11x10 - Peripheral Vision: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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11x10 - Peripheral Vision: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Everyone's been pushed out
of their own trailers
while they examine the scene.

Have they told you anything?
No, not yet.

Look, I don't know what you did, but
because of you, George died innocent.

I'm sure he was very grateful.


I've been assigned the post mortem.

How was he found?

Albert Lee says he came to
tell him to turn his music down.

When he wrenched open the door,
George fell out on
the end of a rope.

Was there a note left?

No. I'm not sure George
is the note-leaving kind(!)

Was the place secure?

It's a two-bob fibreglass trailer.

Nobody on site reports seeing
anyone coming in or going out
or hearing any disturbance.

Apart from the loud
music Woods was playing.

Who's got the scene photos?

Our SoCos.

Well, I'll need them sent over to
me as well. Can you take that end?

Before the post mortem.

Why did Tate change his mind
and offer them a compromise?

Out of the kindness of his heart?

No, I've, er, I've met scorpions
with more generosity of spirit.

Maybe he felt under pressure.
From what?

From something that
might be uncovered by your work.

But Bill Pickley told me that
Rupa's donor was clear, so...

Nikki, your friend, er,
Bill Pickley? What about him?

Can he be trusted?


If I played Scrabble with Bill,

I'd expect to find
an extra set of letters
stashed in the lining of his jacket.



Hmm. There's an unusually irritated,
bloodshot look to the eyes.

What are you testing for?

Any substance that might
have been used against him.

There's also a high number
of petechiae

around the cheeks and nose.

Wouldn't you expect to see those
in a hanging? Not to this extent.

So are you suggesting he was
att*cked, strangled and then
posed as if he'd k*lled himself?

There's also evidence of
more recent head trauma.

Bruising and the cut to the head
possibly caused by a blow

So who would m*rder George Woods?

The same person who
k*lled the girls?

I think it's possible, don't you?

Well, the evidence didn't link Woods
to the murders, it linked him
to the burials. He knew something.

So maybe he was a threat to someone.

One, the su1c1de rate among
travellers is higher
than the national average.

And two, Woods was a repeat inmate
who was found in
a low-level hanging.

The classic prison method.

But blood was found
six feet from the door.

And in a hanging, low level or not,
the pressure on the rope

causes the ligature mark to go up,
behind the ears.

But in this case,

the strongest line is straight,

suggesting strangulation,
and the hanging mark is faint,

implying he was posed afterwards,
to make it look like a hanging.

And there's something else.

This is the exact length
of the ligature found
around George Woods's neck.

And this happens to be the
height of the hook on his door.

Sit down, will you?

On the floor, please.

George Woods was shorter than
Dr Cunningham.

For him to choke on the end
of this, he'd have
to be one of the seven dwarfs.


Excuse me.


Yep... Good.


I think you like it, really.

I'll be there in an hour or so.
I've got to go back to Lisbey.

We're organising another
of Clara's last moments.

Do you want me
to see what I can find out?

I could look into Woods's
last movements, or Floria's?

No, no, no
you've done what you have to.

We'll be in touch.


Yeah, the reason I'm calling is, um,
I'm trying to do a survey

of everyone who has given
blood in the last ten years.

'No, he hasn't given blood.

'I think you've got the wrong
John Anstead.'

Can you be absolutely sure he hasn't?
'He's three.'

Oh, he's three. 'Birthday today.'
Three today?

Oh, right, he's moved. Um,
do you know his new address? Yeah.

Hold on. OK, go on.

My DI is freezing me out.

Well if you're short of things to do,
you could always help me

track down the elusive blood donor,
John Anstead.

Haven't you cracked it yet?

No, I have not "cracked it" yet.

I have managed to find
a name from Rupa's batch number

but there are 33 other people
in the Norwich area who share it.

Nikki, have you got a second?

Thanks for the help,
really lightened the load,
really eased my burden there(!)

Oh, hello, I'm sorry to bother
you, I was wondering if I could
speak to, er, John Anstead please.

Your search has made another find.

I thought I'd take the bones
through and start sorting them.

And that is everything that came
when you requested Floria Hearn's
social services record.

They didn't know where
to forward them on to. OK? Great.


ON TV: 'Tonight on Crime Scene UK
we will be focusing on
the tragic disappearance

'of 15-year-old Clara Young.

'You will be familiar with the
haunting last pictures of Clara

'in her distinctive yellow jacket
in February last year.

