10x06 - The Other Earth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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10x06 - The Other Earth

Post by bunniefuu »

Billions of Earth-like planets...

Why would there be this
vast universe and just us?

Each capable of sustaining life.

In many ways, it's like
finding the Garden of Eden.

And each with possible evidence

that we are not alone.

We have this imprint

within all of us,
that our origin is out there.

That life as we know it, on planet Earth...

originated elsewhere.

Since the dawn of civilization,

mankind has credited

its origins to gods

and other visitors from the stars.

What if it were true?

Did extraterrestrial beings

really help to shape our history?

And, if so, might this explain our search...

for another Earth?

July 23, 2015.

After more than six years

of observing over 150,000 star systems

within the Milky Way galaxy,

NASA scientists, using the Kepler Telescope,

discover what they believe to be
an Earth-like planet,

located 1,400 light years away.


or Earth 2.0, as it has become known

is 60% larger than Earth.

The exo-planet
orbits a star slightly larger

and brighter than our sun

and falls within that star's
"Goldilocks zone"...

making it a leading candidate

to prove life exists
on a planet other than our own.

Some planets are too close to
their stars, so they're too hot.

Some of them are too far away,
so they're too cold.

Recently, they found one which they've
actually called the Goldilocks planet.

As you can probably surmise from that,
that means that it's almost just right.

What that means is that there's a potential

that it might be teeming with life.

The problem looking for Earth-like planets

beyond the solar system
is they're hard to spot.

There may be billions
within our galaxy alone

that satisfy roughly the
conditions of being Earth-like.

They have to have a magnetic
field and a few other conditions

that will be congenial for life,
but the liquid water, as well,

I think everybody agrees, is key.

The Kepler discovery made
people sit up and take notice,

'cause it would possibly have
the all-important liquid water

that is the key to looking for life

as we know it beyond the solar system.

Of the 100 billion stars that make up

the Milky Way galaxy,
astronomers now estimate

that one in five has an Earth-sized
planet with the potential for life.

And NASA scientists predict
that we are likely to find

signs of alien life by the year 2025,

bringing us ever closer to
answering the age-old question:

"Are we really alone in the universe?"

Humans are really excited
about life on other planets.

There's a lot of empty space out there,

and it would be a big waste,
if there wasn't more life.

Why would there be this
vast universe and just us?

Forever people have wondered,
Are we alone? Is there life out there?

Are there other intelligent beings?

And that's why we're so insistent upon

searching for another Earth.

I think there's that need to realize

that we're not alone in the universe.

We want answers.

We're going out into space
because we want to find out

are there other beings out there like us?

Since the Ancient Babylonians
first documented observations of Venus,

humans have speculated that inhabited worlds

may exist beyond Earth.

And from the time of the ancient Greeks,

philosophers and scholars have
theorized on the probability

of the existence
of otherworldly civilizations

other than our own.

In 1961, radio astronomer Frank Drake

was the first to publicly
propose a mathematical argument

for the likelihood of the existence
of intelligent extraterrestrial life

in the galaxy.

Frank Drake developed an equation

that took the probability
of different things happening:

Having the right type of sun,
having the right type of planet,

how many planets and stars there were

and made an estimate
of how likely life would be.

The Drake equation would seem to logically

predict tens of thousands
of civilizations out there,

that we ought to be able
to hear on radio traffic.

But if there is such a high probability

for the existence
of intelligent life-forms

elsewhere in the universe,
why haven't we encountered them?

If there are so many
other planets out there,

and if the chance for

intelligent life out there is high,

why hasn't anyone visited us?

The human race should be typical

of what intelligent life is like
in the rest of the cosmos.

Plus the cosmos is much older
than the human race.

We tend to expand into all
possible living spaces.

Intelligent life in the rest of the universe
should probably act like that, too.

People like us should be filling the cosmos.

Everywhere we point a radio telescope
we should be picking up noise.

Instead, there's nothing.

While radio telescopes have yet to pick up

a transmission from other intelligent beings

in the universe, ancient
astronaut theorists propose

that contact has, in fact,

already taken place.
And evidence of this

can be found throughout the world.

The question "where are they?"
should be answered with:

"Look at the ancient astronaut theory,"

because we are suggesting

that there is evidence

that goes back thousands of years

by the stories that we have of gods

lowercase "G" descending from the sky.

