12x07 - City of the Gods

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x07 - City of the Gods

Post by bunniefuu »

JAMES LINCOLN: Once it reaches
its critical temperature,

it will actually levitate.

DAVID WILCOCK: This, to me,
looks like a flying saucer.

Could we have something

that potentially
people could ride in?

If you have enough magnetism,

there's no limit
to how big this can be.


We're seeing a very intriguing
connection here.

At this ancient site
of Teotihuacan,

there may be a location in which
exotic technology was used

to create
an electromagnetic field.

At very low temperatures,

mercury would display
the same behavior.

Mercury, in fact, was the first
superconductor ever discovered.

WILCOCK: Archeologists found
a literal river

of liquid mercury
at Teotihuacan.

So there absolutely does
appear to be

an advanced ancient civilization
that was here,

and this is the actual spaceport
of this civilization.

NARRATOR: Mexico City.

Beneath the current-day capital
of Mexico lie the ruins

of the ancient Aztec metropolis
known as Tenochtitlan.

The Aztecs dominated
much of central Mexico

from the 14th
to the 16th century AD,

and Tenochtitlan is considered

to be their first
official settlement...

An incredibly sophisticated city

featuring a grid system
of canals and causeways.

But according to
their historical texts,

the Aztec civilization
did not originate here.

The Aztecs say they started

from this place up in the north
called Chicomoztoc.

It was a cave,
and inside that cave,

it had seven different caverns,

and there were said to be
seven different tribes.

And the Aztecs say they were
part of the seven tribes

that came from the seven
chambers of Chicomoztoc.

NARRATOR: While Chicomoztoc
was once thought

to be a mythological place,

some scholars believe
archaeological evidence suggests

that it really did exist,
and is located at the site

of the ancient pyramid complex
known today as Teotihuacan.

BARNHART: The place of
seven caves, we think

maybe that has actually been
located archaeologically

at the site of the main temple
of Teotihuacan,

called the Pyramid of the Sun,

which sits just north
of the Valley of Mexico.

Underneath it is actually a cave

with seven different spots
that it extends out into.

And that's where the Aztecs said

their original ancestors
came from.

NARRATOR: In the 16th century,

Spanish chronicler Geronimo de
Mendieta recorded the legends

of the local native population.

According to their accounts,
the Aztec believed

that they were
fashioned by a group

of stranded gods
within these seven caves.

JONATHAN YOUNG: Mendieta wrote
an account of Aztec legend.

In this report, he describes
a giant flint knife

landing on the Earth.

And the Earth was trembling
and shaking

as this enormous
flint knife landed.

Then some 1,600 gods
disgorged from this thing,

and they are responsible for
launching Aztec civilization.

BARNHART: The Aztecs talk about
the many gods

coming down to Earth
and creating humans.

They create them out of bone,
ash and their own blood.

And they make them somewhat
in their own image.

But they make them specifically
so that they will honor them

and they will serve them.

All of a sudden,

there is a description
of a giant flint knife

that descended from the sky,
and somebody emerged out of it.

One has to wonder

whether or not
our ancestors were witness

to a landing of some type
of a craft.

If so, then
the Aztec story suggests

that, some point in our history,

created mankind.

And something very strange
was going on at Teotihuacan.

NARRATOR: Located just 30 miles
northeast of Mexico City,

the Teotihuacan complex
encompasses nearly

eight square miles, and is dated
to the first century AD.

It is the oldest
and most sophisticated city

of Mesoamerica, an area that
extends from northern Mexico

down through Central America.

The civilization
predated the Maya

by at least a hundred years.

At its peak, it was said
to have supported

nearly 100,000 residents.

It was also the largest city
in the entire Western Hemisphere

prior to the 15th century,
and served as the major commerce

and religious center
for the region.

The significance of Teotihuacan

cannot be overstated.

It is the Rome of Mesoamerica.

The things that Teotihuacan did
set the pattern

for all other city-states
after it.

NARRATOR: The central features
of the complex

are two large pyramids,

known as the Pyramid of the Sun
and the Pyramid of the Moon,

as well as a temple dedicated
to Quetzalcoatl,

the feathered serpent.

These structures
stand alongside a thoroughfare

referred to as
the Avenue of the Dead.

