11x06 - Decoding the Cosmic Egg

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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11x06 - Decoding the Cosmic Egg

Post by bunniefuu »

The symbol of the egg

is a worldwide symbol.

widespread than the cross.

It was something
that contained great power,

that could conceivably
be released.

WILLIAM HENRY: It seems to point
to our source of origin.

You have to wonder now,

if we're coming to much
the same conclusion

as was already reached

thousands of years ago.

Where are they
getting this information?

Is it coming
from extraterrestrials?

NARRATOR: Since the dawn
of civilization,

mankind has credited its origins

to gods and other
visitors from the stars.

What if it were true?
Did extraterrestrial beings

really help to
shape our history?

And if so, might
the truth be found

once we decode the Cosmic Egg?

NARRATOR: An ancient painting
on a cave wall in Africa.

Ceremonial clay objects
discovered in Sweden.

A mysterious sculpture
found in China.

the ancient world,

there is a symbol that is
more pervasive than any other:

the symbol of the egg.

YOUNG: The egg is one of the
most universal sacred images.

It is more widespread
than the cross,

or the star, or the wheel.

It appeals to people
in all corners of the Earth,

and all times, and traditions.

VON DANIKEN: We found stone eggs
all over the world.

For example, stone eggs
were found in Egypt.

And even on Easter Island,
a stone egg was found.

So the symbol of egg
is a worldwide symbol.

What's amazing is that the egg,

what we call the egg cosmogony,

is a feature of
several cosmogonies.

We have it in the Nordic

We have it in the
Mediterranean tradition,

not only Greco-Roman,

but Egyptian and also
the Phoenician mythologies.

We also have it in
some Middle Eastern,

and even Vedic mythologies.

So these are radically
different cultures.

Is it possible that there's
a common origin

for South American,

Native American, Norse,
and Vedic mythology?

We have no evidence.

So it would be hard to say
where they come from,

and why they all use this image.

NARRATOR: Why is it that
so many ancient cultures,

separated by thousands of miles,

all use the symbol of the egg?

For one thing, obviously,
it is associated with birth.

Well, birth is a great mystery,
so it's the worship of life.

It is also taken as
a symbol of rebirth.

We use it at the Easter time,
in the spring.

RADER: The cultures that
birthed these stories

recognized something
in the story of birth,

of creation, of fertility,
of reproduction,

that was
meaningful for their stories.

NARRATOR: While the most obvious
interpretation of the egg is

that it symbolizes fertility and
the natural creation of life,

some researchers question

why there are
so many depictions of eggs

found throughout
the ancient world

that depict humans
emerging from them.

CHILDRESS: We have these many
stories from around the world

of how life starts
in the form of an egg,

including human life, too,

starting with a sperm
and an egg.

But how would ancient
people realize that

humans also have these eggs?

NARRATOR: Could ancient
people have somehow

had the knowledge that
humans emerge from eggs?

Or might this symbol
have held a less literal,

and more profound,
meaning for them...

one that reveals an
extraterrestrial connection?

Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

that the stories
connected to the egg

provide undeniable evidence

that this was not simply
a representation of fertility.

Nearly as widespread
as the symbol of the egg

is a concept commonly
known as "The Cosmic Egg."

While the name varies
from culture to culture,

the story is always
nearly identical:

that the entire Universe
originated from an Egg.

They're called cosmic eggs,

they're called silver eggs,
they're called magic eggs,

they're called enchanted eggs,

they're-they're called
the-the eggs of the gods.

I mean, all around the world,
there are these creation stories

of the egg breaking open and
the water of life coming out.

In Chinese mythology,
there is, uh, this notion

that the-the universe emerges
out of a primordial chaos.

And this primordial chaos,

in many accounts,
is self-contained.

It's like a cosmic egg.

And from this primordial chaos,

which contains everything,
the universe is generated.

And first, it divides into
two principles: Yin and Yang,

and then three,
and then 10,000,

basically, ad infinitum.

Hindus have thought about
the expansion of the universe

in the shape of an egg.

"Brahmanda" is a Sanskrit term
composed of two words:

"Brahma" and "Anda."

And "Brahma"
means "creator god,"

"Anda" means "egg."

So it is actually "cosmic egg."

Many different ancient cultures
describe a creation myth

in which the universe actually
hatches out of an egg.

It is incredible
to look at the sheer diversity

of different teachings,
that all point back to the idea

that the universe originated

from some sort
of primordial centrality.

