12x09 - The Majestic Twelve

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x09 - The Majestic Twelve

Post by bunniefuu »

This is the best document

that's been leaked.

What is in this book is,
I'm going to say, shocking.

You have the illustrations
of different craft.

I've seen this shape before,
in India.

It's an upside down
vimana shape.

I mean, this is sensational.

HOWE: There is a paragraph in
here that implies some agreement

between the United States
and the extraterrestrials.

"The encounters will take place

at military installations

selected by mutual agreement."

This is solid confirmation
that our government knew,

and was dealing with

extraterrestrial entities
and technology.

This is solid.

NARRATOR: Burbank, California.

December 1984.

Movie producer
and UFO researcher,

Jaime Shandera,

arrives home
to find a manila envelope

has been dropped
through the mail slot

of his front door.

The postmark indicates

that it was sent
from Albuquerque, New Mexico,

but no return address is written
on the envelope.

When he opens it, he finds only
a roll of 35mm film.

And what he had received
was this package right here.

This is the original package.

And inside the package,
there was a roll of film

inside this canister.

And this is actually the roll
of film that he received.

And this film,
when copied properly,

produced these eight pages

of the Eisenhower
Briefing Document.

NARRATOR: The Eisenhower
Briefing Document is a memo

that was allegedly written
in 1952

by the first director of the
CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter,

to President-Elect
Dwight Eisenhower.

In it, Hillenkoetter writes

that sitting president
Harry Truman

has formed a secret group
within the U.S. government,

called The Majestic-12,

to examine crashed
extraterrestrial spacecraft.

WOOD: The document that he
received basically reported

that we had
had previous crashes,

including the one at Roswell.

The bottom line recommendation

to President Eisenhower
was that this topic

continue to be kept secret.

NARRATOR: Aerospace engineer,
Dr. Robert Wood,

was one of the men Shandera
asked to examine this memo.

His 43-year career included work
on aerodynamic heating,

ballistic m*ssile defense,

radar, and the space station.

It is his opinion that this
document is the smoking g*n

to prove that the most famous
alleged UFO crash of all time...

The Roswell incident...

Really was an
extraterrestrial event.

For several years, I was looking

at the authenticity of this memo

and trying to relate
to other sources.

In terms of the main ideas
and the statements of fact

in the memo being correct,
I'm-I'm confident that they are.

NARRATOR: The Roswell incident

that is detailed in the
Eisenhower Briefing Document

occurred in 1947, during
Truman's first term in office,

when Eisenhower was
chief of staff of the Army.

On July 7,

an unidentified object
crashed on a ranch

just outside the town
of Roswell, New Mexico.

The next day,
the local newspaper announced

that officials
from the Army Air Field

had reported the capture
of a "flying saucer."

But just a few hours later, the
military revised that statement

to say the object was nothing
more than a weather balloon.

Since that time,
further details have emerged

from alleged insiders,

that not only one craft,
but three,

and even alien bodies
were retrieved that night.

Harry Truman is President
of the United States.

Dwight D. Eisenhower,
General Nathan Twining,

these people
would be the very first

that would get these calls.

And there was some sort
of a communication glitch.

That's how that headline
made it out.

That one headline
was telling the truth

that this government
did not want

information about non-humans

out to what their
perceived enemies were.

And Harry S. Truman...
A practical man, in every way...

Looking at this whole situation,

he must have said,
"I need help I can trust."

DOUGLAS CADDY: If you were
President Truman in 1947,

and you were presented
with credible evidence

that there was an alien presence

on planet Earth,
what would you do?

You would create a commission
to study what is going on,

and make recommendations
and explore the subject.

What did
President Harry Truman do?

He created Majestic-12.

He created
the National Security Act.

He created
the National Security Council,

and he created the CIA,
all at the same time

in response to this threat.

MIKE BARA: The U.S. government
decided it needed to have

a main central
oversight committee

that would handle
the so-called alien problem.

The mission of MJ-12

was to decide on what the
United States government policy

should be towards aliens
and extraterrestrials,

what it should be towards
releasing the information

or keeping it secret.

