07x02 - Aliens in America

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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07x02 - Aliens in America

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR: Strange carvings...

CHILDRESS: They predate any known
civilization in the Americas.

NARRATOR: mysterious sightings...

TSOUKALOS: There are things in this
country that nobody's even dreamed of.

NARRATOR: and unexplained

WILCOCK: When you see radar tracings,
ground-based eyewitness reports,

there's something going on here.

Is there more to America's past

than is found in
our history books?

And could the mysterious stories
and relics found throughout

the land be evidence that the
American continent has

extraterrestrial origins?

CHILDRESS: America's really
a very mysterious place

with all kinds of strange legends. And
some of the explanations may have to do

with extraterrestrials.

NARRATOR: Millions of people
around the world believe

we have been visited in the past
by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really help
to shape our history?

And if so, can the proof
be found in America?

NARRATOR: Stephenville,

On the cloudless evening
of January 8, 2008...

(indistinct radio transmission)
...more than a dozen people,

including a police officer and a
private pilot, spot a luminous

spherical object floating
silently across the sky.

It was very intense
bright light and they spanned

- a wide area.
- It was so fast when

it took off, you know,
and it made not a sound.

NARRATOR: Radar reports
released by the FAA confirm an

object without a transponder
exactly where ground observers

see the UFO.

8, 2008, encounter of a giant

UFO over Stephenville, Texas,
is particularly interesting.

A number of people saw this
giant glowing ball of light

moving through the sky.
It was picked up on the radar.

NARRATOR: According to
reports, for two hours, the UFO

slowly moves some 70 miles
across the Texas countryside.

Military aircraft are in the air

and radar records show that
they initially made no overt

action toward the unidentified

government report said

that this was not anything
except for some bizarre optical

phenomena, such as a reflection
of light in the sky.

But when you see people who have
radar tracings, ground-based

eyewitness reports,
that's not a reflection.

There's something going on here.
Stephenville, Texas, certainly

implies that UFOs are a
commonplace occurrence in

America, and the military
stays out of the way.

NARRATOR: In the United
States, there are over 6,000 UFO

sightings reported every year,
more than any other country in

the world.
But why?

Is there an explanation for such
a high number of UFO sightings?

Could aliens have a special
interest in America?

According to ancient astronaut
theorists, not only are aliens

watching over America today,
but in fact, they have

been visiting us for hundreds,
and possibly even thousands,

of years.
And they claim the evidence can

be found in the strange sites,
structures and monuments that

lie in every corner
of the continent.

CHILDRESS: America's really a
very mysterious place with all

kinds of strange legends.
So trying to put all of these

things together in context shows
us that we're living in a

very unusual continent full
of magic and mystery.

NARRATOR: Serpent Mound in
Adams County, Ohio.

The kivas at Chaco Canyon,
New Mexico.

Big Horn Medicine Wheel
in Wyoming.

Many Native American tribes say,
that at these ancient sites, and

countless others, entities that
they call "star beings" came

down from the sky to teach
their ancestors.

Zuni people and other tribes

there's a spiritual connection
with the star beings.

They're the ones that
actually rule the universe,

or the world that we're on.

If you look at the petroglyphs,
there's a lot of references

to those type of entities.

NARRATOR: According to tribes
like the Zuni and Hopi, stories

of these otherworldly
visitations exist not only in

the oral traditions passed down
from their ancestors, but also

in petroglyphs carved into rock
all across America.

On the Zuni pueblo in New
Mexico, there are literally

thousands of ancient carvings
that most outsiders have never

laid eyes on, and the Zuni
claim that some of these

petroglyphs depict visitations
from star beings.

definitely evidence that aliens

visited North America in a
distant past, and there are

petroglyphs throughout this part

of the country carved by ancient

Americans that depict just that.

What can you tell me about
this petroglyph right here?

MAHOOTY: You know, it's, if
you can see on top of that where

maybe a head would be, it's kind
of eroded off.