NARRATOR: The story found,
in numerous cultures,

of the cosmic egg,

representing a central point

from which the universe

has led some to ask
if this might actually be

a description of what scientists
today call "The Big Bang."

TSOUKALOS: In 1931, Belgian
astronomer George Lemaitre

proposed that
the entire universe

originated in one single point.

He called it
the "primeval atom."

This primeval atom,

he also referred to it
as a cosmic egg,

that was at the beginning
of all of creation.

The question is: how did our
ancestors know about this?

Was it just a hunch or was
it that they were told?

If somebody told them that means
we're not alone in the universe.

End of story.

You have to wonder now,

if we're coming
to much the same conclusion

as was already reached
thousands of years ago,

in the Sanskrit texts.

Where are they getting
this information?

Is it coming from

NARRATOR: Might the symbol
of the Cosmic Egg,

and the creation stories
that go along with it,

reveal that our ancestors
had scientific knowledge

of how the Earth and, in fact,

our entire universe,
was created?

And if so, is it possible

that this was taught to them
by extraterrestrial visitors?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that,

while this is one possibility,

there may be a more
tangible explanation

for the concept of
the Cosmic Egg--

one that is connected
directly to the arrival

of extraterrestrial visitors.

Coming up...

TSOUKALOS: They said
specifically, these eggs...

they came from out there.

HENRY: It suggests that

influenced their civilization.

Mali, West Africa.

Here, hidden within
the Cliff of Bandiagara,

lie hundreds of villages
occupied by the Dogon people.

Believed to be the
descendants of the Egyptians,

archaeologists say
the ancient nomadic tribe

settled in this region
around 1000 AD.

Like many other
ancient cultures,

the creation story of the Dogon
involves a Cosmic Egg.

YOUNG: In West Africa,
the Dogon creation myth

is that
the earliest divinity, Amma,

the god of all things,
took the form of an egg,

and this is what unfolded
to become creation.

When the egg opened,
it became a whirlwind

and scattered its contents
in all directions.

This ultimately formed all of
the galaxies and planets.

NARRATOR: The Dogon say that
their gods, called the Nommo,

came down to Earth
in Cosmic Eggs...

...and when descending
from the sky,

they made the ground tremble.

TSOUKALOS: They said

these eggs,
they came from out there.

They came from
the vastness of the dark,

the vastness of the cold.

Well, what a more poetic way
to describe space?

The Dogon said that they

originated from
the star Sirius B.

What's interesting about that

is that we didn't even discover
Sirius B

until 40 years after

the Dogon published
originally, this story,

which is, of course,
much more ancient.

It suggests that the Cosmic Egg
is a symbol for the craft

of these extraterrestrials,
who the Dogon said

came to Earth from Sirius and
influenced their civilization.

NARRATOR: Could the Dogon have
been given knowledge of Sirius B

by extraterrestrials that came
to Earth in egg-shaped crafts?

Might the Cosmic Egg
not only represent knowledge

of how the universe was formed,

but the actual vehicles
primitive people witnessed

descending from the sky?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes,

and suggest there is evidence
that similar craft

have even been witnessed
in modern times.

April 24, 1964.

6:00 p.m.

Socorro, New Mexico.

While chasing a speeding car,

police sergeant Lonnie Zamora
hears a loud roar,

and sees a flame in
the sky, to the southwest.

Thinking a local dynamite
shack might have exploded,

Zamora breaks off
the chase to investigate.

He headed off to where

he thought the expl*si*n
had come from.

As he got to the site,

he saw an egg-shaped object,

standing on
a tripod leg formation

with two small creatures outside
of it, in white overalls.

According to his account,

as Zamora began
to approach on foot,

the creatures quickly jumped
inside the egg-shaped vehicle,

and it lifted off into the sky,
in a column of fire.

Of course, by the time backup
arrived, the object had gone.

But fortunately,
the landing marks,

where the craft had come down
were still visible,

clearly demonstrating

that something had touched
to the ground

and had left the ground again
and took to the skies.

Within days,

a team of investigators
from the FBI,

the Air Force and the nearby
White Sands m*ssile Range

examined the site.

As soon as the media
picked up the story,

more witnesses came forward
with similar descriptions.

It made headlines around the
world, because J. Allen Hynek,

who was then head
of The Center for UFO Studies,

and who had been working
for the Air Force

on the study
of UFO investigations...

he got in touch
with Lonnie Zamora,

and arranged to
come to the ground.

