11x04 - The New Evidence

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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11x04 - The New Evidence

Post by bunniefuu »

Everywhere that you look,

there are monuments that
the archaeologists had

absolutely no knowledge of

DAVID CHILDRESS: It would seem
to be all of the cultures

were trying to signal
some kind of sky people.

Â♪ Â♪

when we go past that wall,

the real treasure trove
is waiting inside?

technology that has been

and is being developed
at the moment,

archaeology will have
to accept the fact

we have been visited
by extraterrestrials

in the remote past.

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited
its origins to gods

and other visitors
from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help
to shape our history?

And if so,
will new evidence reveal,

once and for all,
that we are not alone?

Throughout recorded history,

archaeologists have discovered

new structures,
carvings and texts

that have put into question

the established notions
of our past.

Ruins dating back
thousands of years

reveal engineering skill

surpassing even
modern capabilities.

Ancient rock art

depicts figures that
resemble astronauts.

And mysterious monoliths
aligned with the stars

dot the landscapes
of nearly every continent.

In his 1968 book,
Chariots of the Gods?,

Erich von Daniken proposed
that all of this evidence

pointed to one profound truth,

that extraterrestrials
had visited Earth

in the distant past

and changed the course
of human history.

Â♪ Â♪

This concept is known
as ancient astronaut theory,

and today it is embraced

by literally millions
of people around the world.

Everyone in this room
wants to ask,

have you watched Ancient Aliens,

and what's your comment
about that series?

REPORTER: King Tut's tomb may
have more mysteries to reveal.

The California Institute
of Technology published

a study claiming
they have discovered

a true ninth planet
beyond Pluto.

NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

the evidence that
extraterrestrials visited Earth

is all around us

and say that
with new technology,

we are uncovering more proof
than ever before.

Liquid water has been
found on Mars.

Space Telescope... have made

independent confirmations in the
hunt for extra-solar planets.

Gliese 581.

This would be the most
Earth-like exoplanet

yet discovered.

In the past few years,

different shafts were discovered
in the Great Pyramid.

That was only possible because
of our modern technology.

The same thing happens
in astronomy.

Because of the Hubble Telescope,

we have discovered more than

two-and-a-half thousand
so-called exoplanets,

planets out of our solar system.

The same thing in genetics.

It's all connected.

We should finally understand to
link all these things together.

With all of the new technologies

that archaeologists
have to use now,

ground-penetrating radar,
satellite images,

uh, even the access
of Google Earth,

has been a tremendous boon
to archaeologists,

and they're now finding things
that we never thought existed.

WILCOCK: Science ultimately
is a belief system

that is based
on certain evidence,

but as new evidence comes in,

authentic scientific
investigation requires you

to incorporate that evidence

into the model
that you are constructing.

If we look at
the recent findings,

we're seeing the most
revolutionary breakthroughs

in the field of ancient
astronaut theory

that we have ever seen.

Wiltshire, England.

Here stands one
of the most mysterious

stone monuments
on Earth, Stonehenge.

For centuries, it has
baffled archaeologists,

but in September of 2015,

just two miles away,

a discovery was made
that could provide

an important new piece
to the puzzle.

At the Durrington Walls,

Great Britain's largest
ancient henge structure--

or circular earthwork--

archaeologists, using
ground-penetrating radar,

uncovered something astonishing,

nearly 100 monolithic
standing stones.

Recently, a type of
super-henge was discovered

only two miles from Stonehenge,

and it's a giant
mystery because,

according to the working
archaeologists, it's older.

So the question now is,
if it's older than Stonehenge,

what was its purpose,
and why was it built?

This is the southern side
of Durrington Walls,

the southern edge
of the great Superhenge.

And beneath my feet

is at least one and another here

of the 90 great stones.

Now, these stones,

which were perhaps
15 feet in size,

weighing anything between
ten and 15 tons apiece,

were part of a huge arc

that faced out towards
the northern night sky.

They were constructed as part
of a mysterious monument

even earlier
than Durrington Walls,

which dates to around 2500 BC.

So they could be hundreds,

perhaps even thousands,
of years earlier,

and exactly why it's here
is a complete mystery.

DAVID CHEETHAM: These stones
were purposely buried,

and they seem to be part
of a ritual complex

that goes way beyond
that particular site,

into the entire plain
on which it's found.

So these stones encircle
one part of the site

and were consequently
buried under a mound,

which is really mysterious.

