11x05 - The Visionaries

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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11x05 - The Visionaries

Post by bunniefuu »

There is
a metaphysical connection

to the most significant
technological breakthroughs.

describes how he was asleep

and he saw these numbers
being written in front of him,

and he had no idea
what this was all about.

The meeting of
John von Neumann and Alan Turing

changed history.

Maybe Steve Jobs
was receiving information

beyond the physical realm.

Is it possible
that extraterrestrials

are somehow guiding
certain people

to bring them to their
higher levels of knowledge?

It appears that these
beings are guiding humanity

into a new age of super-advanced
technology that will ultimately

allow us to interface
with the cosmos.

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited
its origins to gods

and other visitors
from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help
to shape our history?

And if so, could there
be a connection

between aliens
and our greatest visionaries?

Houston, Texas.

July 20, 1969.

At NASA Mission Control Center,

the massive IBM System/360.

Model 75 computer,
which boasts processing power

of 16.6 million
instructions per second

and up to eight megabytes
of main memory,

is employed to accomplish the
greatest feat in human history...

putting a man on the moon.

Houston, uh,
Tranquility Base here.

The Eagle has landed.

People across the world

marveled at this
technological achievement.

But incredibly,
only six decades later,

a handheld device weighing
less than half a pound

dwarfs the total technology
NASA possessed in 1969.

Today's smartphone contains

a staggering one million times
the computing power

used to carry out
the moon landing.

What we had when they went
to the moon is like nothing

compared to what an average
teenager carries around now.

I mean, the kind
of computing power,

the ability
to access information,

the ability to reach people.

An astonishing
technological achievement.

You can only imagine
what's gonna happen

in 30 years from now.

What we think is so advanced
is gonna be so not advanced.

How is it that
mankind's technology

has advanced so rapidly?

According to ancient
astronaut theorists,

at specific points in history,

extraterrestrials have
influenced certain individuals

to allow humanity
to make major leaps forward,

and they propose
that this has continued

up until modern times.

As evidence, they point
to the visionary

who jump-started
the microcomputer revolution,

Steve Jobs.

San Francisco, California.

January 9, 2007.

Apple's annual Macworld
Conference and Expo.

Thank you for coming.

At the center
of a worldwide media frenzy,

Apple cofounder and CEO,
Steve Jobs,

takes the stage to announce
a revolutionary new product,

the iPhone.

What we want to do is make
a leapfrog product that is

way smarter than any mobile
device has ever been

and super easy to use.

And we are calling it "iPhone."

Steve Jobs was
one of the greatest visionaries

in Silicon Valley.

The idea of what he was doing
is how you popularize computing.

A lot of people who were
early in computing

didn't think about
people using them,

and he managed to deliver
into the hands of consumers

a device that was usable,
it was intuitive,

it was easy to use,
it was easy to understand,

and-and that is not
a small thing.

In the simplicity
and the beauty of it,

he made something
that was, um, just perfect.

Steve Jobs and
his team of engineers at Apple

harnessed technology that
connected society digitally

and put all
the world's knowledge

literally at
mankind's fingertips.

But the seeds of this
technological revolution

were planted in 1973,

when the 19-year-old college
student dropped out of school.

Jobs was attending Reed College
in Portland, Oregon,

when he, along with one
of Apple's first employees,

Daniel Kottke, made a decision
that would change

not only the course
of their lives,

but ultimately
the course of humanity.

I met Steve
at Reed College the first month,

but our friendship developed
because a week or two later,

I must have been
walking around with a copy

of Be Here Now, and I was
eager to talk about it,

and Steve was familiar with it.

That book quickly led to
Autobiography of a Yogi,

and then led to
Ramakrishna and His Disciples.

Like many of his generation,

Jobs became caught up in the
spiritual enlightenment movement

that was sweeping through
America in the 1970s.

And according to those
who knew him best,

he considered it
not just a passing interest

but a calling.

Steve got ahold of the book
Cosmic Consciousness.

That's probably what
pushed him over the edge.

It had chapters about
great geniuses through history

and how they were enlightened,
and that was the whole thesis.

That's how we ended up in India.