'The daughter of a local retired
police superintendent, Malcolm Young.

'What we know for sure about Clara's
last movements is that she was on
the way to the local sports centre.

'However there have been rumours that
she spent much of her leisure time

'with the travellers
that until recently
were camped at Lisbey Common...'

Find anything?

Er, her mum was hospitalised
following a severe breakdown.

Not long after this, Floria
was taken into a
foster care home in Southborne.

Makes sense,
if there was no father around.

Well, except that most
travellers have their own
trailer by the time they're 16.

So why didn't she stay
on at the site? Precisely.

And the last time she was seen,
was the morning of February 12th

when she was leaving
the foster home to visit her mum.

She obviously visited her a lot.

Do you think maybe her mum's
stress caused the Harris lines?

That would make sense.

Have you tried contacting her?

Yeah, but nobody seems
to know where she is now.

Er, George Woods's tox report.

Lithium? You could find the same
things in the room of any
16-year-old in the country.

At the time he died
he was on huge doses of lithium.

He must have been depressed.

Well, do you think your
detective friend was right?


'I'd say the last time I saw
him was about six weeks ago.'

Would you say that he was a
su1c1de risk at that time?

'If I thought that,
I'd have kept him in.'

But, um, it was before this
Clara Young thing kicked off again.

'And he had a habit of letting
things get very bad
before he came in for help.'

Right. I see that a lot
with the travellers on my ward.

Do you see a lot of
other travellers, then?

He was a Dutch lorry driver.

John was just heading
home after a night shift.

He didn't know what side of
the road he was meant to be on.

Right. And, um, in the...

in the months before
the accident, did you, er, did you
notice anything unusual about John?

Unusual, how?

He didn't seem unusually lethargic
or anxious or clumsy?

You know,
he did seem a little different.

Mrs Anstead,
I'm, I'm sorry to ask you this.

It's all right.

But where is your husband?
I mean, where is his...

Where, where was he laid to rest?

It was his last will and testament!

John said he always wanted to be
where he could hear the roar of a
two-stroke coming out of a bend.

Her name is Marona Hearn.
She's Floria's mother

and she's being treated for
a psychotic episode
relating to bipolar problems.

How did you know?
And why am I carrying your bag?

I knew she had a history
of psychiatric problems.

I was speaking to George Woods's

mentioned that I was looking for her
and could he help.

Turns out she's his patient.
Why are you so lucky?

I'm not, I'm a genius.
I repeat. Why are you so lucky?

There she is.

Does your DI know you're doing this?


You've found her, haven't you?

She just stopped visiting,
that's all I knew.

When I mentioned it,
they told me not to worry.

They told me to think
about my own recovery.

Do I have to come and identify her?

No, we've already done that.

Now we're trying to work
out what happened to her.

In that case, you'd better
go and talk to Albert Lee.

Why? Why?

Because he's a ruthless bastard,
that's why.

Once I'd gone into hospital, he
decided to kick Floria off the site.

He said he was running a
community, not a home for strays.

Wasn't there someone else
who could look out for her?

There was Liam, my boyfriend.

But by then he was inside.

Is this him?

I found it in Floria's possessions.

He wasn't her dad,
but you wouldn't have known.

Albert Lee knew that she was frail.

But he kicked
my little baby into the street

and she'd no-one else to turn to.

And that's when she
went into foster care?

She hated it.

Her home was back on that site.

Our trailer was still there.

That's where she was going
after the last time she visited me.

To tell Albert Lee
that what he'd done was wrong.

Can't get me,
can't get me, can't get me, can you?

No, no you can't, can't get me,
can't get me, can't get me...


What now?

I've just been with Marona Hearn.

So? You told me you'd tried to find
Floria, not that you got her kicked
off the site in the first place.

She was a menace.

She was a 16-year-old girl.

She had nowhere else to go.

What do you know about us? What
do YOU know about the way WE live?

I know that on the day that she
vanished she was coming to see you.

Once her Mum and Clegg was gone,
she was a nightmare.

Are you surprised? She had the
law down here every other day!

And you thought cos of your rules,
you should throw her out
and away from everything she knew?

I make decisions
about what is best for MY community.

But don't you dare think
I ever do anything lightly.

What's going on?

Your friend here was just asking
me a few questions about the
disappearance of Floria Hearn. Why?

Because I'm trying to find out
what happened to her,
and to Clara, and to George.

