12x03 - The Mystery of Rudloe Manor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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12x03 - The Mystery of Rudloe Manor

Post by bunniefuu »

So, right underneath our feet

there are tunnels
and facilities?

Miles, absolutely
miles of tunnels.

It really is like something
out of a James Bond movie.

Could a secret base in England

hold evidence of
extraterrestrial visitation?

If there was anywhere
in the United Kingdom,

any secret facility

where crashed UFO debris
would have been brought,

would've been right here.

Is the British government

in possession of
an alien spacecraft?

The more I looked
into these claims,

the more I realized,
"Wait a minute,

there's something
going on here."

And did they even
develop one of their own?

I had about five minutes,

and then a police car showed up
and he said, "Well,

I think it's time
for you to leave."

♪ ♪

London, England.


The British Ministry of Defence,
or MOD,

makes a startling announcement.

They are releasing the entirety
of their UFO files

to the National Archives
of England.

My belief
is that the MOD's motive

was to have people
stop asking them questions.

They could get away
from all these difficult

Freedom of Information Act

that people were making.

And they framed it in a way

that it was all about
cost cutting.

But in reality, it was almost
as if they just didn't want

anything to do
with the subject anymore.

I still believe they take a very
active interest in the subject,

but they don't want to be seen
publicly to take that interest.

After a rollout
that took more than a decade,

it came to light that
the Ministry of Defence

had accumulated
over 60,000 documents

pertaining to UFO encounters.

But researchers sorting
through the archives

were able to determine
that 18 key files were missing.

There were a number
of very famous cases

where people have taken
some really good photos,

some really good film imagery
that the MOD can't now find.

Large parts of their files
were seemingly destroyed.

And it seems
they have a very good,

uh, history on losing really
important bits of information.

After a request was submitted,

Ministry of Defence officials
located the missing files.

Each file, by the way,

contains upward of
maybe a hundred, 200 documents.

So, we're talking thousands
of documents.

They sent those files
to the National Archives

and everyone was expecting
an imminent release.

But in an unprecedented move,

the Ministry of Defence
then recalled the files.

Now, I've never heard
of this happening before.

To date, these 18 files remain
under lock and key.

So, something very mysterious
is going on.

Why would
the British Ministry of Defence

send UFO files
to the National Archives

and then suddenly recall them
without explanation?

Some government insiders
have suggested

that the files were moved
for safekeeping

while another
even more secure facility

was being prepared.

When the National Archives
returned the files

to the British government,

they were spirited away
to an undisclosed location.

There are those who believe
that location

is a former Royal Air Force base

in the southwest county
of Wiltshire,

called Rudloe Manor,

a site that
the Ministry of Defence

used to perform
UFO investigations

dating back to the 1940s.

On the surface,
it appears to be nothing more

than a quaint
English manor house.

But deep beneath this structure

lie an astounding
2.2 million square feet

of vast caverns divided
into many smaller chambers.

These underground quarries were
excavated in the 19th century

to mine Bath stone,

a type of limestone used to
build the nearby city of Bath

and several other
English cities.

One century later, in 1939,

England was drawn
into World w*r II

and the British Royal Air Force

took over the depleted quarries,

transforming them into
an underground aircraft factory.

At the end of the w*r,
many such facilities

were returned
to civilian control,

but Rudloe Manor and
its over two million square feet

of secret tunnels and chambers
were never surrendered.

For years,
it was home to a group

called the Provost
and Security Services.

They're kind of like
the James Bonds

of the British Royal Air Force.

They do espionage

counterintelligence programs,

things like that,
even terrorism investigations.

But back in the 1990s
and certainly going back

to the 1950s, the Provost
and Security Services

were heavily involved
in UFO investigations.

Now, for years, the Air Force
and the Ministry of Defence

denied that any
UFO investigations

were going on at Rudloe Manor.

Then, a document got released

and it showed
that actually, yes,

UFO investigations had been done
from Rudloe Manor.

And the staff there

had been working
hand in glove with those of us

in the headquarters building
in London.

Shortly before
the Ministry of Defence

released their UFO files
in 2007,

they announced that Rudloe Manor

was no longer in use
by the military.

But if that's true,
why are the grounds

surrounded by chain-link fences,

monitored by security cameras,

and even protected
by guard dogs?

