14x03 - Element 115

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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14x03 - Element 115

Post by bunniefuu »

A scientific breakthrough

opens the door
to an entirely new reality.

This technology

can alter our world
beyond our wildest imagination.

It has the potential

to put every star in the sky
within our reach.

Variations of it could be stable

and might eventually
provide fuel

for a starship.

But is it possible

that this incredible technology
was ripped

from a crashed
extraterrestrial spacecraft?

It doesn’t really coincide
with the aerodynamics

-of a regular airplane.

my skin is tingling from this.

And if we harness
its awesome power,

will we suddenly make
the giant leap

from citizens of Earth

to citizens of the universe?

If you can manipulate
time and space

through some kind of an element,

you can do anything you want.

There is a doorway

in the universe.

Beyond it is
the promise of truth.

It demands
we question everything

we have ever been taught.

The evidence is all around us.

The future is
right before our eyes.

We are not alone.

We have never been alone.

Roswell, New Mexico.

June 1947.

On a dusty patch of desert

30 miles north of town,

an unidentified object
crashes to Earth.

The initial press release

from the Roswell Army Airfield
on July 8

reports the recovery
of a flying disc.

Curiously, the following day,

the official story is changed

to suggest it was nothing more
than a failed weather balloon.

But more than six decades later,

the FBI declassifies a memo

dated March 22, 1950,

in which FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover is briefed

not about the recovery
of one flying saucer,

but three.

We’ve all heard
the Roswell story

about the Roswell crash in 1947

and claims that bits
and pieces of it,

of metal, this strange material,

were picked up and stashed away
by the military.

Over the years,
people have claimed

there are other crashes.

The reality is,

if this technology exists

and if we could figure out
how it works

and if we could duplicate it,
I suspect

that it would be put
to military uses

and would never see
the light of day.

At least not in my lifetime.

The truth is that our government

and other governments
have had retrieval of physics

that they don’t understand

and they still don’t understand
to this day.

It is waiting

for our physics
and our engineering to catch up

to our even being able
to explore

and understand the technology
we have retrieved.

Is it possible
that the United States military

really is in possession

of one or more
crashed extraterrestrial craft?

While the government has denied
such claims for decades,

one man has come forward

to say that he has seen
the evidence

with his own eyes.

My name’s Bob Lazar.

I’m known for working

at a classified base known as S4

out in the Nevada desert
near Area 51,

and there we reverse engineered
alien spacecraft.

In the late 1980s,

the U.S. government
had recovered alien spacecraft,

several of them,
and the technology.

That’s a fact.

In May 1989, Bob Lazar,

a physicist and former employee

of Los Alamos National
Laboratory, first came forward

with the incendiary news that
the government was conducting

experiments at a top secret

known as Area 51.

He admitted that the government
had not only recovered

alien spacecraft at Roswell,

but also validated
the persistent rumors

of alien technology being
reverse engineered

in the Nevada desert.

Nearly three decades later,
in 2018,

Bob Lazar once again told
his incredible story

to documentary filmmaker
Jeremy Corbell.

He said it’s a secret that
needed to be told to the world,

that his life was in danger,

and that he was coming forward
and wanted to tell it.

Area 51 is known all over
the world because of Bob Lazar.

Whether people believe
his story or not,

it put Area 51 on the map,
and it’s never going away.

For years, skeptics dismissed
Area 51 as pure fantasy,

and att*cked Lazar, calling him
a fraud and a liar.

But in 2013, a Freedom
of Information Act request

forced the CIA to come clean

and admit that Area 51 is real.

What they didn’t acknowledge
about Area 51 was that

it had anything to do with UFOs
or extraterrestrials.

What they said was, Area 51 was
just a secret base

for the U2 spy plane,

which went into operation
around 1960.

But now the government is
saying, oh, yes, we admit it.

We’ve got Area 51, but there’s
really nothing to see here.

But researchers don’t buy that
at all.

There’s so many stories of UFOs
and extraterrestrial activity

around Area 51
that no one believes

what the government is saying.

According to Lazar,

the notorious military base,
located northwest of Las Vegas,

near Groom Lake, had an even
more top secret offshoot

buried just to the south,

deep under Papoose Mountain,
called S4.