REDFERN: Dr. J. Allen Hynek was
very much a skeptic of

the UFO phenomenon
and arguably, in some cases,

even a debunker
of the phenomenon.

To a great degree,
that changed when he looked into

the Zamora case and, ironically,
he ultimately swung around

and became a full-on
believer in the UFO phenomenon.

NARRATOR: The incident
immediately became

a part of Project Blue Book,

a special Air Force operation
that began in 1952,

to catalogue
and investigate the sightings

of unidentified flying objects.

Although publicly,
Project Blue Book downplayed

the entire UFO phenomenon,

and certainly
the Zamora case in particular,

behind the scenes,

something very, very different
was going on.

Major Hector Quintanilla,

the boss of Project Blue Book
at the time,

prepared a secret memo
for the attention of the CIA,

and essentially,
the memo said there was no doubt

that Zamora had
seen something unusual;

something from somewhere else
had touched down on our planet.

We have a shiny metallic object

in the shape of an egg.

There are multiple eyewitnesses

that actually say they
saw this and there are

hundreds of witnesses
who heard this roaring sound.

We have landing traces.

There's so much evidence,
it's unbelievable.

NARRATOR: Could Sergeant Zamora
have had a similar encounter

to what the Dogon say
their ancestors witnessed,

thousands of years ago?

And if so, might this mean that
the symbol of the Cosmic Egg

was used to represent not just
the beginning of the universe,

but also the craft used
by the beings

that gave
our ancestors this knowledge?

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest there is

even more to the meaning of
this universal symbol,

and that additional clues can be
found by examining a stone egg

that bears
another mysterious symbol.

Coming up...

If you looked through

the hole in these stones,

you would be able to see
supernatural creatures.

What if this Druid stone

was an extraterrestrial
type of device?

Silves, Portugal.


Farmers digging a well
for agriculture,

on land overlooking
the ancient harbor,

come across a mysterious object
15 feet beneath the Earth--

a six-foot-long limestone egg
with a mysterious design,

protruding from its surface
in three places.

The egg has been dated
to at least 3,500 BC,

and scientists conclude
it could be even older.

Today, the Algarve Egg is on
display in the Lagos Museum,

19 miles from where
it was discovered.

Author Peter Daughtrey has
studied the egg meticulously,

in an attempt
to discover the story

behind this mysterious
stone artifact.

How does this museum
classify this stone?

They classify it as a menhir,
a standing stone,

which there are many all the way
up the west coast of Portugal;

France, Brittany and into
the Gaelic countries,

Ireland, Wales, Scotland.

Most of them are just
big lumps of stone

that have been dug up
and-and erected

with a little bit of shaping.

As you can see,
this is a lot more than just

a simple stone
that's been dug up.

It's-it's really a piece
of sculpture,

or was a piece of sculpture.

Which is very interesting

to see these different eggs

or these navels or omphalos,
from all around the world--

Symbols of creation.

Mm-hmm. Exactly.

every race has one.

There is...
there's an interesting,

old legend, a Slavic legend,

from areas like
Bosnia and Yugoslavia,

which says that they
originally came from a,

a land in the western ocean,
which sank.


DAUGHTREY: And the center of
their religion on the island

was a large white egg;
stone egg.

This was white.

You can see it's been buried,

it's got the earth
discoloring it,

but it's sand-- white sandstone.

We're talking of something
that's-that's incredibly old.

And this thing,
up the middle here,

all the, uh, resemble the rod,

which throughout history,

has been a symbol of power
and of creation.

Moses had a rod.

And in Mesopotamia,
the rod was regarded

as the symbol of
the power of the gods.

If you look at this,

this could be referred to
as the origin of that staff

that is used in medicine
with the snake around it.

NARRATOR: In Greek mythology,
Asclepius, the god of medicine,

is always depicted with
a serpent-entwined rod.

And the Greek caduceus,

a staff carried by
the messenger god Hermes,

consists of two serpents

closely resembling the
design on the Algarve Egg.

While the snake and egg are both
considered fertility symbols,

Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

that the combination of the two
may hold another meaning.

They believe it may represent
extraterrestrial technology...

...and as evidence,
point to the Druid's Egg,

or "snake stone."

Druid eggs are oval
or roundish stones,

often made of a calcinatious
material, like this.

According to Pliny the Elder,

these druid eggs were
used to cure illness,

and if you looked through
the hole in these stones,

you would be able to see
supernatural creatures.