Don't you think these people have
been harassed enough? It's OK, Alan.

It's OK. It don't matter.

Look, if you really want to know,
I never saw Floria
the day she disappeared.

She wouldn't have changed my mind
if I had seen her,

but wherever she went after
she saw her mum, it wasn't here.

So, where do you think it was, then?
I've got no idea.

Hi. Hi.

Are these what I think they are?

They're foetus bones. Thought so.

Which box did they come in?

Second on the left.

What are you doing? I've plotted
the various coordinates of where

the scattered remains of both
girls were found. Clara, Floria.

So where does that put this number?

M17, M17...


Excuse me, is he expecting you?

Harry. Hello, Bill.

How do you do?

this is John Anstead's brain scan.

This is the pulvinar sign,
which is specific to variant CJD.

That plus the neurological
symptoms his wife talked about,

tells me he was almost certainly
infected with the disease.

Now, did you know that
when you telephoned me
to tell me the batch was clear?

Would you mind just leaving
us for a moment, please?

Thank you.

We had an investigation
ongoing, Harry.

I couldn't be straight with you
because of data protection.

You are going to cover this up,
aren't you? We're not covering
anything up.

We are trying to manage
a difficult situation.

Rupa Joshi went on a dream
trip to India and came back
with a brain-wasting disease.

Clearly, the circumstances
are unfortunate.

How many other people have
been given John Anstead's blood?

About ten in Britain.
Have they been told about this?

We are keeping the situation
under constant review.

In other words you're hoping
it will just die away quietly.

Most of these people may experience
no health issues whatsoever.

There's no point
in frightening them.

I want their names and addresses.

Cos if it turns out the
other recipients were infected,

I will have an irrefutable case
for the way Rupa Joshi was infected.

And then, at the very least, she
will get the payout she deserves.

Harry, the Government is trying
to deal with a very thorny issue.

I cannot have someone like you
thundering around
getting everyone terrified. OK.

How about if I just go to the press
and tell them what I've found out?

Fine, if that's the way you want it,
fine, I'll get you the names.

But I warn you,
it won't do you any good.

There's a good chance now we will
be able to extract the paternal DNA

from these foetus bones.


That will be a breakthrough.

Mr Young, we think...

We have strong evidence that,
at the time she died,

Clara was pregnant.

How pregnant?

I believe...

almost five months.

Sometimes in younger girls,
the pregnancy won't show
until a much later stage.

did you know Clara was pregnant?

What's going on?

They had a row.

The night before she left,
they had a row and...

..Dad threatened to kick
her out of the house.

No, it's all right, mate.

We already know that.

You've already told us, yeah?

But I didn't know what was going on.

She'd changed so much.

We, we had it out again.

That, that morning, before she
went to her training session that,

I was telling her, I didn't know
what was wrong, but that I'd
had enough of her behaviour and...

If I'd known she was pregnant...

Have you any idea
who the father might have been?

If you know who it was, it could
help us a great deal. No, no, no...

I don't know who it was.

She was spending a lot of
time with the travellers. Yeah...

That was, that was just a phase.

She hadn't seen any
of them for months.


Excuse me.

Hello. 'Something new has come in
from Woods's post mortem.' Mm-hm?

It turns out the irritation
you saw in his eyes was
caused by a kind of CS spray.

Right. Anything else?

Yep, it contained MIBK.

Nikki, where are you?

I'm at Malcolm Young's house.

'You do realise that means
the spray is probably police issue?


I've got to go.


What are you doing?

What the hell is going on?

Were you involved in the
k*lling of George Woods?

This man was a senior detective.

His daughter was m*rder*d
a year and a half ago.

The irritation in George Woods'
eyes was caused by a CS spray.

It's chemical content
was police issue.


I want to talk to you.

Well, I don't want to talk to you.

I'm only trying to work out what
happened to your sister.

If I had something to say
I would've have said it by now.

I'm not your dad, or the police

so if there's something
you're afraid of admitting,
you can tell me. There's nothing!

Nothing I haven't said a hundred
times. Please trust me, Sean.

Look... Just go away!

Do you know who the father
of Clara's baby was? No.

Are you sure you don't
know who it was? Look, stop it!

Whatever it is you tell me and I'll
do everything I can to help you.

Look, I knew he'd done it.

What do you mean?

Look, that is why I had to act!


It wasn't him!

What wasn't him?