While the stones of Superhenge

that have been discovered
so far form an arc,

many researchers believe that
it was originally a full circle,

much like another
ancient structure

located just 300 yards
to the south, Woodhenge.

This is Woodhenge.

This was a smaller monument

consisting of six
concentric rings

of wooden posts that pointed
up towards the sky

as much as 4,000 years ago.

And this monument itself,

being circular in the same way
that Stonehenge was,

suggests to us
that the 90 stones

around the edge of Durrington

was a huge great circle
in itself,

the largest ring of stones
anywhere in Europe,

perhaps even in the world.

NARRATOR: Incredibly,
the newly discovered Superhenge

is not all that
has been uncovered

beneath the earth here.

Since July 2010,

an international
team of experts--

as part of the Stonehenge
Hidden Landscapes Project--

has been mapping the entire area
using the latest technology.

More than 15 underground sites
have been found.

ThCHEETHAM: There's no doubt
that these finds

will cause
English archaeologists to have

to revisit everything
we know about Stonehenge,

because Stonehenge
is not going to be considered

an isolate or something
that's curious.

While mainstream scientists

believe Stonehenge
and its surrounding sites

were ancient ritual
and burial grounds,

there is no written record
to explain why ancient people

chose to move
and erect massive blocks

that weigh up to 50 tons--

some of which were transported
from over 100 miles away.

And now that a second
Stonehenge has been found,

the theory that these sites
were simply burial grounds

has been thrown
into greater question.

DAVID WHITEHEAD: These ancient
people had a great deal

of knowledge about how to align
these structures perfectly.

So, we're dealing
with an advanced civilization,

to say the least.

Where they had that knowledge,

where they got that knowledge,
where they developed

the ability to put these
incredible monuments together,

it boggles the mind.

Archaeologists believe

that Stonehenge's
two rings of standing stones

may be simply the remains
of a much larger structure,

based on the presence
of the earthen henge

that surrounds it.

This has led to speculation
that Superhenge

also contained additional rings,

and that these structures might
even have had walls and roofs.

But if true,
was this area of England

much more than simply
a site of religious ceremony?

When we look to these

extraordinary structures
on Earth,

it makes you wonder,
did extraterrestrials have

a hand in creating
these massive monuments?

Or did they teach humans
how to build these monuments?

CHILDRESS: So you have to wonder
what the purpose of these

giant stone circles are
around the world.

Is it possible
that they were some

kind of spaceport
or a conceived city?

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that Stonehenge

and the many structures
that surround it

are the remnants of an
extraterrestrial spaceport?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,

and suggest
that further proof exists

in the form of DNA evidence,

hidden in the tomb

of King Tut.

RAMY ROMANY: They have confirmed
that they might have discovered

another passway behind
King Tut's burial chamber.

WILCOCK: We go in there,
we're going to find artifacts

that could be undeniably


Luxor, Egypt.

Here lies the tomb of the
world's most famous pharaoh...

King Tutankhamun.

When it was discovered
in 1922,

completely intact
and preserved

after more than 3,000 years,

it was considered
one of the most significant

archaeological discoveries
of all time.

But as spectacular
a find as it was,

almost a century later,

new evidence has come to light
that there may be much more

to King Tut's final resting
place than meets the eye.

While examining high-resolution
scans of the tomb

on September 28, 2015,

British Egyptologist
Nicholas Reeves

found something remarkable--

the possibility
of two hidden passages

connected directly
to King Tut's burial chamber.

There was a Spanish company,

who was recruited
to scan the tomb of Tutankhamun

in order to replicate it.

It is through this high
definition photography scanning

that Reeves noticed
that on the north wall

of the burial chamber,
there is some cracks,

the possibility of a door.

And also on the eastern wall.

So there's
two possible chambers.

ROMANY: Reeves took his laser
images to Dr. Mamdouh Eldamaty,

who is the Minister
of Antiquities in Egypt,

and they both decided
to dig further.

They used thermal scanning,
which tells you

the exact density of the wall
at every part.

And they have confirmed
that they might have discovered

another passway or a chamber

behind King Tut's
burial chamber.

NARRATOR: Whether there
are more buried treasures

beyond the painted walls
remains to be seen.

But if so, Reeves has a theory.

He believes
the passageway may lead

to the tomb
of Queen Nefertiti--

the wife
of Pharaoh Akhenaten,

who ruled during
the 14th century BC.

But why would Nefertiti's tomb

be hidden beyond King Tut's?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe there may be

a profound reason--

that Queen Nefertiti

was not of this world.

Nefertiti's parents are unknown.