Fueled by his desire
to find spiritual enlightenment,

Steve Jobs traveled to India,

with Daniel following
a few months later.

Together they discovered
a Hindu guru

known as Haidakhan Baba.

He was discovered
at about the age of 18

doing yoga in a cave.

But there are legends going back
that the same figure

had appeared all the way
back into the 1800s.

Haidakhan Baba claimed

that he had no mother or father.

But who was this character

who had no known history
before the age of 18

and was said to have manifested
out of thin air?

He professed that he was
an immortal being

known in Hinduism
as Mahavatar Babaji.

Mahavatar means, uh,
"the great avatar."

"The great incarnated being."

Mahavatar is eternal, and he can
appear anytime, anywhere,

taking forms
of another human being.

So he was here to change

the humanity, uh,
in-in a better path,

in-in a path of understanding,
a path of greatness.

Steve Jobs did spend
some time with him.

Haidakhan Baba actually
gave him an initiation

by giving him a spiritual name.

This is a traditional
kind of initiation,

so they were formally
initiated by this guru.

Babaji had said
that he was a celestial being

who had come to Earth
to help enlighten our planet

and to advance us forward.

And we have to wonder,
is it possible that Steven Jobs

was being influenced

by an extraterrestrial
entity named Babaji?

Haidakhan Baba claimed

that he had "come to guide
humanity to a higher path"

and referred to himself as the
"messenger of the revolution."

Shortly after returning
to the United States,

Steve Jobs embarked
on a revolution himself,

the development
of the microcomputer,

along with Apple cofounder
Steve Wozniak.

Steve was not in it for money.

He was in it for the mission

of transforming the world.

The Apple II was the first
mass-market personal computer.

Woz of course was
the all-around genius

who created the whole design
and all the software.

But the thing that Steve
gets huge credit for

is having enough passion for
what he saw the future bringing

that he just did not give up.

And the iPhone of course
is the computer now

that is taking over
all our lives.

Transformed everything,

Steve Jobs continued
to practice meditation

throughout the rest of his life,

often finding refuge at
Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

in California's
Los Padres National Forest.

It was here,
while deep in meditation,

that Jobs thought he received
much of the inspiration

that transformed
the modern world.

Meditation does help

to connect with a higher source,
a higher force,

because then one becomes
one with the divine,

so they could, you know,
in-in a sense, uh,

download the knowledge,
wisdom directly from them.

Is it possible that Steve Jobs

received guidance
from an otherworldly source?

And if so, could it be
that he was just one

of a number of key visionaries

who were chosen
by extraterrestrials

to lead humanity
into the future,

as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest?

Perhaps further answers
can be found

by examining
an Indian mathematician

who was decades
ahead of his time.

Emory University,
Atlanta, Georgia.

December 2012.

After years of work,

mathematician Ken Ono
and two of his former students

come up with a groundbreaking
mathematical formula

that will allow scientists
to study black holes

in an entirely new way.

they achieved this feat

by studying
a single paragraph written

by an Indian mathematician
over nine decades earlier...

Srinivasa Ramanujan.

Srinivasa Ramanujan
was an Indian mathematician

who is unlike any other genius
in world history.

Ramanujan's work
has now formed the basis

for superstring theory
and multidimensional physics.

Some of the most advanced math

that all the high-end scientists
are still using today

is called "modular functions,"

which could lead
to time travel, antigravity,

limitless free energy, all of
this futuristic technology.

He was able to take
a little that he knew

farther than most mathematicians
would be able to take them.

He had the vision
to see what was important.

There are just so many
beautiful ideas that he had,

some of which are just
waiting to be developed.

Ramanujan made breakthroughs

in integral calculus,

which can be used to determine
the drag force buffeting a wing

as it slides through the air

or the gravitational
effects of the Earth

on a man-made satellite.

But perhaps
what is most noteworthy

is that Ramanujan insisted
these baffling theorems

were not simply the product
of his own genius.

He claimed they were
communicated to him

by an otherworldly being.

Srinivasa Ramanujan was born

in Erode, India,
on December 22, 1887,

and was considered
a miracle child

because he was the only one
of his mother's four children

to survive infancy.

Even as a young boy,
he was obsessed with numbers.