And they were empowered
to ultimately decide

everything regarding
the presence of aliens

on the planet Earth.

NARRATOR: President Eisenhower's

Laura Eisenhower,

claims that the Majestic-12
was a real organization,

and that her great-grandfather
had no choice but to continue

what his predecessor,
Harry Truman, had started.

President Eisenhower
was definitely, uh,

in a very challenged position
as far as

how to handle the exo-political
issues going on.

Uh, he was actually
the scapegoat or somebody, uh,

everybody could later blame
for some of the things

that are happening,
that is actually MJ-12.

This is the hidden
shadow government.

He wasn't able to do anything
about it.

But the ones
that were close to him knew

that he was going to put out
this information for the public.

And it got shut down.

They even had a planned date,
and nothing ended up happening.

NARRATOR: March 1994.

Almost a decade
after Jaime Shandera received

the Eisenhower
Briefing Document,

Majestic-12 researchers

are shocked when a second roll
of film surfaces.

This time it is sent anonymously
to a UFO group in Maryland

from Quillin's drugstore
in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

Investigative journalist,
Linda MOULTON Howe,

was among the first
to examine these documents,

and she has been conducting
research on MJ-12

for more than two decades.

In April 2017,

editor and researcher,

traveled to
Albuquerque, New Mexico

to meet with Linda
and find out what she knows

about these
mysterious documents.

understand this correctly,

the first documentation of
the MJ-12 files came in the form

of 35mm negatives,

that somebody, at some point,
took photos

of a document that existed
in paper form.

Do we know who did this?

Who took those photographs?

Throughout my experience
as a reporter,

there are people who have served
in the military

and they are out there,

and they have grudges,
they are angry,

they feel that this story
should come out,

or that they have been
infringed against.

And in this case,

this might have been somebody
who had this manual

in their work,

photographed it,

maybe right there
at the pharmacy,

and the rest is history.

Of all the documents
that I've ever seen and studied,

it is this restricted SOM1-01,

Majestic-12 Group
Special Operations Manual

that I think
is really confirmation.

It goes beyond disclosure,

this is April 1954,
Majestic-12 Group.

It's the w*r Office stamp;
It is real.

And, the title:

"Extraterrestrial Entities

"and Technology Recovery
and Disposal.

Top Secret. Majic Eyes Only."

And in here,

"majic" is defined as the top,

the highest
national security clearance

in the United States.

TSOUKALOS: This is sensational.

NARRATOR: Did the United States
government learn

about an alien presence on Earth
in the 1940s,

and devise
a top secret committee

to investigate
this shocking revelation?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest further examination
of the MJ-12 documents reveals

that the government was not only
aware of extraterrestrials,

but also interacted with them.

Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Ancient astronaut theorist

is at the home
of Linda MOULTON Howe.

After examining
all of the material

related to the Majestic-12,

she believes that
the most compelling documents

are those that surfaced
in Maryland in 1994.

This, to me,

this is the best document
that's been leaked.

It's called "Restricted SOM1-01.
Majestic-12 Group."

And all of us,
when we first saw that title,

"Extraterrestrial Entities
and Technology,

Recovery and Disposal,"

one of the first things
that everybody wanted to do

was find out, okay, did they use

this stamp in 1954

from the w*r Office?

Turns out that they did
all the way up into the '60s.

And one of
the more important pieces,

I think,
is as you go through here...

they found, in a government
printing office...

Take a look at this.

This is from a blowup
where they were doing a test,

and look at this "unauthorized"

and look at what happens
to that "Z."

It raises slightly.

- Right.
- So, Bob went

to the government
printing office

and found a guy named McCarter

who was printing in the GPO

in Washington, D.C. in 1954.

And he took one look
at this text

and he said,
"This was done on a monotype.

"I used it.

"And the 'Z' would collect dust,

and that's why the Zs
would print raised."

So different steps

have been taken
to authenticate this document.

HOWE: Yes.

The fellow I spoke to,
he, fortunately,

had been a long, longtime
employee of the public printer

and had actually worked
on the kind of presses

that he thought were appropriate
for this document.