On pictures, she is shown

with one of these
elongated heads.

Now we know the gods,

the old Egyptian gods,

they had longer heads
than we have.

And according
to the pyramid texts,

they left the Earth,

and then they returned again.

So Nefertiti's parents
were maybe extraterrestrials.

King Akhenaten and his wife

looked completely different

than all the other
ancient Egyptian kings.

King Akhenaten
always was depicted

with an elongated skull,
a bigger-size hip,

a belly that drools
over his belt.

He believed
that he wasn't a man

and he wasn't a woman
and he wasn't a king.

He was just something else.

BAUVAL: The most unusual feature
is, uh, elongated skulls.

There's been
a lot of discussions

about what these skulls meant.

Whether they were
literally elongated skulls,

or whether they were
just decoration features.

It's certainly very intriguing.

It doesn't appear
before or afterwards.

So there's something rather odd
about this, I have to admit.

NARRATOR: The reign
of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

a new and controversial

monotheistic faith to Egypt--

the disc-shaped sun god Aten.

The Aten was described

as this flying sun disc.

Egyptologists are

merely saying that this
was nothing else but the sun,

but the question is:

Can the sun instruct you
in different disciplines?

And the answer is no.

So we have to see
whether or not

our ancestors
encountered technology

and misinterpreted it
as something in nature.

Is it possible the depictions

of Akhenaten and Nefertiti--

along with their worship
of a disc-shaped god--

are evidence that they
were not of this world?

And if so, might
Queen Nefertiti's tomb

contain DNA evidence of

their extraterrestrial origins?

The ancient Egyptians
did not want us

to know anything
about Nefertiti or Akhenaten,

or even Tutankhamen.

They made every effort
they possibly could

to erase all references
to their existence.

So what is it about Nefertiti

that makes the opening
of her tomb so powerful?

This ultimately
goes back to Akhenaten

and Nefertiti's
introduction of the teaching

of the celestial disc.

What if, when we go
past that wall,

the real treasure trove
is waiting inside,

and when we go in there,
we're going to find artifacts

that could be
undeniably extraterrestrial?

Could this tomb hide

otherworldly secrets
and treasures?

Might we be on the verge

of locating
indisputable evidence

of extraterrestrial intervention

in the distant past?

Perhaps additional pieces
to the puzzle

can be found deep
within the temple

of a flying serpent god.

COLLINS: Why would you
put liquid mercury

inside a tomb?

Mercury has very good uses

in space travel.

Teotihuacan, Mexico.

April 24, 2015.

For six years,

Mexican archaeologist
Sergio Gómez

has been performing
an excavation

of the ancient city's
third largest pyramid,

the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl,

which dates back
to the second century AD.

Gómez has uncovered
numerous relics

in the course of his excavation,

but on this date, he discovers
something completely unexpected

in a chamber below the pyramid:

Large quantities
of liquid mercury.

COLLINS: Gómez has been
gradually penetrating a tunnel

and he's now reached

a depth of 300 feet.

But along the way,
they found liquid mercury.

Now, why would you put

liquid mercury inside a tomb?

GEORGE NOORY: You wouldn't want
to put mercury down there

just for the heck of it,

because if you get
too close to it,

or too involved with it,
it's gonna k*ll you.

NARRATOR: Mercury is
an extremely rare

and conductive element that,
today, is used primarily

in electronics and automobiles,

so the presence of
this dangerous substance

below an ancient Aztec pyramid

has puzzled scientists.

But ancient astronaut
theorists believe

the mercury found
at this temple--

a temple built
to honor Quetzalcoatl,

the feathered serpent
that came down from the sky--

may have a direct connection

to the beings the Aztecs
referred to as their gods.

Now, liquid mercury

was not only found
in Teotihuacan.

According to old Indian texts,

liquid mercury was one part

of the propulsion system

which the extraterrestrials used

for their flying machines.

WILCOCK: There are many legends
that the Nazis themselves

actually went through
these Sanskrit texts

in order to help them develop

their own flying craft

What we know from the leaked
German scientific reports

is that, apparently,
if you subject mercury

to a very high level
of electrostatic charge

and then rotate it,

you get a gravitational thrust

which allows you
to create inertial force

that can counteract
the normal force of gravity.

TSOUKALOS: So the idea that
we have references to mercury

in a chamber of
the Feathered Serpent...

One has to ask the question:

what was this Feathered Serpent?

According to
the ancient astronaut theory,

we are talking
about physical craft

that, at some point,

were misinterpreted
as living creatures.

