17x02 - Commodity: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x02 - Commodity: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

He's playing his last game
for us today.

I came to get him a new contract
and you tell me he's out?

A sex tape?

Pay her.

Eva Liron's dead.

I slept with Eva.

Nathan has no marks
on his body whatsoever.

His bloods contained a fatal
amount of benzodiazepine.

We normally only allow
immediate family.

Sister isn't immediate enough?

Rachel doesn't have a sister.

Thomas Chamberlain? That's right.
I'm replacing Professor Dalton.

No, you're not.
You're taking over from him.

I didn't k*ll her. Are you
listening? I didn't k*ll her.

The cocktail of anti-psychotic dr*gs

and pain K*llers
used to k*ll Nathan Freedman

is the same as those found
in the bloods of Eva Liron.

I think you may be looking for
the same k*ller.

d Testator silens

d Costestes e spiritu

d Silentium. d

Mousa Rashid,
male of Asian origin, 39 years old.

Single g*nsh*t wound.

Entry at the
external auditory meatus.

Identification by
the presence of gas

and metallic fragments
along the b*llet path,

which is connected to the entry wound
present on the surface of the skin.

Just to eliminate you
from what we find, OK.

What's our insurance position
on Isaac Dreyfus?

Career ending.

No. It's not his knee.

The b*llet passed through bone.

Bone spicules were embedded
in the b*llet path.

Gas, bone, and metal are present
in the brain parenchyma.

It's all copper.

Who uses copper b*ll*ts?


There is no evidence of
temporary capitation.

Mind if I join you?

Y-shaped incision.

He wasn't k*lled
where the body was found.

There's no blood spatter
in the area.

We've found what we think are
traces of purple loosestrife

and a black poplar leaf on his shoe,

as well as pollen from
a wild honeysuckle.

None of these plants were
proximate to the body.

I need to find where he was shot.

Livor mortis suggests that he was
sitting when he was shot

and remained sitting for several
hours afterwards before he was moved.

The lines? I think he was
sitting on a wooden bench.


What's this?

Do you have a mirror?

Thank you.

Ah. See that.

"..uck City." Graffiti.

Such wit.

I know what bench we're looking for.

And the true judge be praised.

Mousa Rashid died here.
He was left on that bench.

They moved him
to make sure he was found.

That would be my guess.
Well done.

'Footballer Isaac Dreyfus
has been arrested by police

'in connection with the m*rder
of a young woman

'found near the River Thames.

'A post mortem examination revealed
she had been att*cked with acid.

'Police have confirmed her identity
as 25-year-old au pair, Eva Liron.

'Today the detective in charge of
the case, DI John Leighton,

'released an image
of the m*rder victim.

'Anyone with information that
can assist the investigation

'is urged to contact the incident
room or their local police station.

'A spokesperson
for Thames City Football Club

'has confirmed that the midfielder
Isaac Dreyfus

'will not play in the upcoming
London derby...' Yes, hello.

Detective Sergeant Anne Burchett,

It's about Eva Liron.


We've already taken DNA
from Isaac Dreyfus.

I know. I'd just...

I'd just like us to do it.

We'd like to do all our own
sampling. It looks better in court.

You don't trust the police?

Can I have your phone number?

Come on. Open!

Don't tell me you've never been
asked for your phone number before?

Only by salesmen.
Do they get it?

Can you keep your mouth open?

If you don't want to give me yours,
I'll give you mine.

I'm done.

I'm not all the things
you think I am.

I didn't k*ll the girl.

I'm not the one
who's going to judge you.

Everyone judges me.

That's what they pay to do.

He didn't do it, Dad.

I don't understand
what's happening to us.

He didn't do it.


They want to interview Isaac again.

I have to go.
He's not perfect. I know that,

but he wouldn't hurt anyone.

I'll do what I can.


One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

I'll do my best.

You were intimate with her?



How often were you intimate?


When did it happen - the intimacy?

Three weeks ago.

And then she just disappeared?

Yeah, maybe ten days ago, she left.

And you didn't hear from her again?

No, not until she asked for money.

She asked you for money?

Yes. Well, no, not me directly.

Uh, she contacted Mousa
or the club. I don't know which.

How much money?


She was blackmailing you?