He said,
"Based on the printing, I'd say

"it clearly was printed
on one of the presses,

"in this building or
in this basement of the Pentagon

"in 1954," which is what it says.

HOWE: And then when you start

getting into
what is in this book,

you have the illustrations
and sketches

of four different categories

of different craft, UFOs.

And on this page,
here are the discs.

Here is a long cigar shape,

which is described
in this document

as being up to a thousand feet
in diameter.

And then, this one,
the ice cream cone,

and this, the triangle.

And there is a paragraph in here
that implies

that we are dealing
with collaboration,

that there must be

some agreement
between the United States

- and the extraterrestrials.
- Really?

There is, on this page 17...

It's under chapter five,

and it goes into,
"a. Encounters initiated

"by the extraterrestrial
biological entities.

"Possible contact may take place

"as a result of overtures
by the entities themselves.

"In these instances
it is anticipated

"that encounters will take place

"at military installations

"or other obscure locations

selected by mutual agreement."

- TSOUKALOS: By mutual...
- This is 19... Yeah.

- Wow.
- 1954.

NARRATOR: According
to the Majestic-12 documents,

the men who made up this group

and were in communication
with beings from other worlds

included top scientists,
government officials

and high-ranking
military personnel.

In 1954, President Eisenhower,

uh, supposedly met
with, uh, extraterrestrials

in Palm Springs
at Edwards Air Force Base,

otherwise known as Muroc.

And there's a lot
of whistleblower testimony

about his presence,
um, at this meeting.

He was just as probably alarmed
or shocked as anybody,

you know,
realizing the larger picture.

With all
the whistleblower testimony

about these different

I pretty much side on the fact
that he-he did make contact.

One of the interesting members
of MJ-12

was Doctor... Professor...
Donald Menzel...

who actually
had written three books

on the subject

that had the general flavor
of-of debunking it.

And I read this book,
and I said,

"Here's a guy who's allegedly
a Ph.D. in physics,

but he's obviously
ignoring the data."

I'm highly confident
that Dr. Menzel

was working
in a counterintelligence mode.

He was intentionally trying
to deceive the public

that there was nothing to it.

So, I personally met him,
shook hands with him

and carefully avoided
any discussion of UFOs.

And he knew perfectly well

that we had recovered a number
of crashed flying saucers.

Let's go to one of these

that is so important,

to July 4, 1947.

Look, see those all cap letters, "IPU"?

Date: 04 July '47.

What was happening that we know?

- Roswell.
- Exactly.

IPU stands for
Interplanetary Phenomena Unit?

That's it.

And this is, "Directive
to Lieutenant General Twining"

- "from Dwight Eisenhower."
- Eisenhower. Wow.

In the general chain of command.

And what he's doing is,
"You will proceed

"to the White Sands
Proving Ground Command Center

"without delay for the purpose
of making an appraisal

"of the reported
unidentified objects

being kept there."

This is not only disclosure.

It's confirmation.

I mean, that's incredibly
fascinating to me.

And in many ways, GIORGIO,

this is one of the more
astounding documents

because this
is General Nathan Twining,

and what is he talking about?

"Upon examination
of the interior of the craft,

"a compartment exhibiting
a possible atomic engine

"was discovered.

At least, this is the opinion
of Dr. Oppenheimer."

Robert Oppenheimer,

the one who made the b*mb.

Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer

is often credited

as being the father
of the atomic b*mb

for his work
on the Manhattan Project.

"A possibility exists
that part of the craft itself

the propulsion system,

"thus allowing the reactor
to function as a heat exchanger

"and permitting
the storage of energy

into a substance for later use."

And what they mean,

we all today
have a bit of an idea

that you could have
an entire craft

be both the propulsion system,
the craft system.

It might even be
a, uh, point to point,

go through dimensions
and timelines in the UFO.

That's 21st century discussion.

This is back
in the week of the discovery

of the bodies and the craft.

I mean, that... This is sensational.
It is.

NARRATOR: If the Majestic-12
documents provide proof

that the United States

employed its top scientists

to examine and reverse-engineer
extraterrestrial craft,

how have they been able
to keep this hidden

from the public
for all these years?