To find the answers,
in January of 2017,

ancient astronaut theorist
Giorgio Tsoukalos

traveled to
the protected boundaries

- of Rudloe Manor.
- There it is.

Joining him
in his search for the truth

was Nick Pope,
who in the early 1990s,

worked for
the Ministry of Defence

investigating UFOs.

We're here.

During your time at the MOD,

what did you learn
about this place

or any type of, uh, UFO cases

that may have happened
around this area?

Well, this whole area is rich
in UFO sightings.

Rudloe Manor was
the headquarters of a unit

known as
Provost and Security Services.

- Mm.
- Now, this is all tied up

with Air Force security
and intelligence.

UFO sightings were investigated
by staff

based here at Rudloe Manor.

But for years, we-we denied it.

We told Parliament, the media

and the public that these things
were of no interest,

that Rudloe Manor
had no involvement in this.

And yet, when the files
were declassified,

it turned out
that people were right.

- Right here?
- Right here.

- Okay.
- And-and so, this-this building

really was at the heart of
Britain's secret UFO research

and particularly, the
underground facilities below us.

All sorts of secrets

and research
and investigation projects

went on from, uh,
this particular facility.

While the manor house
was the face of Rudloe Manor

and the headquarters for
Britain's UFO investigations,

access to
the underground facilities

is found two miles away

at the equally secretive
installation known as the C.C.C.

It's close to where we are.

It's all part of
the underground facility,

so there are tunnels

which start right underneath
the manor house here

and go to e C.C.C.

No one knows exactly how many
people work down there,

but it's thousands.

Mm-hmm. -Nobody knows
exactly what they do.

And I worked for the government,

for the Ministry of Defence
for 21 years and I don't know.

Right. -So, and even if I did,
I wouldn't be able to tell you.

Of course.

Are the UFO files

withheld by
the Ministry of Defence

being kept at Rudloe Manor,

as ancient astronaut theorists

And could even greater secrets
be hidden

at the mysterious site
known as the C.C.C.?

Officially, it's called
the Corsham Computer Centre.

And you can't get in there.
It's absolutely off-limits.

Whatever's going on down there,
it's big.

It says here,
"Before opening this gate

"to allow someone to enter,

you must ensure
that they are authorized."

Anybody know
what the secret code is?

Despite the fact

that it is not open
to the public,

ancient astronaut theorist
Giorgio Tsoukalos

asked Nick Pope
to take him to the C.C.C.

for a firsthand look
at the installation.

- All right.
- Good luck.

Thank you very much.

As a former employee of
the Ministry of Defence,

Nick did not feel
it was appropriate

for him to approach the facility
himself without clearance.

I'll see you later, Nick.

- Yes.
- Take care.

Here we are. The C.C.C.

The lights are on.

And, uh, just like Nick

it's got barbed wire, it is
fenced down, it's impenetrable.

According to the
British Ministry of Defence,

the C.C.C. is simply
a data processing center

for the Royal Navy.

But if true, why is it
so heavily guarded?

Clearly, it's an access

to what seems to be
an underground system.

And if the stories that
Nick told me are true,

then underneath our feet is
a vast system of tunnels

and underground facilities.

Within minutes
of Giorgio's arrival

at the security gate,
the crew is met

by a military police unit.

Can you tell me
anything about this place?

the situation ends

with filming being halted.

Well, we're only
trying to find out the truth.

But why?

What is it that's so top secret

that Giorgio and his camera crew
are not even allowed

to film the entrance
from public property?

So it was exactly
how you said...

barbed wire fence.

I had about five minutes, and
then a police car showed up,

and he said, "Well, I think
it's time for you to leave."

Oh, I think you did exactly
the right thing to get out there

while you could,
but you know that, uh,

"A," it is operational, and "B,"
it's obviously important.

They sent
the security people out.

I-I guarantee you
they had eyes on you

from the moment you started.

Could this seemingly
innocuous building

and the underground facilities
it leads to

be continuing the
extraterrestrial investigations

that were previously carried out
at Rudloe Manor?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
yes and suggest that they are

not only looking
into UFO reports

but mysterious phenomena
that has been happening

in the county of Wiltshire
for thousands of years.

- I think this is it right here.
- Yes, here we are.

- Right.
- Right.