Do you want to continue?

Of course.

When did you receive
the extortion demand?

A few days ago. Speak to Mousa.

I mean, he and McNally,
they, they came to see me.

Detective Inspector Leighton.
Have you got that?

Now, I don't have an appointment

but it would be wise if they
would see me right away.

Hello, Sir. Bazza?

Are you here to see Mr McNally
and Mr Preston? Yes.

I can walk you through,
show you the way.

So, you don't know
anything about an extortion?

No. Mousa never mentioned it.

Did Isaac mention it?

I think I would remember.

Isaac is really just a boy.

His grasp on the truth
was never very secure.

We've terminated
Isaac Dreyfus's contract.

He's embarrassed us
for the last time.

What was she going to do
if you didn't pay her?

Well, she...she had that tape of us.

She was, um, she was going
to put it on the internet.

Well, why didn't you
go to the police?

Because I didn't want it
to become public.

Why would it become public?

Well, I go to the police.
You arrest her.

You have to say why
you're arresting her, don't you?

It becomes public.

I had enough problems.

Did you pay?

Yes. Well, no, Mousa did,

but it was my money. In cash?

I don't think
she wanted a credit card.

Mr Dreyfus's bank will confirm
that he drew out L120,000 in cash.

When did Mr Rashid pay her?

I don't know. A few days ago.
A few days ago?

How did he pay her? Where?

I don't know. Mousa didn't tell me.

He just told me not to worry.

If you're not going to charge Mr
Dreyfus, we'd like to go home now.

Your client's just admitted to
having an affair with the deceased

and that the deceased was trying
to extort money from him -

you think he's going home?
My client did not commit a crime.

The woman involved is dead.

I didn't k*ll her. I'm the victim!
You're the victim?

Now you can verify Mr Dreyfus's
accounts with his agent,

Mousa Rashid. No, I can't.

Mr Rashid's dead.

He's dead?

He was k*lled a few days ago,

apparently trying to pay a
blackmailer who's been dead a week.

Charge him or release him.

Take him back to his cell.

Eva Liron worked
for Adam Freedman's family.

She worked for him
and his wife for two months

and then quit unexpectedly.

He doesn't know why. She just left.

Well, same pattern. Yeah.

Do you still think the
Freedmans are a m*rder-su1c1de?

I had nothing else until now. You?

Dreyfus admits he's slept with her.

He is a dog.

She was, er, trying to
extort money from him.

Perfect motive.

Is this all the same case?

We'll have to work together? Yeah.

What is it?

It's like a cotton bud,

and I'm just going to put it
inside your mouth. Here.


We're collecting
something special called DNA.

What's that? Good luck.

It's the building blocks
of the human body.

Like Lego?

Go with that. Yes.

Can you open your mouth?


That's it.

That won't go on the database?

We're simply trying to eliminate
DNA and fingerprints
from the investigation.

Dad? Can you take Zara upstairs
and play?

Let's go!

Dodo! Oh!

Ah, voila.

Merci! De rien.

Do you think my husband did this?

This horrible thing?

I don't have an opinion.

You don't?

Have you seen the papers?

Everyone else does.

Everyone thinks they know him.

They think they know
what he's capable of

because they watch him
play football.

They go to a match and chant,

"Adolf Hitler.
He's coming for you."

And hiss like the sound of gas
and wait for him to react.

They've never seen him asleep
with Zara in his arms

or laugh at himself
when he's been stupid.

And he can be stupid.

They decide who he is because
he got angry during a match.

Or because of a stupid tweet...

..or because he's Jewish.

The DVD of Dreyfus
and Eva Liron gives him motive.

He admits she asked him for money.

It's all we have that ties him to
the crime. That's enough, isn't it?

Well, it's circumstantial.
There's no physical evidence.

Her body was found in the skip
at the training ground.

There was nothing on the body
that proves that he had
anything to do with that.

Aren't you meant to be helping me?

Let's run through
the common factors. Anne.

Freedman - Dreyfus.

Eva Liron worked as an
au pair/nanny for both of them.

So what's the connection?

Did both men sleep with her?
In both cases

she worked for the families for a
matter of weeks and then she quit.

Rashid crime scene? TOD?