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining the death

of the first man
allegedly appointed

to lead the Majestic-12,

as well as the assassination

of John F. Kennedy.

NARRATOR: Bethesda, Maryland.

May 22, 1949.

James Forrestal,

the first United States
Secretary of Defense,

is found dead
at the naval hospital.

He reportedly fell
from a 16th floor window

after being committed
for depression.

His death was ruled a su1c1de,

but many have challenged
this conclusion

and believe Forrestal
was assassinated

because he was threatening
to go public

with information he had acquired

about an extraterrestrial
presence on Earth.

James Forrestal was one of
the most significant

military figures in the history
of the United States.

He was Secretary of the Navy
during and after World w*r II.

He was eventually appointed

the very first Secretary of
Defense of the United States,

and he visited all of these

secret German
technology facilities

after the w*r.

He went to Peenemunde,

he went to Mittelwerk,

he went to the different places

where they had developed
the V-2.

And he also visited
this really interesting

so-called "rubber plant"
in Silesia,

which is where the Germans
were supposedly developing

the very, very high technology,
super hyperphysics weapons

and w*apon systems,
like flying saucers.

Some believe that during
the Second World w*r,

James Forrestal discovered

that the Nazis had acquired
extraterrestrial technology.

Perhaps not coincidentally,

they say that after the w*r,

President Truman
put Forrestal in charge

of a secret investigation
into all this,

heading up an organization

known as Majestic-12 or MJ-12.

There's a lot of controversy

about Secretary Forrestal's
final years.

He was on MJ-12.

He became familiar
what was transpiring

with the alien presence.

And there's always
been a question:

Was this a su1c1de?

Was he pushed?

What really happened?

BARA: Some people say
that Forrestal was determined

to tell the American public
about what he had seen

regarding the alien presence,

the alien influence
on n*zi technology,

and that when he wanted
to go public with this,

that they created
a fake backstory

of him being despondent

and m*rder*d him
by literally throwing him

out of the 16th floor window
of the hospital facility

he had been imprisoned in.

NARRATOR: Is it possible

that James Forrestal
was silenced

to keep him
from revealing the truth

about an alien presence
here on Earth?

There was a release of another...

I'm going to say shocking...

As extraordinary as the notion

of Forrestal's assassination
may seem,

ancient astronaut theorists

that one of
the Majestic-12 documents

points to the assassination

of an even higher-level
government official.

HOWE: The story is that it was
supposed to have been destroyed,

and somebody
put it in a fireplace,

and that another person
pulled it out.

So what does it say?

"Top Secret MJ-12,
Central Intelligence Agency.

"From: Director of...

Central Intelligence Agency

Who was that?
That was Allen Dulles.

'60 to '63, under Kennedy.

Okay. "You must know."

"Lancer has made some inquiries

regarding our activities."

And Lancer, during
the Kennedy administration,

was the secret service name
for the president.

This is the head
of the CIA, MJ-1...

Going against the president's
wishes of finding out more.

HOWE: "Which we cannot allow."

"Please submit your views
no later than October."

If that was in '63,

he was dead one month later
in Dallas.

And, in fact, Bob Wood told me...

This was in a report I did...

"Linda, as far as I know, this
burned memo is the only document

"that I've ever heard anyone
claim could be the authorization

to k*ll
President John F. Kennedy."


I mean,
that's an extraordinary claim.

It's, uh,
absolutely fascinating,

and unlike anything
I've ever heard before.

The inference of
the scorched memo is that

if JFK keeps doing
what he's doing,

that he, maybe, is a problem.

It identifies a number of
actions that could be taken.

One of which, the last one,

implies that if Washington
does not respond

to what they want done,
it should be wet.

And that's the language I think
the Soviets started to use

for-for assassination, because
"wet" is associated with blood.

NARRATOR: If the Majestic-12
documents are indeed authentic,

are they proof
that not only were members

of the United States government
aware of...

And in contact with...