Are we really just talking about

a magical stone with
magical properties?

Or were these magical properties
actually rooted in reality?

What if this Druid stone
was not necessarily

just a ritual object,

but that originally it was an
extraterrestrial type of device?

Might the Druid's Egg

have actually held
otherworldly powers?

Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

further clues can be found

by examining another
egg-shaped object

that was said to connect humans
directly to the gods.

Delphi, Greece.

Standing in the center
of this archaeological complex

is a stone artifact
known as an omphalos.

The omphalos is carved
with a pattern

not unlike that found
on the Algarve Egg,

only these lines
criss-cross the entire stone.

It is thought to be
an ancient reproduction

of the original omphalos that,

according to the Greeks,
marked the "navel of the Earth."

This here is
a small-scale replica

of the omphalos
of the oracle in Delphi.

It has these bizarre strands
on them, intertwining,

and, in fact,
the plaque at the place

where this thing is located--

it actually says that
this object fell from the sky,

and afterwards, because of Zeus,
life began on Earth.

According to Greek mythology,

the celestial stone enabled

direct communication
with the gods.

The Delphic tradition was
something like channeling.

An oracle, a human being,
a high priest,

but still, a person,

could receive the wisdom
directly from a god.

And at the center of
this strange tradition

was the omphalos egg.

CHILDRESS: So you have to ask,
what was going on here?

Why was the cosmic egg
so important

to these priestesses?

And were they able
to somehow use it

as some technological device

to stimulate their,
their brains to,

to make these predictions?

NARRATOR: Could the omphalos,
like the Druid's Egg,

have been a technological
device that connected humans

with otherworldly beings?

And might these ancient stories
associated with the Cosmic Egg

still hold a message today--

that within us
lies a connection

to greater powers
in the universe?

Perhaps further clues can be
found by taking another look

at the symbol
on the Algarve Egg,

and how it might be connected

to a biological structure that
lies within the human body.

Coming up...

CHILDRESS: Here's something
that's supposedly

5,000 years old,

and it has
a double helix on it.

That can be translated

into one single word: seeding.

The seeding of a planet.

Almaty, Kazakhstan.

May, 2013.

Writing in the journal Icarus,

scientists Vladimir Shcherbak
and Maxim Makukov

make a shocking proposal:

that there is
an intelligent code

that can be found
in our own DNA.

CHILDRESS: They concluded that
there was a certain amount

of mathematical precision and...

and what's known as digital
checking built into our DNA,

like computer codes have--

checking codes to make sure that
all the other codes are right.

NARRATOR: We now know
that DNA's genetic code

is an elegant language composed
of billions of characters,

perfectly ordered, much like
computer machine language.

But it is so complex,
and so precise,

that geneticists still don't
know where DNA came from.

The two scientists claim
their research supports

a controversial theory about
the origin of DNA

that was first suggested
by Francis Crick,

one of the two men responsible

for discovering the structure
of the DNA molecule in 1953.

HENRY: In the article,
they went on to propose that

our DNA didn't come from Earth.

Their theory is cited as
evidence of Panspermia,

or the idea that we were,
in fact, seeded from the stars.

NARRATOR: The basic premise
of Directed Panspermia

is that the building blocks
of life were sent to Earth

by an advanced civilization
in the distant past.

And ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

this may be part of
the message contained

within the stories
of the Cosmic Egg.

All around the world, there
are stories of glowing eggs

descending from the sky,
and out of which life began.

And that can be translated
into one single word: seeding.

The seeding of a planet.

When we look at the Algarve egg,

these intertwined snakes

can also be interpreted
as DNA strands.

CHILDRESS: Here's something
that's supposedly

5,000 years old,
and it has a double helix on it.

It seems to be symbolizing,
somehow, this cosmic egg,

this cosmic creation
that, that is...

where all life and,
and humanity all started.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the design found

on the Algarve Egg represents
the structure of DNA?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,

and suggest that this
genetic symbol can be found

throughout the ancient world.

The DNA spiral is shown

on different
antique rocks and stelaes.

Just, for example, look at
the Sumerian cylinder seals.

There you see DNA spirals
between the gods,

the same as some
Sumerian stelaes.

There you see so-called flying
geniuses or winged geniuses.

Between these winged geniuses

is something which archeology
calls the tree of life.

But if you look at
the tree of life

it's in reality a DNA spiral.

The two winged
geniuses are working.

They are changing out
information of the DNA,

and replace it...

by another information.

