11x09 - The Hidden Empire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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11x09 - The Hidden Empire

Post by bunniefuu »

Thousands of people

in the Chinese city of Foshan

saw what they could only
describe as a floating city.

Thousands of Chinese people

flocked to social media

with photos of UFOs
flying over China.

We're getting more and more

of these anomalous phenomena

in the skies,
which the Chinese government

are trying to dismiss.

One has to wonder whether or not

history is repeating itself,

because in China, you have
stories of flying dragons.

Extraterrestrials may have

been living amongst the Chinese
for thousands of years.

And finally
the veil is being lifted

on the true history of China.

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited
its origins to gods

and other visitors
from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help
to shape our history?

And if so,

could there be
a connection between aliens

and China's Hidden Empire?

January 26, 2011.

Sun Shili-- a former Chinese
Foreign Ministry official,

who worked directly
with Mao Tse-tung--

comes forward
with a shocking revelation

that is reported
in The Canadian newspaper.

The Chinese government is aware

of extraterrestrials
visiting Earth.

(speaking Chinese)

The government held an objective

and practical attitude,
and allowed us to do

abundant research, reports
and discussions on the topic.

They pay great attention
to this topic,

especially the military,

the air force
and civil aviation departments,

which encounter UFO cases

POPE: Sun Shili said that not
only were the Chinese government

aware that extraterrestrials
were visiting the Earth,

but also that some aliens
were actually living among us

disguised in human form.

His revelations
are an absolute bombshell.

I mean, clearly
this shines a new light on

what may have been going on
in relation to this subject

in one of the most

secret societies
on the face of this planet.

NARRATOR: Shili claimed to have
discovered sensitive information

about government knowledge
of extraterrestrials

while serving Chairman Mao,

and he also had
his own close encounter.

(Shili speaking Chinese)

(translated): In 1972,
I was in the central government.

I was working in the foreign
affairs department.

We were on evening duty
when we saw

a shiny UFO in the sky,
like a small moon.

It was smaller than the moon
but was very bright.

It moved up and down.

It disappeared after
about ten minutes or so.

NARRATOR: Initially,
Shili regarded the spectacle

as a type of Cold w*r
intelligence monitoring device.

But years later, after working
within elevated levels

of the Chinese government,

he was certain he had witnessed
an alien spacecraft.

(indistinct chatter)

I met Dr. Sun Shili

in 2013 in Washington D.C.

We were both speakers at the
Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.

I had a chance
to meet with, uh, Sun Shili

and, um, discuss some of this
with him firsthand.

He's entirely sincere
about this.

Could Sun Shili--

a man who worked closely

with one of the most powerful
world leaders in history--

really have inside knowledge

about extraterrestrials
visiting Earth?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest that China--

a historically
isolationist country--

may have secretly
been in contact

with extraterrestrials
for decades

and possibly longer.

China has always been insular.

There's always been a sense
that the rest of the world

was unimportant,
that China was for China

and for the Chinese,
and they were very careful

about any secrets that came out.

China is a notoriously closed

and secretive society.

Is this in relation to UFOs
because they know something?

Could it be that
they found something?

The Chinese government does not

feel obligated to explain
their views on UFOs

or their research.

I am sure they are
concerned that, um,

those who study UFOs sometimes

see military tests
in the skies of China.

They are
a self-immersed civilization

and they don't feel perhaps

that they need to share
all their historical knowledge

with the others.

NARRATOR: China is the world's
most populous country,

with a unique blend of ancient
and modern civilization.

Westerners have
long held a fascination

with this distant land,
in part

because it seems
to hold so many secrets.

From the construction
of the 13,000-mile-long

Great Wall of China,

erected thousands of years ago,

to the so-called digital
"Great Firewall"

restricting the Internet today--

China has taken
extraordinary measures

that have prevented
both people and information

from entering
or leaving its domain.

But why?

to ancient astronaut theorists,

the answer may be found

by looking back 5,000 years
to China's beginnings

and the reign
of their very first ruler--

the Yellow Emperor.

Emperor is understood to be

a human figure, but

originally in his
earlier incarnation

he was actually
a divine celestial figure.

He was a god associated
with thunder and lightning,

more specifically.

And he was thought
to reside in the sky.

