the lore, Lemuria

was an extraordinary
civilization before it sank

into the sea.

Story has it, Hawaii
is a surviving fragment

of the enormous landmass.

Lemuria existed prior
to the last great flood

that occurred around 9600 BC,
which was a catastrophe,

which led to the water levels
all around the Earth rising

as much as 400 feet.

According to legend, before
the two lost continents

were destroyed by a great flood,

there was a w*r between Lemuria
and Atlantis.

This was the destruction
of the Lemurian civilization.

The Lemurians were driven

into these underground
cavern systems.

The Hawaiian peoples
really understand

that they are the descendants
of some great civilizations,

and that they have some kind
of responsibility

of preserving the culture
of that.

Ancient astronaut theorist
David Childress

and Hawaiian history expert
Dr. Michael Salla

are on the Big Island to explore
the underground caverns

the Lemurians are said
to have retreated to.

Yeah, there is a bit
of spelunking

here on the Big Island.

These caverns are actually

enormous lava tubes

that exist throughout
the volcanic island chain,

and some locals believe
they are still inhabited

by the Lemurians.

Wow, this is huge.

Yeah, it goes back
two miles in that direction,

and the whole lava tube
is 25 miles long,

- all the way from Mauna Loa.
- Wow.

These walls are
30 feet high or more.

- Right.
- There's lava tubes that are

- much bigger than this as well.
- Okay.

Tell me what happened here.

Well, this is part

of an extensive cavern system

the Big Island of Hawaii,

where you have these lava tubes.

And this kind of cavern
and these lava tubes

have been here
for tens of thousands,

hundreds of thousands of years,
so at some point

in its history the Lemurians
found this cavern system

and built it out.

And so, when they were in a w*r

against the Atlantians,
this was their refuge.

So, down inside
these lava tubes,

what do you think, that
there are, like, secret doors

that are hidden
with this high technology?

Well, there's a lot of secrets
in these lava tubes,

in these caves.

What we're not seeing
in the caves

are entry points
into this hidden labyrinth

of portals and tunnel systems

that lie underneath
the entire Big Island.

They're well hidden.

This is part of Hawaiian legend.

The extraterrestrials
had cloaking technology,

and so the doorways would just
look like an ordinary rock face.

According to Hawaiian legend,

these lava tubes
have been inhabited

not only
by the ancient Lemurians

but also by the akua,

the visitors that are said
to have arrived here

from the Pleiades...

and the dwarf people
they created

called the menehune.

But if these ancient ancestors
of Hawaii possessed technology

that allowed them to conceal
doorways to secret passages

and chambers
within the lava tubes,

could they still be
hiding out in them...


There's other places
around the Earth

where there are these
strange tunnels like this,

and sometimes people are said
to go inside them and...

and disappear,
or they encounter strange beings

inside these tunnels.

- Has that happened here?
- Oh, definitely.

I mean, there are a lot
of Hawaiian stories

of people going
into these tunnels

and having encounters
with menehune

or with the sorcerers or even
with the akua themselves.

I've even had an experience here
with my wife where...

we had some kind
of mystical experience

where the akua communicated
and basically said,

"We're coming back."

A telepathic communication...
Just she suddenly had...

- inside this tunnel?
- That's right,
in this very tunnel.

We were meditating,

and she had that kind
of telepathic download.

On its own,
it just doesn't mean much,

but many other people have had

these kinds
of mystical experiences

in the caverns,
and even had encounters

with beings in these caverns.

If people today
are reporting encounters

with strange beings
in the lava tubes,

where are they coming from?

Could it be that Hawaii
was not only a hub

of extraterrestrial visitation
thousands of years ago,

but that it continues to serve
as an entry point

for otherworldly visitors?

But if so, how is it possible

that such activity
continues undetected?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
the answer can be found

by examining sacred rock art,

which suggests Hawaii is home
to an incredible anomaly.

