14x10 - Project Hybred

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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14x10 - Project Hybred

Post by bunniefuu »

Thousands of claims

of alien abductions.

People are reporting

the extraterrestrials
are harvesting

genetic material from humans.

Animals mutilated
with surgical precision.

What we know is
that something is harvesting

body parts, blood and DNA.

Are aliens performing
genetic experimentation

here on planet Earth?

Other intelligences

can mix and match
any gene they want

and hybridize
and hybridize again.

The question which remains is:

If extraterrestrials have
made hybrids, why? What for?

And if extraterrestrials

are engaged in creating
alien-human hybrids,

could it signal
the end of humankind?

Perhaps more
hybrids are being created right now

in order to continue
this extraterrestrial evolution.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

Luzon island,

the Philippines.


Archaeologists announce
the discovery

of an entirely new relative
of the human species:

h*m* luzonensis.

Found in a large limestone cave,

the remains of h*m* luzonensis
date back 67,000 years.

Without a land bridge
to mainland Asia,

this strange species
arose isolated

from other hominin species.

So I think when you look
at the evolution of humanity,

and the different species that
have existed throughout time,

early on, we had
a pretty simple story.

We split from
chimpanzees and monkeys,

the h*m* sapien
ancestors developed,

and you end up with h*m* sapien,

and we're the ones
that are left.

As we do more research
in archeology,

we're discovering a wide range
of different hominids.

One of them
is the h*m* luzonensis,

and one of the interesting
things about it

is the structures of some of the
bones are sufficiently different

that it is a different species.

In addition to h*m* luzonensis,

other ancient human-like species

are continually
being discovered,

like the Denisovans in Siberia

and the hobbit-like
h*m* floresiensis in Indonesia.

Given the great diversity of
the number of different species,

how is it that
h*m* sapien sapien

ended up the only one left?

Although scientists now believe

that at least eight human-like
species once walked the Earth,

only h*m* sapiens survived.

But why?

The answer remains

one of archaeology's
greatest mysteries.

Could it be possible that
this survival, or the reason why

h*m* sapiens has survived
to this day,

is due to an extraterrestrial

Are what we're looking at here
failed experiments, prototypes?

Are we just
the latest experiment?

Were there, previously,

other branches
of the human family

that were themselves
either created or enhanced,

but which didn't quite
make the grade?

Is it possible that
extraterrestrial intervention

could explain the existence
of multiple hominin species

on Earth and the fact
that only h*m* sapiens

have survived
into the modern era?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that evidence

to support this hypothesis
can be found

in the historical records of the
earliest known civilizations,

and, in particular, the Sumerian
stories of the Annunaki,

also called
"the guardians of the sky."

In the ancient Sumerian texts,
they talk about the Annunaki,

who were described
as being able to fly,

having elongated heads,
and also being very wise

and bringing knowledge
and science.

It's often said
that the Annunaki

were specifically involved
in genetic experimentation.

And so, here we have the story

of extraterrestrials
genetically engineering people

starting around 6,000 BC,

although I suspect it must
go back much further than that.

In order to keep
their territory,

they made hybrids.

They made hybrids that would
extend the Annunaki bloodline

into standing-up primates

that would carry out
their territory,

their bloodline.

What you can find
with many of these depictions

of these ancient gods

is they're described
either with wings

or they're depicted
inside flying animals

or flying machines.

And whoever visited,
uh, ancient Sumeria,

those same guys visited
elsewhere around the planet.

Because, for example,
present-day Teotihuacan,

there actually are statues
that have been found

that are uncannily similar

to statues that have been found
in present-day ancient Sumeria.

Might species like Neanderthal

and h*m* luzonensis represent

failed attempts
by alien visitors

to create hybrids of themselves
from earthly primates?

And could there have been
other even stranger creatures

that resulted
from their experimentation?

Mosul, Iraq.


While excavating
the ancient ruins

of the Assyrian capital city
of Nimrud,

famed English archeologist
Austen Henry Layard

unearths an amazing stone
covered with detailed carvings.

Dating to 825 BC,
the black limestone obelisk

commemorates the deeds
of King Shalmaneser III.

Curiously, depicted alongside
his military conquests

and various offerings
made to him

are strange hybrid creatures.