The reign of the Yellow Emperor,
which purportedly

lasted 100 years,
was thought to be a high point

of Chinese culture
and of civilization.

So he's associated with a number
of technological developments

spanning from the calendar,

advances in mathematics,

astronomy, agricultural
techniques, writing as well.

According to ancient accounts,

the Yellow Emperor
possessed knowledge

of advanced technology,

and invented many
mechanical devices,

including a cauldron
that was oriented

towards the Syuan Yuan star,

the star from which he
is said to have descended.

It was written that the cauldron
could make a dragon appear

from the sky.

STEAVU: When the time was right,
he crafted the cauldron,

and in it he threw in
some alchemical ingredients,

uh, elixir ingredients.


And immediately the heavens
opened and a dragon emerged.

TSOUKALOS: So a flying dragon
sometimes described

with metallic skin,

one has to wonder
do we have descriptions

of nuts and bolts machines?

Could these be nothing else
but descriptions

of misunderstood technology?

(Shili speaking Chinese)

SHILI (translated):
Based on our research,

the Yellow Emperor arrived

in the wonderful land of China
through an aircraft.

(speaking Chinese)

(translated): We Chinese people
consider ourselves

the descendants of the dragon.

In UFO research, a dragon
is the symbol of aircraft,

that is, the symbol of a UFO.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
the Yellow Emperor

was an extraterrestrial
that was responsible

for starting
Chinese civilization

over 5,000 years ago?

And if so,
might subsequent emperors,

who all claimed to be
descendants of Huangdi,

have been at least
part alien as well?

In China's ancient history,

it was often forbidden
to look upon the emperor.

And from 1420 to 1912,

emperors were actually
walled off

from the public within a massive
citadel in Beijing

known as the Forbidden City.

The design of the Forbidden City
was meticulously planned

to shield the emperor
from the outside world,

as well as symbolize Chinese
philosophy and religion.

The Forbidden City
was considered to be

an earthly counterpart
to an extraterrestrial city.

A monk received the plan
for the city in a vision,

and it was built of stones, some
of them weighing over 300 tons.

The full name of
the Forbidden City is actually

"the Purple Forbidden City,"

and this refers
to a constellation,

which is known as the "purple
enclosure," in the skies.

This constellation is said
to house the celestial emperor

and his immediate entourage.

So, the Forbidden City
in Beijing is considered to be

a earthly or
terrestrial counterpart

of this celestial palace
up in the stars.

So you have to wonder,

might these Chinese emperors
have been aliens

living both among people
of the Earth and in the sky?

NARRATOR: Was the practice
of hiding Chinese emperors

implemented to conceal flesh
and blood extraterrestrials?

And, if so, might there
still be aliens living among--

and in fact ruling--
the Chinese people,

just as former
Chinese official Sun Shili

claims there are today?

Ancient astronaut theorists

propose further evidence

lies buried
in an isolated desert

in the form
of mysterious mummies.

When they've actually tested

the mitochondrial DNA
of these mummies,

there are anomalies
that do not add up

to genetic information
that we have

from anywhere else.

Heilongjiang Province, China.

June 1994.

Red Flag logging camp.

Tree farmer Meng Zhaoguo
spots what he believes to be

a helicopter crashing into
the nearby Dragon Mountains.

He sets out to investigate,

and when he reaches
the lip of the valley,

he is struck on the head
and knocked unconscious.

He wakes up several days later
in his bedroom at home,

doesn't know how he got there.

But he also that day
has a visitation

by what he describes as
a ten-foot-tall extraterrestrial

female with six fingers.

They're floating
in the air above his bed.

Suddenly she vanishes.

She walks through the wall
in his room

and he floats back into his bed.

NARRATOR: While this account
is certainly fantastical,

Beijing-based psychologists
and police technicians

subjected Zhaoguo
to a rigorous examination,

including hypnosis and
a lie detector test and

concluded his story
to be truthful.

Zhaoguo is one
of literally thousands

who have come forward in China
in recent years to say

that they have had
extraterrestrial encounters.

But his abduction
by this otherworldly giant

is particularly significant

because of an extraordinary
archaeological discovery

in China that dates back
nearly 4,000 years.

The Taklamakan Desert,

known as "the Sea of Death."

It is a vast, unforgiving land

shrouded in myths
and lost to time.