It doesn't matter on what continent.

Every single continent was visited.

I would say that the evidence is there

and it's all around us, whether it's in

megalithic sites that are
aligned to constellations,

such as the Great Serpent Mound in Ohio.

Even the pyramids at Giza.

And even stories of beings
coming down in spaceships,

interacting with people.

Evidence is overwhelming

that there are extraterrestrials
all over the universe,

and that they're coming here.

According to ancient astronaut theorists,

one of the earliest and most
compelling pieces of evidence

to support the notion that
extraterrestrials have, in fact,

visited Earth, can be found

with an ancient Sumerian cylindrical seal

known as VA243.

Author Zecharia Sitchin
was the first to suggest

that on this seal,

which is estimated to be
at least 4,500 years old,

is a depiction of our solar system.

You can see in the seal that there's

a whole complete model of the solar system

accurately being displayed
with the sun in the center.

Now, till the time
of Copernicus and Galileo,

no one knew that we actually
orbited the sun,

so the only explanation is someone who
had this knowledge gave it to humanity,

and that there has been
extraterrestrial presence

in interaction with people in the past.

And we see this across the globe.

Throughout the world,

ancient cultures have told stories of gods

descended from specific star systems.

The Maya associated their gods

with the Pleiades star cluster,

as did the Native Americans,
hundreds of miles away.

The Dogon tribe and the ancient Egyptians

believed their gods
came from the star Sirius.

In old Egypt, we have,
for example, Osiris,

who comes from Orion.

Osiris was married to !sis.

!sis comes from the star of Sirius.

These extraterrestrials,
the so-called gods,

they pointed up to the sky and
said, "Look, this is our home."

Is it possible that
there are intelligent beings

inhabiting other planets
within our solar system,

as ancient astronaut theorists contend?

If so, could they have once sought out Earth

as we now seek other habitable planets?

Perhaps further evidence will be revealed

with our plans to colonize Mars.

Spring 2013.

The Mars One project solicits candidates

for their proposed settlement on Mars.

Over 200,000 people apply

for the chance to be the first humans

to colonize the Red Planet.

Only 24 will be selected.

None are expected to return.

The Mars One mission
is a very ambitious mission.

They've canvassed the whole
world's aerospace contractors

and tried to make heavy use
of the experience

on the space station, where
they've made living modules.

Those same modules can be brought
to Mars and support human life.

Scientists are testing working models

of living quarters for Mars,

such as NASA's Deep Space Habitat.

Engineers designed these pods

to be constructed remotely,
before humans arrive.

Once built, the habitats
will supply oxygen and water

and minimize the harmful effects

of atmospheric radiation to humans.

Yet even these engineering feats

won't allow humans to live on Mars

for extended periods of time.

We have tried experiments

with actually making a
survivable environment in a pod,

and it seems to be very, very hard to do

for a very long scale.

If we want long-term habitation on Mars

and colonization of Mars,

personally, I vote for terraforming.

Terraforming is the process

of turning an environment
unsuitable for human habitation

into one that mankind can live in.

Scientists are currently
researching the various ways

we might someday terraform an entire planet.

When you think about terraforming Mars,

the key, really, is getting
a dense atmosphere

that forms protection
from the radiation from the sun,

makes the temperature really high enough,

and gets things going
with plant life and oxygen.

So one question is, where do you
get that denser atmosphere?

Couple of options:

There is various amounts of gases
trapped in the polar caps,

so you can imagine melting
those, releasing the gas.

Terraforming another planet

is a very, very long-term prospect.

Now, if we were going to terraform Mars

to make it more Earth-like, we
can think of ways of doing that.

We can seed it with microbes

that might produce a thicker atmosphere.

You can dramatically modify
conditions on a planet

by suitable intervention,

and Mars would seem to be
a good one to do it for.

Mars was once much more Earth-like.

Perhaps we could bring it back,

make it more Earth-like again.

Earth's early atmosphere

and Mars' present atmosphere,

in composition, are very similar.

Earth had a lot of water vapor,

nitrogen, and carbon dioxide.

That's what Mars' atmosphere consists of.

Ancient astronaut theorists propose

that if humans are planning
to one day give Mars

a breathable atmosphere,

extraterrestrials may have done
the same thing with Earth,

millions of years ago.

There's a distinct possibility that
the Earth could've been terraformed.

