12x11 - Voices of the Gods

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x11 - Voices of the Gods

Post by bunniefuu »

This design has been taken

from a text that's at least

1,800 years old.

TRAVIS TAYLOR: Our vehicle

was showing positive lift,

like an aircraft would.

So the information contained

in the ancient texts
is indeed accurate.

Now, this is a vast medical text

and it's considered
the foundation

of traditional Indian medicine.

Oh, so this is the basis

for Ayurvedic medicine?

Yes. This book was written

more than a 100 years
before Hippocrates,

the father of modern medicine.


There is information
about science,

technology, and medicine

preserved in ancient India.

Where did the ancestors
receive this information?

People from other planet.


Home to over 1.3 billion people.

It is the second most populous
nation in the world.

Although it is home

to some of mankind's
oldest civilizations,

India has, in recent years,

also undergone
rapid modernization.

The city of Bangalore,
for example,

is the headquarters
of literally thousands

of information technology

and has been ranked as
one of the most high-tech cities

in the world.

But these advancements
also coexist

with the country's
ancient origins.

Roughly 80%
of the Indian population

practices Hinduism.

And for the Hindu faithful,

their gods are not
mythological creatures,

but are real
flesh-and-blood beings

that have, at times,
been present here on Earth.

For the Indian people,

the basis of their religion
is essential

to the fabric of their lives.

of the faithful, to this day,

see these accounts
not as fanciful, but as history.

They take it literally

that the gods
walked among human beings

and conveyed knowledge.

MOHAN: In the Hindu tradition,

these ancient gods
are not considered

just symbolic
or mythical beings.

They are considered
as flesh-and-blood beings

that came down from the sky
and existed in real life.

The foundation of Hinduism

is carefully preserved
in India's most ancient texts.

And according
to their traditions,

these texts are accounts

given directly
by the gods themselves,

and only transcribed by humans.

This collection
includes the Vedas,

or Hindu scriptures,

as well as other manuscripts

written in the early
Sanskrit language.

Vedic scholars suggest knowledge

pertaining to architecture,

technology, weaponry,
and medicine

are preserved in meticulous
detail in these works.

The origins of the Vedic text

goes back to cosmic time.

They have been around

for thousands of thousands
of years.

It is believed
that the knowledge

came directly from gods.

DAVID WILCOCK: We are seeing
a handbook of the gods.

We are looking at an endowment
from some superior intelligence

that appears to have been given
to us as a very practical guide

in ways that benefit humankind

all across the board.

NARRATOR: But if the ancient
texts of India

are truly attributable
to the extraterrestrial gods,

just what information
do they contain?

Sirpur, India.

The Surang Tila Temple.

This structure,

which dates back
to the seventh century AD,

was recently unearthed
after being buried

by a powerful earthquake

that occurred
in the 11th century.

Although the rest of the area

was completely leveled,

the structure itself

remained largely intact.

Archaeologists suggest

that this is due to the advanced
construction techniques,

known as Ayurvedic
or Vedic architecture,

utilized by its builders.

The principles they used
are derived

from the ancient science
of design

that can be traced back
to the ancient Indian texts.

In March 2017,

researcher and ancient astronaut

traveled to India

to meet with archaeologist
Dr. Arun Sharma,

who headed the dig.

This is beautiful.



Now, is this considered.

Ayurvedic architecture,
right here?

That's amazing. Huh.


Although much of the site

has been renovated
using modern concrete,

blocks held together
by the Ayurvedic paste

can still be found.

It seems to be almost like a...
s-some type of glue.

The glue-like substance

is said to form a bond

that is at least 20 times
stronger than concrete.

But modern builders
have been unwilling

to entertain the notion
that such an ancient concoction

could be superior
to today's building materials.

Wow, look at this.


The detailed instructions

for making this paste
can be found

in an ancient Indian text

known as the Mayamatam...

A manuscript dedicated
to construction techniques.

The information
contained within the document

is understood to have been
passed down to humans

from Mayasura,

the ancient king
of the demigods,

who was said to oversee

various construction projects
on Earth,

including cities in the sky.

This, right here?

NARRATOR: Curiously,
there is a more astounding

earthquake-proof feature
at the site

which indicates
that advanced knowledge

was used in its construction.

Located at key points
within the Surang Tila Temple

are several 80-foot long shafts

designed to form air pockets

that can dissipate the impact
of seismic events.

Yes, please.

All right.


Oh, wow, this is big.