From a very early age,
just instinctively,

he was thinking about numbers,
he was calculating.

He was fascinated by numbers.

Numbers, he said,
have personalities for him,

that they had
a kind of life for him.

There are a lot of stories

about how he was so focused
on mathematics

that he would ignore
a lot of his other subjects.

Ramanujan grew up
in the town of Kumbakonam,

in a house within view of the
impressive Sarangapani Temple.

The mathematical prodigy

spent much of his childhood
at the temple

among thousands of carvings
of Hindu gods.

According to Ramanujan's
childhood friend,

he would often go to the temple
and work on mathematics.

The friend had a memory
of coming into the temple

and finding Ramanujan

with all these inexplicable
figures surrounding him.

The figures
that surrounded Ramanujan

were in fact complex
mathematical equations

that he had written in chalk
on the stone slabs

of the temple floor.

He would often say

that they were communicated
to him in his dreams

by the Hindu goddess
Namagiri Thayar.

He always insisted, and he was
very adamant about this,

that the mathematical
discoveries he made

came to him in dreams
and visions

provided by
the goddess Namagiri.

In these visions,

he would see these fantastic,
beautiful mathematical formulae

un-scrolling before him.

Numerous times
throughout Ramanujan's youth,

he would abruptly vanish
for days at a time,

then return home
without explanation.

His neighbors considered him
to be psychic.

And he suggested
that numbers connect us

to higher powers
in the universe.

Could it be that
Ramanujan really was

receiving information
from an otherworldly being?

Ever since he was
a little child,

he was having these visions
of the Hindu goddess Namagiri,

and on his own,
in poverty in India,

he re-derives over
a hundred years' worth

of Western mathematics.

But then the goddess Namagiri
is giving him

all this other information

that goes way beyond where
Western mathematics had gone.

For someone like Ramanujan,

who grows up in a devout Hindu
family in southern India,

everything that-that
he experiences has to do

with Hindu gods and goddesses.

But is it possible
that it was really

some kind of extraterrestrial

who was helping him develop
these mathematical theorems?

There is abundant evidence

of extraterrestrial
intervention that is involved

in many of the most significant
technological breakthroughs

that we see in our world,

and these could come
through the form of dreams

or actual contacts with some
sort of intelligent beings.

Could Srinivasa Ramanujan,

who practiced meditation
and studied Hinduism,

much like Steve Jobs,

have received guidance
from otherworldly beings

that have been directing
the course of humanity

for thousands of years?

Is this why he was able
to devise theorems so complex

that the world's
greatest mathematicians

are still struggling to
understand them 100 years later?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest further evidence
can be found

by examining the man
who helped bring about

the end of World w*r II,

Alan Turing.

London, England.

June 23, 1912.

In the residential district
of Maida Vale,

Alan Turing is born.

By the age of six,

his teachers identify him
as a genius.

By 16, he is studying

the most advanced work
of Albert Einstein.

And much like
the Indian mathematical genius.

Srinivasa Ramanujan,
he has a single-minded focus

and thinks differently
from his peers.

Alan Turing was

the other great mathematical
genius of the 20th century,

but of a completely
different stripe

than Srinivasa Ramanujan.

His vision was born

out of an extraordinary

By taking things literally,
he was able to go places

that people who were
less literal-minded

would never be able to go.

In fact, Alan Turing
was so literal-minded

that there has even
been speculation

he had Asperger's syndrome.

But some ancient astronaut
theorists propose

his unique intellect may reveal
an otherworldly influence,

one that intervened during
mankind's deadliest conflict.

Milton Keynes,
Buckinghamshire, England.

March 18, 1940.

Six months into
the Second World w*r,

British military intelligence
sets up

a top-secret base
in Bletchley Park,

50 miles northwest of London.

Known as "Station X,"

it is home to a handpicked team
of mathematicians

led by Alan Turing
that work tirelessly to crack

the infamous n*zi
encoding device

called the Enigma machine.

The Enigma machine
was an encryption machine

that worked very simply,

at least for the person
operating it.

You would have
a message to convey,

and you would type
the first letter.

Its gears would turn.

And then a light
would illuminate

with another letter.