When you look at the development
of Earth, what you see is that,

at every stage, the planet got
exactly what it seemed to need

to develop into this beautiful
blue world that we live on.

When we needed oxygen, there was
bacteria introduced into the ecosystem

that actually sucked up carbon dioxide

and methane gas and-and pumped out oxygen.

We're looking at what Mars is,

and we're thinking of trying
to build an atmosphere

and everything else.

And the first question
you'd have to ask yourself is:

Did extraterrestrials come here
and do the same thing?

But how did our planet,

that was once devoid of oxygen,

turn into the lush green world
we know today?

Scientists have struggled for years

to discover just how Earth became habitable.

There's always been a-a problem
about life on Earth.

Did it actually start here on Earth,

or come here from somewhere else?

There's no known transition
from non-life to life

that we can all agree on.

Seeing as we don't know how life
began, it's up for grabs.

But we know, on Earth, it was microbes

that made the oxygen atmosphere.

Although scientists agree

that Earth's oxygenated atmosphere

most likely can be attributed
to the presence of microbes,

many theories exist as to where
exactly these organisms came from.

One intriguing speculation

that has caught the attention
of ancient astronaut theorists

involves grooved metal balls
called Klerksdorp spheres.

These mysterious round objects

were found scattered in
mineral deposits in South Africa

that date back 3 billion years.

There are people that argue
that these spheres are natural,

but there's really no natural objects

that bear any resemblance to them at all.

And the fact that they're buried
in rock that is so old indicates

that somebody sort of scattered
them throughout the planet.

They appear to be
metallic, constructed spheres

in which you could have placed
bacterial life

that would definitely
have been able to then spill out

into the ecosystem, multiply, divide,

and change the environment,

exactly as we're proposing to do
on the planet Mars.

We might say that this is just a
natural occurring thing on Earth,

but this may be evidence
that Earth was seeded

by some kind of bacteria
or microbes brought here

and what we have today
has been purposely created

by beings with tremendous powers
and knowledge.

Did extraterrestrial beings

introduce organisms to Earth

that started life,

just as humans may someday do to Mars?

If so, could our ancestral origin

actually come from
another planet in the galaxy?

The answer may be right in front of us,

lying within the physiology

of our own bodies.

Tell al-Uhaymir, Iraq.

Here, in what was once the
ancient Sumerian city of Kish,

archaeologists unearthed the
world's oldest written document.

The Kish tablet dates to 3,500 BC,

and is believed to pre-date
both the Sumerian cuneiform

and Egyptian hieroglyphic writing

by nearly a hundred years.

Developing the ability to express thoughts

through written language
is one of the first ways

in which man separated itself

from the rest of the animal kingdom.

In the 5,000 years since,

humans have harnessed electricity,

split the atom,

developed computers,

and placed a man on the Moon.

No other species on Earth

can claim such unique achievements

in such a short span of time.

In comparison to other animals,
our evolution is pretty brief.

It's been a fairly short time,
only a couple of million years, probably,

since the first hominids.

One of the great scientific
questions is why is it our species

uniquely arose into this

truly advanced technological
intelligence that we have.

Clearly, there's nothing else on
planet Earth that is like us.

There are many intelligences, but nothing

is wielding technology
to the extent that we do.

If we just had to sort of
go back to the jungle,

the proverbial jungle, and just survive,

most of us wouldn't really
live for very long.

Human beings, apart from their intelligence,

uh, really are not very well-suited

to occupying a wide range of environments.

In addition to our incredible intelligence,

biologists have also noted contrasts

between human physiology and other animals.

Compared to other animals,
I think we're a little odd.

A baby horse is born,
for instance, it's able

to walk around and do its own
thing, like, immediately.

The same is certainly not true
of a... of a human infant.

We are pretty helpless.

We're born before we're quite
neurologically cooked.

There are many vulnerabilities
which go alongside

our much-vaunted intelligence.

We became bipeds and that
freed up our forelimbs

to be able to manipulate
objects, make tools and so on.

But it comes at a price, because
we've got these back problems.

Lower back pain is something that is
virtually unknown in other primate species,

whereas it's something that is very
common in contemporary humans.

In 2013, ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver

set forth in his book
Humans Are Not From Earth

a possible theory to explain why humans

seem so evolutionarily
unsuited to the planet.

