14x10 - The Prodigal: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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14x10 - The Prodigal: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

There's been a sh**ting
at the Dutch embassy.

What, are the gunmen
still in the building?

Possibly, we don't know yet.

- How many dead?
- I counted at least two.

Including one of your officers?

Yes. Constable Ryan Barlow was shot
outside the embassy.

Sir. Front door's opening.

Oh. Ow. Uh!

- Go! Go! Go!
- My son...

I mean, my grandson is missing.
We need to find him now.

I do not need this.

Now you no longer
have to worry about him.

- He's dead.
- Not for the first time.

I'm afraid you have to stop
the postmortem immediately.

The Dutch have appointed
another pathologist.

Leo Dalton, MBE.

How did you hear about the possible
privatisation of the department?

- I thought it was common knowledge.
- No.

I can't see Professor Dalton
moving on, can you?

The van Buren family
seem to be cursed. First his son Jacob

went missing in 1 996.

Then his brother Diederick was k*lled
in Nigeria three years ago.

And now all this.
Whitehead's been implicated.

The b*llet casing found
beside Barlow's body...

One 9mm hard-nosed b*llet.

I drew my w*apon
and came out of the cloakroom.

- Did you see who it was?
- He's dead.

Yeah, and the b*llet that k*lled him
came from yourweapon.

Nothing deserves the k*lling
of three people

and the taking
of my eight-year-old grandson.

Can you tell us what you did see?

A man came into the dining room.

He had a g*n.

I grabbedJack and we hid
underneath the table.


Oh, my God!

I know who he was. It was Jacob.

Jacob, your brother?

# Testator silens

# Costestes e spiritu

# Silentium... #

Do you think it's possible?

- That Jacob's come back, you mean?
- Yeah.

You don't think so.

It raises more questions than it answers.

Where's he been for the last 1 5 years?
Why come back now?

- How'd he get into the embassy?
- Morning.

Why the sudden sh**ting spree?

Is that Jacob?

It's the best I can do.

We'll get it to the van Burens
and see if they can recognise him.

Can you estimate how tall he is?

- All in here.
- Thanks.

Once they've confirmed it,
I'll get it to the press.

Confirm what, exactly?

Shouldn't we be concentrating
on trying to find the boy?

Jack was taken by someone
who we believe looks like this.

Find him, we find the boy.

Trudy van Buren.

38-year-old female.

b*llet wound to right scapula.


The b*llet.

A Winchester Talon Ranger. SXT.

It's American. I don't think
it's been used in the UK before.

Developed for air marshals

to offer substantially better
terminal performance.

Hydrostatic shock.

What's that got to do with it?

Cause of death.

The b*llet seems to have
done the trick, don't you think?

That b*llet is designed to offer
a combination of

expansion, penetration, and cavitation
with sufficient energy transfer

to impart remote wounding
and neurological effects.

I shall order a dozen immediately,

but there's no actual medical evidence
for hydrostatic shock

in humans, you know. And most
importantly, looking at that woman...

The shock produces
remote neurological damage

- which can cause...
- She died of loss of blood, James.


After breaking the skin,
the b*llet smashed through the ribs,

and tore her aorta
before tearing out the heart.

It has nothing to do with
hydrostatic shock.

That expanding, penetrating,
energy-transferring remote-wounding b*llet

ripped out
a bloody great hole inside her.

Here endeth the lesson.

Don't you have a home to go to?

No, it's funny. I've seen so many
of these, but I never get bored.

Sergeant Whitehead
and Klara van Buren?

Were you ever going to tell me?
Or were you going to

Iet me read about their relationship
in the red-tops?

- Who leaked it?
- I don't care who leaked it.

As you say, we have to keep Jack
at the centre of our story.

Not some tawdry bloody affair

- between one of your officers...
- Sorry, sir,

I only found out about it yesterday.

- Well, you should have told me then.
- Yes, sir.

You need to trust me.
No more secrets.

NIKKI: It's not against the law, is it?

To have an affair with someone
you're also protecting?

No. But Craig was there
to protect the whole family.

He was drawn inside the building.

