18x07 - Squaring the Circle: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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18x07 - Squaring the Circle: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

~ Bye, Grace.
~ Bye-bye.
~ Bye-bye.

Bye, Maksim.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

So, did you enjoy the party?

Oh, Anastacia, your shoelace!

Go, go, go!

Get in.

Go. Go. Go. Go. Go!

♪ Testator silens

♪ Costestes e spiritu

♪ Silentium. ♪

Get a translator. I want statements
from the two bodyguards.

DI Parks.

Nikki Alexander.

Jack Hodgson.

It's a large g*nsh*t entry wound.
Scalloping and satellite holes.

Do we know who she is?

Sofia Teplov. Registered nanny.

According to the party hosts, she
looks after Anastacia Bazhanov,

daughter of Maksim Bazhanov. We
believe he was the real target.

Well, the wound is central
and close-range.

Maybe she confronted the gunman.

And died protecting her charge.

What can you tell
me about the gunman?

Well, he left two men
injured, one fatality.

Firing three cartridges from here.

~ Professional hit man?
~ Could be.

The hit man received four
g*nsh*t wounds himself -

all small-arms fire. And the blood
trail shows that he moved this way...

eventually collapsing here.

The sh*ts stopped him, but they
didn't k*ll him instantly.

He bled out where he fell.

OK, we got tyre marks here -
motorbike or moped wheel spin.

And there's blood here too, suggesting
that the rider was also hit.

And here, too. So the blood trail
heads in that direction...

Into the heart of the City, the most
photographed square mile in Europe.

CCTV and numberplate recognition
should do the rest.

~ I'm impressed.
~ We aim to please.

But we've got two bodies, a gunman on
the loose and no sign of the target.

So let's not congratulate
ourselves just yet, eh?

Close grouping of g*nsh*t wounds
over the cardiac shadow.

Almost certainly involving the heart.

Historic injuries to
the abdomen, left arm...

.. and right thigh.

Probably also g*nsh*t wounds.

g*ng member?

Could be military. Blood
type tattooed on his chest.

Standard practice for British troops, in
case they need to be treated in the field.

Who's Parks's friend? Don't look!

Justine Greenwood. Lady Chairman
of the City Assembly.

Serving her third term and extremely
influential in the Square Mile.

She polices the police.

What's she like?

Iron fist in a velvet glove.

Multiple needle marks on the left
arm. Evidence of past infection.

The septum also shows
signs of erosion.

Drug addict?

Looks like it.

There's extensive scarring between
the fingers. And the toes.

Mmm. Looks like scabies.

Sleeping rough?


Whoever he was, he'd
fallen a long way.

Have you found the second gunman?

We tracked him to Hackney.
Then he disappears.

Any working theories?

Oligarchs attract a lot of
interest - not all of it good.

We have several lines
of inquiry open.

I have every confidence you'll
bring it to a swift conclusion.

Your record speaks volumes, Sarah.

Thank you.

I don't need to tell you that Mr Bazhanov
is an important figure in the City.

This needs to be handled sensitively.


As far as the press are
concerned, we'll take the line

that today's incident was
random and unprovoked.

We avoid talk of hit men,
soft-pedal Russian involvement.

And no mention of Maksim Bazhanov.



Thank God you're OK.
I was so worried.

Where's Anastacia?

I've just put her on a jet to New
York. Kolya will look after her.

What's going on, Maksim?

It's not safe for her here.

Maksim. What do you mean?


So we're moving to New York?

~ You could have warned me...
~ We are not moving.

What do you mean?

I want a divorce.

Anastacia will live with me.

Are you serious?

There's not a judge in the country
who'll grant you custody.

Well, perhaps when they hear about
your affairs, drug-taking. Huh?

Misha, please. We can make changes.
I really want this to work.

For Christ's sake, Kristina, our
marriage has been dead for years.

Today I nearly died too.