And that letter
you would write down.

The machine was putting
the letter

through a huge range
of substitutions.

In 1940, Turing accomplished

what nearly every expert at
the time had deemed impossible.

He solved the Enigma code.

At Bletchley Park,
Turing conceived

of a way of reverse engineering
an Enigma to run it backwards.

It wasn't easy, but they built

this very complicated machine
called the bombe.

If you could separate
out the hardware

from the sequences
of operations...

what we now call software...

you could create a machine
that could decode messages,

but it could also do other
things, including mathematics,

and I think that he realized
that this machine could be made

into something that was quite,
uh, a bit more capable.

In the process
of creating this machine,

Turing also developed a
technology far more significant

than anyone at the time
could have imagined:

the world's first computer.

It's particularly interesting

how some of these visionaries
think differently,

so you have to wonder
if these people

are tapping into some kind
of universal mind,

and even that somehow

extraterrestrials are
giving them information

so that they can see
these universal truths.

Curiously, in one of his papers,

Turing wrote that telekinesis
and extrasensory perception

should be taken seriously

and questioned
the existence of free will.

Is it possible,

as ancient astronaut theorists

that he wrote this because he
himself was somehow in contact

with extraterrestrial

Perhaps further clues
can be found

by examining
a meeting Turing had

before the w*r with another
mathematical genius,

John von Neumann.

John von Neumann was
a Hungarian mathematician

who emigrated
to the United States

and took a position
at Princeton University.

He had an incredible talent

for mathematics and physics
in all kinds of fields.

Like Turing, von
Neumann contributed to ending.

World w*r II through
the development of technology.

He came up with a way
to use machine calculation

to determine how to compress
plutonium for the atomic b*mb.

This technology was essential
to the success of the project,

and it might never
have been realized

had von Neumann not
crossed paths with Alan Turing.

We know that Alan Turing,

uh, met John von Neumann
at Princeton.

Von Neumann was familiar with
Turing's theoretical papers.

What we don't know

is the substance
of their conversations.

A lot of that was
very highly classified.

Very, very little information
ever leaked out.

It has been argued by
some historians of computing

that John von Neumann absorbed
the fundamental idea

of the universal machine
from Alan Turing.

According to historians,

Turing and von Neumann
were largely responsible

for inventing
the first computers

and accelerating the advancement
of technology exponentially.

But is it possible the meeting
of these two geniuses

was more than mere chance?

It could very well be

that extraterrestrial
intelligence was involved

in making sure
that von Neumann and Turing

met each other in 1935

and steered their development
to ensure

that the computer would be
brought out on schedule

at the right time,
which is exactly what we see.

Is it possible
that extraterrestrials

brought together
Turing and von Neumann

to accelerate the development
of computer technology?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say yes

and suggest that
at the same time

aliens were helping mankind

to develop another
important technology,

a rocket that would
reach the stars.

Kaluga, Russia.

December, 1903.

Russian scientist
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

publishes the article.

"Exploration of Outer Space
by Means of Rocket Devices."

Most scientists
of the time consider

the topic of space exploration

highly speculative
and even far-fetched,

considering the Wright Brothers
had just achieved

the first powered flight
that same month.

But many of the major points

contained in
Tsiolkovsky's article,

such as the proposal
that the speed required

for orbit around the Earth
is five miles per second

and that this could be achieved
by means of a multistage rocket,

would be proven
to be incredibly accurate.

He's a fascinating character

and the father
of Soviet rocketry,

who actually designed
the rockets

that put the first man
into space,

that put the first
dog into space,

that launched Sputnik, the first
satellite, into space in 1957.

main source of inspiration

was his friend and mentor,
Nikolai Fyodorov,

a Russian Orthodox
Christian philosopher.

Fyodorov was one of
the founders of "cosmism,"

which was a precursor
to ancient astronaut theory.

The cosmists began
with Nikolai Fyodorov

in the 1870s and 1880s,
and they believed

that human civilization actually
had origins, uh, in outer space

and that it was our destiny
as human beings

to move back into space,

and we would go back to
our origins from whence we came.

Like Fyodorov,

Tsiolkovsky came to be
a cosmist himself.

