11x13 - Beyond Roswell

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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11x13 - Beyond Roswell

Post by bunniefuu »

Roswell is probably

the single most well-known
UFO event in human history.

What people don't realize is

this was not the first crash.

WILLIAM HENRY: World governments
have been collecting

and trying to reverse-engineer
alien technology for decades.

You have to wonder if we've been

purposely given this technology.

Due to retrieving

extraterrestrial technology,
we have reached a level

that put us on our path
to the stars.

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited
its origins to gods

and other visitors
from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help
to shape our history?

And if so,
could more evidence be found

by looking beyond Roswell?

♪ ♪

Washington D.C.,

April, 2011.

The FBI releases
thousands of files

as part of its online
FBI vault.

One particular file
draws the attention

of the media
and independent researchers.

The memo, dated March 22, 1950,

is a briefing
to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

regarding informant information
about three "flying saucers"

that were recovered
in New Mexico.

Investigators immediately
connect the memo

to the infamous
Roswell incident:

a purported UFO crash
that many people believe

was covered up by the military
in 1947.

But this document
is just the latest

in a series of government files

that have been released
in recent years,

suggesting there may be more
to the Roswell crash

than the public was told.

As an investigative reporter,
I think what I am amazed by

is how many leaked documents
from the 1940s

have actually come out
into the world

and lay out details about
what really happened at Roswell.

On July 4, a rancher
named Mac Brazel

finds all kinds of strange
silver debris.

He knows he doesn't understand
what he's walking through.

He decides to go into Roswell
and tell the sheriff,

"Something has crashed
on my ranch."

Intel coming out of
Roswell Army Air Field

get assigned to go
to the debris field.

And these men are told
that they are to pick up

every single thing
that is in the debris field

on the Mac Brazel ranch.

Everything is to be picked up.

On July 8, 1947,

the headline on the front page
of the Roswell Daily Record

reports that the military
had retrieved a flying saucer.

But the following day,
the official story

is suddenly changed
to suggest it was nothing more

than a failed weather balloon.

Roswell was the home

of the 509th b*mb Crew.

This was the only
atomic b*mb-capable squadron

anywhere in the world.

These people were the best
of the best.

The idea that intelligence
personnel at this base

would mistake a weather balloon

for something exotic
is preposterous.

So that, arguably, is the start
of the UFO cover-up.

Weather balloons, swamp gas,

meteorite-- it doesn't matter.

It's always something else
but a UFO.

The Roswell crash
was covered up.

The fact that they retracted
the story

of having captured
a flying saucer, in my opinion,

it was quick PR damage control.

The world was told,
"Nope, just a weather balloon."

And for more than 30 years,
that's where it was left,

until witnesses
started to surface,

saying, no, it was actually
an extraterrestrial craft.

And that people saw
alien bodies.

In April of 2014,

ancient astronaut theorist
Giorgio Tsoukalos

traveled to
Walker Air Force Base

in Roswell, New Mexico,

to meet with the city's mayor,
Del Jurney,

and to get a rare look
at the hangar

where the Roswell wreckage
and extraterrestrial bodies

were allegedly first taken.


This is huge.

So what do you think?

TSOUKALOS: Man, I have
goose bumps right now.

I mean, we're walking
on history here.

It's amazing, isn't it?

Are you familiar with
where the spot is,

where they actually put them?

Well, you know,
the information that I have

says that it's probably
right over here in the corner.

Uh, they took them over there,

did an examination
of the bodies.

So this is where it was.

JURNEY: This is it.
Yeah, come on in.

They had the debris out here
in the hangar area

and they bring the bodies
inside this room.

I really don't know what to say,

'cause, I mean,
if this was it...

-You're standing where...
-In it, yeah.

...where extraterrestrial beings
might have been.

Where did the debris go?
Where did it end up?

Well, it ended up
with the government, of course.

Uh, my understanding is

that they took the bodies to
Wright Patterson Air Force Base,

certainly probably took
the debris as well,

and have it well preserved

in a military installation

Roswell researchers suggest

a government-sanctioned
bond of secrecy

has prevented witnesses
of the crash and retrieval

from coming forward publicly.

But many did choose
to come forward later in life,

including the first
military officer

to arrive at the Roswell
crash site, Major Jesse Marcel.

According to his grandson,

Marcel privately shared
many details of his experience

with the family.

grandfather, Major Jesse Marcel,

was the head of intelligence
for the 509th bombing group.