NARRATOR: Could this incredible
discovery of liquid mercury

provide further proof

that the Feathered Serpent
was actually a spacecraft?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe another toxic tomb

may help answer this question.

Shaanxi Province, China.

Here, buried deep under a hill,

lies Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

Undisturbed for
more than 2,000 years,

his tomb is best known

for the discovery of thousands
of Terra-cotta Warriors.

But much of the massive
underground structure

has not yet been excavated,

due to high levels of mercury.

If somebody were to ask me,

"What is the most fantastic
archaeological site

on the planet Earth?",

my answer would be simple
and it would be quick:

it's the tomb of Emperor Qin.

Writings from
the time of Emperor Qin,

second century BC,

told us that this guy
was buried in a tomb

that had a scale model
of China inside of it,

with flowing rivers of mercury
moving around the cities

that were built in scale models.

NARRATOR: Is it coincidence
that an ancient tomb in China

and an ancient temple in Mexico

both contain liquid mercury?

much like the Aztec story

of Quetzalcoatl
coming down from the sky,

the Chinese say
the ancestor of Qin Shi Huang--

the Yellow Emperor--

descended from the heavens
on a dragon.

According to some
mythological accounts,

the Yellow Emperor was riding
around on a dragon

when he saw the people
of Earth in need.

And so he descended
from the heavens to help them.

According to Chinese myth,

after ruling for 100 years,

the Yellow Emperor called for
the return of the dragon.

WILCOCK: 70 different people
from his own staff

all got on board this dragon
and flew away.

The dragon is said
to travel vast distances

in short periods of time.

So the yellow dragon
does appear to be

a very large spacecraft,

at extraordinary speed,

and all of the events
that I'm describing to you

actually did take place
in physical, tangible reality.

Liquid mercury is such
an obscure substance.

So how do we account
for both the ancient Aztecs

and the Chinese
creating rivers of mercury

in the tombs of some of
their greatest figures,

unless they know the hidden
secrets of the substance,

hidden secrets that were taught
to them by extraterrestrials?

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that the Aztec story

of a flying feathered serpent

and the Chinese story

of a dragon coming
down from the sky

are both describing
alien spacecraft?

And is this why liquid mercury

has been found in tombs
both in Mexico and China?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,

and propose even more
compelling evidence

that our ancestors encountered
otherworldly technology

might lie high
in the mountains of Peru,

hidden beneath the earth.

COLLINS: Equipment detected
that there was metal

inside this hidden chamber.

HENRY: We're talking about
being able to recover the power

that Pachacutec possessed.

NARRATOR: Machu Picchu, Peru.

This stone citadel
of the Inca civilization

was built high
in the Andes Mountains

around 1450 AD,

but was suddenly
and mysteriously abandoned

roughly a century later.

Mainstream scholars contend

the construction of Machu Picchu

was led by Emperor Pachacutec

and took thousands of men

working decades to complete.

But ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

that the precise construction,

the transportation
of massive blocks

and the Incas' own accounts

all point to a very different

explanation for Machu Picchu:

That it was built with the help

of otherworldly beings.

Emperor Pachacutec
was believed to have had

a special bond
with the god Viracocha.

ED BARNHART: Pachacutec,
in the days leading up

to the great battle
against the Chanka,

he takes kind of a retreat.

He goes to a lake.

And out of the sky drops
this piece of metal

into the lake.

When he fishes it out
of the lake, it's a mirror.

And he sees an image
in the mirror.

This supernatural creature
in the mirror tells him,

"I am your father.

"You will win many battles
in your lifetime,

this one included."

The image is actually
Viracocha, the creator deity.

And then as Pachacutec stood

with his vastly smaller army,

these giant megalithic stones
came to life

and became his army,
and crushed the Chanka.

Pachacutec actually had the
power of Viracocha behind him.

It makes one wonder

if, in fact, this was
extraterrestrial technology.

Could the story

of Pachacutec levitating
massive stones be true?

And might the mirror
that fell from the sky

have been some type
of alien technology?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes

and suggest a new discovery
at Machu Picchu may reveal

what happened to this
otherworldly device.

Â♪ Â♪

French engineer David Crespy
was vacationing

in Machu Picchu in 2010,
when he discovered

that at the bottom of one
of the main buildings,

there seemed to be a doorway,

purposely sealed up with rocks.

In August of 2011,
he reached out

to Thierry Jamin,
a French archaeologist

that has been studying Peru
and the Incan Empire

for more than 15 years.