The Taklamakan Desert

is located in the northwest
of China...

While the Taklamakan Desert

is one of the least habitable
places on Earth, astoundingly,

over the last three decades,
Chinese archaeologists

working in the Tarim Basin
region have excavated

hundreds of tombs that date back

to as early as 1800 BC.

The well-preserved

nature of the mummified bodies

allowed archaeologists

to conduct modern DNA analyses

that determined the ancient
travelers were not Chinese.

WILCOCK: Now, these mummies
were very curious

in that some of them have

what the biologists
call Europoid features.

This means they have
angular faces.

They have recessed eyes.

They have white skin.

They have elongated bodies,

and they have curly hair

that can be red, blonde,
or dark brown.

When they've actually tested

the mitochondrial DNA
of these mummies,

they find Haplogroups M and K,
which are actually

genetic DNA markers suggesting

Western European
genetic lineage.

However, there is a problem.

There are anomalies in the DNA.

There are things
that do not add up...

...to any known surviving relics

of genetic information

that we have from anywhere else.

This suggests that these people

may in fact be

Could the mysterious mummies

discovered at the Tarim Basin

really be of alien origin?

And might it also be possible
that the giant being

Meng Zhaoguo encountered
in his home in 1994

is a member
of the same alien race?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes and suggest

further proof can be found

by examining the evidence

at one of China's
most secret pyramids.

Why would the pipes

be specifically
going up to a pyramid

on the top of a mountain?

Is it possible

that Mount Baigong

was some kind of

extraterrestrial base?

Shaanxi Province, China, 1947.

Colonel Maurice Sheahan,
the Far East director

for Trans World Airlines...

...is flying over Central China,
when he spots

a white jewel-topped structure

that he estimates to be
a 1,000-foot-high pyramid.

HENRY: Colonel Maurice Sheahan
looks down

and he sees a giant pyramid

that he says is larger
than the Great Pyramid of Giza.

He reports this
to The New York Times

and it causes a sensation.

On March 27, 1947,

Colonel Sheahan's eyewitness
account is circulated worldwide

when The New York Times

reports his story and
two days later a photograph

of the mysterious structure
is printed.

Since then, 37 more pyramids

have been sighted
in this area of China,

including the mausoleum
of the first Chin emperor,

where we find the incredible
terra-cotta warriors.

It suggests that ancient China

was a place where pyramid
building was rampant.

It was always known

that there were pyramids
in China,

but only in the last,
uh, decades,

Chinese archaeologists start

to publish books
about these pyramids.

They are all related
to the original rulers.

NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut
theorists contend not only that

the formations found in Xian
are pyramids, but also that

another structure
discovered here

points to a connection
to the heavens.

In the summer of 1999,
the oldest known altar used

in Chinese state religious
practice was unearthed in Xian

by the Chinese Academy
of Social Sciences.

It is estimated that
17 Chinese emperors conducted

religious rites at
the so-called Altar of Heaven

that dates back
to at least 581 AD.

the Chinese kings communicated

with the extraterrestrials,
the gods from heaven,

on the so-called
Altar of Heaven.

But the same stone structure,
with different ring

about the main altar,
we find in Peru,

over the city of Saksaywaman.

And, the rulers of the Inca
were, of course again,

the descendants from heaven,
like in China.

It's incredibly unique

that you have Muyuq Marka
in Peru,

and the Altar of Heaven
in China,

coming from two
very different cultures,

two different time periods,
that you have so many unique

similarities between
these two structures,

and they're both used
for communication with the gods.

Could that suggest that
these ancient cultures

were trying to worship
and venerate

the same extraterrestrial gods

that may have visited
this planet in ancient times?

Is it possible

that the mysterious structures

found in and around
the city of Xian, China,

were used by ancient rulers
to connect

with otherworldly beings?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that another,

even more mysterious pyramid,
can be found

roughly 500 miles west of Xian
in the province of Qinghai,

atop Mount Baigong.

In 2003 a team of Chinese
scientists went to Tibet

and investigated
the infamous Mount Baigong...

...which has,
as they discovered,

a 200-foot-tall pyramid

at the top of the mountain.

There was a system of caves
inside that had triangular faces

at the openings of the caves
on three areas,

and they found a variety
of rusty pieces

that were around the pyramid.