As a kid, basically
around the dinner table,

we talked about Roswell.

And through conversations,

we learned that my grandfather
was the lead investigator

into what has become known as
the Roswell incident.

And when he was
looking at the debris,

he couldn't make heads or tails

or any sense
out of what he was looking at.

He had gathered
some of the debris

and decided
to take it home with him.

He kind of came to this idea
that, he said,

"You know, whatever this stuff
is, it's very significant

"and it's gonna change humanity,

"and I want my family
to be a part of it.

This is very important."

According to the family's story,

Major Marcel came home after
his first visit to the site

and laid the debris out
on the floor of their kitchen.

Some of the material was
a strange thin metal

similar to foil, except when
crumpled up into a ball,

it would bounce back
to its flawless state.

Marcel also claims the metal
was not the same material

featured in
newspaper photographs

being held by his grandfather.

MARCEL III: There's a pretty
famous picture of him

holding a piece of debris,

which is a piece of foil

and it was
weather balloon material.

He begrudgingly went along
with the story, held it.

And if you take a look at that,

you'll notice that he's not
looking at the camera.

He's looking up at somebody
barking him orders.

He fell in line,
uh, begrudgingly,

and did
what he was supposed to do.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that an alien craft

really did crash in Roswell?

And if so, might there be
a larger conspiracy

that goes beyond New Mexico?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

but they also believe
that Roswell

was not the first, or only,
extraterrestrial crash on Earth.

Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

April 12, 1941.

9:30 p.m.

(phone ringing)

Reverend William Huffman
gets a call from local police

informing him that
there has been a crash

and he is needed at the site

to offer spiritual comfort
to the victims.

He probably thought

it was gonna be
an automobile crash.

But to his surprise,
when he arrived,

there is a disc-shaped craft,

and there are three alien
looking bodies on the ground--

tiny, big heads, big eyes,
small mouths.

CHILDRESS: The military
was there, the FBI was there.

And he was astonished to find

that this was a crash
of some kind of UFO,

and that the being was
an extraterrestrial.

WILCOCK: He had the chance
to look inside the disc,

and found that there were
hieroglyphic type inscriptions

on the walls inside.

The government told him,

"You're not to say a word
about this to anyone.

This is totally classified."

NARRATOR: Huffman's account
would remain a secret

until after his passing,

when his wife,
on her deathbed in 1984,

divulged the details
to the rest of the family.

Witnesses have since
come forward

to corroborate the account,
including the sheriff's brother

and members
of the fire department.

Further details
about the military response

have since been leaked,

and the incident
has become known as

"The Bombshell Before Roswell."

The story is that a military
unit from Sikeston, Missouri,

only about 30 miles away
from the crash site,

comes in, with orders
to gather up these bodies,

gather up this disc
and fly it to Washington D.C.

So, Cape Girardeau, Missouri,

from 1941,
appears to be where

our retrieval, as a government,
of things that were described

as "from another world" began.

The Cape Girardeau crash
was a preparation

for the military's response
to the Roswell crash.

And the military
learned an awful lot

about how to handle these events

and how to make sure that
they put a blanket of secrecy

over future crash events.

While the Roswell crash

is now infamous,
what is lesser known

is that similar incidents
were reported all across America

around the same time.

These incidents

include crashes
in San Antonio, New Mexico;

Twin Falls, Idaho;

Hebgen Lake, Montana;

Braxton County, West Virginia;

and many others.

But why were
so many mysterious crashes

suddenly being reported?

Many believe the defining event
of the 20th century

was World w*r II.

It was a conflict

that would involve
nearly every nation on Earth

and cost the lives
of over 60 million people.

The w*r gave rise to weaponry
far more advanced and deadly

than modern man had ever known,
including the atomic b*mb.

It also gave rise to a
tremendous surge in UFO reports.

But why?

CHILDRESS: A large portion
of these alleged UFO sightings

have occurred in the decades
during World w*r II

and immediately afterwards.

And part of the theory there
is that,

because the United States
had developed atomic weapons,

and used them on Japan...

...and then continued to test
them in Nevada, New Mexico

and other areas,

that the extraterrestrials

were very concerned about this.

Some have suggested that

the moment that we developed
nuclear capabilities,

that this somehow signaled
the extraterrestrials

that we have reached
a level of technology.