It looks like his personal relationship
might have got in the way of his job.

Did you find anything?

Er, I've requisitioned a frozen swab
from police storage.

The sample taken
from the heath was Jacob's,

but there was also another sample of blood
found at the house.

Less sophisticated techniques in 1 996
only got a general match

for the van Buren men.
Pieter, Diederick or Jacob.

Can we do better than that now?

I'm hoping we will be able to identify
exactly whose blood it was.

Good. I also think that maybe
you should go over there,

to the house in Hampstead Heath.

I doubt whether we'll find
any evidence from 1 996.

No, but what happened at the embassy

almost certainly has its roots
in the past.

I suppose.

Especially if Jacob really has come back
as an avenging angel.

Any more signs of hydrostatic shock
out there, James?


Was that an ICD?

Do you think the ambassador knew
that his bodyguard

- had a dodgy heart?
- Doubt he cared.

What was that?


He's had a sagittal split osteotomy.

Is that a silastic cheek implant?

And there's scarring behind the ears.


Faint preauricular incision lines?
This guy has had a face-lift!

Please. I'm trying to work.

Those teeth don't come cheap, either.

If you're deliberately trying to annoy me,
you're succeeding.

No, I just didn't know
bodyguards were so vain.

His penchant for plastic surgery
isn't my concern.

- Cause of death is.
- Then why sh**t him twice?

Either b*llet would have k*lled him.

Again, not my concern.

Not your concern?

- (g*nsh*t)
- Oh! Oh, my God!

JAMES: The man was a bodyguard, he was
in the dining room with everyone else.


The gunman obviously wanted
to make sure he was dead.

At the moment,
it's believed that the gunman

came from outside the embassy,

shot Constable Barlow...

- Excuse me, sir.
- (g*nsh*t)

...came through reception towards
the dining room, but it makes more sense

if the bodyguard was shot first.

Does it?

As you say, you'd want
the bodyguard dead.

- (g*nsh*t)
- Oh! Oh, my God!

So then the gunman
came out of the dining room...

- (g*nsh*t)

...and shot Trudy.

Sergeant Whitehead and the ambassador
both said that the gunman

fired at least three sh*ts
before coming out of the dining room.

- This is what I remember.
- What?

You, teaching like this.
How I passed at all is a miracle.

- Hmm. I think we need to take a look.
- What, now?

- No, we can't.
- Why not?

Well, I haven't finished this postmortem.

- He's not going anywhere, is he?
- This isn't your case!


- Let's go in mine.
- Whatever you like.

If the Lyell Centre were to close,
what would you do?

Why would it close?

- Ever thought of becoming an independent?
- Not seriously, no.

Very nice.

It's just that a friend of mine,
another pathologist,

is planning on setting up a practice.

Looking for a third partner.


Are you offering me a job?

You'd be the senior partner, obviously.


I've waited 1 5 years
for my son to come back to me.

But not like this.

Jacob wouldn't k*ll anyone.

Do you know anything about Jack?

I don't, I'm sorry.

I'm sure the police will be doing
everything they can, though.

I just hope Klara doesn't have to
go through what I've been through.

I read the file.

Why did Klara blame herself
for what happened to Jacob?

They were playing together
in the garden.

It wasn't Klara's fault.

She just got bored
playing hide-and-seek.

This was the day Jacob was taken.

That's Jacob.

His sister, Klara.

- Beautiful children.
- Yes, thank you.

Klara is coming here to recuperate.

That was me, Pieter,

Diederick, Pieter's brother,

Diederick's wife, Trudy.

An amazing woman.

How she put up with Diederick,
I'll never know.

We lost touch after he died.

Who's that?

Mary Olivant.

An au pair we employed to help us
with the children over the summer.

She was a local girl.

Off to Cambridge, I think.

Apparently, two samples of blood
were found.

One here at the house, and...

the other was Jacob's, on the heath.

Would you like me to show you?


The cuts on the arms and legs -

Been at it for years.

She probably had a special kit
of some sort that she used.

Small knives, tweezers, things like that.

I'll look out for it
once we've found out where she lives.

You might also look out for some bottles.