Well, nobody else knew
I would be at Lev's party.

And you think I had
something to do with it?

You go to all these parties. But not this
one. So what was so special about today?

Do you really believe I would put
our own daughter's life in danger?

Damn you for even thinking that!

~ Then who?
~ I don't know.

Then who else knew I'd be there?!

Your bodyguards, Sofia,
Anastacia of course.

Just calm down.

Just calm down, let's talk.

Misha! Where are you going now?



Italian-made combat shotgun. Designed
to drop your enemy with one shot,

so it's very popular
with the special forces.

Even if you had that kind of training,
why risk a full-frontal as*ault?

You'd have to be crazy.

~ Or desperate.
~ We should send his mugshot to the MOD.

Already done it.

But if these guys are ex-SAS, we're
unlikely to get chapter and verse.

Then we push harder, don't we?

If we find out who the sh**t is,
odds are we find his accomplice, too.

If you think you can do better,
you're very welcome to try.

What have you got?

We didn't get any matches
for his prints or DNA.

He's no personal possessions, the labels
have been cut out of his clothes,

which are second-,
third-hand at best.

He travelled light.

~ There's something here.
Grab me some scissors?
~ Mm-hm.


Sewing valuables into your clothes!
That's an old soldiers' trick.


That's Subutex. It's a heroin
substitute. Similar to methadone.

So he was trying to get clean?

Something like this would
be prescription-only, right?

He could have sourced
it from the streets.

Possibly, but it's much more expensive
than methadone, pretty rare.

We should check out drop-in clinics,
homeless shelters, British Legion,
see if anyone knows him.

I'll get the boys on it. We're
checking local hospitals too -

see if anyone's presented
with g*nsh*t wounds.

However we do it, the top priority
now is to find the missing gunman.

There's likely to be a lot of
press interest in this case.

So any and all communication comes through
my office, OK? No talking out of school.

We've done this kind of
thing before, you know.

I'm very glad to hear it.

Looks like we've got a live one.

DI Parks, to see Maksim Bazhanov.

We spoke.

Lewis Milton. Head
of Security. Shall we?


DI Parks.

I'm afraid we have no idea
where Mr Bazhanov is.

Like most of our residents, he only
uses the apartment occasionally.

When he's in London on
business, entertaining.

But he was here last night?

Yes, he's funding a new venture
of ours in Bishopsgate.

We're supposed to be meeting tomorrow to
look over the architect's plans, but...

And he's not been in contact?

Amy's been trying to get hold
of him ever since you called.

~ He's got properties in...
~ You would know if he'd
been in his apartment?

We don't have CCTV
inside the building.

The residents don't like it.
But I've got men on every floor.

He hasn't been in.

~ I'll need his mobile phone number.
~ Yeah, of course.

And I'll need to see his apartment.

You have a warrant?

Within the hour.

Well, then, you're more
than welcome to come back.

Do you make a habit of
obstructing police business?

The men and women who
own these apartments,

they're some of the richest
people on this planet.

They've made their fortunes
in oil, gas, steel,

pretty dangerous businesses.

And when they come to London
they require two things:

privacy, security.

My sister and I, we make
sure they get them.

Then it looks like we're done here.

We're not trying to be difficult,
but we've made certain guarantees,

so discretion is vital.

Listen, I don't give a shit what
goes on behind closed doors.

But two people are dead.

And I want to ask Mr Bazhanov why.


No exit wound.

Some pellets under the skin of her back
where elastic recall stopped them.

Pellets would have expended
their energy inside the body,

causing massive internal trauma.

Rapid death?

Also, she was a mother.

From the shape of her cervix,

I would say she gave birth some
time in the last couple of years.

~ I found traces of Subutex on her fingers.
~ Really?

We've just found Subutex sewn
into the sh**t's jacket.

Was she taking it too?

Urine's clear.

~ Could the bodies have
been cross-contaminated?
~ No.