It's a huge book.

And-and this text
has been around

for 4,500 years?

In your opinion, where
did this knowledge come from?


And you think
that this knowledge

originated from the stars?

That's amazing.

According to the Hindu faithful,

the construction techniques used

at the Surang Tila Temple

are just one example
of advanced technology

detailed in the ancient
Sanskrit texts.

Other works are said
to contain information

far beyond the scope
of early man...

Perhaps even providing
concrete proof

of extraterrestrial activity
on Earth.

Coming up... NARRATOR:
The Indus Valley.

Northwest India and Pakistan.

June 2011.

Paleontologists discover
a 4,300-year-old skull

featuring multiple
drilled holes in it.

Remarkably, they conclude

these are signs that
brain surgery was performed.

And it even appears that
the operation was successful,

as the wound showed signs
of advanced healing.

NOORY: In ancient India,
they performed

incredible kinds of medicine

and surgical procedures
on people.

Things like
operating on the skull.

What's fascinating
about this is...

is this kind
of advanced medical knowledge

goes way back, way back.

And they were able
to use those techniques

to heal people.

NARRATOR: Vedic scholars
suggest that not only

were the ancient Hindus
able to perform brain surgery,

but other
advanced procedures as well.

And much of this
medical knowledge

was set to record
in a Sanskrit text

dating back to 800 BC,

known as the Sushruta Samhita.

In 2017 at a local library

in Mahabalipuram, India,


meets with fellow
ancient astronaut theorist.

Praveen Mohan to take
a closer look at the text.

Now this is a, uh,
vast medical text

that contains information

about more than
11,000 illnesses.

Uh, it talks about
700 medicinal plants,

64 preparations
from mineral resources,

57 preparations
from animal resources,

and it's considered the
foundation of Ayurveda,

the traditional Indian medicine.

Oh, so this is the basis

for Ayurvedic medicine right here.
Yes, yes.

I was able to find a passage.
I thought you might find it,

- you know, interesting.
- Mm-hmm.

Right here.

Now you can see where it says

that surgical operations
are of eight types.

They are incising,

excising, scraping, puncturing,

probing, extracting,

secreting fluids,
and even suturing.

So imagine, we had suturing
2,600 years ago. -Mm-hmm.

And this book was written

more than a hundred years
before Hippocrates,

the father of modern medicine.

That is amazing. And how was
this information obtained?

Like, what's the story
behind this?

Well, the title Sushruta Samhita

means that the author Sushruta

is not really the author.

He did not write this book.

He got this information from
a character called Dhanvantari,

who was an otherworldly being.

Dhanvantari is believed

to be the physician to the gods

and the father
of Ayurvedic medicine.

SHIMKHADA: Dhanvantari himself
has a divine origin

associated with the churning
of the milky ocean.

The churning of the milk of sea

refers to, perhaps, uh,
the Milky Way.

Dhanvantari came out of that

and then he was
the god of medicine.

And he, then, gave this
knowledge of medicine

to human beings.

TSOUKALOS: Dhanvantari was said

to have originated
from the Milky Way.

And so, all of a sudden,
you have a connection

with this deity arriving
from the Milky Way.

Well, what more do you want?

The knowledge contained
in this document,

known as the Sushruta Samhita,
was brought here

by an extraterrestrial visitor.

Ayurvedic medicine is considered

one of the world's oldest and
most detailed healing sciences.

Is it possible that it was
really handed down to mankind

by alien sources?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that other texts
clearly reveal

this extraterrestrial

Mumbai University.

Kalina, India.

January 2015.

The Indian Science Congress

presents talks on various
technical disciplines

to an audience of some of
India's top engineers.

Included in the list
of presentations

is a lecture on "Ancient Indian
Aviation Technology"

given by retired pilot
and flight instructor.

Captain Anand J. Bodas.

In his lecture, Captain Anand
Bodas told young engineers

that they should recreate what
is given in ancient Vedic texts,

because in the field
of aviation,

there are much more
advanced devices mentioned

than what we have today.

NOORY: This was a very
controversial talk

because you had one camp
that thought

that the ancient civilizations
of India

possessed incredible
flying technology,

yet you then had that other camp

that said this is crazy,
it's nonsense.

But something was going on

many, many, many, many thousands
of years ago,

and they presented evidence
and documented facts

that they had flying machines

that were capable of doing
incredible things.

How did they know this?