CHILDRESS: Mount Baigong appears
to be an artificial pyramid

with three triangular entrances

going inside
this mountain pyramid,

and inside are all of these
metallic pipes.

The floor of these caves

are littered
with metallic parts.

It's like this was
some kind of base.

NARRATOR: According
to ancient astronaut theory,

the reason that pyramids
are found all over the world

from Egypt,

to Peru,

to Mexico

is because our ancestors
were taught to build

these structures
by extraterrestrial visitors.

If the mysterious pipe-shaped
objects found at Mount Baigong

were artificially manufactured
with advanced technology,

could this be definitive proof
of alien intervention

in the distant past?

In Chinese mythology,

the Kunlun Mountain was said
to be the center of the Earth,

and it was supposedly

a-a huge pillar
of jade and jasper

and precious gems that

reached up into the sky.

STEAVU: Mount Kunlun
is a mythical mountain

that is an axis mundi,
which is a central pillar

around which the entire
universe revolves.

This is a connector

between Earth and
the rest of the universe.

It's where celestial beings can
communicate with earthly beings.

You have to wonder
if Mount Baigong is not

this mythical Kunlun Mountain

that was some
kind of extraterrestrial base

that spanned Earth
and the stars.

NARRATOR: Could it be
that extraterrestrials

visited China
thousands of years ago

and left behind remnants
from an ancient base?

Ancient astronaut theorists

suggest China's biggest secrets

may not be on top
of its greatest peaks,

but beneath its darkest depths.

TSOUKALOS: He discovered
an underwater city,

at the bottom of a lake.

Did some kind of advanced
civilization exist

beneath Fuxian Lake?

Fuxian Lake.

Yunnan Province, China, 1992.

Expert diver,

Geng Wei, descends into this

remote lake and discovers
a surprising phenomenon.

The bottom is littered
with hand-carved flagstones

and other stone relics.

The mysterious stones

lie scattered on the bottom

of China's second deepest
freshwater lake,

which covers an area
of 100 square miles

with a depth of 509 feet.

What he saw was
quite extraordinary.

Hand-dressed flagstones,
roads, buildings.

And it's as if he discovered

an underwater city.

That clearly has evidence
of dwellings

at the bottom of a lake.

It was built when
there wasn't a lake,

and that would mean that
we're talking about a time

before the last ice age,
which would bring

the story of Fuxian Lake

way more into the remote past
than what we're being told.

Geng Wei made over 35 dives

in Fuxian Lake,

and they even took a submarine
down into this lake

to find stairs

and more of these flagstones
and walls beneath this lake.

So you have to wonder,

did some kind of advanced
civilization exist

at one time beneath Fuxian Lake?

In 2001, archaeologists

from the Yunnan
Provincial Museum

used advanced sonar scanners
and cameras

to conduct the monumental task
of surveying Fuxian Lake.

The evidence collected convinced

Chinese archaeologists
they had discovered structures

of an advanced civilization,

including an arena-type building
and pyramids.

This mysterious
sunken city covers

more than one square mile,
but the questions remain.

Who built it and why?

The pyramid itself
is very unusual

and it's-- it-it is said
that the pyramid

is as old as
the Egyptian pyramids are

and maybe even higher
than some of them.

It's an incredible discovery.

Ancient Chinese records

speak of a city in the area

of Fuxian Lake called Yuyuan.

However, studies
of the underwater structures

at Fuxian Lake show that
it's actually much older

than this Yuyuan city.

Could this be the remains
of some ancient

and advanced society that was
destroyed in the Great Flood?

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that an extraterrestrial base

is located deep underwater?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest USOs,

or unidentified
submersible objects,

have been well chronicled
in ancient Chinese texts.

According to Chen Jang Fu Zhi,

a book written during the reign

of Emperor Daoguang
in the Qing Dynasty,

a horse-like monster
lived in the lake.

The animal was described
as being white

with red spots on its back.

More intriguingly,
it was a creature

that could actually
take to the skies.

This suggests it may have been
part USO, part UFO.

That's to say,
an underwater submersible object

and also an unidentified
flying object.

October 24, 1991.

A local fisherman named
Zhang Yuxiang was fishing

on Fuxian Lake during
a clear and tranquil day,

when a dense fog suddenly rolled
across the vast body of water.