Rigour had passed
and vitreous potassium suggest

32 hours based on a uniform leak.

Mousa Rashid had been dead
between 24 and 36 hours

when his body was found.

He was m*rder*d near the station
and his body was moved.

That would require an accomplice.

Was there CCTV coverage
where the car was parked?

No. The camera at the train
station had its cable cut.

Could he have been m*rder*d
before Isaac Dreyfus was
taken into custody?

Timescale? Yes.

But again we have nothing that
ties Isaac Dreyfus to that m*rder.

Nothing? Dreyfus says that Rashid
was delivering the extortion money
to Eva Liron.

Who had died at least
ten days before, if not more.

He's paying money to a woman
he knows is already dead -

because he k*lled her.

Dreyfus kills Eva Liron, then,
to create an alibi,

blackmails himself.
Double bluff.

And I thought all footballers
were ignorant.

Well, except for David Beckham
who is, of course, brilliant
but a sex pest.

He's not a sex pest.

A girl can hope.

Do I charge him?

Let's pretend he's very clever.

Why does he dispose of her body
at his place of work?

He wants the Detective Inspector
to charge him.

And where do the Freedman
killings fit?

We have the drug link between
Nathan Freedman and Eva Liron.

What motive does Isaac Dreyfus
have to k*ll them?

I need you to provide
physical evidence, not commentary.

Nathan Freedman. We have
unidentified foreign DNA

under the fingernails
of Nathan Freedman,

as well as fibres
from an unknown source,

found under his fingernails, in his
hair, in and around his mouth.

The signature of the Rachel Freedman
k*lling is the same as Rashid.

Single g*nsh*t wound,
base of the skull.

Rabbit ears.

The rabbit ear deposit
left on the skin is abnormal.

Which makes us think
that the b*ll*ts were home-made and

some sort of silencing device
was used.

I recovered a copper slug from
the skull of Mousa Rashid and...

Copper b*ll*ts are unusual.

..and there were traces of copper
in Rachel Freedman's brain tissue

along the b*llet path.
Type of g*n?

Calibre and marking make me
think it could be

a Russian Baikal IZH-79 p*stol.

Well, that narrows it down.

The Baikal is the most commonly used
firearm by UK criminals.

Ah. The markings aren't uniform,

which suggests it's
a hand crafted g*n, not tooled.

Baikals are usually
converted from replicas.

Have you mapped the path
of the b*llet in both cases?


I'd like to look at
the Freedman crime scene.

How'd the window break?

Er, we initially thought
Adam Freedman broke it

to corroborate his fiction
of a home invasion.

Get on your knees.

Did you find carpet fibres
under her fingernails?

Yes. Along with unknown tissue.

Reach out and grab the carpet.

She comes into the room,

sees her son on the floor,

she falls to the ground
to try and help him.

The k*ller pulls her back,
she claws at the carpet,

he sh**t her
in the back of the head.

Nikki, give us a hand.

Grab the laser and find the angle.

b*llet is somewhere out there.

He's very good. Why's he got
such a bad reputation?

He doesn't like police.

I can see that could be a problem.

Dodo. What?

The fibres on Nathan's hands
and in his mouth.

There was a child's blanket
in the photos.

On the floor next to his body.

He, er... He actually
called his blanket Baby.

Did you bag it? Where is it?

I'll...I'll get it.

Somebody's hero.

So, do we feel certain
the cases are all related?

Well, it's a reasonable
assumption, yeah?

Will somebody say yes or no?!

It's hard to believe
coincidence is involved.

If you feel certain
that all the cases are related,

then is the absence of
physical evidence...evidence?

So far we've found no physical
evidence that links Isaac Dreyfus
to any of the deaths.

So what am I doing?
Am I charging or releasing Dreyfus?

Well, he's capable of it, right?

He's a selfish, immature boy
with no morals and too much money.

I need more physical evidence.
I need you two to step up.

How have we not stepped up?
Do you need a lift, then?

No, no, no, no.
How have we not stepped up?

Everyone's watching this case
and everyone's watching me.

I've got friends I haven't spoken
to in ten years ringing me
up for a chat.

Do you realise what a fool I'm
going to look like if I let him go?

That's not going to happen!

I need evidence
that proves he's guilty.