And he not only inspired
Soviet rocket scientists

but also the genius responsible

for putting the first man
on the moon,

Wernher von Braun.


May 1945.

After six years

of the deadliest warfare
the world has ever seen,

the Nazis surrender
to the Allied Powers.

Germany's top rocket scientist,

Wernher von Braun, predicted
the defeat months earlier

and by deceiving his superiors
has managed

to move his team of scientists
south into Austria

to surrender
to the American forces.

Acquiring von Braun
was considered

a major coup
by the United States.

His work in rocketry
was so important

that the Soviets scoured
his former headquarters

at Peenemunde Army
Research Center

in search of any information
he may have left behind.

What they discovered

were the writings
of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

and found that almost every page

was embellished by
von Braun's comments and notes.

Wernher von Braun

was heavily influenced
by Tsiolkovsky.

Tsiolkovsky himself
had this concept

of human beings being
birthed in the stars.

And if you really
think about it,

could it be that these
scientists coming out of Russia

had some kind
of advanced knowledge?

Could they have
been communicating

with some form of advanced
extraterrestrial intelligence

that was influencing
the space race

and influencing this push

to get humanity
to go back to the stars?

As a young boy,
Wernher von Braun was fascinated

with the science fiction
of Jules Verne and H.G. Wells

and was convinced
that he could make

their visions
of space travel a reality,

even going so far
as to tell his mother

that he would build a machine
that would take man to the moon.

But when von Braun actually
achieved this in 1969,

it was such an extraordinary
technological leap

that some people believed,
like Tsiolkovsky,

he too was guided
by extraterrestrial beings.

Wernher von Braun

was utterly captivated
by the idea

that we belong in the stars.

It's as if the Earth is a seed,

and if that seed
never germinates,

then it could just die.

We need to go out into space.

And that vision
of a new tomorrow

is what fueled him to want
to succeed even further.

That leads me to suggest
the possibility

that some sort of
extraterrestrial contact

might have happened
with Wernher von Braun.

Something or someone
might have reached him

and saw where we needed
to go as a civilization

and gave him the tools
and the insights that he needed

to be able to build
our way out into space.

Is it possible,

as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest,

that Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
and Wernher von Braun

were aided
by extraterrestrial beings?

And if so, why?

Perhaps the answer can be found
by examining the predictions

not of science
but of science fiction.

How far out can you get?

That's the big question
in television today,

and CBS has the big answer.

Its fabulous new series,
Lost in Space.

In 1965,
the CBS network announced

the debut of what would become

television's first prime-time
science fiction series.

Wouldn't Dad like
to use this gadget

to beat that thruway traffic?

Set in the far-future of 1997,

Lost in Space told the story
of a family of space colonists

who become marooned
on an alien world.

It underscored
America's growing acceptance

that mankind's future
was not here on Earth

but out in the vast reaches
of the galaxy.

This trend continued

when the following year
NBC premiered Star Trek,

the epic saga
of a futuristic starship

whose crew is charged
with exploring the galaxy,

seeking out new life
and new civilizations,

and going where no man...
or woman...

had ever gone before.

both programs would appear

in America's living rooms

years before mankind would even
step foot on the moon.

It is amazing that today
we are living in times

where only 40, 50 years ago,

people were fantasizing
about the future.

And here we are experiencing
that said future.

Not all of it, but many things.

Where do we stand
50 years from now?

I think science fiction
is a part of disclosure.

Over time, science fiction
has become science fact.

Ignition sequence start.

Of course,
science fiction's role

in pre-envisioning
what would ultimately become

the world's "science fact"
was nothing new.

Space stations,
intelligent robots,

communication devices,

Even Star Wars-type
space weapons

were all pre-envisioned
in the creative minds

of authors like Jules Verne,
H.G. Wells, Arthur C. Clarke,

Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury.

And their works later
formed the basis

for countless films
and television series.

Great innovation has come
from science fiction literature.

Arthur C. Clarke imagined the
satellite before the engineers.

They were reading
science fiction

when they came up
with the idea to do that.

This has happened repeatedly
where a creative artist

will come up with a new idea
just to tell a story,

but it's coming
from the unconscious.