Author and historian
Andrew Collins

has lived in or near Wiltshire
for most of his life

and has investigated
the many strange happenings

associated with the area.

- How are you? You good?
- All right. Yeah.

Giorgio and Nick
arranged to meet with him

to discuss why
the Ministry of Defence

might have chosen this location
to be the headquarters

of their UFO investigations.

You're looking
at the dead center

of weird activity in the
whole of Great Britain.

We've got UFOs... we've
got crop circles,

we've got the most intensive
amount of prehistoric sites,

ancient mounds, burrows.

Plus, we have, obviously,
the strange activity

that surrounds places
like Rudloe Manor

or Corsham as a whole,
where we are here today.

And some of these sites,

I don't think people
realize, but they're older

- than the Egyptian pyramids.
- Absolutely.

We've got here Stonehenge
and Avebury itself.

Most people think that
these sites go back

4,500 to 5,000 years,

but they in fact go back
at least 10,000 years.

I lived in the center
of Avebury,

which is the largest
stone-circle complex

in the whole of the world.

UFOs have been seen,

in the vicinity
of the stones there.

Sometimes they've been seen
to actually

come into the circle and land.

Other times they have
manifested into strange shapes,

figures, things like that.

All around the country, there
are certain areas where UFOs

manifest more than
anywhere else.

They're called window areas,
and I believe that the area

around Stonehenge and Avebury
is exactly

one of those window areas.

Because there are reports
of UFOs and strange lights

being seen here for
several hundred years.

And it's long been speculated
that there's a connection

between UFOs and what
are known as "ley lines."

In 1925,

amateur archaeologist
Alfred Watkins published

The Old Straight Track,
a book in which he proposed

that man's earliest monuments
and megaliths were linked

by a network of what he called
"ley lines."

Some researchers claim
scientific testing shows

evidence that the ley lines are
magnetic in nature,

and delineate the lines of
Earth's unseen energy fields.

I'm aware of at least
one ley line

that goes all the way
from England

to the bottom of the boot
in Italy in one straight line.

And what's fascinating,

that especially as it goes
through Italy,

all these cities, they contain

the root word for "star."

We have what we call
the Earth grids.

These are sites, power sites,

all the way round the world,
which all seem to be

linked by these lines of energy

that seem to converge,
and at all of these sites

you'll find the same type
of phenomena...

Strange lights, UFOs,
mysterious happenings,

prehistoric activity,
sacred sites.

And this is exactly what
we have here in Wiltshire.

Could the so-called
"ley lines" be part

of an invisible energy grid?

And might this explain
both the high number

of mysterious occurrences
in this area,

as well as the decision

by the British Ministry
of Defence

to base the headquarters for
their UFO investigations here?

Why is the government there?

What are they seeing?

There are many compelling

UFO sightings in Wiltshire

that are jaw-dropping in their
level of significance.

As one example, in 1948,

a couple was walking through
the fields of Wiltshire...

and there in a low altitude
comes a flying saucer.

They see two people
inside the ship,

closely enough that
they could tell

the people were looking
right at them.

And this was in the immediate
aftermath of World w*r II.

And remember,
now, after World w*r II,

the British never gave back
the underground city

below Rudloe Manor.

And it could be that there are
unusual energies there

at that exact spot where
the Ministry of Defence

had the center of their UFO
investigating headquarters.

Is it possible
that the Ministry of Defence

retained control of Rudloe Manor
after World w*r II

because they were aware that
extraterrestrials have been

visiting the area of Wiltshire
not just in modern times

but for thousands of years?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest that further clues

as to what is really going on
in the vast underground

facilities can be found
by investigating an incident

that has become known
as Britain's Roswell.

Have you had any earthquakes
around here?

London, England.
May 22, 1955.

In reports syndicated
by the INS,

famed American newspaper
columnist Dorothy Kilgallen

makes an audacious claim:

Dorothy Kilgallen was someone
who had extremely good ties

and links with people
in the government,

the intelligence community,
and the military.

Kilgallen heard a story
that she said

came directly to her

from a high-ranking

of the British government.

And the story was, back in '55,

the British government had got
its hands on a crashed UFO.

And judging from the size
of the craft

and the interior of the vehicle,
it appeared to be piloted

by very small,
humanoid-like entities.

that the event had
actually occurred

during the Second World w*r,

and this crashed UFO was
put on ice, so to speak.