Because one thing
can be said for sure:

that worldwide,
the eyewitness accounts

or reports for UFO sightings
have gone up

ever since the deployment
of our first hydrogen b*mb.

So, is it possible
that we, by doing that,

signaled extraterrestrial life
out there?

CHILDRESS:. You have to wonder
what was going on,

because various UFO crashes

were allegedly happening
throughout North America

in the late '40s, '50s and '60s.

NARRATOR: Did the dawning
of the nuclear age

really usher in a new era
of extraterrestrial encounters?

And if the U.S. military

was actively
retrieving UFO wreckage,

just where were they taking it?

Groom Lake, Nevada.

Just 900 miles from
Roswell, New Mexico.

Perhaps the most well-known site

rumored to be
hiding alien debris

is the secret engineering base
known as Area 51.

After years of denying
its existence,

on August 16, 2013,
the United States government

officially acknowledged
the base.

It was one of
the single most sensitive

hidden military bases.

Everybody who worked there
was sworn to secrecy, to death.

And it was not until 2013

that there was a confirmation
that Area 51 is real

and had been real
for a very long time.

NARRATOR: Believed by many
to hold the wreckage

from the infamous Roswell crash
of 1947,

the U.S. government still claims
the secret engineering base

has never housed
any extraterrestrial remains.

announcement seems to have been

tossing the public a bone,

that we indeed have an area

of advanced research
and development,

and what we refer to as Area 51.

Who knows what's
really going on there?

Just because they said this,
that or the other thing

doesn't mean it's true.

And would anybody trust the CIA

to tell the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth?

When you listen to people
who have left Area 51,

they claim that it's got
extraterrestrial craft

that we have tested
and reverse-engineered.

There's no question in my mind
that Area 51 has been

a very secretive government base
for all kinds of things.

Is it possible that Area 51

actually houses
otherworldly artifacts--

artifacts that were retrieved
from extraterrestrial crashes?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that even more
evidence can be found

by examining some of mankind's
latest, and most extraordinary,

technological advancements.

July, 1997.

On the 50th anniversary
of the Roswell incident,

retired United States Colonel
Philip J. Corso

publishes his book
The Day After Roswell.

In it, he not only confirms

that an extraterrestrial craft
crashed in Roswell,

but also that the wreckage
had been secretly collected

and stashed
by the United States military.

Philip J. Corso
was a lieutenant colonel, uh,

in the United States Army,
who had a long

and actually very successful
career in the military;

he was highly decorated.

And in The Day After Roswell,

he made an incredible claim

that he worked at
the Foreign Technology division

within the Army Research
and Development,

and had key access
to E.T. technology

from the Roswell crash.

NARRATOR: According to
Colonel Corso's account,

military scientists
and engineers

tried for years to make sense of
the debris collected at Roswell,

but were unsuccessful.

Colonel Philip Corso claimed

that part of his duties on the
Army's Foreign Technology desk

was to take
extraterrestrial technology

recovered from
the crash at Roswell

and without disclosing
the source of this,

in other words,
not-not letting on

that this was extraterrestrial,

was to get this into the hands
of scientists

with some of
the big U.S. corporations.

NARRATOR: In his book,
Colonel Corso stated

that he seeded the alien
materials and information

to high-tech companies
under the guise that it was

recently acquired
foreign technology.

What Corso described in his book

was that they would
identify corporations

that had already made
breakthroughs in certain areas,

and so he was giving them
kind of strategic inspiration

in what direction
they should operate

in order to be able
to successfully develop

those advanced technologies.

Only after the Roswell crash

did companies like IBM
all of a sudden flourish.

And the reason why
IBM flourished is because

they just happened to be at the
right place at the right time,

that were given the assignment

to reverse-engineer
some of these things.

NARRATOR: According to
Colonel Corso's account,

night vision was engineered

from the lens on an eye
of an extraterrestrial pilot.

Kevlar came from
studying alien space suits.

And integrated circuits
were developed

from their spacecraft's
control panel.

Isn't it interesting

that after the 1947 crash
in Roswell, New Mexico,

our technology took off
just like a rocket?

Silicon chips and all kinds
of other technology,

laser technology, fiber optics--

all of this stuff came
right after 1947,

when Roswell crashed.

Roswell is a real thing.

I recognized the names of
the generals and the airfields

that he was talking about
from my days in defense.

So, this was not
new territory for me.