Dr. Ellis Silver developed an
idea that perhaps the human race

did not actually naturally
evolve here on the Earth,

but somewhere else.

Silver's book raises a lot

of very provocative
and intriguing questions.

For example, why is it

that we get cataracts from the sun?

Why is it that the sun seems to
hurt us if we go out for too long?

So Dr. Silver suggests that we
might've come from a planet

with different solar exposure.

We also have 223 genes

that appear in human DNA

that do not appear
in any other species on Earth,

suggesting, again, that there's
something unusual about us.

They've discovered that astronauts,
when they're in space,

their circadian rhythms
actually change from 24 hours

like we have when we're here on Earth

to 24.9 hours, which is
the exact circadian rhythm

or the exact length of a Martian day,

not an Earth day.

The patterns of who we are as human beings

doesn't fit into some of the other
creatures that are on this planet.

Dr. Silver, his theory was

that we were either brought here
or seeded here,

but clearly of an extraterrestrial origin.

We are, in a sense, transplanted here

from some other solar system.

And Neanderthals were already here

and we are a cross-bred...

part-alien race

that's part Neanderthal
and part extraterrestrial.

Might Dr. Silver's observations
of human physiology be proof

that we are a hybrid species,

one whose origin
comes from a celestial place?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes,

and claim further evidence can be found

in the narratives of numerous religions.

Brigham Young, one of the most important
leaders of the Mormon religion,

proposed that the biblical Adam
was not created on Earth,

but was born to parents on another world

and then was brought to our planet.

In the Zohar, the primary
text of Jewish mysticism,

a similar story is told.

Adam actually had parents.

A mother and a father.

And that God took Adam

from whatever place that he came from

we don't understand what that is,

another dimension,
another world, we don't know.

We are half physical

and we are half something much greater.

Celestial, extraterrestrial, divine.

According to the ancient astronaut theory,

we were created in the image of the gods

and those stories are reflected

in all of our ancient legends.

For example, the Native American
culture clearly states

that our entire planet was seeded.

In the ancient American world,

part of their core belief system is that
they may not have originated on Earth.

We know that the Hopi, for example,

believed that they were brought to the Earth

by star people from the Orion system.

Is it really possible that
our origins are not entirely

from this planet?

And if so, does this explain

why we are drawn to the search
for an other Earth?

Perhaps the answers lie

in ancient tales told across the world

of a paradise lost forever.

In October of 2018,

the James Webb Space Telescope

the most powerful telescope ever built

will take its place in the cosmos,

nearly one million miles from Earth.

It is just the latest tool in
our endless pursuit of locating

another habitable planet.

Since Galileo Galilei

first aimed a telescope skyward in 1609,

billions of dollars and countless resources

have been spent on humanity's search

for an other Earth.

It is more than a search for
intelligent life in the universe.

The quest to explore the universe

is nothing less than
our longing for transcendence.

It is a search for meaning.

It is a search for what
is beyond our understanding.

Could there also be a yearning

and a longing for some other planet

that we came from?

And so when we look up
at the stars, there's this

genetic beckoning that we feel

to want to explore,

to want to find out what happened to us.

How did we end up here?

Is it possible that our attempt
to locate life on other planets

is, in fact, a quest to locate

our extraterrestrial origins,

as ancient astronaut theorists propose?

If so, is this drive deeply ingrained

in our genetic memory?

In many ways, it's like finding
the Garden of Eden, where we came from.

And perhaps the Garden of Eden
was on another planet,

and this is part of our own DNA,

to find out where we came from.

The tale of a lost paradise

is among the most enduring
myths in the world.

Celtic legends speak of
the mysterious Island of Avalon

that required supernatural
transport to visit.

The Buddhist and Hindu traditions tell

of the forbidden land of Shambhala.

And in the Taoist tradition,

they refer to various celestial paradises

where the immortals reside.

In the Taoist tradition, there's a belief

that, um, immortals who ascend

to these paradises and to heavens,

they can actually be demoted

for bad behavior or misconduct,
and banished.

And when they are banished, they are
banished, typically, back to Earth.

Might the cross-cultural stories

of a utopian world be not
mythology, but actual history?

Could these stories be evidence

that life came to Earth from another planet?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes,

and suggest that further proof may be found

in the historical records of
a tiny farming town in England.

Woolpit Village.

The 12th century AD.