Extraterrestrial beings,

but also that they would
go to any length

to keep this information
hidden from the public?

Former Washington, D.C. attorney
Douglas Caddy

was a close friend
of E. Howard Hunt,

who he represented
when Hunt was found to be

at the center of
the Watergate scandal in 1972.

Hunt was an officer in the CIA

when John F. Kennedy
was president.

Caddy claims
that he asked Howard Hunt

about the assassination
one night

and received a shocking answer.

The last time I saw Howard Hunt
was in 1975.

(phone rings)

He called me and said
he'd like to have dinner.

So the dinner was finished,
we went out to the sidewalk.

And I thought, "Well this may be
the last time I'll see Howard."

He's going away
and I'm moving from Washington."

And so, for my own curiosity,
I said to Howard,

"Why was John Kennedy

CADDY: And he said,
"John Kennedy was assassinated

"because he was about to give
our most vital secret

to the Soviet Union."

And I said,
"Our most vital secret?"

I said, "What could that be?"

He leaned forward
and-and looked me in the eyes

and he said,
"The alien presence."

He shook my hand
and walked away.

NARRATOR: If the stories
about the Majestic-12 are true,

and those involved
with the top-secret group

were ready to take
such drastic measures

to keep its existence hidden,

was it ever discontinued?

Do you think that MJ-12

is still in existence today?

Well, what I've been told

is that they have
changed the letters

and the numbers,

probably more than once.

So it's the same idea,

it's the same control,
same files,

same archives, same power.

If you look at what has happened
in the last 60 years,

it's really possible that
more decisions have been made

in a side of our government
because of this subject...

E.T.s and technology...

Than any of us would ever know.

NARRATOR: July 20, 1969.

Six years after President
Kennedy's assassination,

American astronauts
Neil Armstrong

and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin

become the first humans
to land on the Moon.

That's one small step for man,

one giant leap for mankind.

But there are some who believe

this was not
the first moon landing,

and that other highly-classified
missions preceded it.

In 2014, declassified documents

revealed that the United States
had a secret project underway

in 1959

to not just reach the Moon,

but even establish
military bases there

by 1965.

- We choose to go to the Moon...
- BARA: When President Kennedy

said we're gonna go to the Moon,

there were many, many
proposals on the table.

One of them was called
Project Horizon.

And the idea behind
Project Horizon

was that we would launch
more than 140 rockets

up into low-Earth orbit,

assemble basically
empty fuel containers...

Large tubes...
Send them to the Moon,

soft-land them on the Moon
and assemble them together

into a permanent Moon base

that would start
with about 20 astronauts,

and eventually
be populated by hundreds.

The idea being that
we would establish a permanent

military presence
on the surface of the Moon.

NARRATOR: Project Horizon
was the brainchild

of Wernher Von Braun,
the former n*zi rocket scientist

whose multi-stage rocket design

is still used today.

And who, according
to the Majestic-12 documents,

was one of the men that worked
on reverse engineering

the extraterrestrial craft

that crashed
in Roswell, New Mexico.

In addition to establishing
bases on the Moon,

Wernher Von Braun
had another goal:

To reach Mars.

He considered this
to be achievable

even as far back the 1960s.

And there are those who claim
that the United States,

and other nations,

have bases there right now.

One of the first
alleged missions to Mars

was a project
called Solar Warden.

At least one person,
Corey Goode,

has come forward to say
that he was recruited

for Project Solar Warden.

According to Corey,
he was targeted

because his grandfather
was involved

in another secret project
that took place

around the same time MJ-12

was allegedly formed:
Project Whitecoat.

GOODE: Project Whitecoat
was set up during World w*r II.

Officially, they were
taking soldiers

and experimenting on them
with viruses.

Well, it turns out that

our government was
working with genetics

far before we supposedly
discovered them in the '50s.

Genetics were being manipulated,

and genetic changes

were being delivered to people
through viruses.

My grandfather happened to be
one of these participants.

They were keeping an eye
on my lineage

because of this program.

And they brought me
into this training program

that would last from the age
of about six-years-old

to about 17-years-old,

when I was officially drafted
into Solar Warden.