The person who att*cked
George Woods... It wasn't my Dad.

Charles Newhouse - cause of death,
degenerative neurological
disorder of unknown aetiology.

Nick Connell - cause of death,
pre-senile dementia.

Kathryn Boyer - cause of death,
secondary to dementia.

All of these people
received blood from John Anstead.

And not a single mention of CJD.

There is a strong case that they DID
die of CJD, it just wasn't diagnosed.

A case based
entirely on speculation.

Would you give me a moment
with Mr Tate, please?

This discussion is about my mother.
Please, I will tell you
everything that's said, please.

Look, you know that Rupa's fall was
caused by the onset of her vCJD
symptoms and you know how she got it.

Now I am giving you the chance
to do the decent thing

and give that family the insurance
they paid you for over many years.

Then I'll find physical
evidence to prove it.

I will find the tissue samples
from these dead recipients
and I prove they had CJD.

You won't find tissue
samples from the dead recipients.

John Anstead's donation
was pre-Alder Hey. I think I will.

No. I'm saying, I don't think
YOU'LL find the tissue samples
from these dead recipients.

Kenneth Rose -

another recipient of
John Anstead's blood.

Only this time...

he is alive...

..and I am going to track him down
and I am going to tell him
what his situation is

and in the circumstances,
he may ask for
a tonsil biopsy to establish

whether he too is a victim,
and then you and your mate
at the Department of Health

are going to have
a lot of explaining to do.

You wouldn't? Not much choice.

You'd be ruining someone's
life for no good reason.

Then reverse your decision.

If you do this, you'll be
hauled up in front of a panel.

I'm sure the GMC would be
very interested in my reasons.

Hello, Mr Kenneth Rose?

Yes. How do you do.
My name is Harry Cunningham,
I'm a Home Office pathologist.

All right, bring him in.

It was because
he k*lled my sister...

Because he was involved
in k*lling my sister.

'Why do you think George Woods
k*lled your sister, Sean?

'Because of what he was like.'

Always hanging out with younger
kids, trying to get in with them.

He was sick. George Woods
did not k*ll your sister, Sean.

Whatever you or I might have once
thought, there is scientific proof
that he didn't do it. He k*lled her.

I know he k*lled her. No, listen.
Look - I know he k*lled her!

It had to be him.

It had to be someone from the site.


Because that's where she was
going, the day she disappeared.

That's where she was always going.

How do you know this, Sean?

Because it didn't matter
how Dad tried to stop her...

Confiscating her phone or whatever.

She'd just go to the
payphone by the bus stop and...

call them from there.

If they were in, she'd go round.

Right, I want a record of every
single number dialled from that
payphone the day Clara disappeared.

Oi, listen up! Every single
name and address to match, OK?

What do you want?

Do you think he meant Liam Clegg?

When he said that Clara had to be
visiting someone else on that site.

Clegg was Woods' best friend.
No, I don't think he meant Clegg.

Why? Because one, he was inside
when Clara disappeared

and two, we formally spoke to him
a week ago

and he said that Woods hadn't been
in touch since the bodies
had been found, and we believed him.

Has my DNA profile from
the foetus bones come back?

Nothing's come through, I'm afraid.
Where the hell is it?

They said it would only take a day.

Did you manage to run a check on
the soil types that suit forsythia?

Yes, but it's still
too vague to be of any help.

What about the bones, anything new?

I had another look at them,
it just confirmed the similarities
in the way they were k*lled.

We know that the two girls
knew each other, but not
necessarily that well.

We also know that when they vanished
both girls were in need of help,
for one reason or another

so something
or someone must connect... Hello?

Hi, It's Dr Alexander.
You told me that my DNA results
would be back by now.



'Well, would you mind
checking them again, please?'

But I can't see anything.

It must be on your files,
it was only a week ago.

'Look, I'm looking.'

Mays told me
that he spoke to Clegg...

'He's lying, isn't he? He hasn't
spoken to him again at all.'

I gave a full statement at the time
of Clara Young's disappearance.

I have nothing to add to it.

You were the father
of her unborn child.

Did you know that?

You don't care
whether you were or not?

f*ck this. Let me out of here.

Why is Philip Mays so desperate
for me not to speak to you?

I already told you. I gave a full
statement when Clara vanished
and I have nothing to add to it.

Now I said I'd see you, and
I've seen you, so I want to go.


But before you do,
I should probably give you this.