And then, when the w*r was over

and the peace was
reigning again,

the military then decided
to pull this wrecked UFO

out of the hangar and then
start investigating it.

Now, a lot of the rumors
coming out about

"the real investigations"

are coming from Rudloe Manor.

One of the more
thought-provoking aspects

of Rudloe Manor is this claim

that it's sort of the
British equivalent of Area 51.

this would not be the last time

allegations surfaced that
a crashed UFO had been retrieved

and taken to Rudloe Manor.

Another, much more notorious
incident, occurred in the 1970s

and was witnessed
by an entire village.

Llandrillo, Wales,
January 23, 1974.

Late in the evening,

this quiet rural village
in the Berwyn Mountains

is rocked
by an enormous expl*si*n.

14-year-old Huw Lloyd is in
his home, watching television,

when he feels the impact

and then receives call
after call from his neighbors,

most claiming to have seen
an incredibly bright light

falling from the sky, and then
glowing on the mountainside.

Today, Huw Lloyd still works

on his father's ranch
in Llandrillo.

- Are you Huw?
- Yep.

Ancient astronaut theorist
Giorgio Tsoukalos

and Nick Pope,
a former UFO investigator

for the British Ministry
of Defence,

met up with Huw to get

his take on what really happened
that night.

Can you tell us
your experience? -Well...

Your neighbors called you
to ask you if you're okay.

So they pretty much
had similar experiences?

So you're not the only one?

And you were, uh, 14 years old?

How did your parents react?

And what time of evening
was this?

So, you know,
some people have suggested

that, why, it was nothing else
but an earthquake.

Yeah. -Which I don't subscribe
to this idea,

but have you had
any earthquakes around here?

But you saw that light,
and it was much, much brighter

than people lamping.

I mean, it was something
almost blinding?


to ancient astronaut theorists,

what really happened in the
Berwyn Mountains that night

was the crash of
an extraterrestrial spacecraft

that was retrieved
and taken to Rudloe Manor.

And they suggest that the most
compelling clues can be found

by examining
not the event itself

but what happened
immediately after.

The policeman basically said,

"There's nothing to see here,
let's go back down,"

and then you saw the lights?

Yeah, these lights appeared.

At 9:10 p.m.,

on the night of the mysterious
incident at Llandrillo,

approximately 30 minutes

after the strange lights and
violent tremors were reported,

a police officer arrived at the
home of eyewitness Huw Lloyd.

There's a knock on the door, and
it was a police officer there.

- Right, so a senior officer.
- Yeah.

- Not one of the local...
- No.

A plane crash?

For Nick Pope, who worked
at the Ministry of Defence

and has seen the file
on this incident,

this is a surprising new detail.

The official report
only mentions a meteor

and nothing about a plane.

Right, and roughly what time
did he turn up at the house?

Right. So there is no way that
he could have got from Barmouth.

Interesting. Okay.

We've heard lots of stories
about military involvement,

as well as police.

The theory, initially,
that this was a plane crash

and that this police
and military operation

- was a search and rescue...
- Yeah.

Or search and recovery,
that's fine.

But I mean, you know,
we know where our planes are.

There is 24-7 radar coverage,

- civilian aircraft.
- Even back then.

Yeah, absolutely, planes don't
just drop out of the sky.

And if they do, immediately,

everyone knows which aircraft
it is, so it seems odd.

The officer
commandeered the family's truck

and drove with Huw
to the crash site.

Nick and Giorgio were taken
on the exact same journey

that was made that night.

How high is the mountain?

You know, one thing
that struck me is,

this is
a pretty difficult drive.

So you've got to be
pretty determined

to get a whole bunch
of people up here.

Yes, and for what purpose?

Unless it's really something
of importance.

Yeah, this is not to be
undertaken lightly, is it? -No.


An interesting thing

is the fact that it was
an inspector who came out.

Okay. -I mean, that's the
thing, you see, in the U.K.,

most cops are constables,

and then next up
from that is sergeant.

And then inspector
is above that.

Oh, really? -So it's actually
quite a senior rank.

This, to me, says that somebody
somewhere was treating this

as an important,
high-profile incident

that needed someone
with the seniority and the clout

to deal with it.