CH Pu'u Loa Petroglyph Field.


Ancient astronaut theorist
David Childress

and Hawaiian resident
and historian Dr. Michael Salla

have arrived at Pu'u Loa
to continue their investigation

of Hawaii's ancient secrets.

At Pu'u Loa, over 23,000
individual works of art

stretch over several miles
of rocky terrain.

You know, Michael,

our access to the petroglyphs
here is quite limited,

because this is
a very sacred area.

But from these petroglyphs
that I see,

they're identical to what
you see in Easter Island,

throughout Polynesia, really.

What we see here
with the human figures,

they're holding their arms
and their postures.

This is identical, really,

to Rongorongo.


The mysterious ancient script

that has been found
on Easter Island,

roughly 4,500 miles away?

These petroglyphs
are very unusual.

They're humanoid figures,

but each one is different.

Actually, they're very similar
to the Rongorongo writing

that we find at Easter Island

that is still undeciphered
and mysterious.

So, some Hawaiians, David,
believe that Hawaii

was the birthing place
of all humanity,

that this is
the legendary Hawaiki,

this is where the... people,
the humanity was birthed

and actually spread
throughout all of Polynesia

and throughout
the entire planet.

So, what do you think
about this one right here

in the middle
with the concentric circles?

You see this
in the American Southwest,

where, in fact, the American
Indians call these portals.

Where you have concentric
circles are going around,

uh, sometimes a spiral,
and for them,

it is also...
it's an energy field,

a-a portal to other dimensions.

Right, well,
that-that would fit in

with, um, a lot of the things
that Hawaiians believe

about the Big Island...
That this is sacred ground,

there's a lot of energy
that flows through this island.

It even goes back
to the kind of idea

of Hawaii being
the birthing place

for the whole
Polynesian peoples.

For all the Polynesian people,
and-and also that...

- that Hawaii itself
is a portal, right?
- That's right, yeah.

A portal?

Did the ancient
Polynesian people believe

that some kind of cosmic gateway
existed in Hawaii,

through which beings
could travel here

from other parts
of the universe?

The scientific concept
of a wormhole

was first proposed
by Albert Einstein

and Nathan Rosen in 1935,

who suggested
that space-time could be bent

to bring
two distant points together.

While it may sound far-fetched,

some scientists suggest
it is possible

that such portals, or wormholes,
may actually exist,

and not only in deep space

but also right here on Earth.

It became sort of accepted

as actually being real
that there would be portals,

or wormholes, in space.

But as we deepen
our understanding of physics,

it raises the possibility
of wormholes and portals

being able to be accessible
here on Earth.

It appears possible,

to manipulate
electromagnetic fields

and change the structure
of space-time,

perhaps dramatically.

Now, can this happen
in a geophysical realm?


The Earth has a magnetic field,

it has an electric field,

and those vary
from place to place.

Would there be areas on Earth
where perhaps...

might be prone
to space-time instability,

changes in topology,

doors, portals
opening and closing?

It's very possible.

According to geologists,

the undersea magma source
called the "Hawaii hot spot"

continues to give birth
to new volcanoes.

And the volcanic rock produced
by these volcanoes

are rich
in crystalline materials

that are capable of producing
electromagnetic fields

by means of what
scientists refer to

as the piezoelectric effect.

If you have a region with...

an electric field anomaly...

and if you can create

strong enough
electromagnetic phenomena,

you can perhaps change
the geometry of space-time,

leading to portal-like

Does the unique geography
of Hawaii

offer the perfect conditions

for the shifting
of electromagnetic energy?

Conditions that could
actually bend space and time,

resulting in the creation
of a time-space portal?

According to many
ancient astronaut theorists,

the answer is a profound yes.

Hawaii was the place
where a lot of humanity

and extraterrestrials
were able to travel through

to go to other places
throughout the Pacific

and the entire planet.

And that's been happening
for centuries, millennia,

and it's even happening now.