I found it Floria's possessions
after they were sent to me.

Don't you dare guilt trip me
about Floria.

I was as close to a dad
as she ever had.

A dad who slept with her friend.

It was a one-off.

A drunken mistake.

Liam, Philip Mays
is afraid of something...

Something connected to you
and to the way these girls died.

I want to know what it is because
Floria was k*lled three months

before Clara
and people barely noticed.

I've got two months left to serve.

I'm not getting myself
into any more trouble.

Do you know where these girls were
going on the days they disappeared?

Do you know who k*lled them?
I told you, I'm done with this.

OK, but if you were the closest
thing that girl ever had to a dad,

is this how
you think a dad would act?


Philip Mays nicked me for possession.


And then added a whole load
of other stuff to my charge sheet
just so I'd get a stretch.

Clara reckoned he'd done
it as a favour to her dad,
to get me away from her.

Because you were
having an affair with her?

Her dad got wind of us, thought I
was to blame. And what about Floria?

Did she know that Philip Mays had
added charges to get you put away?

So both girls knew something that
could destroy Philip Mays' career?


What do you want? A chance
to explain. Don't come any closer.

I was trying to help a friend.

I don't believe you any more.

Don't do this.


You've got to hear me out. Nikki!

Get out the way!



Liam Clegg was a pervert.

He slept with a 16-year-old girl.
He deserved everything he got!

I'm sorry, but this
isn't a matter for me any more.

I know what you're thinking now.

I DID do something wrong, but
I'm not the k*ller of those girls.





I've just been to see Liam Clegg.

I think I have evidence that
Philip Mays k*lled the girls.

You'd better come in.

Go straight through.

What is it, Dave?

'We've run through numbers dialled
from that payphone around the time

'that Clara was last seen
and matching the addresses.'

And? I think there's one here
that might surprise you.

You were right to come here.

Philip Mays is a very dangerous man.

You OK?

Yeah. I'm fine. I'm sorry.

I just needed to catch my breath
and sort things through in my mind.

Well, why don't I make some tea,
and then we can decide who to call?

Make yourself at home.


Well, I'm glad you came to me first.

I've had my fears about
Philip Mays for a long time.

Lisbey's a small place.
It's hard to know who to trust.

What is it?

Er, I think I've left
my phone in the car.

I should really let the
office know where I am.

Well, use the landline.

but I should probably get it anyway.

They might have been
trying to get hold of me.

I thought you said
your phone was in the car?


Nikki! Come on, Nikki.
You're being ridiculous.



Open the door.




What are you doing?

Did they come to see you?

When both girls were in trouble,
are you the person they came to see?

W-Why would they come and see me?

Because they trusted you.

Those girls were
just like anyone else.

When they came here,
I tried to help them.

What happened with Floria...

..was an accident.

Why didn't you call the police?

What about Clara?

She came to the house
after her father had kicked her out.

I left her here when I went
to work and when I came back,
she'd found something. What?


Floria must have
left it in the bathroom.

And you k*lled her for that?



Let go!

Let go of me!

Come on!


Take him outside!

Call the paramedics!

We've, um...

We've already found evidence
of repeated payments
from Eckhert's bank account.

We suspect that he
buried the girls here first

and then paid Woods off
to help him re-bury them.

Although he didn't reckon that
Woods would stick half of the
body parts under his own caravan.

So you were right.

Look, I know you don't
think much of me...

but Malcolm begged me for help.

I had no idea putting Clegg away
would lead to all this.

What did it lead to?

He was Floria's protector.

If he hadn't have been inside,
Lee would never have
thrown her off the site

and maybe she
wouldn't have been harmed.

You can see it's just
an error of judgment?

Can't you?

I was going to do it.

I was going to tell that man that
he might have been infected with CJD,

that it was his own
government's fault.

But when I got there,
when I saw how...

content he was,

what good health
he seemed to be in...

Well, who knows,

maybe you did the right thing.


You OK? Yeah.

I thought I told
you to stay at home.

I'm fine!

Are you?

Yeah, a doctor had a look at me.

Lucky doctor.


Thank you.

Hey, it's Dr Harry Posh-boy!

What are you doing here? We've, um...
We've come to say thank you.

What are you talking about?

Show him the letter, Dad.

I don't know what you said to them,
but it worked.

They've paid in full -
every single penny.

- That's fantastic.
- Thank you.

Congratulations. Thank you.

Well done, Harry.
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