The Black Obelisk
of Shalmaneser III

is incredibly fascinating

because, as far as hybrid beings
are concerned,

what we have here are creatures
half-animal, half-human,

some with a-a human head
with then an animal body.

And what's so interesting

is the fact that the artist
was very clear

in depicting something and that
is that some of these creatures

are held with a rope
and one even with a chain.

Now, did these creatures

actually walk around
here on Earth?

And frankly,
I would not be surprised

if that's what happened
because the basic tenet

of the ancient astronaut theory

is manipulation artificially
of genetic material.

Hybrid creatures
abound in mythological traditions

all over the world,

and in many cases,
they are part-human.

The ancient Greeks
wrote about the centaur...

Half-human, half-horse.

In Hindu mythology,
the naga are often depicted

as serpentine creatures
with human heads,

while the Egyptian god Horus

has a falcon head
and a human body.

Even in the Quran,

the flying horse that was said
to have flown Muhammad

from Mecca to Jerusalem
had a human face.

By natural evolution,

hybrids can never have existed.

If hybrids existed,

then there must be
genetical design behind it.

Our ancestor,
in Egypt or elsewhere,

had no genetical designs,
but we had the hybrids.

You can prove it
in the literature,

you can prove it
in the sculptures,

which still exist worldwide,
especially in Egypt.

The question which remains is:

If extraterrestrials have
made hybrids, why? What for?

Could the Black
Obelisk of Shalmaneser III

and countless other depictions
around the world

be a physical record

that hybrids have existed
throughout history?

And if so, is there
an alien hybridization project

that continues to be carried out
even today?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining the bizarre
and gruesome phenomenon

of animal mutilation.

Moscow, the Soviet Union.

February, 1954.

At the Institute of Experimental
Clinical Surgery,

organ transplantation pioneer
Vladimir Demikhov

conducts a potentially

and highly controversial

He transplants a dog's head
onto the torso of another dog

using vascular connections
to the host dog's heart.

The procedure is a success,
and over the next five years,

Demikhov performs
several more head transplants.

As far as these experiments
are concerned,

what they demonstrated was that
scientists now had the potential

to quite literally play God,

by mixing human DNA
with animal DNA,

creating, if you like,
sort of chimeras.

Looking back
at Demikhov's efforts

more than 50 years later,

they seem like the work
of a mad scientist.

But surgeons today
have gone even further,

actually merging animals
with humans.

In 2003,
Chinese scientist Hui Zhen Sheng

fused human cells
with rabbit eggs,

resulting in the first
human-animal hybrids

created through
genetic engineering.

In 2004, researchers
at Minnesota's Mayo Clinic

created pigs with human blood
flowing through their bodies.

And in 2018,
Chinese scientist He Jiankui

used a powerful new gene editing
technique called CRISPR

to create the world's first
genetically-edited human babies,

Lulu and Nana.

It's basically
molecular scissors

that also do a cut exactly
where you want to cut

and puts the new pieces
that you want into the DNA.

So, as we learn
how to map out DNA,

as we learn
what the different genes are,

we finally have the tool
that would allow us

to design the genes
in certain ways.

In recent years,

some scientists have even
proposed that building upon

Vladimir Demikhov's
experiments with dogs,

transplants of human heads
may soon become a reality.

But for ancient
astronaut theorists,

all of these animal-human hybrid
experiments are nothing new.

In fact, they are eerily
reminiscent of the depictions

of hybrid creatures found
on numerous ancient carvings,

like those on the Obelisk
of King Shalmaneser III,

that seem to show stitches
around the necks

of what appear to be
human-faced dogs.

I sometimes wonder if what
we're doing now was also done

tens and tens of thousands
of years ago,

in different parts of the world,

and possibly that could have
led to the creation

of these multiple different
types of early humans.

Is it possible
that the discovery

of other human-like species
that once roamed the Earth,

as well as ancient depictions
of hybrid creatures,

provides evidence that,
thousands of years ago,

extraterrestrials performed
genetic experiments

similar to those being conducted
by scientists today?

According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

not only did this happen
in the past,

but a disturbing phenomenon

that what they refer to as
an alien hybridization project

is still underway.