Over 200 smaller buildings,
platforms and pyramids

are found adjacent
to the Avenue.

And there are thousands
of living quarters

just outside the complex.

But as incredible
as Teotihuacan is,

no one knows exactly
who built this metropolis

or what happened
to its occupants.

Teotihuacan, despite its size,

has no hieroglyphs whatsoever.

There are other cultures
in Mesoamerica

that were using writing systems.

There's nothing like that
at Teotihuacan.

So we don't really have
a clear history

of what happened at Teotihuacan.

And we can't really find
evidence of their rulers.

To develop a complete,
huge complex, citadel...

WILL HART: We have such
a sophisticated site

that embodies engineering
principles, craftsmanship, art.

Where did it originate?

Where are the smaller versions
of this?

Well, we don't find any.

So, we don't have a progression,
an evolution,

to show where this came from.

So we have to ask:
Where did it come from?

WILCOCK: We've become
conditioned to look

at these awesome works
of stone architecture and think,

"Oh, primitive people did that,
and they used primitive methods

with primitive technology."

But we have to rethink
the fundamental assumptions,

and come to a greater and
greater level of understanding

that the technology required to
build these artifacts, in fact,

is greater than anything
that they possessed.

NARRATOR: But based on
the local lore of the region,

ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that the original

builders of the site
may not have been human at all.

YOUNG: All of the people
in this area felt

this city was a sacred site
connected to a divine realm.

The population along the coast
were the Totonac.

They believed that
the place was founded by

a dozen sky gods...
The lords of thunder.

Other nearby Mesoamerican
cultures had their own theories.

One associated the site
with the feathered serpent god.

Quetzalcoatl, who was said
to have come from Venus.

It was the Aztecs
who gave the place its name,

Teotihuacan... City of the Gods.

The name speaks for itself.

So one has to ask the question:
What gods?

Who were they?

Were they just a figment
of our ancestors' imagination,

or did they see someone?

Did somebody visit them

to essentially jump-start

If Teotihuacan truly was founded

by extraterrestrial visitors
in the remote past,

just how old might the site be?

And could this ancient city
still hold evidence

of alien visitation?

NARRATOR: Every year,

millions of tourists
visit the ancient ruins

of Teotihuacan.

But most are unaware that
many of the buildings

they see throughout the complex

have been erected
upon much older structures.

The Pyramid of the Sun
is believed to consist of

a total of five layers
of pyramids,

one built on top of the next,
like a Russian nesting doll.

Curiously, the oldest layers
are said to exhibit

the most advanced
building techniques.

Evidence of this older stonework
can still be found

scattered in parts of
the complex,

a largely off-limits area

behind the Pyramid
of the Feathered Serpent.

This enormous stone
has been very finely cut

by the inhabitants
of Teotihuacan.

Local researcher Marco Vigato

has gained unprecedented access
to this part of the site.

NARRATOR: When archaeologist
Leopoldo Batres

started excavating
the site in 1884,

he discovered
the pyramids were buried

in upwards of 12 feet of earth.

He surmised that
only a catastrophic event

could account for
the devastation.

HART: It was covered
under a deep layer of earth.

And we have to ask why.

How did it get covered
in so much dirt?

It would require
an enormous amount of time

- for nature to do it.
- (thunder crashes)

Unless you have
a catastrophic flooding.

You have to ask yourself:

Was there some big cataclysm

that occurred here
in prehistory?

Possibly even the Great Flood

that is spoken of in various
mythologies around the world?

This could mean that Teotihuacan

is actually many, many
thousands of years older

than what archaeologists say.

NARRATOR: According to
the accounts recorded

by Spanish chroniclers

when they initially made contact
with the locals,

the Aztec believed that
they were one of seven tribes

to be created by
the gods at a time

after the world
had been wiped clean

due to a catastrophic event.

They were the last group
to leave the caves

where they were created in order
to repopulate the world.

YOUNG: Teotihuacan
is where they believe

the gods had created humanity,
had created all things,

had created the sun, which they
referred to as the "fifth sun."

The Aztecs had a cosmology
that involved five ages.

They were solar ages,
about 5,000 years long,

and each one terminates
in a disaster.

The fourth age was called
the "Water Sun,"

and it was presided over
by the goddess Chalchiuhtlicue.