The situation is
absolutely clear,

you just have to look at it
with today's eyes.

CHILDRESS: It would seem that
this serpent and egg energy

have to do
with our sperm and eggs,

and the DNA helix which
is intertwined serpents.

So how would ancient
people know about this?

Did it come from

HENRY: The Cosmic Egg,
the entwined serpents, DNA,

are all ultimately

of the symbols
of humanity itself,

and the creation of humanity
by extraterrestrial beings.

One place where we can
see this in action

is with the Archangel Gabriel,

who wields a caduceus wand
at the Annunciation scenes

in which Gabriel
appears to the Virgin Mary

and announces that she
will bear the Christ Child.

This is suggestive of
genetic manipulation

with the caduceus being the
symbol of a group of god beings,

angelic beings who had a hand
in manipulating human affairs.

NARRATOR: Could the mysterious
symbol found on the Algarve Egg

have been left as a clue
that we are the product

of genetic manipulation
by extraterrestrials?

Might this explain why there are

historical depictions of
humans hatching from eggs?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,

but propose that the story

of the Cosmic Egg
has yet another chapter,

one that can only be
understood by examining

a biological structure that may
play the most important role

in what it means to be human.

Coming up...

You wonder was it in fact a gift

from extraterrestrial beings
that awakened us?

CHILDRESS: Our creators
have designed a tool

to help us become greater
than we are today.

NARRATOR: Throughout the world,
there are ancient traditions

that identify
the center of the head

as being synonymous with
the center of the Earth...

the center of the universe...

and the very center
of creation itself.

This center is often
depicted as egg-shaped,

and is identified in some
cultures as the third eye.

There are multiple cultures

that point us
in this same direction.

The Hindus have it
as the third eye, or the bindi.

The Buddhists have the third
eye on Buddha's forehead.

We see symbology in Mesoamerica
which seems to symbolize

the ability to contact
and communicate

with the
higher spiritual realms,

using this secret symbol
that is consistent

throughout all
the major world religions.

When you talk about the third
eye, it's about enlightenment.

It's about this connection
to the great unknown

or the force of the universe.

We think that we are
separated from the world,

when in reality,
we are all connected

to every single object
in the universe...

and that inherently means that
we are directly connected to

every extraterrestrial being
throughout the entire universe.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the Cosmic Egg isn't only

a symbol for the universe,
or how the universe was formed,

but represents a connection
that exists within

each and every human
to the cosmos?

And possibly
to extraterrestrial beings

that came to Earth
in the distant past?

Ancient astronaut theorists
point out that,

while the third eye
has historically

been considered a metaphor,
there is an egg-shaped structure

within the brain
that is critical in defining

what it means to be human:
the thalamus.

Shaped like two identical eggs,

the thalamus lies
at the center of the brain

and is the hub responsible
for relaying information

from most of
the sensory receptors.

Scientists studying the effects
of thalamic stimulation

on comatose patients have
recently suggested

the thalamus might be
the most important factor

in human consciousness.

The thalamus is like

a relay station in the brain,

so you have all the primary
sensory information coming in,

like information coming
in your eyes

through your retina
and through your ears

and all these sensations.

The first place they go,
after the primary sense organs,

is they get funneled
to the thalamus.

And then the thalamus
sorts out this information

and relays it to the various
parts in the cortex

that process that
primary sensory information.

If the thalamus is damaged,

usually it will knock out

It's a very critical point where
all the information comes to,

and then it's distributed
in the cortex.

HENRY: The thalamus is called
the Lamp, the Open Eye,

even the Third Eye.

And when you look at this,
you wonder:

was it in fact a gift

from extraterrestrial beings
that awakened us?

That enabled us to become
connected to the diviner,

extraterrestrial realm?

Perhaps the extraterrestrials
that had a hand

in fashioning the human body
and in tweaking the human brain,

placed the thalamus there,
in its egg shape,

as a connecting link
to the greater civilization,

out of which
we originally emerged.

NARRATOR: Could the thalamus
be the physical representation

of what ancient cultures
referred to as the third eye?

And if so, might this
brain structure act

as a connection to greater
forces in the universe?

As incredible as
this notion may seem,

Ancient astronaut theorists
suggest that the thalamus

can also be found represented

in one of the most prominent
symbols of ancient Egypt--

the Eye of Horus.

CHILDRESS: The Eye of Horus,
also known as the Eye of Ra,

was a symbol of protection,
royal power and good health.