Booze. She was an alcoholic.

You can tell that?

Uh-huh. Alcohol ends up in the liver,
where it's metabolised.

The end product, which is fat,
along with carbon dioxide.

A fatty liver leads
to alcoholic hepatitis.

- If you look at the liver, you can see...
- OK, I...believe you.

Let's have a look at the stomach contents,
then, shall we?


You don't haveto watch.

I think I should.

Oh! What's that smell?

(SNIFFS) That's coconut milk.

And what else?



And...a spice of some sort, I think.


There's a picture
I can never get out of my mind.

Jacob is being led away by...someone.

He's...smiling that smile of his...

...and he cries out for me...

...and I hear that call.

Pieter, my ex-husband,
is always telling me to move on.

But how canyou move on,

when every night you're woken by
the sound of your son calling your name?

This is where the blood was found.

I come here almost every day,
and I never stop hoping

that one day he'll be here.

Running towards me
and calling out, "Mama!"

CRAIG: On the Saturday,
I took her to a restaurant.

- And that's where you had this argument?
- Not then.

Klara met some woman -
an old friend, she said.

She asked me to wait in the car.

- That is your job, Craig.
- I was off duty.

So you got angry.

There I was, sat like a bloody
taxi driver, eating a happy meal

outside this amazing
Indonesian restaurant in Mayfair.

So when she got back in the car,
that's when you had words?

- Yeah.
- And how did the evening end?

I drove her back to the embassy,
she got out, not a word.

I knew she wasn't going to be easy -
I'd read about the rehab

and how she'd left home at 1 5
to live in a squat, had the kid.

So you went in there the next day and shot
the hell out of the van Buren family?

Is that what they're saying?

Look at me.

Does this job come with a new BMW?

And a secretary. Work when you like.

Big expense account.

No, not interested.

Right. Barlow's body was there,
and the b*llet casing was here.

Could it somehow have got kicked
when everyone was running in and out?

I don't know. You were here.
Did they go this way?

There were CO1 9 and paramedics

That bloodstain is where the ambassador
and his daughter were.

Right, the van Burens are having lunch.

The gunman bursts in,

starts sh**ting.

Klara said she grabbed Jack,

hid under the table.

- (g*nsh*t)
- Oh! Oh, my God!

The bodyguard gets shot, twice.


- Where was Trudy van Buren sitting?
- Here - the handbag.

Yeah. She gets up and runs out.

- (g*nsh*t)

The b*llet was found here,
presumably fired ather as she fled.

And then the gunman chases after her.

And very soon after the sh**ting starts,

Sergeant Whitehead
comes out of the bathroom.

I thought he was a suspect.
Can we trust his statement?

Who gets shot first,
Whitehead or Trudy?

- (g*nsh*t)


Either way, he gets shot.
He drops his g*n...

...the gunman picks it up,

and then uses it
to sh**t Constable Barlow.

That's when Barlow got shot.

I warned you
Harry Cunningham wasn't stupid.

He knows about Diederick?

Put it this way, he's getting very warm.


He thinks the sh**ting started
insidethe embassy.

But the b*llet casing
from the Glock was found outside.

Someone must have kicked it...
or moved it.


- Have you finished the postmortem?
- Not a chance.

The quicker we get the body out of there,

the quicker I can get back
to what I should actually be doing -

finding out who did this.

The night before the sh**ting,
Craig told me you had an argument.

Yes, we argued.

I was behaving like an idiot.
He knew that.

Is this really relevant, Chief Inspector?

He had nothing to do with the sh**ting.

I will swear on it...

on my son's life.

Has someone shown you the
computer-generated photograph of Jacob?

It was him.

He was the gunman.

Why do you think he's come back? Now.

I think, after he was taken,

he was held for many years.

I don't know,
maybe he's been told lies about us

and now he's an adult,
he's come to find us.

To take revenge.

So, what's going to happen now?

Copies of Jacob's photograph
will be circulated in the media.

There's been huge interest.

Somebody out there will have seen him.

- I'll keep you posted.
- Thank you.


Dr Cunningham?
Has James told you about this bodyguard?