And, uh, I spoke to a general.

He said,
"Every word is true and more."

NARRATOR: Colonel Corso
would also claim

that the reverse-engineering
of various downed alien crafts

was not limited
to the United States,

but was happening worldwide.

And the funding for
the research and development

of this
extraterrestrial technology

required an elaborate ruse.

A ruse that would
also function as a distraction

from increased UFO sightings:

the Cold w*r.

The Cold w*r

was never really a w*r.

It was an agreement between
Russia and the United States

that we're gonna give the public
something else to worry about:

atomic bombs falling
onto their heads,

rather to think about
UFOs and flying saucers.

During the Cold w*r,

when Russia
was supposedly our enemy,

we had a joint military base,

at the South Pole,
with the Russians.

And we had a joint space base
with the Russians, too.

So you have to ask:
what was going on here?

I believe governments
all across this planet

have been hiding the knowledge
of extraterrestrial visitations

and crashes on this planet.

They're not telling us
the truth.

We've had crashes in Russia.

We've had crashes
in Roswell, New Mexico.

We've had a crash
in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

It's happening
all over this planet.

The big question is: why?

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the retrieval

and reverse-engineering
of downed alien spacecraft

goes far beyond Roswell?

And might the Cold w*r
and space race

have provided a cover
to justify innovations

derived from
extraterrestrial technology?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest that further
evidence can be found

by examining what some
researchers refer to as

"The Russian Roswell."

Astrakhan Oblast, Russia.

500 miles south of Moscow.

June 19, 1948.

11 months
after the Roswell incident,

at the Soviet military rocketry
research and development base

Kapustin Yar,

erratic blips
appear on the radar screens.

(radar beeping)

At the same time,
a MiG jet fighter pilot

sees an unidentifiable
cigar-shaped object

flying in front of him.

What we have now
come to understand

is that there was an engagement
of the Soviet military

with an unknown object
that came into the airspace

at, or near, Kapustin Yar.

And a Soviet MiG fighter was
scrambled to intercept.

The aircraft engages
in a three-minute dogfight

with the UFO.

The jet was able
to fire off a m*ssile.

And the m*ssile apparently
hit the craft

just as the craft hit the MiG

with some kind of
blinding flash of light

that caused the MiG,
with the UFO, to crash.

When people talk
about UFO crashes,

they talk about Roswell

as if it's the only time
it ever happened,

but it's happened repeatedly.

Kapustin Yar
is another great example

of a genuine Roswell type crash,
this time in the Soviet Union,

and totally classified under the
umbrella of national security.

There are special teams designed
to create a cover story.

And the wreckage goes off
to warehouses

in which that technology
is analyzed and understood.

Rumors have circulated for years

that nearly a quarter-mile
beneath the surface

of the Kapustin Yar base
are hallways and chambers

containing downed
extraterrestrial craft

and rooms where alien autopsies
have been performed.

DOLAN: This is really
the Soviet Union's Area 51.

It was very, very remote.

The Soviets did all of
their major rocket testing,

a lot of their advanced back-
engineering of n*zi technology

from World w*r II.

This is a very,
very sophisticated place.

Some people
came up with the idea

that this was the main storage

of the crashed UFOs
in the Soviet Union

and the secret tests
are being done there.

NARRATOR: Curiously,
at this secret facility,

the Soviets developed
better nuclear weapons

and delivery systems
in 18 months

than they had anticipated
creating in five years.

In 1959,

the United States
Central Intelligence Agency

began to monitor the covert base
and collect aerial photographs

from a U-2
reconnaissance mission.

HENRY: When the United States
sent recon missions over there

during the Cold w*r,
they looked down

and they saw these incredible
carved images on the ground

around Kapustin Yar.

WILCOCK: When we actually
look at the depictions

of these geoglyphs,

they look similar to what we see
in crop circles

and in certain ancient landforms
visible on Earth.

So there clearly appears
to have been an attempt

to communicate
with the extraterrestrials,

perhaps saying,
"X marks the spot.

Come here, guys."

Kapustin Yar was one of
the former Soviet Union's

most secretive air bases.

The rumor is, is they were

UFO technology there.

And one wonders if it's possible

if those symbols were, in fact,
used to attract UFOs.

NARRATOR: According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

this so-called "Russian Roswell"
isn't the only site of its kind.

In the middle of Australia
lies the military base,

Pine Gap.