Very soon after
joining the space program,

I was assigned
to a research vessel.

I was doing communications.

A subprogram that I was a part
of in the beginning was called

the Intruder Intercept
and Interrogation Program.

Different beings were living
on our planet amongst us,

and the mandate
was to capture these beings,

interrogate them,
and find out why they were here.

The United States
secret space program...

Its roots actually go back
to n*zi Germany.

A lot of the scientists
that we obtained

in Operation Paperclip

were in contact
with the breakaway society

that had already
developed spacecraft.

Currently, there are at least
three dozen nations involved.

Some of the countries
involved right now

are countries like Estonia,

the Ukraine, and, uh, of course,
we have the larger players:

The United States,
China, Germany, Russia.

Britain is also a large player
in the secret space program.

DAVID WILCOCK: If this seems
impossible to believe,

remember that
the Manhattan Project

was an operation
for almost ten years

in the development
of the nuclear b*mb.

It employed over 130,000 people.

Not one person came forward

with information about
what they were working on.

That proves that the government
can keep a secret.

NARRATOR: Could there really be
over 30 different countries

with secret operations
in outer space...

working at bases
on both the Moon and Mars?

According to Corey Goode,

not only is this true,

but the first members
of these secret space programs

found that when they reached
these celestial bodies,

they were not
the first visitors.

GOODE: When the secret
space program began to travel

to other bodies
in our solar system,

they were finding
ancient structures.

They quickly dubbed the people

that built these structures
"the ancient builder race."

GOODE: What our astronauts
were mainly finding

were structures that had been
destroyed a long time ago,

and they were
very interesting structures.

Some of them were floating
off of the ground

and were mostly complete.

Others were
completely shattered.

BARA: You can find
all the proof you want

that there are ancient

extraterrestrial inhabitations
of the planet Mars

and our own Moon just by looking
at the NASA pictures.

You'll see pyramids,
you'll see bridges.

And you see all kinds of
so-called rocks

that do not appear to be rocks.

I have seen numerous images of
what appear to be structures

that may or may not be active,
and may or may not be inhabited.

CHILDRESS: Perhaps we
are now on both the Moon

and Mars with brand-new

space installations
that are using

ancient structures
that were built thousands

and even millions of years ago.

NARRATOR: Could Corey Goode's
incredible claims be true?

Is Project Solar Warden

the product of plans put
in motion by the Majestic-12

decades ago to deal with
an extraterrestrial presence

in our solar system?

Nearly 20 years after the first
Majestic-12 documents surfaced,

a computer hacker
named Gary McKinnon

claimed to have discovered
the strongest evidence yet

to support their authenticity

within the secret files of NASA.

NARRATOR: London, England.

March 19, 2002.

At 8:00 a.m.,

the National
High Tech Crime Unit

arrives at the home
of 34-year-old

Scottish systems administrator
Gary McKinnon.

They are there to arrest him

on behalf of the United States
Justice Department and NASA.

For the past year,

McKinnon has been hacking
into top secret Pentagon

and NASA computers.

What he uncovered were files
that he claims

could provide undeniable proof
that the Majestic-12,

and the secret space program
it gave rise to,

truly exist.

Among the things I found,

there was an Excel
spreadsheet entitled.

"Non-Terrestrial Officers,"

which I took to be

a space-going fleet made
of human personnel, not aliens.

It did list their names,
and I couldn't find them

on the Internet at the time.

There was also a list of ships.

I googled the ship names
and there were no matches,

so I knew they weren't
oceangoing vessels.

Interestingly, some of the names
of these ships

were people allegedly involved
in Majestic-12.

If there was a secret
space program,

and if it has anything to do
with back engineering

crashed alien spacecraft,

then those MJ-12 people
are exactly the ones

you would expect to find
name-checked in this way.

NARRATOR: According to McKinnon,

the most shocking file he
came across was on a computer

at NASA's Johnson Space Center.

Within a folder labeled
"unfiltered," he spotted

a thumbnail image of a high-res
NASA satellite photo,

which appeared to depict
an unusual spacecraft.