It was here that he claims the
U.S. Navy hid the alien saucers.

They had a hangar hidden in the
desert to make it look like

it was actually part
of the desert terrain.

there’s nothing there.

They’ve never had a facility,
that’s what they’ll tell you.

You look at maps, you can see
roads that go from Groom Lake

down to Papoose, so what
the heck was that for?

By his account, the Navy
became aware of Lazar

through his work at Los Alamos,

and he was recruited for his
experience with particle physics

and electronics.

Lazar alleged that he was
funneled immediately

into black project Galileo,

and was tasked with
reverse engineering

the propulsion system
of a flying saucer housed at S4

that he referred to
as the "Sport Model."

The science was something we
were trying to figure out,

but we knew how the devices
would operate.

You know, for instance,
the propulsion of the craft.

It’s a reactionless craft.

It’s a field-propulsion craft.

And what it does is it creates
a distortion in space and time

in front of it,
where space actually bends.

Lazar said that
the crucial ingredient

to make this incredible
technology work

was an element that did not yet
exist on the periodic table;

an element he mysteriously
referred to as "Element 115."

At the time Lazar came forward,

the periodic table-- a list of
all known chemical elements,

arranged by atomic number,
electron configuration,

and recurring chemical

contained a total
of only 109 elements.

He said that this heavy element
was the key

to a propulsion system.

Element 115 was the fuel

by which interstellar travel
was made possible.

It’s really interesting,
as you look at the history

of this reverse engineering
process that Lazar talks about,

because there had to be a way
to get that technology here

in the first place.

Of course, most people think
it has something to do

with the Roswell crash and other
crashes that may have happened.

The bottom line is, it came
from an alien source,

and we have to figure out
what to do with it

to our best benefit.

Is the Navy in possession of

not only extraterrestrial

but its fuel source...
Element 115?

July 18, 2017,

Laingsburg, Michigan.

While producing his documentary
about Bob Lazar and Area 51,

independent filmmaker
Jeremy Corbell asks

if the former government
physicist knows of the location

of Element 115.

Did you ever get a piece of
Element 115 out of Los Alamos?

If a piece of Element 115
did exist,

it would provide
the first tangible evidence

that the U.S. government
is in possession of

extraterrestrial technology.

Element 115 would be
proof positive

that he’s telling the truth.

If you could get a piece of it,

it would be proof
that it’s alien.

The day after the interview,

Corbell received word from Lazar
that he had been presented

a search warrant by the FBI for
his business, United Nuclear.

According to Lazar, they claimed
that they were looking for

two-year-old paperwork
concerning a customer

that ordered some potentially
toxic material.

I started getting
a bunch of texts.

He’s being raided,
not just by the FBI,

by multiple agencies.

Forensic collection agents,
people mirroring computers.

They turned his business
upside down.

And I’ve talked to a number
of federal agents.

Their job is to do operations
like this.

You do not go for a full
turnover of a place of business

for paperwork;
you make a phone call.

Bob Lazar never provided

an answer to the question
of whether he was in possession

of Element 115.

But why?

Could it be that the FBI
was listening in?

If so, did they raid
his business in an attempt

to find the answer
for themselves?

But more importantly,

if his story is true,

what are the implications
for humankind?

Some scientists suggest
that if the U.S. government

is in possession of the type of
technology Bob Lazar described,

it could lead to
the greatest technological leap

in human history.

Moscow, 1963.

Astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev

examines an unidentified
radio emission

coming from a quasar
named CTA-102.

It is the first
official Soviet effort

in the search for
extraterrestrial intelligence.

And it inspires Kardashev
to speculate

that alien civilizations
could exist

that are millions--

or even billions--
of years ahead of us.

He creates what is known
as the Kardashev scale,

a classification scheme ranking
three levels of civilizations,

based on their ability
to harness energy.

A Type I civilization
has the energy

of an entire planet.

They might, for example,
control the weather--

earthquakes, volcanoes.

They can modify them.

They have the power of a planet.

That’s Type I.

A Type II civilization

has mastered the energy
of a star.