She was the goddess who,
at the end of the age,

- poured the deluge on the Earth,
- (thunder crashes)

and flooded everything.

If the origins of the site

are thousands of years older

than mainstream
archaeologists suggest,

might this help explain why,

even after decades
of excavations,

they still haven't
found evidence

of who the site's rulers were?

And could it also shed new light

on recent
perplexing discoveries?

October, 2003.

(thunder crashes)

Torrential rains
sweep through the ruins

of this ancient
pyramid complex...

(thunder crashes)

leaving a three-foot-wide

at the foot of one of the site's
most important structures:

The Temple of
the Feathered Serpent.

Archaeologists immediately
begin exploring the cavity.

What they found is the tunnel

leading from outside the temple

all the way to about center-line
underneath the temple.

It was very filled in,

probably by the Teotihuacanos

But it's been a slow process
to excavate.

Halfway through down the tunnel,

we find these two chambers
on either side.

As they continued down,

they found three more chambers
at the end.

And those hold
some incredible things.

There were many jade statues
in there.

And ceramics.

NARRATOR: In April, 2015,

after nearly 12 years
of excavations,

archaeologist Sergio Gómez
and his team

make another shocking discovery.

Directly underneath
the center of the pyramid,

they have located a vast pool
of liquid mercury.

What makes this so interesting

is that the mercury cannot exist
in its native form in nature.

There is a natural minerallic
material called "cinnabar,"

and in order to get mercury,

you have to extract it
out of the cinnabar,

which requires a complex process
involving high temperatures.

It's a highly toxic element.

It is difficult to extract.

So, the logistics behind this
are incredible.

How was it transported there?

Where did it come from
and for what purpose?

Also, how did our ancestors
handle liquid mercury

without them dying out?

Interestingly enough,
the only other site

that features liquid mercury
is in China,

inside the tomb
of the first emperor.

How come there is liquid mercury
in a tomb in China,

and now they've discovered
liquid mercury

in Teotihuacan?

One has to ask the question:
What was it used for?

NARRATOR: Liquid mercury
is a superconductor,

and in our modern technological
age, this class of elements

is being used
in revolutionary applications

such as free-energy generation,
advanced medical imaging

and cutting-edge
transportation projects.

But why would there be
vast amounts of mercury

found under a nearly
2,000-year-old pyramid?

Could it have served
a technological purpose?

NARRATOR: May, 2013.

Just two years prior
to the astounding discovery

of liquid mercury
at Teotihuacan,

archaeologist Sergio Gómez
and his team

made another curious find:

Hundreds of gold-colored
metallic spheres

scattered in the same tunnel

beneath the Temple
of the Feathered Serpent.

The spheres ranged in diameter

from just one inch
up to five inches.

There were hundreds of them.

On the exterior,
they were burned pyrite.

And on the interior,
they're mostly clay.

In fact, the entire chamber
seems to have

flecks of this golden pyrite
or fool's gold all over it.

I've never seen
anything like it.

I do not know what these things
are, what their meaning is.

To my knowledge, we've never
found a chamber like that

anywhere in Mesoamerica,

certainly nowhere
in Teotihuacan.

It's an enigma, and neither I
nor any of my colleagues

know what to make of it.

One of the findings of the
analysis of these golden spheres

was that there are substances in
them that can't be identified,

can't be related to other
known Earth substances.

The archeologists themselves
cannot explain

how these were formed,

why is there anomalous organic
material within them,

or what purpose did they serve.

We have to wonder
what these pyramids

and this whole structure
is about.

What are these
golden spheres about?

And why is there mercury
inside of this pyramid?

It's almost like some
kind of alien technology

is being used at Teotihuacan,
but we don't understand it.

The recent finds of mercury

and the inexplicable
golden spheres

only add to the mystery
of the site.

In 1906, archaeologist
Leopoldo Batres discovered

layers of mica throughout
the Teotihuacan complex.

The discovery of entire sheets
of this material,

which is used in electrical
and thermal applications,

has baffled researchers,
as it has not been found

in any other
ancient architecture.

In a couple of different places
in Teotihuacan,

we've discovered sheets of mica.

The first reports of them
were supposedly that

Leopold Batres had found
these large sheets of mica

on top of the Temple of the Sun.