Two small children mysteriously appear

near the opening of a cave

a boy and a girl speaking in a
language that is indecipherable.

But even more odd their skin is green.

The farmers in the area who
were harvesting vegetables

came upon these two children.

Their skin was green,

and their clothing was said
to be made of a strange fabric.

It was a fabric unfamiliar to the
people who were describing them.

The children are immediately
whisked off and put into isolation

from the rest of the village
for several days,

because no one is sure
if they're actually human.

The children said that they came
from the land of Saint Martin,

a land that was, in many ways,
much like Earth.

They described the place that they came from

as not being as bright as our land is.

There was no bright sun,
there was no dark night,

but it was a sort of twilit land

with the sky the color of early evening.

Prominent 12th century
historian William of Newburgh

included a detailed account
of the Green Children

in his major work,
History of English Affairs.

He noted that they eventually acclimated

to their new environment.

The children gradually
became part of the community.

The boy, the younger
of the two children, died,

but the girl survived, and
there are some serious tracking

of her descendants, indicating

that she is a real person in history.

Many theories have been proposed

as to where exactly
these children came from.

The most popular theory seems to be

that they came from another planet,

a planet with a different type of orbit,

a planet that was not exposed to the sun.

Does the well-documented account

of the Green Children
of Woolpit give credence

to the existence of another inhabited world

separate from our own?

Some ancient astronaut theorists suggest

that another Earth may exist, not in space,

but deep within the Earth,

right under our feet.

June 13, 2014.

Scientists researching the Earth's mantle

announce that they have found
what they believe

to be a vast body of water,
three times the volume

of all of our oceans combined,

contained within a mineral layer

400 miles inside the Earth.

The discovery shakes the foundation

of what scientists and scholars
thought they knew

about the ground under our feet.

We have just scratched
the surface of the Earth.

We drilled down, like, eight miles,

and we had to stop because it got too hot.

Out of 4,000 miles

basically to the core of the
Earth we went down eight.

That's nothing.

We have more than 70 active
space programs right now.

We can tell you more
about the surface of the Moon

than we can the surface
underneath our own oceans.

Our scientific understanding of
the internal structure of the Earth

is primarily based
on observations of seismic waves

generated during earthquakes

and knowledge of Earth's gravitation field.

Since we have not actually
drilled down far enough

to confirm these findings,

could it be that we may be wrong

about the composition of our own Earth?

Some ancient astronaut theorists say yes,

and suggest that according
to our earliest mythologies,

an other Earth might not
be found in the heavens,

but deep within our own planet.

One of the most consistent
themes that we find

in ancient cultures,
when we travel around the world,

is the idea that there is another world,

another Earth, inside of the planet.

One of those is the Maya tradition.

They have a holy book called the Popol Vuh.

Inside this book,
it talks about two twin boys

that came up out of the Earth,

and were actually
the first humans on the planet.

And to this day, they still believe

that life force comes
from inside the planet,

not from outside, in heaven.

The Mayans have this,

the Tibetans have this,

the Hopi Indians have this.

Within Buddhism, there's stories
of a place called Agarta, or Agarte,

which is an inner world.

And it's inhabited, too, by people,
and that they are an advanced race.

And even that they have trains and vehicles

that are moving through this inner Earth.

The most ancient teachings share
with us the shocking revelation

that the Garden of Eden was on no
place on the face of the Earth,

but rather, the Earth is hollow,
and that the Garden of Eden

is an entire domain in inner Earth.

So, are these stories literal?

There are those who believe that they are.

Is it possible that
an other Earth can be located

within the confines of our own planet?

Historically, underground realms were
not relegated to mere mythology.

Well-respected scientists and
mathematicians have long speculated

about a theory that became known
as Hollow Earth.

The scientist Edmond Halley
is most famous for Halley's Comet.

He was also very interested in the Earth,

and one of the challenges is,
was trying to figure out

what was the real structure
of the inside of the Earth.

He had a fascinating theory
of not just a hollow Earth,

but a Earth with multiple layers
and many different atmospheres

with many different layers
of land and earth,

circling and being concentric
as you went towards the center.

75 years later,

18th century mathematician Leonhard Euler

put forth his own Hollow Earth theory,

with no concentric shells

and a sun at the center, spanning 600 miles.

Euler was a gifted mathematician.