They’ve colonized
the nearby planets,

very similar to the Federation
of Planets like in Star Trek.

Star Trek would be
a Type II civilization.

Then there’s Type III.


They roam
the galactic space lanes.

They harness the power
of black holes.

That’s like the Empire
of Star Wars.

That would be
a Type III civilization.

Now, on this cosmic scale,
what are we?

Do we control the Earth?

Do we control the stars?
Do we control the galaxy?

We are Type 0.

We get our energy
from dead plants.

Some scientists suggest

that if humans
were even to ascend

to what Kardashev called
a Type I civilization,

our current understanding
of the laws of the universe

would be dramatically altered.

Now, some of my colleagues say,

"Bah. Humbug.
The stars are so far away,

aliens can’t possibly reach us."

But that assumes
that they’re just Type I.

What happens if they are
a thousand years ahead of us?

Or, for a Type III civilization,

a hundred thousand years
more advanced than us?

Then new laws of physics

begin to open up,

and all the "bah humbugs" have
to be thrown out the window,

because a new scale
of physics emerges

once you are Type II
or Type III.

There are several
theoretical physicists

who believe that once
humans achieve the status

of a Type I civilization,

evolving to Type II
and colonizing other planets

will happen quickly

and will be akin
to our leap from ape to human.

If so,
could Bob Lazar’s accounts

of reverse engineered
alien spacecraft

signal a revolutionary
turning point

in human evolution?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining a recent
scientific breakthrough.

Dubna, Russia.

August 10, 2003.

Russian and U.S.
nuclear physicists

at the Joint Institute
for Nuclear Research

sh**t a beam of calcium atoms
at a target

of element 95, americium,

inside a particle accelerator.

The collision results
in the creation

of the heaviest atom
ever observed:

Element 115.

Because Element 115 is
highly unstable,

it exists in stable form for
only a fraction of a second

before disintegrating
into radioactive fragments.

But could this be the very same
element that Bob Lazar said

was the fuel source
for an extraterrestrial craft?

Some physicists
believe that if they can produce

a stable form of this newly
synthesized element,

it has the potential to
facilitate the greatest

technological leap
in human history.

Most of these elements,
beyond uranium,

only exist for
a fraction of a second.

They’re there,
and then they’re gone again.

But we physicists think

that we can make use of it
to create nuclear energy

on a much more efficient scale
than plutonium...

and that variations of it
could be stable,

and might eventually provide
fuel for a starship.

This technology can absolutely,
instantaneously alter our world

beyond our wildest imagination.

And it could do so so rapidly

that it would be a shock
to the human consciousness.

So, the idea is to study
these technologies

and try to get parts of it
that will benefit humanity.

Mainstream scientists believe
stabilizing enough Moscovium

to power an
intergalactic spacecraft

is still decades away.

But the question remains:
could this Element 115

be the same Element 115 that
Bob Lazar claims was recovered

by the U.S. military?

It has always been theorized
that Element 115 itself

does exist, but we hadn’t
physically made it ourselves

until 2003.

However, the Element 115 that
Bob Lazar had his hands on,

that had a different
isotopic ratio

that allowed it
to be stabilized.

While scientists suggest
that it may be possible

to create a stable version
of Moscovium,

there are some who believe
this newly synthesized element

is simply a decoy.

Could it be that some secret
government agency arranged

for the introduction of this
highly unstable element

in order to convince the public

that the Element 115

Bob Lazar described...
does not exist?

Whenever somebody makes
a bizarre claim

that’s written off for science
fiction, like Element 115 was,

and then, years later,
the science catches up,

and it’s,
"Oh, yeah, he was right.

There is an Element 115, and
we’ve just manufactured some."

Well, it’s the idea that
this is disinformation.

And they’ll be saying it’s one
of these heavy elements

that’s only stable for
a very short period of time.

That simply can’t be
the real fuel

by which interstellar travel
was made possible.

He’s making it up.

Therefore, he’s not divulging
anything classified.

But when this announcement
was first made,

some people said,
"Wait a minute.

"If Bob Lazar was right
about Element 115,

what else was he right about?"