About all the cosmetic surgery he's had?

No, I haven't.

I wouldn't expect a full report
till the postmortem was completed.

Why do you think he and the bodyguard
were having a fight?

They were having an argument.

- You don't think that's suspicious?
- No.

We know who he is, we know
he is not the gunman or the kidnapper.

No. We know who the Dutch sayhe is.

He was invited to this lunch, yes?

- As far as I know.
- And who was the other place laid for?

Pieter van Buren, Trudy van Buren,
Klara, Jack, bodyguard.

Five people to lunch, six places laid.

Now, was the other one for the k*ller?

- No.
- How do you know?

The Ambassador might have mentioned it.

I have to get back to the Lyell Centre
and finish the PM. Do you want a lift?

- No.
- Dr Cunningham, much as I appreciate...

No, no, no. No.
There's something else odd here.

This basket was full of bread, and there
were more water bottles on this table.

- Has one of your officers taken them?
- Of course not.

- For DNA or fingerprints or something?
- No.

Then who's moved them?

The blood test from 1 5 years ago?

- Wow, that was quick.
- I think

there's been a mistake somewhere.

How do you mean?

Well, you know the blood that was found
on the nail, in the shed at the house?

That was identified
as van Buren at the time.

Yeah. What about it?

It's come back without a match.

Maybe the sample could've been
contaminated in some way.

I don't know, but what I also don't
understand is that Diederick's DNA

- is no longer on the system.
- Really?

Everybody else who was there on that day
in '96 is still on the database.

Maybe the Dutch embassy requested
to have it removed.

Can you do that on a case
that hasn't been officially closed?

- I don't know.

Harry's office?

Er... Where are you?

I'm on my way to the embassy.

Harry said he had something
he wanted to show me.

Can you call me later?

Yeah. Bye.

Just want to leave him this.

Over there's fine.

What's going on?
Why have you called me here?

I think Jack may still be
somewhere in the building.

- What?
- Someone's been taking food

from the dining room.

What? Yep, and he can't have been
upstairs all this time.

Well, there's too many people.

Yep, exactly.

- Where does this lead?
- It's the heating system.

I never knew
that flowers had so many meanings.

This girl had a bouquet, right,
containing coriander,

which means lust,

er, a white rose,
which means secrecy and silence,

and purple hyacinths,
which means forgiveness.

Or she went to a really bad florist.

- We have an ID on her.
- Yeah?

Mary Olivant.

33, she lives in Tooting.


Mary Olivant.

What about her?

I've just done her postmortem.

The van Buren nanny, yes?

RAZVI: Hampstead Heath.

Why end her life here,
miles from where she lived

but only half a mile from their house?

Hello again. This is DC Razvi,
Nikki Alexander.

- Hi
- Hello.

Police files say that on the day
that Jacob went missing,

Mary had been with the family
in the morning,

- but was sent shopping in the afternoon.
- Yeah, and what time did she go shopping?

Apparently, between two and three.

Which is exactly the time
that Jacob disappeared.

The body was just over here.

After she was cut down.
And the bouquet...

was about here.

She left the flowers as a message.
Did anyone get to her flat?

The whole place was spotless.

Mary's landlord said
she worked at a call centre.

Her phone had a couple
of messages on it.

Her work colleagues sent her
some abusive images and texts.

I did also find out
that she had over L1 50,000

in her building society account.

From a call-centre job?


Diederick van Buren was paying in
1,000 euros a month in her account.

Since when? 1 996?


Are you sure about this, Harry?



Jack? Jack, my name's Harry.

I'm a doctor.

Kind of a doctor.

I bet you're really, really...

...frightened. I know I would be.

And tired,

and really hungry.

Let's see if I've got something.

I've got some Starburst.

Would you like one?


Really fruity.

In fact, they were called Opal Fruits
when I was young.

Now, listen, your mum
and your grandfather are both well.

And the gunman has gone,
so it's completely safe here now.

And everyone is really,
really missing you.

Wants to see you.

Do you not want them?

OK, I'll get them back, then.

Hello, Jack.