If the island of Hawaii
once served

as some sort of spaceport,

a destination
where extraterrestrial visitors

were able to come by means
of an interdimensional gateway,

or portal, could that portal
still be operating today?

Perhaps the answer can be found

by examining the area located

at the exact same latitude
as Hawaii's biggest volcano,

but located on another planet.

Mauna Loa, the Big Island.

This active volcano is one
of the largest in the world,

and is estimated
to have been erupting

for at least 700,000 years.

Not far from Mauna Loa
is the Kilauea hot spot

that continues to spew lava
to this day.

But perhaps the most significant
aspect of Mauna Loa

is its location on planet Earth.

Now, one of the critical things
to keep in mind

is that the Mauna Loa volcano
in particular is located

at 19.47 latitude
in the Northern Hemisphere.

That area sitting at 19.47
is called Kealakekua,

which means
"Pathway of the Gods."

to ancient astronaut theorists,

natural formations and
structures found at a latitude

of 19.5 degrees
form a kind of a pattern,

what some refer to
as cosmic geometry.

The Pyramid of the Sun at
Teotihuacan is at 19.5 degrees.

So is Easter Island,
the hurricane belt.

But most importantly,
the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii

is also located at 19.5 degrees.

Perhaps even more profound than
the pattern found here on Earth

is the one found on other
planets in our solar system.

On Mars, for example,

we find
the Mons Olympus volcano,

the largest volcano
in our solar system,

is located at 19.5 degrees.

The giant Red Spot on Jupiter
is at 19.5 degrees.

Everything in the universe
is geometric.

Your physical body,
physical cells,

the tree, the buildings,
everything is geometric.

Sacred geometry is the pattern
in which these geometries

are organized, according
to ratios and proportions.

Now, when you say
something is organized,

it implies that there is
a cosmic intelligence behind it.

One of the important shapes
in sacred geometry,

and one that also has a
connection to the 19.5 latitude,

is the three-sided pyramid
known as the tetrahedron.

When you have two tetrahedrons

inverted over one another,

that forms a star tetrahedron.

When we look at a star
tetrahedron and where it fits

inside of a sphere, the vertices
of a star tetrahedron impact

the sphere at 19.5 latitude
both north and south.

And that is exactly where
the Big Island of Hawaii is

in relationship
to the entire planet.

Because of
the planet's geometry,

you're going to have hot spots
that would be

very strongly charged
in such a way

that you could use
these hot spots to teleport

from one point to the other.

Or these hot spots could be used

for intergalactic travel
or interplanetary travel.

Could sacred geometry
support the notion

that Hawaii is perfectly
positioned to create portals...

Portals that could not only
offer shortcuts

to other parts of the world

but also other parts
of the universe?

For many native Hawaiians
and ancient astronaut theorists,

the answer is a resounding yes,

and they believe that
these portals have made Hawaii

a virtual hub
of alien visitation,

one that exists
even to this day.

Pahoa, Hawaii.

June 27, 2014.

Hawaiian noble
Robert Kel'iiho'omalu,

affectionately known
as Uncle Robert,

opens the Star Visitor

a dedicated landing site

for extraterrestrials
visiting the Earth.

Until his death in 2015,

Uncle Robert stood
at the forefront

of his people's efforts
to maintain contact

with the star beings
who they believe

are the Hawaiian people's
true ancestors.

Today his dream continues

thanks to the efforts

of people like his nephew-in-law

Garry Hoffeld.

Uncle Robert
was considered to be

the konohiki of the area there.

And there were other chiefs
in the area,

but amongst those chiefs,

they came to Uncle Robert
for guidance,

and he was included
in-in every decision they made.

In June 2019,

ancient astronaut theorists
David Childress

and Michael Salla arrive
in Pahoa.

They are eager to get
a personal tour of the sanctuary

and to hear a firsthand account

of its history,
creation and mission.