For ancient astronaut theorists,

the fact that an Element 115
has now been added

to the periodic table,

and that scientists are
already speculating

about how it might be used
for space travel,

seems to lend further credence
to Bob Lazar’s claims.

But if the military really did
recover a stabilized version

of Element 115
from a crashed alien craft,

did they come upon it by chance,

or could it have been
given to us

as part of an
extraterrestrial agenda?

October 18, 1947.

The Astrakhan Region
of the former Soviet Union.

From a military aerospace
development lab

known as Kapustin Yar,

scientists successfully launch
their first long-range

ballistic m*ssile:
a German A4 rocket.

For the next decade,
this will be the Soviet Union’s

only test site
for ballistic missiles,

and the beginning
of a space program

that put the first satellite
and the first human being

into space.

Curiously, in 1948,

Kapustin Yar was also the site
of the Soviet Union’s

first reported UFO encounter.

On June 19, 1948,
a cigar-shaped object

was detected by Soviet radar.

A silverish,
cigar-shaped object,

uh, appeared over
the testing grounds.

And, um, the Soviets tried
to sh**t it down.

It’s a highly classified case.

We don’t know exactly
what happened,

but, allegedly, they were able

to actually sh**t
this object down.

They found remnants
of bodies in it,

and also technology,

which was recovered and taken
to the local bunker,

where they kept it,
allegedly, for years,

and used it to reverse engineer
some of the technology.

The Kapustin Yar incident
allegedly took place

within a year of the famous
Roswell event.

Both the CIA and the Soviet MGB
intelligence agency

took interest in what might have
crashed and been retrieved

in enemy territory.

You had American agents

trying to find out

what were the objects
flying over the Soviet Union.

At the same time,
you had the Roswell incident

in the United States.

I can tell you that Stalin
was very much interested,

and he had espionage information
delivered by his agents to him.

We have proof of that.

And he questioned
Soviet academicians

about the veracity

of UFO threat to his country.

If stories of UFO crashes
and retrievals

in both the United States
and the Soviet Union are true,

could it have led
to a collaboration

between the world’s
only two superpowers?

And considering the fact
that the alleged incidents

took place
within a year of each other,

might it have been part
of an extraterrestrial agenda?

If there’s a motivation

of aliens or extraterrestrials

in bringing
these two superpowers together,

it’s to wake us up,

to recognize that,
hey, once we get past

all the artificial lines
and borders on our planet

and get out into space...

That is the hope and promise
of this collaboration.

If extraterrestrial spacecraft

were purposely crashed
in both the United States

and the Soviet Union

more than 70 years ago,

has the study of them led
to technological breakthroughs

that have been kept hidden
from the public?

And where have
these alien visitors been

during the seven decades
that have passed?

- Ancient astronaut theorists

they have been here all along

and that recent events suggest

they are ready to make
their presence known to humanity

once again.

November 14, 2004.

100 miles off the coast
of Southern California,

fighter pilots with the USS
Nimitz Carrier Strike Group

engage incoming
unidentified flying craft.

11 years later,

in 2015,

U.S. fighter pilots engage
yet another UFO.

Well, if there’s...

The accompanying report revealed

fighter pilot accounts
of the craft

descending from altitudes
of 60,000 feet

to 50 feet
in a matter of seconds,

hovering or staying stationary
on radar for short times,

departing at high velocities
and turn rates,

and even cloaking.

The release of what became known
as the GIMBAL video

was one of the most significant

of government encounters
with UFOs.

In the description,
you’re talking about maneuvers

that would literally crush
the spacecraft

and k*ll any occupant.

The only way
you can circumvent that

is if there’s some sort
of inertia dampening field

around the craft itself,

and-and that is,
as far as we know,

a technology that doesn’t
yet exist on this planet.

Reminiscent of the "Sport Model"
Bob Lazar claims

to have worked on at Area 51 S4,

some of the crafts described
in the DoD report

were smooth, with no edges,

uniformly colored
with no nacelles,

pylons, or wings,

and were approximately 46 feet
in length.

According to Lazar,

at the core of its design

was a nuclear reactor powered
by element 115.

Element 115 was

what we would call the fuel

that provided the power
for the reactor to work.