MAHOOTY: But on the next part

of it there's four compartments,
look like extension

- of something sticking out.
TSOUKALOS: Yeah, almost like legs.

MAHOOTY: It could be something
that they saw in the air.

Isn't there a legend that beings

- visited on top of this mountain?
- Oh, yes.

- on all of the mesas.
- In conjunction

with all the stories of star
people descending from the sky

in fiery shields and things like
this, when I see a pattern like

that, I always think, "What if
this is something that they saw",

and then they carved
onto a rock?"

MAHOOTY: And a lot of these
are sacred drawings.

They're just not graffiti, like
a lot of people say they are.

TSOUKALOS: No, never.
MAHOOTY: There was no such

thing as that in those days.
Look at that triangle up there.

TSOUKALOS: And you've got the
dots around it that have been

carved into the rock that
remind me of, like, stars.

NARRATOR: Could the ancient
people in this part of America

really have been trying to depict
encounters with alien spacecraft?

There are legends and myths

all around the world
that can be interpreted

as having been visits
by extraterrestrials.

And many think that such
stories don't exist here in

the United States.
But the fact is that there are

things in this country that
nobody's even dreamed of.

NARRATOR: According to
ancient astronaut theorists,

there is evidence that
otherworldly beings were not

only witnessed by Native
Americans, but also by the

European colonists.
And curiously, one of the

earliest UFO sightings
reported in the colonies

occurred in an area that the
local Wampanoag Nation claimed

was a point of contact
with star beings.

The Hockomock Swamp,
southeastern Massachusetts.

Located 25 miles south of
Boston in and around the

suburban town of Bridgewater,
this vast wetland is infamous

for being the heart of the
Bridgewater Triangle.

According to Native American
legends, this 200-square-mile

region has been a hotbed of UFO
sightings dating back to before

Columbus arrived in
the New World.

Bridgewater Triangle, a huge

amount of interesting paranormal
activity has been reported,

including very high numbers
of UFO sightings.

Some people speculate that
maybe it's the presence

of the Hockomock Swamp.

The very name Hockomock means
"place where evil spirits dwell."

European colonists
settled this area

in the 17th century.
But the stories of paranormal

activity here go back long
before that time.

Time and time again
we see stories about beings

that live in the sky,
flying canoes, what are

apparently spaceships that land,
people that get out and interact

with the Native Americans.

NARRATOR: On May 10, 1760,
in this same area

where Native
Americans say star beings

interacted with humans, European
colonists reported seeing

mysterious lights in the sky.
The account appeared in a

publication that was read
throughout the English-speaking

world called The Gentleman's

TSOUKALOS: According to
historical records, at

10:00 a.m., a sphere of fire
appeared that emitted a light

bright enough to cast a shadow
in bright sunlight.

And this object was reported
to be seen not only in

Bridgewater, but also in Roxbury
over 30 miles away.

Now that's interesting to me
because the fact that people in

two different cities reported
seeing the same thing at the

same time, to me, says that they
really saw something.

PITTMAN: It was seen
by a huge number of people.

And one observer remarked that
the sound that this giant ball

of light made was heard more in
the middle of its travel than at

the beginning.
Which, I think, is a very

interesting detail that does
correlate, to some extent, with

more modern UFO reports.

WILCOCK: The Bridgewater
sighting of 1760 is

just one of many incredible
events that took place in

colonial America.

It was mysterious.
It was the frontier.

Something was up there
in the sky way before any

powered flight had been invented
by modern humanity.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
the strange lights seen over the

Bridgewater Triangle were
produced by the same alien

beings that exist in Native
American legend?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
yes, and claim that a recent

archeological find suggests that
extraterrestrials have not

only been visiting America
from the time of our

earliest known civilizations,
but even centuries before

recorded history began.

NARRATOR: Western Nevada,

On the west side of the
dried-up Winnemucca Lake,

researchers take
samples from a group of ancient

petroglyphs carved into
limestone boulders.