Within a month,

Thierry started
his own investigation

with local archaeologists and
specialists in funerary sites.

Thierry and radar technician
Ricardo Hamada

took a scan from above
the blocked entrance

with ground-penetrating radar.

The image on the radar detector
reveals a large cavity,

and the broken lines indicate
there may also be stairs

leading even further
down into the earth.

Other equipment detected

that there was metals
inside this hidden chamber.

Gold, silver,

and other types
of metallic objects,

suggesting very strongly

that we're dealing
with some kind of a tomb.

NARRATOR: Although Thierry has
confirmed Crespy's suspicions

that the odd structure
was an entrance

sealed off at some point
by the Incas,

the Peruvian authorities
have since banned his return

to the site for further

(Thierry Jamin speaking Spanish)

All of the iconographic

and archaeological
elements show us

that this is all associated

with the mausoleum
of Pachacutec.

Maybe the most important
archaeological treasure

ever found in Machu Picchu.

Could the tomb of Pachacutec

lie beyond these rocks?

And is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists suggest,

that it might also contain
advanced technology,

the so-called "magic mirror"
that was said to have been given

to Pachacutec
by the creator god Viracocha?

HENRY: We're talking about
the emperor as having

a connection with this
extraterrestrial being.

Now think about it.

If-if we're talking
about recovering

his tomb and his artifacts,

then we're talking
about ultimately being able

to recover the power
that Pachacutec possessed.

And what we're going to be
seeing here is, I believe,

ironclad evidence emerging

of extraterrestrial
involvement in human affairs.

When the underground chamber

found at Machu Picchu
is excavated,

will we discover
undeniable proof

that this site was constructed

with extraterrestrial

Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest

further evidence can be found

by examining newly
discovered Nazca Lines

as well as similar geoglyphs

found on the other side
of the world.

They're much more complex

than the Nazca geoglyphs

in that they are

This could've been

some huge, great,
megalithic stone setting.

NARRATOR: Nazca, Peru.

First discovered in 1927,

the Nazca Lines consist

of hundreds of designs
known as geoglyphs,

that can only be seen
from above.

Scattered over 200 square miles

in southern Peru,

mainstream archaeologists
believe the figures were created

by the ancient Nazca people

sometime between the first
and eighth centuries AD.

Ancient astronaut theorists

have been studying
the Nazca Lines for years.

and they say new evidence proves

that aliens
not only visited Nazca,

but continued to return there
over the centuries.

On July 7, 2015,

a team of anthropologists from
Yamagata University in Japan

revealed they had found
new Nazca lines

that, due to erosion,
are impossible to make out

with the naked eye.

By conducting

a three-dimensional scan
of the ground,

they uncovered
a total of 24 images,

including strange-looking
humanoid figures,

a disembodied head
and a llama 65 feet long.

According to their findings,

the new geoglyphs date
from 400 to 200 BC,

making them hundreds
of years older

than those previously

These new finds are
instrumental in showing

the duration of which these
types of modifications

were going on,
on the desert floor,

for hundreds
and hundreds of years,

involving different cultures,

with different motivations
and different depictions.

It would seem to be
all of the cultures

were trying to signal
some kind of sky people

and probably, over time,
were trying

to induce them to come
back down from the sky

and land their ships.

You have to wonder then if,

with at least four successive
cultures doing this,

that you would think
they must have had some success.

NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut
theorists have even suggested

that the discovery of older
Nazca lines may indicate

that the people responsible
for the later geoglyphs

were imitating
what was originally made

by the extraterrestrials

JASON MARTELL: So the question
starts to rise is:

were various different people
coming to Nazca

to make these petroglyphs
and these large diagrams?

Or were they possibly recreating
some initial experiment

or some initial thing
that took place?

What if some of the early
cultures in Nazca

actually experienced
interaction with beings

that were creating edifices that
can only be seen from the sky,

and the only way to get
to lure them back

was to create
these ways to communicate

from an aerial perspective?

For decades, it was thought

that there was no other place
on Earth like Nazca,

but recently, a shocking
discovery was made

on the opposite side
of the globe.

Turgay, Kazakhstan.

October, 2015.

Using satellite photography,

NASA captures images

of more than 260 geoglyphs

covering the ground here.

They're located in
a very rural part of Kazakhstan

and they could only be found
thanks to modern technology.

They are much more complex
than the Nazca geoglyphs

in that they are

They are mounds and trenches,

whereas the Nazca Lines

are etchings in the sand.