He developed this idea

that the planet, Earth, is not only hollow

but the poles are actually thinned.

And there are actually entrances
into the inner core

at the North and South Poles of the Earth.

He imagined that there were advanced
civilizations living inside the planet.

Ideas of an occupied Hollow Earth

would be revisited
nearly two centuries later,

in 1947,

when famous polar explorer
Admiral Richard Byrd

flew reconnaissance missions
over the North Pole.

Byrd allegedly reported
in his private journal,

about a mysterious land
beyond the North Pole,

which he called the
Center of the Great Unknown.

Admiral Richard Byrd was able
to fly to the North Pole and back,

and recorded flying over lush green
areas where none should have been.

And then, three years later,
he flew over the South Pole.

It's rumored that when Admiral Byrd's
task force actually got to Antarctica,

that one of the first things they discovered

was an entrance
into a Hollow Earth civilization

that was populated
by very, very advanced beings.

Admiral Byrd made
a lot of unusual statements,

including talking about

what he called a new kind of craft

that could fly from pole to pole.

This was reported in newspapers
in Chile and Argentina

and ultimately in English papers, too.

And when Byrd got back to the United States,

he was brought back to Washington,

where he was questioned very
heavily about his statements.

And allegedly he was told
to stop talking about this.

Is it possible that
entrances to another world

can be found at the Earth's poles?

And if so,

did Admiral Byrd actually pass
through one of them?

According to some
ancient astronaut theorists,

such gateways do exist,

but rather than leading to inner Earth,

they may be portals to another dimension.

Lively, Ontario, Canada.

Just over one mile deep underground

is one of the most isolated
physics labs in the world,


The facility was built deep within the Earth

in order to block out cosmic radiation.

This could allow scientists to possibly

catch a glimpse of an element
that they are confident

exists throughout the cosmos,

but have been unable to detect.

Physicists claim
that everything we can observe

accounts for less than
five percent of the universe.

What constitutes the rest
is completely unknown,

but is thought to include
a mysterious substance

called dark matter.

We know that most of the matter
in the universe

is not made of atoms or atomic nuclei.

It's something else entirely.

There's a long list
of what dark matter might be,

and some things we know about already,

black holes, for example,

that's making up part
of the mass of the universe.

If you look out in the solar system,

you can see the orbits
of various galaxies, universes,

solar systems, planets, all of these,

and you can map their orbits,
and you realize

that there's missing matter that
you can't see through light.

This is what we call dark matter.

The existence of dark matter

was not scientifically
accepted until the 1980s.

Since that time,

many scientific speculations have been made

as to its true nature.

Theories range from it being the glue

that holds together the visible universe

to a shadow galaxy that contains within it

a parallel universe.

One theory is, is that, uh,
the dark matter particles

are particles that are not
really part of this universe.

These hidden dimensions somehow allows

this dark matter to exist.

It's like a secret room.

You own a big mansion and it turns out

there's a secret room in it and
you just don't know where it is.

Scientists are saying
these higher dimensions

may, in fact, coexist with our own

and could, in fact, represent
habitable layers of reality

that are hidden from us

a world that is outside of
our physical ability to measure

but that has people living in it.

And those people could be coming and
going to our reality all the time.

Could an extraterrestrial world

actually be located in a parallel universe,

hidden within dark matter?

If so, might our
current scientific exploration

of dark matter lead us to discover

that we are not alone in the cosmos?

But whether an other Earth
exists in another dimension...

under our feet...

or in a distant galaxy

what would its discovery mean
for the future of humanity?

If we were to discover the other Earth,

the place we have sought, the missing world,

it would be profoundly humbling.

So this would be quite a paradigm shift.

History would change in a very major way.

If we were to find another planet
with life on it, it would affirm

what spiritual and sacred
traditions have been saying:

that we are, in fact, part
of a larger family

of, perhaps, other civilizations.

We have this cosmic origin.

We have this imprint within all of us

that our origin is out there.

If we discover intelligent life,

the question we then have to ask,

are those the same people
that visited us in the past?

Is mankind on the brink of uncovering

definitive evidence that we are not alone?

Will we learn that there is other
intelligent life in the universe,

perhaps far older
and more advanced than humans?

And might such a discovery force us

to redefine everything we know
about ourselves?

Perhaps, one day soon,

we will find that there is an other Earth

and not just one, but thousands.
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