No, we bagged them at the scene.

Transported them separately, autopsied
them separately after a deep clean.

So it's a possibility she came into contact
with the sh**t prior to the attack?

I'd say that's a distinct possibility.


Why would you swallow
your SIM card...

.. unless you had something to hide?

Serial number 0087-485-062.

We'll need a full call
history. Thank you.

"A botched carjacking brought chaos
to the streets of London today."

How do you want me to react?

No mention of Bazhanov. No mention
of any Russians, in fact.

Who do you think owns the
paper you're reading?

They protect their own.


But you sense another
force at work...?

Don't you? Parks seems keen on keeping
this thing as contained as possible,

she doesn't want us asking
the awkward questions.

~ You don't know that.
~ "Leave Bazhanov to me.
Leave the press to me."

It's a high-profile career case.

Do you think she asked
the MOD about the sh**t?

The MOD has a duty to protect
former soldiers, particularly

if they've been involved
in covert ops.

I'm looking for Dr Alexander.

Come in.



Maksim Bazhanov.

I've been asked to formally identify
Sofia Teplov. She was our nanny.

She has no family here, so...

This way, please.

Call Parks.

That's Sofia.

I'm very sorry.

She's been with us since
the day Anastacia was born.

She saw more of our daughter
than she did her own.

She has a little girl - Marcia -

back in the Ukraine...

Did she have a boyfriend over here?

No, not that I know of.

Had she made any new friends
recently? Had any problems?

It was Sofia, wasn't it?

She betrayed me. Huh?

It's one line of inquiry.

I trusted her with
my daughter's life.

They were so close...

Do you know who k*lled her?

Not yet.

How much would it cost for you
to tell me what you know, huh?

We're going to have to
end this conversation now.

The attack was no surprise. I've
been targeted for months now.

Targeted how?

Vandalism, death threats, a constant
campaign of harassment.

From business rivals? Russian
gangs? Anticapitalists?

It's possible.

What about the Russian state?

Why not? The attack has all the
hallmarks of modern Russia -

bribery and thuggery.

You've managed to fight extradition to
Russia three times in as many years.

~ They accuse you of fraud...
~ Trumped-up charges.

But you did acquire ownership of state
utilities in rigged auctions, right?

Oil and gas companies worth
billions of dollars.

It was all perfectly legal.

It hasn't made you very
popular with the Kremlin.

They don't hate me because of what
I have. They hate me for what I do.

The current regime is so corrupt
that only men with resources

can make difference. So
I fund opposition parties,

I bankroll newspapers critical
of the government.

I even pay for a limousine to drive round
Red Square with billboards on the roof,

denouncing the President
as a crook and a t*rror1st.

And you're paying the price now?

You tell me.

My apologies, Mr Milton. I should
have contacted you at work.

But I wanted to talk to you alone.

If you were after a private chat, you
should have left the monkey at home.

Now you, too, sweetheart.

I've come a long way.

Don't you want to know who I am?

Well, I know what an
FSB thug looks like.

Then I'll get to the point.

There is something, someone, I need
access to in the Elysium building.

I'd like you to help me.

No chance.

I am willing to pay.

200,000 in cash.

Half upfront, half on delivery.

More than enough for a
deposit for a new home.

Or do you like it here in Lambeth?

Of course.

You have a family near
here, don't you?

Perhaps we should talk to them.

What, my toxic ex-wife
and a kid that hates me?


There is nothing you can say that
will make me betray my employers.

So why don't you take your bad hair

and Uncle Josef here

and piss... right... off?


Thank God you're OK.

I'm OK. Don't worry, I'm OK.

Hey. Shh.

I should have come straight to you.

I had to see Anastacia
off. I'm sorry.

How is she?

She loved Sofia.

To see her gunned down like that...

Sofia was like family.

I can't believe it.

We trusted her. She turned on us.

I should be dead.

Hey. Don't say that.