Radiocarbon tests performed by
the University of Colorado,

Boulder, reveal that the
petroglyphs were etched between

10,500 and 14,800 years ago,
making them the oldest

petroglyphs ever found
in North America.

WILCOCK: Winnemucca Lake in
Nevada is the site of

petroglyphs that date all the
way back to 8,000 BC.

That is amazing because right
here in America we now have

absolute proof of a
civilization that predates

the fertile crescent of
Mesopotamia by over 3,000 years

minimum, and there's nothing
else like them.

CHILDRESS: Looking at some of
these petroglyphs, you've got to

wonder if these aren't being
drawn by early Americans

who are interacting with
extraterrestrials, and then

drawing what they think
they see.

WILCOCK: When we look at the
petroglyphs themselves, the

actual designs, we also find
very unusual formations,

including spirals.
This is something that we see

very consistently in many
ancient cultures...

which is often associated with
the shape of the galaxies.

They may be aware that they were
a part of a galaxy.

Who gave them this information?
How did they obtain this?

Why would they make these

given rise to the theory that

could there have been
civilizations not dissimilar to

ours, but thousands of years
ago, or tens of thousands of

years ago that have now become
lost to the fog of time.

This inevitably sort of raises
the question, does the human

race go in cycles, you know?
We're a warlike species.

Will we one day be somebody's
memory and somebody's folklore,

and they think they're
the first?

NARRATOR: Could these
petroglyphs, that predate even

the earliest known Native
American tribes, be evidence of

an ancient lost civilization?
And if so, might other, even

more profound secrets
lie hidden in North America

waiting to be discovered?

The Grand Canyon.
Located in the American

Southwest, this enormous gorge
is 277 miles long

and a mile deep.
Much of it is remote

and rarely traveled.
(bird screeching)

In 1909, an explorer named G.E.
Kincaid was boating through the

canyon on the Colorado River
when he noticed stains in the

sediment on the east wall
of a canyon gorge.

According to his account, when
he stopped to get a closer look,

he found the entrance to what
appeared to be a man-made cave.

CHILDRESS: Kincaid saw
what he thought was an

ancient gold mine.

As he climbed up onto the walls
of the canyon to investigate it,

what he really discovered was
not an ancient mine

but a labyrinth of rooms and
tunnels cut into the side of the

canyon that went back hundreds,
even thousands of feet.

GARY DAVID: There were
passageways radiating from

this main chamber.
He found stone tablets with

Egyptian-style hieroglyphics.

He also came to another
chamber, and it contained a

marble-carved statue of Buddha
sitting in a lotus posture

holding a lotus in each hand.

CHILDRESS: There was all kinds of
statues made of bronze,

and mummies as well.

He described them as Egyptian
and Tibetan kind of things.

So therefore, he believed
he had discovered some vast

secret city and treasure inside
the Grand Canyon.

NARRATOR: Anxious to spread
the news of his extraordinary

find, Kincaid reportedly made
his way to Phoenix, where he

told his story to a reporter for
the local newspaper.

He then contacted his employer,
the Smithsonian Institution.

CHILDRESS: They sent an
archaeologist named Jordan.

And Jordan then examined
the caves.

The Smithsonian allegedly began
excavating and removing the

artifacts out of the
secret caves.

And supposedly, they were all
sent back to Washington D.C.

NARRATOR: But mysteriously,
there was no follow-up

to the story, and G.E. Kincaid
was never heard from again.

CHILDRESS: The caves were
apparently sealed up, metal

doors and gates put over them.
The National Park now denies any

knowledge or existence of these
caves or cave entrances.

And if you talk to the
Smithsonian today, they will

deny any knowledge of the secret
city in the Grand Canyon, or

that an archaeologist named
Jordan worked for the

And in fact, essentially, the

knowledge of the secret city in
the Grand Canyon has completely

disappeared from history.

NARRATOR: How is it that such
an incredible story...

that the
Arizona Gazette reported in two

separate articles dated a month
apart... was suddenly dropped?