NARRATOR: Captain Bodas
is just the latest

in a long line
of researchers to suggest

that the ancient texts
contained actual information

about lost technology
pertaining to aerial vehicles,

often referred to in the texts
as "vimanas."

In 1895, a full
eight years before

the Wright Brothers successfully
launched their flying machine,

Sanskrit scholar Shivkar Talpade

tested an aircraft he fashioned
based solely on information

gleaned from
the ancient Indian writings.

Talpade, in India,

was a student of
the Vedic scriptures.

And he decided to try
and construct

one of the vimana flying craft

that were seen in the, um,
Vedic scriptures.

The first aircraft of Talpade

was called, "Marutsakha,"

which means,
"friend of the wind."

He was able to fly this aircraft

in front of thousands of people
in Mumbai Beach.

TAYLOR: The legend has it
that he flew for,

like, 30 seconds at 1,500 feet.

The Wright brothers only went
120 feet for 12 seconds.

If this is true, that changes
aviation history dramatically.

But even more exciting
is that he based his design

on something written
thousands of years

before mankind even thought
flying was possible.

In 2017, Kavya Vaddadi,

an aircraft design engineer
in Delhi, India,

was able to re-create
the Marutsakha

as a digital 3D model utilizing
the same information contained

in the texts
that Talpade studied.

She shared her digital file

with aerospace systems engineer
Travis Taylor,

so he could 3D print it
in order to test

its aerodynamic properties
in a wind tunnel.

But just how would
this ancient design hold up

when put to the test?

NARRATOR: University of
California at Irvine.

April 2017.

Aerospace engineer Travis Taylor

has obtained a model
of an aircraft

whose design specifications
are based solely

on information gleaned

from ancient Indian texts
that are believed

to have been formally set
to writing in 500 BC.

He is going to subject it
to wind tunnel analysis

to determine if it is
a viable flying machine.

So explain to me what we've set
up here with that wind tunnel.

Okay, so this is our
aerospace vehicle model.

It's connected to this boom.

The armature has
a force gauge on it.

But we're gonna have airflow
go past it

at about 50 miles per hour or so.

And then we're gonna measure
forces against it

to determine if, uh,
if it's gonna fly or not.

And so, what are the signs
that you're looking for

in order to determine
whether this is,

- in fact, aerodynamically sound?
- Right.

So we're gonna measure
the, uh, normal force.

And the normal force
is up or down.

Uh, if it starts to move up,
then that'll be exciting,

because it's actually
going to be rising

and that's how you get flight.
You know, when the airplane

turns up, and it starts to move,
it's because it's getting lift.

Uh, the other thing is,
I don't want to see it

going real bad side to side,

or real bad chatter up and down,

because that would mean
it's unstable.

All right. Well, let's do it.

Let's fire her up
and see what happens.

Yeah, let's do it.


- The flow's coming up to speed.
- Yep.

NARRATOR: While being subjected
to 50-mile-an-hour winds,

the craft exhibits
a slight lift upwards

yet remains relatively steady.

TAYLOR: No side-to-side wobble.


NARRATOR: Sensors record the
measurements of various forces,

as well as torque and pitch,
to determine

just how aerodynamic
the body is.

It looks very stable.

All right.

So let's look at the results.

So what happened during the test
was the normal force,

which is where
we measure the lift,

it was positive between .03
and .06 pounds of force.

That means we were measuring lift.

So our vehicle
in the wind tunnel experiment

was showing positive lift
like an aircraft would.

Did you expect these results
from a shape that's like that?

Well, the shape looks like
a lifting body to me.

But you never know until you
actually do the experiment.

And we have experimental results
now that says it is.

So that's the exciting part.

And-and what do you say
to anyone who questions

the idea that this information
has been taken

from a text that's at least
1,800 years old?

The only thing you can say is

we performed a good
scientific experiment.

And the results were

that the shape
made from those texts

is a viable
aerodynamic structure.

The aircraft model created

using details garnered from
the ancient Indian texts

has proven to be flight-worthy.

Is it possible that, by studying
the ancient Indian texts,

we may be able to recreate
advanced technology

that existed thousands
of years ago in India?

Ancient astronaut theorists

that the texts
may also contain details

for advanced spacecraft.

Hindu scholars point out
that stories of space travel

can be found
throughout the pages

of the ancient Sanskrit texts.

There are even detailed accounts

of humans entering flying crafts

and being transported
to other solar systems.