According to Huw,

the police inspector directed
them to stop at this spot,

although he was allegedly
not familiar with the area

and seemed to have no reason
for doing so.

It was at this location

that he witnessed an incredibly
bright light in the distance.

So, down there?

Yeah, more to the left there,
okay? -Yeah.

So not in the trees, but beyond...
in the valley.

When this light appeared,

did it seem to you
as if it was an expl*si*n?

And how long was it shining for?

According to Huw,

the inspector wanted
to get a closer look

at the mysterious light

but then received a curious
command from his superiors.

So, it sounds like
it was a stand down call.

the official explanation

for these events provided
by the Ministry of Defence

did not include either
fox hunters or a plane crash,

as was told to Huw that night.

And the story they did provide

an incredible coincidence.

The story is apparently

that there was an earthquake
that hit the village.

But at the same time,

there was a bright
fireball meteor

breaking up
in the Earth's atmosphere.

So, not one extraordinary event,

but two at exactly
the same time.

Some people said,
"Has there been a UFO incident?

Has there maybe been
a UFO crash?"

Over the years, the UFO
community has become convinced

that this was indeed
a UFO crash,

that the military
launched a secret operation

to secure the crash site,

to recover the wreckage
and maybe bodies,

and to take it
to a secure facility.

And many believe that that
secure facility is Rudloe Manor.

If what Huw Lloyd
and hundreds of others witnessed

on that night in 1974

really was an alien craft
falling from the sky,

might the wreckage
have been taken

to Rudloe Manor
for investigation?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest that perhaps the
most compelling evidence of all

can be found by reexamining

England's best-documented
UFO encounter,

the Rendlesham Forest incident.

They were moving erratically,

as if conducting
some sort of grid search.

What I've seen
this evening is not logical.

Whatever we saw was definitely
under intelligent control.

Rendlesham Forest.

Suffolk County, England.

200 miles east of Rudloe Manor

lie six square miles
of woodlands

that has become
notorious as the site

of Great Britain's
most incredible UFO encounter.

On December 26, 1980,

near an air base leased
to the United States Air Force

by the R.A.F.,

strange lights are reported
on the horizon,

in what appears to be
a possible downed aircraft.

Two U.S. servicemen
are dispatched to the site.

According to accounts,
radios failed

as they approached
the targeted area,

and the air itself
felt electrically charged

as they closed in.

Strange lights were seen
about 300 to 400 meters away

from an area
that was called the East Gate.

And the patrolling officers
at the East Gate

saw the lights above the forest

and they thought potentially
it was a downed aircraft

or an aircraft in distress.

So two of them,

Sergeant Penniston
and Airman John Burroughs,

went further into the forest.

Once at the so-called
crash site,

the men observed a strange
triangular craft on the ground,

approximately three meters wide
at its base.

It appeared to be either
hovering or on legs.

And it had clearly come down
into this small clearing

and smashed some of the branches
off the trees,

so there was physical evidence
which was looked at afterwards.

And so the men looked
at this strange object.

I noticed
that there was an inscription

on the side of the aircraft.

I was expecting to find,
I don't know, USAF,

something like that.

And what I find is glyphs,
pictorial glyphs,

making no sense at all.

And then I was running my hand
over the side of the craft;

it was very warm to touch.

At this time, we're getting

a feeling of electricity
that was just bouncing.

It was much, much stronger.

There was this feeling
of being drawn into it,

or being pulled into it.

Like someone
was holding a picture

of zeros and ones
in my mind's eye.

The strange visions
Sergeant Penniston had

upon touching the craft

has made this one of Britain's
most famous UFO encounters,

but ancient astronaut theorists

that even more compelling
is what happened after.

The following evening,

further strange sightings

and also the night after,

reported by U.S. Air Force
Colonel Charles Halt.

Colonel Halt
led his own search party

to put an end to the confusion.

But instead of finding
a logical explanation,

they discovered
high levels of radioactivity

where Burroughs and Penniston
had previously seen

the strange craft,

and three "impact holes"
in the ground.

They then spotted
a light in a nearby field

that suddenly came towards them
through the trees at high speed.

One of the people with me said,
"Look there, to the north."

There were four or five objects
in the sky.

They were elliptical and round,
they changed shape.

They moved at very high speed,
made sharp, angular turns,

as though they were doing
some type of a grid search.