I mean, look at Jules Verne.
Go back and read Jules Verne.

It's really interesting.

Like, a lot
of the stuff we made,

like, he just thought it up.

And these ideas
sprung out of a man's mind,

and it has become reality.

And I think that
they've turned to reality

because of young kids
reading these stories

and eventually growing up
and realizing,

"Wait a second.

"We have all these
technological capabilities.

"What if I can bring it

to the next level
with a new invention?"

So science fiction can serve
as a direct path to science

that has been
inspired by fantasy.

But are many
of today's scientific wonders

merely the product of fertile
minds and wild imaginations?

Or do they have
their origins elsewhere,

possibly light-years away?

There's an interesting theory,

the idea that certain profound
science fiction writers

may not have just simply
come up with the ideas

for their stories on their own,
albeit they may have thought

they came up with
the ideas on their own.

Perhaps there was
an outside force

presenting it to them.

Have science fiction
authors and writers

been inspired
by extraterrestrials?

extraterrestrials have given

humanity glimpses of its own
future through science fiction?

And if the creative minds
of the past

have been able to pre-envision

the incredible technologies
of the present day,

then should we also regard
the science fiction of today

as a guide to where mankind
is headed next?

Where do we stand
50 years from now?

And if we're talking
about science fiction today,

one recurring theme
is what happens

if we gain the ability
to upload our consciousness

to some type of a computer?

Is it possible that our future
may lie in a digital realm?

I would not want my thoughts
to be uploaded to a computer,

because then
we really become glass.

This planet will cease to exist
within two seconds

if we all know
each other's thoughts.

So there's a fine line
we have to walk

between what can
and will ensure our future

and what can and will be
our assured annihilation.

According to many
ancient astronaut theorists,

the visions of a bleak future...

as depicted in today's
science fiction...

could, if realized,
prove as perilous

as they once seemed profound.

But they also suggest

that the messages that mankind's
visionaries receive

may not be dire predictions
as much as they are warnings.

Warnings intended
to help mankind

avoid annihilation.

Today the theorems
of Srinivasa Ramanujan

are being applied in branches
of physics that may allow us

to unlock the greatest mysteries
of the cosmos.

The computer models

established by Alan Turing
and John von Neumann

have advanced human technology
by leaps and bounds.

The advances in rocketry

made by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
and Wernher von Braun

have allowed for
greater exploration of space.

And Steve Jobs' contributions
to the microcomputer revolution

have put all of the world's
collective knowledge

at our fingertips.

But has the work of
these visionaries and others

really been directed by an
extraterrestrial intelligence?

And if so, to what end?

We have been the experiment of,
I believe, extraterrestrials.

I think they have nurtured us
to see how we develop.

And they're probably saying,

"Gosh, look at these humans,
look how fast they can advance."

And we're getting better
and better and better

with technology.

But Elon Musk from Tesla
and physicist Stephen Hawking

all warn us, "Be careful
of artificial intelligence."

It could go too far."

I agree with them.
We need to be careful.

Something too that comes out

of a lot of the UFO literature
of the '50s and '60s,

that extraterrestrials were

allegedly contacting
certain people

and warning them of the dangers
of nuclear power

and that what we were doing
with our atomic weapons

was very destructive

and that we could destroy our
own planet with this technology

and that the extraterrestrials

were very concerned about this.

And so, in many ways,
we must be very careful

of how we use
our own technology.

There's a reason
why we are where we are today.

We have made
these advances in technology

for one and one reason only...

to return to the stars,

because that's where
we came from.

And now the question is:

are we going to fulfill
our destiny or not?

Is it possible

that humanity's
greatest visionaries

have been unknowingly
carrying out

some sort of extraterrestrial
master plan?

One intended to prepare mankind

for the ultimate
"close encounter"?

And if so, does this mean

that our future has been
somehow predetermined?

Or are we simply being
given the tools

with which to shape
our own destiny?

Perhaps the answer can be found

in the pages
of a science fiction book,

in the palm of our hand
within a simple cell phone,

or in the latest
robotic technology.

Perhaps it is carved
on the stone walls

of an as-yet-undiscovered tomb.

Or even as we sit,

right before our eyes.
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