In 1991,

Zhang Yuxiang, a fisherman,
was at Fuxian Lake

when he encountered a UFO.

Now, this strange craft

actually emerged
from the waters of the lake.

He described it
as a shining disc.

This UFO was so close
and so powerful

that it actually tossed
the boat around.

And then rapidly this craft just
disappeared up into the sky.

Lake Fuxian is clearly a-an area

where there have been many
strange events over the years.

Could the flying dragon

that carried the Yellow Emperor

in ancient Chinese texts

and the USO witnessed
by Zhang Yuxiang

be the same alien craft?

And if so, is it possible

that an extraterrestrial base

exists at the bottom
of Fuxian Lake?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and claim strange sightings
in China

have become so numerous

that soon the government

will no longer be able

to hide the truth.

When the UFO was seen,

all hell broke loose.

Thousands of Chinese people

flocked to social media
with photos

of UFOs flying over China.

Foshan, China.

October 7, 2015.

Above this sprawling metropolis,

thousands of shocked
residents witness

an astonishing spectacle...

a city hovering in the clouds.

The apparition of a cityscape
is unmistakable and remains

in the sky for several minutes,

long enough to be captured
on video,

which is broadcast
on Chinese television

and subsequently disseminated on
social media across the globe.

Numerous people reported seeing

what looked like
skyscraper-type buildings

in the clouds high in the sky.

It was an amazing spectacle.

There's just no other way
to describe it.

While Chinese officials

denounced the phenomenon
as an elaborate hoax, to date,

no one has been able to prove

that the footage
is not authentic,

and the video

is backed up by the reports
of numerous eyewitnesses.

But some argue that even
if the footage is genuine,

it can be explained
by an optical illusion

known as Fata Morgana.

So, one theory about
what this could have been

is something known
as a Fata Morgana,

and, uh, that's a-an illusion
type of effect.

Think of a mirage,

in which you're seeing something

close to the horizon,

and it'll give an effect
of something

that's-that's not there.

It's an atmospheric illusion.

The reason that I don't think

that this is
a Fata Morgana effect

is because this is way
too high up to be one.

Using the idea that

this is some type
of inversion layer

to somehow broadcast or enhance
the idea of a cityscape

in the sky just doesn't hold up.

So, there could in fact
have been some type

of a large mother ship
or some craft in the sky.

This isn't new.

Now, just a few days later,

over 800 miles away,

we had another sighting of
this exact same phenomenon.

So, it stands to reason that
there was some type of

physical presence in the sky.

If we assume that the vision
n the sky

that was seen in Foshan
by thousands of people

was just some kind of
optical illusion,

I find it highly coincidental
that the same vision is seen

hundreds of miles away
a few days later

in another city called Jiangxi,

also witnessed
by thousands of people.

Could thousands of people

across China have really

some type of alien base
or mother ship

floating in the sky?

And if so, might it be evidence
of extraterrestrials

making their presence known?

Ancient astronaut theorists

there have been many more cases

of alien entities appearing in
the skies above China.

Cases that the government
could not ignore.

Zhejiang Province, China.

July 7, 2010.

Just after 8:40 p.m.,

the Hangzhou Xiaoshan
International Airport,

which serves over 70,000
passengers a day,

is suddenly shut down.

All outbound flights
are grounded,

and inbound flights
are diverted to nearby airports.

The cause of the shutdown was
an unidentified flying object

seen streaking
across the night sky

by a flight crew preparing
for descent.

Xiaoshan Airport is one
of the largest in China.

And that's very important.

It's a very busy airport.

What happened on July 7 is that

a pilot from an incoming
passenger airplane

noticed something very unusual
coming towards him.

He notified the ground crew

and the airport was shut down

because a comet-like object

was basically speeding
towards the airport.

There was a trail behind it.

It was a glowing,
oval-shaped object.

NARRATOR: The object was also
witnessed and photographed

by numerous Hangzhou residents.

When the UFO was seen,
all hell broke loose.

Flights were diverted.

The military was contacted

to see if they were test-flying
anything in the air,

which they weren't.

This is the third such incident
in five years in China

where the presence of a UFO
has either shut down an airport

or caused havoc and amazement
amongst the populus.

And it's clearly something
that the Chinese government

want to shut down and play down.