Since that first discovery,

entire chambers lined with mica
have allegedly been found

at different locations
along the Avenue of the Dead,

but the areas are now off limits
to visitors.

Ever since the late 1990s,
the Mexican government...

NARRATOR: In the 1970s, author
and researcher Erich Von DANIKEN

got a firsthand look into
one of these mica chambers.

I was brought there by a local
archeologist who loved my books,

and he said he can show me
a mystery.

There is a room,
and the room has a ceiling,

and has, of course, four walls.

And in the four walls,
you see mica.

This mica is put in

It's like an insulation.

First, you have stone,
then you have a level of mica,

about ten centimeter,
and then again stone.

From this chamber where
the mica is, there is a hole,

and the hole is insulated
with mica.

And I have been told
that the hole goes

inside the great pyramid...

The Pyramid of the Sun
in Teotihuacan.

That will be the next discovery.

NARRATOR: Today, mica is used
as a heat shield

in electronic
and aerospace industries.

It has the unique properties
of being a good conductor

of electricity as well as
an insulator of heat,

since it is able
to resist temperatures

upwards of 1,800 degrees

We use mica today
with high technology.

So one has to wonder,

why is there a mica chamber
at Teotihuacan?

It's very brittle,

but it's incredibly,
incredibly heat resistant.

Why was there any need
for mica in the first place?

GEORGE NOORY: There seems
to be a correlation, though,

between mica, liquid mercury,

and these orbs or spheres
that all seem to point

to some high technology usage.

What did they know,

how did they know it
is anybody's guess,

but it just sounds like
they needed these materials

for something,
and they used them.

We have to wonder,
are we looking at a technology?

We see components of it

that don't make sense
just for a primitive culture.

The pyramids

and the various components
could've been part of

a sophisticated
system of technology.

astronaut theorists propose

that the mercury, mica,

and gold-colored spheres
may be somehow connected

and serve as components
of a larger device.

They suggest
that further evidence

can be found at the site
by examining the remnants

of an ancient expl*si*n.

NARRATOR: Teotihuacan.

Along the Avenue of the Dead,

multiple structures
show evidence

of a catastrophic fire

that consumed
portions of the temple complex.

The damage has been attributed

to an uprising
at the end of the sixth century,

just before the population
entirely vanished

without a trace.

This structure, in particular,

in spite of the many
modern restorations...

NARRATOR: According to
archaeologist Leopoldo Batres,

who surveyed the site
in the late 19th century,

the damage seemed too extensive

to be attributed
to simple torch flames,

leading researchers to explore
alternative explanations.

Could the curious finds

of mica and mercury at the site

help corroborate the theory
that the burn marks we see

along the Avenue of the Dead

are from some sort
of mechanical expl*si*n?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and they suggest that
like the Great Pyramid at Giza

and other sites
throughout the globe,

the structures at Teotihuacan
may have once served

as an electromagnetic
power plant.

Researchers proposed
that the pyramids

constructed around the world
are, in fact, power plants.

This is based
on our new knowledge

that they, in fact, are designed

to tap the resonant power
of the Earth

and then to distribute it
around the world.

Teotihuacan matches
precisely this model.

It's built over caverns,

it had liquid mercury and mica
incorporated into its design,

and we know that the gods
came and left from this place.

So when we put
all the pieces together,

we're looking at Teotihuacan
as yet another example

of the power plants of the gods.

If it was a technological system

that was generating
a lot of energy, at some point,

there could've been
a malfunction in it.

If there was energy,
the mica found at the site

was supposed to shield it,

and mercury...
Was also found at the site...

Seems to have been used.

Perhaps we had
some kind of accident there

at some point in time.

NARRATOR: If Teotihuacan served
as an ancient power plant,

electromagnetic energy,

just what role
did the liquid mercury...

Recently discovered
at the site...

Play in such a scenario?

There's stories of mercury
being used in spacecraft.

And some of
the ancient Indian epics

talk about mercury
as part of the vimanas

and the mechanics
of these craft.

So here we have the idea
that this mercury

that's being found
at archeological sites

is really part of the propulsion
of some of the craft

that the extraterrestrials
were using here on Earth.

Los Angeles, California.

February, 2017.