Uncle Robert,
he was the prince of peace,

and he thought that...
He called them

our space brothers and sisters...

He thought
they could certainly come down,

and perhaps we should greet them
with some aloha

instead of with g*ns pointed
at 'em like they might get

someplace else in the world.

So, he was thinking
that since the...

space visitors had
originally come here to Hawaii,

-they would come back.
Is that the idea?
-Yeah, yeah.

- Okay.
- Yeah. Do you want
to come out into the...

- the area we call
the Star Sanctuary?
- Yeah. This is the...

This is the sanctuary here,
right, inside here?

Yeah, yeah.

Right here
on the lava fields, huh?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Why did he choose

this spot as the center

for the Star Visitor Sanctuary,
right here?

Well, yeah,
the whole lava field,

uh, creates a kind of new
magnetic field out here.

But this area
was actually very special,

and it could be a place

for the star visitors
to be welcomed

and that they would be
given sanctuary

because the Hawaii Kingdom
claims sovereignty

to this whole land

and which would be
the first time

in our modern history

that a sovereign entity
has granted extraterrestrials

the right to land
in peace and harmony.

To many Hawaiians,

the Star Visitor Sanctuary
serves as an homage

to their otherworldly origins.

But, if a number
of recent reports are true,

could it already be receiving

extraterrestrial visitors?

T astronaut theorists

David Childress
and Michael Salla

are at the Star Visitor

on Hawaii's Big Island.

With them is Garry Hoffeld,

a member of the Lawful
Hawaiian Government

who was involved
in the sanctuary's founding

and helps to oversee the site.

So, since you started

this Star Visitor Sanctuary,

has there been
some unusual activities

or incidents here,
uh, that you've seen?

Um, the day we set this up,
just before it got dark,

several people
were sitting out here,

and up in the distance
on the hill up here,

they said they saw light orbs

come out of the lava flow
right there above the ridge,

come across the sky
and do a little bit of a hula,

and then, off into the distance,
shot off.

- And, I mean...
- Wow.

Probably 30 people
were here seeing it,

and the next day,
the lava started flowing again.

So, they felt this was a sign

from the-the star visitors

that they were glad
the Star Visitors Sanctuary...

Perhaps validation of what we're
doing. Perhaps coincidence.

But I do believe
that there's a portal

hanging out
in this particular area opening

to different places,
and why not open here

because we've opened
a place to do it

rather than someplace else.

Well, this is
a pretty amazing spot

and quite fascinating.

Thanks for bringing me here,

- and-and thank you,
Garry, for all this.
- Oh, thank you.

I'm glad to share.

Could it be

that the beings
the native Hawaiians refer to

as their star ancestors

have come here to Earth
by means of a space-time portal?

For many
ancient astronaut theorists,

the answer is yes.

And for them
and for many Hawaiian natives,

the Star Visitor Sanctuary

an important step
in their quest to make contact

with extraterrestrial

The idea that Hawaii
is building a welcome center

for extraterrestrials
is incredible

because their entire legends

are based
on so-called star lore,

that their origins
are in the stars.

They themselves have said
that they are

a direct offspring
of the extraterrestrials.

And they are yearning
for their return.

Among many Hawaiian groups,
there's the belief

that they were
the original people.

They were the kind of gateway

for the gods to come
and seed planet Earth

with their progeny,

and that's consistent
with the idea

that the Hawaiian Island

is a critical
portal energy point

for these extraterrestrials
from distant star systems

such as the Pleiades.

It was a portal
for the Pleiadians

to send their people
to the Earth.

They was with us before,

they are with us now,
and will be for us forever.

Do the Hawaiian Islands

offer a profound connection
to the stars,

a gateway through which

have been entering our world
for centuries?


But if such an audacious notion
turns out to be true,

how long will it be
before we learn how to use

these incredible portals
for ourselves

to take our own journeys
to other worlds

and to colonize
the very universe?
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