Was Kincaid the victim of a

And if so, what was it that the
American government didn't want

the public to know?
According to his own

description, Kincaid's cave lies
in one of the most remote and

inaccessible parts of the Grand

And since a government permit is
required to enter this

treacherous terrain, few people
have ever been able to explore

the area where the cave was
allegedly found.

LOGAN HAWKES: If, in fact,
there are artifacts that exist

from Egypt or from the Orient in
the United States and they

predate history as we know
it, it would completely change

everything we know about our own

We'd have to rewrite our history

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
G.E. Kincaid really did find

Egyptian and Oriental artifacts
in a cave in the Grand Canyon?

And if so, how did they get

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer can be found

by examining the stories of the
Native American tribes of the

Southwest, who say there is a
connection between the Grand

Canyon and star beings.

According to the Hopi, just
before a catastrophic event

struck the area where their
ancestors lived, these star

beings led them to safety.
The Native Americans followed an

object in the sky night and day to the
Grand Canyon, where they found refuge.

HAWKES: The Hopi believe that

they were taken to an
underground or subterranean city

where they were nurtured and
progressed through levels to

emerge, eventually, on the
surface of the Earth.

They emerged through a hole
called a sipapu.

It's a very holy place to the
Hopi nation.

The sipapu in the Grand Canyon...
we know there is such a place.

MAHOOTY: This is our Garden
of Eden, where we had the

beginning of the present world.

We hold the Grand Canyon as a
very reverent place that came

out after the last catastrophe
into the present day systems

that we have.

NARRATOR: The Hopi elders
only recently revealed the Grand

Canyon as the site of their
sipapu, causing some to

question whether this might be
the same cave dwelling G.E.

Kincaid claimed to
have found in 1909.

But the exact location
remains a mystery.

CHILDRESS: Supposedly, the
entrance into this underground

city of the Grand Canyon is on
this eastern part, on these

slopes right over here.
We were able to get to the edge

of the canyon to look down, but
it's hundreds of feet straight

down on cliffs into this area of
the Grand Canyon.

It's just almost impossible to get a
good look or see what is in this park.

NARRATOR: Could extraterrestrials really
have led ancient Native Americans

to this nearly inaccessible
area of the Grand Canyon?

Whether Kincaid's cave really
exists remains a mystery, but

some ancient astronaut theorists
believe indisputable proof of

extraterrestrial contact can be
found today some thousands of

miles away in the
American Midwest.

NARRATOR: Henry County,

July 19, 2013.
(cattle lowing)

Driving across her land, rancher
Lyn Mitchell comes upon a

horrific sight:

one of her Black Angus cows lies
dead and maimed in a field.

PITTMAN: The tongue had been removed.
The udders, the anus and the

reproductive organs had also
been removed.

The veterinarian ruled out blunt
trauma as the cause of death.

In fact, no cause of death at
all could be determined.

NARRATOR: The Mitchell event
is just the latest in a

half-century long epidemic of
mysterious animal mutilations

that have occurred
all across America.

Although experts say they don't
know exactly how many animals

have been affected, they
estimate the number ranges from

1,000 to 2,000 a year
for the past 20 years.

Investigative journalist Linda
Moulton Howe was working for CBS

News in Denver, Colorado, in
1979 when she witnessed

firsthand the strange, precise
injuries inflicted on animals.

do to San Luis, Colorado,

because I had gotten a phone
call from a sheriff there and

he's telling me, "You
need to see this."

We start crossing a field and using our
arms to get through thick willows.

Pushing the tree branches.
And when we got into this space

underneath these trees, it
didn't seem possible.

Here was a black and white
steer and it was lying

perfectly, like
it should get up.

There's no v*olence.
But there was a perfect circle

around that left eye that's up.
The hide had been removed just

down to the bone.
And then the left jaw was

perfectly removed, the tongue is
removed and there's not a single

broken branch.

NARRATOR: Curiously,
researchers say that in almost

every animal mutilation case,
the organs appear to be the target.

PITTMAN: These are very
carefully removed. Not torn out.