What happened today?

Leighton called -
says Jack assaulted him.


Grabbed him with some v*olence.

Well, that's an exaggeration.
Did he touch him?

He might have,
I didn't really notice.

Sounds like you're sitting
on the fence.

Till I'm sore.

That makes it hard for me
to know who to believe.

Where is he?

Gone to satisfy
his masochistic tendency.

We couldn't do that for him?

I think Chamberlain could,
he was looking for him too.

Copper b*ll*ts made by a French firm
and used by the German police.

Is Isaac Dreyfus guilty, Nikki?

Has anyone done a search
to see what Isaac Dreyfus

and Adam Freedman might have
in common? Besides death?

It's literally just round
the corner there.

Not ready. It's me.


Why are you here?

Well, you know how much
I love this sport.

Leighton complained about you
to Chamberlain.

I know, I got a phone message.

I'm meant to apologise.

Ouch. I know.

The fact that we have no physical
evidence that links Dreyfus

to Eva Liron's death is...
Unusual, I know. Can you help me?

We have plenty of embarrassing
motive but no DNA. Nothing.

Can you wrap this?

He dumps her body at his place of
work but manages to leave no trace?

The Freedman/Rashid killings,
they were ex*cuted.

Is that Isaac Dreyfus?

I mean, he's rich
and he has no shame,

but he doesn't need to k*ll anyone.

Don't you always make a big thing
about simply presenting

what we find and not
interpreting it? Yes.

And then, based on
the trajectories...

He's the wrong height for
the b*llet's angle of trajectory.

Yes. Exactly. He could have
done it, but it's unnatural.

Mind you, it's all unnatural.

The police have pinned their careers
to him being guilty, but he's not.

You're up!

You didn't come here
to see me fight? No.


Why can't I just say that
he's innocent?

Our job is to make
other people say that.

I used to have...

If I thought something, I had...

I don't know, clarity and...

Yeah, got it. On my way!
I don't know. Confidence?

Is it confidence?

I don't know.

I'm stuck, sitting on a fence.

First Leo and now Chamberlain.

I guess I just want certainty.

I have to...
We've been looking for evidence

to prove that he's guilty.
Maybe we should be looking for

evidence to prove
that he's innocent.

I'm missing something and I just
don't know where to look for it.

Nikki, I have to go.

Yeah. Yeah. Go have fun.



You'll have to come all the time.
You're my lucky charm!

Great. Put me on a key ring.

It's a hate crime! What?

Between the rounds things go
through your mind, right?

I'm standing there
in Nathan Freedman's bedroom

and I think to myself,
the lad was a Dreyfus Fan,

which is odd for where he lives.

In North London you have
three teams - Spurs, The Arse,
Manchester United.

Then it hits me -
Dreyfus is a Jewish footballer.

The lad was Jewish. Of course!

Ow! Please don't do that. Sorry.

Just before the beginning of round
two, I'm thinking about all this

when - bang! - it hit me.


You give the nanny
keys to your house, right?

She's a young girl,
she's easy to trust, not a threat.

That's the connection,
she gives you access.

To do what? k*ll.

But nobody died
in the Dreyfus family.

Bye, Mummy.

Nikki! Do you have any idea
how rich Adam Freedman is?

And generous!

Jack! You look hideous.

Thanks, babes.

Here. What's this?

Your apology. My what?

You're going to apologise.
Um, I didn't do anything.

Jack, do I care?
Do any of us care?

I'm apologising
to Chamberlain as well?

Start with him,
he's had to mop up your spill.


Can't be as painful
as getting your arse kicked.

I won.

Take a little pain here
and you'll win this fight as well.

Mm, you're so wise.

That's what they have in common.

Who? Freedman and Dreyfus.

They're both rich
and give to charities?

Actually, Dreyfus isn't
a big charity person.

He's actually quite mean.

In fact, he only gave to
one charity. Sizeable amount.

Yeah, no, really big.

And that's what he has
in common with Adam Freeman.

Israel. Big supporters of Israel.

Please, Ron. Please.

I don't know what to do,
I'm so scared.

Please, you can... You have
to help us. Mousa and now this!

They're coming for us,
I know they are.

Mrs Dreyfus, listen to me...

Monica! Listen!