MOHAN: In the ancient text
of Vishnu Purana,

Lord Vishnu decides
to take Dhruva,

a human being,

through an interstellar journey.

We know this because
it is specifically stated

that Dhruva
would be taken beyond

planets like Mercury, Venus,

and even beyond
some other stars.

According to the text,

he went past
seven planetary systems

in a physical craft,

and eventually
he reached the solar system

and planet of Vishnu Loka,

the planet that Vishnu
is said to have come from.

So here we have the story
of extraterrestrials taking

a human to another solar system.

Although few details exist

of the craft Dhruva
was transported in,

scholars have noted that
highly specific descriptions

of space vehicles can be found
throughout the texts.

In 2014,

in an article
in the Journal of Engineering

and Innovative Technology

titled "Vedic Lon Engine,"

a team of aerospace scientists
posed the theory

that what is being described
in a 1,000-year-old text

the Samarangana Sutradhara

is a modern ion
mercury vortex engine

used for space travel.

TAYLOR: In the Samarangana
Sutradhara text,

there's a description
of an engine that uses mercury,

and the mercury swirls
in a vortex

and it uses the heat
from, perhaps, solar power

to create some type
of flying capability.

My thought on this is it sounds
a lot like an ion engine.

MARC RAYMAN: The concept for ion
engines has actually been around

for more than 100 years.

Now, the way it works
is xenon gas,

which is like helium or neon
but heavier,

is introduced
into a chamber here.

And it's ionized, which means
it's given an electric charge.

And once it has
an electric charge, a voltage

applied between this grid
and one just behind it

causes the xenon to sh**t out
of the engine.

Well, the action of the xenon
going out this direction

causes a reaction
that pushes the spacecraft

in the other direction.

And that's how the ion thruster
propels the spacecraft.

You heat the ions up,

and then you accelerate them out
the back end of the spacecraft.

It puts out
a small amount of thrust,

but for a very long time.

And that's why ion engines
are uniquely perfect

for interspace travel.

NARRATOR: In 2007,

NASA launched
the Dawn spacecraft,

which used a conventional
multistage chemical rocket

to blast off from Earth,

but then switched
to an ion engine

for its journey
through deep space.

Crucial to that mission
was an ion thruster.

And it gets its energy
from solar panels.

So here you have
this solar-powered ion thruster

with this vortex
in the middle of it going out

to the asteroid belt,

and it's described
in Sanskrit texts.

If information detailing

previously lost technology
was purposely left

for humans to rediscover,

are we now sufficiently advanced
to successfully replicate it?

And if so, are there
any other developments beyond

ancient space travel
that scientists have been able

to exploit?

Coming up... *

NARRATOR: Mahabalipuram, India.

While at a local library

with fellow ancient astronaut
theorist Praveen Mohan,

a firsthand look at early copies

of some of India's most
important ancient texts.

And now let me show you
the other book.

This is the Bhagavad Gita.

Among the most influential

is the Bhagavad Gita,

part of the 13,000-page epic

called the Mahabharata,

which contains
19 individual books.

Historians think this text
was written around 500 BC,

so this book is 2,500 years old.

- Okay.
- But according to "mythology,"

this was supposed to be written
at least 10,000 years ago.

(chuckling): Okay.

It's a very popular book,
and some people even say

atomic science is hidden
in this book.

Not just regular people,
but modern physicists.

So the argument can be made
that the knowledge of,

for example, the atom
is contained in a book -Mm-hmm.

Yes. -...That is at least
2,500 years old?

And some stories say

that it was given
by an otherworldly being. -Yes.

- Okay.
- Even Robert Oppenheimer,

who is the father
of atomic b*mb,

uh, was fascinated by this book.

- Really? Wow.
- Yes.

Okay, that's interesting.

Del Muerto Desert, New Mexico.

July 16, 1945.

In the middle
of the barren Alamogordo Bombing

and Gunnery Range,

scientists detonate the first
man-made nuclear w*apon.

The destruction was comparable
to no other w*apon known to man.

The father of the atomic b*mb
was J. Robert Oppenheimer,

the leader
of the Manhattan Project,

a secret government program

to develop such a w*apon.

Oppenheimer, when he saw
the successful nuclear test

and realized what a terrible
w*apon he was unleashing,

he quoted the Bhagavad Gita's

"I am become death,
the destroyer of worlds."

NARRATOR: Oppenheimer's interest
in ancient Sanskrit literature

began while he was a professor

at the University of California,

and was introduced to the texts

by renowned scholar
Arthur W. Ryder.