Located in an area

that has long been associated
with UFO activity,

the facility is said to extend
five miles underground

and is rumored to have been used

for researching
electromagnetic propulsion

since the 1960s.

In the remote hills of China,

there are a series
of bizarre runways

over a mile long
and over a half mile wide.

have spotted strange aircraft

parked along the runways

and believe
it is the testing ground

for extraterrestrial spacecraft.

And at the Royal Air Force's
Rudloe Manor,

located in the countryside
of Wiltshire, England,

many believe
the British Ministry of Defence

has been storing crashed UFOs
since the 1950s.

HENRY: With the existence
of all of these places

around the world, it suggests

that world governments
have been collecting

and trying to reverse-engineer
alien technology for decades.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that not only Area 51,

but also other secret military
sites across the globe,

extraterrestrial artifacts?

And if so, how is it
that so many UFO crashes

occurred at roughly
the same time period,

and scattered
across multiple continents?

You kind of have to wonder

if the extraterrestrials
realized that

conflict throughout our planet

does actually help us develop

better aerospace
and other technology.

And so it would seem that,
with these various UFO crashes

that were allegedly happening
all over the world,

these extraterrestrials
are purposely

trying to advance us forward.

HOWE: Maybe a lot of
what we were dealing with,

including some of the crashes
in the '40s and the '50s,

might have been planned
to put certain technologies

in human hands
to start a process

in which humans would begin
to try to develop technology.

LEAR: I had a friend that
was involved in the research

of trying to back-engineer
the UFO propulsion.

The information
that we've gotten

from these craft is
way too advanced for us to copy.

They're using materials

that are unobtainable on Earth,

or anywhere
in this solar system.

NARRATOR: With the collapse
of the Soviet Union

and the end of the Cold w*r
in the early 1990s,

there were many who believed
that the development

of alien technology would
no longer be kept a secret.

this was not the case.

When the Cold w*r ended,

the truth embargo,
which is what it was and is,

should've been lifted,

and the public should've been
brought into the situation

and should've been told
what was going on.

It is taxpayers' money who have
financed all of this stuff.

NARRATOR: Was the Cold w*r
really an orchestrated event

intended to serve
as a smoke screen

for governments to harvest
extraterrestrial technology?

And if so,
what does the end of the w*r

suggest about
the world's next generation

of advanced
scientific breakthroughs?

Lund University, Sweden.

August 27, 2013.

Researchers confirm
the existence

of a new element
on the periodic table

created through nuclear fusion.

They name it ununpentium,

or Element 115.

Although most scientists
still don't know much

about this unique
radioactive component,

it shares commonalities
with Plutonium,

used in experimental
rocket fuels.

DOLAN: Element 115 has
its own lore in UFO history.

So, this was said to be
an element

described by a gentleman
named Bob Lazar,

who claimed to have worked
just south of Area 51

on "an E.T. flying saucer."

The government is holding,
uh, nine alien spacecraft,


that are propelled by
a modified gravity generator.


It's being--
work is being conducted

15 miles south of Groom Lake.

At that isolated area only,
designated as S4,

um, that at least
one of those crafts operate.

According to what Lazar said,

these alien craft
ran on Element 115.

And there's no evidence
that we have this

even occurring naturally
anywhere on Earth.

Well, it turns out
that scientists now claim

to have created Element 115
by atomic collisions.

SALLA: I think this recent
discovery of ununpentium

really does help us understand
the significance

of Bob Lazar's testimony.

This was a man who was exposed
to a very rare element

that was allegedly part of

the propulsion system of
an extraterrestrial vehicle.

On December 23, 2015,

yet another groundbreaking
material makes headlines.

Scientists working at
the University of California

announce the creation
of a new metal

that is strong and lightweight,
but also flexible

and resistant
to extremely high temperatures.

MICHAEL DENNIN: What's really
exciting about this material

is you don't lose
a lot of its flexibility,

what we call
its plastic-like properties.

A lot of metals,
when you make them strong,

become very brittle.

So this material has
a large number of application,

whether it be a car,
an airplane or a spaceship.

While this miracle metal

is unlike any alloy
developed before,

some believe its description
is actually familiar,

and that it may be a match
to the strange material

allegedly retrieved
by Major Jesse Marcel

from the infamous Roswell crash.

Most of the stuff at Roswell

was extraordinarily lightweight,

very thin foil-like material,

very, very strong,
but weighing next to nothing.