I'm not here to hurt you, OK?
I promise you.

D'you speak English?

Look, I've got a phone here.

- You could call your mum.
- No.

- Harry?
- Yeah, hang on.

OK, can I sit down?

You could use the phone
to order a pizza.

But I always have a Hawaiian,

- What's your favourite?
- Margherita.

With olives.

Bit boring, but...

No pineapple?


Shall we order that?

Do you want to order
a Margherita, with olives?

Maybe a Coke.

Thank you for finding me.

That's OK.

Harry, are you OK?


He's here.

We could be wrong.

Mary has been punishing herself
for the last 1 5 years.

The self-abuse. Abuse from others.

The alcoholism.

She knew exactly
where she was going today, and why.

- And the flowers...

It's a skull.



OK, thanks.

Harry's found Jack.

Hey! Hey, Jack.

- I'm sorry.
- It's fine, it's all right.

- Thank you so much.
- It's OK.

You don't know how much this means to us.

It's good he's been found.


Would it be possible to have a word
with you and Katharine in private?

Yes, sure. Please.

Join us for a drink.

A body's been found.


It's the body of a boy,
aged about eight years of age.


Not far from here, on the heath.

- Was he shot, or...?
- No.

So, how do you know it's Jacob?

We're not sure yet, but Mary Olivant, the
au pair that you employed that summer...

She committed su1c1de
close to where the body was found.

She was holding this.


He was...

...wearing his gloves
on a ribbon through his jacket.

It was summer, but...

he wouldn't let me take them away.

Was it Mary, then, who took him?

We don't know yet.

Did she leave a note or anything?

Not that we've found.

How soon after he was taken
was he k*lled?

Oh, we can't be sure yet.

Do you know howhe died?

No. Tomorrow my colleagues
will carry out a postmortem

and then we'll be able to
tell you much more.



My poor little...boy.

(WHISPERING) It's over now.


Klara must know.

- Katharine, please.
- No, no, no.

She's blamed herself all these years.

We must tell her.
I'll go and tell her now.

Hello, hero of the hour.

- You should be getting the MBE, not me.
- Yeah.

How were the van Burens?


You're not thinking of leaving us,
are you?

Why do you ask?

It's just that I've...
I've had a request for a reference.

For me?

You haven't been approached by anyone?

James Sabiston mentioned that
he might be setting up a new practice.

And he's offered you a job?

I said no.

Well, somebody thinks you are.

We talked about it. He said
he might put something in writing.

That was what the envelope was for?

- What envelope? Sorry.

If Harry leaves, this department closes.


Well, we can't run
a forensic group practice

with just two pathologists, can we?

And we'll never get anyone
of Harry's experience.

How much do you think
they're offering him?

At least three times
what he's getting now, I bet.

We can't compete with
anything like that.

So, Jack, what happened
when the gunman came into the room?

My mother hid me under the table.

We then went outside, into the hall,

and she told me to run.

We both ran, but she got caught

and I kept running.

I managed to get to the basement,

- where I hid.
- Where did you find the g*n?

On the floor. Was it wrong?

No, no, no. You did good.

You know Sergeant Whitehead?

Craig? Yeah, of course.

Was he at the embassy on Sunday?

He was fighting with my grandfather.

Do you know why?

- No.
- Was he the man firing the g*n?

I don't know. I didn't see him.

I just did what my mother told me.

I ran and I ran.


What were you talking about, earlier?

With Jack?

He said he didn't want to
talk to the police.

I said he had to.

It was very important.

He's been very brave.

I love you, Klara.

What would you do if someone
offered you a job like this?

I'm not you.

Leo thinks that if you leave,
this department will close.


He thinks you're irreplaceable.

What is that?

It's a defibrillator
taken from this mysterious bodyguard.

What's mysterious about him?

I think that any man who's had
extensive cosmetic surgery

and wears coloured contact lenses

and has a heart problem

and ends up having a fight
with the person he's meant to be guarding

is not your everyday member
of close-security personnel.


I think he's someone that the ambassador
and the powers that be,

with the help of James Sabiston,
don't want us to know.