Element 115 affects gravity.

Element 115 produces
its own gravitational energy.

The resulting gravity wave
creates a distortion

in front of it,

allowing the craft
to slide forward.

And that’s how it proceeds.

Although Lazar is adamant

that he observed
the Sport Model in flight,

skeptics argue
that antigravity propulsion

is the stuff of science fiction.

Or is it?

Los Angeles, California.

March 9, 2019.

Dissatisfied with
mainstream scientific analysis

of the DoD GIMBAL video,

author and ancient astronaut
theorist Mike Bara invited

astrophysicist and aerospace
engineer Dr. Travis Taylor

to participate in an evaluation
of the DoD’s footage.

They are also curious
about the potential connection

the extraordinary movements

of the UFO craft depicted

and what Bob Lazar reported
as the unique properties

of what he is convinced

was a captured
extraterrestrial spacecraft

powered by element 115.

So here’s the thing, though.

If you assume the pilots
are telling the truth,

and if you assume the DoD
is telling the truth...


...then don’t you have
a much stronger case

for something unusual being
present on these videos?

Yeah, so, if you make
all those assumptions,

then you have this craft
in this video

that is performing
outside of our abilities

to manipulate physics
with aerospace vehicles today.

Travis Taylor has worked
on various programs

for the United States
Department of Defense

and NASA for over 16 years.

I’m an optical scientist,

an aerospace engineer,
an astronomer and a physicist,

and I’ve worked in the aerospace
and defense industry

since I was 17 years old.

And it’s intriguing that
a lot of people are saying

that this GIMBAL video
is something

like what Bob Lazar
claims to have worked on.

Mike Bara has
written numerous books

about U.S. and international
space programs,

and has done extensive research
into aviation technology.

The thing to me that’s really
interesting about this video

is the fact that it actually
encourages people

to believe that these
are alien spacecraft.

Now, why would the government
want to do that?

For Mike and Travis,
the first step in analyzing

the DoD footage is to determine
whether it is genuine

or could have been fabricated.

To assist them in this effort,

they have turned
to a master of illusion...


...Hollywood visual
effects supervisor Sam Edwards.

-Nice to to meet you.
-How you doing, Travis?

-Well, thanks for having us.
-Yeah, it’s great.

-Yeah, come on, after you.
Yeah. Perfect. This way?

-Here’s the screening room.
Yeah. Wow. This is great.

Have a seat anywhere.


do you think
that you and your team

could go and recreate a video
that looked authentic,

like, it came from, you know,
the F/A-18 g*n camera

from, you know,
2004 or whatever?

Listen, I-I’m in
the visual effects business,

right, and we don’t ever say no.

-Right, right.

But you know the joke is
about the, the moon landing is?

It must be real
because Hollywood

would never
make something so boring.

-Right. Good point.

So there’s no mediation at all
to this image, right?

It couldn’t be more dull.

It’s just, technically, this
is in there and that’s in there.

There’s nobody’s artistic vision
at all.

That’s, uh, that to me
is one of the best arguments

-right there for it,
that makes perfect sense.right?

While there is no way
to determine for certain

that the video
wasn’t fabricated,

based on what they are seeing,

as well as the pilot’s
eyewitness corroboration,

Mike, Travis and Sam
are convinced

that the footage is genuine.

If true,
the implications are profound,

as even some military personnel
are of the opinion

that the maneuvers displayed
by the craft in the GIMBAL video

resemble no known
man-made technology.

So now the next question is,

-is the origin of that advanced propulsion.

Is it man-made
advanced propulsion

or is it extraterrestrial?

Let’s try to reverse engineer
what’s there

and understand
what we’re looking at.

So, yeah,
it’s air-to-air footage,

and I thought
that was kind of cool.

I stabilized out
some of the camera motion

so we can kind of get a better
feel for its trajectory.

Oh, okay.

Wow, yeah.
-That’s cool.

That tells us how much
it’s actually moving.

Which, it doesn’t seem to me
to be supersonic

-or anything like it.
-If you look at that,

it looks to me like there is
structure in a couple of places.

Uh, now we’re below it, right?

Something right in here and here
and then something here.