San Luis Valley, Colorado.


On the King family ranch,

a horse named Lady
is found dead in a pasture.

The skull is stripped so clean
of flesh that it appears

to have been exposed
to the elements for weeks.

Yet the King family
had seen Lady alive

just two days earlier.

More astonishingly, no blood
or animal tracks of any kind

are found near the corpse.

Authorities are shaken
and perplexed.

The skeleton was
completely clean and white.

Even brain tissue was gone.

But the rest of the horse looked
as if it should get up and walk.

It was that fresh.

Lady has become
famous under the name "Snippy,"

as early press coverage
misidentified the animal

as the horse which sired her.

But the incident likely
would have been lost

to history completely
were it not for the fact

that near-identical slaughters
soon became commonplace

across the American heartland.

You had farmers and ranchers
getting up in the morning

and finding their animals dead
in the fields.

And these were clearly not
att*cks by mountain lions

or coyotes
or anything like that.

The farmers actually reported
how blood was drained

from the animals,
organs were removed,

and it seemed as if the bodies
of the cattle had been opened up

by some sort of
high-heat w*apon or device.

Animal mutilations
have continued to this day,

and in many cases,

ranchers report seeing
strange bright lights

in the vicinity
of the butchered animal.

The deeper you get and
the more people you interview...

And I have literally interviewed
thousands now...

You hear,
"I saw this kind of light.

"I saw this beam lowering
an animal to the pasture

and it was mutilated."

Somebody else,
"I saw this animal coming up

in a beam of light, and later
it was found mutilated."

What we know is
that something is harvesting

body parts, blood, cells,
DNA from animals.

If aliens are, in fact,

harvesting genetic material
from the food chain,

how does this tie in
with their agenda for humanity?

Scientists have recently
discovered that humans

are remarkably similar
to many other animals

in terms of genetic makeup.

Human beings share roughly 80%
of their genes with cows,

85% with mice, 90% with cats,

and 96% with chimpanzees.

Considering the commonalities
in DNA, is it possible

that if there really is an alien
hybridization project underway,

its goal is not
to direct human evolution?

Could it be that we are
just one of many species

from which they are extracting
genetic material

to create an entirely
new life-form?

If you can genetically extract

from any life-form

and take those genes

and hybridize
and hybridize again...

We are the product
of the manipulation of DNA

in already-evolving primates

by other intelligences
that can mix and match any gene

they want for any purpose.

What are their motivations?

Now, so far, at least,
they haven't destroyed us.

But in saying that, I haven't
really seen much in the way

of positive activity on their
part to help us as a species.

I think they're probably

and that self-serving situation
may well involve the creation

of an extremely
complex experiment,

and that experiment
happens to be us.

Are extraterrestrials
extracting DNA

from all manner
of earthly species

in an effort to create
so-called alien-human hybrids?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest further evidence
can be found

by closely examining some
of the stories told concerning

alien abductions.

Boston, Massachusetts.

October 25, 1965.

A local newspaper known
as the Boston Traveler

runs a front-page story

about the alleged
alien abduction

of New Hampshire residents
Betty and Barney Hill.

In the more than five decades
since this now-famous incident,

thousands of others have come
forward with similar reports

of being abducted
by extraterrestrials.

What's particularly notable
is the fact

that during alien abductions,
people talk about

DNA taken from their bodies
and essentially experimented on

by these strange, short,
black-eyed entities

that have become known
as the Greys.

As far as ancient
astronaut theorists are concerned,

an equally chilling aspect of
these reported alien abductions

is the role that human blood
and blood type

seems to play in determining
which human subjects

become the targets
of experimentation.

New York, New York.


At the Rockefeller Institute,

Nobel Prize-winning scientist
Karl Landsteiner

makes yet another
groundbreaking finding

in his work surrounding
human blood types.

Landsteiner discovers
the Rh factor,

a type of protein, or antigen,

on the surface
of red blood cells,

setting the scientific world

One of the things about

human blood types
is we have an Rh,

either positive or negative
blood type.

And it simply has to do
with a particular antibody

on the outside
of our red blood cells.

If you have it, you're positive,

and if you don't,
you're negative.

Landsteiner was
the first person to identify

the original A, B and O
blood groups.