Not chewed away.
But precisely and carefully cut

away with what appear to be
surgical-type incisions.

There's never any blood
found near these carcasses.

In fact, most times there is no blood
within the carcasses themselves.

HOWE: When you're dealing

with natural predators such
as coyotes, you're dealing with

lots of blood.
It's an entirely different

process and does not produce
these clean, bloodless excisions.

NARRATOR: Are these animal
mutilations truly extraordinary?

Or are farmers and ranchers

simply mistaken about
how the animals died?

Dr. Jim Reynolds is a professor
of livestock medicine at Western

University in
Pomona, California.

Over the course of his career, he has
seen thousands of animal injuries.

After closely
examining pictures

of these mutilations, he
believes many of the animals

died from ordinary disease or
natural predator att*cks.

But he says other pictures...
like this one, taken in

Caldwell, Kansas in 1992...
are harder to explain.

JIM REYNOLDS: Just looking at
the picture, I can't, uh, I

can't explain how this happened.
What's strange about it is that

there's no evidence of-of
hemorrhage or bleeding around

the area. We don't see any
blood on the tissue.

As a long-time field

I've not seen this
on a dead cow, um, in my career.

NARRATOR: Another mutilation
case from 1982 also raises

questions for Dr. Reynolds,
because of the surgical fashion

in which the body parts
look to have been removed.

REYNOLDS: I can't really
explain the removal of this ear.

It-it could have been chewed off
by a scavenger, but I can't

really explain... I would
expect, if this had been chewed

off, that there would be a
little more tissue damage and,

um, probably fresher tissue.
I'm not sure about this one.

NARRATOR: While mainstream
medical professionals are unsure

who... or what... could be
responsible for these att*cks,

ancient astronaut theorists
suggest the answer may be found

by examining strange findings
reported at other mutilation sites.

PITTMAN: Sometimes,
the animals are lying

on top of charred
patches of ground.

Sometimes those charred patches
are exactly the same size and

shape as the animals themselves.
And very often there have been

reports of strange lights in the
sky or on the ground in and

around the time where the
mutilations are taking place.

HOWE: I have come to the
conclusion the phenomena that is

behind the global animal
mutilations of the last at least

100 years are extraterrestrial
biological entities.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
extraterrestrials are behind the

cattle mutilation phenomenon?
Ancient astronaut theorists

suggest that the evidence for
this conclusion dates back much

further than just
the past 50 years.

oldest case that I have been

able to discover is
from England in 1606.

This is mentioned in
James I's court records.

Hundreds of sheep were being
found strangely slain and parts

were taken away, but the meat
was left behind.

And the particular passage in
the record has a very

interesting quote at the end.
It said that these cases, or

incidences, "tendeth
toward fireworks."

NARRATOR: But why would alien
beings that are presumably

thousands of years more advanced
than humans, choose to abduct

and maim animals?
What could they want with these

extracted body parts?
Some ancient astronaut theorists

believe that the explanation
behind this frightening

phenomenon may be that
extraterrestrials are actually

conducting experiments to
benefit humankind.

REDFERN: One intriguing
theory for the cattle

mutilations is that
extraterrestrials might be

monitoring the cattle herd to
try and determine if there are

emerging viruses that could jump
from species to species.

That's to say, they infect the
cattle and then we eat cattle in

the form of beef, and then we
get infected, which is exactly

what happened with mad
cow disease in Britain.

NARRATOR: Could these animal
mutilations really be proof that

alien beings are still present
in America today, continuing to

monitor our progress, and even
intervening in earthly affairs?

Perhaps further clues can be
found by examining strange

events witnessed by the United
States military.

NARRATOR: Malmstrom Air Force
Base, Montana, March 16, 1967.

Before dawn, sentries and
maintenance crews near the

base's nuclear m*ssile silos see
mysterious lights flying back

and forth across the sky.
These lights are so bright that

the men on the ground can't
identify what they are, but

when one of them takes up a
position just outside the base's

security fence, a sentry calls
his superior to report a UFO.