We're talking here

about massive features

that are constructed
from earthen mounds

and also from wood,

showing everything
from rings, to squares,

to crosses and even swastikas
that are on the ground.

NARRATOR: The archaeologists
in the area have no idea

who made the geoglyphs
or what they represent.

But one fact they have
been able to determine

is that some of these glyphs
date back 8,000 years--

nearly 6,000 years older

than the Nazca lines.

Since these can be dated
to almost 8,000 years old,

we have to wonder who they were
trying to communicate with.

Could it have been, possibly,

what a lot of these ancient
cultures referred to as gods?

I think the fact
that we're finding

more and more of these symbols

simply tell us that
the humankind, at that time,

tried to communicate with

what they thought
were the gods from above.

Could the new geoglyphs

found in Kazakhstan

be evidence that
our ancestors encountered

extraterrestrial visitors
as much as 8,000 years ago?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,

and suggest that these glyphs
may prove to have been made

at the same time as the newly
discovered Superhenge...

...because, while Stonehenge
is considered to be

at least 5,000 years old,

some believe the buried
monoliths of Superhenge

could be much, much older.

Stonehenge is only
one small part

of a gigantic
archeological puzzle.

Now, we, today,

we must stumble
over these stone circles,

over these stone lines.

And automatically,
we have to ask questions:

What is it?

How have they done it?

For what purpose?

And sooner or later,
we came up with the question:

Is there maybe a message
by the extraterrestrials?

Is it possible

that the geoglyphs
recently discovered

in Nazca and Kazakhstan

are tied to not only

the new discovery
of Superhenge in England,

but also to other mysterious
sites around the world

that were made
to be seen from the sky?

If so, could evidence
that these markers

were intended for
extraterrestrial visitors

be hidden beneath the earth

in Mexico, Peru,
China and Egypt?

Ancient astronaut
theorists say yes,

and suggest
that we are on the verge

of uncovering the ultimate proof
of alien contact.

(electronic blipping)

NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut
theorists argue

that in recent times,
the mainstream

has dismissed the possibility

that another race
of advanced beings

came to Earth
in the distant past,

even though the signs
are all around us.

ELLIOT HILL: Experts believe
a series of mysterious objects

surrounding a giant star

could be, Mark,
an alien megastructure.

1,500 light years from Earth,

signals are blasting

from the star KIC-84-62-85-2.

It could be a...
giant solar panels

built by an alien civilization.

Thousands of miles away

in a cave in South Africa,
archaeologists discovered

hundreds of ancient bones
and a new human ancestor.

NARRATOR: As more and more
new evidence pours in,

is ancient astronaut theory
nearing a point

where it will be considered
by mainstream scholars

as a serious possibility?

Great thinkers like Galileo

are dismissed
as fools and heretics.

They were the ones
that had the right idea,

but new ideas
are not accepted easily.

For centuries, it was believed

that the Earth was flat.

We are a stubborn people.

As we evolve as a humankind,

we are going to realize that
what we were taught in the past

may not be what is
going to be in the future.

We're gonna continue to learn

new things about
past civilizations,

and new things of
what could've been

future civilizations, as well.

And you've got to conclude

that we are not alone
in the universe,

and that we've been visited,

and we continue to be visited.

With the technology
that has been

and is being developed
at the moment,

ultimately, archaeology
will have no other choice

but to accept the fact

that we have been visited
by extraterrestrials

in the remote past.

For me, personally, I think that
these extraterrestrials,

they left a purpose.

I call it something like
a time capsule.

That's why they made

these gigantic stone circles
and stone lines.

It was addressed to us.

And we should ask, who were
these extraterrestrials?

Where did they come from?

What was the reason?

Will they come down again?

I'm sure they will show up.

We are now living
in a paradigm shift

in which the new evidence
is upholding

an older and ancient idea

that extraterrestrials
came to Earth

and had a huge influence
on human affairs.

And that ultimately,
our future depends

on our involvement
with these beings, as well.

NARRATOR: As technology
continues to improve,

will irrefutable evidence
be uncovered

of extraterrestrial
intervention on Earth?

Evidence that world governments

have been hiding
from us for decades?

Could the smoking g*n
be concealed

behind a tomb wall,

hidden away
in an ancient temple,

or even buried
right under our feet?

If otherworldly beings
really have been observing us,

perhaps as we get
closer to the truth,

the proof will come
not in the form of an artifact

or scientific discovery,

but in face-to-face contact

with our alien ancestors.
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