Physicist James Lincoln
has been experimenting

with superconductors
like mercury

and the levitation effects

in the presence of strong
electromagnetic fields,

such as those
suspected of being generated

by the ancient pyramid
power plants.

Author and researcher

visited his laboratory

to see how electromagnetism
creates an environment

that allows mercury to levitate.

- Good to meet you.
- Nice to meet you. Yes.

The demonstration will utilize

a conventional
superconductor material

in place of mercury
due to its toxicity.

What am I about to see here?

Now, one of the signatures
of a superconductor

is that once it reaches
its critical temperature,

as being it's cold enough,

it will actually levitate
over a magnetic field.

That is unbelievable.

LINCOLN: We can actually
make it go around the track.

This is the signature behavior
of any superconductor

in the presence
of a magnetic field.

It generates electricity
flowing in loops

inside of a superconductor.

- That's why it floats.

There's not really
an upper limit

to how fast this thing can go.

So there's a flow of current

in the disc as it's going?

LINCOLN: Yes. Once these
electric currents are generated,

it's free and permanent

and can last
as long as you can keep it cold.

WILCOCK: Wow. Very, very cool.

So if you had mercury here

and got it really, really cold,
Th-this same type

of effect would occur, or would
we notice anything different?

LINCOLN: We would be able
to get the same effect

if we managed
to get this cold enough.

Okay. -Mercury is also
a superconductor.

In fact, it was
the first superconductor

- ever discovered.
- Okay.

And this one can be anywhere,
any orientation,

whether I put it on
forward or backwards

or even upside down,
it still works.

And here we're seeing it

held perfectly in place,
zipping along on its own.

Now that is truly remarkable.

This, to me, looks
like a flying saucer.

It does look a lot like
a flying saucer.

In fact, you can get it
to avoid obstacles,

like you would want
from any hovering technology.

So, here I'm placing some
little debris on the track,

and let's see if it, uh, can get
over this, uh, pile of sticks.


- LINCOLN: No trouble.
- No resistance.

Yeah, so now you can imagine it
flying over forests,

if it was large enough,

and if you managed to have
enough magnetism on the surface

for that to happen.


If this technology
could be scaled up,

could we have something that
potentially people could be able

to ride in as a craft?

LINCOLN: Yeah. If you keep
the superconductor cold.

- LINCOLN: And you imagine

it has to have a chamber
of liquid nitrogen. -Right.

And you have enough magnetism
over a surface,

then there's no upper limit
to how big this can be.

So, if there were
some way to make this

a self-contained
continuously cooling unit,

theoretically at least,
would it be able

to keep doing what it's doing
right now indefinitely?

LINCOLN: Well, yes.

It will last, uh,
as long as it stays cold.

People have had superconductors
lasting for years already

with currents flowing in them.

And there's a lot of places
that are cold enough

that that would work.

- For example, outer space.
- WILCOCK: Right.

We're seeing a very
intriguing connection here.

Teotihuacan may be a location

in which exotic
technology was used

to create
an electromagnetic field.

And therefore,
the area around the pyramid

may have been an area
in which levitation

was much easier
for a flying saucer

that involved liquid mercury
as a fuel.

Teotihuacan may have been
the Cape Canaveral of its day.

Today most space facilities

are built as close
to the equator as possible

to take advantage
of the Earth's rotation.

And Teotihuacan is
relatively near the equator,

and so it would be an ideal spot

as a spaceport
for extraterrestrial vehicles

to land and take off.

Is it possible that Teotihuacan

functioned as some sort
of extraterrestrial spaceport,

one capable of generating
electromagnetic power

to support interstellar craft
fueled by liquid mercury?

Perhaps further evidence
can be found

by examining a planetary map
encoded in the city's layout.

NARRATOR: March, 2017.

Archaeologists continue to dig
under the pyramid complex,

in an attempt to answer
the many mysteries

of Teotihuacan.

The discoveries
of liquid mercury,

walls lined with mica,

and strange artifacts
like the golden spheres

point to the possibility
that an advanced society

once occupied this city.

But some researchers suggest
even greater clues can be found

by examining the layout
of the entire complex.

Three of the major structures
contained within Teotihuacan

have been found to line up with
the three belt stars of Orion,

a connection
that is also mirrored

in the layout of the pyramids
at the Giza Plateau in Egypt.