(rhythmic beeping)

PITTMAN: The people on the
ground were trying to make sense

of this sudden
wave of sightings.

Alarms started going off.
(alarm sounding)

The nuclear weapons were going
off alert, which means they were

moving into a state in which
they could not have been fired.

When one m*ssile seemed to shut
itself off, it was a huge deal.

There was an uproar. Um,
people thought, well, there

are maintenance
crews at this site.

Maybe they're doing work on it
that required taking the m*ssile

They didn't notify us.

They didn't follow protocol.
But when the other missiles

started to go offline in rapid
succession, they realized

something really unusual was

In fact, they brought in teams
of engineers later to try to

figure out what had happened.

STEVEN GREER: This was documented
in memoranda that went

back and forth between that facility
and NORAD about how could this happen?

They were trying to explain how
in the world this has happened.

'Cause this is obviously something
that would be of immense

interest to the National Security
people in charge of our weapons.

who made the missiles,

could not find what
was wrong with them.

They could duplicate the fault
by sending electronic signals

into one part of the electronic
system of the m*ssile.

But that system was protected by
shielded cables and the rest.

So how they were taken offline
is not known to this day.

NARRATOR: But who... or what...
was responsible for the

seemingly inexplicable
nuclear shutdown?

The Washington-based Disclosure
Project has done detailed

research on encounters between
the military and UFOs, and based

on the evidence, they are convinced
this incident was an alien encounter.

GREER: A UFO somehow took offline and
rendered unlaunchable at least 16 and

maybe up to 20 intercontinental
ballistic missiles.

The men who were there have told
me that it wasn't just that

there was the effect, they
actually did see the UFO.

NARRATOR: Is it possible
that aliens at Malmstrom Air

Force Base were trying to send
us a message?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe that the high number of

UFO sightings reported near
military installations indicates

that aliens are not only present
in America, but that they have

taken measures to shape our

Three, two, one.

JASON MARTELL: Ever since we
detonated the first atomic

w*apon, UFOs have taken an
interest in our nuclear facilities.

They are wanting to see

to what extent we might be
a risk to this planet

and to others who may be out
in space who are peaceful.

WILCOCK: Could it be that
extraterrestrials have been

visiting us now in much greater
numbers since we developed the

capability to annihilate the
planet with nuclear weapons

specifically to ensure
that we do not do so?

NARRATOR: When a flurry of
UFO sightings started being

reported in the late 1940s,
some Native Americans took it as

a warning sign based on their
own stories of star beings.

In 1948, a Navajo writer
named Oge-Make wrote a magazine

article drawing parallels
between the modern UFO

phenomenon and the experiences
of the Native people who lived

in the Death Valley
area of California.

DONDERI: It describes
a past of the Paiute Indians,

and there was a species of human
who lived in the mountains on

the west side of Death Valley
who had a marvelous and

complicated civilization.
It contained vast rowing boats,

as they're described in this myth.
Fast flying machines.

TSOUKALOS: Oge-Make questions

white man's thinking that
stories of flying saucers and

mystery ships are something new.

And he says, and I quote,
"If you had red skin, you'd know

that this is not true."

He writes that his people have
been seeing objects like this in

the sky for thousands of years.
And he basically says that for

his people, the idea that aliens
have visited Earth is no merely

a theory but it's a fact.

PITTMAN: The elder Paiute chief who told
this story said that they believe that

these UFOs have an
interest in our Earth.

And that they don't want to see
our environment, our world,

destroyed by the actions of man.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
the UFOs spotted at Malmstrom

Air Force Base in 1967 were the
same entities that many Native

American tribes refer
to as star beings?

And that they caused
the shutdown of the nuclear

missiles to send us a message?
Ancient astronaut theorists say

yes, and claim that aliens may
even have played a decisive role

in the w*r of 1812.
- Fire!