-The interesting thing here is,

if you were looking
at a SR-71 and it was below you

and you were looking down at it,
the wings would look

sort of disc-shaped like that,
and there would be a tail

and there would be
a nose structure

-and these would be your wings.
-If that’s a wing then,

what’s-what’s going on now?

Right? It’s still traveling
in the same direction.

It-it looks a lot
like a top, doesn’t it?

It doesn’t really coincide

with the aerodynamics
of a regular airplane.

The fighter pilots they,
they can roll, they can pitch,

they can crab, they can yaw,
they can do all sorts of things

to an airplane
to make it look unusual.

I-I hear what you’re saying,

and, uh, we made
a, uh, CG model.

And I kind of hand-tracked it
to sort of match its motion

so we can kind of get a feel for
what some of its dimensions are.

Yeah, it’s interesting,
if it’s looking straight on

like your model there, your
model matches to it pretty good.

Well, let me show you
something else

that catches my eye, gentlemen.

What seems odd to me,

this kind of light
that follows behind the craft.

There’s no such thing
as a light source

that follows around
behind an aircraft.

Right, because
it’s clearly there,

-now that you point it-- I can’t
believe I didn’t see it before.

So the system
is in black hot mode.

What that tells me: if black
is hot, there’s a cold region.

-A cold region around the vehicle.

Thing about this, a cold region

around a propulsion system
is odd.

You typically are gonna be,
you know, warm

coming out of the exhaust
or near your engine.

Doesn’t that argue that it’s not

a conventional
propulsion system?

Ancient astronaut theorist Mike Bara

and aerospace engineer
Travis Taylor

are meeting with Hollywood
visual effects supervisor

Sam Edwards
in order to examine footage

of a UFO taken by
a U.S. Navy pilot.

They are also curious about
the possible connections

between the UFO craft depicted
in the footage,

and the reported properties

of the mysterious element
known as 115.

On my monitor I’m taking

that broader dynamic range image

and I’m looking at different
parts of the spectrum.

I mean, you can see that field

-right around that thing.
-Yeah, exactly.

It’s not jet engines?
I mean, look,

-let’s talk about what...
-If we make the assumption

that it’s not
the camera phenomenon,

that it is something to do
with the propulsion system,

then it’s describing to me

something like
an Alcubierre warp bubble.

An Alcubierre warp bubble

is a theoretical model
for transporting a spaceship

by contracting space
in front of it

and expanding space behind it.

A bubble of curved space
would form around the craft,

and in an atmosphere
like that of Earth,

the air temperature inside
the bubble

would be significantly cooler

than the surrounding
atmospheric air,

so much cooler that an infrared
camera would detect it.

This makes it possible
for the craft

to travel faster
than the speed of light

without breaking any
of the laws of physics.

Here’s the thing,

this is exactly the technology
that Bob Lazar talked about

with his "Sport Model"
from Area 51.

What he said was happening was
that you’re simply distorting

the gravity field like this,

so you can kind of surf
along this wave.

And if you’re, if you’re dealing
with something like,

let’s say Element 115,
if that really exists,

if you’re dealing with some sort
of field propulsion,

it’s gonna have a little bit
of a halo around it.

What Sam pointed out
is absolutely extraordinary.

What I’m seeing is this bubble
around the craft,

and I’m willing to call it
a craft now,

because I don’t think it’s just
a drone anymore.

I’m looking at something
that points to a really,

really extraordinary
propulsion system.

That right there is clearly
something there,

if it’s not a camera artifact.

Well, the lights
definitely rotate

-with the shape, right?
-Yeah. Yeah.

Which-which makes you think
it’s not a camera artifact.

If this were just an artifact
of the camera technology,

I would have expected the halo

to have looked slightly

The fact that there are strange
little striations

from it that are turning
when the vehicle turns,

it doesn’t look like
it’s a camera artifact.

Sam, until I saw this,

I had a completely different
opinion of this video.

-Oh, nice.
-Seeing the video

and the analysis
that we did today with Sam,

it’s opened my mind
to accept that it’s possible

that this is a vehicle

that might function a lot like
the stories that Bob Lazar told.

This does have similarities
that are...