But it was also known
as the Eye of Providence,

the all-seeing eye of God.

Now what is incredible is
if you look at the thalamus,

and all of the structures
surrounding that,

it looks like the Eye of Horus.

The similarity is really
pretty astonishing.

NARRATOR: According to
scientists and historians,

the Ancient Egyptians
were likely aware of

the shape of these
brain structures.

Well, we have to remember that
the ancient people

were pretty conversant with

cutting animals open
of all kinds.

And humans were cleaved open,
broken open.

There would've been
any number of ways

for early humans to start
looking at brain structure.

It's clear that thinking
comes from the brain,

but what was the part of
the thalamus for this?

How would the ancient
Egyptians have known about

how all of these parts
of the brain function together?

Is it possible
that they got this knowledge

from extraterrestrials?

Could the Eye of Horus

help solve the puzzle
of the Cosmic Egg?

And might the symbol
of the Cosmic Egg,

with intertwined serpents,

represent both
the thalamus and DNA,

the two biological traits

that are most important
in defining

what it means to be human?

Scientists estimate that 98.8%
of our DNA goes unused.

And so, it would seem
that our creators,

possibly extraterrestrials,

have designed a tool to
help us ultimately unlock

all the potential that we have
already in our DNA and bodies,

and become greater
than we are today.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the simple design

of the Cosmic Egg
is a message handed down

from extraterrestrials
to humanity,

telling us not only
where we come from,

but where we are going?

Or does it symbolize our
connection to the cosmos?

According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

there may be an even more
profound explanation.

tradition of the Kabbalah,

the ancient Jewish
mystical philosophy that

arose in the sixth century BC,

an egg-shaped bubble
of iridescence

surrounds every human body.

Indian texts dating back
5,000 years

refer to this life energy
as "pram."

And Chinese writings
from roughly the same period

contain a similar
concept known as "chi."

Today, there are
some scientists who propose

that there is, in fact,
such an energy that surrounds us

and connects us to all
things in the universe,

a notion that is
represented in a theory

called the Holographic Universe.

This scientific discovery,
which is mathematically proven,

tells us that we have an
illusion of a physical universe,

when, in fact,
it is all emanating

from a geometric seed or an egg;
a singularity.

All of space and all of time,

and all of the universe itself
is simultaneously

in a singular point,
or a seed, like an egg,

and is telling us that,
in fact, there is a geometry,

that it's possible that these
egg-shaped energy fields exist,

and they are, in fact,
the true essence

of what it means
to be alive in this universe.

Curiously, in 2006,

Italian scientists,
using data gathered

by NASA'S Wilkinson Microwave
Anisotropy Probe

announced that the universe
might actually

be in the shape of an egg.

Seven years later, in 2013,

NASA scientists announced

that while it looks
circular to the naked eye,

the Earth, too,
is in the shape of an egg.

Is it possible that the ancient
symbol of the Cosmic Egg

represents this notion

that all things
in the universe are connected?

WILCOCK: When we ask,
does the Cosmic Egg

represent the Big Bang?

Does it represent
the human thalamus?

Many of these ancient cultures

were very consistent
in the use of symbolism

as a multidimensional function,

and all these different aspects
of the universe

are ultimately emanations of

this one central identity,
or the Cosmic Egg itself.

In looking at the shape

of the Cosmic Egg across
all various dimensions,

whether it be at a macro level--
the shape of the universe;

the micro level--
the shape of the thalamus;

they all seem to be

explaining that this shape
seems to connect us

with a higher
state of existence,

possibly even with
higher states of beings:

what we might call

Like the Christian Cross,

like the Star of David,

like the Hindu Mandala...

the Cosmic Egg is
a symbol that connects.

But it goes beyond
just connecting.

It seems to point to
our source of origin.

And ultimately, as we embrace
the symbol of the Cosmic Egg,

it causes us to recognize
the unity of all of creation

and this fundamental,
very simple idea

that we all came from
the same original point, seed,

or Cosmic Egg,
that broke up, dispersed

and will one day reunify.

NARRATOR: Might the Cosmic Egg
be an important clue

for what connects us to other
entities in the universe--

entities that may
even be our creators?

If so, is it their intention
that as we discover more

about not just
the mysteries of the universe,

but the mysteries within
each and every one of us,

we will arrive
at this conclusion?

Perhaps one day soon,

we will discover that within
the symbol of the Cosmic Egg

lies the key to
ascending beyond Earth,

to join our alien ancestors

in the stars.
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