It could also be due to the fact
that the Chinese have realized

they're not in control of their
airspace, somebody else is.

(speaking Chinese)

(translated): The Xiaoshan event
is only one of the events

of this kind.

The same thing happened
in Guizhou Province.

At that time, the pilots were
instructed to avoid the UFO,

ground their aircrafts

and return to the air
after the event,

which can provide evidence
of the existence

of the UFO phenomenon.

While many in the United States

view the UFO phenomenon
as distinctly American,

recent surveys have shown

that roughly half of the
1.4 billion Chinese people

believe in UFOs
and extraterrestrial life.

And ancient astronaut theorists

that despite the Chinese
government's dismissal

of recent UFO events,

it now appears

they too are taking an interest

in otherworldly phenomena.

It's incredibly popular
in China to be a member

of a UFO community
that's trying to make contact

with extraterrestrial beings.

The Chinese government
is closely monitoring this

and in fact they're financing
some of these research groups.

So, one wonders,

is the Chinese government
starting to view

our contact with
extraterrestrial beings

as something simply
too strong to deny?

NARRATOR: Could recent events be
forcing the Chinese government

to take a greater interest
in examining possible

extraterrestrial encounters?

Encounters that they have
secretly known about for years?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest that China's effort
to manufacture

the world's largest
radio telescope

is an explicit mission towards
the search for alien life.

Guizhou Province, China.


Construction commences
on a massive engineering

and scientific endeavor.

A 500-meter telescope,
also known as FAST.

Nan Rendong, chief scientist
of the FAST project states,

"A radio telescope is
like a sensitive ear,

separating radio messages from
white noise in the universe."

The Chinese government
is currently constructing

what will be the largest radio
telescope anywhere in the world.

The reflector dish will be
500 meters in diameter

and this will dwarf any other
comparable facility.

It will be the best piece of
equipment for 20 or 30 years

when it comes
to radio astronomy.

Ancient astronaut theorists

point to the construction
of this behemoth telescope

as proof that China is deeply
interested in extraterrestrials.

Do they know there are aliens
out there?

Are they trying to get absolute,

verifiable proof positive

and be the first nation
to disclose?

The Chinese government was very
clear in stating

that this dish was built

for the search for
extraterrestrial intelligence.

So then the question arises,

are they merely following up
on their history?

Because China,

as with every other
ancient culture,

was visited
by extraterrestrials.

What is their interest
in exploring deep space?

NARRATOR: The telescope
was completed in July of 2016

and is regarded
as a giant leap forward

with unprecedented precision
that will allow

the Chinese government to survey
not only the Milky Way

but also distant galaxies

for radio signals
and signs of life.

While many other nations
are currently designing

or constructing
advanced radio telescopes,

none will surpass
the size and capability

of the FAST telescope.

Wu Xiangping, director-general

of the Chinese Astronomical
Society, declared,

"It will help us to search
for intelligent life

"outside the galaxy

and explore the origins
of the universe."

POPE: Out there somewhere might

be posting scientific
and technical information

that they've discovered?

And the first nation
to download this information

will have a huge advantage.

They'll be the dominant force
on this planet

for the foreseeable future.

Do the Chinese want to be first?

Do they know it's out there?

And is this radio telescope

an attempt to go
and get that information?

(speaking Chinese)

(translated): I think it's good
and encouraging that our country

is constructing
such a huge telescope.

It will help to find aliens

and alien civilization.

For thousands of years,

Chinese people have collected
reports about UFO encounters

and have recorded them.

And those who studied are amazed
at the accuracy

and just the sheer wealth
of the UFO information

coming from China,
and I hope this will continue.

As China slowly opens its doors,

is it possible that we'll
encounter that the stories

of the Yellow Emperor
are in fact true?

That they were visited
by extraterrestrial beings

in the remote past?

Only time will tell.

Could it be that China

is building the world's
largest radio telescope

not in hopes of finding proof
of alien life in the universe

but in order to welcome new
messages from extraterrestrials

that have been visiting China
for thousands of years?

And could stories
of flying dragons,

Yellow Emperors,

and the existence of strange,
secret pyramids

be the proof that
ancient astronaut theorists

have been looking for?

One thing is certain--

the evidence of extraterrestrial
contact is mounting.

And the ultimate close encounter

could soon happen

right before our eyes.
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