- Why?
- I don't know why,

but he was the reason for the sh**ting.
He was shot first, and he was shot twice.

Have you tried DNA and fingerprints?

What's the point?

James has sent off the samples,
the results have come back as Jan Zeeman,

ex-Dutch security.

Whoever it really is will have had
their details erased from the database.

How old is he?

- Roughly.
- Late 40s. Why?

Blood found
at the Hampstead house in 1 996.

At the time, there was only
a general match for the van Buren men,

all of whom had samples of DNA taken
to eliminate them from the investigation.

- So you've had it sent off again?
- And there's no profile

that matches the sample.
Because they almost certainly...

Because they will almost certainly
have had their details erased.

Diederick van Buren.

Died April 1 1 th, 2008.

Car crash, Abuja City, Nigeria.

James, would you mind comparing
this blood sample analysis

shown to me by my colleague, Dr Alexander,

with this one?

I don't want to sound like
your teacher, James.

They both come from the same person.

Yes, they do.

This one is taken from the van Buren
Hampstead house in 1 996.

It doesn't match Pieter,

it doesn't match Jacob,

which only leaves Diederick. And this one

was taken from the body found dead
at the Dutch embassy three days ago.

He was still alive?!

The bodyguard was Diederick van Buren.

You knew, didn't you?
That's why you brought him on!

You knew he was alive at the embassy.

And you accused me
of withholding information.

Diederick van Buren
may not have been the target.

May not have been the target?!

He was wanted for political corruption
in Holland, embezzlement,

- arms dealing in Iran...
- He was dead.

No-one knew he was even in the country.

His familydid. He was a target,

and one of my officers was k*lled
and another was seriously injured.

It is imperative that this man's
true identity remains unknown.


I asked you a question, sir.

You're on very thin ice, Chief Inspector.

Goodbye, James.

Why would the British Government
want to protect

someone like Diederick van Buren?

RADIO: A police spokesman has confirmed
that eight-year-old boyJack van Buren,

missing for two days following
the sh**t at the Dutch embassy,

is alive and well, but police have
refused to comment on details

of where and how the boy was found.

There's a small fracture
above the right eye socket.

Is that how he died?

No, I don't think so. He may have fallen
against something or possibly was hit,

which has caused this wound here,

but at some point,
he was either forced or fell backwards

or maybe he was hit on the head
from behind,

which is what caused this fracture
on the rear of the skull.

So there were two injuries?

Moving down towards
the external occipital protuberance...

The knobbly bit on the back of your head.

The knobbly bit, yes.
...and then down to the foramen magnum.

That's where the spinal cord comes out.

Once we get the skull X-rayed,

I would expect to see some fine fractures
to the roof of the eye sockets.

And that's what k*lled him?

Initially, it would certainly have
rendered him unconscious.

But then...?

Yeah. Cause of death.

Why did Klara lie about
Jacob being the gunman?

To protect her father?

Would you mind getting out of the car,

- please, sir?
- Yes, I would mind.

Would you get out of the car, please, sir?

This is a car with diplomatic plates.

You have no authority to stop it.
Now, let me through.

Mr van Buren,
we have identified your brother.

It was not my idea to hide anything
from you.

- I was instructed.
- What was he doing at the embassy?

Your intelligence service knew he was
here. Diederick was employed by MI6.

He was a go-between
for the British Government

and many of its leading companies.

Why was he paying Mary Olivant,
your au pair, 1,000 euros a month?

- Was he?
- Yes, he was.

Was it so that she would keep quiet
about your son Jacob's death?

- What? That's rubbish. Let me through.
- What happened inside the embassy, sir?

We know your brother brought a w*apon
into the country.

We found his fingerprints on the magazine.

- What were you fighting about?
- Listen, the gunman came from outside.

No, Mr van Buren. I don't think
there was any outside gunman.

I think that
when you brought your daughter out,

you picked up a shell casing
from the inside

and you put it down on the outside
near the body ofConstable Barlow.


At the time of the sh**ting,
I was upstairs.

I heard the g*nshots
and I went downstairs.

Chief Inspector, can you move your car,

He is lying to us.