Well, after today, things will have to
be different. You know that, don't you?

Stay here at the Elysium for
a while. You'll be safe here.

Kristina might not like it, but...

I've asked her for a divorce.

I don't want to have
to live a lie any more.

Life's too short.

We had a visit from DI Parks earlier.

I've spoken to her. She
understands the situation.

International investors are extremely
security-conscious people.

We can't have gunfights
on the front pages.

I said I'll keep a lid on it.

Any idea who's responsible?

It was a professional
hit, but beyond that...

We'll review our security
protocols tonight.

Change the access codes, hire more
personnel. We'll do our bit.

You do yours.

Find these sh**t and
shut this thing down.

We're moving heaven and earth.

You're a good ally, Justine.

Which is why our business and others
like it guarantee your re-election.

But it's moments like this our
faith in you needs to be repaid.

Working hard?


That's my girl.

I know Daniel asks a lot, but this job
could open a lot of doors for you, so...

make the most of it, eh?

I'm trying.

I thought we could get a takeaway
tonight. Watch some rubbish TV?

I'd love to, Mum. But I'm going to
be here till midnight, if I'm lucky.

Another time, then. Get a cab home.

Don't wait up.

I don't recognise this city any more.

I don't recognise you.

Isn't that the whole point?


No, that's Marcia, Sofia's baby.

Her room was pretty sparse.

Photos, mementos, icons
of Russian saints.

So she was religious.

And homesick.

Look at this. Nine one-way
tickets from Kiev to London.

Booked two days ago. The same day,
she gets a house in south London -

a year's rent paid in advance.

She was getting the whole
family out of Ukraine.

Yeah, parents, grandparents, the lot.

Prepared to sacrifice one man's
life to save nine more.

The sh**t must have known this
was her weak spot and worked on it.

They probably intended to k*ll
her all along, when the time came.

The things we do for love.

Have you got kids?

A little girl - Lucy.
She's a terror. You?

No, I never met the right woman.

Lucy's father was gone before her
first birthday. I don't regret it.

And no, I haven't replaced him, if
that's what you're really asking.

Just passing the time of day.

Of course.

'Come here! Get down on your knees!

'Leave London or you'll be next.'

~ How many shall I run off?
~ 30 more.

Didn't have any plans
tonight, did you?

I think we should postpone.

No, this is Bazhanov's last chance.

They've changed the access
codes of the Elysium.

So we change the plans.

He either leaves London or we attack.

Backing out now makes us look weak.

If we can't get to him at the
Elysium, we hit him elsewhere.

We can't be the ones
that blink first.

Death or glory?

I owe it to the other guys.

All those who did their bit,
then came home to find their
city sold from underneath them.

Their neighbourhoods, their communities,
even their bloody football teams -

all gifted to rich foreigners.

The politicians may have
given London away,

but we're going to take
it back. Piece by piece.

I love it when you talk dirty.

Can you stay?

No, my mum'll be waiting up.

I have to be a good little girl, don't
I? Now I've seen the error of my ways.

You've never been a good little girl.

That's always been my problem.

~ Ready to go?
~ Ready.

~ Got your packed lunch?
~ Yes.

~ Book bag?
~ Yes.

Cardigan on the right way round?

Come here, there she is.

Come on, let's do your hair.

There now.

How do I look?


Sofia made three calls yesterday.
All to the same mobile number.

The timing fits with the sh**ting.

Then we can put a trace on it.

I know. Calling Parks now.

This is the third one
in as many weeks.

One of our boys recognised
the handwriting.

Brought it straight to me.

Is that Matreyashiev?

And his mistress. His wife was out
of town at the time of the attack.

A week later, Matreyashiev
sells up and moves to Monaco.

Do you blame him?

Before them, it was the
Nigerians. Then Mayfair.

Were they responsible for
the attack on Maksim?

Could be. The DVD came
with another ultimatum

warning Mr Bazhanov to quit London
or face the consequences.