And the positioning
of the main thoroughfare,

known as the Avenue of the Dead,

is directed toward
the Pleiades star cluster.

But perhaps the most
intriguing connection

was proposed in the 1970s

by American engineer
Hugh Harleston Jr.

HART: In 1972, Hugh Harleston

undertook a study of the site.

And he was trying
to determine mathematically

if he could break down
or discover

a standard unit of measure
at Teotihuacan.

The conclusion that
Harleston came up with

in all his measurements,
he found consistent numbers.

And he discovered
that they reflected

mathematical principles
that involved units, intervals,

and the spacing of the planets.

WILCOCK: He found the actual
derivation of the solar system

with the planets, their correct
distances from one another,

actually laid out

in the spacings of the monuments
at this complex.

NARRATOR: Harleston noted
that the intervals

between the major structures
corresponded exactly

to the distances
between the various planets.

There is a very clear rationale

for the positioning
of these artifacts,

and it's only once you
get into their measurements

that you start to see
compelling proof

that this is intended to be

an accurate map
of our solar system.

NARRATOR: Even the distance
of the asteroid belt

between Mars and Jupiter
was correctly plotted

by the diversion of the San Juan
River through the site.

CHILDRESS: Harleston believed

that a man-made canal
that was cut

through Teotihuacan
represented the asteroid belt,

which was not something known
to ancient people.

Whoever built Teotihuacan,

they had full knowledge
of our solar system

and knowledge that ancient
people could not have had.

Three and a half miles away,

on top of the Cerro Gordo
mountain range,

Harleston also located the ruins
of the Temple of Xóchitl,

which fell directly in sight
line of the Avenue of the Dead.

CHILDRESS: Harleston believed

that this temple was
mathematically showing

that there was
a planet beyond Pluto,

twice as far as Pluto,

that was somehow orbiting around
our solar system.

NARRATOR: Curiously, in 2016,

planetary scientists

from the California Institute
of Technology announced

that they had found preliminary
evidence of the existence

of an unknown planet
beyond Pluto.

Would such a revelation
give further credence

to the idea that the inhabitants
of Teotihuacan

had intimate knowledge
of our solar system,

and that the site served
as an ancient spaceport,

one that might still
be active today?

NARRATOR: May 4, 2015.

A tourist visiting the ancient
pyramid complex of Teotihuacan

takes a photograph featuring
the Pyramid of the Sun.

(camera whirs, clicks)

He thinks nothing of it
until he later reviews the photo

and notices two strange objects
hovering over the pyramid.

Upon closer examination,

they appear to be silver
disk-shaped craft.

What's strange about
the two UFOs photographed

above the Pyramid of the Sun
at Teotihuacan is

- that only ten seconds later,
- (camera clicks)

a second photograph was taken
and those two objects were gone.

So, clearly, we're not talking
about Mylar balloons here.

There's nothing floating
in the sky anymore.

And if they would have been
Mylar balloons, well,

they don't move that fast
to just (whistles) disappear.

There has been a long history

of UFO sightings
and unusual events

in Teotihuacan, particularly
around the pyramids,

which perhaps
are somehow attracting UFOs

and extraterrestrials.

NARRATOR: Is there more going on
at Teotihuacan

than archaeologists realize?

Could there be secrets about
our extraterrestrial past

left for us to discover
at this ancient city?

HART: At Teotihuacan,

so far only ten percent
has been excavated.

That means there's 90%
that remains to be dug up.

How much more is there
at the site?

We have no idea.

But we have to ask,
if we continue and press on,

might we find the artifacts,
the components

that start to put
the pieces together,

and perhaps lead us
to a much clearer concept

of who these beings were
that built this?

CHILDRESS: We don't know
what they will find

in the future, but I suspect

they'll make
some startling discoveries.

There's many things in our past
that we just don't understand,

but it's possible that
the answers, or some of them,

are at Teotihuacan.

NARRATOR: Is it possible

that the ancient complex
of Teotihuacan

was an
extraterrestrial spaceport?

Might it still hold
the very fuel

that was used
to power alien craft?

Perhaps the secrets
of Teotihuacan

will ultimately be revealed

in time for mankind's
alien ancestors to return.
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