One of my officers is dead,
and I want himto tell me how it happened.

You have no right of arrest,
so you cannot stop this car.

If and when you do have a case,
you can put it to the CPS

and they will take it
to the Foreign Office. Move your car.

Did you know where Jack had gone?

No. Thank you for finding him.

- Move your car!
- I'm moving it!


I just wanted to let you know
that I won't be going anywhere.

So Nikki tells me. I'm delighted.

What made you change your mind?

My mind was never made up.

- But you thought about it?
- Yeah.

Sometimes that's the only way
to fully appreciate...

what you already have.

So, what's the position?
Where are we with the university?

Well, it turns out that Dr Sabiston

included your name
in a bid for this department...

- Oh, God.
-...and the university and Home Office

- were very tempted.
- I never, ever said I would join him.

It doesn't matter. They turned it down.


Well, I did a little bit of...
rooting around on Dr James Sabiston.

Is it all a very bad dream?
Is he actually a car mechanic?

Three years ago, Diederick van Buren
"died" in Nigeria, and the pathologist...

Was James Sabiston?
What is he, some kind of forensic spy?

Are you going to report him?

What for?

Doing what he was asked to do
by two governments?

I mentioned it
to Detective Superintendent Mansfield

and said that we would...you know,
be discreet about all this

if perhaps he could petition
the Home Office on our behalf.

- Blackmail. I like it.
- Please!

May I remind you, you're talking to
a designated recipient of the MBE,

a Member of the British Empire, no less?

Mary Olivant had a spicy mixture of pala,
cengkeh and laos in her stomach contents.

Sounds Indonesian.

- Is that the van Buren's old au pair?
- Yeah.

On the night before the embassy sh**ting,
Sergeant Whitehead

took Klara van Buren
to an Indonesian restaurant.

No. No.




- What's wrong, darling?
- Jack!


- Jack!
- Klara!

- Jack!
- What's wrong with him? Klara!


Why did he run away?

- It's not my fault.
- Oh, Klara!

It was never my fault!

Why did you say that Jacob had come back?

Why did you lie?

Why is everything about Jacob?





Mrs van Buren...

Jack's run away again.

- We need to speak to Klara. Where is she?
- What for?

We need to speak to her urgently.
Katharine, where is she?

She's gone to find Jack.

He was there.

He saw what happened.



KLARA: Jack!

HARRY: Jack!

- Jack!


This is CI Woods requesting backup.
I'm on Hampstead Heath,

- Hampstead Lane entrance.






Please! Klara.

- Darling.
- Just stay away from me.

You told Jack to lie for you, didn't you?
I saw you telling him.

And I saw him with the police,
and he was lying to them.

Well, that's what the van Burens do best -
lie through their stinking teeth.

I saw Mary the night before.

- Mary?
- Mary told me everything.

She knew what it was like.

She knew what I have been through.

We showed each other our scars.

- Did Mary k*ll Jacob?
- No. No. No!

Mary lovedJacob, he was her favourite,

and when he got bored,
he went looking for her.

And then he found her.

ButJacob saw something
he shouldn't have.


MAN: Yeah. Yeah.



Jacob saw Mary and Daddy screwing

- in the summerhouse.
- No!

You knew what he was like.

You knew what he was doing.

And Jacob ran...

and ran and ran.


- Jacob!

And Daddy chased him,
chased and chased.

- Jacob...
- Mama! Mama!

AndJacob cried foryou.
He kept crying for mama, his mama.


And Daddy hit him.

You mustn't do that to him.

So Jacob ran again.

Mary told me he wouldn't stop.

Jacob! Jacob! (SHOUTS IN DUTCH)

MARY: Jacob! Jacob!

- Jacob!
- Jacob.

- Jacob!
- Jacob!

KLARA: He fell.

It was an accident.

- Jacob. Jacob.
- Oh, my God.



KLARA: And he tried to pick him up
to carry him back to the house,

but then he realised he was dead!

And what did he do?

What did brave Daddy do?

He did what he always did.

He called Diederick.


- What? What are you saying?!
- It is for the best, Mary,

you must see this.