~ We need to go to the police.
~ Do you really think Maksim wants the
police crawling all over his affairs?

~ For God's sake, Daniel!
His life is in danger.
~ We talk to Maksim first.

If we go to the police, the
press will be all over it.

He'll be on the front pages
looking like a man on the run.

He can't afford that,
Yas. Nor can we.

He needs to show the
world he's untouchable.

Yeah. And what if he's not?

What if they CAN get to him?

The calls retrieved from Sofia's SIM card
were linked to a phone in this area.

A couple of illegals on the
first floor say there's a man

sleeping rough in the basement.

'Team in position.'

OK. Permission to force entry.

'Copy that.'

Move in.

g*nsh*t wound to the shoulder.

The edges of the wound are puckered
and there's some scabbing.

Also some aerated drying
blood - so this was recent,

but not immediately before death.

~ The rider.
~ Mmm.

No prizes for guessing
what DID k*ll him.

The line of the cut is jagged,

meaning that the skin and muscle
was slack when it was cut.

If you pull someone's head
back to cut their throat,

then the skin would be taut
and the cut straight, so...

His head was pushed forward...
when his throat was cut.

If this was done by an amateur, you
might expect to see the head pulled
back like you see in the movies.

I'd say whoever did this has military training
or experience in hand-to-hand combat.

Obviously his throat
was cut in the bed.

Maybe he fell or perhaps he managed to
lunge out of the bed when he was att*cked.

Yeah, drag patterns
in the blood indicate

he was trying to pull himself
in THIS direction.

If the entrance is over there,
then why go that way,

if you're trying to escape?

Unless he wasn't trying to escape.

He was trying to protect himself.

Bazhanov's due back
at the Elysium at 3pm.

I checked the garage and he left
this morning in a grey Range Rover.

He ignored our warning
- he's still here.

I'm sending you the details now.

The doors close in
ten seconds, Maksim.

I've been here for three years and this
is the first time I've been on this thing.

My kids bug me to take them,

but I've never seen the point of
going from nowhere to nowhere.

You obviously like it here.

I can see the attraction,

though it's a pity to see a Russian
child being educated abroad.

We never regretted it.

Keep telling yourself that, Maksim.

An exile always has regrets.

I have never felt at home anywhere
as much as I do in London.

Which is why I'm going to
make you a one-time offer.

I know what's happening here.

And I want it to stop.

You will call off the dogs.

And let me live my life in peace.

And in return, I will give
the Russian state 1 billion.

You've always been a very
generous man, Maksim,

and a decisive one.

I admire you much more
than you realise.

There was a time, back in
Moscow, when we were young,

that I hoped that you and I might...

But you always had your
eyes on the bigger prize.

Kristina had the connections.

She was a much more
useful acquisition.

It was not a business transaction.

But there is a problem
with always wanting more.

Greed is dangerous.

It encourages you to
ever greater risks.

You knew the rules.

Make your money, pay your dues,
don't meddle in politics.

But your ego always gets
the better of you.

So you ridicule the President.
You plot against him.

This is personal now.

I promised the President
your heart on a plate.

And that is exactly what
I am going to give him.


How many units have you sold?

All but four units. Who said
you can't sell thin air?

~ It's very impressive, Daniel.
~ Yeah.

It'll be the most expensive
residential property in the world.

Not bad for a
second-generation immigrant, huh?

I'm sure nobody thinks
of you like that.

Not any more, they
don't. Not any more.

It's me again.

The architect's here, so just
wondering where you are.

Call me.

I'm sure he'll be here soon.

Get out the car.

Get out the car.

Get him!

Hold him still.

You should have heeded
our warnings, Maksim.

~ Get him!
~ Ugh!


Maksim, what the hell happened?

Based on the serial numbers,

the g*ns are definitely
ex-British Army.

So the MOD has been a
little more forthcoming.