But his latest discovery ignites
a much more fascinating mystery

underlying the nature
of human blood.

One of the
most intriguing aspects

of the Rh negative
versus Rh positive

is that science
really does not have

a specific answer as to why
some people should be negative

and why other people
should be positive.

Just like any virus
or bacteria or disease,

if you mix these blood types,
you can get interesting effects.

If you're Rh negative
and you get Rh positive blood,

the red blood cells
look different.

They look like an invading
bacteria or virus,

and your immune system
will react to that,

and that can lead to
various diseases and problems.

When you're in a situation
where you have a pregnant woman

who is Rh negative
and the father is Rh positive,

what we find is
that the pregnant woman's

immune system quite literally
views the growing fetus

as something alien,
no pun intended.

In that situation,
medicine is provided

to ensure that the fetus
grows healthy.

How and why the Rh
negative blood type developed

remains a mystery to scientists.

And while
the blood type is rare,

there appears to be
a disproportionately

high occurrence
of Rh negative individuals

among one particular
group of people:

Those who claim to have been
abducted by aliens.

I don't think anybody

would be able
to stand behind a number

and firmly know, but...

maybe three,

maybe even some four
out of ten people

that you would interview
in the abduction syndrome

would say, "I'm Rh negative."

Could determining the
origin of Rh negative humans

be the key to uncovering
the mystery behind

potential human-alien hybrids?

Is it possible that a link
to an ancient history

of Rh negative people
could be found

in a modern-day
population of humans?

Basque Country, Northern Spain.

Wedged between the mountains
and the shore,

this isolated and unique culture
near the border with France

contains a genetic heritage
rare in most of the world.

The Basque people
have the highest concentration

of Rh negative blood on Earth.

What's particularly fascinating
about the Basque people

is their huge percentages
of Rh negatives

in their populations.

Typically, it's above 50%
in the entire Basque population.

What's particularly notable
is that,

in the rest of the planet,
across the world,

the figures are actually
only about two to three percent.

And because we know
that ancient man

roamed around those same areas
of-of Spain and France

thousands and thousands
of years ago,

this has given rise
to the potential theory

that the early humans
were also Rh negatives.

While it is
unclear exactly what role

the Rh negative blood type
plays in what many believe

to be an ongoing
alien hybridization project,

there are some who are certain
that the ultimate goal

is to alter the human race.

But why?

As far as they are concerned,
the answer is clear,

because they claim
that they themselves...

are hybrids.

Baltimore, Maryland.

November 9, 2018.

Thousands gather at
the Baltimore Convention Center

for AlienCon, a three-day event

dedicated to exploring
the possibility

that life not only exists
on other planets,

but that intelligent beings
have been visiting the Earth

for thousands of years.

I would like to ask
this audience at this AlienCon:

How many of you

have had missing time,
an abduction experience,

have encountered perhaps
an entity in your room,

or you have seen
some kind of lights,

craft that have left you
with the feeling

that you were seeing
or experiencing something

that was not human
and fits into this category?

- How many?
- Wow.

That-that is... wow, that is
an impressive show of hands.

That's staggering.

The large numbers

of allegedly abducted people
in the audience stuns the panel.

Equally impressive is
the credibility of the stories.

Let me just say
I'm a very logical person.

He looked at me, he tipped
his head down, and he looked up.

At that moment,
his eyes went black,

his nose started to turn
almost beak-like,

and I couldn't break the gaze.

I've had beings
walk through the wall.

Um, I'm Rh negative, green-eyed.

I do have some missing time.

We wake up, and we're not
in our bedroom anymore.

We're laying on tables.

They pulled me up on the ship.

They did surgery on me.

I had no idea
what they were doing.

I later found, may have been
extracting sperm.

But if alien
abductions are really happening,

what is their purpose?

Are extraterrestrials simply
examining the human species,

or is there another
even more profound agenda?

The reptilian who visits me
on a regular basis...

Apparently he realized I was
infertile, and he backed away.

As I began to do
more and more deep research,

eventually you come out
at another layer.

What are we?

What are
h*m* sapien sapien really?

And then you get
to my perspective today:

The harvest of genetic material
from this planet.

And so one of
our greatest questions is:

Who walks around on our planet,

looks human... but is not?