NARRATOR: According to the Colorado
based, Mutual UFO Network...

the largest UFO investigative
organization in the world...

in the first week
of 2012, reports of UFOs in the

United States suddenly
skyrocketed, with a staggering

233 reports coming in
from 36 states.

And ever since, the numbers have
continued to grow.

If there really are aliens still
visiting Earth today,

have they taken a special
interest in America?

And might they even be helping
to determine our future?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer may be found

by looking back at one of the
most important events in

American history.

Washington, D.C., 1814.
(g*nf*re, cannon fire)

Two years into the bloody
w*r of 1812...

the American hopes for victory
over the invading English

Army seem to be dying.
And now the unimaginable

is happening: a foreign army is
poised to enter Washington D.C.

CHILDRESS: It was a very
hot summer that year.

The British forces were able
to completely overwhelm the very

young United States Army at the
time, and they marched into

Washington, D.C.

President Monroe and all of
the other politicians had left

the capital, and at that time,
the British forces were finding

it basically a deserted city.
So they began to set fire

to Washington, D.C.,
starting with the White House.

(flames crackling)
And they were basically gonna

just burn down our
nation's capital.

NARRATOR: The United States
of America, then just a few

decades old, is on the verge
of going down in flames.

But then something
strange happens.

CHILDRESS: That summer
day was a very hot,

sultry day, and at first, they
thought this would really help

burn down Washington, D.C.,
there weren't any clouds

in the sky.
(wind blowing)

(thunder crashes)
But suddenly the weather

changed very, very drastically.
Big storm clouds moved in.

(thunder crashing)
It began pouring rain.

And then suddenly out of
nowhere this tornado formed...

and it went straight at the
British troops and forced them

to retreat.
And at the same time,

the pelting rain put
out all of the fires.

And Washington, D.C. was saved.

PITTMAN: History books
record this as a stroke of

incredible good luck
for the Americans.

But some ancient alien theorists
believe that perhaps this was a

UFO encounter;
that it was an

extraterrestrial intelligence
that created that storm and

changed the course of that
battle and perhaps

of American history.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
the storm that helped the United

States win the w*r of 1812...
was actually produced by

And if so, were they trying to

protect the fragile
American experiment?

PITTMAN: It's interesting
to speculate that perhaps

there was something
about America that an

extraterrestrial intelligence
took interest in, whether it was

freedom of religion, new ideas
about democracy, about a

republic, or something else that
drew the attention of aliens and

might have made them want to
help this country become a success.

CHILDRESS: And I think that that would
really be because the United States

as a country was, uh, prophesied
to exist, in a sense.

And the extraterrestrials very
much nurtured the, this young

United States and watched its
growth very carefully.

Like a parent watching a child
growing up and being very

protective of it, too.
And when the extraterrestrials

saw this moment where the United
States could lose this w*r and

be occupied, they decided to
step in and change history.

NARRATOR: Could the mysterious
sightings and strange

incidents that have been
reported throughout our history

be evidence of America's
extraterrestrial heritage?

beginning of recorded history in

North America, we've heard of
these sightings.

And we today in our modern world
are reencountering these same

And you have to ask:

Are they the same beings?
Are they the same creatures that

have been seen for thousands of
years, and now we're being asked

to find a place for them
in our world?

DONDERI: I'm totally
convinced that the evidence

makes it true beyond
reasonable doubt that we are

being reconnoitered by
extraterrestrial civilizations.

REDFERN: And the big
question is why is this?

My personal view is that they
could be teaching us, trying

to upgrade us. You know, we're
a pretty warlike species.

Possibly somebody from out there
might want to try and harness

and reign in our warlike
abilities in the event that one

day we head out there as well.

NARRATOR: Is it possible that
aliens have been visiting

America and watching over its
inhabitants throughout

human history?
Could there be evidence

that has yet to be discovered,
hidden in caves...

on remote cliffs...
or even in the Grand Canyon?

If there really are
extraterrestrials still visiting

Earth today, might they be
slowly revealing their presence

in an attempt to prepare us...
for their return?
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