Our sh**t is Archie Grant,
the rider is Graham Bowles.

Both former members of the
12th Airborne regiment.

The suspicion is Bowles
and Grant turned mercenary

after leaving the SAS,

working for private military
companies in Russia,

the Caucasus, the Ukraine,
rescuing kidnap victims...

~ Which could've put them into
contact with the Russian state.
~ Exactly.

Hiring Grant and Bowles
to hit Bazhanov

would have been simple and discreet.

But isn't it strange
to use British hitmen,

rather than one of their own?

You mean why take a chance
using outsiders?

I was just finishing
up and I was wondering

if you fancied going for a drink.

~ Well, we could go for a drink.
~ Mm.

~ And then a bite to eat.
~ Mm-hm.

And then some awkward chit-chat
as you walk me to the Tube.

Or we could just go to my place.

Don't think I'm easy, Jack.
Just... very time-efficient.



Hello, Kristina.

'Leave London or you'll be next.'

Are you sure it was them?

He spoke with an English accent.

They wore balaclavas,
had baseball bats.

~ They said I should have
heeded their warnings.
~ I'm calling the police.

I have to leave London.

I can't fight on so many fronts.

You can't leave, not after
everything you've achieved.

I'll call the police, we'll
get in extra security.

You can't let them win.

It's not safe for me here any more.

For Anastacia's sake,
we have to leave.

We can start over.

New York?

Los Angeles?

We can be together properly,

live a normal life.

I can't just walk out on Daniel.

We haven't spent a night
apart since we were 16.

Our lives are here, my life is here.

I won't change my mind, Yasmin.

I'm going to wind up my
businesses, sell the properties,

finalise my divorce.

Come with me.

Come with me, please.

Why do you hate us so much?

Because you stole from your country.

There is no greater sin, Kristina.

Please, you don't have to do this.

You stole from people like me -

ordinary citizens trying
to better themselves.

And you bought yourself this.

I can get you money.

I want Maksim.


He's hiding in the Elysium...

he knows we are watching him,

I want you to draw him out.

You must be out of your mind!

If you do this for me,

you can keep it all.


The money, the houses,
the planes, your daughter.

It can all be yours.

So think very carefully, Kristina...

.. because I won't ask you again.

Do we have a deal?

Go to hell!

I would never betray my husband
to the likes of you.


'Are you completely insane?'

Daniel, please...

He's a married man, Yas.

He's divorcing Kristina.
He wants to be with me.

This is nuts. How long has
this been going on for?

Nine months, give or take.

I love him, Daniel.

Yeah, clearly.

And what about Doshi & Doshi, hmm?

I can still help.

What, from a condo on Venice Beach?

We always planned to
expand, now we can.

It's taken us half our
lives to beat that lot.

It's the same people that
pushed out the bankruptcy,

said we'd amount to nothing.

Now they're begging to invest in us

and you just want to
walk away from it!

I don't want that life any more.

I want a normal life,

the life we never had -

me, Maksim, Anastacia,
maybe kids of our own.

No-one could have done
what we've done, Yas.

We were kids, we had nothing,
and now we've got all this.

Yeah, and does it make you happy?

It made us both happy.

Why can't you give me your blessing?

Look, I love you...

and I would never want to
do anything to hurt you,

but things have changed.

What are you going to do when
they come after you in the US?

There are people out there
that want Maksim dead.

Is that what you want, to be a fugitive
for the rest of your life?

~ It wouldn't be like that.
~ And when they catch up with you,

~ do you want to be buried
over there or over here, hmm?
~ Don't.

You will never be safe, Yas.

Is he really worth it?

Yes, he is.

Well, I hope he knows
what he's taking on.


I'm Jack.

You must be Lucy.

I'm six.

Are you?

Good. Good.

I'm a friend of your mum's.

Do you know where she is?

She's outside talking to Dad.


Why are you wearing
my mum's bathrobe?

Ah, good question.