Under Ryder's tutelage,

Oppenheimer extensively studied
the Vedic scriptures

and became proficient
in Sanskrit.

According to his biographers,

he kept a hardcover of the
Bhagavad Gita on his bookshelf

and was known to give copies
away to his friends as gifts.

One of the ideas that's deep

within the Vedic scriptures,
the Bhagavad Gita,

is the idea of duty.

He felt it was his duty
to do this,

even though it would be
a terrible thing, he realized,

to develop
this new nuclear w*apon.

So he believed
he was part of a cosmic cycle

and we had to do this
to advance.

Perhaps he knew that
by developing the atomic b*mb,

we were actually reconnecting
with technologies

that we had been exposed to
many thousands of years before.

NARRATOR: One of the key ideas
found within the Indian texts

is the concept of the cyclical
nature of existence,

that once we complete
a cosmic cycle,

it just begins once more.

Oppenheimer himself came to see

that he was, in a sense,
fulfilling some ancient destiny

and that this w*apon
could ultimately be used

to stop a major w*r,
which is exactly what happened.

It totally broke the momentum
of World w*r II.

In that sense, he was seeing
that he was, in some way,

fulfilling a destiny
that came to him

from a seemingly
supernatural source,

i.e. extraterrestrial gods
who influenced ancient India.

NARRATOR: If Oppenheimer's work
on the atomic b*mb

was inspired
by the ancient Indian texts,

could this mean that similar
weapons actually existed

on Earth thousands of years ago?

Thar Desert.

Rajasthan, India.


Engineers conducting
soil sampling at a site

where a housing development
was to be built

discover a heavy layer of
radioactive ash under the soil.

Further examination reveals
the contamination stretches

across a three-square-mile area
of the desert.

After cordoning off the area,

scientists unearthed a city

with completely demolished

HENRY: Scientists have
discovered a radioactive ash

that they believe dates
to 8,000 to 12,000 years ago

that shows evidence of a nuclear
blast in ancient times.

This is very interesting
because the Sanskrit texts

describe exactly this type
of occurrence in this era

in ancient times.

NARRATOR: In the Ramayana,

one of the major
ancient Sanskrit epics,

a mighty w*apon of the god
Brahma called the Brahmastra

is described as a w*apon
of immense power

intended to rain down
destruction from above.

Brahma provided this w*apon
to the hero Rama

as a last resort after all
conventional means of warfare

failed in his battle
against the demon king.

SHIMKHADA: The Brahmastra
is the deadliest w*apon there is

in the history of humankind.

It is like a nuclear device,
uh, that can be detonated,

and then it will have
a very devastating effect.

Once it was fired, its effect
fell on a lot of animals,

and then they dropped dead.

And also, people started
losing their nails,

their hair,
and they could not breathe.

LAYNE LITTLE: Rama fires
the Brahmastra w*apon

upon Dhrumatulya.

It is commonly accepted that
this is in Rajasthan,

in Pakistan.

It's the 19th-largest desert

in the world.

NARRATOR: Does the layer
of radioactive ash,

recently discovered
in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan,

provide proof that
the stories recorded

in the ancient scriptures
have merit?

NARRATOR: Nuclear warfare,

space travel, flying craft...

might there be greater truth
about our technological past

revealed in the ancient
Indian texts?

And if so,
are they simply a guide

to move us forward, as a warning

for mankind's impending fate?

NARRATOR: Ranakpur, India.

The Chaumukha Jain Temple.

Built in the 15th century AD,
this place of worship

is dedicated to the Jains' first
teacher god, Rishabhanatha,

who is credited with the task
of civilizing human beings

and teaching them writing,

science and agriculture.

Jainism is an ancient
Indian religion

that predates Hinduism.

Jains and Hindus hold
a similar belief system

relating to the cyclical nature
of the Universe, karma,

and reincarnation,
yet worship different gods.

For Jains, the quest for
knowledge is essential

for their spiritual liberation.

And the iconography of the
temple is meant to symbolize.

Rishabhanatha's attainment
of cosmic enlightenment.

MOHAN: The most uncanny feature

in the Temple of Ranakpur

is not on the ground,
it's not on the walls,

but it is on the ceiling.

The ceiling is almost identical
to images

of the Large Hadron Collider,

a particle accelerator
in Switzerland.

WILCOCK: If you look
at the carving on the ceiling,

you're seeing something that has
a curious radial structure.