We've got to...go to...to the...police.

The police will blame Pieter
for what has happened.

Look at the mark on his face.
They will know

that Pieter hit him,
that his ring hit him.

- It was an accident!
- It was an accident.

Yes. But look at what has happened.
You and Pieter were having sex.

- Ssh!
- They will know this.

You chased the boy.
You made him fall over.

No, all of it!
All of it, it was an accident.

- All of it was an accident!
- You want everyone's lives to be ruined?

You have a whole life ahead of you, Mary.

University. Dreams.

We can help you with all of that.




KLARA: All of our lives ended that day.

How could I have blamed you?

Klara, please.


Please forgive me.

(SHOUTS) Klara!


HARRY: Jack!

KLARA: We searched for Jacob all night

and all the next day.

All my life
we've been searching for him.

My parents divorced because of it.

I was sent away to school because of it.

I have led the life I have led
because of it.

Taking the blame.

And when I stood up
that Sunday at the embassy

and I told them what Mary had told me...

I saw Mary last night.

I thought this was going to be

- a cosy birthday party.
- Remember Mary?

She told me what happened.

- Klara...
- Who's Mary?

Mary was looking after us
the year that Jacob went missing.

Diederick was furious.
He knew I was telling the truth.


You always have to blame...
But no-one would listen to me.

Mary was there.

Mary told me what happened.

They k*lled Jacob and they buried him.

Let's have some more wine.

Diederick was drunk.


Hey! Just leave it.

They started to fight, the truth
turning them against each other.

Always the same with you guys.

They know I'm telling the truth.


And they started to fight.

Diederick was crazy,
so I ran to get help.

Craig! I need your help.
Please, I need your help.

- What?
- Quick, they're fighting.

My father... Please!

- Klara...
- Please! He's going to k*ll him.

Please! Jack's in there.

I need your help, Craig.

What are you doing? Stop it!


- Get off him!
- Get off!


- Craig broke them up.
- Are you OK, Mr van Buren?

Right, sit! Sit down!

Please, please, sit down.


You are crazy!

All right! All right!

Enough, please!

My father had blood on his shirt
and went upstairs to change.

CRAIG: All right?

KLARA: Are you OK?

I'll be outside, OK?

But Diederickjust wouldn't stop.

They told me that I was lying.

That Mary was lying.

I knew she was telling the truth.


Mary told me the truth!

Mary was a little whore,
always looking for money.

First it was Mary, then he blamed me.

Why couldn't you just be the good little
sister and stay with your little brother?

Then none of this would have happened.
Yeah! I know what you're really afraid of.

You think you're gonna be an unfit mother
for your little bastard.

Then he started onJack.

- And I knew he carried a g*n.
- Oh, yeah?

I shot Diederick.

You're really quite pathetic.


And then he looked at me.

And I shot him again.


And then Isaw Trudy running.


The g*n jammed...

...so I took Craig's.

And then I just didn't want to stop.

I wanted every one of them dead.

I went to try and find my father.



Nee, Papa.

- (g*nsh*t)

- I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry.

I love you, Jack.

You know, I have diplomatic immunity.

Your son's death happened
long before you had immunity.

It was Diederick who did it all.

I was in shock. He gave me no choice.

Just get in the car.

Roger that.

Detective Superintendent Mansfield is
arresting the ambassador at the embassy.

What will he be charged with?

Perverting the course of justice,
both then and now.

Possible assisted manslaughter.

The sixth place at dinner...


It's something Klara used to do,
apparently, every meal time -

Iay a place for Jacob.

The prodigal son.

- There he is!
- Yes, there he is.

Look, you can see him.

Oh, yes.



- Photo!
- Hold it up.

- And one more.
- And another. Come on. Hold it up.

- How's that?
- Very good.

Ah. Lunch. Thank God
that's over and done with.

Well done. I'm very, very proud of you.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- What do we do now? Do we bow or curtsy?

She bows, you curtsy.

NIKKI: What did she say to you?

She said she hoped she wouldn't see me
again for a very, very long time.


# Testator silens

# Silentium

# Silentium. #
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