I double-clicked on this image,

and it was coming down
very slowly.

But I could see this, um,

A classic cigar-shaped UFO,
uh, with these kind of

geodesic domes,
like half a golf ball

stuck on top and underneath.

And, um, I'm just amazed,
because I've found real evidence

of what I thought was a UFO,

although it could have been
a secret spaceship; Who knows?

Uh, but there it was in front
of me, coming down the screen.

And then, suddenly I saw the
mouse move across the screen,

right-click the "LAN" icon,
and choose "disconnect,"

and lost the chance to fully
transfer the photo

to my machine.

So it was a eureka moment,
but also, "Ah, they got me."

Did Gary McKinnon discover

a NASA image of an alien craft,
or something else?

WOOD: The secrecy associated
with MJ-12, in my judgment,

has permitted us to spend
a huge amount of money...

Trillions of dollars.

My more recent conclusion is
that some of

the trillions of dollars
of money

have been used to take the
technology we have discovered

and build gravity-control
devices that we would see

sometimes as UFOs.

So, if you look in the sky now,

in my opinion,
it's a 50-50 chance

that it's ours, versus theirs.

According to Corey Goode,

what Gary McKinnon discovered
in the top secret Pentagon

and NASA files is in line
with his own experiences.

Gary ended up being
the first person

to uncover tangible proof
of these programs

through his hacking.

Interestingly enough,
the information he obtained

on the different types
of spacecraft,

the non-terrestrial officers,

the fleet-to-fleet transfers...

All of this perfectly coincided
with Project Solar Warden.

NARRATOR: Corey claims that
the Majestic-12 documents

from the 1950s,
which reveal that interactions

were taking place
between government officials

and numerous alien species
are accurate as well.

in the secret space programs,

we've been dealing with
approximately 60 different

non-terrestrial groups
that have come here,

and some of those groups are
interacting with the governments

of the world right now.

If there really are both alien

and human factions operating
throughout our solar system,

how much longer can it be kept
hidden from the public?

Ancient astronaut theorists

recent government statements

that the truth
will soon be disclosed.

NARRATOR: New Delhi, India.

January 2010.

The India space program
announces plans

for their first manned trip
to the Moon.

China, Russia
and the United States

all have similar plans
in the works.

There are also numerous
planned missions to Mars

currently in development

by both private
and public organizations.

In the midst of this new fervor
for space exploration,

on April 7, 2015,

NASA chief scientist,
Ellen Stofan,

makes a bold statement
concerning the discovery

of extraterrestrial life.

I think we're gonna have
strong indications

of life beyond Earth
within a decade.

And I think we're gonna have
definitive evidence

within 20 to 30 years.

When we look at that statement,

and we compare it
with the new lunar

and Martian missions
that are coming up...

we have reason to believe
that we may be getting prepared,

drip by drip, for an open
public acknowledgment

of the reality
of a secret space program

that has been in existence

throughout much
of the 20th century,

and only now is going to be
revealed to us.

WOOD: I don't think MJ-12
is the only thing

that's been kept secret.

And I think the disclosure
process needs to go

way beyond MJ-12,

because it's just a tiny portion

of the secrets that this country
lives in and with.

And my goal is
to find the truth.

I don't care what the truth is,
I want to find the truth.

Once this knowledge
is revealed to us,

it will fundamentally propel us
into a Star Trek age.

Almost overnight, we will
have the ability to travel

throughout our solar system,

perhaps travel outside
our solar system.

We will learn that we are
not alone in the universe.

I can understand that many
will have a problem

believing me,
and all I can say is that

I've had these experiences,
I know them to be true,

and one of these days, this
information will be revealed,

and you will know it to be true.

NARRATOR: Could there really be
a government agency

known as the Majestic-12?

And if so,

is it helping the United States,

in league with other nations,
to pave the way

for future communications
between mankind

and its extraterrestrial

According to numerous
top secret documents,

the answer is a profound "yes."

And the ultimate proof may
very well be waiting for us

when we venture
back to the stars

and begin the next phase
in human evolution...

The colonization
of other planets.
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