Dyadya Kolya vodil tebya
v Tsentralny Park?

'Da, ya lyublyu loshchadei.
My katalis v karete.'

Khorosho, dorogaya. Ya lyublyu tebya.

Ya seichas govorit ne mogu.

V sleduyushchii raz my uzhe
pogovorim ne po telefonu.

'Ya lyublyu tebya, Papa.'


'I'd like to meet...

'to go over the terms of this
divorce you are insisting on.'

We don't need to meet.

That's what we pay lawyers for.

'I would prefer, for our daughter,
a more civilised approach.'

As would I.

'Meet me at Liverpool Street
Station in half an hour.'

Are you OK?

Anastacia says she tried
to call you last night

but couldn't get hold of you.


We can't risk going
after Bazhanov again.

~ We have to.
~ Haven't you been hurt enough?

We've been on this guy for months.
We hit him again tonight.

How? I can't be sure that we'll
be able to get in and out cleanly.

It's never going to be
handed to us on a plate.

There's always going to be risks.

If you want to walk, I
won't stand in your way.

Screw you.

This is as much my
fight as it is yours.

Or perhaps you think you're the only
one that's had to make sacrifices?

I had to beg my mum
for forgiveness...

tell her she was right all along.

I've lived with her
lectures and insults

just so I could get this job,

~ get close to Bazhanov.
~ Which is why we can't quit now,

why we have to stay strong.

We need to drive these
parasites from London.

Don't underestimate me.

~ I don't.
~ I've always believed in you,

believed in this.

I'm worried about you.


Help me.

Let's finish what we started.

My God, what did those
cowards do to you? Huh?!

Forgive me, please.

Are they here now?

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

It's OK, just stay
with me. Stay with me.

I won't let them win.

We'll be in touch, Mr Bazhanov.

Take this.

And go straight to Anastacia, OK?

Send her my love.

Tell her I'll see her soon.

Take care of yourself, Misha.

I'm happy to keep doing
this all night,

so I'll ask you again -

when did you contact
Grant and Bowles?

'How did you find them?'

I'm glad you find it entertaining.

~ I find you very entertaining.
~ I'm sorry?

I'm a legal attache in this country.

I have diplomatic immunity.

My embassy is instructing this
police station as we speak

to release me immediately.

So unless you don't want
to commit career su1c1de,

I'd suggest we end this right now.

Sometimes it's better to say nothing

and look the other way, DI Parks.

Is that it?


~ I've missed you.
~ I missed you, too.

I've just got our travel
arrangements confirmed.

I've got the details there.

You've been busy.

Before you look at that, I
have something else for you.

I've been carrying
it around for weeks.


It's beautiful.

May I?

Well, this wasn't quite how
I was imagining it, but...

Are you OK?

I haven't been very honest with you.

What do you mean?

I've tried to be, but...

but it's been hard, and now things
are moving so quickly and...

I want you to know
that it's you I love.

It'll always be you.

Please try to understand.

Please tell me what's wrong.

Well, I take my hat
off to you, Sarah,

you've done a great job
at keeping this quiet.

Wait till you see
tomorrow's headlines -

oligarchs, spies, g*ns.

You've made London look
like the Wild West.

I'm just doing my job.

People's lives are at stake.

I can't control what
the press writes.

I told you to keep
Bazhanov out of it.

I take my orders from
the Chief Super.

And he takes his from me.

'Think very carefully about
your next move, Sarah.

'There's more than just
your future at stake now.'





A young woman is dead!

Bazhanov is a crucial witness,
if not a suspect.

We need to bring him in.

Whatever's going on, please call me.

Do this for me and I guarantee

that by tonight you'll have
reached your £100,000 target.

~ You'll be in her debt forever.
~ And Lucy lives.

Don't let a k*ller walk free.

They've got something.

♪ Testator silens

♪ Costestes e spiritu

♪ Silentium. ♪
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