Isaac doesn't work for us any more.

Your best bet
is to call the police.


Jack's busy.

Have you been at my desk?


What are you looking for?

I was working on a spreadsheet
of the common factors

in the Freedman/Rashid/Liron murders,
and now I can't find it.

Did you file it?

No, it was on my desk.

Safer if it's filed.

This what you're after?

Yes. Who put it there?

Presumably the person who copied it.

That wasn't you?

Why didn't he just ask me for it?

Who? Chamberlain.

He's looking over my shoulder. Why?

I won't have him checking on me
or skewing conclusions.


I don't think he'd do that.

I'd take a deep breath, Nikki, just
to be sure I wasn't over reacting.

No, you wouldn't.


Don't you trust me? Hmm?


No, on the contrary, I hadn't
done a post-mortem for some time.

I enjoyed the opportunity
the other day to, to watch someone

whom I regard to be
extremely accomplished.

Stop, I'm not talking
about the post-mortem.


I give up.

Someone went through my files

and photocopied a highly
confidential document.

And you think that was me?
Well, who else would have done it?

I see. And why do you think
I'd have done this?

I don't know. I don't, either.

Well, you haven't denied it.
You haven't accused me.

You don't want to accuse me,
Dr Alexander.

What you want to do is find out
who went through your files.

Clarissa, I need you
to do something for me.

Skiving? Yep.

Porn? Yep.

What'cha doing?



Jack! What?

You recognise her?


Leaves the last sheet...

in the photocopier.

What time was it?

Er, 9.42pm.

That's what I heard.

I was on my way out,
I heard noises,

I thought I was imagining things.

How did she get in?


Leighton and Burchett
are on their way.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have
accused you of doing anything.

Well, you didn't accuse me,
did you?

I'm still sorry.

I mean, I thought that it...

If I had to apologise for all
the things I think, I'd never stop.

Jack! What were they after?

Information. Why?

"I'm a passionate person.

"Sometimes people
can mistake my passion for anger.

"I regret that. I'm not angry.

"Please accept my apology

"if I've upset you
with my quest for the truth."

"If I have upset you
with my quest for the truth."

What moron wrote that?

Good, right, send them over,
thank you.

Well, apology accepted.
Everybody done apologising?

All right, what happened?

To his face? With Leighton.

He accused us of
not stepping up for him

so that he would have
the evidence to charge Dreyfus.

Is he right? We stepped up.

There's no physical evidence
that ties Dreyfus to the crimes.

He doesn't want to hear that.

I understand. Sometimes career
prospects overpower judgment.

So is that what happened
to your face?

You hit him. He hit you back.
No. No. Nobody hit anybody.

Maybe you should have.

Do you have a plan? Yes, I do.

The DVD came in a plastic case.

Wasn't wiped clean,
fingerprints all over it.

Dreyfus says it was
sent to his club.

What's the name of the fella
who runs security there?

Ron McNally.
David Preston the Chief Exec.

McNally brought it to Mousa Rashid.

They deny it.

If I find their prints on it...

What? What will that prove?

The club is lying and Isaac Dreyfus
is being stitched up.

You have prints
but nothing to match them to?

McNally is retired police.

His DNA and prints
will be on the database.

Oh. Right.

Leighton's not going to
want to do this. I get it.

How confident are you that
Dreyfus isn't lying?

The evidence doesn't fit.

They're desperately trying
to make it fit. It doesn't.

I'm talking about you.

Are you confident, not confident
or on the bloody fence?

I'm not on the fence.

I'm confident he's not lying.

Ah, John, come on in.

Lovely to see you both.

Keep it simple, Jack.
Just say you're sorry.

Have a seat, you two.


Get started, shall we? Jack?

Detective Leighton? I'm sorry but...
Thank you for doing that, Jack.

Well, I hope that's cleared
the air, at least a bit.

A bit. Good.

Well, let's clear
the rest of it, shall we?

You owe US an apology for suggesting
we haven't stepped up.

Yes, I know.
It's er, it's awkward, isn't it?

Let's get it done.

I'm sorry.


Moving forward.

Ruth came back,
we don't know how she got in,

we believe she's
duplicated documents

pertaining to the deaths of
Rachel and Nathan Freedman.