Could human abductions be part

of a greater effort
by extraterrestrials

to hybridize the human species
with alien DNA?

Many ancient astronaut
theorists insist

that such an audacious notion
is not only likely,

but that evidence of it
can be documented

by means of regression therapy.

Barbara Lamb has conducted
nearly 2,000 regressions

on people who believe
they have been abducted

by extraterrestrial beings.

Most recently,
she has been studying the case

of California native
Robert Fullington,

who has, under hypnosis,

revealed details
of his numerous encounters

with extraterrestrials

over the course
of the past ten years.

I came to know hybrids
several years ago,

and since then,

I've been conducting
long, long interviews,

and have been doing regressions
with them.

And out of all that material,

I have become convinced
that they are indeed

ET-human hybrids
living here on Earth.

I was 215 pounds,

and I went down to 115 pounds.

And doctors had no idea
what was going on with me.

I was starting
to have experience with ETs.

It's things like going to sleep

and then becoming aware
that something's happening.

It's these little tiny blips
of real clear ET interactions.

And I have
no idea what's going on.

A wonderful thing

is that our subconscious
part of our minds

records everything
that happens to us,

even those things that

we have not been
consciously aware of.


On June 6,
2019, Barbara conducted

another regression session
with Robert...

- Okay, nice and comfortable now?
- Mm-hmm.

In an effort to find out
not only why he had been abducted,

but also the specific way
in which he might have been

genetically altered.

So now we're going to go
into a nice state

of deep relaxation.

More and more deep.

More and more relaxed.

People are, uh, laying in lines,
and they're working on people.

Like, I'm last in line
to be worked on.

Now, are these people in line,

- are they lying down or are they...
- Yeah. They're...

It's like a bunch of tables
in a row.

I feel like there's something
inserting into my stomach.

They're extracting something.

Like they're collecting DNA
from different people.

In the regression,
it turned out that

one extraterrestrial
actually made an incision

and took out DNA.

Now, that is something that has
come across through my work.

Some of them seem to be
very scientific,

and they want to understand
how human bodies work

and what our physiology is like.

In many of the regressions
I have done,

it turns out that the ETs

are creating hybrids
for their own purposes.

If extraterrestrials
are extracting genetic material

from humans and experimenting
with alien-human hybrids,

what might their purpose be?

Is it to benefit the aliens,

humanity, or could it be...


Berkeley, California.


An international team of
anthropologists and geneticists

at UC Berkeley discover
that between 1.5 and 2.1 percent

of the genomes
of modern non-Africans

can be traced to a hominin
that lived alongside humans:


The finding provides proof
that early humans

came into contact
with Neanderthals,

and even interbred with them.

But one thing scientists are
still unable to explain

is why humans survived,
and Neanderthals,

who were in many ways
a superior species, did not.

One of the biggest mysteries
about Neanderthal man

is how and why
they became extinct.

They were very strong,
robust, intelligent people,

not the sort of cartoon image
of so-called cavemen.

The space for
their brain in their head

is bigger than ours.

And they know from pollen

that they put flowers
on their graves.

That meant they had compassion.

Neanderthals not only had

much, much larger brains,
but also their bodies.

I mean, they were
walking refrigerators.

They were as strong
as you can imagine.

So what made
the difference here?


If, as many alleged
alien abductees have testified,

extraterrestrials are performing
genetic experiments on humans

for their own benefit,

could they have favored
h*m* sapiens

over h*m* neanderthalensis
because it was a species

more compatible with their own?

Or did they create
numerous hominins,

and humans represent the most
favorable parts of each of them?

In either case,
two important questions remain.

Is this process still underway,

and if so, what is
the ultimate objective?

One theory is that
they are a dying race,

and that by harvesting
genetic material from humans,

they are injecting
into their own genome

some new genetic material
which will help save them.

Another related theory is
let's take human DNA,

let's take alien DNA,

and let's create
something even better.

When we hybridize something,
we do so to gain a benefit.

We take a particular line,
and we breed,

and we gradually get
a stronger, faster,

better racehorse.

Extraterrestrials are
effectively doing

the same thing to us
as a species.