One came at high speed,
and stopped directly overhead,

3,000, 4,000, maybe 5,000 feet,

and sent down
a concentrated beam

about eight or ten feet from us.

It was about a foot in diameter.

I would describe it today
as probably like a laser beam.

We noticed the other object
to the south

sending down similar beams
on Woodbridge Base.

Apparently, these beams were
falling down

into or near
the weapons storage area.

I was really concerned, then.

I suspect
it was some kind of scan

to see what was inside,
the ordnance inside.

What we do know
is Lieutenant Colonel Halt

saw Colonel Williams
just a few hours later

and told him
that beams had been shone down

into the storage bunkers,
and he said,

"I think the ordnance
needs to be checked out."

If Colonel Halt's
report is true,

why were these craft
emitting beams of light

down into the Woodbridge Base?

According to some ancient
astronaut theorists,

they may have been
conducting a search,

not for nuclear weapons
but for one of their own craft.

They were moving around

he said, as if... conducting
some sort of grid search,

and the reason he said
that was that beams of lights

were firing down from this UFO

into one of the most
sensitive parts of the base,

the weapons storage area.

Maybe the aliens would be
looking for crashed UFOs,

maybe their own alien technology

to prevent us
from trying to back engineer it

and build our own spacecraft.

Could it be that the UFOs

witnessed over the highly secure
Woodbridge Base

were aliens searching for one
of their own downed craft?

Might they have
considered this base

the most likely place

the British government
would hide such wreckage,

unaware of its true location

in the underground facilities
of Rudloe Manor?

Ancient astronaut theorists

the truth lies
within the 18 UFO files

the British government
has withheld from the public,

and that it might also exist
in documents

recently declassified
by the CIA.

Washington, D.C.
October 2016.

In the weeks leading up

to the United States
presidential election,

WikiLeaks publishes over 20,000
pages of private e-mails

belonging to John Podesta,

the chairman
of Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Within these e-mails,
it is revealed

that Podesta has
a strong interest

in releasing the CIA's
classified UFO files

should Clinton become president.

While his candidate
lost the election,

Podesta ultimately got his wish.

On January 18, 2017,

in Barack Obama's last days
as president,

the CIA uploaded nearly
a million classified UFO files

to its Web site.

The move prompted new calls

for the British government
to release the 18 files

that they held back from their
own disclosure of UFO reports

that began in 2007.

But still,
the Ministry of Defence

will not release
their documents.

Could these files hold

about extraterrestrial activity
not even known to the CIA?

And do they remain hidden
at Rudloe Manor?

I think the MOD is not willing

to have that honest debate
with the public.

It is not willing to, sort of,
open up its files.

I don't think they trust
the people with information.

They don't want
an informed populace.

If you would get access to all
the information the MOD holds,

I think it would point
to the fact

that the MOD has
a lot of information

that we're being visited
by extraterrestrial craft.

We now know that there
are at least two confirmed cases

of crashed
extraterrestrial spacecraft

being relocated to Rudloe Manor.

This includes
Dorothy Kilgallen's claim

that craft were crashing
in World w*r II

and were brought
to Rudloe Manor,

and it also includes
the Berwyn Mountains incident

that occurred in 1974.

The Ministry of Defence
vehemently denied

that they were involved
in UFO investigations,

and yet now, thanks
to declassified documents,

we know that they were, in fact,

actively investigating
this subject

and that Rudloe Manor
was at the center of it.

So now that we find out

that even after they told us
they released all the documents,

that there's 18 documents
being held back,

something tells me that
when we go into those documents,

we will find that all roads
lead back to Rudloe Manor.

I think it's highly likely

that they know that intelligent
extraterrestrial life exists.

The only reason
why this information

has not yet been made public

is because
of this bizarre thought

that we as a human species
can't handle the truth

that we're not alone
in the universe.

And I think that all government
agencies around the world

should give the people
living on this planet

a little bit more credit

because it just shows
the greater picture

and that we are part
of this larger picture.

Could the remains
of an extraterrestrial craft

really lie hidden deep beneath
the surface of Rudloe Manor?

And if so,

might the recent disclosure
by themerican CIA

push the British government

to revealing
an incredible truth?

Proof that first contact
with extraterrestrials

is no longer the stuff
of science fiction,

but of scientific
and historical fact.
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