My skin is tingling from this.

If the bubble of cold air
enveloping the craft

in the GIMBAL video
is the same phenomenon

exhibited by Bob Lazar’s
"Sport Model,"

could it be that the U.S.
military has mastered

the Element 115
propulsion system?

It acts precisely how Bob Lazar
described the abilities

of the "Sport Model."

And by the way, I-I have spoken
to multiple Defense Department

sources who are familiar
with the release of that video,

and they believe that it’s
because of special materials

that that craft can do
what it did.

What those special materials
are, I don’t know,

but it sure sounds like
Element 115 to me.

But if the DoD is in possession

of such extraordinary

why is it being kept a secret?

Could other world powers
have also recovered

similar technology?

And will the public ever know
the full truth?

In my mind, there is
a deep state,

and that deep state
is essentially the military.

And what makes that deep state

ultimately is
the incredible technology

that our military has.

And in fact, I believe
it’s quite possible

that we’re already
exploring Mars

and perhaps other planets,

and the military is keeping it
a secret from us.

POPE: This... the possibility
that this is part

of an acclimatization program,

a sort of drip feeding
of the truth out to us.

A declassified video here,

a document there.

And maybe Bob Lazar
fits into that story.

With the Pentagon’s release

of top secret UFO videos,

along with increased
scientific cooperation

between world powers

and the addition of Element 115
to the periodic table,

is the public being
slowly prepared

to enter an entirely
new reality?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that if
the U.S. government really is

in possession
of alien technology,

an even more important
question is,

just where is it taking us?

Dubna, Russia.

December 26, 2018.

An international team
of physicists

at the Flerov Laboratory

successfully fire the DC-280
cyclotron particle accelerator

for the first time.

Its beam is the most powerful
ever recorded

among the world’s top
nuclear facilities.

The physicists will use
the new facility

to work on stabilizing
superheavy metals

like Element 115...

...so that their incredible
energy potential

can be harnessed.

The Flerov Laboratory

has been in the forefront

of nuclear particle
physics research.

And on January 29, 2019,

TASS News Agency came out
with announcement

that this year,
there’ll be breakthroughs,

because they will use many more
atoms than before

when they discovered
Element 114 and 115.

And definitely there is
much more effort that’s going on

in Dubna today
than we know about.

It’s a center of excellence
when it comes to research

into superheavy elements.

And whenever you’re dealing
with these superheavy elements,

you are dealing with something
that has the capability

to generate large amounts
of energy.

And again, this is what
Bob Lazar said

was the ultimate secret of UFOs.

So, how long will it be

before we are out there
among the stars?

And I think that’s where
we go next.

We’re at an interesting time

in the development
of our species.

If the government has secretly
been attempting

to reverse engineer a stabilized
version of Element 115

recovered from an alien craft,

will these new experiments
accelerate that effort?

I think we’ve got technology,
bits and pieces,

maybe an entire craft,
or more than one craft,

from somewhere else.

Stuff that we didn’t make.

The reality is,
if this technology exists,

and if we could figure out

how it works,
and if we can duplicate it,

it has limitless potential.

It would propel humanity
to a new level.

This technology would alter
the basic fabric

of how we relate
to the external world.

If you can produce a gravity
wave, you’ve won.

That’s it.

The entire landscape
of your reality changes.

It is a fearsome technology,
a powerful technology,

and with great power
comes great responsibility.

The idea that extraterrestrials
are giving us technology,

perhaps, is an exciting idea.

But... we have to wonder
just what interactions

we really are having
with extraterrestrials,

and what they think of us.

And I like to think
that the space programs

of our own military, and of

other countries as well,

that we are going
to work together,

that our own efforts
to go into space

and other planets
are for peaceful purposes,

and not for ones of conquering

other civilizations
or taking

other people’s resources.

And I think that
the extraterrestrials, too,

are watching us

for those very reasons.

Are we on the verge of harnessing

the awesome power
of Element 115

and embarking on a journey
unlike humanity has ever seen?

Perhaps as we reach
this critical next step

in human evolution,

we will finally
know the full truth

about both our history
and our origins...

and begin the next chapter
of mankind...

in the cosmos.
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