Theories abound
as to the purpose behind

a possible alien
hybridization project,

but is it all mere speculation?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe the ultimate evidence

that an alien hybridization
project is in fact underway,

and clues as to
the true motives behind it,

can be found by examining
an incredible UFO encounter

reported by members
of the U.S. Air Force.

Rendlesham Forest,
Suffolk County, England.

December 26, 1980.

A glowing craft is reported
near an air base

leased to the United States
Air Force by the RAF.

Two U.S. servicemen are
dispatched to the site

to investigate what they believe
could be a possible

downed aircraft.

When they arrive,
the men observe

a strange triangular craft
on the ground,

approximately three meters wide
at its base.

One of the men, U.S. Air Force
Sergeant Jim Penniston,

notices an inscription
on the side of the aircraft,

and reaches out to touch it.

One of the key points
in Jim's testimony

is that he touched
the side of the UFO

and received a sort of
telepathic download

of ones and zeroes
that he then wrote down

in his police notebook.

Years later,
a computer programmer

took this information,

ran it through
a translation program,

and a message emerged.

The message read as follows.

"Exploration of humanity

for planetary advance,

"eyes of your eyes,

origin year 8100."

There was also a series

of latitudinal
and longitudinal coordinates

that matched up with locations
such as the Great Pyramid,

the Temple of Apollo at Naxos,

the Nazca Lines in Peru,

Sedona in Arizona.

All around the world,

sites of great
sacred significance.

So Jim Penniston came up
with all this information

without knowing a thing
in real life about binary code.

When one sees
"origin year 8100,"

one is forced to speculate,

might we be looking
not just at extraterrestrials

but time travelers
from the future?

And if that's the case,
why did they come here?

In the distant future,

the human race is dying out.

Well, how do you save
the human race?

Maybe you go back in time

and essentially reap
eggs, DNA, cells

as a means to try and beef up
the species in the future.

But by doing that, you present
yourself as extraterrestrials,

so that the people of today

won't actually know
who they really are.

Is it possible

that an alien
hybridization project

is of benefit to both
the extraterrestrials

and their human subjects
because they are in fact

one and the same?

And are future humans
posing as aliens

to harvest valuable
genetic material

in order to take that material
back with them

and ensure humanity's future?

Beijing, China.

November 5, 2017.

During a video presentation
at the Tencent WE Summit,

Stephen Hawking warns that
in order to ensure

the survival of the human race,

we must work to develop
the means to leave planet Earth.

While much of the speculation
regarding the purpose

behind a possible
alien hybridization project

has to do with extraterrestrials

trying to find a way
to live on Earth,

could it be that the goal is
in fact the exact opposite?

Are humans being
genetically altered

in preparation
for a future existence

on another planet?

We're constantly discovering
new ancestors to-to humans.

Just when we think
we've got it all figured out

and who our early ancestors are,
they find somebody new.

And you have to wonder
just why are there so many

different ancestors of humans,

and are we being genetically
engineered ultimately

until the perfect vehicle

that the extraterrestrials want
has been created.

So, in theory,
then we'll be ready

to be a spacefaring race,

ready to go into the stars,

to return to the stars
and to join

these other
extraterrestrial races

that are watching us right now.

If you were to ask me

what does Project Hybrid
mean to me,

I would kind of view it
as like an ongoing

secret clandestine program

that revolves around
the physical manipulation

of the human race,
going back not just recent times

but potentially
millions of years ago.

There are
some who have suggested

that between 15 and 30 percent
of present-day humans

allegedly are hybrids.

What I am saying is that
all of us already are hybrids.

h*m* sapiens sapiens
would not exist

without the artificial
mutation of our genes

by extraterrestrials.

So we already are the hybrids,
and perhaps more hybrids

are being created right now
in order to continue

this extraterrestrial evolution.

Has human evolution
been merely the product

of natural selection,

as mainstream scientists
and anthropologists believe?

Or have we benefitted from
extraterrestrial engineering?

As far as ancient astronaut
theorists are concerned,

the answer is a profound yes.

And they believe that
not only have humans

been genetically altered in an
effort to ensure our survival,

but that our evolution
has been accelerated

so that we will be able to join
with our alien ancestors

and begin our journey
to the stars

in the not too distant future.
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