It's circular.
There's bands within bands.

And then you have
all of these lines that go

towards the center.

Now, there is a
more-than-passing similarity

between the carving and what
we're actually seeing

in the Large Hadron Collider.

NARRATOR: The 17-mile-long
Large Hadron Collider,

or LHC, is the world's largest
and most powerful

particle accelerator.

It was created to smash
tiny protons together

at speeds of nearly
670 million miles per hour,

roughly the speed of light.

The total energy produced
by the collisions is believed

to reproduce similar states
to those that existed

moments after the Big Bang,

the event that many scientists
believe was responsible

for the creation of the cosmos.

By examining these collisions,
scientists can attempt to answer

the question of just how
the universe began.

The Hadron supercollider:

Its purpose is to duplicate,

conditions of the Big Bang,

when the universe
was first created.

But one of the concerns is
that since we're recreating

conditions like the Big Bang at
the beginning of the universe,

some of the things
running around

at the beginning of the universe

we don't want to encounter.

And this is a very
difficult thing,

to face so many unknowns.

NARRATOR: Work on this subatomic
realm, or quantum mechanics,

can be traced to two
scientific pioneers...

Austrian physicist
Erwin Schrodinger,

and German physicist
Werner Heisenberg.

According to biographers,
both Schrodinger and Heisenberg

were highly influenced
by the ancient Indian texts.

Heisenberg is on record saying

quantum theory will not look
so unusual to anyone

who is a student of the Vedanta,

the Hindu sacred scriptures.

Well, why would he say
something like that?

The Hindus had
a very interesting way

of looking at the world,
including this concept

of a quantum reality through
what they call "trutis,"

which appear to be magnificently
tiny particles that ultimately

make up all of physical reality
as we know it.

BRANDENBURG: It is fascinating
how these very old texts

are still relevant today,

and, in fact, may be largely
responsible for the progress

in quantum mechanics
in the early 20th century.

This suggests that the culture

that wrote those texts

had knowledge
of quantum mechanics.

The Hindu texts
in some ways mirrors,

or foreshadows,
things that will come later.

Perhaps these people were being
guided by extraterrestrials

to protect that knowledge,
so that in our time we would

look back at that
and notice the similarity.

And we have to look
at the possibility

that this is an endowment
that has been given to us

by these extraterrestrials
for a greater divine purpose.

The texts could serve
as a window into our future,

and a warning that if we don't
alter the course that we're on,

it could be catastrophic.

NARRATOR: If extraterrestrials
instructed our ancestors

to record lost advanced
technological knowledge

and principles,

was it meant to serve
as a guidebook

to our scientifically
enlightened age?

Or might it, instead,
be a warning

to prevent us from repeating
the mistakes of the past?

If so, what do the texts say

about where
mankind is headed next?

NARRATOR: New Delhi, India.

Scholars at the National
Mission of Manuscripts

set out to translate
and preserve

what they estimate to be
over four million

rare ancient texts related
to various disciplines,

including ancient science.

Many of these texts have been
preserved on palm leaves,

and are believed to be scattered
in obscure locations

throughout the subcontinent.

Currently, less than ten percent
of the ancient writings

of India have been published.

And no one is certain
what secrets lie hidden

in these remaining
undeciphered manuscripts.

Is it possible that
the road map for our future

is yet to be revealed
by studying

these ancient Indian texts?

These texts should be consulted

as we evolve into a world that
is full of so many unknowns,

and the Vedic scriptures are
a vast storehouse of knowledge.

And by not consulting them,
who knows...

We may be missing
something vital.

HENRY: We would be well served

to go back to the Hindu texts

and recognize that perhaps
we've been here before.

The Vedic text offers the key
to us to move forward.

Conversely, it could well be
that ignoring it

will be at our own peril,

and that we could, in fact,
face our end.

CHILDRESS: What I really think
is important here

is that we pay more attention
to these ancient texts,

and try to learn
what we can from them,

because this is the gods,
the extraterrestrials,

giving us this information.

Do the voices of the gods,

as written in the pages
of India's ancient texts,

really contain information
left for us to discover,

or do they convey knowledge

that we were meant to avoid?

For ancient astronaut theorists,

one fact is certain...

That mankind's
extraterrestrial past

provides the key to its future.

A future that will either see us
successfully avoid

the mistakes of our ancestors,

or warn us
of the deadly mistakes

we are destined...

to repeat.
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