Clarissa is preparing
the CCTV footage for you.

Yes, I am.
We have had some results back.

The plastic case the DVD came in
is covered in Ron McNally's

Hard to explain if the
club knew nothing about it.

So the big question is,
why would they lie?

The whole sorry saga of Isaac
Dreyfus has nothing to do with us.

His presence here has damaged us.

It's upset the fans,

it's upset our new owners.

We believe the extortion demand
was delivered to your club.

We believe her body
was dumped on your premises.

We think it has quite
a lot to do with you.

I really can't comment further.

We'll need to get legal advice.

Could we get your fingerprints? No.

I don't think so.

I'll need to get legal advice.

We have Mr McNally's already.

They were on file,
along with your DNA,

from your time in the police.

Thank you for your time.

Dreyfus will make in a morning
what that lot make in a year.

Detective Inspector?

Can I, er, make an appointment
to see you after work

so that maybe I can
correct some, er...

..you know, er...


lapses of memory?

Did you know about the extortion?

We've got your prints
all over the evidence.

If, if I wanted to keep my job...

..I had to, er...

..I had to try and, er...

..I had to lie.

It's OK. No.

No, it's not.

Four people are dead and I'm
releasing the primary suspect.

He may not have done it.

I know, I know.

Are you charged with m*rder? Isaac!

How well do you know Eva?

When did this happen?

We're going.

We're leaving here.

It's not safe.

Where is Zara?

At school.


I can collect her, if it would help.
Thank you.

Thank you.

Zampa Management.

Oh, hi, Isaac! Where are you?

Well, what is it?

Hang on.

They let him go. He wants us
to make him travel arrangements.

I can't face it. Do you mind?

Hi, Isaac, it's Sami.

Thanks, man.

I'm still...

Don't know.

It doesn't seem real.

Yeah, yeah, course.
Where do you want to go?


Jack? Yeah.

I've got the results back
on the foreign DNA

from Nathan Freedman's
fingernails and blanket.

It's a familial match to
Mousa Rashid - two degrees.


Can you put me
through to DI Leighton?


She's been asphyxiated
in the same way as Eva Liron.


You OK?

Yeah, sorry.

It's instinctive.

I've come to collect Zara Dreyfus.
I'm her grandfather.

Was it a b*mb?

Ah, we think it was a gas leak.

We can't get back in
until the b*mb Disposal Unit
has finished investigating.

OK. Anne!

Ow! Ow!



Dreyfus's daughter's been abducted.

It was an attempted kidnapping.


The dr*gs in Nathan Freedman's system
were meant to subdue him,

not k*ll him.

Eva Liron had a key to the house.
So she provided...

Access. Exactly. But not
to k*ll them - to abduct Nathan.

They didn't know
that he was autistic.

So when he panicked and struggled...

They used his blanket to cover
his mouth and muffle his screams.

So they gave him more dr*gs
until they k*lled him.

They didn't mean to.
Why were they the targets?

Adam Freedman and Isaac Dreyfus both
gave large contributions to Israel.

Terrorism is primarily
funded by kidnapping and extortion.

The families were high profile
supporters of Israel

and soft targets for t*rrorists.

I was focused on Dreyfus, I...

I got it wrong.

Do you give a lot of money
to Israeli causes, Isaac?

No, why would I do that?
Are you sure?

Of course I'm sure.

I gave money to Israel
in your name...

..for Monica and Zara.



'Two million.'

Sami? 'One hour.'

Where's Zara?

Where is she?!
Why are you doing this?

Oh, God!

Is she the accomplice?

Two people had to move the body.

She comes here, asks me questions
about how Rachel Freedman died.

She obviously didn't think
you told her enough.

Still wearing gloves.

What are we looking for?

She may have touched something
and left DNA.

It's a kidnapping
and it's political,

so who do you think Ruth is?

She's taking a lot of risk to
come here and even more to break in.

For what?

She allows herself to be
photographed but leaves no DNA
and no prints?

It doesn't feel like
she's an amateur.

She's interested in what happened
to Rachel and Nathan Freedman.

She breaks in and takes information
that links the Freedman/Liron cases.

An accomplice.

Why do you think
she's trying to help them?

Maybe she's trying to catch them?