That's from people
who handled it.

The UCLA guys
are doing research,

open research more or less,
with the stuff from Roswell.

This material is the beginning

of an entirely new revolution
in materials science,

where we are now going to be
able to engineer materials

at the molecular level.

And this does appear to be
the fruits of a long-term

reversing-engineering program,
where those technologies

are being brought
into the corporate sector

and now it's become something
that we all take for granted.

It's been seven decades

since the, what I call,
the first lie,

which was the foundational lie
at Roswell happened.

And still, the official line
of the United States

is that this is a subject
they don't know about

and don't care about.

Which is about as far from the
truth as you could possibly get.

We're beginning to understand
the extraterrestrial craft,

its mechanism, how it works
and how it functions.

And I'm convinced we're gonna be
able to travel in space,

sooner than later,

the same way
that these E.T.s have come here.

HENRY: It's almost as if
these extraterrestrials

are giving us a little bit here,
a little bit there,

and they're leading us

which we're ultimately gonna
find out very soon

where this is going.

Is it possible

modern-day scientists are
finally decoding the puzzle

of the advanced
technological debris

left scattered across the globe?

Could it be that we have
finally reached a level

of technological sophistication
that allows us

to fully understand
extraterrestrial technology

and prepares us for yet another
alien encounter?

Tucson, Arizona.

June 17, 2014.

Just two months
before his death,

Boyd Bushman, a senior scientist

at Lockheed Martin working with
m*ssile and laser technology,

records a video confessional
to be released after his death.

My name is Boyd Bushman.

I'm a senior scientist
from Lockheed Martin.

Um... I have 27 patents,

and I've changed the world
several times.

According to Bushman,

while working at Lockheed Martin

he met with individuals with the
highest clearance at Area 51.

These individuals provided him
materials he understood to be

extraterrestrial technology.

They would give me
pieces of UFOs,

and I would come
to my laboratories.

There's three elements
which the UFO is contained.

One is telluride,

the other's germanium,

the other's palladium.

And not only that,

but the things pick up and fly
using anti-gravity.

NARRATOR: But perhaps the most
intriguing claim made by Bushman

involves knowledge of

aiding government scientists
at bases like Area 51.

They're approximately
five-five feet--

to five feet tall.

We have a total of at least 18

that exist and operate
with our facility.

Now notice,
the eyes are different,

nose are different,
but they do have

five fingers,
five toes, uh, two eyes.

NARRATOR: The release of
the video online creates a stir,

with many viewers insisting
that it must be a hoax.

But why would a renowned
engineer and physicist

lie about something
so important?

Could it be that the long-held
rumors of reverse-engineering

of otherworldly technology

and even stories of
extraterrestrial involvement

in secret military projects
are actually true?

So much of the digital world

goes right back to the retrieval

of extraterrestrial craft
and beings.

Which the government
drew a wall and said,

"No one is to know."

But the truth is,

the 21st century is being built

on extraterrestrial technology.

How is it possible that,
in the last 70 years,

we've accomplished more than
in the last 5,000 years,

technologically speaking?

What makes us so special today

that we didn't know about
5,000 years ago?

So I think that

the technological advancements
we've made

are due to retrieving
extraterrestrial technology.

One has to wonder
if these puzzle pieces

were left here deliberately
or on accident.

If the U.S. military,
and perhaps

other militaries
around the world,

have gained technology
from crashed

alien ships on our planet,
then you would think

that the extraterrestrials

want us to have this technology,

and that
we've actually been given

this same kind of technology.

I mean, we've seen

staggering technological
developments recently.

It's been suggested that
this is part of a program

to bring us up technologically.

One of the most amazing things
about this idea

of reverse-engineering
alien technology

is that it's taken quite a while
for us to actually

be able to understand it
and to be able to utilize it.

Maybe we are now
reaching a level

of technological sophistication
that we're going to be able to

match the advanced

HELLYER: All these things
come back to the question of:

what are their designs
on our planet,

and are they interested
in our best interest

or are they interested in
their best interest?

Might Roswell, and other crashes

covered up worldwide,

have been orchestrated by aliens

in order to technologically
advance the human race?

Have world governments

been secretly

the extraterrestrial debris
scattered across the globe?

Perhaps the time has arrived

for humanity to become a truly
spacefaring civilization,

as may have been intended by
our alien ancestors all along.
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