Clarissa, will you print me
a clear image of that woman?

I know someone at the Home Office.

It's working.



'Papa? J'taime.'

Zara! Moi bebe! Are you OK?


'Are the police with you?

'Don't lie to me.'


'No police, you come by yourself.
I see police, I will k*ll her.'

No police.

'I'll tell you where she is
when you bring me the money.

'This is what I want you to do.'

Be careful.

He said no police.

Good luck.

We have someone watching him.

He won't know the police are there.




Where is she?

Tell me where she is!

Back up.
Why are you doing this, Sami?

Shut up, Zionist dog!

Where's my daughter? Shut up!

I never did anything to you, Sami.

Mousa never did anything to you.

My uncle was filth.

An infidel.

He worked with Jews.

Please, Sami.

My daughter.

She's innocent. Back up!

It's all there,
everything you asked for.

On your knees.

Where is she?

You said you'd tell me
where she was.


Sami! No!





My daughter!

Tell me where she is!


My baby! No!

Ma bebe!

Ma bebe!

My little girl!

I have to find my little girl.

I have to find her.

Do you know who k*lled him?

A woman and a man,
we don't know who they are.

Weren't you here?
What about the little girl?

Police dogs haven't turned
up anything so far

but we're tracking the ransom money.

We can tent the body here.
I need to find the girl.

She may already be dead.

I know that.

9mm. Markings suggest
it's a Jericho 941 round.

Standard issue for
Israeli Security Services.

I need your help.

Can you find something, anything,
on the body that might tell us
where they've taken her?

She's a little girl!

OK. So we'll need the tent,
light, a table.

Cause of death?

Two sh*ts. Both in the chest.

Why do you think Sami organised
the drop to be here?

He knew the area?


Wild honeysuckle?

Yes, I think so.

Purple loosestrife.

She's been drugged.

Check her for benzodiazepine
and oxycodone.

The bag's stopped moving.

Go, go.


They think the sh**t was a woman.

g*n was a Jericho 941 - Israeli.

Same type of g*n that
k*lled Sami Rashid.

The Jericho is used by Mossad,
Israeli intelligence.

Did, erm, you get anything
from the Home Office?

I was referred to
Counter Intelligence.

They told me not to ask.

The sh**t were Mossad. No idea.

Sent to k*ll t*rrorists who had
targeted supporters of Israel.

Way above my pay grade, Jack.

That's why they broke into
the Lyell Centre,

they were tracking the K*llers.

Is that what you think?

I don't know, I didn't ask.

They told me not to.


Oh, ho-ho! Good seats.

Told you.


Can I, can I grab the chair?

Go ahead, mate.

Needs a drop of oil.

Thanks. All right.


Morning. Morning.

Just having a little
get to know you with Sir Thomas.


he had a good run - 78 years.

Named a building after him...

and a bust.

Do you know, I'd never considered
the possibility before this moment

that somewhere, after I'm gone,
there might be a bust of me...

or there might not be.

Either way, hadn't considered it.

Will I ever deserve a bust?

88 years.

1897-1985, 88.

If you do get a bust,
it won't be for maths.

It's the little things I do
to make people feel good,

almost without trying.

When I was younger,

at school, I was "easy to like".

Hard to believe, really,
but that's what people said -

not controversial - "easy to like."

You never really lose
that capacity...

..you just well, park it somewhere
safe to be used at a later date.

So, when, in the future or -
who knows, maybe right now -

you look at me and are
filled with loathing, just remember,

I'm "easy to like".

I'll try to remember it too.

Mr Bennetto is an ex-soldier
who has spent the past

five years and four months in prison
for the brutal m*rder

of two h*m* teenage men...

..one of whom, Daniel Harris,
was his lover.

It's not exactly my idea of fun,

contradicting the original
pathologist's findings.

Got an ID for the victim?

Nah. Waiting for you
to do the dirty work.

Yes, ma'am.


What are you doing? Get off!

Armed police! Stay where you are.
Do not move!

Get down!

Is that what you did with Daniel's
clothes, is it, incinerate them?

I've received a request
from the police

that you be removed
from the investigation.

I can't make it up, Nikki,
I can't make Bennetto be innocent.

I don't want that.
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